June 24, 2018

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June 24, 2018 SACRED HEART CATHOLI C CHURCH ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CH URCH Sacred Heart Church St. Anne Church 3141 St. Stephens Drive, Anderson 3415 Main Street Saturday Mass: 4:30PM (English) Cottonwood Sunday Mass: 10:00AM (English) Sunday Mass: 8:15AM 12:00 (Spanish) Weekday: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8AM Confessions: Saturday: 3PM JUNE 24, 2018 Parish Office…………………………...365-8573 Angie Scott, Secretary/Bookkeeper After hours emergency # .......... 378-4681 Catholic Faith Formation .......... 365-8573 Renae Magana, Coordinator Formacion de fe para ninos……..365-8573 Rene Magana, Coordinador Youth Ministry ......................... 365-8573 Grupo de Jovenes ..................... 229-3729 Teresa Lomeli, Coordinador RCIA ......................................... 365-8573 Fr. Eric Flores, Coordinator RICA ......................................... 365-5303 Yolanda Alvarado, Coordinador Baptism Preparation Class ........ 365-8573 1st Tuesday of each month Mike Spence, Coordinator Clase de preparación para el bautismo 2do jueves de cada mes Hector Rubio, Coordinador…..276-4694 Parish Nursing Ministry ............ 524-4092 Sandy Downing, Parish Nurse Sacred Heart Thrift Store .......... 365-5853 2652 Gateway Drive, Anderson Maria Gonzales, Manager Parish Gift Shop ........................ 347-1985 Kathy Weiss, Coordinator Anderson Cottonwood Christian Assistance 2979 East Center St. Anderson, 365-4220 Open Tuesday & Friday, 10am—2pm Northern Valley Catholic Social Service Rev. Eric Flores, Parochial Administrator 2400 Washington Ave. Redding…241-0552 Deacons: Rich Valles • Jesus Madrigal Knights of Columbus ................ 244-2242 Michael Evans (retired) • Anthony Short (retired) Jim Duval, Grand Knight Secretary/Bookkeeper: Angie Scott Website: sacredheartparish.com • email: sacredheartanderson@outlook.com FROM THE PASTOR RAISING FAITHFUL FAMILIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (excerpt from Catholic Herald Magazine) Parenting and living in a family in the digital age is challenging “as the technological advances we experience are constantly evolving,” says Lisa Hendey, who travels throughout the United States and internationally giving workshops on faith, family and Catholic new media topics. Speaking with Catholic Herald magazine recently, she discussed raising faithful families in the digital age, parenting of children with technology, and how people can prosper in their own spiritual lives. She offers these practical tips to parents: 1. Technology usage should be a privilege for children, not a basic “right.” Technology is a valuable learning tool, “but children should demonstrate a maturity level that demonstrates their spiritual, emotional and intellectual readiness to employ these tools prior to having access to technology,” she notes. “Access to the Internet and good technology is a fundamental educational right, but I don’t think having an iPhone at age 5 is a right.” 2. Parents need to model appropriate technology use for their children. For example, a parent should never text while driving, avoid using technology during family meals and act responsibly on social media. “Our actions speak louder than words with our use of technology tools,” she says. 3. Parents should have standards, strategies and rules for device and platform usage. “In our family, we limited the use of technology in the private areas of the home,” she notes. “When they were young, our children (now ages 26 and 2 had a ‘no screens in the bedroom’ rule and devices were used in common areas of the home with screens facing outward. Your rules will vary from mine, but you should put thought and responsibility into this aspect of your parenting.” 4. Parents should act with respect for the privacy and safety of their children when using social media. “We are establishing a ‘digital footprint’ for our children, in many cases even prior to their birth,” Lisa notes. “We must supervise their use of technology, but we should also respect their privacy in our own usage.” 5. Just in the same way parents would not send a child out to drive a car without proper instruction, they should not provide them with access to technology without education and spiritual formation. “The legal and spiritual ramifications of the ‘digital footprint’ can have a devastating impact on children,” she says. “We live in a culture that glorifies selfies and use of social media. I’m a fan of teens using Instagram to tell the story of their life and faith and teens can use these tools with great impact to share with others. But they can also put them in some very dangerous situations, so parents constantly being on top of social media use is important.” 6. Parents should conduct regular, random checks on their children’s technology tools. They need to use the many available resources to be aware of questionable apps, platforms and media providers. Welcome/Bienvenidos! (Please register or update our information/Por favor registrese ó proporcione nueva información) Name/ Nombre:_______________________________________________________________________________ Address/Dirección:_________________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad__________________________Zip_____________ Phone/Telefono:_______________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________________________ Children’s Names and Ages/Nombres y edades de los niños: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY NEWS MASS INTENTIONS JUNE 23RD—JULY 1ST STEWARDSHIP CORNER Saturday June 23 4:30pm Paul Bosetti Collection Summary Sunday June 24 8:15am Sacred Heart Parishioners May 26/27: $3,965 Sunday June 24 10:00am Hazen Kroff June 2/3: $5,992 Sunday June 24 Noon June 9/10: $3,839 June 16/17: $5,251 Tuesday June 26 8:00am Verena Uphus Wednesday June 27 8:00am Norb & Alvina Meyer For fiscal year 2017– 2018 Budgeted for Collections: $280,000 Thursday June 28 8:00am Rueben & Rose Weller Total for 51 weeks: $280,559 weekly Goal: $5,385 Friday June 29 8:00am Paul Bosetti Average Weekly Collection: $5,501 Saturday June 30 4:30pm Paul Bosetti Second Collection This weekend we will take up our Missionary Sunday July 1 8:15am Sacred Heart Parishioners Cooperative Appeal Collection. This is also the Sunday July 1 10:00am Hazen Kroff weekend for the Peter’s Pence Collection. If you Sunday July 1 Noon brought your Peter’s Pence Collection envelope with you today, please place it in either the first of second PRAYER CONCERNS collection. All cash placed in our second collection this weekend will go to the Missionary Cooperative. Carolyn Greenwood, Trista Becker, John Williams, Helen Presidio, Rina Ford, Clementine Mills, Jim MISSIONARY COOPERATIVE APPEAL Weirick, Ilene Duval, Tillie Duval, Dawn Drinkwater, The Missionary Cooperative Appeal is an annual Carol Andrews, Katie Lewis, Martha Hitchcock, program in which missionaries from around the world Kevin Rezak, Angelo Costanzo, Mary Rowe, Ross speak at each parish. The goal of this appeal is to Clark, Melody Christenson, Jay Burns, Stan MacIsaac. increase awareness of missionary work and to raise funds to help missionary organizations continue their HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS evangelization efforts. In the Diocese of Sacramento, Please join the Office of Vocations and the Shrine of 50 different missions were selected this year to each Our Lady of Guadalupe (711 T Street, Sacramento) in speak at two parishes. Last year through generous prayer and fellowship for vocations on Friday, July 6 denotations, we collected $392,880 for 51 missions. at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact This weekend, we welcome Fr. Thomas King with the Office of Vocations at (916) 733-0258 or by email Franciscan Friars. He will share with us their at msmith@scd.org. courageous evangelization efforts on behalf of the Catholic Church and give us an opportunity to support MINISTRY DAYS 2018 their work in the field. Registration for Ministry Days 2018 is now open! A second collection will be taken up following his With over 75 workshops in both English and Spanish, presentation. Donations made by check should be made you do not want to miss out on this gathering of payable to the parish. All funds collected throughout ministers, catechists and Catholic School teachers the Diocese will be equally divided among the 50 looking to gain new skills, and network with others missionary organizations visiting the Diocese of who serve in our parishes and schools. To browse Sacramento this year. workshop selections and take advantage of our Early Bird discount on registration fees, please visit BLESSING OF GRAPES www.ministrydays.com or contact Lauralyn Solano at The Annual Blessing of Grapes at the Abbey of New lsolano@scd.org. Clairvaux takes place on Saturday, July 14th. We hope you can join us for this annual ritual ceremony to bless the grapes and enjoy the various monastic and Due to the 4th of July Holiday, local products on sale, as well as sample our upcoming wines. Guided tours of our vineyard and abbey church the deadline for entries in the will be available throughout the event. Market opens July 8th bulletin will be at 9am and the blessing ceremony starts at 10:30am. Thursday, June 28th. For more information call 839-2161. WEEKLY NEWS FRONT ENTRANCE PROJECT ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Our contractor, True North Constructors, will start the demolition portion of the new Front Entrance John the Baptist was a contemporary of Christ who Project on Monday, July 2nd. Fencing will be placed was known for evangelization
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