Appeal Case Stymies Zoning Board Letters

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Appeal Case Stymies Zoning Board Letters Volume 7, Number 41 PDF Version – Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009 • Inside • Appeal case stymies Zoning Board Letters .......................... 2 Wooldridge ................... 4 The Zoning Board of Adjust- item on the agenda, an appeal of a lowed the property since its in- Salzarulo ...................... 5 From Turtle Pond .......... 6 ment had a full plate Wednesday violation by John Shearl, owner ception prior to the 1940s and up Coach’s Corner ............. 7 night, hearing a variance request, until he bought it from Francis of J & J Lawn and Landscape at Conservative POV ......... 8 This Week in Highlands Reed in Nov. 1993. a request for a special use permit 1663 S. Fourth Street. Cooking on the Plateau .. 10 Thurs.-Sun., Oct. 15-18 and an appeal of a recent ruling The town contends that Conflicting evidence includ- • HCP production “The Dining Room,” Candidates Q&A ........... 11 by the Zoning Administrator. Shearl is using the residential por- ing testimony, offer to purchase His & Hers .................... 14 8 p.m. and 2 p.m. Call 526-8084 for tickets. But the issue that made the tion of his split-zoned property on contracts, and plats – contend the Friday, Oct. 16 EventsPULLOUT .......... 19 meeting the longest in Zoning N.C. 28 for commercial purposes property was purchased contin- Classifieds ..................... 32 • Highlands Writers Group will read ex- Board history involved the third – uses Shearl contend have fol- erpts from works in progress at Shakspeare & •See BUDGET page 9 Police & Fire ................. 37 Company in Village Square at 7 p.m. • At Hudson Library author Joe Gatins signing “We Were Dancing on a Volcano: State puts Bloodlines and Fault Lines of a Star-Crossed Extreme sports fill sky over Whiteside Atlanta Family, 1849-1989,” 3-5 p.m. • At CBC, a free rock concert with mental “Move” at 8 p.m. Fri., Oct. 16 health at risk • Members Invitational exhibition will open at The Bascom 5-7 p.m. Free. Sat.-Sun., Oct. 17-18 in Macon • The Art League of Highlands Fall Col- ors show at the Civic Center, 10 a.m. to 5 A large portion of Monday’s p.m. Free. Macon County Commission meet- Saturday, Oct. 17 ing involved a dismal report from • At Twigs Out on a Limb, Wesley An- Smoky Mountain Center represen- gel, blacksmith artist, will be demonstrating on tatives on the state of mental health the porch. services in Western North Caroli- • At Greenleaf Gallery, 12 noon – 4pm – na. Artist and Faux painter Kimberly Lilley will be In the 2009 session of the NC demonstrating in Wrights Square. Legislature, the General Assembly • Highlands School Fall Festival 5-9 eliminated community support ser- p.m. at Highlands School old gym. vices funded under the NC Medic- • American Legion meeting at 9 a.m. with Veteran Benefit Seminar at 10 a.m., at the aid Plan and the state-funded Inte- Shortoff Baptist Church. Special presentation grated Payment and Reporting Sys- about rarely used pension benefit for veterans tem that provides state funds for and their widows. Call 828-743-0871. indigent mental health and sub- • Greenway work on Big Bear Pen stance abuse citizens. Mountain. Call Hillrie Quin at 526-2385. Advanced rated pilot, Nathan Bean rode the thermals off Whiteside Mountain last week. He “This action will have a seri- • At the Scaly Mountain Church of God is a member of the US Hang-gliders and Para-gliding association. According to Bean, the ous impact on the state mental at 3 p.m. “Home Bound Singers” from Hick- sport is allowed from USFS as long as money isn’t charged and less than 75 people partici- health system, because communi- ory, NC. pate. Photo GPS Lon./Lat. @ Photo by Jim Lewicki ty support was the core service for Sunday, Oct. 18 many adults and children in need • At First Baptist Church an evening of of mental health or substance gospel music by Calvin Newton at 6:30 p.m. abuse services,” said Brian Ingram Tuesday, Oct. 20 • Candidate Forum at the Highlands Rec Park Master Plan Survey in the mail the new area director for Smoky Community Center, 6-7:30 pm. Mountain. The awaited Recreation and It will be mailed to some by filling it out and returning it to He called the reduction in state • HIARPT’s Winter Dialogue. All are Park/Greenway Master plan welcome.“The Philosophy of Dr. Seuss.”Civic 8,300 homes in the Highlands/ Town Hall by November 3. funds to service citizens with men- Center: 10-11:30 a.m. Survey was mailed the week of Scaly Townships. All residents are If you prefer, you can go to the tal health issues, substance abuse October 12. asked to participate in the survey •See SURVEY page 15 •See MENTAL HEALTH page 3 Anniversary Sale Now Through October 31st Page 2 - Highlands’ Newspaper - Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009 • THE PLATEAU’S POSITION • Essentially, abandonment is against ber of our community who is disturbed clear to me this is a preemptive peace • LETTERS • the law; it is a crime. daily by the excessive noise pollution proposal the likes we have not seen since You could have gotten a spay/neuter caused by motorcycles. Pres. Wilson when he took a new step coupon from CHHS to defray the cost of Many riders have modified their ex- with the League of Nations which It’s us against them preventing the pregnancy in the first haust system. These same cyclists often evolved into the United Nations. Dear Editor, place. It’s not too late to do the responsi- travel in groups that appear to thrill in The last 8 years of the Bush adminis- To see the news these days, it looks ble thing, and get your pet spayed/neu- the noise created as they rev their engines tration shunned the UN and VP Cheney like the classic Republicans versus Demo- tered before he/she brings more unwant- when changing gears. The resultant blasts declared it “useless and inept”. Well the crats, perhaps even more heated than ed animals to Cashiers/Highlands. Call echo through the mountains. other nations see the hope of diplomacy usual. But if you dig a little deeper, we all 743-5752. Anyone living along the Franklin in Pres. Obama and his ability to work need to wake up and realize it is Us Did you take advantage of Dr. Amy Road as it approaches Highlands is bom- multilaterally. against Them, the Us being the majority Patterson’s Rabies Clinic recently? It only barded with noise levels that seem to be In his acceptance speech he ac- of tax-paying citizens of this country ver- cost $5 to vaccinate and by law, all dogs well in excess of legal limits. knowledges, “There are still hearts to sus Them, the politicians we thought we and cats have to have the rabies vaccina- The enforcement of the N.C. statute open.” (10/10/ 09 C Span). I think we elected to serve our best interests. tion. for “Prevention of Noise, No Modifica- should embrace this hope and challenge Another typical example came up last Other opportunities to get discount- tion of Exhaust Systems” Sec. 20-128 and be joyous. If we are to stay an effec- week, as a special vote came up for an ed vaccinations are coming up. Check should be enforced. tive world leader on the globe we must amendment to REMOVE $2.5 billion of with CHHS. Call 743-5752. I respectfully request that the law en- shrug off the armour of war tactics and funding for 10 cargo planes that the Pen- If you are having trouble providing forcement both in Highlands and in Ma- start using our minds and ears. A philoso- tagon specifically said they DID NOT food for your family much less your pets, con County help with this problem. pher once said ‘ We are given one mouth WANT. the CHHS has a program which can help Lewis Flynn and two ears’ meaning that we listen Guess what, both of our NC Senators, you with pet food. Call 743-5752. Highlands first, talk, and then take action.” Republican and Democrat, voted to keep Our pets are totally dependent on us President Obama is doing just that the funding. Clearly this was a “make to provide their basic needs. Start being a Preemptive peace and the other countries are waiting and work” project, and the end-user doesn’t responsible pet parent. listening too. Our President Obama is at want it! Surely some large corporation E. Ann Maxwell plan a very tough crossroads and I think he got will make great profits, as they do for Highlands the message. most any government project, and a few Dear Editor, In his own words, “ Hope is stronger people will keep their jobs. But can’t you Quiet the Oh the shock and awe of it! Our than hate.” Congratulations Mr. Presi- imagine a few better ways to spend that President is a Noble Peace prizewinner dent. $2.5 billion and maybe create even more motorcycles and thus the US! What a great paradigm Lee Hodges jobs and maybe even end up with some- shift the world has given us. Highlands thing useful, such as new roads, better Dear Editor, I am thrilled and although many bridges, etc? I expect that I am not the only mem- Americans scratch their heads, it’s very Fred is right on Even more novel yet, maybe NOT spend the $2.5 billion and reduce our Dear Editor, huge deficit by a little bit? But clearly fa- ETTERS TO THE DITOR OLICY I just saw Fred’s article “Acorns are vors are asked, favors are granted, and our L - - E -P falling on my head” in the Oct 1 edition elected politicians enjoy spending our We reserve the right to reject or edit submissions.
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