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Arrow COLLAR i 12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES THURSDAY MARCH 31 1910 + I HT GESSLERS HITTING I GEORGETOWN GETS r CAME INTO HIS OWN JMy of My Life ONE BEST FEATURE ANOTHER CHANGE Story 7aV Copyright 1 by tae A Bled UKwarr free la tk tJ tt a KaM Gasaea sad O BrtttAs AU rtsM fMsrrnd l 2 IT + o 3 to man doors locked the oM leg with appeared Only One Safe Swat But It Hopes to SYNOPSIS sad the filet V the air a- Beat Cornell In seen eel rt be as AaneeiQn- ambition woke up aU of a snddta no- very sedeende sr a Ilk steno f 1 n edIe ti sad tkrusgk 5ead t afternoon i knew tbe blest hosier aad Billy Delaaey who wee alwsyc a Proves He Is Still Their Second VHctag stock i lit to ring beyoad my reach dstgpkptiNpffbbltd Meeting dte d by w rtMJ the wasnt tittle sad tdre sibs I Ms u utb That night I ate a trig dime grid went tarp what they vented I mat 811 v There Tell X ca aces >ttrth bed away Here Today- Ohio at Ihis to aa MGr later But to the hour let with six or aaf bailer- i dsere ilia eht Carroll ObaaiBten between dinner bedtime jegxs as Nee v WM toors Oyster Ilk S0IM sail I tbourit and nosy choaa with ve = hood days lean tais details of Ms ant the whole thing over Here was a tables of use sort or another la fact i With deer hunt MOM nesting at chance for me to work three er four was making out nicely T WASHINGTON HOPES BaJzer or Gray ia the box cttoot LIII runt l Georgetown will weeks with tIN master boxer of them that Pilly gadtic today attempt to sues Had prow c c fw with negro fU- leaner led slopped wa all There ass BO need for hurry t reirarfing me ARE ON THL the memory of the defeat which Cornet workaiaa Kxsteuw t e mystery ot his Id as as befare T RISE handed ft swat reserve stransU lUcaiki as take my time and learn all I could Id- I looked np for a moment whnV yeoierday when in a lit citing uhe- ia the act I adveat r tn e bttts- 8a7S- be patient inmng game local ceOegtens were happpled c and let Oorbett hamater tae St reuhag fee another chap the w weew a rofrMW- as much aa be every nearly whiten Med barely manageHyr te sertsta hard work far 11 u choose but 47 14 Loot ieu feet a little asek r Driving UM nw tuck some new information away m Jet Home of Runs Against shove over a few rune In tHe Anal mi art UM of kejr s mad Ida the Silly aakefi seUcttouefy stdentep ak bis tmfe back of my mini Then when tbe I only stared at = lip sod a shutout Score I Say clMutc 4 M Ufecfcm eaiiM Lo list Phillies a Good Sign 2 W cbamphmshjn fight was over go out you t to when W was tf sada a Id tat night were tie er one Coach Coc bath as traiaiag prtMr t him Gartensi sad Meet an the heavyweights whip steep be wheat silo and momn- Johnson Strong- Kn of the Ithaca crowd them one b one finally laa will la all work Abbot and light C r sonetaiar MMtter with your pudgy bett ot rltxaktoMMM 1 Lard plans Why you w again Georgetown this aftesnoon CHAPTER XIV t there my mouth snuc tit dint brace up and t There was a listlessness game Whe l adept bed 1 W tIIIt a bit two Teu cant gn- about the My Life IB Cap dropped tbataigjst say a By THOMAS S RICE yesterday that has sot before been evi- ¬ Certett off to in a couple of see Corbett work on aa easpty SlOT dent in this years Georgetown team i jP to this tune Id always bad a tfnos as 1 always do I slept without aca Now that we know all to- moving Billy 1 about how Wymard hazy Idea would be a Me until Y terse old Here ta whole crowd aeaaa to me Kgypt it to time that serious at started in the box and was that k shook me to welts me kirn for breakfast lau to remain too long At times thing to be champion of the world I When we all eat down zed I hurriedly cease to tIN concluslo tentis were paid to the ball team which he pitched was Delaney turned Is to represent creditable ball but wild remember the Oral lime the thought o me with a solemn oa his face that they were having a little fun w r r Washington in flea as usual so with men on came to m four ¬ and said me They were eM American League year braes Two of omen s runs were I fax last about lust riisary men teen years oM weighed J pounds Youre a nervous Dig fellow arent it they were III This is a neat and timely remark for ttade on wilt pitches by His and k you a ehsatpiaas camp in seven buses on were im- I d been reading shout John L Sullivan stead of ia a boiler shop Whateve If that ban team lives up to the prom- ¬ hails also an Why no I said rm not nerv portant factor in boosting sad always seesawl funny to me that B awe I bad far thiam dropped away ises made in its brat game against score Cornell it all in L champion be say r You a second sad from en major leaguers we are going to have a worlds shouldnt dont want to be nervous Just that time I was bigger a schoolboy like myseK be lie Jim or Big Fellow to everybody in lot of excitement in the year ISM than saidbout aoc sag MALARIA One day as I was walking downtown paying atteetlea to lIlY camp Many a time in my UCe To say that the success of a team de- THREATENS venial ou rept going to be hart rYe been BASEBALL RESULTS- with ray father we passed a couole of You in less pleasant company and stay a pends upon its hitting la trite and mu ° ought to and set IB COBB DETROIT STAR boys ighting in th We stopped fc time felt tar leas home pens pound like day song ¬ street sleep t lie awake all at smsiig the noon and even- be- you you pie ing prayer of a professional a muscat to look on and faa wr do wont be strong who WON booed stains XM patent anti but At Bnltlmore P hlladelpain g improving occasion by pointing eno ujh to give Jan here any work- leather shoes it has to be repeated in this ror Famous Outfielder May Not Begin the I lie cue American League 10 Baltimore a nw ml But my mind was all oa the dont awake a minute I e That dry and I boxed again the one chance of lilt Washington club elated feeling that Delaney waat Delaney to set by Is on its ability to swat Eastern Lenpue 5 Practice For Five Mcht irl ag me a good reputation sadettCharlie White were csach Father I said all of a sudden ben why did you up iiig me and telling m < f They At ChnrlottesvlIIe Va Unlvera j get ill the mid they what to Should Bat Weeks 1S It was only for two heun Id like dle K night as It you coutda sleep wanted me fight as much like In Walker Johnson Gray Groom- Ity of Pennnylvanla 3 University te wear the belt sad ice In the window for a couple of Fttasimiauns as possible They had m act hours be went mace shift my fe around pull my we have the nucleus of an excellent of Virginia 0 AUGUSTA Ga search JL Ty Cobb What belt he sated M a puautod us left ban i is threatened ti saly back a littlet and let drive with It for pitching staff one about as good as a with malaria and may wyp- to At Louisville P h lIlt d c 1 p bin joint I said Certetfs ribs The drat time I did It laitender could hope to get But ne not be able to the Detoit team for TIIe fourr puss shad Why Kill the champion stepped 11 five weeks the t and I both heard you cut in lightly an i in the course of human events your American League Iioularlllc iooshipetof the worWLV mid sts Uy ia Crmnto McVey shot his right across to the point of my < Cobb has been ailing tor tile pern ch n was pitcher holds the other fellows to noth- ¬ American As ocln 4 young YJU muMt have beard somebody else It a good hard poach but it lonf week and it was thought that his hard fan rascal said ssjr bibles I sari wratbfullv- didnt me It only your ¬ 1 drove W bead ing it is up to fellows to do some- At Houston Tex Houaton Tex- ¬ efforts in local practice had worn aim If you talk like that all spank ISO Ok now dont get sore put te back asa I went thing looks like we down but hU physician said that he might Cr Pub right on trying an it have the as e > C Detroit American And he have dots it too for Wit who had been keeping still to the aID blew and every time Corbel year Lend had all the sjmptoms of malaria r MB ID a lot f talent which can do that The he was a big strong aa laved as- that time Youll jeel over being aer PPd and on my chin When League Detroit star appeared pale and voile when yeti ve been with us a i I walked something even including John Dve 2 ¬ a house and well shore 3W for a back M the room weak when he reported at his automo- wetehc the round Delaney after little Harry Johnson and Walker art bile shop though his friends tale 1 in spite of the tart UwX be dldat carry ate raid JeaT i didri and Tit it last Jatv and treat the c f think youd be willing to essentially pitchers of the type to persuade him to go home Cobb 0UIIee ot w try rhr punch shutout on lat him elf goat I popped a hok again alter I taw way be loaded they ta no went a IMmilc trip in an automobile- b en always potato into vl on YOU When are going right there to transact some I hoses from that time I th to get it out Oi tau nest tbDe Yea IIUIK have reason why they should be hit at alt business had the idea back n my he some- the w y aad nearly=choked Bat by tile a great Jaw except although time ry tongue was cleared for action Why I thought by accident Groom sad GraY BIG GUARD GAMES where I diant waste thought I had a chance to do some thinking In-¬ thats what you or-¬ KLING TO DEMAND on always wanted I said Let me my left have not so much speed and under It I felt sure that something stead of aaffweruur hiss I went to work nand m my own ue dinary circumstances should pitch well good would come to me whether It was da my tr ia silence inwardly way ac4 be wont i kfat step to OIl me like even not sensationally A SALARY BONUS In stag or business m course determining to shew low nervous I that xrso then once if and their ilk is of over boxing champion
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