0 071 co|'tw««k1y«nitllici»woni 0 071 . overdue wecfcly circulation O.Zll «verri«e drciilnllmi or (lie .1.//I rciircM-nUthed«oml law. UlfcH STAR for -K monihs t,«i ! u}tfl «.{ wwklv Iwwe In New - prior |o June t, i*-j. N<» ilirre <(|lt.-r U'Arrcti ctit iicwtji-iiwri! comhluril 4,wo homes every week, fumUluuKA wonderful nmo.itit of publicity. :»2NI) VKAIt-XUMItKIS I!). WASHINGTON, WAIiHKN COUNTY. X. .1.. TliriiSDAY. NOVIttllJKIi :!0, US'l'.l. SLMM'lillTION: Sl.iid I'KIi VKAI! TEX HOURS OF BATTLE. TIIE CATHOLIC FA IK EXIJS. »Y UXAXIMOUS VOTE. 1M.OKAVI'. AX0.TIIER Sl*hESDlD OFFER. MrtliiK-u Meet * und [Jcfculrt M,O0() EIGHT KILLED A I'anlal I.i^t ol* 1'rl/i; U'lnnirfl-AII Supn-i.i.-.l.i-llr,- Iniititiu-re l.uuks Mice i CoiifiTi'iice DecliH-slo ItrlmlM The Mi-ifilitT-. of t)i<* l.nctil Court uml Tin* St.ir unit X. V. TrMVufhiy Trl- .IS .era Nearly-"00 IiiHMi !vll!f<l, riettstril VVllli Uf.sullH ami A|i- the MmiWIi-, Will SIMIM-WI Souif Vt-tfirt Iliivc 11 llh* l-'iiitt-ts. t.Ul.e, I'..lir r..i...n.* Wrck;"-• "- V t]<; I'nnKle mid Supper. M'OIIIMI(><1 and >11--Ii.-. ]irrclutlVLMj|'Cu-<)|ifriilliin. the I'rt'Ki-iit Cliitiirt*Ilt)r, Only^$2.1i."( a Year. SCORES HURT Tho frinmtrt (tf Siipronm (Toiirt .Iim- Afiiont: I tic menior.iblo iivfnts to lie Tho H-iznar for the boneilt of Si. Tliu New York Trlhuno hns felt tbe Central Lord Motlmtm oflne llrititih tlco William Stryker Ciummtfu nrt< Ti») Hpecial nuietintj of tho Nuvvafk [iliced on thu rtconla of our "t;ood oln Josoph'H chureli, held in tho Opera dementi for n luw priced, complete metro- 'firmy In South Afriwi, ciiblmi to his nuking iKjuitit tnuvo to lanil him at M. M. ('oiifo*ft*iii:e hold in Kowark la^t town" will uutli«Orient »1 Court's fntitawllt p • li«n newtipaptr prlntc<l (iftontr than The Fhillipsburg Accommo- JIouiio building was largely attended, government y^Hturdny that ho nicoun- the hmd of thu Judiciary of tho State. ThurH'Jay resulted in that body unani- panulu, wbuili look place on her Htritth once, or even twice, a wet It, und Iat*t many coining from neighboring to wn.-f. torwl S(OQ0 Uot'W nt tlio Modflcr river, j dation Crashes Into the UH tho HitccoHH^r of Chancellor Met!ill, mously declaring that thtj C, U. 1. niiint FrJ'iiiy nljjtit. This wan the iwonu wu*k litmichcd n tri*wctk!y. It la to bo It lieing.thti closing night, Sevoral of by Orient U Court lwpnty-(Ivt> milt'H from Ivirnberloy. j Rcnr of the Buffalo whoso torin cxpiri'H'May I, l!J01. On bo rubullt on tbe »ito of the, ruiiiw. rtgulfirty on Momlnjf, \Vednwdayn tho itrtfdu* donated tti the Ba/.itur woru General MUIIIUGII'H Oinpatch \H UH fol-! itcculint ol'iti« Ciiiiiicollur's bad health, Tim inutjting -was presided ovw,.by No. M;aHd,HlthotigtitbyfitNT,«-.isa i;nmt ja;id Fridays and will embody the prlnd- tl Express. nwardi d to tho following named: s<t thlt one was by I'ar tlio tcrcatf r. pd features of the dully edition which Iowa: K*?<:(»mu>itoro(l itt •"> n. m. tlie it in expected that ho will resign at B1H!IO|I John VfnruriL of Topeka, Dr. Fully 100 prliioiH csirbcd in ttrn mo *t coUt f 10 a yenr, AHUoush Iwucd three oiiemy'H position ou th« Mmhlur river, \V. S. JikiniiL-r, hilver inul cut gl.'isi piti:1i- any time, and whoovor in appointed to John I*. IJodd of Xowark acting as ac> foil ml ilium Htronnly entrenched and ur, (loiitttvfi Iiy Mrs. C. !•'. Ktaatt-*. rotary. Addresses were madu by (ie.o. tlmeia.wcek, tho price him ht-un inmlo ;» could vonlrivti |t;irt!uIpaU-il In thu street co ti u ycitr less thun hnn hcrLtoforc been ooiicoalod, Xo ini'iuiH of H inking. W. It. Viuulurbllt, itirkuy, ilmmu-ci by F. i*crryi<ir Orangt1, preHideiit of the TWO CARS ARE CRUSHED ca^tH. Urliik & Son. (leiiKHLstmtfon. It h douStful If Scania asked lor tbu*nftml-w«tkly whleh the trl- Action cominonuuri with urtillory, Institute board of tru*te.en; former wcekiy succoeds. mounUtU infantry and cavalry. At Mlwt Mary KnVHiMimh, ptitr litiek*, tUf t'rvHirtunt Dr.t Ocorgi' II. Whitney of met a butifi uf tnitivd innkini; tt mort Tho t>TAlt has in ink- ft Hpouiiil tirrnnffi- fitfOKunrtta on ri^'liL and Ninth MrlKiuIe any in Tin-in Jlnnlly Our itwc! by CtiiirlcK PIck«l. Phiinllold, 1'rfiHlilcnt iitullx of Drew Mf:«MtiryC.iViiIry,Hlhcr enrvins knife eomi< merit with th« Tribune v:h«r(.'by It enn on loft tittnykud position In widely vx~ H Wilhoiit Injury — Huilics Seminary and otheiu KenolutioiiH ml fork, tloiitttetl by Alra. D. Font Htnri Aftur thu arrival of about It) princes otl'tT the tri-wcckly edition tor one yenr nt ionded formation, Supported by ar- PH.'.! , ||oiiiis~Tlie1r<:rlPM llninl •Mi-.s Mary Smith, tluilcy nixl luni.lkcr- woro adopted aa abovo stated. from tlie Junction Court, the warriors rep- hulf price, in combination with this paper; rvstinllrikf HIIIIUHL every nationality formed tillery, tlio ndvimc" found itsolf in Half Till.-- I„;,„:•,] Tnk«n to ltfF.iimo, dwniif'l I*y MIs«fc» Ariula nnrt On^inotlDii of Dr. S. I,. Haldwin, of that [-, v.u nil! the STAI; nnd Trl- in line on Ilroiu] Htrcut nt thu cnintnund ol front or tlio whole li-jcr form, S,OUO ellloCiHlilnc. N'jw Vnrk, it was agreed that it was j Wetkly Tribune to any addref-s one yenr Chief of tho lloivcry I'oIIeti i r Htronn, with two I.iruo KUIIH ami .tour Mis» Violet Ik'titlLTHliu^cHniLTii^tmiiteri th« «on»ij 'of tbe convention that the for ;2.2. >, in advance. (Fnun tbe Svw York World j who htiided thu punu'e. About -ji-M KriippH. Tho Naviil Hrlgitiln rtindoroii by \V. W. ChriHthift. 1 fa eJluct, Tho Trl-Weekly Tribune will A shocking accident occurred on the resolution of the Newark Conference , o'clock the line IIIOVIKI, inarehiiiK to ru(j- great aiHiHtanco from tlm railway. Mi»s .Mary Hmitb', latUcs' show, (lonnttd whichlprohibited MIH trtintteH from in- be n tine, fresh, ovrry-otber-dny news- Liit'kiiA'iinnti Railroad nt!) o'clock last time nni-Ic from boat horn.s. A druu paper, containing the best nrri latest news Aftor ilenpfrato lighting lusting ten by Coinlurl Stinu Hlnru, Tronloi). curring debts in tho rebuilding, be night :tl Patorsoti. Th(i ItullUlo ex- corps wiiHiit the IIUHII of the line but thcii of tbe daily of the Name date of ixsuo,and hotirn tlio inou, wilhoiit food or water, Patrick Folcy, ItcnilluR, Pa., arm clair, press, which leuven WiiHliingtonnt-'i::^, repealed'at'the next eonfernnco, to be tininii: could bo hoard lint Httlo except at in at len-st one number a week devoting in a burning HUH, iniulo tlio enemy ijtiit donateii by Curvt-ry .t Wulkur. held on August •!. short Intervals Tbe wiiulu parade WHS hound fur Sow York, slipped within Miit-sMary I-;crt,'iM<»ii, album mid phuto- large.space to the pictorial, humorous nnd iliolr pOHitionH. (It'iioml I'ulo-O'arow 1 ilhiinini-d hy lurclu-H made from fiOO fot«t of tho Iliirulny Street Stationur-i|th case, tlomittd by Warroti C'Minlj Thoro wero no objector, * to the lituntry fenturen of tlio lato Illuxtrntcd sc^iemo of locating tho school at tlnck- wn.<ite in erode oil, and there was a Supplement. It will be especially htronv mnuil party ucrosn nt IV.turdon, waiting for a wost-bound Drill,' Slur*!. of rouuiii candles. The Huntcnlon dele- 1 In Tie Tribune's fpcclal cables on the wnr thu river, aHHistpd by :soo flappers. 1 train to leave. William lUyftt^iurtxI lluiirt Mf^cn-iT, etUtowii, though UishopVintvntrallfO gation wan toward the front of tlm line iipeak in terms of higlrpratad of tlio nirttiitl l.,vo.iun<I llcurt Muidlily, N. \ for any who were not in favor. .!* wan iu .South Afrlra, which various contcm-. The ccommodiition and thure WHS notblnir slow about their por«ries tleclaro to bo the best printed in conducd t of all in one of tlio Tlinmas Cort-ntiiM, itL-adint', Pu., tmrrt ho place will ^et both thu unexpiro.d .innounced that a fund of iflU'.Ouy, the train, which IOAVGH WiwhliiKton at 5:10, imike-upH. Another portion of I lit; parade New York or in tbe country. i'il'iiiH, tloiitttud by A. Ii. MitchrM. term and tho full term. The turin IH insitninco on ilut burned building, was was made up of imarly n score of the hnrtlcHt and mont trying lights in tho tenmn towr.nl tho Htatlon on thn name The Tribune will doubtless meet the nnn»tnofthq British army. If I uin Itraukn on which tlie HutV.ilo oxprwtH Mrs. Atmlu Furluv. [)!«. donaled by Mr, for aeven yearn, tmd tht.* salarv in >10,-available for tho now building. On "BriiH.HCn.stlu push" led by their Mnyor, OOOayenr." taster of those of Uepubllciui faith as the inontiiin OIIH urni particularly, it is twnj Wjtn utanding. A fihnrp curve in the the voto to rebuild tin* biilloting in in full nniforni. The pen ccntld hardly J wcpli l).inali(it>, hilvur eh oLitu [mt, Supreme Court JuHticvCuriimuru has dtecribu tbe lOOdill'isreiit cOHUimex.
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