IOM - Humanitarian Assistance Programme Weekly Report

Week Starting Date Week Ending Date Period: 13 February 2019 19 February 2019 Submission Date: 21 Feb 2019

Cumulative Highlights (Verified Data on the basis of Assessments) 01 January to 19 February 2019

# of Provinces # of Report- # of Joint # of verified # of verified # of Houses # of Houses # of Houses # of People # of People # of Verified # of Verified # of Families # of Individ- Affected ed ND inci- Assessments Drought IDP Drought IDP Completely Severely Moderately Deceased Injured Affected Affected Assisted by uals Assisted dents Individuals Destroyed Damaged Damaged Families Individuals IOM by IOM

9 34 38 1,050 7,350 33 300 74 2 1 1,631 11,417 1,735 12,145

2018 vs 2019 Analysis Weekly Highlights 13 February to 19 February 2019 # of Provinces # of ND # of Joint # of Report- # of Report- # of Houses # of Houses # of Houses # of Individu- # of Individu- # of Verified # of Verified # of Families # of Individ- Affected incidents Assessments ed Affected ed Affected Completely Severely Moderately als Deaths als Injured Affected Affected Assisted by uals Assisted Reported Families Individuals Destroyed Damaged Damaged Families Individuals IOM by IOM 5 5 8 1084 7,588 7 741 44 0 0 1040 7,280 256 1,792

Natural Disasters Update: Drought IDP Overview: Herat: Per the profiling and mapping conducting by DRC, NRC, UNHCR and IOM in designated settlements and on-going response so far; following is the updated figure of the dis- placed families in 10 settlements; • 29,489 families verified through profiling by site management agencies in 10 settlements

• 18,521 families received NFIs and 22,239 families have received emergency shelter from IOM, UNHCR, IFRC, DRC, IRC and NRC. From the assisted families 5,262 families have received NFIs and plastic sheeting from in-kind assistance of USAID/OFDA in . below is the details of interventions by partners;

• IOM distribute token to 1,763 families for winterization assistance and referred to Bank for receiving cash.

• NRC, DRC and UNHCR/ARAA has provided support and awareness to IDPs for tent erection after flood/ care and maintenance of the services after heavy rainfall in the sites

• COAR, NCRO, NRC and DRC are in the process of PDM for the latest allocation of AHF for 2018 and data is to be shared after completion of the target.

• All AHF allocated partners have received PDM tools and started PDM in accordance to the cluster standards Following the distribution of committed relief items by agen- cies, there will be gap of 10,968 NFIs and 7,356 Emergency Shelter. Following recent AHF launch, the ESNFI cluster partners will receive $3.3M to support 13,272 families (92,904 individuals) with the distribution of cash for winterization assistance and additional NFI support in Herat and Badghis ($200).

The government allocated three sites for relocation of the IDPs (Shahrakh-e-Sabz= 2,000 families, Sang Targhgak= 2,640 families, Robat Sorkh = 4,500 families). 484 families already relocated to Shahrak-e-Sabz who were relocated from Urdu Bagh and Pohantoon Karezak sites managed by IOM and UNHCR. Of 484 families relocated to zone A, 236 families received family tents in the new location while the rest had their tents from previous distributions.

An initial assessment is conducted in Sang Targhgak and Robat Sorkh sites that indicated both sites are reasonable that can accommodate approx. 7,000 families. The new allo- cated land is also disputed following recent judicial decision where there are claims on the ownership of the allocated land.. There are also reports of warning from the land- lord for evicting the IDPs and have asked around 634 IDP families in Sattar Abad, Faiz Abad, Muslim Abad to leave the occupied land. HLP taskforce, protection cluster and SMTF are working with DoRR to negotiate extending their stay until the remaining zones in new site is ready for relocation. Few families have already been relocated however the issue of site preparation by government is still pending.

IOM 's Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team initiated monitoring and registering inflows of newly arriving IDPs in Herat as of 09 September. Following are key findings from flow monitoring starting 09 September to 18 January 2019

During the last week (09 to 15 Feb) 47 new IDP families (264 individuals) were registered in Herat.

The total IDPs registered by DTM, as of 01 Feb 2019, is 7,673 families (36,541 individu- als).

DTM Drought Response Situation Report (8 February 2019) can be found under below link; report-8-february-2019?close=true

ES/NFI Cluster IDP Drought Response Update, Herat Site Manage- Families in need Families in Assisted commited Total Gap Winterization Remark IDP sites Total IDP families S/N Province Districts ment of need of ES location in the Site Focal Points NFI assistance assistance NFI ES NFI ES NFI ES Capacity Gap Distributed Committed Comments The site is closed and 316 families Karizak 1. IOM 352 NFIs and 352 tents 1 Herat Injil IOM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 are moved to new site Shahrak e (Pohantoon 2. IOM distributed 6 NFI kits to new families Sabz 1- IRC 307 NFIs and 200 Tents 2- IFRC 107 Tents 3- UNHCR 1498 plastic sheet 168 families have been relocated 2 Herat Guzara ARRA/UNHCR Urdo Bagh 786 786 786 753 711 0 0 33 75 373 413 4. IOM distributed 8 NFI kits to new families from this to new site, from whom 5- NRC distributed tent to 32 relocated families 23 were not registered by SMA 6- UNHCR distributed winterization to 373 families 7. NCRO distributed 392 tents and 438 NFI from AHF 1- IOM 307 NFI and 150 tent 2- UNICEF 71 NFI Se Shanbe 116 families movement after 3 Herat Injil NRC 542 542 542 26 509 0 0 516 33 523 19 3. IOM distributed 9 NFI kits to new families Bazar getting some assistance 4. NRC tent for 508 and cash for winterization for 523 families 1- IOM 261 NFI and 261 Tent 2- UNHCR 258 NFI and 258 Tent 4 Herat Injil NRC Jalil Abad 902 902 902 219 559 0 0 683 343 260 642 3. IOM distributed 6 NFI kits to new families 4. NRC distributed 242 tents to Hafiz Abad and 260 winterization assistance

1- IOM 2339 NFIs and 1019 Tents 2- IRC 372 Tents

3- NRC 1254 Plastic sheets and 878 tents and 1. NRC 401 cash for NFI (based 4- CHF under ES/NFI cluster by DRC100 tent on finding of protection Kahdistan (+ 5. IOM distributed 825 NFI kits to new families monitoring could be allocated 5 Herat Injil NRC Shahrak Satar 8,194 8,194 8,194 1,094 6,975 0 0 7,100 1,219 4,718 3,476 6. COAR distributed 273 tents and 379 winterization to other sites as well) Pahlawan) from AHF 2. NRC has 159 tents from AHF 7. UNHCR distributed winterization to 86 families and ECOH 8. IOM 908 NFI to new families 3- COAR winterization 121 9. NCRO distributed 276 winterization, 138 tent and 530 cash for NFI

1. IFRC 236 Tent 1. IOM committed winteriza- 2. UNHCR 236 NFI Kits tion for 1171 families at this 3- UNICEF 752 NFI site Pusht e Bagh e 4. IOM distributed 7 NFI kits to new families 6 Herat Injil NRC 5,339 5,339 5,339 3,165 3,721 0 0 2,174 1,618 3,496 1,843 Sofi Qodos 5. NRC distributed 2952 tents 2354 NFI and 408 winterization assistance 6. IOM distributed 954 winterization to families and prcess is on going

1. DRC 285 tent the remaining of COAR allocation

2. UNHCR 242 Tents - UNHCR 682 NFIs from AHF 1376 winterization and

3. CRDSA 500 NFI cash (AHF) tent will be transferred to other 2- DoRR committed 30 families 4. IOM distributed 113 NFI kits to new families locations after completion of the with winterization 7 Herat Karukh DRC Shahrak e Sabz 2,573 2,573 2,573 1,425 1,996 0 0 1,148 577 3,479 -906 5- COAR distributed 1469 tents and 1840 winteriza- distribution tion from AHF 6. IOM 130 NFI to new families DoRR registered families for their 7. DoRR distributed 1200 families with winterization winterization from whom some of assistance them were not in the list of DRC,

1. IOM 1194 NFI and 298 tent 2- IRC 472 Cash for NFI 3- UNICEF 1177 NFI 8 Herat Injil DRC Clinic Area 4,115 4,115 4,115 3,320 2,904 0 0 795 1,211 3,715 400 4. IOM distributed 477 NFI kits to new families 5. DRC distributed 3608 families Winterization 6. DRC distributed 2606 tent 7. UNHCR distributed winterization to 107 families 1. IOM 1328 NFI and 200 Tent 2. IOM distributed 2123 NFI kits to new families 3. DRC distributed 3790 winterization AHF and 1226 9 Herat Injil DRC Shaidayee 5,815 5,815 5,815 3,451 3,836 0 0 2,364 1,979 5,192 623 DANIDA winterization 4. DRC distributed 3083 tents 5. UNHCR distributed winterization to 168 families 1. IFRC 24 Tent 2. UNHCR 24 NFI Kits 16 families may have moved to 3. CAID/RAADA 120 tents and 200 cash for NFI 10 Herat Karukh DRC Regration 739 739 739 755 544 0 0 -16 195 614 125 other sites after receiving the 4. IOM distributed 91 NFI kits to new families assistance. 5. NCRO distributed 440 NFI, 400 tent and 614 winter AHF New Site 1. NRC distributed tent to 237 families 11 Herat Karukh DRC and NRC ( behind 484 484 484 484 484 0 0 0 0 370 114 2. IOM 60 NFI Shahrak Sabz) 3. UNHCR distributed winterization to 370 families 4. 424 families already received NFIs from IOM and

Grand Total 29,489 29,489 29,489 14,692 22,239 0 0 14,797 7,250 22,740 6,749 IRC in Karizak and Urdo Bagh sites Badghis: Following verification by partners (IOM, NRC, IRC, WVI, CRDSA, CAID/AHDAA) on 27 October, below is the findings of the joint verification and the response update as of now;

• Total IDP families in 9 Collective Sites = 19,000, Total IDPs (individuals) = 133,000 • 9,675 families have received NFIs and 8,152 families have received emergency shelter from IOM, NRC, IFRC and IRC. Of the assisted families; 4,738 families have received NFIs and plastic sheeting from in-kind assistance of USAID/OFDA in . Following is the details of the distributions during reporting period;

•NRC distributed 342 tents to IDPs of Kharistan and distributed cash for winterization to 419 IDP families in Zaimti

•IRC distributed 339 tents to IDPs of Jar Khoskh and completed assessment of cash for winterization in Baghlar and Shamal Darya.

•CRDSA distributed cash for winterization to 972 IDPs families of Kharistan and also completed PDM of 550 cash for winterization.

•UNICEF distributed 440 winter cloth kits to children in Sanjidak, Kharistan, Baghlar and Jar khoshk IDPs.

• There will be gap of 9,322 NFIs and 10,310 Emergency Shelter. For winterization, IDP families under AHF funding only received half package ($100) in Nov/Dec. Following recent AHF launch, the ESNFI cluster will receive $3.3M to support 5,848 families (40,936 individuals) with the distribution of cash for winterization assistance and additional NFI support in Badghis ($200)

Table indicating the data of the IDP sites in Badghis as per JVT Total families to Assisted committed Total Gap Remarks S/N district IDP sites location be targeted ac- Winteri- Winteri- Winteri- NFI ES NFI ES NFI ES Distributed Committed cording SCOPE zation zation zation 1. NRC distributed 214 NFI 2. UNICEF distributed 675 NFI & Winter Cloth Kit. 3. IOM distributed 3784 NFI 4. CRDSA 1 Muqur Kharistan 5693 5223 3244 2772 0 0 1000 470 2449 1921 distributed 550 Cash for NFI AHF 5.NRC 1. CRDSA 1000 Cash for Winterization. distributed 1500 Tents 6. CRDSA distributed 1744 Tent from AHF 7. CRDSA distributed 2772 Cash for Winterization 1. IOM Distributed 146 NFI 2. UNICEF distributed 1365 NFI & Water Cloth Kits 3. NRC distributed 735 NFI Zaimati (Frestan 2 Qale Naw 2977 2246 1880 2202 0 0 1965 731 1097 -1190 4. NRC distributed 1800 Tents 5. IRC 1. NRC 1965 Cash for Winterization. Extension) distributed 80 Tent 6. NRC distrib- uted 1469 Plastic Sheet 7. NRC distributed 2202 Cash for Winterization. 1. CA/RADA distributed 898 tents 2. 3 Muqur Sanjidak 2190 0 898 1749 0 0 0 2190 1292 441 CA/RADA distributed 1749 Cash for Winterization. 1. UNICEF distributed 984 NFI & Winter Cloth Kit. 1. IRC 2 Cash for NFI 2. IRC distributed 134 Cash for NFI 4 Qale Naw Baghlar 3291 1118 1075 1016 2 2 811 2171 2214 1464 2. IRC 2 tents 3. IRC distributed 1075 tents 4. 3. IRC 811 Cash for Winterization IRC distributed 1016 cash for winterization. 1. IRC distributed 100 Cash for NFI 5 Qale Naw Jar Khoshk 1497 100 339 1027 0 0 0 1397 1158 470 1-IRC 339 Tents 2. IRC 1027 Cash for Winterization

6 Qale Naw Jar Haji Sakhi 2042 0 0 230 0 0 0 2042 2042 1812 1. CA/RAADA distributed 230 Cash for winterization. Shamal Darya & 1. IRC committed 535 tents. 7 Qale Naw 724 928 0 0 0 535 554 -204 189 170 1. IOM distributed 928 NFI Wolang 2. IRC 554 Cash for Winterization 1. IRC distributed 60 Cash for NFI 2. IRC 1. IRC committed 1 Cash for NFI 8 Qale Naw Chakaran 586 60 60 60 1 1 51 525 525 475 distributed 60 Tents. 3. IRC 2. IRC committed 1 tent distribued 60 cash for winterization. 2. IRC 51 Cash for Winterization

9 Ab Kamari Abkamari 0 0 656 0 0 0 246 0 -656 -246 1. 656 tent by IFRC based on the previous caseload. 1. IRC 246 Cash for Winterization Grand Total 19000 9675 8152 9056 3 538 4627 9322 10310 5317 Natural Disaster Initial Incident Information Summary 13 February to 19 February 2019

Date of Incident Date of Assessment Location Type of Incident # of ND Affected # of ND-Induced IDP Partner Agencies Involved in Assessment Families

Province District Families Individual Families Individual

14 Feb 2019 17 Feb 2019 Helmand Heavy Rainfall 180 1,260 IOM, HAPA, WFP, IRC, AAH

12 Feb 2019 13 Feb 2019 Badghis Qala Now Snowfall 800 5,600 IRC,NRC,UNICEF,DACAAR,WFP-PAT,NDS,ANSARI- UNHCR IP,CRDSA

14 Feb 2019 15 Feb 2019 Daikundi Nili Heavy Snowfall 2 20 IOM, ANDMA

14 Feb 2019 17 Feb 2019 Kuner Chawki, Narang, Heavy Rainfall 76 532 IOM, WFP, ANDMA, PU-AMI, IMC, WFP Asad Abad, Nurgal, Marawara, Sar- kanow, Shegal, As- mar, Ghazi Abad, Nary 14 Feb 2019 16 Feb 2019 Laghman Qarghai, Mehtarlam Heavy Rainfall 26 183 IOM, ANDMA, RRD & WFP

Total 1,084 7,588

Natural Disaster Incident Update: Helmand (drought): ANDMA reported displacement of 70 families by drought from various location to provincial center. A joint team consisting of IOM, IRC, ACF, HAPA, WFP, UNHCR and AND- MA initiated household assessment on 29 Jan. 103 families were assessed of which 48 displaced families were verified eligible for humanitarian assistance. IOM distributed NFIs, IRC distributed multi propose cash while WFP covered food needs of the affected families. Kandahar: As per the initial report from ANDMA, 350 families were displaced by drought from various location to provincial center. A joint team consisting of IOM, HAPA, DACAAR, SCI WFP and ANDMA initiated household assessment on 30 Jan. So far, 175 families were assessed of which 74 displaced families were verified eligible for humanitarian assis- tance while the assessment is on-going. Helmand (heavy rainfall):

As per the initial report; 180 families were reportedly affected by heavy rainfall in Grishk district on 14 Feb. A joint team consisting of IOM, HAPA, WFP, IRC AAH and AND- MA conducted assessment of the affected families on 17 February. So far; 27 families were found eligible for humanitarian assistance while the assessment is on-going. Herat:

As per the initial report, 372 families were reportedly affected by flood in Herat city and on 12 Feb. A joint team consisting of IOM, DRC, IRC, WFP, UNICEF, ARCS, DoRR, ANDMA conducted assessment of the affected families on 13 February. 206 families were found eligible for humanitarian assistance. IOM distributed blanket module sand emergency shelter module, IRC distributed cash for NFI, UNICEF distributed hygiene kit and hygiene promotion, WFP distributed food items, DRC distributed cash for multipurpose ( Transport, fuel, health and shelter support). Farah:

As reported by ANDMA, 20 families were reportedly affected by flood in Farah city on 12 February. A joint team consistingof ARCS, PC, Governor Office and ANDMA initiat- ed household assessment. Two families were verified eligible for humanitarian assistance. ANDMA will distribute NFIs and food to the affected families. While the assess- ment of affected families in Poshtkoh and Anardara districts are on-going, ARCS is deployed to assess the impact of flood. Both districts are inaccessible for humanitarian partners due to security concerns.


As per initial report, 800 families were affected by heavy snowfall in Qala-e-now mainly IDPs site on 12 February. A joint team consisting of IRC, NRC, UNICEF, DACAAR, WFP- PAT, NDS, ANSARI-UNHCR IP, and CRDSA conducted assessment of the affected families on 13 February. 703 families were verified and eligible for humanitarian assistance. UNICEF will distribute NFIs , IRC will distribute winter kits and ANDMA will cover food needs of the affected families.

Kuner: As per the initial report from ANDMA, 76 families were reportedly affected by heavy rainfall in Chawki, Narang, Asad Abad, Nurgal, Marawara, Sarkanow, Shegal, Asmar, Ghazi Abad and Nary districts on 14 February. A joint team consisting of IOM, WFP, ANDMA, PU-AMI, IMC and WFP conducted the assessment of the affected families, So far; 30 families identify and eligible for humanitarian assistance while the assessment is on-going.


As reported by ANDMA, 26 families were reportedly affected by heavy rainfall in Qarghai and Mehterlam districts on 14 Feb 2019. A joint team consisting of IOM, ANDMA, RRD and WFP conduct assessment of the affected families on 16 February. Nine families were identify and eligible for humanitarian assistance, IOM will distribute NFIs and WFP will cover food needs of the affected families.


As per the initial report from ANDMA, 341 families were reportedly affected by flood in Andkhoy, Qourghan, Khan Charbagh and Qaram Qoul districts on 07 February. A joint assessment team consisting of IOM, ACTED, ANDMA, DACAAR and WHO initiate the assessment of the affected families. 18 families were identified eligible for humanitarian assistance in Maimana and Andkhoy districts. IOM will distribute NFIs and ANDMA will cover food needs of the affected families while the assessment of the affected families in Qaramqul district was conducted by District Governor assessment team that verified 129 families for humanitarian assistance. ANDMA distributed NFIs and food needs to the affected families.


As reported by ANDMA, two families were reportedly affected by heavy snowfall in on 14 February. IOM together with ANDMA conducted assessment of the affected families on 15 February. IOM distributed NFIs while ANDMA will cover food needs of the affected families

Assessment of heavy rainfall affected families in Helmand province17 Feb 2019 @IOM

Distribution of relief assistance to flood affected families in Herat province 15 Feb 2019 @IOM Note: The revised verified data for Herat and Badghis is not reflected in the Map

ANDMA Capacity Building Training Program on National Disaster Management Information System, Information Technology (IT), Database and computer for 9 provincial ANDMA staff and ANDMA HQ

The Humanitarian Assistance Programme, initiated capacity building training program on Computer, NDMIS, IT and Database for 9 provincial ANDMA offices (Paktika, Nuri- stan, Badghis, Kundoz, Ghor, Urzgan, Nemroz, Daikundi, Farah) and ANDMA HQ staff. The training program has been conducted 02 Feb 2019 for 14 days at ANDMA HQ office. This program was aimed to enhance the capacity of above mentioned provincial ANDMA staff in the mentioned field that will enable them to initiate the use of National Disaster Management Information System (NDMIS) in the provincial ANDMA offices. The training composed of basic computer concepts and essential MS Windows features, detailed training of NDMIS to effectively use NDMIS in their work routine, intermedi- ate level computer concepts such as troubleshooting common issues, essential MS Office (MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint) features and network concept which are basic understanding of software engineering techniques and information technologies. The video tutorials of NDMIS was also provided in a soft form and hard to the partici- pants and are also uploaded to NDMIS web portal, the provincial ANDMA staff will be able to download. This training has covered 15 trainees from the above mentioned pro- vincial ANDMAs and 6 staff from ANDMA Head-Quarter.

Capacity building training program on Computer, NDMIS, IT and Database for 9 provincial ANDMA offices (Paktika, Nuristan, Badghis, Kundoz, Ghor, Urzgan, Nemroz, Daikundi, Farah) and ANDMA HQ staff on 02 Feb 2019 @IOM Community Based Disaster Risk management (CBDRM):

20 communities were jointly assessed together with ANDMA, DoRRD and district authorities for community based disaster risk management (CBDRM) activities in Kuner, Pan- jshir and . Of these communities, ten communities will be selected for CBDRM activities that includes two weeks training workshop for the community members as well training and equipping the communities on early warning, search and rescue and first aid. Upon completion of the assessment the first round of the training will be initiated, the participants will be able to learn DRR concepts, conduct participatory risk assessment for their village, a participatory disaster management plan for the community will be developed and community disaster management committee will be formed. Following the first round of CBDRM training, the second round will commence. The second round will focus on early warning, search and rescue and first aid training as well provision of these equipment and tool to the community that will enable them be prepared for any natural disaster event

List of Communities Assessed for CBDRM 2019 S# Province District Village Date of coordination Date of assessment Remarks 1 Narang Lamatak 11-02-2019 2 Assad Abad Yar Gul 11-02-2019 12-02-2019 3 Kunar Assad Abad Andar Ser Qazyano 12-02-2019 4 Khas Kunar Hakim Abad 14-02-2019 14-02-2019 5 Khas Kunar Qalagai Arazi 14-02-2019

6 Khas Kunar Khayber Khwar 14-02-2019 7 Dara Dara Abdullah 11-02-2019 Panjshir 11-02-2019 8 Hisa Awal Pishgor 12-02-2019 9 Gushta Sarband 11-Feb-19 10 Gushta Banda 11-Feb-19 11 Bihsud Saracha Shahidano Kali 12-Feb-19 12 Bihsud Tagab Camp 12-Feb-19 13 City Afghan Mena 13-Feb-19 14 Dara Noor Sutan 14-Feb-19 Nangarhar 11-Feb-19 15 Kama Muslim Abad Zakhil 17-Feb-19 16 Kama Safdari 17-Feb-19 17 Kama Bazed Khel 17-Feb-19 18 Kuz Kunar Faqeer Abad 18-Feb-19 19 Kuz Kunar Ali Abad 18-Feb-19 20 Kuz Kunar Janat Khan Kali 18-Feb-19

Stock Update Countrywide (19 Feb 2019 ) Family Revitalisa- Emergency Shelter Blanket Mod- Winter Clothing Region Warehouse Winter Kit Tarpaulin Household Module Solar Module Family Tent tion Kit Kit ule Module Kabul 1 0 3,849 0 2,317 1,206 2,091 1,801 676 Central Logar 0 0 272 0 4 0 0 Sub Total 1 0 4,121 0 2,317 1,206 2,095 1,801 676 Bamyan Centre 0 0 486 0 984 731 763 197 8 Central Highland Daikundi-Nilli 0 0 261 33 1,031 387 633 484 100 Lal Wa Sare Jungle 0 0 224 0 543 319 202 185 48 Sub Total 0 0 971 33 2,558 1,437 1,598 866 156 Badakshan-Faizabad 12 1 424 0 1,911 606 1,008 303 315 BDK-Ishkashim-FOCUS 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDK-Wakhan-FOCUS 0 0 0 0 100 0 89 0 0 BDK-Sheghnan-FOCUS 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 0 0 Northeast BDK-Shukai-FOCUS 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDK-Nussai-FOCUS 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BDK-Maymai-FOCUS 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Badakshan-Ishkashim 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Takhar-Taloqan 0 0 142 0 29 52 115 148 83 Sub Total 810 1 566 0 2,129 658 1,212 451 398 Ghazni 0 0 76 0 133 150 52 152 56 Southeast Paktia-Gardez 0 0 490 0 1,688 361 0 252 290 Sub Total 0 0 566 0 1,821 511 52 404 346 Herat 0 0 839 69 399 36 41 0 95 Ghor- 0 55 200 0 172 200 122 0 0 West Farah 0 0 168 0 164 214 100 100 0 Badgish 0 5 105 0 165 115 83 82 0 Sub Total 0 60 1,312 69 900 565 346 182 95 East Jalalabad 233 0 1,493 503 1,516 1,244 0 507 303 Sub Total 233 0 1,493 503 1,516 1,244 0 507 303 Mazar 0 8 43 22 252 199 31 93 568 North Faryab 0 59 266 0 464 386 150 0 49 Sub Total 0 67 309 22 716 585 181 93 617 Helmand 0 0 100 121 121 71 100 27 South Nimruz 0 0 13 0 0 0 5 0 5 Kandahar 0 0 717 67 589 417 0 325 138 Sub Total 0 0 830 67 710 538 76 425 170 Grand Total 1,044 128 10,168 694 12,667 6,744 5,560 4,729 2,761