(Zygaenidae) in Semi-Natural Pastures in Sweden

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(Zygaenidae) in Semi-Natural Pastures in Sweden © Entomologica Fennica. 16 July 2004 Habitat associations and occupancy patterns of burnet moths (Zygaenidae) in semi-natural pastures in Sweden Markus Franzén & Thomas Ranius Franzén, M. & Ranius, T. 2004: Habitat associations and occupancy patterns of burnet moths (Zygaenidae) in semi-natural pastures in Sweden. — Entomol. Fennica 15: 91–101. Burnets were surveyed in 100 semi-natural pastures in the province of Östergötland, southeastern Sweden. We analysed the presence/absence of bur- nets in relation to habitat characteristics, and species richness of butterflies and plants. Five species were found (Adscita statices, Zygaena osterodensis, Z. viciae, Z. filipendulae and Z. lonicerae), all occurring in 33%–36% of the locali- ties. Among these, four are nationally red-listed. More species were found on (1) large semi-natural pastures, compared with small, (2) low- to medium-grazed semi-natural pastures, compared with heavily grazed, and (3) open semi-natural pastures, compared with wooded. A. statices and Z. viciae had a higher frequency of occupancy at localities surrounded by a large density of pastures, but the occurence of the other species did not rely on this variable. The number of burnet species per locality was positively correlated with the number of butterfly spe- cies, and slightly positively correlated with species richness of plants. The differ- ence in species richness among burnets, butterflies and plants may be explained by different responses to grazing pressure; the species richness of burnets and butterflies peaked in localities with a low grazing pressure, while species richness of plants was unaffected by grazing. As burnets are easily surveyed and indicate a high butterfly-species richness, they may be suitable indicators of species rich- ness of pastures. As uniform management with heavy grazing is detrimental for burnets and for many butterflies, it should be avoided at localities with a species- rich fauna. M. Franzén, University of Lund, Department of Animal Ecology, Ecology Build- ing, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden; E-mail [email protected] T. Ranius, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Entomol- ogy, P.O. Box 7044, SE- 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden. Received 3 October 2003, accepted 19 November 2003 1. Introduction 1999, Menéndez et al. 2002) and are often re- stricted to small areas (Ravenscroft & Young Burnets (Zygaenidae) are day-active Lepidoptera 1996, Crispin & Warrington 1997). At suitable with a biology similar to many butterflies habitats, they may be abundant (Bourn 1995, (Tremewan 1985). Many burnets seem to have a Naumann et al. 1999). The population structure limited mobility (Bourn 1995, Naumann et al. of some burnets shows similarities with butter- 92 Franzén & Ranius • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 15 flies known to occur in metapopulations (Ravens- Forshed 1992, Watkinson & Ormerod 2001). croft & Young 1996, Gutiérrez et al. 2001). Adult Other organisms in semi-natural pastures do not burnets are frequent visitors of flowers where necessarily have the same habitat requirements as they feed on nectar (Tremewan 1985, Crispin & these plants, and that may explain why the species Warrington 1997), and locally burnets have been richnesses of different taxa in pastures do not of- found to be the dominating pollinators of rare or- ten correlate (Pärt & Söderström 1999, Vessby et chids (Lind & Lindeborg 1989, Nazarov 1993). al. 2002, Kruess & Tscharntke 2002). Many butterfly species have been studied in Conservation of semi-natural pastures should detail regarding their habitat requirements (e.g. preferably be based not only on the flora, but also Thomas 1984, Thomas 1994, Hanski & Thomas knowledge about requirements of insects, as they 1994, Pullin 1995, Cowley et al. 2001, Asher et are the most species-rich taxon. However, there is al. 2001). Knowledge of burnets is scanty, com- usually lack of time, economic resources or taxo- pared to that of many butterflies; the distribution nomic expertise to carry out inventories for each of many European burnets is not fully known insect taxa (Oliver & Beattie 1996) and for that (Naumann et al. 1999, Huldén et al. 2000, Asher reason it may be useful to identify biodiversity in- et al. 2001, Saarinen et al. 2003) and no interna- dicators, viz. groups of species that are associated tional red lists for burnets have been compiled, as with a high total biodiversity (McGeoch 1998). there exist for butterflies (van Swaay & Warren Naumann et al. (1999) suggest burnets as an indi- 2003). In Europe, a great decline in the distribu- cator group, but their potential as predictors of tion of burnets has been documented during the species richness of other taxa has never been last century (Mikkola 1979, Zarzycki & Da- tested. browski 1986, Mikkola 1987, Barbour & Waring The aim of this study was to analyse the occu- 1991, Väisänen & Somerma 1993, Kulfan & pancy patterns of burnets in relation to habitat Kulfan 1996, Gärdenfors 2000). In Finland and characteristics. We collected presence/absence Sweden, there are old records from some prov- data of burnet moths in semi-natural pastures in inces where they now are absent (Väisänen & southeastern Sweden, and tried to relate their spe- Somerma 1993, Gärdenfors 2000). In Norway, Z. cies richness to the species richness of butterflies lonicerae has disappeared from vast areas (Han- and plants, both taxa that are often used as indica- sen & Aarvik 2000). Z. viciae went extinct from tors. We explored whether the difference in spe- the largest locality in Great Britain, New Forest, cies richness between these three organism in 1927 and is currently known only from one site groups may be explained by different response to in Britain (Ravenscroft et al. 1993). locality characteristics. Based on this informa- Burnets occur mainly on dry grasslands, and tion, the potential for using burnet moths as one of their most important habitat types is semi- biodiversity indicators was discussed. natural pasture (Naumann et al. 1999). Over the past 100 years, the area of semi-natural grass- lands has substantially decreased in Europe (e.g. 2. Methods and study area van Swaay & Warren 2003). Since the late 1950’s, the area of semi-natural pastures (used for 2.1. Study area, and locality variables grazing) in Sweden has decreased by 30% (Anon. 1990). Meadows (used for hay-making) have de- The study was carried out in 100 semi-natural creased even more, and today only 0.5% remains pastures in the province of Östergötland, south- of the area present in the late 1950’s (Anon. eastern Sweden. One of the highest concentra- 1990). Consequently, many species living on tions of semi-natural pastures on the Swedish semi-natural grassland are red-listed (e.g. Gär- mainland occurs in southwestern Östergötland denfors 2000). In Sweden, and many other coun- (Lindahl 1997; Fig. 1), while the density is much tries in Western Europe, conservation of semi- lower in the southern and northwestern parts that natural pastures has mainly been based on man- are dominated by forest land (Anon. 1996). agement that aims at maintaining grazing-de- The survey was conducted on ancient pas- pendent and sun-demanding flora (Ekstam & tures of which the majority were grazed by cattle. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 15 • Burnet moths in semi-natural pastures 93 Fig. 1. – a. The density of semi-natural pastures ac- cording to the ancient meadows and pastures survey in the province of Östergötland, Sweden (Måreby 1991). – b. Cov- erage (%) of pastures within5×5kmsquares. Recently abandoned localities that have retained tory. Plant data were only available for 92 of the biological characteristics of ancient grassland 100 surveyed localities. An index of the density were exceptionally included in the survey. of semi-natural pastures in the surrounding was Mainly localities known to have a rich flora of calculated as follows: vascular plants were selected for sampling. The Ò Ò Ã Ã distance between surveyed localities was at least Index = (N1 / 1)+(N10 / 10)+(A1 / 1)+(A10 / 10)(1) 1 km. Localities apparently affected by active fer- tilization or cultivation activities were not in- where N1 is the number of semi-natural pastures cluded in the survey. within 1 km from the surveyed locality, N10 is the The localities were described by variables number of semi-natural pastures within 10 km possibly reflecting habitat quality (Table 1). For (with the number of semi-natural pastures within some of these variables, the data were from the 1 km excluded), A1 is the area of the semi-natural Ancient Meadows and Pastures Survey (Måreby pastures within 1 km (with the size of the studied 1991), while others were estimated at the inven- locality excluded), and A10 is the area of semi-nat- Table 1. Estimated variables of the studied localities. Variable Description Type Locality size Area (ha)1 Continuous, log transf’d Pasture density The density of pastures in the surrounding area2 Continuous Grazing pressure Low and medium (0) or heavy grazing pressure (1)3 Categorical Presence of trees Open (0) or wooded (1) semi-natural pasture Categorical Plant species Number of indicator species present4 Continuous Butterfly species Number of butterfly species found at each locality5 Continuous 1 Follows the project “Ancient Meadows and Pastures”, in some cases it is the total from several adjacent sub-localities. 2 Calculated as an index in equation (1) from the number and size of p astures situated within a radius of 1 and 10 km from the surveyed locality. 3 Heavy grazing pressure means that the sward height was less than 15 cm at the main part of the surveyed locality. 4 Among those used in the project “Ancient Meadows and Pastures”. The species are regarded as indicators of grazed, unfertilized meadows and pastures (Lindahl 1997). 5 Observed concurrently with the survey of burnets. 94 Franzén & Ranius • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 15 ural pastures within 10 km from the surveyed lo- increased with the size of the locality.
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    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3464006 10 (1) September 2019: 43-48 Further notes on Zygaenidae Original Article (Lepidoptera) from Predrag Jakšić Čingrijina 14/25, Zvezdara, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Montenegro [email protected] Gerhard M. Tarmann Tiroler Landesmuseen, Ferdinandeum, Naturwissen- schaftliche Abteilung, Sammlungs- und Forschung- szentrum, Krajnc-Straße 1, 6060 Hall, Austria [email protected] Ana Nahirnić Abstract: National Museum of Natural History, Tsar Osvobodi- Faunistic data on 11 species of Zygaenidae from seven pre-selected research tel Blvd. 1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria areas in Montenegro obtained during several trips in the year 2017 are present- [email protected] (corresponding author) ed. Photographs of adults of Jordanita notata, Zygaena punctum, Z. viciae, Z. ephialtes and Z. filipendulaeare shown. Interspecific mating attempts by males Received: April 23, 2019 of Z. filipendulae with females of Z. ephialtes and Z. viciae are discussed. Revised: July 17, 2019 Key words: Accepted: August 13, 2019 Zygaenidae, interspecific mating, Montenegro Apstract: Novi podaci o ziganidama (Insecta, Zygaenidae) Crne Gore Predstavljeni su faunistički podaci o 11 vrsta Zygaenidae iz sedam prethodno odabranih i istraženih područja u Crnoj Gori, dobijeni tokom više obilazaka tere- na 2017. godine. Prikazane su fotografije adulta vrstaJordanita notate, Zygaena punctum, Z. viciae, Z. ephialtes i Z. filipendulae. Diskutovani su pokušaji inter- specijskog parenja mužjaka Z. filipendulae sa ženkama Z. ephialtes i Z. viciae. Ključne reči: Zygaenidae, interspecijsko parenje, Crna Gora Introduction Materials and methods As Montenegro intends to become a member of the Specimens were collected with a butterfly net. Re- EU, data about regional species distributions are of search was done in preselected areas (Key Biodi- great importance, specifically as regards Annex II versity Areas - KBAs) some of which should be species of the Habitats Directive.
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