Economics 102B Is Now Required for All Majors
rics, Economics 102B is now required for all majors. Students are encour- ECONOMICS aged to take Economics 102A and 102B before their senior year. The required number of field courses has increased from two to four. There Emeriti: (Professors) Theodore W. Anderson, Kenneth J. Arrow, Victor R. is now greater flexibility in the choice of electives, including upper-di- Fuchs, John G. Gurley, Donald Harris, Bert G. Hickman, James N. vision math and statistics. Rosse, Tibor Scitovsky, David A. Starrett Of the 75 units required for the major, at least 50 must be taken at Chair: Gavin Wright Stanford. Students cannot declare Economics as their major until they Professors: Takeshi Amemiya, Masahiko Aoki, B. Douglas Bernheim, have completed Economics 1 with a grade of ‘C+’ or better. Michael J. Boskin, Timothy F. Bresnahan, Paul A. David, Walter P. Students who declared Economics as their major prior to September Falcon, Lawrence Goulder, Avner Greif, Robert E. Hall, Peter J. 1, 1998, may opt to complete their Economics major under the old require- Hammond, Anne O. Krueger, Mordecai Kurz, Lawrence J. Lau, ments (see the 1997-98 Stanford Bulletin) or under the new requirements Thomas E. MaCurdy, Ronald I. McKinnon, Paul R. Milgrom, Roger listed below. G. Noll, John H. Pencavel, Nathan Rosenberg, Thomas J. Sargent, John B. Shoven, John B. Taylor, Frank Wolak, Gavin Wright REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ECONOMICS MAJOR (75 UNITS) Associate Professors: Susan Athey, Mark McClellan, Ilya Segal 1. Economics 1 (5 units): principles of economics. Assistant Professors: Patrick L. Bajari, Anjini Kochar, Dirk Krueger, 2. Economics 102A (5 units): introduction to statistical methods.
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