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View Tree List TREE LIST H12 LESHIBA WESTERN SOUTPANSBERG PLATEAU Trees listed occur around the coordinates S22º 58.667' E29º 33.882' Elevation around 1200m – 1500m FSA No. COMMON NAMES ACCORDING TO THE (Index 8) SCIENTIFIC NAME "Dictionary of names for southern African trees", 2011 AFRIKAANS ENGLISH CYATHEACEAE BOOMVARINGFAMILIE TREE FERN FAMILY 1 Cyathea dregei grasveldboomvaring grassland treefern ZAMIACEAE SIKADEEFAMILIE CYCAD FAMILY 14.6 Encephalartos hirsutus vendabroodboom Venda cycad PODOCARPACEAE GEELHOUTFAMILIE YELLOWWOOD FAMILY 16 Podocarpus falcatus outeniekwageelhout Outeniqua yellowwood 18 Podocarpus latifolius opregte geelhout real yellowwood CUPRESSACEAE SIPRESFAMILIE CYPRESS FAMILY 20 Widdringtonia nodiflora bergsipres mountain cypress ASPHODELACEAE AALWYNFAMILIE ALOE FAMILY 28.1 Aloe arborescens kransaalwyn krantz aloe 28.4 Aloe angelica wylliespoortaalwyn Wylliespoort aloe 29.5 Aloe marlothii subsp. marlothii bergaalwyn mountain aloe 30.4 Aloe spicata lebombo-aalwyn Lebombo aloe STRELITZIACEAE KRAANVOËLBLOMFAMILIE STRELITZIA FAMILY 33 Strelitzia caudata bergstrelitzia mountain strelitzia SALICACEAE WILGERBOOMFAMILIE WILLOW FAMILY 35 Salix mucronata subsp. mucronata kleinblaarwilger small-leaved willow MYRICACEAE WASBESSIEFAMILIE WAXBERRY FAMILY 37 Morella pilulifera breëblaarwasbessie broad-leaved waxberry CELTIDACEAE WITSTINKHOUTFAMILIE WHITE STINKWOOD FAMILY 39 Celtis africana witstinkhout white-stinkwood 42 Trema orientalis hophout pigeonwood 43 Chaetacme aristata doringolm thorny-elm MORACEAE MOERBEIFAMILIE MULBERRY FAMILY 48 Ficus burkei gewone wildevy common wild fig 48.1 Ficus petersii petersvy Peter's fig 50 Ficus sur besemtrosvy broomcluster fig 52 Ficus craterostoma bosvy forest fig 55 Ficus ingens rooiblaarvy red-leaved fig 60 Ficus salicifolia wonderboomvy Wonderboom fig 62 Ficus tettensis kleinblaarrotsvy small-leaved rock-fig 63 Ficus abutilifolia grootblaarrotsvy large-leaved rock fig 64 Ficus glumosa harige rotsvy hairy rock fig 65 Ficus stuhlmannii laeveldvy lowveld fig URTICACEAE BRANDNETELFAMILIE NETTLE FAMILY 70 Obetia tenax bergbrandnetel mountain nettle 71 Pouzolzia mixta seepnetel soap-nettle PROTEACEAE PROTEAFAMILIE PROTEA FAMILY 73 Faurea galpinii bosboekenhout forest boekenhout 75 Faurea saligna boekenhout boekenhout 87 Protea caffra subsp. caffra gewone suikerbos common sugarbush 89 Protea gaguedi witsuikerbos white sugarbush 96 Protea roupelliae subsp. roupelliae silwersuikerbos silver sugarbush SANTALACEAE SANDELHOUTFAMILIE SANDALWOOD FAMILY 100 Osyris lanceolata bergbas rock tanninbush OLACACEAE SUURPRUIMFAMILIE SOURPLUM FAMILY 101 Olax dissitiflora kleinvalssuurpruim small false-sourplum 102 Ximenia americana var. microphylla kleinblousuurpruim small sourplum 103 Ximenia caffra var. caffra suurpruim sourplum 103.1 Ximenia caffra var. natalensis gladdesuurpruim smooth-twigged sourplum PORTULACACEAE PORSELEINFAMILIE PURSLANE FAMILY 104 Portulacaria afra spekboom spekboom Page 1 of 9 ANNONACEAE SUIKERAPPELFAMILIE CUSTARD-APPLE FAMILY 105 Annona senegalensis subsp. senegalensis wildesuikerappel wild custard-apple 105.1 Artabotrys brachypetalus groothaakbessie large hookberry 105.2 Artabotrys monteiroae rooihaakbessie red hookberry 106 Hexalobus monopetalus var. monopetalus shakamapruim shakamaplum 109 Xylopia parviflora bosrooivingers forest redfingers LAURACEAE LOURIERFAMILIE LAUREL FAMILY 114 Cryptocarya transvaalensis wildekweper wild-quince CAPPARACEAE KAPPERFAMILIE CAPER FAMILY 122 Boscia albitrunca witgat sheperd's tree 129.3 Cadaba termitaria vaalblaarwurmbos grey-leaved wormbush 130.1 Capparis tomentosa wollerige kapperbos woolly caperbush 130.2 Capparis sepiaria var. subglabra korthaarkapperbos short-haired caperbush 132 Maerua angolensis subsp. angolensis knoppiesboontjie beadbean 133 Maerua cafra witbos spiderbush 135 Maerua rosmarinoides naaldblaarwitbos needle-leaved spiderbush PITTOSPORACEAE KASUURFAMILIE CHEESEWOOD FAMILY 139 Pittosporum viridiflorum kasuur cheesewood CHRYSOBALANACEAE GRYSAPPELFAMILIE COCO PLUM FAMILY 146 Parinari curatellifolia grysappel mobolaplum MIMOSACEAE DORINGBOOMFAMILIE THORN TREE FAMILY 150 Albizia anthelmintica wurmbasvalsdoring worm-bark false-thorn 152 Albizia brevifolia klipvalsdoring rock false-thorn 154 Albizia forbesii breëpeulvalsdoring broadpod false-thorn 155 Albizia harveyi bosveldvalsdoring bushveld false-thorn 158 Albizia versicolor grootblaarvalsdoring large-leaved false-thorn 159 Faidherbia albida anaboom anatree 160 Acacia ataxacantha vlamdoring flame thorn 161 Acacia burkei swartapiesdoring black monkey thorn 162 Acacia caffra wag-'n-bietjiedoring common hook thorn 163.1 Acacia davyi kurkbasdoring corky-barked thorn 167 Acacia gerrardii subsp. gerrardii var. gerrardii rooidoring red thorn 172 Acacia karroo soetdoring sweet thorn 176.1 Acacia mellifera subsp. mellifera kaokoswarthaak Kaoko black thorn 178 Acacia nigrescens knoppiesdoring knob thorn 179 Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana lekkerruikpeul scented pod 182 Acacia rehmanniana sydoring silky thorn 183 Acacia robusta subsp. robusta enkeldoring broadpod robust thorn 183.1 Acacia robusta subsp. clavigera brakdoring narrowpod robust thorn 184.1 Acacia schweinfurthii var. schweinfurthii rivierrankdoring river climbing thorn 187 Acacia sieberiana var. woodii papierbasdoring paperbark thorn 188 Acacia tortilis subsp. heteracantha haak-en-steek umbrella thorn 190 Dichrostachys cinerea subsp. africana kleinblaarsekelbos small-leaved sicklebush 193 Elephantorrhiza burkei basboontjie elephantroot 193.5 Adenopodia spicata stekelsplinterboontjie spiny splinterbean CAESALPINIACEAE FLAMBOJANTFAMILIE FLAMBOYANT FAMILY 197 Burkea africana wildesering wild-seringa 202 Schotia brachypetala huilboerboon weeping boerbean 208.2 Bauhinia galpinii vlam-van-die-vlakte pride-of-De-Kaap 208.3 Bauhinia petersiana subsp. macrantha kalaharibauhinia Kalahari bauhinia 212 Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana sambokpeul sjambokpod 213 Senna petersiana apiespeul monkeypod 213.2 Pterolobium stellatum rooivlerk redwing 215 Peltophorum africanum huilboom African-wattle FABACEAE ERTJIEFAMILIE PEA FAMILY 219 Calpurnia aurea subsp. aurea geelkeur golden-pea 222 Bolusanthus speciosus vanwykshout tree-wistaria 225.12 Crotalaria capensis Kaapse klapperpeul Cape rattlepod 226 Mundulea sericea subsp. sericea kurkbos corkbush 226.3 Indigofera frutescens bergverfbos mountain indigo 226.5 Indigofera lyallii subsp. lyallii rooiverfbos red indigo 226.11 Psoralea pinnata var. pinnata fonteinbos fountainbush 229.1 Sesbania sesban subsp. sesban var. nubica rivierboontjie riverbean 230 Ormocarpum trichocarpum ruspeboontjie caterpillarpod 230.2 Aeschynomene nodulosa var. nodulosa fynblaarkneukelboontjie small-leaved knucklebean 231 Dalbergia armata doringtou thorny-rope Page 2 of 9 FABACEAE (continued) ERTJIEFAMILIE PEA FAMILY 234 Dalbergia nitidula blinkplatboontjie glossy flatbean 236 Pterocarpus angolensis kiaat kiaat 237 Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. rotundifolius dopperkiaat round-leaved bloodwood 238 Philenoptera violacea appelblaar apple-leaf 245 Erythrina lysistemon koraalboom coraltree 245.2 Rhynchosia clivorum subsp. clivorum platorandboskasiebos escarpment shaggybush ERYTHROXYLACEAE KOKAÏNFAMILIE COCAINE FAMILY 248 Erythroxylum delagoense fynblaarkokaboom small-leaved cocainetree 249 Erythroxylum emarginatum afrikakokaboom African cocainetree RUTACEAE BOEGOEFAMILIE BUCHU FAMILY 253 Zanthoxylum capense kleinknophout small knobwood 254 Zanthoxylum davyi bosknophout forest knobwood 256 Calodendrum capense Kaapse kastaiing Cape-chestnut 257 Oricia bachmannii tweelingbessieboom twinberry-tree 260 Vepris reflexa bosveldwitysterhout bushveld white-ironwood 261 Vepris lanceolata witysterhout white-ironwood 262 Toddaliopsis bremekampii wildenaartjie wild-mandarin 265 Clausena anisata var. anisata perdebos horsewood KIRKIACEAE WITSERINGFAMILIE WHITE SERINGA FAMILY 267 Kirkia acuminata witsering white-seringa 269 Kirkia wilmsii bergsering mountain seringa BURSERACEAE MIRREFAMILIE MYRRH FAMILY 270 Commiphora africana var. africana gifkanniedood poison-grub corkwood 275 Commiphora edulis subsp. edulis skurweblaarkanniedood rough-leaved corkwood 278 Commiphora marlothii papierbaskanniedood paperbark corkwood 280 Commiphora mollis fluweelkanniedood velvet-leaved corkwood 285 Commiphora pyracanthoides gewone kanniedood common corkwood 285.1 Commiphora glandulosa groot-gewone kanniedood tall common corkwood 287 Commiphora schimperi blinkblaarkanniedood glossy-leaved corkwood PTAEROXYLACEAE NIESHOUTFAMILIE SNEEZEWOOD FAMILY 292 Ptaeroxylon obliquum nieshout sneezewood MELIACEAE MAHONIEFAMILIE MAHOGANY FAMILY 293 Entandrophragma caudatum bergmahonie mountain mahogany 296.1 Turraea obtusifolia kleinkanferfoelieboom small honeysuckle-tree 297 Turraea nilotica laeveldkanferfoelieboom lowveld honeysuckle-tree 298 Ekebergia capensis essenhout Cape-ash 299 Ekebergia pterophylla klipessenhout rock Cape-ash 301 Trichilia emetica subsp. emetica bosveldrooiessenhout bushveld Natal-mahogany POLYGALACEAE MELKKRUIDFAMILIE MILKWORT FAMILY 303 Securidaca longepedunculata krinkhout violet-tree PUTRANJIVACEAE 314 Drypetes gerrardii bosysterpruim forest ironplum PHYLLANTHACEAE Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia 308 var. maprouneifolia koedoebessie kuduberry 309 Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa witbessiebos whiteberry bush 317 Hymenocardia ulmoides rooihartboom red heartfruit 318 Antidesma venosum voëlsitboom tasselberry 325 Bridelia mollis fluweelsoetbessie velvet sweetberry EUPHORBIACEAE NABOOMFAMILIE EUPHORBIA FAMILY 328 Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus
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