To provide the Local Area Committee with an update of police activities within the ward.

B. RECOMMENDATION For the Local Area Committee to note the contents of paper.

C. SUMMARY OF IMPLICATIONS I Council Values Working with and for our communities

Being honest, open and accountable

Working in partnership

Making best use of our resources II Policy and Legal (including N/A Strategic Environmental Assessment, Equality Issues, Health or Risk Assessment) III Resources - (Financial, N/A Staffing and Property) IV Consultations N/A


Z:\TO DO BEFORE EDRMS STARTS\Former M Drive Folders\Committees\LACs\Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Local Area Committee\20090818\Police report 180809.doc D. TERMS OF THE REPORT

The two main problems in the ward at present relate to the nuisance caused to the residents of Fauldhouse by illegal off road motorcycling and in particular the use of quad bikes and secondly a significant increase in anti-social behaviour and criminality in the Moorlands area of Addiewell. Officers from the local community police team are working in partnership with various agencies to reduce these problems and produce long- term solutions. Off road motorcycle misuse: Research carried out by the partnership analysts identified Fauldhouse as the area having the highest number off calls relating to the illegal use of off-road motorcycles and quads in West . Operation Fiesta was conceived by the community police team and commenced in July. The operation is based on PREVENTION, INTELLIGENCE, COMMUNICATION and the use of ENFORCEMENT. It is driven by the community police team but relies heavily on partnership working with the Forestry Commission, WLC and the Fauldhouse Community Development Trust. Police and Forestry officers have attended local schools and youth groups to raise awareness of illegal quad biking in the area. Information leaflets have been issued to 850 local residents highlighting the problem. Requests for information have been sought by the inclusion of a “naming and shaming” tear off section that can be used to identify those committing the offences. A box has been left at the CIS offices for residents to leave this information for the police. In addition to this local motorcycle dealers have been visited by the team. During the visit officers highlighted their responsibilities as sellers of such machines especially to children. The enforcement phase of the operation was launched on 1st August 2009, the community police team working in partnership with two Forestry Commission officers and specialist police off-road motorcyclists patrolled the area. To date a total of fourteen riders have been dealt with. All have been given information on where to ride legally, most have received ASBO warnings on their bikes and in three cases bikes have been seized and removed. The operation is working well and already there has been a significant reduction in the number of calls regarding this type of nuisance. The community police team will continue to police the problem at weekends. Antisocial behaviour in Addiewell: The most recent problem affecting the ward relates to specific problems in the Moorland Gardens area of Addiewell. A core group of around eight families would appear to be responsible for almost all the calls to this area which number over 60 in a two month period. The majority of these calls relate to antisocial behaviour, neighbours disputes, disturbances in the street and some crimes of dishonesty. An operation is due to commence on 13th August 2009 involving officers from the community, SNT, NRT and housing with the aim of providing community reassurance as well as dealing robustly with those involved. WLC key workers involved in the “Knock Knock” initiative will also be working with the police to provide support and information for residents in the area.


Z:\TO DO BEFORE EDRMS STARTS\Former M Drive Folders\Committees\LACs\Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Local Area Committee\20090818\Police report 180809.doc Other activities in the ward to highlight: Operation floorwalk The ward also saw the first Operation Floorwalk during the month of July to target under age drinking in Fauldhouse, and Addiewell. WLDAS and Youth Action were based at Police Station. Community, SNT and NRT officers all worked well together and the sergeant even patrolled the area on mountain bike and arrested a male in possession of drugs! The evening was deemed to be a success despite the heavy rain. July also saw the community officer for Longridge working in partnership with Jim MacKay to provide some form of activities for youths who had previously caused problems and antisocial behaviour in the village. An external trip was organised by Jim Mackay. In addition to this a set of goals was erected in a grassy area to the rear of the school. Pubwatch, neighbourhood watch, and cold calling Pubwatch, neighbourhood watch, and cold calling have either been rolled out or are in the process of being rolled out throughout the ward. Licensing issues have also come to the fore in relation to a public house in Stoneyburn. Following various complaints the matter has been dealt with by the police and the licensee formally warned by the community sergeant. The month of July also saw some youth problems in Main Street, Stoneyburn that resulted in general nuisance and disorder. One youth was arrested and charged with racial offences and the appropriate attention was given to the area as well as reassurance for those affected


In summary, the ward is very busy in terms of policing and the community team, SNT and NRT continue to work well with partner agencies to resolve issues in the area.


Held at West Calder Police Station

Appendices/Attachments: none

Contact Person: PS 4150 F Sergeant Steven Stewart, West Calder Police Station, Tel: 01506 871218 email: [email protected]

18 August 2009


Z:\TO DO BEFORE EDRMS STARTS\Former M Drive Folders\Committees\LACs\Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Local Area Committee\20090818\Police report 180809.doc