he T Iowa Bandmaster Magazine Summer Issue 2012 Iowa Bandmaster Magazine Deadlines Fall Issue .................................... October 5, 2012 Winter Issue ................................ January 4, 2013 Conference Issue ............................ March 8, 2013 Magazine Staff Editor Advertising Dick Redman Chad Allard 1408 W. 3rd St. 3060 24th Avenue Pella, Iowa 50219 Marion, IA 52302 641-628-9380 (H) 319-550-6109 (H)
[email protected] 319-377-9891
[email protected] Festival Results Denise Graettinger District News 1307 Country Meadows Dr. Elaine Menke Waverly, IA 50677 1130 Rolling Hills Ct. 319-352-4003 (H) Norwalk, Iowa 50211 319-352-2087 (S) 515-953-6214 (H)
[email protected] 515-685-3330 (S)
[email protected] The Iowa Bandmaster 1 Iowa Bandmasters Association, Inc. World’s Finest Bandmasters Organization www.bandmasters.org PAST PRESIDENT PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT SECRETARY TONY GARMOE PATRICK KEARNEY BRAD LAMPE STEVEN COOK 4821 TWANA DRIVE 129 N EAST STREET COMMITTEE CHAIRS MAGAZINE EDITOR DES MOINES, IA 50310-2916 OSCEOLA, IA 50213 TREASURER DICK REDMAN AARON NUSS CONFERENCE EQUIPMENT JAYSON GERTH NATHAN SLETTEN IBA MAGAZINE-OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE IOWA BANDMASTERS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE EXHIBITS vol. 71 published by Pella Printing Co., Inc., Pella, Iowa 50219 NO. 1 DAN STECKER ELECTIONS JERRY BERTRAND CONTENTS ENDOWMENT FUND GENE GROSS President’s Message . 4, 7 HISTORIAN President-Elect’s Thoughts . 5, 7 MARY CRANDELL Congratulations to Our Retiring 2011 IBA Members . 8 PARLIAMENTARIAN FRED STARK 2012 IBA Conference Photos . 9-12 WEBMASTER Open Letter to the IBA Membership . 13 ELIZABETH FRITZ IBA Conference Performance Experience . 14-15 COLLEGE AFFAIRS College Corner by Dr.