Volume 12 Fourth Quarter 1995 Number 4


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Isaiah 40:28-31, TEV

3 Time Pressures and the Pastoral Family s(Aeteveelt t e o-weles

5 Weights As 1995 comes to an end, I am reminded that we are all a year older and still not in the Kingdom. 6 He Supplies Our Needs It has been a memorable year because I have had the privilege of meeting many of you. 7 The Church in Harmony This issue features a special interview with Milena Brechelmacher, from Saravejo; her story is moving and her dedication to serve Jesus is steadfast. Marija 10 The Tarnished Angel Trajkovska also tells her story of serving the refugees in this area. "The Church in Harmony" is a good story 11 . . . Through the Shadow of Death . . . to read aloud to your husband; you both will laugh and cry at the reality it portrays. 12 The Aqua Velvet Coat The holiday season is always extra busy. Take counsel from Ben and Mary Maxson and control the 14 Is There a Christmas Tradition in Your time tyrant so you can enjoy the blessing of your Family Closet? family, who are the most precious people you will ever influence. Let Jesus lift the weights that Margaret 15 Down the Road with the Refugees Nathaniel tells us about. He is waiting to help you. May Jesus surround you and your family in His 16 God Never Fails sweet love and care as we remember His birth on earth 2,000 years ago. An Interview with Milena Brechelmacher 18 Maranatha!

21 Shepherdess International News

Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Bible texts credited to TEV are from the Good News Bible—Old Testament: Copyright © American Bible Society 1976; New Testament: Copyright ©American Bible Society 1966, 1971, 1976.

Shepherdess International Journal is a Secretary: Euro-Asia Division quarterly resource especially for pastors' Annabelle Kendall Olga Murga /Nancy Wilson wives. It is produced by Shepherdess Inter-American Division International, an entity of the General Journal Layout and Design: To be appointed Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Regina Hayden North American Division Ministerial Association. Franci McClure Shepherdess South American Division Editorial Office: 12501 Old Columbia Division Coordinators: Vasti S. Viana Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 South Pacific Division Kay Winter Office telephone: (301) 680-6513 Africa-Indian Ocean Division Southern Asia Division Fax (301) 680-6502 Leola Whaley Margaret Nathaniel Printed in the U.S.A. Asia Pacific Division Trans-European Division Linda Koh Gaya Currie Coordinator: Eastern Africa Division Middle East Union Sharon Cress Angeline Musvosvi Joyce Neergaard Euro-Africa Division Southern African Union SI Journal Editor: Gudrun Mager Lillian Chalale Sharon Cress

2 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 61/11d

y husband is reasons why people go into the cvdtd&&7 never home! All ministry, and each person has a he can think about different view of what "being in c9eaocovzit is his ministry and his church." the ministry" means. "I never have time for my family. The pressures of what reality everybody wants me to do are just It must be remembered that too much." pastoral ministry is not just a job These typical statements are or a career. It is a calling and as a mere reflection of a kind of such, creates greater commit- pressure and pain that is experi- ment and dedication than a enced in pastoral ministry. "The mere job. It is imperative not to all consuming 'ministry' seems to lose sight of the role God plays control our lifestyle, our home, and in this calling. our future." Is there a way of It is true, ministry is a never resolving this conflict? Following finished task. Pastors may have are a few suggestions that might to learn that some things on the help balance the lives of those ministry "to do" list may never involved with the ministry. get done. That is all right! As difficult as it is to admit, The problem each person in ministry is driven Some of the factors that shape by his or her own compulsions. and sometimes create problems Previous life experiences have for a minister and his family are: shaped the way a person deals 1. Pastoral ministry is a job with ministry demands. that is never finished. There is Pastoral ministry is usually a always one more person to see, team ministry. One level of that one more thing to do. team is that of a pastor and 2. The demands on a pastoral spouse. But there is another level couple's time are endless and that is often forgotten. The continual. ministry team is bigger than the 3. Ministers and their families pastoral home—it includes each Ben and Mary Maxson work at the General Conference. He is the director of the have to deal with a variety of member of the church. Stewardship Department, and she is the people, all of whom have dif- editorial secretary for the Adventist fering expectations of the pastoral Looking for a solution Review. Ben enjoys golfing and computer. Mary likes crafts, cooking, and music. They family. One of the most important ways are both avid readers. 4. There are a variety of for a pastor to resolve the pressures

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 3 associated with the ministry is to These boundaries need to understand his own compulsions. be worked out together as a Our Pastor One's perfectionist tendencies, family. They should include need for acceptance or compet- such things as: Never Stops itive drives often compel him to Author Unknown do that which no one else expects ' regular time off him to do. Often times, these compulsions drive the pastor to personal devotional time ccasionally even do another's job. someone will Once it is understood what 1k4t134 normal weekly schedule 0 say, "Our pastor tips the balance, the pastor needs never stops to visit in our to look at the problem in the light tzty, family time home." If the pastor never of the gospel. Knowing that God stops at your home, you accepts us because of Christ and not ttet, vacations probably should thank because of our performance is the God. It means death has not beginning of healing for our compul- tay4 office hours struck, that no serious sive tendencies. illness has laid you low, or The next step in finding a average hours per week that the surgeon's knife had solution is to clarify or identify the not been necessary, or that values of a pastoral team. What is Obviously, all the above must you have had no serious important to us as individuals, be flexible and will vary with family problem or that you families, and spiritual leaders in circumstances. However, clearly are not a spiritually delin- God's church? defined para- quent member. As a rule, The third step in finding a meters form your pastor does not have solution is to work together in the founda- time for "social calls." It is establishing tion for con- not that he would not enjoy priorities. Each trolling the endless doing so, it is simply a pastoral couple demands of ministry. matter of priorities . . . will have their own putting first things first. unique list and Conclusion Your pastor does not have order of priorities.0 bv io us /y, It is unrealistic to expect a 40- time to do everything he one's relationship with God must be at hour week in pastoral ministry. would like to do. However, the of those priorities. Church members are asked to you may be sure of this: It is amazing to discover how give of their time over and above your pastor is willing to often other areas fall into line their 40-50 hours of work. Can we come to the hospital or your more easily once room has been expect to do any less? My think- home, the jail, the street made for God. Maintaining a ing has been that I work the first corner, or anywhere at any spiritual walk with God makes it 50 hours a week for my salary and hour of the day, or night easier to deal with the pressures the other 10 or 15 as my "service." when he is needed. Call of pastoral life. It also helps the However, to average 80-90 or him if you need him. pastor and his family relate to more hours a week is probably Otherwise he will not know others in a less stressful way. downright sinful and certainly of your need until it is too Once values are clarified and nothing to be bragging about. late. For the moment, thank priorities are established, the God does not expect that kind of God you have not needed parameters or boundaries of the sacrifice and usually those kind him. One day you will need ministry need to be negotiated. If of hours are the result of our own him and he will be there those limits are not clearly compulsions. when you call. Now he is established, congregations will God intends ministry to be a visiting someone else who not recognize ANY limits. privilege and pleasure as we see Him does need him. Parishioners will simply keep work through us, not a curse or burden looking for more help, more we have to bear. And certainly, not a ministry, more work. cross to those around us.

4 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 against weight, went on a very dead palsy. But the healing balm strict diet and exercise program for of God's love casts out fear, envy, a whole month and shed more than lust, hate and every other evil cgratkvfi,a five pounds. He felt so much better. infection." "For God hath not given After a couple of months when he us the spirit of fear, but of power lost another five pounds he re- and of love, and of a sound mind" marked, "I feel so good these days. (2 Timothy 1:7). It was as if I was carrying a bag 3. "Who redeemeth thy life from with 10 pounds of grain all this destruction." Sin destroys. God while and now I don't have that restores. Sin leads to the grave but extra weight to deal with and it sure God redeems our life from the does feel good." grave. Desire of Ages, page 311 says, His statement made me think. "The plan of redemption con- Weights. What does the Bible have templates our complete recovery to say about weights? I looked in from the power of Satan." the concordance and found one 4. "Who crowneth thee with verse that fit what I had on my loving-kindness." The Hebrew word mind. Hebrews 12:1 says, "Let us for "to crown" may also mean "to lay aside every weight, and the sin surround" as in Psalm 103:4. You which doth so easily beset us. . ." surround them with your favour hen we were sweet Along our Christian pathway as with a shield. sixteen most of us we pick up weights—weights of 5. "Who satisfieth thy mouth with were slim, trim and fear, depression, doubt, failure, good things." "0 taste and see that good-looking, but what hap- discouragement and discontentment. the Lord is good." The Hebrew pened when we turned 40? We We need to lay them aside. How word here means to "try the flavor gained excess weight in odd do we accomplish that? We use the of, experience for yourself." places and didn't look as good as same tools to rid ourselves of 6. "So that thy youth is renewed before. Right? spiritual weights as we do to rid like the eagle's." Sin accelerates the Well, this happened to me as, I ourselves of physical weights. First aging process. "Grief, anxiety, dis- presume, it does to most everyone is Diet. We need to enrich our content, remorse, guilt, distrust, all else. And recently the scales have spiritual diet by spending more tend to break down the life forces been bothering me for I have time reading God's Holy Word. and to invite decay and death. God reached 132 lbs and though I have Some good food is found in offers a fountain of youth at a tried, I cannot seem to shed those Psalm 103:3-5, 10, 13. bargain price." Isaiah 40:31 says, 10 pounds I need to lose to make 1. "Who forgiveth all thine "They that wait upon the Lord shall me feel comfortable. iniquities. "His forgiveness includes renew their strength." Positive At about the same time as I all our iniquities and not just some. emotions in a vital connection with began worrying about my weight, 2. "Who healeth all thy diseases." God actually stimulates the nerv- my husband, who was also fighting Spurgeon, quoting on Psalm 103:3, ous system and energizes the says, "What is pride, but lunacy; whole person. what is anger, but a fever; what is 7. "He hath not dealt with us after Margaret Nathaniel is the Shepherdess Coordinator for the Southern Asia Division. avarice, but a dropsy; what is lust, our sins." He carried the responsi- Used with permission. but a leprosy; what is sloth, but a bility for our sins and carried the

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 5 load and let us go free. cared for him all along. sidered and put into practice, we 8. "Like as a father pitieth His The second step is to Exercise. will surely lose all the weights children . . ." Jesus' parable of the This exercise comes only with which hinder our spiritual prodigal son illustrates the restless faith. Exercising our faith in God growth. We will feel much lighter spirit of the sinner who sees God comes when we commune with and be able to witness more for as stern and severe and desires to God in prayer more and more each Him without getting tired with escape His restrains. Only when day. Our faith grows stronger as those extra weights that weigh the prodigal returned, broken in we talk to Him and tell Him all us down. spirit, miserable in body, and our joys and sorrows and allow May God help us during this totally disillusioned with the Him to lead by letting go and New Year, 1996, to prosper and glamour of sin, did he begin to letting Him have His way in us. be in health, both physically and realize how much his father had If these two points are con- spiritually. * cg-Ce (9190/ie4, 911.eech, Sea.it

ecently I drove into I found the following prom- marvel at the vision of grace the city to attend to ises from Thoughts from the Mount and loveliness. Even so will the 0.0 business. After feed- of Blessing, pages 95-97: "He who life of God unfold in every ing the parking meter, I stepped has given you life knows your human soul that will yield itself into the street and then stopped need of food to sustain it. He who to the ministry of His grace, short. There lay a dead sparrow. created the body is not un- which, free as the rain and the He had obviously been in the way mindful of your need of raiment sunshine, comes with its bene- of a passing car. As I stood ... It is He who made the flowers diction to all." looking at the little feathered and who gave to the sparrow its In the gardening calendar, it body, the thought came to me, song, who says, 'Consider the is almost time to plant the "Does God know about this lilies,' Behold the birds.'. . . On spring-flowering bulbs. May sparrow that has fallen here in a the lily's petals, God has written you find the money and time to Bloemfontein street?" I looked at a message for you, written in plant bulbs of your favorite the busy street scene and knew language that your heart can spring lilies. Then, as you watch that a fallen sparrow was no read only as it unlearns the the growth and development scene-stopping event. lessons of distrust and selfish- of plant and flower (doubly en- Two of my favorite Scrip-ture ness and corroding care . . . He joyed because you are the passages read as follows: "Look has filled the earth and air and gardener), may you find your at the birds of the air; they do not sky with glimpses of beauty to heart being set free of some sow or reap or store away in barns, tell you of His loving thought for of the corroding care that can and yet your heavenly Father you . . . If He has lavished such so easily encumber us in today's feeds them. Are you not much infinite skill upon the things of demanding times. more valuable than they? . . . Are nature, for your happiness and May we each find the love- not two sparrows sold for a penny? joy, can you doubt that He will liness of Christ-like character Yet not one of them will fall to the give you every needed blessing? blossoming more fully in our lives ground apart from the will of your . . . Who would dream of the during 1996. Father. And even the very hairs of possibilities of beauty in the your head are all numbered. So rough brown bulb of the lily? But don't be afraid; you are worth when the life of God, hidden Esther Gebhardt is Associate Coordinator for more than many sparrows" therein, unfolds at His call in the Shepherdess in the Southern Africa Union (Matt. 6:26; 10:29-31, NIV). rain and the sunshine, men Conference.

6 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 tedottio44 t was a church in a portrait of a rather large, stern- t Harmony, all right. In faced woman. fact, it was the only church "Who's that?" I asked. in Harmony, a little town I'd pulled "Oh," the young man into just moments before. I was answered quietly, respectfully. admiring the church's shining "You mean Miss Bertha June Biggs. steeple and freshly painted white She was a very special person, you clapboard siding when a young know." man came out to greet me. "No, I didn't know." "Welcome!" he said, and "Oh, yes, Miss Bertha June smiled. "Will you be joining us this Biggs was our founder, in a manner morning?" of speaking. We owe a lot to her. "Well, sure," I answered. "I'm Almost single-handedly, she made just passing through on business, Harmony Community Church the but since it's Sunday morning—" peaceful, beautiful place it is "Wonderful!" he enthused. today." "We're glad to have you. You're a "You don't say. How did she bit early, though; service won't do that?" start for a few minutes. Since it's The young man smiled and got such a nice day, why don't we just a faraway look in his eyes. "Miss stand out here and chat?" Biggs was a lady with the courage "Sounds fine," I said, glancing of her convictions," he said. "She around. "I was just admiring your never hesitated to stand up for building. Looks perfect as a what she knew was right. She postcard." opposed the forces of evil wherever "Thank you. We like it, too. As they were found—even when they you can see from the cornerstone, were found in the church." Harmony Community Church was My eyebrows went up. "Evil?" built in 1879. It's not too big, but it I asked. "In this church?" seems just right for us. We try to be "Oh, yes, indeed. Miss Bertha big enough to serve people, but June Biggs had uncanny spiritual small enough to know them." sensitivity. She could always tell if "That's good," I said. Just then something was wrong in the I happened to glance past the big church—even if everyone else This article appeared in Stories that Sneak oak doors into the foyer. Then I thought things were fine. It takes a Upon You by John Duckworth. Copyright C) 1987, Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker noticed a picture on the wall, hung very spiritual person to do that, Book House Company. Used with permission in a fancy, gilt-edged frame. It was don't you think?"

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 7 "It certainly does," I said. Biggs's favorite hymns," he said. head in sympathy for what Miss He leaned against the wall. "Nor did the organist realize the Biggs had been forced to endure. "Take those preachers, for danger of singing the 'Amens' at "The Reverend Peachtree went six instance," he said earnestly. "Miss the ends of songs, which Miss Biggs minutes overtime," he intoned, Biggs was here when Harmony got knew was unhealthy—except of incredulous. "With her spiritual its very first pastor. He was fresh course in the case of the Doxology." insight and all, Miss Biggs knew out of Bible school, and the whole "Uh ... of course." he had to go." congregation was grateful to get "After that, another pastor I stared at the picture, too. him. All except Miss Biggs, of came to Harmony. He was the "What did she do to get rid of him?" course. She knew what was really Reverend Peachtree, Miss Biggs' I asked. going on." favorite. She approved of him for The young man gasped. "Get "She did?" the first twenty-three hours or so— rid of him?" he cried. "Miss Bertha "Naturally. She knew that but then he stood up to preach. Miss June Biggs never 'got rid of any- young pastor was wet behind body. She simply exercised the ears. He couldn't possibly her discernment, as was her know how to run a church." duty." He paused and re- His voice dropped to a any now., gained his composure. "She whisper. "He also wanted to 1 wfreadte4e cliced viz ice wrote some thoughtful, anon- do all kinds of terrible ymous letters to Reverend things." 1Wf/le 076C71(422(5247, Peachtree, suggesting that he I leaned closer. "Like explore some of the marvel- what?" kr/imityitect4q 1 6/09644 ous opportunities available in "Like electrifying the 6„,,, exactriv 0/6eitued other parts of the country. He pump organ!" he cried. "Can must have appreciated her you believe it? Miss Biggs 647/nehoet4. helpfulness, because he left knew that would never do. It within the month." would lead to a weakening "Naturally," I said. of the organist's ankles and Biggs could see right away that he "Then came the next pastor, probably the congregation's wasn't going to work out.” a Reverend Trimble. He met Miss morals as well. You can see that, "Whyr, Biggs's common-sense standards I'm sure." "Because he moved his arms for preaching. But he had an "Well, I—" too much when he talked. Just unfortunate quirk that could "Anybody could" he said. watching him made people tired, have ruined the church if left "Fortunately the board of deacons Miss Biggs said, and would cause unchecked." saw it, too, when Miss Biggs them to fall asleep during sermons. "What was that?" pointed it out to them. They got rid And he didn't use enough illus- The young man frowned. "An of that pastor, so the church and trations about street urchins. Miss obsession with missions." the organist would remain strong." Biggs loved street urchins, you "You mean Miss Biggs didn't "Oh," I said. know. Not the actual urchins— like missions?" He sighed. "Unfortunately, the she'd read you could get a disease My informant threw up his organist was too unspiritual to see or something if you got too close to hands. "Of course she liked mis- the value of strong ankles, and she them. But she loved to hear about sions. Why, her favorite song was quit. But Miss Biggs knew that was them in sermon illustrations." 'From Greenland's Icy Mountains,' fine, because the organist had "I see." which she successfully requested always endangered the congre- "Still, she could have ignored every Sunday night. But the gation's hearing by playing too all the Reverend Peachtree's Reverend Trimble didn't under- loud, soft, high, low, fast, or slow— shortcomings—if not for the stand missions at all; he was and by making a racket when she shocking thing he did at the end of always trying to convince people turned the pages of her sheet music. his very first sermon." to be missionaries, which Miss But that wasn't the worst of it." "What was that?" Biggs knew perfectly well was "Oh?" The young man gazed at the heresy." "She hardly ever played Miss picture on the wall, shaking his "Oh," I said.

8 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 "Nor did she like it when the congregation who failed to meas- killed the church. I thought you said Reverend Trimble invited all ure up. Now there was a task. Most she made it what it is today." those missionaries to come and members had already left—no "I did," the young man re- show their slides of foreigners and doubt recognizing their spiritual plied. "It's a place that's 'big other things that were best left to inferiority—but there were still a enough to serve you, small enough National Geographic. One Sunday few left to weed out." to know you.' Why, it's the finest night a visiting missionary "Such as?" restaurant in all of Harmony." showed so many slides there was He thought for a moment. "I I blinked. "Restaurant?" no time left to sing 'From remember reading in the records "Well, of course," he said. Greenland's Icy Mountains.' Miss of a Claude P. Flackberry, Sr. His "Once the building was empty, my Biggs knew the kind of harm that prayers were always too long. He'd partners and I couldn't let it go to sort of thing could do to a church, go on and on about the sick and the waste, could we? It's solid as a rock so she made sure Reverend lame, the needy and the hungry, and pretty as a picture." He Trimble left, too." the lost and the destitute—all knocked his knuckles on the clean, "Hmm," I said. "She must things Miss Biggs knew should white siding. have had a high position on the not interest a good churchgoer. "But I . . . didn't see a sign," I church board." Fortunately, he passed on before objected slowly. "Sadly, no," the young man he could lead the rest of the He nodded. "There's just a said. "It was hard just to get the members astray." small, tasteful one on the other side board's attention, since they were "And the others?" of the building. Don't want to look always busy wasting the church's "They were everyday 'wolves too commercial, you know." money, taking offerings for in sheep's ,' as Miss Biggs "Of course not," I replied unnecessary things like roof called them. She graciously faintly. patching and gas bills. One year helped speed them on their way "So," he said cheerfully, "shall they even wanted to get new pews!" by letting the townspeople know I seat you now? I'm sure our food "Really," I said. what sins these members had service has gotten underway. We "Miss Biggs knew the old ones confessed at prayer meeting. She have a lovely Sunday brunch. The were perfectly fine. As she told had a verse for it, or course: '. . . salad bar is where the pulpit used the board, if the congregation That which ye have spoken in the to be. You'll find the sunlight would just wear thicker clothing, ear in closets shall be proclaimed streaming through the stained the splinters would be no problem upon the house tops.' I believe glass is just—" at all." that's Luke 12:3—King James "Uh, no . . . no, thank you," I "And did they?" version, of course. Miss Biggs was said, feeling numb. "I—I have to "The truly spiritual ones did. always very careful with her use be going." But quite a few backsliders—no of Scripture." "Oh," he said, disappointed. pun intended—chose the coward's "So I see." "Well, do keep us in mind." way out and left the church. That "After these impure elements "I will," I promised, walking upset the board, so they resigned, were removed, the Harmony to my car. "Believe me, I will." too." Community Church was able to "Good!" he called after me. "That's terrible!" rest in peace at last. Miss Bertha "And if you ever hear of any other "Oh, no, not at all. Miss June Biggs had finally transformed churches that are being ...purified, Bertha June Biggs' campaign of it into a truly harmonious body." be sure to let us know." purification was succeeding. By "How many members of this I turned around. "Why?" I now no preacher dared venture body were left?" asked. near Harmony, having heard of He beamed. "Just one—Miss "Because," He said, smiling. Miss Biggs' exacting spiritual Bertha June Biggs." "We're thinking of opening a standards." "And where is she?" chain!" "Was that good?" "When her job in Harmony I shuddered. "Of course! That meant she was done, she moved away. She It'll never work, I thought. But could turn her attention from went to another church, I expect." as I drove away, passing that removing preachers and deacons I scratched my head. "I don't peaceful little church in Harmony, to removing members of the understand," I said. "Miss Biggs I just couldn't be sure. *

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 9 71-6,d

it. "Give Christ the uppermost was concerned. Disenchantment ...gd,,,,s -. oa,a, place on your tree." It was a had set in. beautiful silver star centered with "Well," I conceded, "he does a nativity picture that could be have his good points, but I don't illuminated with a small bulb. I think he will be around too long. decided this was truly a more He comes on a bit strong when you suitable topping for our tree then hear him preach three times a the tarnished angel. week. Some of us believe we need Back home again I soon fitted someone different in the pulpit." the star on top of the tree. And the The older woman's blue eyes family agreed that the star turned from a soft powder was even prettier than the blue to almost black. angel had been, even at They reminded me of a its best. 9 cierickci 9tet to, stormy sky before a The next after- cede tite aoyei deluge. Shaking a noon I filled a small age. 06 long, bony finger at basket with gifts for me, Mrs. Coleman Mrs. Coleman, a o4we duirry atring4 scolded, "I'm sur- shut-in friend from eae/xe ta4wiateci, prised at you! Why, paused while trimming church, and drove witi delviwity I always thought so our Christmas tree to to her home. She highly of you. I examine the angel that insisted I stay for tea etaite x,de itai considered you my traditionally topped our tree. It and the next hour 414, ited 414 own ministering had been in our family ever since sped by while we rte. angel. But you've just we were married. But after close chatted. toppled off your ped- examination, I decided not to use "By the way," Mrs. --• estal and tarnished your the angel another year. Its once Coleman commented, "our wings, in my estimation. shiny wings were tarnished, and new pastor is such a godly man. Why, the Bible warned us, 'Touch the pretty white robe had turned Why he's been to visit me a not mine anointed, and do my slightly gray. number of times already, loaned prophets no harm' (Psalm 105:15). Well, maybe now was a good me several books from his How dare you criticize God's time to shop for a couple books I library and brought me tapes servant?" wanted to buy for friends, and at of his sermons too. The con- I was left speechless by my the same time pick out a new gregation must love him. We are usually gentle friend's spirited angel. indeed fortunate to have such rebuke. I reached for my coat and At the Christian bookstore, I a conscientious man as our excused myself, murmuring, "I enjoyed browsing among all the pastor." really must go now. The children books and records and gifts. Then I tried to stifle the critical will be home from school soon." on one table, I noticed an orna- words that were on the tip of my On the way home, I searched ment with a little sign in front of tongue. What Mrs. Coleman my heart and soon realized that didn't know was that the honey- Mrs. Coleman had been right. I Delores E. Bius, mother of five sons, is a free- moon was over as far as the deserved her censure. Here the lance writer from Chicago, Illinois. majority of the congregation pastor was trying to lead his

10 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 congregation to a closer rela- tionship with the Lord, and we were all rebelling. Like balky sheep, we ...gkeoagAdte&ladato were reluctant to follow the loving leadership of our shepherd. Also, 0/2e,q,a because of my failure to yield control of my tongue to the Holy Spirit, I had sinned with my words. c4de,4 cXwArde (9Ved,a All in all, like the angel that used to be atop our tree, my spiritual ere is a Rwandese proverb When she arrived home, the church clothing was in need of repair. Upon which says, "You don't come out members collected money to buy a arriving home, I knelt in prayer and of the grave twice," but Mrs. Adele mattress, blankets and sheets for the rededicated both my life and tongue Kangabe Sefuku's life testifies poor family who had given her lodging. differently. She is the mother of seven Impressed by Adele's testimony and to the Lord. children; her husband was an ordained miracles God performed, the family and As I rose from my knees, the minister. She felt God's call to be a neighbors, 19 in all, were converted and telephone rang. It was Mrs. literature evangelist in 1987. Pastor became SDA church members. Coleman, she said, "My dear, Sefuku was sent to a new district and In April, 1994, war broke out in please forgive me for scolding Adele, using her skills in literature Rwanda and on a Sabbath at you the way I did. I am truly sorry ministry, established branch Sabbath Rwamagana, 3,000 people sought I was so outspoken. I could have schools and saw 50 people baptized. refuge from the genocide in a Catholic In 1989 she experienced death's school. Adele's husband and two of been more gracious. first cold chill grabbing for her life. A their children died along with 500 "You're such a lovely Chris- torrential rain had fallen. The river she others. Adele not only received a tian. I've always admired you had to cross flooded to the point where machete cut on her forehead, but was and perhaps I even idolized you. water covered a large part of the valley, also bludgeoned several times on the This is wrong. People always mostly submerging the bridge. Adele head and face. A number of teeth were topple from pedestals because spent the night with an extremely poor broken, her right arm fractured and her they are human. Only the Lord family she had never before met. The left hand was wounded by an house was too small and the rain came exploding grenade. She learned that Jesus is perfect." through the roof. Even though the she had lain in the hospital four days I explained that her rebuke family was reluctant, Adele prayed without medical help—the IV hanging had started me thinking, and that with them before retiring and assured empty. During this time she was I realized the Holy Spirit was them of God's protection. She slept on without food, water, clothing, or even working through her to speak to the ground without mattress or a blanket—the "living" had fled. The my heart. I promised her that blanket. During the night they heard assassins came back to finish the instead of finding fault with our the cries of unfortunate families being wounded. The flies covering her body, washed away. The next morning, the sucking at her wounds, confirmed to pastor, from now on I would pray family's home remained in spite of the them that she was dead. Her children, for him. fact that more solid homes were the ones who escaped death, found her She seemed relieved that I carried away. and got medical help. For 21 days she was not offended, saying, "I Because of the mud, walking was lay in a coma. For more than three guess I was disappointed when difficult and it took six hours to get to months, Adele underwent surgery and you stepped out of your usual the place where she could cross the river. other medical treatments. consistent Christian character With her clothes and bag containing her In October she assured her books tied to her neck, Adele stepped publishing leader of her plans to and exhibited feet of clay." into the water. People who had offered continue in the publishing ministry with Later that day I retrieved the to transport her on their shoulders for more zeal than ever before. When asked tarnished angel from the "junk pay thought she was suicidal. Her how she would address the colporteurs drawer" in my room. Placing it response had been that she had Someone of Rwanda, her response was on my dresser, I mused, "You'd who was much stronger. As she trudged spontaneous and immediate, "They better keep this angel in a spot through water almost up to her neck, have an obligation to prove to God that where it can remind you daily she sang "Walking with Jesus, I fear no they are thankful for His protection by evil" and "The Lord is my Shepherd." doubling their efforts to spread the of the need to walk close to the Onlookers mocked and ridiculed. printed page." Lord. From now on, let the Holy Spirit have full control of your Literature Evangelist, July-September 1995. Used with permission. life and your lips." Cr

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 11 eArct D}dueyt

t was while I was in my beloved church. My dreams cM:,,,,do9Payie attending college that I were coming true. c))9 first saw aqua blue After a honeymoon in velvet. I can still see it now, the Wisconsin, we settled in a small sumptuous, soft, rich color; upstairs apartment just off artistically draped in the form of a campus. Malcolm was soon busy lovely coat, worn by one of the as a student publishing assistant. most beautiful girls on campus. By the time school started that fall, She was not only owner of this we were able to save a good exquisite coat, but was also one of portion of the money toward the the sweetest and most intelligent expenses for the upcoming year. girls I had ever known. Whenever Everything was going according and wherever one met Margie, she to plan; we were convinced that had a bubbly "Hi! and how are two really could live as cheaply as you?" demeanor, followed by an one, and that it wouldn't be that appropriate inquiry that was difficult for me to continue my meant to bring out the best in each education and be a good wife, too. one she greeted. She was a darling A few months later, evidenced by girl both inside and out. The aqua an expanding waistline, we would blue velvet coat looked just right endeavor to alter the age-old on her. You see, she was our very axiom to see if three could live as own campus princess. cheaply as one. Malcolm, fine The following June in my upstanding young man that he little home church, witnessed by was, took on a part-time job in a several hundred friends and printing shop located in a family, I found myself walking neighboring city, at the same time down the aisle in a beautiful white, carrying a full 18 hours plus of long, lace and organza dress, college work. However, in spite of complete with a whispery veil, our best efforts of strictest feeling very much like a princess economy, there really wasn't Hazel Gordon lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She myself. Standing at the end of the money in the budget for a "lady in is a gifted musician and serves the Southern aisle was my prince, so tall and waiting" wardrobe. Somehow we Union as advisor to Women's Ministries. She is a pastoral wife, mother, and grandmother. handsome, my ministerial student did manage to find a Sabbath Her husband, Malcolm, is president of the prince, the realization of my outfit, but it was the aqua blue Southern Union. happiest hopes and dreams. For velvet material that I had my heart This article appeared in the Southern Tidings, December 1993. Used with you see, I had always wanted to set on. I could make it myself, permission. be a minister's wife, to be a worker employing my newly acquired

12 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 sewing skills learned the previous Many of these tokens of love year in home economic class. carried a larger price tag, but none A short while later on an of them more meaningful or infrequent shopping trip with a precious than the aqua blue velvet friend, I found just what I was of so many years ago. It was truly 'Christmas cva1ez looking for—beautiful, luxurious, a gift of great love, sacrifice, and aqua blue velvet. I wistfully selfless devotion. Our father, at this season oe described my find to my husband With the holiday upon us, love, caring and family, when we followed by, "I know we really let's think about this special time can't afford it, Honey, so don't of year—not just in terms of the say "Our gather," may we worry. It's all right; it really is." hustle and bustle of expected rea irm our membership in your Time quickly passed and the hospitality and gifts—but as a family, a family that includes every holidays arrived. It was already a time of special opportunity to woman, man, and child on earth. tradition to spend Christmas Eve ease the burden of a deserving at the Gordons and Christmas Day family, or of giving to a special Our family includes the young at the Johnsons, highlighted by a church project, to share books and mother in jail to, attempted fraud scrumptious meal together. homemade treats with family, who will not see her children this Mother Jerine and Father Doug neighbors, and friends. Perhaps `Christmas, the teenagers who are Gordon went all out for Christmas. in the midst of your giving, you Throughout the entire year, they could be the one to provide so rowdy at the mall, and the put away money in a Christmas someone with their very own millions oe refugees in @2osnia and Club and purchased gifts they "aqua blue velvet" experience. As eV?. wanda. found on special sales. Theirs were we busily search and select gifts (Zhe crack baby is our sister, never extravagant presents but for family and friends, let us not much needed and practical items forget our Heavenly Father. He, our niece; the co-worker we are for each family member that were too, would love to have an "aqua tempted to gossip about today is our always much appreciated. blue velvet" gift from "His brother or sister; the pastor in ,2a i ve I will never forget that special beloved." who earns $10 per month is our Christmas. As each package was Dorothy F. Albaugh pens it handed out, we would try and so beautifully in her poem. brother, as is the rude driver we wait so as to focus our full muttered at during this morning's attention on the recipient to share commute. in the excitement and joy of their The Costliest Gift &it this season on love and particular gift. Soon it was my by Dorothy F. Albaugh turn to open a most beautifully remembering, help us to remember wrapped box. What could this With every gift I lay away you as Our cp7ather, a father who possibly be? I didn't dare hope In readiness for Christmas Day. gave the supreme 00 to show us for the costly aqua blue velvet, but Lord, may I also lay aside how to love. there it was. I couldn't believe my Something else this Christmastide. @4nd as we read again the eyes. I remembered turning to my Help me to lay aside regret; young husband, and looking into hristmas story, may we remember To have the courage to forget his love-filled eyes and saying that as we seek the (6 hristchild, we with tears, "Oh, Honey! You And start again with this new year. may find him wrapped in shouldn't have. I know we can't Help me to lay aside my fear, really afford it," only to hear him My grief and doubting. Men may feel swaddling clothes and lying in a say, "I knew you really wanted I have no present when I kneel homeless shelter. ,Amen. it; it's because I love you and want To you; but only you and I to make you happy." Carolyn Kujawa Through the years I have been Know what it cost me to lay by showered with gifts from this These gifts I give you. Please, Lord, fill My empty cup with what you will. precious man, not all of which I could be wrapped and ribboned. 0o.r os# -410e$L-00

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 13 &)9o, gA/e/,e a

? (1/J/e12

Cect )e,wr‘ their base, the family joins hands will likely range beyond holiday and sings, "Happy birthday, dear times to encompass many regular Jesus ..." The birthday cake is cut facets of family living. and enjoyed in honor of His birth. Once you've pooled your t was a cold, ten-degree Traditions like these are the answers, evaluate what you find. Christmas Eve when the threads from which our most Two criteria are: 1)Do these tradi- Walchushauser family valued memories are woven— tions usually involve everyone in spread a bale of straw on the the customs and practices which the preparing as well as the porch and wiggled into their call us aside from the ordinary participating? Those that do will sleeping bags to spend the night. routines to focus on someone or more likely be valued and pre- Huddled together, they dis- something precious to us. Family served into the next generation. covered that the story of how traditions are enormously im- 2) Does the tradition emphasize Jesus first entered the world took portant because they help authentic spiritual and human on a warm new dimension. The stabilize and hold a family values rather than expensive gifts multisensory drama was so vivid together from year to year and and activities? Traditions worth that they've slept on the porch generation to generation. They keeping are usually expensive every Christmas since. help children absorb the beliefs only in terms of time. Several states away, the and values we want them to Be sure that several of your Simpson children are nervously enjoy and pass on. family's important traditions singing, reciting their poems, and Some family traditions occur include church activities and presenting "mini-pageants" more frequently than just the times with other friends in the prepared again for this year's holidays. The Sunday evening Body of Christ. Many traditions family Christmas gathering. dinner menu at the Schaffers' is can meet the needs of the sick or In yet another home, the always cinnamon toast, hot elderly, missionaries, and single Carters return from the annual chocolate, and conversation. No parents and their children. Christmas cantata at church to one misses it. It's a cherished Family traditions can't be light the eight candles surround- family tradition, and simple joys bought no matter how wealthy ing the carved, miniature nativity like these help keep families stuck you are. These treasures are scene on their coffee table. As the tightly together. acquired simply, installment by rising heat from the candles A helpful family exercise installment, as time passes. The makes the small figures turn on some evening would be to clear strength of values and the away the dinner dishes, provide warmth of memories they carry Paul Lewis is the editor of Dads Only paper and pencils, and ask each will help you and your de- newsletter and lives with his family in Julian, person to list those activities scendants through good and bad California. which he or she regards as times. Meaningful family tradi- David C. Cook Church Ministries. The Christian Education Article Service, July traditions in your family. The tions, holiday or otherwise, are 1995. Used with permission. answers may surprise you and worth the effort!

14 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 „00i,o-A A6-cri t e

he evening of August kitchen tomorrow afternoon and I shared my idea with my 12, 1995, didn't seem instead of the usual afternoon students and they became as eager very different from others. activities, we can bake some pies, and enthusiastic as I. After our Eng- I sat in my favorite armchair croissants, and pancakes. Maybe we lish lessons, we went downstairs resting from lecturing at the can go to the highway then and to prepare the food. Everybody English summer school at the distribute the food to the people.” went to work together, boys and Belgrade Seventh-day Adventist Delighted with the idea, he girls, and they were quite good Theological Seminary. Then I said he would at it, too. We turned on the television to see the be willing to have a baker's news. There before my eyes, help in what- son, and he streamed huge lines of refugees ever way he was a great riding their tractors and wagons could. The next help and an coming from Serbian Krajina day, he shared expert at mak- toward the Yugoslavian border. our plan with ing croissants. Evening after evening, I our business Six hours later watched, sympathized, and prayed manager, who we packed in- for them. But this evening, as I in turn, shared to the school cried silently over their tragedy, I it with our union president, Raclisa van and headed for the highway. determined to do something, Antic. He, too, wanted to help George was already there, with two however small it financially. students and our five-year old son, might be. My These refugees distributing watermelons and some husband wasn't had traveled candies for the children. home right then more than ten In two days we distributed as he was driving days and now 5500 kg. of water, melons, several a refugee family were delayed thousand pieces of pies, croissants, to the nearby hours to be and several hundred pancakes town to friends registered to made by our 25 students. who would pro- enter the city of Disbelief at first, then tears, vide shelter for Belgrade. They and faint smiles accompanied them for some waited there so their simple words of thank- time. thirsty, hungry, dirty, exhausted, fulness. "Thank you, thank you As he stepped into the house, I and desperate. As we talked good people" they sighed in said, "George, I've been thinking. among ourselves on how to start gratitude. I've decided to do something for helping them, George and I I thank God for the privilege of these people. I know, I can't do decided to buy some watermelons serving Him and our fellowman. * much, but I simply must do to quench their thirst. This would something. I have to ... Maybe my be in addition to the food to be Marija teaches English and is the women's students and I can go to the school prepared at the school kitchen. dean at the Belgrade Seminary.

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 15 CAZ 9elanawn ceialteex Soon it would be Christmas. earth to save her from ceastax's Vile The children always expected disappointment. When alone, I their presents. The ice on the lake sat down and gave way to bitter was thick and smooth, and the tears. boys spent free hours trying to Before long James returned, carve a pair of skates. Ruth, in chilled and exhausted. He drew off some unaccountable way had his boots and thin stockings. His taken a fancy that the dolls I had feet looked red with cold. "I ne chilly winter day, I sat made were no longer suitable; she wouldn't treat a dog that way, let thinking about the wanted a nice, large one. She alone a faithful servant," I said. I problems I could not seem insisted on praying for it. glanced up and saw the hard lines to solve. Our irregular salary did It seemed impossible; but oh, in his face and the look of despair— not meet our needs even when it I wanted to give each child a James felt discouraged too. did arrive. My husband, James, present! I felt that God had I brought him a cup of tea, traveled much of the time from deserted us, but did not tell my feeling sick and dizzy. He took one district to another. Our boys husband of my doubts. He my hand and we sat for an hour enjoyed good health, but little worked so earnestly and heartily, without a word. I wanted to die Ruth was not a strong child. We and I supposed him to be of good and meet God, and tell Him His did not own decent clothing. I courage. I kept the sitting room promises weren't true. My soul patched and repatched with cheerful with an open fire and filled with rebellious despair. spirits sinking to the lowest ebb. tried to serve our scanty meals as Suddenly the sound of bells The water gave out in the well, invitingly as possible. reached us, and a loud knock at and the wind blew through cracks The morning before Christ- the door. James sprang up to open in the floor. mas, James went out to visit a sick it. There stood Deacon White. "A Although people in the parish man. All I could send along for box came by express just before were kind and generous, being in his lunch was a piece of bread. I dark. I brought it around as soon a new settlement meant each wrapped my plaid shawl around as I could get away. Reckon it family must struggle for itself. My his neck, and tried to whisper a might be for Christmas. I faith began to waver at the very promise in his ear, but the words determined that you should have time I needed it most. died away upon my lips. I let him it tonight. Here is a turkey my Early in life I was taught to go without it. wife asked me to fetch along, and take God at His word. I reviewed The dark, hopeless day these other things I believe belong the promises in dark times until I dragged on. I coaxed the children to you." He hurried into the house knew, as David did, "who was my to bed early, for I could not bear with the box, then said good fortress and deliverer." Now a their talk. When Ruth went to bed, night, and rode away. daily prayer for forgiveness was I listened to her prayer. She asked Without speaking, James all that I could offer. once more for a doll and for skates brought a chisel and opened the My husband's thin overcoat for her brothers. Her bright face box. He drew out a thick red hardly kept out the cold in looked so lovely when she blanket and we could see that the October and he often rode miles whispered to me, "You know I box was full of clothing. It seemed to attend some meeting or funeral think they'll be here early at that moment as if Christ after a scant meal of Indian cake tomorrow morning, mama" that fastened upon me a look of and a cup of tea without sugar. I felt willing to move heaven and reproach. James sat down and

16 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 covered his face with his hands. "I "Thy shoes shall be iron and brass, a fresh loaf of bread, and James can't touch them," he exclaimed, and as thy days, so shall thy boiled some eggs. We sat before the "I haven't been true. God has been strength be," it read. Another note fire, and how we enjoyed our trying me to see if I would be had been slipped into the gloves. supper! There we talked about our faithful. I saw you suffering too, The same dear hand had written, life and how sure a help God had but I could not comfort you. Now I "I, the Lord thy God, will hold thy proven to be. know how to preach the awfulness right hand, saying unto thee: Fear The boys awoke in the morning of running away from God." not, I will help thee." with a shout at the sight of their "James," I said, clinging to him, The wonderful box had been skates. Ruth caught up her doll, and "don't take it to heart like this, I am packed with thoughtful care. Each hugged it tightly without a word, to blame. I ought to have helped of the boys received a suit of then she went into her room and you. We will ask Him together to clothes, and for Ruth, there was a knelt by her bed. forgive us." red dress. Mittens, scarfs, and When she returned, she "Wait a moment, dear, I cannot hoods had been tucked into the whispered to me, "I knew it would talk now," he said. Then he went center of the container, and another be there, mama, but I wanted to into another room. I knelt down box contained a great wax doll. I thank God just the same, you and my heart broke; in an instant burst into tears again, and wept for know." We went to the window all the darkness, all the joy. It was too much! When we and watched the boys skating on stubbornness rolled away. Jesus found two pairs of skates, we the ice with all their might. came again and stood before me, exclaimed again. We unwrapped My husband and I both but with the loving word, books, stories for the children to returned thanks to the church in "Daughter!" read, aprons and underclothing, the east that sent us the box and Sweet promises of tenderness knots of ribbon, a gay little tidy, a have tried to return thanks to God and joy flooded my soul. I was so lovely photograph, needles, every day since. lost in praise and gratitude that I and thread; even a muff, Hard times have come again forgot everything else. I don't know and an envelope containing a ten- and again, but we have trusted in how much time passed before dollar gold piece. Him, dreading nothing, never James returned, but I knew he too We cried over everything we having so much as a doubt of His had found peace. "Now, my dear took up. protecting care. Over and over wife," he said, "let us thank God The clock struck midnight. We again, we proved that, "They that together." He poured out words of felt faint and exhausted with seek the Lord shall not want any praise to God. happiness. I made a cup of tea, cut good thing." iit The hour grew late. The fire died out. We touched nothing in the box but the warm blanket. "The plants and flowers grow not by their own care James walked to the fireplace, piled on some fresh logs, lighted two or anxiety or effort, but by receiving that which God candles and only then, we began to examine our treasures. has furnished to minister to their life. The child cannot, We found an overcoat. I made by any anxiety or power of its own, add to its stature. James try it on, just the right size! I danced around him for all my No more can you, by anxiety or effort of yourself, lightheartedness had returned. He insisted I put on a warm cloak that secure spiritual growth. The plant, the child, grows by lay gently folded in the box. My receiving from its surroundings that which ministers spirits always infected him, and we both laughed like foolish children. to its life,—the air, sunshine, and food. What these We found a warm suit of clothes, three pairs of woolen hose, gifts of nature are to animal and plant, such is Christ a dress, yards of flannel, and a pair to those who trust in Him." Steps to Christ, p.68 of arctic overshoes for each of us. In one shoe I found a slip of paper.

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 17 096,4,itaawiteznacite,), marry, but because he was Serbs and Croats. There were As interviewed by Sharon Cress already 29 years old, the rule was restrictions on the church. We waived, and we were married and were not allowed to spread liter- began our ministry immediately. ature through the area, and we couldn't hold public evangelistic QM/elm aleedelmadex and Aez My family now meetings. But we did hold Acaoand, Ovan,, altao, a6 °A/yen- We have two daughters, evangelistic meetings in the tat ' 9Aal,eA irc &Pall/eye. (TAG 6at Elizabeth, age 22, and Irena, age church and were able to evan- clown wu'% me twe Aoaoes an 20. They are living in a flat that gelize this way. belongs to their grandmother My husband lived in Sarajevo auclaeotan,(1 tAxeagA a tzandatow, about 50 km. from Zagreb in a as a child. He went to high school daxed Aer tile on t,ia eXallenf ing village called Sisak. Many there and remembers the city as $itaation. gAa- as 4ex ateov. refugees come there. My younger it was in those days. His father sister now lives in Belgrade. was the conference president. My mother lives in a part of From 1980 to 1983, Ivan and I also Bosnia which is very dangerous. pastored in Sarajevo. During that My family background I have not been able to com- time, my husband tried many I was born in Bosnia, which is municate with her for two years. innovative and daring things now called the Republic of Serbia. The last time we talked, she was for evangelism. The conference My parents were Seventh-day going to try to flee with other president warned him to be Adventists, but I never got to refugees from her town when the careful because these activities know my father well because he chance arrived. The Adventist might end him up in the Com- died at the age of 24. Despite pastor from this area (Prijedon) munist prison. But the Lord was trying circumstances, I had a where my mother lives has good, and he was able to carry out happy childhood because my escaped the town. He was his projects and never did spend mother always found time to pray threatened, his house ransacked, a night in jail. and play with my younger sister his telephone wires cut, and his and me. She was a good Christian belongings stolen. How we came to Sarajevo influence onus while carrying the In April, 1994, when we were burden of a struggling single Our ministry pastoring in Sisak, Ivan was asked parent. We began our ministry in to go to Sarajevo and baptize I met my husband, Ivan, at the Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, in some new converts. He saw such Rakovica Theological School, 1971. At this time conditions were a great need among the people where we were both studying calm in the former Yugoslavia. that he stayed until June. During theology. There was a rule in We were under Communism; this two-month period, I kept our those days that you had to pastor however, the Adventists were church going by pastoring and for two years before you could able to worship together, both preaching. I would try to contact

18 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 him and get instructions on what Ivan and I pastor has 134 necessities can be carried on your he wanted me to do with the members. The membership stays back. Czech ADRA donated sugar church so the church programs about the same all the time, and oil so we have some of that could continue, but commu- because as some church members now, but we have had no pow- nication was very poor and are able to flee and escape, others dered milk in over a year. In the unreliable. He felt that circum- are baptized. These Adventists open air market sometimes there stances were such that he was are Serbs, Croats, and Moslems will be fruits and vegetables but desperately needed in Sarajevo and they all love each other, sing they are so expensive, we cannot and could not leave. and pray together, and truly afford them. After two months, I decided demonstrate that in Jesus there is But water is the greatest that I must join him. I was not not distinction of heritage. problem. ADRA had arranged for allowed to enter the area or get Sometimes during the us to have water 1/2 hour each anywhere near the city, but I was worship services, we sing louder day in the part of the city where determined to join my husband and louder to try to drown out the church is located. But now we in Sarajevo. There seemed to be the missiles and bombs that are don't even have that. We have to no way to get into the area. falling. Our church is always go to the well and try to get water. Finally, I had an idea. I organized crowded for services, and there It is very dangerous. We can get a humanitarian transport group is a que to get in. We have two some industrial water that can of four trucks filled with fruits sessions. only be used for bathing and and vegetables for the Sarajevo Our church has never been washing. This water is so polluted people. I led this convoy through bombed, and the people in it cannot be purified for drinking. and over the Igman Mountain and Sarajevo believe that God is The well where the church managed to arrive on the out- protecting it in a special way. members go to try to get water is of Sarajevo. I was stopped They feel safe if they can get into on the outskirts of the city. They there for nine days. There were the Adventist church. Many come used to try to wait until they so many more barriers. When we for refuge. though it might be a "safe time." finally were allowed to enter the The church members have But now they just go anytime city, all the fruits and vegetables received me as an angel from because there is no safe time. Last had spoiled. heaven because they know that I month one young lady, who was As I entered the city, I began am not there because my husband studying with us and a friend of to cry. I had not seen my hus- is "assigned" to be there. These the church members, was killed band in two months, and I did not church members know that we on her way to the well. recognize the beautiful city where are there with them because we we had previously pastored. chose to come there and minister My personal life Everything was shattered by to them. The members would like Life is hard on the pastoral missiles and bombs. Glass was to flee and get out. Ivan and I wife and the women church broken and lying around. There volunteered to come and stay. members in Sarajevo. I do not were scattered bricks and garbage The church in Sarajevo is a have the necessities that most everywhere. The city was be- true model of the early apostolic pastoral wives do—shampoo, sieged and no one could go in or church. The members search for soap, personal products. We do out. I remembered the city as it fresh vegetables for each other not have stockings and very was in 1984 when the olympics and for us. We have some dried rarely the privilege of having new had been held there. At that time, beans and rice, but nothing else. underwear. One time when I was it had been given a new face lift Last month, my husband was able able to leave the city, I brought and was called the "city with a to get a transport of other food two boxes of new underwear to soul" because whoever went in—we have been one year the church ladies. They were there kept a part of it in their soul. without. overjoyed. One particular prob- I could not believe this beautiful lem is to keep myself tidy and place had been destroyed. Living in Sarajevo attractive. The only way to get in and In the midst of the chaos of Our church in Sarajevo out of Sarajevo is through a tunnel this long siege, I believe that The church in Sarajevo where at the airport where food and trying to stay clean and practice

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 19 good hygiene is important for a and that they would get through 10 km. becomes even more good mental attitude. One with it intact. God protected dangerous. We can be easily seen symptom of depression is lack of them making this dangerous and targeted by both sides, which personal hygiene and caring for journey. believe we are from their oneself. This is always a challenge opposing side. We can be tracked without much water and essential Time to return by infrared even at night. When products. I believe this is I have been asked several we are finally through this area, important to all of the church times why I stay in Sarajevo. A we come to Hrasnica where we ladies in Sarajevo, so I encourage few people say that they will go report to the military officials. them to fix their hair and keep once, but they are so glad to get This is where we must go themselves well. They must never out safely that they will never go through the tunnel to enter the forget that they are women made back. They want to know why city. The tunnel is at the airport, in God's image. Ivan and I go to minister there. I and is only 1 meter high and I remember one day the 83- tell them it is because I see real 60 or 80 cm. wide. I have to year old church member saint people with real needs. Our almost crawl to get through. It who cooks every day for the 20 members lives depend on my is muddy and dirty. I am filthy ADRA workers and generally help. I do not dwell on the danger, when I come out the other side. mothers them was sitting over in I just minister. I always tell Everything Ivan or I bring into the corner carefully filing and people, "We were not sent, we the city, must be through this rounding her nails so they would volunteered. We trust in God and tunnel tied to our backs. be attractive. His protection." Prayer is most There is a track through the The furniture in my flat is a important to me. God has spared tunnel with a special chair, which menagerie collection gathered my life many times. rolls on it, for bringing the and donated from those who have I will leave Budapest in a few president in and out. One time the been able to flee. Winter is very days and travel back to Sarajevo. officials let me ride in this chair difficult for us because there is no It is a difficult trip. with all the provisions piled on me electricity and no heat. We stay We will travel all one day and while Ivan pushed me through. It warm by burning furniture or night to arrive in Zagreb. There made me feel very important! anything that will burn. Many the ADRA van will meet us, and people make a stove out of an old we will then travel anywhere In summary pot by cutting a hole in the side from six to ten hours to Metkovic. When the conflict first began, and a burner on top and using it This is a secure road but travel we received many emergency for cooking and heat. conditions vary so much that we supplies of food and medicine. never know how long the trip Now the war seems old and A special blessing will take. We will then cut to forgotten by many. The relief no Last Christmas I enjoyed a another road through Mostar, longer regularly comes and times special surprise when my two which is in Herzceg-Bosnia and now are the worst they have ever daughters unexpectedly came controlled by the Croats. Then been. Many are exhausted and into the city because they wanted we go into Bosnia, controlled tired. Some people have forgotten to spend the holiday with us. by the Moslems. This border Sarajevo because of the news They did not tell us they were crossing is always very difficult targeting other areas with their going to make this dangerous between these two groups of reports. But we know that God journey. They brought us huge people. There we are only about has not forgotten us or our church bags of fruit, which they had 50 km. from Sarajevo. Normally members in Sarajevo. carried on their back. When they this would be a 30-minute drive, The most important thing arrived on the edge of the city, but the danger gets more other pastoral wives can do for they spent 12 hours being extreme. We must go through the me is to remember me to our detained in the freezing tunnel Igman Mountain. The only road Heavenly Father. His love and trying to get in. They were to the city is controlled by the protection are never in short determined that we would be Moslems. The mountains on supply for me! Please pray for together for Christmas, that we either side are controlled by Ivan and me and our dear church would have fruit for the holiday, opposing forces. Then the final members in Sarajevo. CI

20 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 Africa-Indian Ocean Division North American Division Leola Whaley, Shepherdess Coordinator for the Africa-Indian * Alaska Conference Ocean Division, reports that Jacquie Biloff pilots a Cessna Shepherdess chapters have been 180 to her pastoral-husband started in the East and West Zaire and others to appointments, Unions. There are ten chapters in making friends along the way. all. Material in French has been sent One of these friends is now to help them get started. They attending church with her. praise God for this new awakening in Zaire. From left to right are Pastor Walt and Brenda * Oregon Conference Groff from Northern California; Pastor Gideon Wedding gowns and hula and Esther Buhat, West Visayan Mission; * A new Shepherdess chapter Pastor Jim and Sharon Cress, General hoops. Laughing women and in Cote d'Ivoire Mission in Abidjan Conference Ministerial; and Pastor Carl and crying women. Home-made has been organized. Ten pastors' Ella Johnston, from Seminars Unlimited. truffles and store bought "Hugs" wives from the local fields were and "Kisses." Late night gab fests present for the three-day retreat. 1995. Almost 1,000 people have and an early morning trip to the Topics discussed were: "The been baptized as a result of the hospital for the birth of baby Pastor's Wife as a Housewife," "Team Ministry." Daniel. What do all of these have "The Pastor's Wife as a Mother," in common? They are part of the "The Pastor's Wife in the Church * A busy housewife for the memories made at the 1995 and in the Community," Lord. Mrs. Joan Gacula-Arro- Shepherdess Retreat held at "Worship in the Pastor's Home," gante, the wife of Pastor Ruel G. Gladstone Campgrounds to "Prayer Life of the Pastor's Wife," Arrogante, district pastor of San "Revive the Memories. and "How to Manage on the Francisco, Agusan del Sur, holds Guest speaker, Raquel San- Pastor's Salary." VBS classes in her home. She is a tillana, reminded us that when The ladies were enlightened on housewife, a God created how they can help their husbands mother, and a the world it and requested a similar meeting church school was good, but along with their husbands. The board treas- when He cre- Mission President promised to urer, but in ated woman, it arrange to have a meeting for both spite of these was very good! wives and husbands in the near responsibilities, God gave wom- future. she can spare en a very special There was a social hour time minister- place in His Saturday night. The meeting closed ing to the North Pacific Union pastoral wives who creation with with a consecration service on needs of the attended the NPU Evangelism Council. unique quali- Sunday evening. children in her ties that balance neighborhood. Her ministry men. We are valuable to God and Asia Pacific Division proves that all wives can be called to His service. Four pastoral couples led ministers to the children. Joan is Saturday evening each person out in evangelistic meetings in a modern Martha but she has a shared a memory from their teen Iloilo City, Philippines, in May Mary's heart. years while modeling items from a

Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 21 wedding dress to a hula hoop. One week, forgetting that she had The brisk but sunny Sabbath moment we were all in tears as offered to let the new school afternoon was free for medi- Fran shared about being aban- teacher and family stay in her tation, visiting, resting, and doned by her mother at an home until they found a place to hiking. Several enjoyed walking orphanage, and then we shared live. With the house overflowing on the mud flats and watching hilarious laughter as nine-month from their combined families, they the flock of trumpeter swans pregnant Phyllis demonstrated decided to take a picnic supper feeding there. her teen talent of hula hooping. and go out for an excursion. Saturday night agenda (That night we whisked her off to Imagine Jan's horror when she included a "Hen Party," and a few the hospital where she delivered suddenly realized on the way took advantage of the opportunity an 8 lb. 12 oz. baby boy who was home that it was the very evening to "dress up" in nightgown, wed- instantly adored by all the she had invited the other couple ding gown, national costume, etc. shepherdess aunties!) to dinner! During the refreshments break of We revived memories and we Not knowing what else to do, popcorn, juice and cookies, Jan made new memories. We will she called and apologized pro- White and Debbie Fogelquist never be the same. God has chosen fusely. The next day she went to announced a surprise—gifts for us as His women to live the their home and apologized again, each shepherdess from the ladies memory of lives transformed by but she still sensed a certain in their churches. Excitement His call. coolness and skepticism in their prevailed as the gifts were carried attitude. So she went to the florist in and exclamations of appre- * Washington Conference and ordered a beautiful bouquet ciation filled the room. Everyone A sense of bonding and of flowers to be sent to the couple. felt the love and affirmation the closeness not often achieved came Although it took some time and gifts represented. about when 26 ministers' wives continued effort, today they are After breakfast on Sunday attended the Washington Confer- good friends and can both look morning, the women gathered in ence Shepherdess Retreat at Warm back and laugh at the incident. the lounge for a prayer circle. At Beach Christian Camp, February She then invited others to Erika's suggestion, a decorated 24-26. share some of their embarrassing can placed in the middle of the They arrived Friday afternoon mistakes and the methods they circle was filled with written at the camp, located north of chose to make amends. The prayer requests, symbolizing that Everett. As they settled into their meeting ended shortly after nine there are many problems we can't rooms in the Olympic View Lodge o'clock so that those who wished find a solution for, but "God can." over looking the Sound, they could retire early, but most elected Then the ladies participated in found vases of colorful flowers to stay and visit a while. When conversational prayer, inter- graciously welcoming them. they returned to their rooms, they spersed with songs and tears. This Following a delicious dinner, found chocolate mints and brought the special weekend to a Shepherdess President, Jan White, devotional bookmarks on their climax. The women returned welcomed the women as they pillows, reinforcing the delightful home strengthened and inspired gathered in the lounge around a feeling of being pampered. by their retreat. They expressed cozy fireplace. Erika Olfert led in With breakfast at 8:00, the unanimous desire for another singing songs of praise to God. Jan relaxed weekend schedule al- retreat next year, which has been shared her thoughts on the lowed for sleeping in on Sabbath scheduled for January 26-28 at importance of forgiveness and morning, unless they wanted to Warm Beach. They hope that more reconciliation, and illustrated it take an early morning hike around of the pastors' wives will come to with the following experience the campground. Rozella Stroud strengthen the bonds of fellowship that would be any woman's and Karen Nuessle led out in the and sharing. nightmare: Sabbath morning worship expe- As an overture of friendliness rience, sharing their thoughts on Trans-European Division to a couple in her church, who the topics of answered prayer and The Trans-European Division seemed to feel offended about women of the Bible, and they Ministerial Council met for six something, Jan invited them to encouraged women to contribute days in Budapest, Hungary, dinner one evening the following from their experiences. August 28-September 2, 1995.

22 Shepherdess International Journal, Fourth Quarter 1995 Almost 900 pastors and spouses came and enjoyed the plenary sessions, seminars, and pro- gramming geared to their personal Some of the interests. The Shepherdess meetings pastoral wives who attended were hosted by Gaya Currie, the Council. Shepherdess Coordinator for the Gaya Currie and Trans-European Division, and Sandra Pearson Sharon Cress, from the General are in the Conference Ministerial Association. foreground. Pastoral spouses gathered in an airy sunlit room to fellowship and share together. We drank from the wells of Sandra Pearson, from the Office of Human Resources at the General Conference, and Jeannie Melashenko, from the Voice of Prophecy. Sandra led the women through organizing a devotional life and prioritizing their time to accommodate time with Jesus. Jeannie touched each of us when she shared her Saule and John DelaPaz personal story of how she realized from Lithuania that Jesus loved her and consid- ered her of worth. Her illustration Maarja-Terttu and Kalervo Aromaki of a broken vase and the light that from Finland shines through movingly illus- trated how Jesus can use broken things. Translators gathered the women around them and trans- lated the seminars into the various languages. Ron and Karen Flower's Lynn and Reidar Kvinge plenary session on Family Life from Norway was of particular interest to all Maxine Daly and pastor/husband the pastoral couples. Their from England humorous illustrations added memorable moments to the presentation. The last day of the pastoral 1111 1111 I, meetings provided a time for sharing and questions. It was '1 moving to know that while there Harald and Ann-May Wollan are specific circumstances that from Norway surround each woman, we share many of the same challenges and Pastoral wives stresses. This World Ministers' from the Polish Union Council will long be remembered with their Ministerial Secretary for quality of programming and depth of fellowship.

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