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I j THE WASHINGTON HERALD J f I THE BEST ALL THE AMATEUR SPORTING SECTION cM SPORTS IN v THE SOUTH ip AND GOSSIP I t h11h1i- I WASHINGTON D C SUNDAY AUGUST 7 1910 1 GESSLER IS BENCHED BY McALEER FOR POOR HITTING I and tho boy from Amherst was safe NATIONALS TAKE Rolsling sacrificed and tho collegian went WHERE THE NATIONAL ROWING REGATTA WILL BIt HELD to third on Milans out Schaefer took ALL IS READ three lusty swings for the third out SECOND FROM SOX George Brown was brought forth In tho eighth to hit for Meloan who had FOR BIG tanned twice George struck out just as mm fast as ho could swing Washington was handed throe more in i Twirling of Reisling Too the ninth and might have added to It but for John Collins Killlfdr singled Cream of Rowing Talent in Much for Chicago through Tannehill nnd Elberfeld droppcd Entered a Texas leaguer in right McBride was America hit by a pitched ball filling the bases Como rolled an easy HENRYS HITTING A FACTOR one to Olmle who Jhoaved It over Paynes head Illlfer and POTOMAC BASEST THE COUJISE Elberfold scoring and McBride going i to third Conroy pulled up at second LocaLs Young Catcher Bats in First McBride came in on Unglaubs fly to More Than Thirty Different Club Two nmm Milan Get Dock in Old Parent Henry fanned and Collins made- pop fly Will Send Crack to Position nnd McAleer Makes An a wonderful catch of Rolsllngs Oarsmen oack of first Tho Sox never got started Compete for Handsome Prizeg ItiI- other ShiftOlmstcnd Is JUt Hard in their half B Estimated that 500 0 In the Pinches Details of Game The Score Penonz Will View Aquatic WASHINGTON AB R H PO A E the Events Milan cf 3 0 1 2 0 0 Schaefer If 3 0 0 3 0 0 YESTERDAYS RESULTS 2b 4 1 0 0 3 0 Elberfejd 3b 4 I I 0 1 II ot f Pt Washington Chicago 1 McBride as 1 1 2 0 311 1 2 v- Detroit 5 New York O Conroy rf 4 o FACTS ABOUT REGATTA Unglaub lb 2 l 0 11 0 0 Cleveland K Boston 2 I Henry c 1 7 1 0 30 1 4 Boston 0 Cleveland 4 R p 3 0 0 0 The dnte Friday and Satur- day Philadelphia G St Louis 3 Totals SO K 5 27 11 0 CHICAGO AB R H PO A E i The course Potomac River Zoider 2b 0 2 2 2 1 GAMES TODAY I Photo by National ylwocfaUML Busts Parent cf- 0 O 4 0 0 tie Start Near government Meloan rf 3 0 0 0 0 Photograph Taken from the Highway Bridge The Finish looking Up the Course wharf Washington at Chicago Brown 1 0 0 0 0 0 Virginia side Kelly rf- 0 0 0 0 0 Finish Tn0 hundred feet west NCTT York 1 t- at Detroit Dougherty If 4 0 0 niaiBMeMiHiB to Kao to HobUtscU Sfldtk of Highway Bridge Philadelphia nt St Louis TAn ehlll SI 4 n 0 1012 2 Htmaei t OMtett BMarr to Hsnsnrl tu Dm Purtell 3b 4 0 2 0 GESSLER BENCHED OWN NEW YORK GIANTS b 3 CmQkmUMn JofcistMi H d KMOO Ttar Distance One mile and a J Collins lb 3 1 1 14 0 1 AT of c Hwl hour a quarter STANDING OF THM CLUBS Pa no c 3 0 2 t I 0 JVumbcr of clubs entered ¬ Todiy Oimstead p 3 0 1 0 I WINNING STREAX BROKEN Vf U Pet WIn ePh- WIN IN ELEVENTH Thirty lJlddllbia M X 114 BM j- Totals 31 1 7 27 13 5 REQUEST FOR POOR HITTINGB- Prizes Aggregate value ol BoCtO- B 33 612 616 609 Batted for Meloan in the eighth loren Proves to Be Cuba Master BNtwYofc 3 capM nnd medal ansi banners S tt 4 J77 stt Washington 0 0 0 0 2 0 O 0 3 5 for rtroit- 4 nt All StnKC OOO I L Wl J66 JM Chicago LO 0 0 0 1 winner CkfttaMl U 4 4fi 131 100 00 Twobase hit Milan Sacrifice hits Phliadeiphla Aop kOveran WM bat- ¬ Regatta in the tuirtyclRhth Washington 49 V 418 418 W- Op hiomo- 31 IS 3JW JC6- Milan ITnglnob Relating Zelder Parent Qariiials Play Well but ted oat of the box fa the first inning annual event of tne National As < 2 ¬ Right Fielder Discouraged at Weak Showing M Stolen basos Milan Zeider Dough ig St Look S v 901 JI2 v erty Relsllnp today and Mcintyre who sueceesed Moclatlon of Amateur Oarsmen Struck outBy I pOll nts Have Luck Mm VL 3 on baJl Olm ¬ was not much an improvement under the ausiilccs of the Po-¬ STANDING OF THB CLUBS AUGUST 7 Oimstead Bases Off Gabby in m 2 Double Tannehlll to Zei ¬ Street TownOther Timely Gossip the PhilHee winning by to 2 W U Pet I W L stead I Moren tomac float Olub a member of Pet Washing- ¬ X 43 65 400 der to Collins Left on bases was always master of the Cubs Score alJltotlatfot 41 46 X- 4 ton 3 Chicago 4 by By WILLIAM PEET saving The pass hen been re- the lhiUdjii JB New York Hit forward O K 4t Losik 41 Um- ¬ YESTERDAYS RESULTS cm AB II A ItiUa AB II O A Best place to see ii 5 It IU Oimstead ball Henry Doc Gessler man duced to condition where none knows Eras 4 4 lit races HifIi Clerelasd M 23 237 the who smashed a t Tlrm rf 3 0 t ast K pires Messrs Dineen and Perrine Time 3< 4 1 4 coar down fences with long drives in Boston 1 be u d with advantage Ute L if t t Itatn ef way Bridge at finish sad Po- ¬ of game 1 hour and SO minutes Brooklyn 1 1 Hal et 3 3 I UtMt 3 1 1 tomac flanking Special 10 TO Ya htoet HenkL early last season and the year before functIons of many players have been com- ¬ Cincinnati Cba Ik 4 a I tf 1 1 Park the course Chicago Ill Aug 6 The Sox fall to has been benched his own request by pletely changed and the entire aspect of Philadelphia 0 Chicago 2- Ztawaa 3b 4 1 3 2 I W a 3 I 1 40 Ten thousand persons can view OF THE GAME at SdMhe if LwiTW lb 4 I B 1 t take advantage of their opportunity to NOTES Manager McAleer the game Is extremely unlovely Flttnlmr 10 Boston 2- Tinker i 1 lit43 Dee tfai m 4211K- events from start to llnish e 3 4 ft up to even Use 4213 i e t crawl almost terms with the When the Bostoir lub plAyed in OwnOI 1 lena 1 1 t 1 here Jfew York 3j St Loai t I I f t National today They dropped tha sec-¬ There may be another real battle to- ¬ 1908 Gessler Once upon a time when Thomas Melatyw pt 3 2 t t pd l broke all the windows and Tula t- ond same to Washington morrow between Walsjj and Johnson Sharkey was training fight M i II of the series nearly tore off the roof of the clubhou for a at San STANDING OP TILE CLUBS TotaIa 34 T2I By 1VIXFIBLD H SCOTT 5 to i on each trip of the bean brigade to Ute Francisco he received several letters Today CIdaIwD 1 S I 10 0 I A sign over one of the gates announced W I Wfe Lose Pat M II After working like bearers for the Fred Olmstead had two bad Innings and when he figured In from a sweetheart in Ireland Mr Itt I 11 s District a trade jMnaj o 63 set jw- ¬ thnt it was for the exclusive use of the Sharkoy was K TMtar Tfesw ts it- peat two Months to prepare for the the fifth and the ninth In these the Na for FKcber Charloy Smith not an adept at reading so HNS JBt- 8mShnd ilK or T meaning probably lest August it f m JH elersi D0is 3 uMes fa 1Af Uri tionals got all their runs They did not the the question arose with hint How am N r Y fe 881 l 1 3f cass or lettth aaanal regavtta of amateur S there was great rejoicing among local ti if JB lI6L1 k L 111IIII- In Knights Templarsj I to learn to In 0 tf IN Olr od- ned the three QJr toad handed them got > nat lattexa oossrn 31OSi 3k1y s t to be vowed on tile Potomao fans Seres where we a hell the 1 4T 41 4te ins the final round because the Sox failed As the letters were of a romantic na- ¬ g1t 34ss1 if 31dn L Murtit Doc Reistlng usually depends on his hitter of the Ed Delebanty type many 1DcoooMnL 41 II 42 03 m I tttmt Bites Tvo Mii M Ua DacMa next Friday and Saturday the to make any headway against RelHng- ture ho wished no o e else Tit games of them cried to learn their iIl 31 s MS 3M tar SMtMc kit > W M MftfjM Gram SMMt- eejunittte oC tbe Potomac Boat Club un own bat to win his He didnt 1 Olmles support was weak In spoUt but contents Finally he soh ed problem ltvoIL 3i 3GI 3JI l bM It t Doettn HH sr pMekcr r XebMm got today although he would Gesslors first appearance In a Washing- ¬ the r whoae anspfoes thfKcteseic will be that had nothing to do with the result a base hit by gotag to Tm McGrath tys manager I ODe1 a TIM I one ton uniform did not show any remark- ¬ gameUtiIssin1 M VeU oC have bad but for Jack Collins toiling New York Ams 1 Hits by Devils Mar and MluiHi fli aAoounced last night that their as none the ftve errors except Freds able hitting In fact ho looked just about and him that ho had some Impor- own came In Innings productive Wash- tant which Meyers and Snodgraae won in the elav work was finiabed and evecytWng is m of Zwilling worked out in centorfleld be- ¬ as good as tho rest of bunch letters be wished MeGrath to ing the but read onth inning today the Giants beating CRICKET GAME TODAY readiness t ton runs fore tho game and made a hitwith the it was freely predicted when the to him for tile opening race of tha game that you the Cardinals In one of the most Inter- Before the ninth opened the was bugs by grabbing every fly ball driven season of 1910 opened But must stuff cotton in your carnival Interesting the M D would ears esting games played here this season Local Flayer to Hook Up at Rock tot there always was the In that vicinity be right on the job with the heavy bat said he for I do not wish yen to Already more than twenty different chance the Sox would get hear say It Lush pitched cleverly and the Cardinals Creek Park that another music But alas he has failed to pro- what the lettrs boat clubs i tbe United States and run It up played the better game but the Giants There will be aganr of cricket exem- ¬ and ti There was nothing Lord Boston grand master of the duce even as much music a the Prose Canada have entered the cream of their The St ¬ plified in Creek tfcte ¬ about the playing or the home team that Templars in ex- ¬ Louis Times notes that Wash- had all the luck Ellis hitting was a Rock Park after- Knights England is Club Poison Ivy Quartet and mem- ¬ talent to compete