Jack the Ripper Peter Hodgson PNEUMA SPRINGS PUBLISHING UK First Published in 2011 by: Pneuma Springs Publishing Jack the Ripper Copyright © 2011 Peter Hodgson Peter Hodgson has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as Author of this Work Pneuma Springs British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Hodgson, Peter. Jack the Ripper : through the mists of time. 1. Jack, the Ripper. 2. Jack, the Ripper--In literature. 3. Jack, the Ripper--In motion pictures. 4. Serial murders--England--London--History--19th century. 5. London (England)--Social conditions--19th century. I. Title 364.1'5232'092-dc22 ISBN-13: 9781907728259 Pneuma Springs Publishing A Subsidiary of Pneuma Springs Ltd. 7 Groveherst Road, Dartford Kent, DA1 5JD. E:
[email protected] W: www.pneumasprings.co.uk Published in the United Kingdom. All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the publisher. Jack the Ripper Through the Mists of Time Contents Acknowledgements (1st Edition) .................................................................. 6 Foreword to the First Edition......................................................................... 7 Foreword to the Revised Edition................................................................... 9 Acknowledgements......................................................................................... 10 Quick Reference ..............................................................................................