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MINUTES OF THE MEETINGS HELD IN THE SULHAMSTEAD & VILLAGE HALL ON THURSDAY MAY 9th 2013 Present. Mr D. Hannington. Chairman. Mr D. Brown. Vice-Chairman Mrs P. Chopping. Mr G. Godwin Mr B. Marshall. Mr P. Newall.

Mr G . Mayes. District Councillor Mr C.W.Goudge. Clerk.

There were no members of the public present.

THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. Mr D. Hannington opened the meeting.

1. Election of the Chairman.

Mr Godwin proposed and Mrs Chopping seconded a motion that Mr D. Hannington be elected Chairman for the coming year. The proposition was passed unanimously with acclaim. The Chairman then signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman.

2. Election of the Vice -Chairman.

Mr Hannington proposed and Mr Marshall seconded a motion that Mr Brown be elected Vice-Chairman for the coming year. The proposal was passed unanimously with acclaim.

3. Apologies for absence.

Mrs Lock had presented an apology for absence.

4. Appointments of Representatives to Outside Bodies.

The following appointments were made. The Ufton Nervet Fuel Allotment Charity Mr Hannington Mr Godwin. Sulhamstead & Ufton Nervet Primary School. Mr Brown. A.W.E. Liaison Committee. Mrs Chopping. N.A.G. Mrs Chopping.

5. Confirmation of Standing Orders.

No changes had been made to the Standing Orders since May 2012 and the existing Standing Orders were confirmed.

Meeting May 9th 2013

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6 Public participation.

There were no members of the public present.

7 Minutes of the last meeting held on March 19th 2013.

The minutes had been circulated were agreed as correct and signed by the Chairman.

8 Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting not referred to elsewhere.

There were no matters raised.

9 Planning.

New applications

13/00560/XHOUSE 14, Sulhamstead Hill, Sulhamstead. Renewal of 10/00716 for extension No objections 13/00768/COMIND Land at Brocas plantation. Forest track rejuvenation No objections 13/00777/COMIND Tracks at Ufton park, Ufton Nervet Track rejuvenation. No objections

10 Highways.

Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

Minute 40. i Footpath outside School. Parents see the provision of a proper footpath as a safety matter, estimating that the number of children walking to School at some 90. Parents are fundraising and the matter is being taken up with WBC. ii Network Rail. There has been no further information about any proposed alteration to Ufton Nervet level crossing. There is to be a public meeting to show the proposals for the lane bridge reconstruction. iii Vegetation by the roadside. WBC have been informed and will take action after an inspection. iv 7.5 ton road sign. WBC have been asked to replace the sign.

11 The report of the West Councillor.

The report is attached.

Meeting May 9th 2013

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12 Items to be raised by Councillors.

Mr Brown asked when the proposed salt bins would be installed. WBC would be chased up. Veolia had litter picked Church Lane and it was decided to ask WBC for the rota timings.

Mr Newall commented that Church Lane should be on the salting route., because there are streams and springs which leak water on to the road which freezes in the Winter, causing a severe safety hazard.

Mr Godwin reported that there is a drum blocking the culvert in Church lane. WBC would be asked to remove this and clear the culvert.

13 Finance

i Receipts Council Precept 50% £1,155.74

ii Payments approved. Bob Hirst Grasscutting March / April £92.00 AON Insurance premium 13 / 14 £300.13 BALC Subscription 13 / 14 £57.75 T. Stares Internal audit £135.00 . C.W.Goudge Salary Four months £272.00

iii Other matters i The Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year to March 31 was noted. ii The Internal audit report for the year end was noted and approved. iii The Annual Return for the Council was approved and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk..

14 Date of the next meeting.

Thursday August 1st at 7.45pm in the Sulhamstead and Ufton Nervet Village Hall.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………….. Chairman Date

Meeting May 9th 2013