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1916-09-09 [P ] ? - , <• »M v - • v ^ 11 s ^ • *v' V ( * «i,™ <• »' ' 7t t« ' '-jWN*'/ ' , ' * SATURDAY, SEPT. 9, 1915 ITHE DAILY GATE CITF ''V*^ PAGE MM /SDk HIPPODROME 0 SEPTEMBER September Days. Entertained at Park. September days. September days, The little folks of the primary de­ J*' MONDAY I love your verv charming ways, partment of the Westminster Sunday AND s With wle-like sweetness In the air, school and their mothers, together During the month of September we WJfh golden rod in yellow flare, with Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Newcomb ana 2 MVS TUESDAY So colorful you're sure to be, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fulton were en­ 2 DAYS tertained this afternoon at an outdoor September is the month for are offering reduced prices on Rug's^ party in Rand park Jby the teachers Bob White ia calling from the brush, of the department. There were a Elbertas in the orchard blush. hundred who enjoyed a delightful Carpets, Lace Curtains, Linoleums and Matt- — 1,2:30, 4 — Eve. — 6:30, 8, 9:30 The school bells ring their merry afternoon on the bluff overlooking the tupe, ' river. Ice cream and fancy cakes Cool morning comes, then languid were served' uy the hostesses, Mrs. moon Williain Aldrich, Miss Isabel Herbert, Draperies. The lines are all complete ADMISSION# "MAIN FLOOR?^ 25c The locust shrills at close of day, Miss Helen Sheppard, Mrs. F. J, This is the sweet September way. Arnold, Miss Georgia Schell and Miss BALCONY 15c Anna oneppard. ' " : / ? and at prices that will suit you. J So s full of color ' sound and scent, A summer month to autumn lent, Y. W. C. A. Board Meeting. Life currents leap within the veins. The board of directors of the Y. New life, fresh life, the old disdains, W. C. A. will meet in regular monthly ForgetUng all the pain fraught days, session on Wednesday afternoon. In love with' sweet September days. —Frank Fair in the St. Louis Globe- Congregational Society. Democrat. - v{;„ . The Ladies' society of the First ; Congregational church will be enter­ tained on Friday afternoon by Miss Schell-Demple Furn. Co. To Be Married Tonight. M. Olive Sutton, 924 Grand avenue. This evening at half past eight '*?» o'clock at the home of the bride's • • Rally Day Meeting. 1 613-615 Main St. bp/ .hli mother Mrs. Joseph Edwin Hayner, The Ladies' society of the Trinity 609 Orleans avenue, will occur the "M. E. church will hold a rally day marriage of Miss Sarah Elizabeth meeting on Friday afternoon at the Warwick to Mr. Lorren Walbridge home of Mrs. G. R. Hombs, 227 High Garlichs of St. Joseph, Mo., the Rev. street. The committee is Mrs. W. F. Ezra Butler Newcomb of the First G'uiss, Mrs. Boler, Mrs. H. C. Dun­ Ricker, Sr., of 1408 Ash. street, was Westminster Presbyterian church offi­ can, Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. J. N. Dumenll, 13% inches long, 8% incfhes In cir­ <«*$> ciating. The bridal party will include Mrs. Hugh Dumenll and Mrs. Douglas. cumference. It weighs elightly less Mrs. Stephen Irwin as matron of than Mr. Metzlnger's. Both were WAR DEPARTMENT For Sunday, i honor. Miss Mary Garlichs and Miss For Moline Gueata. ' grown In home gardens. Elsa Fauerbach as bride's maids, ana Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bishop "enter­ Mr. Hugh J. Robertson, best man. Supper 4jvNWV tained a few friends very delight­ ^ * , J A^ * f' $ The bride will be given in marriage JOBS ARE OPEN r fully on Thursday evening in honor • • You'll find that the folks ' i by her brother Mr. Charles E. War­ of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Poston of si) #>14 wick. • FUNERAL RECORD * will look forward to this siiiii" Moline, who are their guests. • • Two Examinatlona Will be Held Here pie, happy repast, if yon a& For Bridal Party. Ladles Aid Meets. to Help Fill 200 Vacan- ways serve them The ^hotoplay that will amaze Keokuk as much as it has Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Irwin enter­ The Ladies' Aid society of the William Ballinger. ' amazed every other city and town in the United States. It tained for the members of the War- Second Presbyterian church will be The funeral of the late William Bal­ clea in Thla wick-Garlichs wedding party at a beau­ entertained on Wednesday afternoon linger wag held from the family home, Division. 1 Schouten's • cost the management of. thistheatre exactly $500.00, Five tifully appointed dinner last night at by Mrs. Harry Meyers and Mrs. Her­ 223 Morgan street at 2:30 o'clock this \ ntsja • the Country club. Covers were laid man Riter. California- Hundred Dollars, to exhibit this wonderful photoplay at afternoon. The services were conduct" Lf.itrvn for fourteen at one table which had ed by Rev. J. C. Sage, rector of St. this theatre for two days. for a centerpiece a sliver basket of .•/••'**Lawn Party. John's Episcopal church, of which the • pink asters. The dinner cards were The members of the Woodman of decedent was a member. Interment SEPTEMBER 12 AND 26 The notable citizens and distinguished officials of the na­ in the form of a bridal bell with the the World and the ladies' auxiliary en- was made in Oakland cemetery. Bread picture of a modishly dressed bride Joyed a lawn party in Kilbourne park The body bearers were Charles S. Blade with Sun-MaM tion, state and city mentioned in the accompanying cast, on them. The guest list Included last evening. There was a large Narrley, A. Holttngsworth, H. actually appear. Miss Warwick, Mr. Garlichs, Miss crowd present and a very pleasant Carter, George A. Collier, John R. Ir­ A rich, spicy slice—packe# Mary Garlichs, MIsb Janet Garlichs, time was spent. Refreshments were win, A. C. Maxwell, P. C. Hayden and Thcaa Are Dates of Teat*—Open Only full of big, luscious Stm-Malcl? Miss Elsa Fauerbach, Miss Clara Fau­ served. M. C Eckbohm to Male Stenographers— erbach, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Robert­ The honorary body hearers were Raisins—and surrounded by » AST. son, Messrs. Charles E. Warwick, Attending G-arlicha-Warwick Wedding. William Logan, W. J. Fulton, Frank Exams Are Held crisp, brown crust. Perdew Sheldon, Van Hayden and Quincy Whig, Sfept. 9: Mr. and Mrs. Davis, James B. Diver, H. W. Upham, Today. Vice President of the U. S. Thos. R. Marshall By Himself Gerard Huiskamp. Chester Poling will motor to Keokuk Asaph Buck, Montgomery Meigs, A. Baked in onr spotless baK* today to attend the wedding of Miss E. Johnstone, John E. Craig, Dr. F. B. ery—delivered to yon freslf Speaker of the House, Champ Clark By Himself Luncheon for Bride. Elizabeth Warwick of Keokuk, to Lor­ Dorsey, Sr., H. A. Heaslip, Leonard Congressman james R. Mann, author of the Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Huiskamp ren Garlichs of St. Joseph. Both MiBS Matless, B. P. Taber and Mr. Treich- and clean in waxed paper. 10a entertained at an informal luncheon Warwick and Mr, Garlichs are well linger of St. Louis There Is a chance for Keokuk men at all dealers. T "Mann act" ... By Himself today, the guests being the Warwick- known in Quincy. Mrs. Stephen Ir­ to get in the Service of the war depart Congressman L. C. Dyer of St. Louis By Himself Garuichs families. Mrs. Huiskamp win, formerly Miss Mildred McKee of Elgin 'Butter. ment There are 200 vacancies in has been a friend of three generations this city, will be matron of honor. [United Press Leased Wire Service.] the department and these are to be Schouten's Bakery Indr Governor of Illinois, Edw. P. Dunne By Himself of the Garlichs family and so the day ELGIN, HI., Sept 9.—'Butter all filled from civil service examinations. Lieutenant Governor Barratt O'Hara of 111- By Himself was spent informally in visiting. Sponsors Next Week. sales 32 cents, an advance of % a Examinations will be held In Keokuk Those present were Mr. and .Mrs. Mrs. W. G. Blood and Miss Martha cent September 12 and September 26. Only Secretary of State Lewis G. Stevenson By Himself 4Cred A. H. Garlichs, Mr. Lorren Gar­ Baldwin will be sponsors for the male stenographers and typewriters lichs, the Misses Garlichs, Mrs* J. E. bridge party at the Country club on Veteran is 'Missing. are eligible to take the examination. William Hale Thompson, mayor of Chicago By Himself Hayner, Miss Elizabeth Warwick and Saturday, Sept. 16. [United Press Leased Wire Service.] Those who expect to qualify for the Samuel A. Ettelson, Corporation Council of Mr. cnarles E. Warwick. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 9.—Po­ examinations should notify Miss Lil­ lian M. Perkins at the local postoffice HOTEL IOWA Chicago By Himself P. N. G. Club Meeting. lice today are searching for David C. W. B. M. Auxiliary. The P. N. G club will be entertained Enlow, veteran, who came here from at once and secure the necessary en­ Dr. John Dill Robertson, Health Commis- The C. W. B. M. auxiliary will be on Wednesday afternoon by the retir­ Ferguson, Oklahoma, August 29, to trance blanks. The examinations will ing officers at the home of Mrs Wil­ : be conducted here next Tuesday and PHARMACY 1 entertainea on Tuesday at the home attend the G. A. fR. national encamp THE HOME OF _ . sioner of Chicago .By Himself of Mrs. Wallace R. Bacon, 1303 Blon- liam Prasse, who will be assisted by ment. He registered at Indiana head­ two weeks later. The department po C. O. Healy, Chief of Police of Chicago By Himself deau street. The assisting hostesses Mrs. Wm. Kummer, Mrs. Frank Grif­ quarters.
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