»i YOUR 1 : WASHINGTON Established Junt, 1893 LOWELL, THURSDAY. JULY 5. 1951 Number 10 REVIEW

are cloteA town tor the weekCm, ag** U- AUI DIMUSNM Mrs. Boo M. Wlcox. 83 Gun Runners Haul load of Lowell Guns to Mexico City iag cU of their emploreee vecaUooa raeneweuiKHng Laid To Rest Tuesday Lowell Showboat from Wiidsy, June 29 to Mondey. Jnly 9. Among those who are on Mr*. Eiaa RHtenger Wilcox, 83, thle raeatlon are Newell Maaufec- To Be Erected On longtime reaident of Lowell, paased Opens 16th Year tiirtn* Co . Lowail Myadeetorlng away at the home of her son. Earl Rittenger of Lake Odeaaa, Satur- AIM LawtH Cafe at tlO W. Main 441 Fair Grounds day, June 30. Monday, July 23 la cloae4 Cor the entire week. Surviving beaideB her aon Earl, For the past five months I have * * * The construction of a much need- ia her husband. R M. Wilpox of The Lowell Showboat, now In Hs be<-n trying to find out why the la at the dock ed 4-H Club exhibition building on Lowell one daughter, Mrs. Olive sixteenth year, will open in Low- Army procurenvnit program has while being renovated, cleaned and their grounds at Lowell ia expected Alexander of Mt. Clemens; five ell on Monday evening. July 23 for been so "fouled up." On May 22nd beauttflai for tta aaaecmtl run on to be underway in a few weeks. grandchildren; eleven great-grand- six evenings of performance. Ac- in a one houi •peech before tha Flat river. The aeau are being This new building which will be chiidren; one great-great-grand- cording to sh3W chairman C. H. House of Representatives I point- 110 fact long and 80 feet wide, will Runclman. the event, complete ed out how the Army Quarter- and arranged for the fcrand- child; and one sister, Mra. Clara audience which may break coat In excess of 190,000 Claler of Middleville. with variety acts and minstrel end- master Corps awarded two con- all record* tc attendance this year The Lowell Showboat committee Mra WBeaC body was brought men. will be the best ever staged in tracts for slightly over 118.000 fold- if one may Judge by the early re^- haa already earmarked $2,000 for to Roth Funeral Home where aerv Western Michigan. ing chairs to a company in Mem- ervation* being made for Showboat this building project and haa voted icea were held Tuesday afternoon Headlining the show are the phis. Tenne**ee. that had never 25% of the net profits of the Show- and burial waa made in Bowne Three Radio Ramblers, a New made *uch chair*. We*tern Michi- * * * boat each year until the building Center cemetery. The Rev. Roy A. York comedy trio that has been a gan 1* definitely intererted In this coat has been liquidated. Mumau officiated. sensation both cn the stage and in particular aituation because tha American Seating Company would keeping wHtTthe program to mod- Lowell business men are contrib- pictures. Another ad, Joe Ter- uting generously to the building mini. pantomlmlat and instrumen- have gotten a substantial part of ernise and Improve the operation the business If this "chairlem of poatal aervlce, west into effect fund aad the 4-H Club Fair Aaao- talist. has recently completed a 42- ciatioo ia participating in this laNRHts SKiiftw week engagement at the Palladium chair" company of Memphis had Monday morning. Jnly 1 1951. not received the order*. worthwhile community project in . . The new money order appears in Prior to awarding of these con* form of a punched card and may win find many The Four Evans, an outstanding Mrs Wilbur N. Pen nock of R-3. tracts to the "chalrleas chair" he caAad in any of Ac 42.000 U. the 4-H ax- family dance team, was recently tte annual Phlr helo Lowell, has received a featured on the Ken Murray tel- company the Army was emphati- 8. Poetofflcee, or in a bank. cally and reliably told the Memphis * * * is August of each yaar. It will be from her aon, Loree, who la Master evision show, and are just finish- avaiiabie to Livestock men of the Marhisiat Chief on a lialMiSlrtp in ing an engagement at the Radio concern could not possibly Uve up which haa aa county for cattle and awine aalea. the area of Manchuria, and w City Music Hall to Its contracts with the govern- Ma atagan: "Now—Take It Baay,' ia recently waa severely and painful- In all there will be 20 acta, with ment. Despite these warnings tha being aponaorad in Lowell with the The Lowell Showboat is a non- ly hsasa^ 200 people In the Showboat cast, Army blissfully went ahead. What cooperation of the State Safety ranication and Ha proflta his right aim. including a line of chorus girls, a has taken place ao far? The "chair- k ia baiag for projects of thia type. leas chair" company waa suppoaad While Larae waa unable to wrtta professional band and a chorus of by the Lowell Police The ritiaam of LowaD devote much to deliver approximately 74,000 out the letter himself, s buddy wrote 85 voices. The six end-men will time and mosey. Is the production of 118,000 folding chairs by April for him asd in the letter he round out the performance with lUa July program haa aa Ha aim of the Showboat, which waa started 7th and the rest by May 8th. Aa is IttL tioaad that he had had experiences their mad antic* and hundred* of the aoit of public apeed education and had seen things in the past of June 29th less than 4.000 chain The 1991 Showboat promises to gags and Jokes. had been delivered. That's a great which ia needed to help est down few months which he A large truck load of gufts (Ifeweli'a Ping-P'.ng vkriaty) left Lowell laat Friday on a 2885-mile The endmen who will take part the number of automobile accident* outdo all previous performances trip to a wholeaalt firm in Ma^rn CHy. The truck with a car and trailer accompanying It came to record. It Is to be hoped that tha and Is acheduled for the week of aeen before in all of his eleven thia year will be: John Roth. Wal- oeesrrisg each yaar. If the driv- years in the Navy, One of Lowell to pick up H2JOOO worth of NeweD'a Airflrad guna which will provide thousand* of Chrtstmaa Army Isn't as alow and ineffldeat July B. ter Gumser, Bill Jones. Forrest getting deUvery on tanks, guns and ing public can be convinced that unusual things he wrote of waa a presents for the children of Old Mexico. Buck. Chrii Burch end Jack Howe, Monday night July 28rd haa been other military equipment there ia a difference between -aafa" snowball battle aboard ship Enroute to Lowell the larga truck driven by an operator who could not speak or understand Eng- any of whom oould star In any aad "unsafe" apeed. then the work designated 4-H Chib Night and H la where near the 88th parallel, and lish, became loat around Chicago and detoured by way of Detroit- but finally arrived in time to get Last Friday I testified before a hoped a large rural attendance win minstrel show. will havn been wall worthwhile the terrible cold in Korea. He aald the guna loaded before the holiday shut-down of the Newell factory. Orval E. Jeeaup is in charge of special Congressional committee in- be on hand, sot only to aee Mich- that aometlmes Ice formed on the It ia Lntereating to hear bow thia Mexican driver found hia way through the dty of Detroit and the chorus which has been training vestigating defense orders. Thia igan's finest outdoor entertainment ship even when the waves tossed back to LowelL committee intends to go into tha but also to participate in the build- at the high acbool the past three furiously, and at time* the sailors In the picture from left to right are, Baude'io Pereda, Gregorio Unkino, Carlos Soto, and Come Jo weeks and without question Mr "chalrleas rhalr" company daaL ing of a bigger and better Kent The commit ee by such investigab- had to chop the Ice. Dtac Jessup has selected the best voices County 4-H dab fair. tion should find out what's wroaf * * * The fighting has been described ever to be presented on the Show- with the Army's defense procura- . . . .*•» a«S Jftaa Jaat aa fierce and when they were I If by Jeff: Poor eyesight doean't keep unftong r trr'ntr rarrmfr ment program evacuating or backing down, each Amateur Acta Outstanding ose ovt of the Army theae day* and every man was fighting hard Profiting By His former Mistake Passes After Tbey Just pat you sp la frost Just to live. Amateur Night, which will be In the two and one-half yeara held at the Showboat Dock Satur- where you can aea better. . . The A two-car crash Friday night at Another significant atatement * Adelbert B. Lee. lifelong resident this column has been written there day evening, July 14, at 8 o'clock H-Bomb ia more potent than the the interaection of McCabe and this Navy man made waa the ap- Alger Tosses Hath Ring Eariy of Keene township, died Saturday, has been very little mention of will preaent 32 outatanding ama- A Bomb because it haa been dipped Bailey Rd.. resulted in injury to parently aimless moving back and June 30 at the home of his daugh- partisanship or even the words teur acts from Detroit, Flint. Lan- in BadaooL . . . Judging from the four persons from Lowell and Ada. forth—atanding by-^whlch he aald No one can aay Fred M. Algar, Governor Williams welcomed the ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Democrat or Republican. Thia number engaged in it, the day mast Those injured are James BeVier, might go oa for ten years. It seems Jr., doean't profit by hi* miatakea, annual convention of the National Axor Parker, near Sand Lake sing, Grand Rapid*. St. Johns. week there must be an exception. have paased when crime doe«t 12, of Lowell R-l. who suffered a to these seivice men that this is He already haa toaaed the Algar Association of Tax Administrators where he has been cared for Grand Ledge, Rockford, Marshall, A few days ago, the Democratic pay. . -. One thing can he aald for leg fracture In an accident recent- Juat what Russia wants. sombrero into the ring for the fcu- to Mackinac Island by reciting the through a long and painful illness. Ionia and Saranac. Party members of the House of the multi-married women, they are ly, hurt the same leg again though LoweD friends are anxioualy bernatorial race of 1952. state's financial troubles and Mr. Lee is well known through- One of the contestants will ap- Representatives really steamroller- well groomed. not seriously: Clyde Cornellsae, SB, awaiting fuitber news from Loree In 1950 Alger hemmed and hawed dumping the blame on the Repub- out the area, prominent in farm perr on the Ted Mack show in ed through a "gag" rule resolution- of Ada Rl; his wife. Minora, 86. and hope he may aoon recover too long before getting into the lican controlled legislature. drde*. and a Past Worshipful August. Another Is of national It wa* a most Important issue and Deiena Miller, 5, of Lowell R 1. from his injuries, even though he running and Kelly beat him out by 'The governor spanked us pub- Master of Boston Lodge F. A A. M. rating and has appeared at over principally because It Involved the None was seriously hurt and they U etill aboard ahip in the fighting a nose in the primary. ^ licly and called in the neighbors to and a lift member and Past Wor- twenty contests and ha* always pocket books of the American tax- were treated at St Mary's hospital. watch," aaid Rep. Roy H. Brigham thy Patron of Valley Chapter O. E. been a winner. payers and the fundamental Issue rone. (R-Battle Creek), while othera S. of Saranac. Sheriffs deputies said Cornellsae What of Willisma? He The American Legion will be In of freedom of debate. From my *************** wa the driver of one auto and stormed that Williams' remarks Surviving are his wife, Nancy; charge of the seating and *ale of point of view the wording of the Delores Lock likes being governor and that' at were "entirely out of place at a the daughter. Elva Dell Parker; Freeman Miller, 26, of Lowell Rl. the present time he expects td be tickets. The high school band will restlution was bad enough hot A Correction; In last week'* Led- father of the injured girl, waa the Bride of gathering like thia." a son. Gene, on the home farm; give a concert from 7:30 to 8:00 p. worst of all wa* the gag-rule tac- ger we made an error in an ad- in there fighting. His aides atate But Wiliiama made hia point two grandchildren; several nieces other motorist flatly, "Hell run." m. and the amateur show will tic* used by my Democratic friends dress. We are aorry, and the cor- la Evening Ceremony and nephews and many friends, start at eigh( o'clock The seats on the other side of the aisle. A rected addreas ia gives: Robert —T r who mourn bis passing. He was Some Republican lagidative lead- are already being placed ready to Here's what happended. Congress Carsahan 288-786 SAU8 Coaat The Central Seventh Day Ad- 71 years old. lortoa A. Nrry Dies era have estimated that only $20 accommodate the crowd. is supposed to have the ten or Guard Taney- WPO^T UBCG, ventist Church waa the scene of a Funeral services were held Tuea- very beautiful and impreaaive wed- nropira• *- Ji niaafgf rlraiy t miWor waa needed for the coming An outaide committee will do the more appropriation bills for the Government Island. Almeda, Calif. fiscal year. These spokesmen are day afternoon at Morris Funeral judging and six winner* are to be Stationed on the cutter "Taney" ha CUcfcM of Ti ding last Thursday evening which Home in Saranac and burial was numerous departments, agencies Funeral service* for Burton A. in disagreement with Auditor Gen- chcsen. Each winner will appear will Mhove off for Japan in Auguat^ united in marriage Miss Delores and bureau* enacted Into law by Perry, of Rockford. who died Fri- eral John B. Martin of Grand Rap- made in Saranac cemetery. one night on the Showboat. C. H by way of Alaaksn waters and re- Fourteen contestants competed June Lode, daughter of Mr. and June 30th each year. The Congress In the Kent County 4-H Chicken- Mrs. Pleun Lock of Ada Dr., and day night in Butterworth hospital ids, avowed candidate for the Uni- Rundman will be In charge of the this year ia way behind schedule. turn on Patrol duty. ted States Senate, who recently of-Tomorrow contest. Allan Robert Hale, aon of Mr. and in Grand Rapida, will he held Tues- amateurs who will take part. Not a single appropriation bill for day at 8 p. m. from the Rockford predicted a substantial treasury- New Ifaater af Ceremonies the next flacal year has been ap- The new addreas of Pfc. James The three top p lacings were Mrs. George Hale of Lawell. earned by Jerry Sietsema. Jr., Elder R. D. Moon offidated at Baptist church with burial in Rock- deficit of upwards to S60 million proved by both the House and Sen- W. Ford ia: A. F. 1S380«. BKST by June 20. 1952. Daniel H. Trdeven ia the unan- m. S4f7 STU Sqdn., F. BL Warren Knapp Rd., Grand Rapids, Gerald the candlelight service before an ford cemetery. A report of honor students from imous choice of the Lowell Show- ate and signed by the President Because of the terrible scheduling AF-B-. Cheyenne. Wyoming. Wells. R 2 Lowell and Dale John- altar decorated with white gladioH Mr. Perry formerly lived in Low- some of the grades of Lowell boat committee to ad a* master of Moat aUerver* forecast an in- of legislative budnem by the Dem- son, Alto. against a background of palma and ell and has many friends here. He Schools has been handed to the ceremonie* during the six perform- crease in the treasury defidt in the ocratic leadership, the House had John Grata, son of Mr. and Mra. Their birds will be quick frozen candelabra. was 9S years of age. Ledger, which follows: ance* of the Lowell Showboat July new flacal year starting July, 1951. to approve a resolution before June Ben Grata. Foreman Bd, was in- and will compete at state 4-H a&ow Sid Baarda ang "Because" and Surviving are his wife, Mabel; Eighth grade honor roll. Mra. 23 to 2& the pressure is due to 30th to authorixe tha operation of ducted into the aenrloe June 12. in the State Junior Chicken-Of-To- "The Lord's Fiayer" accompanied two aons, Charles of Sparta and Smith, teacher: James Baird, Fran- mount for additional tax rev- Treleven succeed* Norman E. He is reoelving his basic train in* at morrow Contest in August More by Mra. Moon at the organ, who Glenn Earl of Rockford; two cis Brown, Barbara Burtle, Mary \hf federal government for tha en uea to finance public services of Borgerscn. who formerly held the next month. This la a mighty poor FL Leonard Wood, Miaaouri. His than 8,000 birds were fed out to 12 also played the traditional wedding daughters, Mra. Lyie Jenne of Cali- Alice Dey. Mary PauUne Do ran. the atate and local governments. Job for a number of yeara. Bor- way to run the government but addrea* i Pvt. 1 John Grata, U8 weeks by the fourteen Al club fornia. Mra. Horton Presley of At- Yvonne Eckman, Eleanor Geelhoed Among the discusaed new aources gerson is currently visiting rela- we in the minority party can't be Battery B, 93rd AFA Bn members. Given in marriage by her father, DL,; six grandchildren. Loraine Geelhoed. Robert Lind, are i corporation profits tax, aa ad- tives in Norway and haa been given blamed for the lack of cxmatrudisa 1 Div^ FL Leonard Wood, Other boys and girM that did a the bride wore a gown of white Maureen Rankin. Judith Schneider, vocated by the Governor; an indus- a laave of absence from his Show- activity by this "do-nothing" Con- Mo. very ftoe Job in this contest were: marquisette over taffeta with por- Barbara Smit, Cary Stiff and Pat Lundy. Alto: Morse Deming. trial processing tax, such aa the boat duties for this year. greaa. , trait neckline edged in Chantllly Bruce Chad Walter. proposed 3 percent levy on pur- Borgerson is expected to return Pfc. Donald Roth ia hoasa on a Alto; Oladya Russell. Alto; Leon- lace, a fitted bodice and long tap- Reveal Startfeq Focts Perfect attendance in 8th grade: Well, this reaolntion first came ard Weller, Rockford Larry Izen- ering aleevea. The bouffant skirt, chaae of industrial equipment: an to Lowell in time to be a spectator delay Yvonne Eckman, Judy Gallagher, before the House Committee on bart 1 Mile Bd., Grand Rapids; styled with a peplum edged w

/ I km V, TNI LOWILL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICH., JULY i. HOI THRKl THt LOWtLL i U>W1LU BICM, JULY tt. 1M1 ••i i ii * THE LOWELL LEDGER Uwsli Locsh Lowell Local* Lowall Lecsls Edward Thompson home. Mr. snd Mrs. Lswrsnce Schneider Mr. and Mm. Milton Orowe of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Behler of Gd. So. Kteat—N. Boston Mr. and Mra. Elmer Hale snd •nd ALTO tOLO rai appemngs of Grand Rspids csllsd st ths Owosso called st the Art Schneider Ratpids spent Wednesday evening Mrs. Mary Potter family were Sunday dinner guesta Th* LovaU ht&mr. MUtrfUtx Miaa Agnss Parry of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kimball. SIM: The Alto 60)0, «UhlMMd Schneider snd Chstterdon homes home Sunday on their return home with Mrs. Ida Toung. Mr. end Rickert Electric Phone 11 Saturday evening Mr. and Mra. 1904 CVMoHdmUd with Um L»i_ Sundsy sa they were returnlnf fn)m Croton where they visited fcer Mrs. Raymond Coons of Ionia were Jolly Community Club will hold HIT. Th# LowvU Joamal MUblWbed 1M4. Tlscher of Saranac came and got from s two weeks vscstfcm apent father, Mr. Chris Bier!, and wife. Thursday evening callers. Its annual picnic, July IB at Fallas OaBaol)(Uted with (be Ledpr December 16. Mrs. Paul Potter to stay with them COMPLITl in Canada and st Snow Lake. Mr. snd Mrs. Lincoln Dygert and Mr. and Mrs George Fonger and Mre. Blerl la very lit Mrs. Hulda Flneis attended the burg park near pavilion. Dinner at till Sunday afternoon. Callera at family of Romeo werree TueTueadai y Sandra and the Mac Fonger family Clair McCaui, eon of Mr. and wedding of Miss Mary Alice Fits- 1:00. Please all be there in time. ELECTRICAL SERVICE Published erery Thundar tnoratof at Mra. Jennie Townaend visited both Ed and Paul Potter homes US Brotdway, Lowell MIchlcan. Entered supper guests of his alster, Mrs. called on Mr. FVmger's mother in Mrs. Claude McCaui and two com- gerald of East Lansing and Mr. last week at the homea of her aona, Potter-Taylor reunion will be Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph at Poatofflce at Lowell, Mlchlfan. aa Bec- Anton Kropf and family. Sparta Sunday. S panions returned last weak from Jerome Barry of Pontiac, Saturday, cnd Claat Matter Robert and Clair In Lansing. held next Sunday, July 8, at Fal- Wheaton and Marie of Saranac. Rxfvrtt — Tomtmmfer Mra. R. R. Crabb and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacTavish Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Briggs their trip through the Southweit- at St. Thomas' Church in East Lan- laaburg park near pavilion, dinner %Sf|,a, aa—«. R. Q. Jefferiet. Editor 4 Publither urvrr neanris Duell were Sunday nlfht supper acoompanied Ted and family to visited their aon Hilton and family ern states including Calh'orrin and sing; also the reception following at 1:00. Bring dishes for Ice cream If you have difficulty m remov- guests of their nlsce, Mrs. Milton Sand Lake Punday to visit the J. in Grand Rapida Sunday and all Mexico. at the home of the bride's mother. and prizes for the games. a *m . ing fish odor from your hands, try wKnusviw Nfelaen near Belding. D. MacTavish family. enjoyed the afternoon at John Ball Ronnie McCaui, whose hands Mr. and Mrs. Nell Blakeslee spent Born Friday at Osteopathic hos- rubbing them with allghtly damp PAUL RICKERT Mrs. Alice Livingston Mrs. Ethel Tetter spent the wsek Mrs. John S. Taylor and brother Park. were burned two weeks ago is still Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. pital a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. salt, then hold your hands under Phsns MO 112 N. Hudson tt end with her son, Robert Tetter Albert Bedell were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Bovee and unable to use his right hand but Burtmmett of Lansing at their cot* Don Shores. She will answer to Received too late for last week 1NNU1L IDMNCE warm water, and let the wstter snd fsmlly near Belding. They all guests of Mrs. Anna Tapley In Sar- children attended a family reunion t)thcr burns are healing. tage near Big Rapids, and returned Linda Louise and weighed 8 lbs. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pepper. Jr., went to Clarksvllle In the evening anac. Sunday, at Chemung Lake near Mrs. Pauline Orimes and daugh- home with a nice mesa of flab. 6 ois. Congratulations. waab all the salt off—and the fish ai.d two children are spending this MONEY SAVING Lay-Away Sunday to vlalt the Ivan Blough Sunda-' callers on Mrs. Hattle Howell. ter Pamela of Grand Haven, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson left Married at Owosso last Tuesday, odor with It. R pays to advertiae In the Ledger week at Big Star Lake near Bald family. Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mr. and Mrs. Richard Court and and Mrs. Carl Clark of Bast Lan- Saturday for a vacation trip John Barkley and Mrs. Ethel win. Mr. Leo Pepper spent Satur Mra. Wm. H. Tatea la spending Good, Allle Dodds and Mr. and children were Sunday guests of Dr. sing spent the week-end with their through the southern states and Quick. Friday they and Mr. and day night until Tuesday night with two weeks with her aon, Victor Mrs. James Topp, Sr., of Saranac. and Mrs. M. J. Court In Marcellus. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles will visit relatives in Tennessee, Mrs. Dell White of Grand Rapids them. Baitlett in San Diego. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mulder enter- Mrs. Rachel Bigler and son Billle Clark. Mrs. Johnson's former home. were guests to a fish dinner at the • BIRCHWOOD GARDENS • Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Vander- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Starbard tained Sunday at their Murray of Grand Rapids spent the week Cadet Raymond L. Houghton, Claronce J. Collar of Lantana, Louise and Geneva Barkley home. Water and children were guests called on the Rev. H. H. Harria in Lake cottage with a picnic supper end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Florida, is visiting friends in Low- Saturday the latter two were in Potted Tree Roses, Monthly Roses. Potted Plants. Perennials, Sunday at the Wlllard Taylor Way!and Sunday. In honor of their grand-daughter's Wm. Hoffman. Houghton of Lowell, a student at ell. On Wednesday evening he ac- Owosso to a reception and party Chrysanthemums, Shrubs, Shade Trees, Evergreens, Cut Flowers home. Russell Carr returned to Atlanta, second birthday. Guests were Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bishop and Western Michigan Oollege, is at- companied Mr. and Mrs. Lee for Mr. and Mrs. Barkley and Sun- Japanese Iris now blooming day a group of friends and rela- Mrs. Geraldlne Taylor has been Oa., after a bri«f vlaii with hia par- and Mrs. Don Beachum and daugh- children of Grand Rapids called on tending a six week Quartermartsr Lsmpkln to Lake Odessa to attend —Closed on Sundsys during July— ill with a bad case of asthma for ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carr. ter Patty, Mr. and Mrs. James her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. ROTC Summer Camp at Fort Las, a picnic of the Republic Woman's tives, 24 of them, came with well filled baskets for a potiuck picnic the past four days. « His brother Frank acoompanied Wendon and son David from Kal- Kyser, Sunday. Virginia, which began June 17. Ca- Club. A fine address waa given by Mr. Marvin Hewitt left Monday him home to spend a few daya. amasoo, Mr. and Mrs. Murl Whal- Mrs. John Lalley and son Bill det Houghton is a veteran of World Dr. John Pedden of Grand Rapids. dinner on the John Barkley lawn. MRS. FRANK GODFREY __Mr. and Mrs. Garth Ballard and iftemoon for induction into the George Hatch haa returned to ley and Mark from Grand Rapida, and James McMahon, also Mr. and War H with service in the Asiatic- Mrs. George Foresman of Benton North on Vergennes Rd. to Village limits, turn left, first h daughter of Grand Rapids were army. the Hospital in Saginaw for further Byrd Beachum-and John Kropf. Mrs. Jack Lalley and children of Pacific theatre. He wears ths Harbor was a Saturday overnight Lowell Phone 439-F4 Sunday supper guests at the Jake treatment «. Mr. and Mra. Andrew B. Steven- Ionia and Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Del- American and Asiatic-Pacific The- guest of her brother, H. C. Thur- Mr, and Mrs. Emery Klme and Hoover home. son and children of Grand Rapids hanty of Grand Rapids were Sun- atre Ribbons, Victory and Good tell and Mrs. Thurtell. Mrs. Jane Klme were Sunday Herbert and Hazel Adams of were Sunday guests of his sister, day guests of Mr.,and Mrs. Robert Conduct Medals. Mrs. Claude Thorne spent the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Grand Ranlds were Sunday dinner Mrs. Kenneth Pletcher and family, Lalley In Grand Rapids. Mrs. N. C. Thcobold and two "Fourth" with her family, return- Stahl. n guests at the Frank Shores home. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Altenbergor Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips and children of lioa Angeles, Calif, ing to Grand Rapids Wednesday Mrs. Erna Neeb entertained Sun- 1 hr Wuk sr ftar Mr. and Mrs. A1 Weesllng and day with a birthday dinner for her left by plane Saturday to spend a family of Toledo, Ohio, were week came Wednesday of last week for a night. •» BLANKETBLANKES TO HT YOUR EVERY Nffll AMDT PWSE.. . ATTRAC11VE SPECIAL PRICES Ijtifsjiia family of Glendale, Calif., spent 4 end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anton month's visit with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Kittle Charles visited Sun- sons Marvel and Floyd Neeb. iWWwffwW fflVMyee*week wit h their son and daughter- or 8 days this laat week at the Kropf. and Mrs. L. W. Rutherford, and day at the Harley Lawyer home In Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil in-law, in Las Vegas, Nevada. George Franks home. Mr. and Mrs. Orrln Sterken vls- other relatives In Lowell. Blaine, Grand Rapids, Mr. and SAVE YOU MONEY...QUANTITCS IMIED TO PRESENT STOCKS Mr. and Mrs. James Collins spent Cascade. Mrs. Ed Waldron and children the week end with their daughter- tied her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ida Toung was a guest at a Mrs. Dorothy Blllinger Is return- Monroe's Food Market Mrs. Marvel Neeb., the Floyd Neeb Ue MATCHED of Rockford were Friday guests of PHONE 14 LOWELL 211 E. MAIN Mrs. Ralph Hinklejn Hillsdale, birthday dinner Sunday, at the family and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde in-law, Mrs. Howard Colllna In ing home this week from a vaca- Celia Boss and son. home of Mr. and Mrs. Peyton Bla- Zlegler and child. CoopersvOIe. Sunday. tion In the Smoky Mountains. Marilyn Rlckert spent last week Orville Austin of Ionia called on mlre In Grand Rapids. She re- Mrs. Lillian Scoville spent the SHITS t PANTS Mr. and Mrs. Will Cosgriff vis- Mrs. Richard Dllly returned attending the 4-H meetings at Lans- Mrs. Lottlo Anderson, Sunday. mained In the city a few daya to GLOBE week end at Gull Lake. TWO "EARLY BIRD' ited her sister, Mrs. Jennie Pardee home Saturday after a ten-day trip ing and visited with her friend, Mrs. Dorothy Paulsen and Mrs. STACKED WITH VALUE I In Free port Sunday. Last Thurs- Judy Schneider spent aeveral visit relatives. visiting her son Robert at Fort Doris Kolwak. Sunday the Glen Ann Slmpkins are entertaining day they visHed another sister, days of last week with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Putnam of Devens, Mass., and her father and Rlckert family and Victor Clem- Exceptionally Fine 1 guests from Detroit this week. (*• Mrs. Lydia Porrltt in Alto. Mrs. John Wiliiama and family in Eaton Rapids called on relatl brothers In Lynchburg, Ohio. She enz family and Jessie Rlckert went Mr. and Mrs. Horace Myers, Mr. VALUES... Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Christian- Grand Rapids. and friends in Lowell Sunday after- also visited Mr. and Mrs. Nathan to Lansing for a potiuck dinner and Mrs. Lloyd Livingston, Gerald, sen and family of Royal Oak called Mrs. Royden Warner will leave noon. Dllly in Newport, Kentucky. with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farmer SMOKED PICNICS Gary and Ross spent the week end j Tke m Wool EHPRIE on her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Har- for her home in Tucson, Arizona Mrs. Hulda Flnels waa the guest Miss Jean Keranen of Flint Is and brought Marilyn home with yuonnritiny 1umirec * -*--i at Sunrise Lake. vey Haysmer Sunday, on their way after spending this week with her of Mrs. Harry Shuter In Grand visiting her grandfather, Leon J. them. R«purls from various fishermen ALL WOOL BLANKETS to Northern Michigan for their va- son Ralph and wife in Battle Rapida several days of this week. McCarty. , Sunday guests of Mrs. Fannie 4 ts 5 lb. ^ Ac for the first day were "fair," "too Yoa A WMt Rtwfe #f Caitri: catton. • Creek. Mr. and Mra. Frank H. Rathbun Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bennett and TenCate were Mr. and Mrs. Kram- much ralp and daughter of Detroit were week- two children of Philadelphia are er of Chicago, Ida and Alice Ten- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heaven left Sun YeHow, Canyon Red. White Cloud, Cactus end guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin visiting this week at the home of Cate of Grand Rapids and Mrs. avtnge 49 lb. foi Florida early Monday where Vm . Strong and Mia. Jessslc Ratlbtm. Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and York Kohn and Elaine. they expect to make their perma- "I Green, Gwn Gold, Oasis Green Mrs. Don White of Ionia waa s Mrs. T. W. Ford of Lowell. Mr. and Mra. Chas. Dent and nent residence. Thursday caller st the Nell Blakea- baby of Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guests at the Lydia lee home. Bill Schmidt of Lansing were week- Heaven home were Mr. and Mrs. Looking For PUBUC NOTICES • Large 72x90 size Mrs. Gerald Rolllna and Mrs. end guests of Leona Hale and fam- Claud Bowers, Saranac, Mr. and Dave Clark spent Thursday with ily. The Schmidts will stay a week Mrs. Lena Minard, Lowell, Mr. and the Rev. and Mrs. Paul V. Hi GKNERAL PORK CHOPS and then move to Illinois, and Mr. Mrs. Harold Heaven, Mr. and Mrs. Countess stra in Howell. Bute of Mlchiftn, the Probate Court and Mrs. PhZorus Hale and fam- Gerald Heaven and sons. Mr. and # Plenty of tuck In for the County of Kent. As Advertised VACATION At a lestlon of Mid court, held at tha ily were Sunday dinner guests also Mrs. Ernest Heavens and family. In PTfl yobate office, In the City of Grand Rap- at the Leona Hale home. Mr. and Mrs. Manard Hunt's ida, tn said Cotrnty, on the Slat day of Mrs. Celia Boss and son and Mrs. family are spending this week at # Gorgeously bound J«B«, A. D. 1W1. Cloyd Noon and children spent Gull Lake. Present: HON. RICHARD W. BRYANT, Jndge of Probate. Thursday with Mrs. Emma Blough Cits H'JJib. Sunday night supper guests at HONEY? In the Matter of tee Eateto tt at Ratigan Lake. the Wayne Fahrnl home were Mr. Spnut^ieid • Rigrfcdy $14.95 A. Ford, MmtaDy Intwwpeteat. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hlgglns were and Mrs. Gerald Fahrnl and fam- Dan A. Wlagtin havfag filed In said Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. WA5H IT.', court hia Final Aoooont aa gnardlan, ily, Mrs. Chrystal Richardson and and Mrs. Louis Blough and family. daughter. The Name Famous in Blankets Let us help you get rid of those nagging hk petition praytng for tha aUowaace SALE PRICE thereof, for the allowance of fees and for Little Joan was brought home last Viking Shurfint LeRoy Conklin, St. Johns, is stay- bills once end for all. Let us lend you the allowance of all thing* therein coo- Thursday afternoon and is im- ing with his aunt and family, Mr. • Ruggod, Qood looking ... proving fast now. and Mrs. Richard Slater. Popular Priced ASTORIA 1^*4 I IfLal f t - -1 • It II Ordered, That Tseaday, the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Theo Clement and COFFEE COFFEE Tuff COtQf TOOrlCS. OunTOftZWu the amount you need to settle them! day »f Jnly. A. D. 1*61, at ten o'clock In Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cisler and Donna of Grand Rapids stayed at 95 for permanent fft. the forenoon, at aaid probate office, he and Mr. Robert Cioler had Sunday din- Fine Quality Blankets ... Then you can enjoy a real worry- tt hereby appointed for hearlnc aald pe- the Glen Rlckert home Sunday ner with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wil- • 100% Wool M2 tition: while the Rlckerts were In Lans- lison. Linda is staying a few days. free vacation. You can t mar its It Is Further Ordered, "ttiat public no- ing. lb. 75c lb. 81c Stuart Rose landed a two pound tice thereof be Riven by publication of a Quantity limited to otr present stocks eopy of this order, for three Bucceaalre Mrs. Lottie Hancock and fam- bass while fishing with his grand- Lee Pants $4.89 # Treated with moth pre- # Large 72 x 90 matcbiess beauty! weeks prertous to aald day of hearing. In ily brought Edna Thompson home father. Ensley Stuart. Monday. ventative Tan or Dust Green Twill iVo Fuss...No Red Tape the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed from Mt. Pleasant Friday and all Ground to your mtthod of makinf Mrs. Horace Myers and Mrs. Mil- Sises 29 to BO and circulated In aald county. were dinner guests that day at the dred Stalter started working at GM RICHARD W. BRYANT, A true copy, Judge of Probate. in Grand Rapids Monday. # Pastel and Deeptone PRTO ROTH. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeWitt have # Extra length—72x90 in. ORRSPUN PASTES COME IN AND SEE US N-O-Wl Register of Probate. c 9-11 returned from a two weeks tour of Colors lee Shirts &« the New England states. to Match. Sises 14 to 19 DETERMl N ATIO N OF HEIBS Mrs. A. J. Hanks, Lansing, spent % 6 in. Rayon Satin Binding State of MICWkiw, the Probate Court for Prices Include Tax Wednesday and Thursday with % the Coonty of Ker.t. # Fine, soft, deep napped At a sesalon of said court, held at the Mrs. Clarence Kime. • $12.95 VdM ITobate Office In the city of Grand Rap- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stahl visited foo good to miss ... this advance sale of fine brushed wool finisn LOWELL LOAN CO. ids, In Mid county, on the 21st day of June, A. D. 1961. Perfect Sunday afternoon with Mr. and PHONE US Present: HON. RICHARD W. BRYANT, Mrs. Roscoe Custer and family of Colors: Dark Green, quality Springfield blankets. You know what Judge of Probate. Sunfleld. Howard J. Rittenger, Mgr. 210 W. Main Street I. the Matter of the Estate of Ksth- Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Norcutt and Flamingo, Maize, White, Green ^ Springfield's famous for—delightfully soft tex- $15.95 rrlua Bfawer, DMtMtd. family spent Sunday with Mr. and Albert C. Blaser having filed In said ture, sf:ug warmth, unusual wearing qualities. conn his petition praying that said court Mrs. Floyd Norcutt and family at adtudlcate and determine who were at the Clare. Roger remained for a visit Now add to these virtues a wide range of delicate time of her death the legal heirs of said Flooring SALE PRICE the rest of the week. deceased and entitled to Inherit the real SALE PRICE esute of which said deceased died seined. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nash and or vivid decorator colors, and you'll have some It to Ordered. That the isth day of Jnly. family and Mrs. Lynne Stuart vis- 95 A. D. 1961. at ten o'clock In the forenoon ited Mrs. Harry Miller at Gun lake. idea of the values you'll find in these beautiful at aald probate office, be and Is hereby Lineoltum—Hie perfect floor $13 appointed for hearing said petition. Mary Nash stayed to finish out the $ 95 Springfield blankets. ^ aiMR* It ts Further Ordered, That public notice week there. thereof be given by pubHcatlon of a copy for any room in the house. Mrs. Ida Difief. Mrs Rose Her- 10 of this order, for three suceaslve weeks ron and Mr. Frank Adams of Gd. pravloos to said day of heaiins. In the Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed and Resists demage due to water, Rapids visited Sunday with Mr. circulated to said county. and Mrs. Art Justice. RICHARD W. BRYANT, Mrs. Grayce Phillips. Mrs. Mattie A true copy Judge of Probate. spilltd food, etc. Gives years FINESSE F-RED ROTH. Phillips and Mrs. Art Justice were INDIAN BLANKET Ragtoter of Probate. c 9-H Lake Odessa visitors Saturday p.m. and years of service. CaN us Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Blough and • 10% Wool, 90% Rayon 11.59 $4.98 B. ft JPKINOETT, Attorney for Ptatntlff, Shirley called on Mr. and Mrs. # Cotton and Rayon Quart Gallon today! Robert Yelter near Belding Sunday STATE OF MICHIGAN. THE CIRCUIT % Rayon Satin binding COCTtT FOR THE COUNTY OF KENT— p. m. ONLY # Sire 66 x 80 IN CHANCERY. NO. MOTS. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Clark and Rosalia F. Young, Plaintiff Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clark. Lansing, • 72 x 84 size ts. PHONE 55 # Double Woven Arthor J. Young, Defendant were Sunday guests at the Wm. At a sasiKm of said Court held at the Lyons home. # Use as an extra blanket *5»8 Court Houso In the City of Grand Rapids, LOWB1 Mrs. Wm. Lyons is expecting her % Brilliant, 100% wool blankets with the deep, luxurious nap In scJd County on the lOth day of June, parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. L Imus # Ideal for camps and cottages 19SL lustrous col- Present: Hon. Dale Boater. ClrcuK of Pittsburg. Calif., to arrive here \\\ 7 / and strong, firm weave. A blend of domestic and Special Announcement judge. thia week. ors of Red, In this cause tt appearing from affidavit Mra. R. G. Price visited Thursday imported wool producing a lively, lustrous blan- on file, that the Defendant, Arthur J. Blue, Brown nr THESE PROGRESSIVE Young, Is not a resident of this state, but Armstrong Quakor LinoUum p. m. with Mrs. Mary Lou Henney, H* warmer than many Slahketf twice its price! hia residence Is unknown, od moUon of Hastings. and Green ket. Wonderful in appearance and for wear. R E. Springett, Attorney for Plaintiff, Sue and Helen Piatt are spending It Is Ordered that tha appearance of said Defendant Arthur J. Young (residence un- two weeks with their grandparents. # Hemmed ends, Users tell us no other blanket washes like an LOWELL MERCHANTS known) be entered herein within three Mr. and Mrs. John Noyes. TEXTRON months from the date of this order, and . Mr «nd Mrs. Lee Reigler, Hale, reversible ORRSPUN. In ease of his appearance that he cause his per sq. yd. aonrsr to this BUI of Complaint to be ONLY •pent iunJay wliL Mr snd Mrs NOW GIVE THE FAMOUS Guaranteed* filed, snd a copy thereof to be served on 864 Dahon Stahl and Sharon. # Rtg. $5.49 72 x 90 irtchss, • inch rsyon sstin binding. Colofst Blue, Odd, Plaintiffs Attorney within fifteen days af- Mr. and Mrs. Flint Phillips were ter service on him of a copy of said Bill ASPHALT — RUMBt — UNO-TU BLANKET Orasn, Ross. Csdsr, Whits, busty Rmmn Sr*,, Chinssa Red and notice of this order, snd In default guests Sunday at tb« Frank Barn- Washable! thereof, said Bill win be taken as con- hart home in Logsil. and Huntsr Green. •T«*h hav« shown ihal Super fessed by said Defendant And it la fur- Mrs. Gladys fieandt, Grand Rap- v1 ther ordered that wlthlu Qftscn days tWs Tile Floortiig JVC GREER STAMPS Kem-Tone will withstand re- Plaintiff win cause a Notice of this order Ids, called on Mrs. Dalton Stahl peated washing with useful to be published In ths Lowell Ledger, a Wednesday p. m. newspaper printed, published and circu- For kitchens, bathrooms, playrooms or enclosed Mrs. Ida Livingston visited a on all Cash Sales and Charge Accounts when paid in household cleaners without lated In Mid County, and that said pub- 95 lication shall continue therein once each terraces, tile flooring can't be beat for beauty week with Mrs. Barbara Brake at full when due Impairing Its beauty. weak for six weeks in suoossslm, or she the home of Mrs. A. L VanAlls- $19 cause a eopy of this Order to be person- and serviceability. Be sure your tHe floor is put burg in Grand Rapids. Friday ally served cn said Defendant at least they all called on Mrs. E. M. twanty days before ths time prescribed tor down by sldHed craftsmen. Call us today! SALE PRICE ROTH & SONS CO. his appearance. Wheeler at Dutton, who has been AVERY Jewelers DALE SOUTBR, very ill and is only now able to FURNITURE — APPLIANCES circuit Judga. have visitors. See Our Gorgeous Array of Examined, countersigned and entered by me, PAUL BUTTS, Clsrtt. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Condon and $449 Attest a true copy Russell visited Mrs. Anna Mick Quality Blankets McMahon & Reynolds PAUL SMTTB, Clerk. Room Size Linoleum Riiigs Saturday e-ening. CHRISTIANSEN DRUGS c 8-13 Mr. snd Mrs. George Eldred and In Our Store Today! MEN'S CLOTHING SALE OB MORTGAGE OF UMAL ESTATE Wi HAVI ALL SOB Darlan visited Sunday even:rig at Prescriptions Accurately Filled BUte of Michigan, the Probate Court (Or the Dalton Stahl hame. thb County of Kent. 6xf . 9x12 • 7Vixt - 12x12 • txlOVj • 12x11 Mr. snd Mrs. Lester Miller were At a sewion of said court, held at the Sundsy evening guests of Mr. and STORKMLLE probate office, in the dty of Grand Rap- FLASHER SERVICE ids, in said county, on the Mth day of Mrs. Robert Price. June, A. D. 1991. Mrs. Grayce Phillips will visit CITIES SERVICE GAS and OILS Teenies to Teens Wear Present. Hon. John Dslton, Judge of Mrs. Tom Rich Thursday at Lake BUY NOW TO SAVE! Probate. $ In the Matter of the Estate of Annie Lansing. 1295 Easterly, Deceased. YOUR FLOORING Mrs. Josephine Knapp, Mrs. FOIL 7% FiET LONG,..ONLY RELIEFS Phillips 66 Service w«t. Main str.»t Frank L. Houghton having fll'4 In said Edith Decker and Mrs. Grayce court his petition, praying for Ucenso to Phillips attended Rebekah Lodge 72x90 sail the Interest of said estate In certain real estate therein described. HEADQUARTFRS in Ionia Tuesday. • So light, to fluffy, youH scsroely believe the budget price 1 Pay The little By little" Remember, S & H Green Stamps ail go in the same It Is Ordered, That the Mth day of July, Mr. and Mrs Wendell Price, book regardless of where you get them and are ex- A. D. 1961, st ten o'clock la the forenoon, Lake Odessa, and Mr. and Mrs. • Special scientific construction nukes it warmer Uun many at aald probate office, be .and Is hereby Richard BJork and children^ had changeable for hundreds of items of nationally known appointed for heartng said petition, and Way... on Lay Away that all persons Interested In said estate supper with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. expensive blssk-ts (IfV raynn; 12% wool)! friercnandise. Get your free merchandise catalog and appear before said court, at said time Price Friday evening and helped inw and place, to show cause why a license to Sw I them celebrate their 35th wedding • Comes in 12 beautiful decorator shades! stamp booklet today. sell the Interest of said esute in said real ROTH estate should not be granted. anniversary. It I? wiirth»r Ordered. That public notice Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Grand • Elegant five inch rayon-satin bindings! $1.00 Down, $1.00 a Week thereof be given by publication of a copy Rapids, were week end guests at of this order for three suoceMhre weeks S SONS CO. GEE'S previous to said day of hearing. In the SAVE AS YOU SPEND FURNITURC the Glen Jacobitz home. A Washes beautifully! Lowell Ledger a newspaper printed sad Mrs. Hattle Richardson was tak- circulated In said county. Phons US Lowell, Mlohlgen en by ambulance to the home of THERE IS NO COST TO YOU; JOHN DALTON. 0WEU Hardware A true copy: Judge of Probate. Store Horn: My 8:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Sotwdoyi ** *00 P. fti her son, Ellis Richardson, where FRED ROTH, Register of Probsts. 1 she will be cared for by Mrs. Rich- * {tin NWN {1.M A WEH WU HOUI YOUR BUNNET ON UYAWAY UKTL OCTOBER 1st i Tefephofie 9 Lowtl, Mich. c 10-13 ardson. fELEPHOHt 77

•MM **— LEL ••••Ml -.-1 ..

FOUR THE LOWILL LlOQIf^ LOWILL, MICH, JULY 9,1M1 THE LOWELL LEDGEH LOWELL, MICH, JULY Women wear wedding rtnfa to- Bend, Ind,, over the week- rr tare IndMduaJ day because In olden tines a man CMtsvttt White of CaleddBisnia. High herd in jo^of poultry work. Mr. and Mxa. Sherman Reynolds Kent Ag. Topics had to capture a wife. At that Mra. Alios Livingston the Sooth Associatioatlon wStfc- Net- day, also Mr. and Mrs. odled on their ooiudns, Mr. and time he would put a metal ring Notts from Kant County Extension son Potter herd, second high herd, jOk Club Week delegation had a Linda and Rowland. Mrs. E. P. Morse of Grand Rapids around her ncck, symbolltlng her Mr. and Mrs. Auten Bernlar and Keith Graham's herd. rood time at 4-H Club Week, Mrs. Kenm tl, Goodw® oaUsd On eubmlMiun to her husband. Later Snow W. S. C. S. will have an Thursday afternoon. family, Tenn., and Mrs. Sylvia Dick Agricoltars Lcnslng. A very Interesting pro- her brather, Dan Fletcher at North- WANT AdS it was moved from the neck to the Ice cream social at the hall on of Lake Odessa visited their mother Wednesday evening, July 11 with Bugs are on the move. With hay Home gram .was carried out with nearly vllle hospital, Sunday wrist, finally to the third finger.— Mrs. Albert Towne Tuesday after- fields being out the number of in- 1000 4-H dub members from Sotttb- Mr. and Mrs. Nugent Byrne ef Le Digeste Krancais, Montreal, Mrs. Carl Hadden as hoatess. Star Comers noon. Rural women should mark off Ifra. Ira Blough sects that ordinarily make their em.. Michigan. Grattan were Sunday callers of Mr. (Quote translation). Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Chapin and A surprise birthday party Waa the d^es August 1, 2, 8 on their son Jay of San ford were week-end home there are moving on to and Mrs. Chas. Collar given Mr. Marvel Neeb Tuesday calendars and plan to come to farm CANCER—medical coverage now TO SAVE MONET rent our hlgh-j LAWN MOWERS—|18.7B and up. WATCH REPAIRING by sa ax- IT TA1CX8 TWO TO MAKE A BARGAIN Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wiugeier greener pastures. This past week Harold Brigham, Sand Lake, was jMr. and Mre. Bert Baker spent FARM LOANS For Sale—Used Cars: guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. night. The group included Mr. women's camp at Best wick Lake. available. Call 144. Rittenger speed Floor Sander. We sell' Lawn seed, lawn mowers shar- pert Free estimates. Avery aad a wut ad haa computad Seymour Oalstra. were Sunday evening visitors at we have had a number of calls initiated into the leader section of Sunday with their sister, Mr. and 4% Intenec—Long Term. Natl 1949 Plymouth 4 Door •ful baigaiaa. and Mrs. Horace Myers, Mr. aad It promises to be three days of fun, Insurance Service. Lowell, Mich. everything to complete the Job. pened and repaired. Also wall Jewelers. cfiOtf the Paul Hoffman home near Free- from folks who are concerned the State 4-H Service Club at an Mrs. M. 8. Heering at Farm Loan Ass'n, 1048 Leonard 1941 Plymouth 4 Door Mr. and Mra. Dan Standing of Mrs. Lloyd Livingston, Mr. and relaxation and interesting classes. c-10-14 Lowell Lumber St Coal Co.. clO paper steamer for rent Thorn- port. about a brownish beetle that is impress!vs initiation ceremony dur- at Port Sheldon, Lake St, Grand Rapids, Mich. Phone 1941 Chevrolet 2 Door Ionia were Saturday night guesta Mrs. Clarence Kime and girls, Mr. moving into the grain fields and Included on the schedules of ing 4-H Club Week. Kenneth Goodwin's brother, baa apple Hardware, Cascade. FOR SALE—Hotpoint Electric Ttl-COUNTY of Mr. and Mrs. John Blanding. Dr. and Mra C. S. Buerman, Mrs. events will be lots of mdsic with BLACK SWEET CHERRIES— WASHING AND GREASING— 72668. o4S-18 stove, Frlgldalre, kitchen table THOMPSON'S and Mra. Albert Towne and Mr. of Battle Creek is painting their Williams and Mrs. Wells of Grand the corn. The bug a brown hop- Pick them yourself. Ready about Every car treated as if it wert McQueen Motor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sprowl and Mra. Marvel Neeb had a weiner Mrs. Kllbourne in charge. Some bouse. TRAINED truss fitter, surgical and 4 chairs, Singer vacuum Rapids were Saturday evening cal- ping beetle and looks somewhat 4-H camp at BoJtwlck Lake will Jnly 6. On Three Mile Rd., N.E., our own . . . every purse as if it HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID 222 W. Main St Lowsll phone IM and sons of Sturgls ore spending roast at the Flowing Well on UB16. good help on photography, so bring be held July S-SL appliances, etc. Koss Rexoll cleaner, ladder, other articles. lers at the homes of John Krebs three-cornered. It is the adult of just west of East Belt Line. W. came from our pocket in for dead or disabled cows and clO a few days with her parenta, Mr. your Kodaks and cameras along The only infallible eaUer at oftr Drugs, Saranac, Mich. cS9tf Contact Will P. Laux. 613 Avery SANITARY MARKET and the Wingeler sisters. Mra. Bessie Benedict had a sale the spittle bug. Ray Hutson, Mich- G. Mawby, Grand Rapids phone soon! Mobile oil and gas. Al- horses. Small animala removed and Mrs. Jack Nelson. igan State College says its appe- plus some film, and we will really apartment Is the kid who St p 9-10 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and of her household goods Saturday take pictures 7IS42. p 10-11 len's Friendly Service. Allen Las- WITH a light touch you secure as free. Rockford 74551, Roy Coop- BUILDING COSTS are higher. Do Phone 233 G. R. (Butch) Thompson 205 E. Mala Mr. and Mra. Fred Oesch and tite is very small when it gets that Foreman Rood on Saturday ^for thirty cents for Mrs. Sherman Reynolds were Mr. p. m. by, 526 E. Main St., Lowell Ph. muoh privacy as you wish—regu- er, licensee for Darling A Co.. you have enough protection Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs spent old. It has done most of its feed- Ruth Warnecke will be out one Mrs. Edna Taylor delivering a newspaper, usually BARNS, BULLS, Houses. Hens, BLACK RASPBERRIES—G e t and Mrs. C. E. Snyder and son of Mr. and Mra. Uoyd Livingston U2. clO late light, ventilation. Insulate c8tf against windstorm loss today? Sunday evening at the Aaron Stef- ing in the Isrva state. Dont be day with the Bookmobile and talk claiming that he lacks Changs for yours freshly picked at the Carey Whci Yee Think of Meat or Ptdlrj — Tknk of Kalamaxoo, Mr. John Snyder of and three boys left Saturday for Pigs and Machinery—all can be from heat and cold—add charm State Mutual Cyclone Insurance fenson home at Dorr. concerned if you see a number of "books" to us. Shirley Kemjpamen left tw.lf n dollar tha little devil. protected against windstorm loas farm on 36th St., about 3 miles Schoolcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sunrise Lake where they will stay HALLMARK GREETING CARDS and enllghtment to window treat- WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED to Co., The LAPEER Co. clO tf Reginald Fuer a German student these beetles in your crops. Mrs. Ingraham, wife of the Bost- Friday afteroon on a vacation at by a LAPEER Policy. State take care of your welding needs, west of M-91, or 1 mile east Snow Robertson and son of Cascade, Miss two weeks. for every memorable occasion on ment Venetian blinds of quality Ave. Dally except Sunday. clO who has spent the past year In this wlck Lake minister, and Mrs. Alston, Upper Peninsula. Mutual Cyclone Insurance Co. repair motors and sharpen your Marjory Blanding of Ionia and Mr. George Bell will help with morning your calendar and every person are practical as well as beautiful FOR RENT—F r o n t apartment country called at the Frank Kauff- Rev. and Mra. Levi Slagle spent c l(Vtf lawnmowere. Klelnheksel's Feed Phone Lowell 427F12 and Mrs. John Blanding. Mra. Belle I had a notice from Ray Janes devotionals. Mrs. Frank Ryder and Mra. Chaa you want to remember! Hall- Costs so little. American Venetian HELP WANTED—Two ambitious over Klngsley Implement Store. man homo Saturday evening. from Tuesday until Thursday at mark Cards are always In good Service, McCords Alto Phone 2198 Prefer widow or adults. Write George E. Wlttenbach White of Caledonia was an after- saying that you fight be on the Of course we will swim and have Collar called on Mre. Leo Patt Blind Mfg. Co., 837 E Washing- boys. 14-16 years old, to work on "Regl" returns to his home land General Conference in Indiana. and Mre. Chas. Farrell in Grand taste... always welcome! Avail- c7tf Earl Cole, 53 Benjamin Av, SE, Artificial Intemlnator noon caller at the Reynolds home. lookout for the army worm. This special evening programs including ton, Ionia. Phono 422. c3-10 garden farm. Steady work. Abe July 5. Lola Stuart was home for the Rapids Friday afternoon. able at Christiansen's Drug Store Grand Rapids. clO p81. oS2tf Mr. and Mra. Louie Seeley ac- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Blough spent week-end from her teaching at the seems to be the season for them. stunt night. CANCER—medical coverage now VanEerden, 3541 Buttrlck Ave., If you see any blackish colored Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stauffer and Lowall. clO FIBRE GLASS HOME INSULA- companied Mr. and Mra. David Sunday with Sue Blough at Free- Dally Vacction Bible School at Ths final day, August S, will be available. Call 144. Rittenger ' clO FOR SALE—4-year-old Guernsey worms eating the growing crops it children attended a picnic at the TION—proven best for refrigera- Gladstone on a trip to Chicago and port. Orangevllle. all-county camp day, and wa hope SPINET PIANO BARGAIN; Cir- Insurance Service. Lowell Mich. cow due to freshen about July 12. is no doubt the army worm. How- home of their aunt and uncle, Omf/mM tion and ovens. Complete Insula- FOR SALE—Duncan Phyfe Mr. and Mra. Chris Welgele of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Swelger of these folks who can't make the 8- cumstances beyond our control tion service. Phone 380 F13, Low- c-10-14 Ernest Althaus, Loycll phone ever. the army worm works Iste in day camp will come in for the day. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Price at Keene chrome kitchen table and four Lowell spent Sunday afternoon at Grand Rapids are the proud par force us to offer for sale in this ell, Baird Broe., R. I. p6-ll chrome chairs. Lowell Phone 150F3. clO Phone 55 the evening snd during the night A special program is being plan- Sunday. CALEDONIA LIVESTOCK SALE the John Krebs home. The Wei- ents of a baby boy born Saturday, community a lovely spinet pisno. 106. clO gele's returned home from their Juno 30. ned and luncheon at noon will be Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hulkonen left Standard make and keyboard. SARANAC STOCK TARDS—Buy- every Monday at 5 o'clock. o90tf FOR SALE-100 White Leghorn In talking to Menno Baker, A^a, trip to Germany recently. Mr. and Mra. OrvlUe Slagle of planned for those who let us know Saturday morning for a two weeks' Fully guaranteed. Some lucky ing Monday, 8:00 to 4:00. We pick REFRIGERATOR— Electric Frlg- pullets, 3 months old. Sam Fred- For Service / this past week, he told mo that his FIRE INSURANCE is more im- Mrs. Edward Anderson attended Saranac were Sunday dinner guests they are coming—(watch the par vacation in upper peninsula. party with good credit can make up. Saranac 292!; other days G. idairo in running condition, S35. erick, Lowell R-2, Phone 531F2. boys had solved the problem of portant now than ever before plO the meeting of the Sth District As- cf their parents, Mr. and Mra. Wal- pere for details of the programs). Mrs. Theresa Goodwin of Muir small down payment and aasume Rapids 88209 or 80680. c84tf Also kitchen table and 4 chairs, lb. 49c ON ALL MAKES OF nlpae growing in his stock tank. He LIGHTS with pi ices continually rising. pOLlO sociation of the American Legion ter Wlllison. came Friday to spend a few days monthly payments. Quick action kltchcn work table, and electric says that his two boys caught some Our policies give you the protec- TIRES—Five 7.10x15 with tubes. Auxiliary at the Second Congrega- Rev. and Mrs. Levi Slagle and 4-H dab News with her son, Kenneth and family^ necessary. We will tell you LAWN MOWERS sharpened and washing machine. Phone Mrs. snails from the creek and put them tion you need. See us today. White sldewall, super cushion, RMCCS, Washers tional Church in Grand Rapids Mr. and Mrs. Orville Slagle attend- Mr. and Mra 8. V. Taylor spent where to see rplnet. Write Fin- repaired. Motors repaired also. Hulda Flnels. 252 Lowell Car be INSURANCt In the tank a couple of years ago. Jerry Sietsema, Jr., Knapp Road, Peter Spcerstrs, General Insur- Goodyear. L. Vers poor, 9560 Bail- Wednesday evening. ed the Slagle reunion at Toledo, Sunday evening with her alster and ance Manager. 925 S. Main, Royal Gamble Store and Jack Spidell seen in parage at rear of 516 W. Since then his water has been per- Grand Rapids. Gerald Wells, Low- husband Mr. and Mrs. F Kinney ance, Lowell phone 269. c9 ey Drive. plO Mr. and Mrs. Francis Seese took Ohio, July 4th. Oak, Michigan. c 10-11 Phone Ada 8802. c52tf Main St. plO Hoover Vacuums fectly clear. His neighbors have ell, and Dale Johnson, Alto, were near Sidney. Mra. Lucy McNaughton to Indiana Mr. Carl Fawley had the misfoi^ FARM PEOPLE-Be mre to inves- FOR SALE—1949 Nash 2-door. ex- been getting some of the snails and the 1, 2, 8 winners in the Kent Mr. and Mre. Adelbert Odell and FOX CHOPPER for sale or trade. SAGGING FLOORS—Free inspec- ELECTRIC STOVE—in fair con- Sunday where she will visit for a tune to break his arm while at tigate Farm Bureau Insurance. jcelient condition. Selling to settle Refrigerators are asing them too. Seems this is County Chicken-Of-Tomorrow con- family, Leater Bailey and Mre. Alto Farm Equipment Alto Ph. tion. Steel beams and posts In- dition Call Lowell 333. 923 N. sr/o $s,ooo.oo week, then with friends will take work Friday. test that ended last week. 4tt to 1 It is rated as a number one buy estate. Lowell phone 240F3. clO an easy way to keep the stock tank Florence Bailey and Mra Mabel sm stalled. General Construction Co., Hudson. plO a trip to Pennsylvania to be gone Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Waterman by Consumers Guide to Better USED RECONDITIONED FOR HOSPITAl md MEDICAL EXPENSES clean. GL 4-7808 evenings; GL 8-4714 CASH BUYERS waiting for your APPLIANCES for an indefinite time. were Sunday dinner guests of A. MMMnmrr smotts days. cOPtf Buying. Don't hesitate to call R. FOR SALE:—Two spotted saddle Bulli Sausage Also coven Mr. and Mra. Dave Kauffman, C. Nash and Inex. In the after- A. Wlttenbach — your agent form! If Interested in selling, sleeping sickness, Any farmers Interested in the MVCT AUOMf horse.*. Kenneth Beckhorn. Ionia write William A. Armstrong, Ada • • • Mr. and Mra. Joe Miller of Penn- noon they motored to Greenville to ALFALFA AND CLOVER Hay— Lowell phone 40F2. c6 tt scarlet fever, March beef calf feeding project for MOM TtMff ro* phone 1268J2, Ionia R-3. clO R. 2 or phone Rockford 71203. diphtheria. sylvania were recent guests at the visit Wm. Trowbridge. Tour choice of 330 acres. Take ALL KINDS OF 1951 may enroll before July 10. We SVHOAY MtvffAS j mwf c 7tf spinal or csrebral meningitis, Seese-McNhughton home. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Compton NOWAT KIOdERf TOlRinC MW-SUMMFT Precast Concrete your pick and place your bid. SWEET CHERRIES will be ready FOR SALE—10x12 ft tan sldewall smallpox, have some enrollment blanks here Mrs. Edward Anderson and Ann attended an Ionia County Normal Donald McPheraon, Porn ell Ava, about July 1st Bring containers tent. Used. |25. Lowell phone leukemia, for your use in case you are inter- VALUES TO HILP YOU ROOFING—Barrett Anchor Lock Ce—frriil Refriferttioa tetanus Schwab were business callers In picnic Sunday at Riverside Park in A csr thst really movss ahead • Lowell phone 71F2. c3tf and pick your own. J. R. Bra- 815F4. plO and rabiat ested. Calves must be weighed be- 7 t and strip Shingles; also commer- Lansing Thursday Ionia. when you step on the gas....re- man, 3625 Four Mile Rd., N. E., fore July 10. The purpose of this SEPTIC cial roofing. Baird Broe., Phone tRtl Air Ceo&ioRBf Mr. and Mrs. Roger Heasley of Mrs. Malcolm Stuart and chil- WANTED—to rent or buy 2 bed- H mile east of East BeK Line. FOR SALE—Schmlts red sweet OO par yaarfor yo«r project is to see how eoonomically acts instsntiy te a touch ef the cherries, now ready to pick. 380 F13, Lowell R. I. p 6-11 lb. 39c Manchester, Mich., spent the week dren apent Sunday afternoon with room home in Lowell or vicinity. O. R. phone 9K862. c 9-10 CLARKE FLETCHER entire family you can feed a beef calf and then vrocei brske pedal. ...moves smoothly 10 end at the Francis Shaffer home. Mr. and Mrs Ward VanDyke in Gd. Phone 608. p 9tf Bring own containers, or we will TANKS CTCLONE SEASONS Here. Tour Dependable Used Cars Rapida exhibit that calf during Farmers' v; snd silsntly whether the reed's a fill orders. Adelbert Ford, Lowell Week next January. Drop us a FARMERS-Now Is ths tims to only protection against wind loss phone 73F11. clO 1949 Dodge Coronet 4 dr. Sedan Mra. Margaret LaVean of Sar- super highwsy or a rut-ridden LITB A SNI Ce. line if you are interested. get your silo orders in. C A B is insurance. See your LAPEER with Gyro-Matic Transmission. TODAY! Sovtii Roston anac spent the week end wKh Mrs. back Is no. THAT'S YOUR CAR 500 Gallon Capacity triple seal cement stave is ths Man today. State Mutual Cyclone FOR SALE—5-Burner Perfection 1950 Chevrolet Dlx Sedan Miss Belle Toung Ensley Stuart. niRHrrvw J. A. VANDERWERF sftsr it gets our Summer Service bay Call R. A. Wlttenbach, Insurance Co. clO-tf. kerosene oil stove with upright 1950 Chevrolet Convertible 625 Murray Bldg^ Grand Rapids The week of July 22-28 is Nation- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer LaBuhn of Special! Complete lubrication, s Approved by 40-P., Lowell o4tf oven. Good condition. Call M2:00 1950 Chevrolet Dlx 2-door Rss. R. 1, Alto—Phone Alto 2314 Sue and Helen Platte of Holt are al Farm Safety Week. We urge KROGER I Detroit spent last week with their mornings. Alto phone 2102. Wm. 1949 Chevrolet Dlx. 2 dr. spending two weeks with their that every farmer in Kent County parents, Mr. and Mra. Wm. Bus- chanfle of oil, radiator inspec- State Board of Health Wieland, plO observe not only that week but TODAY'S EGG PRICES ATTENTION GARDENERS 1947 Chevrolet Fleetmaster 2 dr. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John tance. On Sunday they left for tion, tire cheek and battery ser- Noyes. every week in the year as Farm We hsvs ths SURE KILL for 1949 Plymouth Dlx Sedan Iowa to visit their son Gerald who vice, .they mean better metering Ntcf Run Af the Farm, CANCER—medical coverage now Mra. George Tucker and daugh- Safety Week. Much time is lost Ross Beetles — DuPonfs avaiiabie. Call 144. Rittenger 1948 Plymouth Spl Dlx. Sedan Chickens is a chaplain for a fexoup of boy this Sum mar. Orivs up I IONIA BURIAL Large METHOXYCHLOR CATTLE 1947 Kaiser "Special" Sedan * it's here! It's MEW It's super! * ter, Mra. Velma Dawson of Lowell scouts there. each year because of farm acci- Insurance Service. Lowell Mich. spent Wednesday afternoon with dents. The farm by no means Is SPRAY — 81-50 per can c-10-14 1949 Ford Custom 2 Dr. Sunday guests at the homo of OMKEJMGE VAULT CO. 50c dozen 1940 Dodge Sedan the safest place to work. There HEBTS TEXACO SERVICS Mr. and Mra. Maynard Tucker and Mr. and Mra. Wm. Bustanoe wore Brawn Eggs — 2c Lsss family at Hastings. are many haxards which might E. Mala A Phone lenis 1572 MONTMORENCY CHERRIES — ALSO: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hay of De- C. H. RUNCIMAN CO. cause accidents. ttl4 clO-U IdBlBfcrfURi for sale. Bring containers and 1960 Dodge 8-4 Ton Pickup Harvey Eickhoff is helping with troit Mr. and Mra Ed Folkertama Mil tli Lowsll, Michigan Of All Kindt * Alto PttHk 21921868 McCords, Mich. pick your own. John Potter, first You owe it to yourself to see the farm work at the Lyle Condon of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. farm. Michigan potato growers win H29c • house north of US-16 on west These Choice Used Care. Riker of Lyons. have an opportunity to vote on side of M91. Lowell phone 226F4 Miss Marcia Carter of Lake Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fahrnl and Gould's Garage I Marketing Order No. 60 which has plO Odessa was the guest of honor at a boys had Sunday night supper at Tour Dodge Jb Plymouth Dealer to do with the marketing of pota- bridal shower Thursday evening at the Ray Smith home In Lansing. Phone 269 Lowell toes. This voting will be done be- Runciman Motor Sales— the Ernest Roth home when Mrs. Mra. Hattle Richardson is stay- clO tween July 9-1S. We urge every UNFURNISHED APARTMENT Trees Jut Won't Stay Typed Thad Wigficld and Mra. Don Teller ing at the home of her son, Mr. and 1949 Ford Tudor potato grower in the country to be for rent. Three rooms and bath, were co-hostesses. Thirty-five lad- Mra. Ellis Richardson. She is not 1947 Ford Tudor Hastings Livestock Sales There are over 20,000 differs# sure he exercises his privilege and 1941 Chevrolet 2-door Lowell phone 482 F2. clO les gathered for the event and af- very well at this writing. Friday June 29, 1951 species of trees in the world. No ter several games and stunts \he votes on this issue. The only way Used Car Radio Sunday visitors at the Ell Is Rich- Calves, good, choice $36.00439.00 YOU ARE LOBING ICOftJET on Furnltars honor guest opened the numerous that our government may know Yes iVth^ Month t. buy It wiU Pay to see Jay one knows Just how many, rinea ardson home were Mrs. Nellie medium S30.00-S36.00 •ad other booatbald artlelM wWch you what the thinking of the farmer is and new ones are constantly being dta- gift packages. Refreshments of Toung, Miss Edna Richardson and Ught J28J)0442i» art uot usias. Cash la on is through your vote. Worthwhile to see Lyle the For Sato covered In remote tropical sandwiches, pickles, cake, coffee mother and Mrs. Hattle Post Lambs ^80.00m80 -i 1 and Ice cream were served. Sgt. and Mre. Elmer Richardson A-l Guarantee — A-l Automobiles sheep .I18.00418.26 We were impresssed at the field Lowell Phone 222 clO The N. M. O'Beirne farm has announce the birth of a 7 lb. 4 ox. NEXT WINTER'S Steers and heifers S25.00-S35.00 day held on the Art Leitch farm In 1 been sold to Mr. and Mra. Lyle baby boy at the Osteopathic hos- Cows, beef _S22.00425.80 Condon. Stanton with the fine Job Mr. A CYCLONE'S impersonal until it cutters and canners..S18.00-S21.60 pital in Grand Rapids. Mrs. Rich- hits your farm. Then it's your ^ •3WORM PIGS i DAY Leitch was doing on his unit He Mrs. Nellie Toung visited her ardson was not getting along very bulls S27.00-S29.00 certainly has been practicing soil personal loss unless you're in- WHh sister, Mrs. Hattle Richardson Sun- well and Sgt Richardson was sent Hogs, top -S22.75-S23.50 conservation to the 'enth degree. GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED sured. State Mutual Cyclone In- day p. m. Mrs. Richardson Is in for. She is slightly better at this roughs and heavies...S19.00-S21.00 GUARANTEED At one of cur stops on the tour the surance Co. Tbe LAPEER Co. very poor health at the home of her writing. Feeder pigs S 9.00-$30.00 MLLKEATSl group was told about an experi- c 10-tf TO GL« . son, Ellis and wife. Mrs. Walter Richardson went to JUKE JUICE COAL SUPPLY clO ment conducted in Calhoun County Mr. and Mrs. Don Blundy and the Osteopathic hospital Friday for Sharp aad 44-ez. cos Toft?? oranea 44-ei. SSS CANCER—medical coverage now .SATISFACTION HOG WORM POWDER on pasturing swine. Craydon Blank A * — family of Portland were guests at x-rays. Shi hopes to come home rafraihing • groporruit. I Vi plait of available. Call 144. Rittenger Bimplr m* wkk I—d OR SLOP ... He from the animal husbandry depart- Slock-up and A volua at uawjryud c.i.K'ng j-ti Hog^Hke it —d the Bruce Fahrnl home Sunday. Monday. • f coolino __ •o-sy <*0*9* 4 g% Insurance Sendee, l/jwell Mich. OR YOUR ment showed that hogs on pasture J, CALL US TODAYI The Jolly Workers Club met ime». MMHMHI 1 UA c-10-14 — ef WwtUfcieriiin with Ammcicam Wcrm* grew better and faster on less feed price. " 23c 27c S-r-^ -35e •eeS aad Araca Nut to do m irmiiwlriil. Wednesday with Mrs. Delia Scott MONEY BACK than those that were fed on a dry f Mt* and aala wofiDg tob. A aixa for awarjr Quilting was the work of the day. TODAY'S PAYING PRICES lot The cost of gain showed pas- Ill last ii „ Three members were absent Vis- wtri ture hogs costing $9.90 per 100 lbs. PER DOZEN FOR EGGS itors were Miss Bethel Mote, Mra. KLEINHEKSEL FEED* SERVICE of grain, these on the dry lot cost ARMOUR'S STAR LOOK WHAT 19c WILL BUY! Doris Sawdy, Mrs. Marion Wlllett Fadard-Stote Grades TIMTIIS • CIMIIIEt McCORDS, MICH. FARHAIL SI US per 100 lbs. There <^rtalnly SlipCr C Jimmy and Johnny, Mrs. Mertle Large, Grade A 58c y«ir ireiri Nifirf is a place in our livestock program WLEKITI Worth and Mra. Claud Thomas and We Have On Track One Car of Medium, Grade A 49c for good pasture. If you are grow- Alice. The August meeting will be Small Grade A 39c iog bogs you might give this a try. Smoked Picnics Large, Grade B 48c For ct'd 17 cvaf4 with Mrs. Ammon Miller, Sr. Head Lettuce Mr. and Mra. Dalton Stahl and Brown Eggs 2 cents less. In report made by Floyd Foster, SHALL SIZES ^1 C It's a revelation in easy hand- Get the feel of LIVE power. Sharon and Miss Carolyn Erb spent our South Kent D.H.UL tester we 5ERGY 990%. ELEVATOR iti llnlingj — power-to-spare perfor- o« SUPER-EASY driving, of Saturday evening at the Hooper- see' the following high individual LAICI AHo, Mkhigsn MORE NET DOLLARS mancma e — fuel metering econ- BALANCED weight and pow- Hulliberger home In Pleasant Val- cows for the month of June. High SNORT SUM ^ •jp jC Prices subject to change am;f . It's FIRST IN THE er. Ask us for a demonstration ley. Other guests were Mr. and srn Oow was owned by Nelson Potter 36 SUE 0-20-0 Fertilizer FIELD. Ha. bMt BALANCE ...see for yourself why the Mrs. Waldo Osborne of Twin Lakes of Alto and produced 7.8 lbs. butter- Consign Your Livestock ibetween power and weight for new Farmall Super C is your n«ar Muakegon. Mr. and Mrs. -19c America Depend* on Family Car fit. JUioond cow was a mature 2-row, 2-plow "get up and go." best value in a 2-plow tractor. Wesley Keim, Semlah Seese, Mr. cow owned by Keith Graham of Al- TO THE Selves your power problems, It's built stronger to His k Granulated and WU. NOT HARDEN and Mrs. Loren Gray and Tommy to. The third high cow was a mar CANNED HAMS TOMATOES for years and years. years longer! and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Blank. Miss Carolyn Erb is visiting at PUWC NOTICES 4 LEMONS Lake Odessa Livestock Auction Availahle for Immediate Delivery! the Dalton Stahl home. 10 to 12 $ 10 Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Stahl and KTIXi AKP MWPLA1 LB. AVRACi Sharon spent Sunday afternoon at 89c 4 BCHS. RADISHES 19c EVERY THURSDAY MORE POWER! MORE PEP! MORE PULL! the Wm. Moore home in Hastings. 40 per ton Mrs. Ha Hooper was a Monday Ask us for a demonstration! visitor of Mra. Dalton StahL SLICED BACON a 59< 2 CUCUMBERS 19k Optrafod By Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pepper. Jr., DATH) FO* FRESHNESS Mra. Leo Pepper, Sr, Joyce and Leas 5%, 30 Days The WdvtriM Stockyards Co. Terry returned Friday evening 4 LIMES 19c 4341 Wlttenbach Sales & Service from a week's vacation at Big Star BIG BOLOGNA fc59< TIC W, Main, Lowell Lake. Phone 227 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shaede of MIOI GKA0E NO. 1 2 LBS. ONIONS miw 19c Breckenridgc spent the week end JUST ARRIVED... with Mra Anna Mick. Sunday af- ternoon they ail called on Mr. and W-C OtANdAM 46 29c SALMON ARE MISSING Mrs. Guy Thorpe aad Mr. and Mrs. satvE lacou) FWI QUALITY - PINK One Carload of Lewis Mick, Jr. and family. OtANCE JUKI Na2can 24c KIOGBTEA ttfe.ptg.49c GET. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stahl vis- Most csr tUes—48 per ccat-are takes for meetisl A REAL THRILL ited Sunday at the home of Mr. and TOUCANS - CONDENSED SHOAL ILEND FOR ICED TEA or iBsportaat reasons. Mra. Wm. Oithouse of Logan. No 2% ear 25c STtAWBEttlES . UNTIL YOU Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jacobitz and PiACHES Sherrill and Mr. and Mrs. Fronds VAL VITA-SUCH) SUNSHWE - FRESH ftOZEN STEEL about 60 per cent Passenger car DBTROrT—On an average day, registrations for 1950 totaled 40,- Richardson spent the week end at at least one out of every three Big Star Tjilra PEAS mil HMT 2 * az. cam 2S49c people over tbe age of 14 ride in lack of middle age cars as a result lite Slix today — amd got Mre. Hershberger. CAUFORNA GRATTD CKoc htdg* DeviU Food - Rsg. 59c automobiles on sn aveisge day. of the wartime halt in sutomobile MIX Mrs. Minnie lott of Elm dale was This represents more than half of production. tkat now idaa of wkat brought home from Grand Rapids BARB WIRE the U. 8. adult population. Nearly In sddition to the need for f n % Friday. half of these individuals use a car motor cars as essential transport KROGER SPOTLIGHT in connection with earning a liv. tools, the nation relies on them as ing during a typical day, while s major source of business activ BROILER MASH SLIX almost one-fourih of them go (WITH MfTWO-VfTI) COFFEE 4-tioM Heavy rol $7.70 shopping by automobile. taa 1^4 sac A^l I ««^ ^ a^^Ma U-M Topic «• Supsr Soh - i*'« frosh KROGER HOT-DAT® About 40 per cent of all rides wyms sn afMi iwt Ww fwfi you now you vwn ytn your DroirvT* T* Rehabilitating the handicapped taken in motor cars, snd nearly a million separate enterprises, or fcliliid off and to morkot faster on Ao Ma star Mix Brotfar UNDERWEAR worker over forty years of age will one-half of the total pasbenger one out of every six firms in the So easy/ So mnooth! So diffentdJ be the topic f<* the Fourth Annual 20 or loaf miles traveled, are for livelihood country. One out of every seven Cone drive the firs# md fintmf University of Michigan conference 15c purposes, the survey showed. jobs, for a total of more than nine * automatic transmissian in the low- on the problem tn our aging pop- Shopping accounts for snother 17 million, sre automotive. price field ... today I ATHUIK SHNtT SUX ulation. - per cent of the ndes snd 11 per The average automobile buyer Bites S, M, L Bins 28 te 44 cent of the passenger mileage. h ownar-provad over a billion wBss. A three-day program has been OCEAN SWAY OSCAR MAYER y DUKKcc a pays about $95 in-Federal excise Price ttc Price $1.10 scheduled for July 11, 12 and IS These issscations cf AmcrTcs'; tax on hi? new car. Last year, under the sponsorship of the Uni- prcaecutkm, or by growing dependence upon the total automotive excise psyments versity. the Federal Security Agen- ment In tbe county Jail lor not CRANBERRY PORK COCOANUT family car for essential transpor- contributed nearly two-billion dol- 90 Caya. or toy tooth ftoe and With Seek 0' Bsrheque Ssacs) / !SHRE0DS» LOIUCLL. miCHIGfln tation are borne out by automo- cy of the U. S. Offlee of Vocational in the dJacmkm of tbe court. lars to Federal tax coffers. In ad- McFALL CHEVROLET Rehabilitation, the Mich'yan Office No 900 can bile and population statistics of dition, highway users paid some SAOSE^wc-iyc the past 10 years. While our popu. of Vocational Rehabilitation and Phone Lowell 33 Phone Free port 2421 $2.5 billion in special state motor SM W. Main St Phone 298 WITH CHICKEN: *2 az- can 59c SOL 2,8C Phone ClarlcsYille 341 lation has grown 15 per cent since the Michigan State Medical So- vehicle taxes snd fees for an aver, BERGY BROS. Elevator car ownership has increased ciety. C S-10 sye cf nearly $55 per vchk!e. ALTO. MICHIGAN PHONE 2321

f — 1—i wmmmmmsmm r THt LOWILL LIOOIII. LOWILL, MICH. JULY * 1181 StVIN wx THE towaM. LMOfp* aiioa. jwly !> mi ke Is on the sick list -J Li— Alto Locals Try again, Fred. McCords—E. Coscodt Mr. and Mre. Herman Snyder of Dr. VanderStolp and mother of Dr. W. A. Larae , . — Mr. and Mra. Hugh Henry of Caledonia vlalted at the Eugene Mrs. Bffls Cox CHIROPRACTOR Jack Unton M visiting at tka trnf) B1 Encouraging all farm realdents ! tlonal Farm Safety Wees, July »- Alto Sews Marne were guesta of Mr. and Mre. Grand Rapids visited at the J. Co* WHITNIYVILLI Dahlke home, Sunday. home the past week. 506 W. Main 81 Mrs. Lou la M. Doualaaa Wm. Betas home at Kmerat Ada News to adopt safe practices In all |18, 1961. Mra. Fred PaHlaon Ken Lyons at "The Flngere" on Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens of — Office Hours — Alto Phono 2361 Newaygo. Mrs. Richard Mra. Ksthryn Sytama XTHu phases of farm Ufa ia tbe goal aet The President's proclamation Phone S281 Plalnfleld, In honor of the Lyona Mr. and Mra. Ernie Wilson and Dutton were guests at the Ernie MM40 p. m. and 7M4M p. m. and children expect to bring him Ada Phone 4811 tar tta ODSaty of Kast by Prealdent Truman in proclaim- -Ud, In part: "Experience haa 22nd wedding anniversary. Mrs. son spent Sunday at Lake Michi- Wilson home, Sunday. 42 Lowall, Mich. •lata af At a aasrtns of aaM eaart. bsM at tta ing tha eighth obaervai.ee of Na- Lyons gift of roses from friend Mra. Dora J ana flkftvar home today (Monday). Pubili ofriaa, la tta Cltr «f Omad Ma*- proved that observance of safe White Circle Picnic Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falrchlld gan. Mr. and Mre. Bill Patterson and tta Ooanty af KaaL husband, bouquet of roses, formed Mrs. Georgia Obok aeana So ba Mra. Arlena VanderWood Ms. la said "nintjr, oa th. day af practices in working and living can spent the week-end with Mr. and Those who visited at the J. Cox son of Grand Rapids spent Sunday WE PAY FOR Siegle Mra. Dora Jane Sh river, afa 68, Don't forget the acbool At a asaslaa of The White Circle Picnic will be Dr. R. D. Thuraday all day with Mra. Ira •iliala atta. la tta Oty Jaas, A. D. MSL reduce accldedta. . . . Now, there- Mrs. Gerald Ashley at their cot- the table centerpiece. home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. afternoon at the Fred Wlsner of DMriet No. 10 at tha held at the Alto Community Park, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lock and Robert Cox and family and Mr. VETERINAR*RI AN paaaed away at her home in Whlt- Her oallera ware Mrs. UhMa Hurrah fo>rr the Ada boys! The; Teapla and Mra Jennie Grant & aaM aaaM r Fraasat^ HOW. JOHN DAliTOM, fore, I urgently request each mem- tage at Wabasls Lake. home. Carl Wlsner and family of bouaa Monday evening, July 9th at Thursday, July 12, at one o'clock, granddaughter Susan of Centerllne and Mrs. Harry Fish and family Dead or Disabled Alto, Mkh. neyrllle Monday, June 29th, mt 5:90 ler of Caledonia. CMssha* made their first wia st Dutton Thuraday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A. D. USL NEW ber of every farm family to adopt Ralph Huntington called on his Grand Rapids were callers at the Alto Phonoo: p. m. following a three day lllneaa. 8:00 p. m. Election of a Moder- Thuraday night Tha m aafa practices ... to drive safely, Bring a dish to pass, your own aunt, Mrs. Minnie Bouck at the Pat- Mich., Is spending a week with and Mrs. Nellie Fish all of Grand Wlsner home Thursday night. ator and such other buaineaa aa Louise Oilby. Masdames Oebrge Joa Parriah of Grand Rarids vis- J««sa af PtebaU. mIWUHS " Office 2391 Rot. 2m She la aurvlTed by her huahand, and John Klelnheksel, Lena Wood, with Caledonia Fords and proved • lATHROOM work aalely and live safely." sandwiches and servlcc, coffee will tlson home Sunday evening. their aunt, Mrs. Josephine Foote. Rapida. may lawfully come before It. ited st tha Teepla home. aS tta Laray H Hiu bavtoa ntod la said Mr. and Mrs. Sam Onan of Low- Oscar, one alater. Mra. Hattla Claw- Mr. and Mra. Onre Kellogg of Ada very exciting. Elmer Hoffman hto prajios that a eattafea h be served. Marlon Forward Is host- Friends are glad Mrs. Huntington Mrs. Foote and Mr. Lock attended Neighbors and friends give their COWS Dawne and Dolly Rooker, daugh- ell, Mrs. Ilene Wood of Grand Rap- HORSES Dr. J. W. Trumble son of Allaran, one aon, Paul O. . T|,e>ad,"« Aid of tha Wbitney- ahd Maude Cooper. Mr. aad Mra. struck a home ran to begin with "i.ot to wrtUng, • KITCHEN? A PAIR EXCHANOS HO LOTTBRT— and Nellie Tlmpson program Is gaining nicely. graveside services for Mrs. Elsa sympathy to Mr. Shrlver and fam- Ids and Mrs. Maud Cooper of Whlt- H1 ters of Mr. and Mra. Howard Hook- Try a waat ad. chairman. fUUenser Wilcox at Bowne Center VETERINARIAN WUIett of Coral, ona atepaon, Clif- r,,, Mr Newton Oatrom did not gat hare and along with good playing from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reynhout ily In the death of Mrs. Dora neyvllle called at tho J. Cox home * er of Rockford are spending a few aa flto Ib|_ cemetery. $7.00 Offko—W. Main 8t at City Limita ford Wlllett of Ann Arbor and fire EJIth Zoet VThura . afternoon^ , July from Flint till Saturday ava, be- all the players tha game ended bata, and t • HEATING UNIT? were Friday evening dinner guests Shrlver who passed away Monday. Sunday afternoon. $5.00 daya with their grandparents, Mr, Mrs. Ellen Ross of Ann Arbor Is Phono 52 Lowall, Mich. daiiffhtera, Mra. Sylrla Johnaon, CUrt r 0t R0Uth cauae of a foot Injury of Newt's with a acore of 7-8. IsaUU wMh 4-H Club Meets of Mr. and Mrs. Rogert Slater, who Miss Diana Cox of Grand Rapids We are sorry to hear Mike Dahl- Mra. Clara McDIarmld, Mra. JulU J£v n 111111 ^ * Tha two games played at Ada on and Mra Bernard Hooker, while * r-J •aH visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sarah is npendlng this week with her ^ . w* *<> the lad lea He la on crutchea but returned their mother la In the hospital with We Hoodb Hm lest FOR SALE OR TRADE Bowne Center 4-H Club will be are nicely settled In their new Other Form Animals Dr. R. H. Sluiter Sprldfaon all of Grand Rnplda, about bar mlaalonary work. All home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tueaday and Friday nights Thorne. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox. a new baby boy born last Wednes- It to Ordarad. That tta ITtt at My, held Tuesday evening, July 10 at home on the hill. Mrs. Sally Martin and daughter OPTOMETRIST Mra. Vara Hartllnf of Conklin and ladles cordially Invited. Stan Opdyke of Flint and Mary la also wlna for Ada. Tueaday with Callers at the Hayward home Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaufman oay. A. D. ISSl. at taa o'etoob la tta furaaaas, the Bowne Center hall.—Arnlth Michelle left Monday morning on Removed Free Eyaa Examined Mra. Florence Klpp of Whltney- Tho Burraa-Aid rich Family Ro- here to help with her mother. Oaft Auto team the acore was 6-2 It to Ordatad. That tha IStt Sajr at Mr. at aald probata ffiea, to an.) to bsssby CRANE—KOHLER New and Used Sunday were Mr. and Mri. Homer and Mr. and Mrs. A. Houseman of Lacatad in Dr. Myara' Office, Lowall vllle: 81 grandchildren and U and Friday with Oakdale Mar- The Women's Fellowship Group A. D. INI. at tae o'cloek ia tha f< Stahl. Reporter. the City of Los Angeles, for Los Grand Rapids were visitors at the union will be held Sunday, July g Nancy Pyard waa a Sunday and at aaM prafeela ofnoa, ba aad to Brundage, Mrs. Kittle Hodgeboom Abraham's Pavilion FOR — Wodnoadaya — irreat-grandehUdren. Funeral aer- ch anta it was 4-0. of the Ada Congregational Church Angele.i, Calif., where she expects J. Cox home Sunday evening. at Campau Lake. Monday gueat of Bonnie Jean Kahn appo'niid tar haartef Mid paUUoa; tt to Wthar Ontorad, That yablto LINE and Mrs. Gertrude Scott of Kala- PROMPT SERVICE 1:30-5:30 and 7:00-1:00 p. m. vlcaa were held at tbe Sullivan sponsored the Vacation Church ft to fartbar Ordwad, That pnblfc th.rtof ba ilTaa by Side Delivery Alto Merchant Softball News to mnke her home. Mrs. Dlntaman Mr. and Mrs. A. Houseman were oSaHS ClJ1"i of Un Addle of Kraft Ava. and Paul Clauason of This week Thursday they play ttaraof ba glraa by mbUaattoa af a of thto ontor, matoo. Friday avoninga. 7:00-9:00 | Mortuary Thuraday p. m. with bur- Campbell were Mr. and Mra. Austin Befasal hsld last weak. They ap- — r - ^— The Alto Merchants took the Tri- has been assttlng her daughter In dinner guests at the Clinton Thom- Big Crooked liake Alaaka apent Sunday with David again jit Dutton with Dutton Mer- af thia arttor. far Uuaa muiaSu i to said day ef Mrs. Emma Mofflt and Mrs. Fred packing and Irve Dlntaman vis- Phone Colect Phono 2M ial In Whltneyvllle cemetery. h€r f ther 0 pointed Mra. Anne Afton aa chair- rrvt? csnmares County League Champlonablp by as home Friday. t?!™ T ' B. Tay- Pyard. chants and Friday at Ada with prrrtoos to said day a( haartac. fea tta GST - . • Pattlson called at the Meyer home tor of Muakegon. and Mr. and Mra man of the project Mrs. Afton re- i«-Miumi . Rastotar af Probata. Lyle Covert ALTO FARM EQUIP. Runclman learn Wednesday night Friday. They took a basket lunch about the same. Boots — Picnic Grounds Wyoming Park. aS-W Rastotar of Probat#. a >06 Skldmore. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cox and son gueata of his brother. John Row- Ada R. 1 received minor injuries press her appredaUon to all thoae RESIDENCE PHONE Sit Alto Phone 2121 9 to 0. and the Lake Odeasa Mer- and had dinner with Henry HUxey Valley Chemical who helped in so many ways. Mra c8, 4t chants Friday night, 10 to 9. Mrs. Goidou Rosenberger Is now Fred and Miss Diane Cox called on land and family, ifr. and Mra Mra. Zona Poatma and Mra. Friday night when their car waa in who lives across street. They en- K| The Alto boys had an uphill bat- at her hotnii and Is being cared fur Delbert Eldrldge at the Hlodgett ulten)>erg of Holland, Dorla Linton attended the Farm a two-car crash st Bailey Dr. and Afton alao reports that a small blue Joyed seeing his Rranddaughter put Company Ue as the LaJte'O boys held a 4 by her mother, Mrs. Otto Nagunst hospital Sunday night and spent OPEN SUNDAYS A BEVERA6E MICIL, were Sunday suesta Bureau Plcnie in tha afternoon at McCabe Ave. Ilia driver of the coat and two am all sweaters ware her thorough-bred saddle horse to 0 lead over Alto at the end of from Hamlin, Kansas. Mra. Roa- the evening at MM. Cora Vander- c7. 4t Wednesday guests of Mra. Patar Johnson Park. They heard the other eaj- ffas g?--^rrwn Miller of left at the church. The ownara can POWER WAV through his paces. two Innlnga. Alto then came back enberger ia getting along nicely. Stolp's In Grand mplds. SiMitf Tf Mill Buys were Mra. Jack Buys and speaker. Mra. Whltaker, who waa a Lowell. R. 1. Mr. MlUer'a daugh- contact Mrj. Afton for Information Mr. and Mrs. George Lark and Ad Charlie gulggle snd Phillip Wil- twin aons of a. lira. Barbara De- Farm Bureau delegate to the World phone 4481. On Thursday, Mra. Af- and scored runs In each of the daughter, Mr. and Mrs. McKlnsey Aito'a Trailer Camp Newa ter. Deiena and James BeVier were son went fishing Monday morning. Tomm,e and Conference at Denmark. After ton acted as hostess for a dessert last five Innings to outhlt and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ballard and Ftr Thttf Wht SSLrS Mrs. Betty also Injured. They were all treated F^S and two daughters and Mra. Effle 1,1 Jane AnB hearing ha? talk they decided we luncheon for the Fellowship Group outacore the Lake'O team, 10 to 8. nephew, Marshall Jones of Joanes- Master Phillip Wilson spent one at St. Mary's hospital. Clark, all of Detroit spent the day and night with his grandpar- Ltvi Thf Taiti nljid" o* Od have ao many things commonplace st the church. They then viewed This marked the final game of week-end with Mr. and Mra. Ed boro. Ark., spent several days with League play as the Alto Merchants ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ronnie Beyer visited his Grandpa to us that will be appreciated Ads Locsls the work done by the children. Clark. her sister, Mia. Mutchcraft and THIS SHINGLE CAN Taitaliiinc fiaatfaaii more from now on. Mondsy Just before noon the breesed through the schedule un- Mrs. Beulah Hayward returned family of Mt. Morris, Flint. Brldgeon In Lowell. ,n The "Second Best" and rummage •s-rfca-ffc«sMar parfsbfa alarstan We are sorry to hear Mrs. Louis township fire truck waa called out defeated. This makea 4 out of 8 home Monday from a ten-day trip Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Carroll and Of Bittfrailk .. • Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pyard called on sale sponsored by the Ada Chris- Wakefield Is on the sick 11^. to a grass fire on Honey Creek yeara that Alto haa taken the through the Smoky Mountalna with Mr. and Mre. Frank Carroll and and 1 n ^lanre famfly of Caledonia called on Wal- there, and attended the Renfro •kS' - * «• «nd or more lad lee together who are In- aon. allowed to bring across the straits. h M;;nw0f ?0rr wer* 8un4ay call, ter Flynn and family Thursday terested In Joining a Home Nursing Bam Dance Radio broadcast and r other points of Intereet These brothers know how to flab MICHIGAN&UlGAS era of Mra. Laura Fountain. evening. claas, such a class wiU ba started msvifr-nMPiiii Alto Oarbaga Service ITS THE KIND YOU r Tuesday Mr. and Mre. Frank as well as build alios. * , *** Mra. aifford Clausing in the near future In Ada. Any- BCt GEE Alto will have a garbage col- Falrchlld and son William called Valtor Lta Oslry 0 C,DC,nn t, one interested please contact Mrs. lt'» Idaal for hnndilrg joba In Mi S!2aISft. ' • . Ohio, are lector, AI Flnkbelner of Caledonia Fred Ruah who fell in his home WANT ON YOUR HOME IfiMwH ky OtlrrUsa Ca- expected Sunday to visit her slater. Walter VabderWulp at 584 Ada Dr., Graaa •Hfifl** CraaMry 6a. If •r barnyard. Standard IS-fl. will colect garbage on Mondays and Is now at the Fahrnl Nursing Moseiey-Mnrroy Lake Mra. Charles Aldrlch and family NotkeOf phone 72187. There's double protection in every Shtrikrtki fey: and garbage and cana on Thurs- home In Lowell, alao called on bla Mrs. Eva Engle 1 01 to qyality hay model strat chss te 20 ft. wWi aaa» BOTTLED 6A6( CimMn "r l ** ri "" Reunion at AMNMI School Muthj A family reunion waa held at the 8 e • day. Do not put glaaa In garbage. sister, Mra. Frona Strong and Mra. PLINTKOTE Thikbut Single — because Campau Lake July 4th. home of Mr. md Mra. Sidney Nllea Un Ity Intoried 441. extanslen sscHsn Fourteen families have algned up, Llbble Layer, alao at the home. GIVES FREEOOM.TOO, there's a second coating of asphalt and */. Mart Poatma at- The Annual Meeting of Graded Sunday. There ware 46 present, These four fast-moving steps capture the fragrant Kenneth Kropf broke his ankle tended her cousin's wedding In School District Number One of the In plocs. Wide diolcs af bsHi tea- and if Intereated call ye scribe Mr. and Mra. Ernnat Rosenberg, In a fall from a tractor laat week FROM ALL THOSE TASKS a second coating of minerals over the Lowell Creamery coming' from as far as Bhrflewood, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Roeenberg and Greenville Saturday morning. Township of Lowell. Kent County, leafiness, the color and protein of quality hay in SSS1. Monday. entire exposed portion. A beautiful, New Jersey. Mra. Nlles" sister and ollne and electric power onlH. Larry, Marilyn Oeach and Denton YOU HAVE TO OO LOWELL. MICHIGAN Mr. Frank Gllchriat waa a Sun- Michigan, win be held at the Cen- her husband and son from New weather-resistant rolled bales. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry practical, extra-heavy roof for the family the tral School Building on Monday, Indian Aarial War Dance Wilcox were dinner guesta of Mr. Showers, a daughter, Katherlne SjiiSE * ^Bruyn- Jersey are going to remain !n Ada and Mra. R. D. Bancroft In honor who wants years of service with- Rockefellow home. Afternoon cal- the 9th day of July, 186L at 8:00 STIAdOLE MOWING — Engine power spaces CA or [LEVATOR DOILY Lee. Tuesday, June 26 at the Os- for a visit for a couple of weeks. Three men from the Mollne Con- of Jeanna's birthday, Thursday out periodic upkeep expense. lerf were Mr. «d Mra. Lewis De- o'clock p. m., to transact uuch bus- Both the county and townablp WD rear wheels to straddle the swath, so they no long- Thia acceaasry aslckly csavsrit strucUon Co.. Mollne, Mich., have teopathic hosidtal In Grand Rapids, iness aa may lawfully come before er trample the hay. evening. Mra. Merle Rosenberg weight 7 lbs. 13 ors. Phone for free estimate today. ••njyn and children all of Grand fire truoks were called out Sunday 9uur on-tha-*hou!dar Model C port- capped the 4 silos. Te scribe found time to bake a beautiful Rapida. it NoUce relating to election of obis Into a whssled elevatsr. II thought Indians had arrived In Alvin Davla underwent an opera- — * " W • afternoon to a fire, which with help birthday cake and Jeanne also re- Board Members will be found poat- lOTAlY TEDDING - Simply shift Uie reel to reverse Alto from the aky, looking out I tion for rupture at the Osteopathic L menaiy I own Mlas Melene Scott of Unain* from a high wind, had a pretty flvsa you His odvonloyet s? bsth ceived some lovely gifts. SARANAC NanCy Kr%St ed below. Dated this nineteenth on the A-C power rake. Rotary tedding shortens dry- types elevator for the price ef ens saw a man laying an Indian war hospital In Careon City last Tues- ftSu i" V&ft vfy'-v.'W.'J good Mart oa the Game Reaenra on Mr. and Mre. Fred Nagle of SSJfltS ,|r , * ^"on day of June, 1961. ing time. It lifts damp hay out of the stubble, areates day and returned home Monday. ^ »"nt. Mrs. Lena Wood Conservat n Ave. A good re- dance on the cement distributor Grand Rapids called on their niece D. A. WTNGEDER. Mrs Mutnart, Martin Davis and thia week. sponse to tha siren call by volun- swath or windrow. and the other two men doing a war Mrs. Don Slocum and little son, Fri., Sat., July 6, 7 Sun., Mon.. July 8, 9 cO-lO Secretary. dance "only 68 feet above ground". Eva Engle called on him Sunday John Sytama and family of Gd. teer helpers aoon had the fire out TWIN WINOROWING - Lay two normal-size wind- Douglas Lee of Lowell and were Rnpida were Sunday evening aun- Even Indians would prefer to be afternoon. Other callers through FAMILY NIGHT Sunday supper guests of Mr. and rows side by side for the big-capacity ROTO-BALER. dinner guesta of her uncle and the week were Emily and Matilda Conf. Sun. from 3. P. M. per gueata of Peter Buya and fam- on the ground to do their dancing. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattlson, Notice Of Mra. Robert McOormlck and chil- Speeds up baling and cuts field travel in hall I believe. Davis. Lewis Howard. Laura Mae dren were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Potter Sunday. Engle. John and Charles Jakeway. ue t- of AMNMI Sfhool Section Friends here express sympathy * « Mr of Marne. tOU BALING — ROTO-BALER rolls the hay Into bales Mr. and Mre. Wlllard Keech of AHa Locale to Don Brannan and daughera of B#jr#r' Jr- Mr. and Mra. Norman Wrlde, that save more leaves ... protect from sudden storms- Graml Rapids were Sunday eve- WOP fllN FLIGHT! ni7 8r The Annual Election of Graded NARVffMMllPtfR Mrs. Mildred Castle of Pralrle- 1730 Warwick Rd., S. E.. Grand Marian and Norma were Sunday ning callers at the Ed Pratt home. Miss Freda BeyerS* , and Mr. ***and Schoo l District Number One of the Let us show you the machines that make this vllle spent from Friday till Sun- Rapids, In tthe loss of his wife, Townablp of Lowell, Kent County, dinner guesta of Mr. and Mra. Earl ... conitructsd of Hie aame aircraft Mrs. Ed Pratt and daughter, •Ml A.lZONA COM.or ?£' o ^ ^ and ^"dren of day with Mre. Beulah Hayward. Leuella, who passed away sudden- June called on relatlvea at Ionia WMHW!. Michigan, for the elecUon of two Wride. system possible. dsmlnum alloy, It is atnoller and ly and Unexpectedly Saturday of Gd Rapids, Mr. and Mra Wilbur Vernon Yelter, staUoned at Fort Sunday afternoon. School District Trustees, will be Mr. and Mrs. Berna/d Hooker ftOTO-BALTR Is an AllU-Chalmars trade-mark. heart attack. Don was an Alto kPiuMBiNomm Mull and children. All attended aeHa for leaa than the Model C. 8olh Smooth aparatlng plawKsr Scott, Mo., is visiUng his mother, A bad accident occurred on the snva on held at the Central School Building and Mr. Rooker'a alster. Mrs. Pap- boy and now a prosperous business the Beyer Reunion at Owosso on models chop chore time, apeed taur rubber night, with tlaai Mra. Vera Yelter and brother Rob- Lally Road Sunday where three fiyy. Eormw Sunday. on Monday, July 9th, 1961, between Ineau apent the week end in Battle ert and family. man In the city and all who knew MWAIZA groin and ear corn handling. chain. men were hurt In a motorycle 8 04 the houra of 1:00 o'clock p. m. and Creek visiting Mr. and Mra. Malvin Mra. Brannan spoke very highly -n^ Q *? ^ Caledonia 7:80 p. m. Nominating petitions f fUUS-OMUIERS ) wreck. All were taken to a hoa- •pant Sunday with her aon Jarold Rooker and family. fw.ru MEf of her. have been duly filed for: Theron every Jmrvmay —- it wv V SAHS AND tIKVICi V pital. and family. Mr. and Mra. Dick Sytsma and tl Wm. Raynhout has a very haugh- —CO-FEATURE— E. Richmond and Dan A. Wingeler. f« Mr. and Mrs. Orren Frost of LOWELL Mr. and Mra. Levi Mllla of Grand family called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ty appearance and nods to no one. • I'SiW Dated this nineteenth day of Whee-eel Detroit formerly of Moseley, and The Bumsteads Are Rapids were Sunday dinner guesta Sytsma and family Sunday after- Come in fsdajr—see "Bill" aa familiarly known to Alto June, 195L By Order of the Board their children are apendlng his noon. TBtMS TO SUIT YOUR PURSER folks, la a patrolman on the Ches- Back! of Rev. J. G. Baillard and family of Education. vacaUon at Fort Lauderdale, Fla. of McCords. apeake A Ohio railroad, and while Mr. and Mrs. Don McPherson D. A. WINGEIER, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Afton apent bith models! riding his motor car between Port- Craig and Jimmy MIDar of Grand c&-10 Secretary. the week end at the'r cottage at Available for fmmediate Delivery. Twine available and children spent Sunday evening "Blondie Has Rapida were week end gueata of land and Ionia, collided with n at ths Gordon Frost home. Murray Lake. On Saturday night wifk each new baler motor car and waa thrown In the Mr juid Mra Mart Port ma and If a piece of cheeae grows hard they had Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Marcua Putnam of Servant Trouble" family. ditch narrowly missing having a ""aton Rapids called on Frank before you get around to using It, ris, Mr. LeRoy Morris of Grand broken neck, so we will excuse Mr. and Mra. Charlea Aldrlch and \ Tilte, Sunday. grate and store it In a Jelly glaaa Rapida, and Mr. and Mra. Roy straight ahead look and hepe he with sons were Sunday dinner guesta of William Frit* Is home on a 16- with holea punched in the lid. It Richardson aa supper guests. Sat- can smile at us soon, aa usual. hia mother, Mra. Vera Aldrlch of day furlough from Alaaka. He will Penny Singleton keepa well and ia delicious sprink- urday evening callau at the cot- BREIMAYER CHEVROLET SALES WITTENBACH Mr. and Mra. Ernest Rosenbeix be stationed In Colorado when his Grand Rapida. tage were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Svo- enjoyed a fish dinner with the Arthur Lake Lorry Sims Pvt. Don Holland of Fort Sher- led over vegetable salads or spar furlough la over. ghettl dishes. ML TRAV-L-BINliO! Pattisons Wedneaday. Mr. Md Mrs. Keith Tapley of idan, HI., was home tor the week Phone 105 Belding, Michigan | Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shores are end to visit his parenta, aunta and Subscribe for the Ledger. W.jyilNil, • •_?_ PMONE 227 Lowell were Sunday guests at the . . • Sto aaw paya ya» receiving congratulatlona aa a new Tues., Wed., Thurs. July 10, II. 12 unclea. This was hia first visit Lew Fritz home. daughter, arrived Friday noon. Miss June Pratt waa home last home in a month. rtjirr.Trrtr. June 29 at the Grand Rapids Osteo- Mrs. William Witt of Grand Rap- week' from her duties at the Bell HILARIOUS •m amn mm Sn Mb to baA-aaal star pathic hospital, named Linda Lou- TetgBhomis Co. office In Grand Ids spent Saturday with Mr. and ise and weighed 8 Ibe. 6 ors.. Both SKWBTO Mrs. M. VanStrlen. Tiai t Sbji Sm>.*i aawat a Ml aa. Rapids. bmoI bawawt laas e of Cale- TWMK'I Mrs. Lois Wakefield Saturday, and aaw IwM. Tia» t aiaf wa. dtSaaad donia called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank found her sick with a very bad fa> adto. mi mlU* af watartaa M*aaFalrchlld- , Sunday. Mrs. Ira Sargeant cold. Mra. Laura Sydnam writes from Mrs. Hattla Metternlck and Mra. Denver, Colo., she and daughter Lena Wood were Saturday evening What a Gasoline! Mr. and Mrs. Austin Miller and Mildred are seeing wonderful family spent Sunday with Mr. and gueata of Mra. Jen Wiliiama and sights and doing some flying with Mre. Galen Overholt In Grand iWOHHD Mra. Ida Clark. a nephew, going up two mountain Mre. Maude Cooper was a gueat mamtu rangea, one ia too many for me. Ledge. S^toaf Roger Rollins and wife of Kan- of Mr. and Mra. Henry Lam pen aSka. — pbaaa ar Mr. and Mra. Ken Lyon had as kakee, RL. are spending the week- daughter of Wyoming Park Wed- wrSa far yaar left their Sunday gueata, Mr. and Mrs. rSAV-l-ilNSO with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coming — Jnly 17-19. "THE THING* nesday and Thuraday and was a Mff mrr ro*rayiry Chaa. Rittenger," Mr. and Mrs. Byroh Weeks and family. Sunday dinner gueat of Mr. and www • drw CwWfPr\%fw James Taylor, Mra. Nancy Des- Mr. and Mre. Wesley Kelm have Mra. Sam Onan of LowelL LOWSLL,UlCBIMH • Ok, loby... ^ol o lift yow granges and grandniece, Nancy Mr. Oscar Shrlver and Mr. and recefeed word that Vern haa land- cor fNcs yeaaibaayoaM wp w«h Bristol. ed at a port not far from Yoko- Mrs, Chariaa Klpp and family want fMRp. 66 OoMitoal Vi loadad Mr. afid Mra. Dale Curtlss and to Hudson for tha weak end to tvo daughters are spending their hama, Japan. wM H!-Ta*t aUrsyl Mr. and Mre. Spenor Johnson visit bis brother, Carrol Powoll and COLBY vacation In the north. Wllma will Tha HI-TaS riwainh In MRpt 66 were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. * IONIA FREE FAIR PARADE • family. SIX BIG NIGHTS.. Beginning Beginning at 8:30 ACEVKY be missed at Lyona. and Mrs. Jay Leece and family. We were very sorry to hear that , Card of Thanks Afternoon callera were Mr. and AUGUST 6th, 1951 lira. Carl Graham la aick in bed i:n ;.>.vkn Mre. Lewla Mick Jr. and family of again. and Ivaiy uocalaroHow. Aad yoa I wish to thank the frlenda and South Boaton. Mrs. J. G. Baillard la going to Each Evening L Co&y Time —10.-00 A. M. W*a gasalba bacow. FMRp* 66 h neighbors for curds, flowers and Mre. John Lott returned home Brooks Lake Monday to spend a Mon., July 23 thru Sat., July 28 Wandad to bam affktonMy... lo Mp Offiee 3231 Cjarlcsville fruit sent me during my recent Thursday and she and her hus- few daya with bar father who la doldMon. Tha Third Annual Ionia Fraa Fair Parade will be hold Monday lllneaa, alao the White Circle for band spent Saturday evening meet- not well, and hopea ha will coma Along with oil Htb, fhllllpt 66 Eori V. Colby — Alto the lovely baaket of flowera. ing frlenda Tn Lowell. morning, Auguat 6, at 10:00 o'clock home with he r for a few w&eka' Goaofca k corrfroiad according to Office: 2421 Res : 31 SI clO Mra. Lucy Huntington. Tba new address of George F. rest. Sta tboaoa. WWw, (aaaaw. firing Johnson is U. S. 86181873, Btry. D.. Mr. and Mra. Harold Parriah aad or fol. MHpt 66 b rtgfcf for yow 3rd Tar Bn., 1st Training Group Prbef Offered Art As Folowt family callad on tbalr paranta.. Mr. car. Rl ap at o^r Salton «bara yoa AAA, R T. C.. Fort Bliss. Texas and Mra. L. M. Oouglaaa Sunday Ma tta fwaeas oranga and block FLOATS — lat 2nd -3rd 4th »th 6th 7th George was a graduate of the Low- and brought a big pan of fiah for PMNp. 66 SMatd. Floata will ba Judged for •40 and ell High School and la the son He gets a picture of the weather originality and baauty. dinner. Other callers were Mr. and Tickets Mow On Sale of Mr. asd Mra Spenor Johnson. Trophy |30 125 |20 $15 |10 $7M Mra. Charles Sauera, of Whltney- Haw lax Alaa aod tta Soa. of tta Eight 96M Prizaa Hsaaan May 4gUi ea CIS. Mr. and Mre. Howard Ransom vllle, and Mr. and Mra. William INSURE ronav of Ronadd Grange were Sunday CHILDREN 6 to II — Hulbert of Orleana. SHOWBOAT TICKET OFFICE JOHNSON PONTIAC SALES evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. (Clown and Animal Coa- Mr. and Mra. Victor Orcutt of Ira Sargeant. tumaa) Tha Ionia Fraa Fair Newaygo callad on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Itfrs. Wesley Kelm and by Long Distance ia offering tha following M. VanStrlen Sunday on their way Semlah Seese attended a social prizoa for tha beat coa- Fifteen |1 to Detroit Cornsr Msln St snd Vsrgsnnes Road Phsnss Lowsll 6|i sr 84 gathering Saturday night at the tumaa in the parade $10 |7.50 15.00 13.00 $2.00 Prizaa Mr. and Mra. Harry Harmon of home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grand Rapida were Monday eve- Hooper of South Campbell, honor- ANTIQUE CAR8 — ning gueata of Mr. aud Mra. Roy ing Mr. and Mre. Waldo Osborn Tomorrow's weather is on the wires to- of miles of wire to military installations To ba driven entire route Ireland. of Muskegon. of parada. Cara will ba The Boy Scout Troop of Alaska Rtferved Seat Tickets $1.80 and $1.60, The Green Thumb 4-H Flower day for the forces which guard the na- throughout the country where the picture Judged on aga and Six |5 la having a Potiuck Supper In the Club will meet Friday evening with is automatically reproduced. appaaranca |25 |15 |12S0 |10 17-50 Prizaa Alaaka Baptist Church basement Carolann and Gordon Stark. Their tion's skies and shores. followed by a Court of Honor, on leader Is Mre. Mabel Miller. DKCORATED ilCYCLES — |340 |2X0 |1S0 20 |1 Prizaa Saturday evening, July 7th at 7 p. Mra. Mabel Miller attended a Today the largest Long Distance network This weather network was designed and UMKAR MS SAHTT IYHY VM Daciaiona of Judgea Final m. Anyone interested la welcome directors meeting of the 4-H Clubs ol its kind brings •hem detailed "isobar" completed in less than two years. It's to attend. Bring table service for of lohla County at Ionia, Friday Thoaa Daairing to Entar, Fill In and Return Entry Blank your, own group and a dlah to paas. night. weather charts around the clock. another demonstration of the importance Soft drinka and coffee win be fur- PMBp. pradath ara dbrtblad I. lawal aad foftom*"'-' — — Wedneaday evening supper guests of Long Distance lines to the security of nished. at the Eugene and Duane Krauss These charts are sent by a system known IONIA FREE FAIR PARADE Mr. and Mra Walter Flynn and vktaHy by homea were Joslah Weaver and the nation — especially right now, when Ionia, Michigan family called at the Vorn Lorlng Don't Miss daughter Mre. Amol Slick and chil- as "facsimile" from the Weather Analysis SHOWBOAT TALENT NIGHT ies i '—^ \ there may be stormy weather ahead. and Wm. Flynn homes in Caledonia dren Barbara and Brian and Center in Washington, D. C. There, an August 6.1951 Sunday afternoon. ADA OIL COMPANY Thursday supper guests were Mr. Mr. and Jfra. Buraon Bowen and ADA. MICHIGAN and Mre. Joe Miller and Mr. and electric eye scans the weather "picture" Ts kelp apeed yesr Losg DUtoace coll, pleaae son of Grand Rapids were Sunday Mre. David Kauffman, all being as it turns on a special drum. The signal give the operator the out-of-town telephone nurotxf. (print name) evening lunch guests at the George SATURDAY, JULY 14 'rom Johnstown, Pa. Linton home. MICHIGAN • waves produced go out over thousands Telephone lines are busy with national defense. Fer Quality Phillips 66 Products ... Stop st WHAT SHOULD SHE DO? (atreet) (dty) CARD OF THANK8 wlah to enter the following in the parade: Read, In this Sunday's (July 8) 3S Top Natch Singing, Dancing and Novelty Acta . Appearing from every locality KELLET'S SERVICE MUTUAL WINDSTORM issue of The American Weekly, ex- We wish to express our appreci- clublvely with The Detroit Sundav MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ation to the many frlenda and in Michigan Lee Tlree — Auto-Llta Rattsrlas — Auto Acessorles Times, "Quandary of a Hungry neighbors for the beautiful flowers Heart," the story of a girl born out and their many deeda of kindness INSURANCE CO. mSA» Ores sing — Waahlng — Orocerlae of wedlock, and of her search for during the lllneaa and death of our ALL ENTRIES FREE AND MUST BE IN BY JULY 23 ,the mother she never knew. Now, dear wife and mother, Dora Phone 9109 UwviiT A«8 OtCIIT COWAMT Of ITS KIMOIN MICMIOAN with the search almost over, ahe is Shrlver. Showboat Stad&m, 8:00 P. M. Admission 40c im W. Main MkU above entry blank to: IONIA FREE FAIR, Ionia, Mich. afraid to stir up the pact. Oscar Shrlver C10 Mr. and Mr«. Charles Klpp. — J?-,

a. 1 ... MMMMNP • til m

iLIQHT THE LOWILL LIDOSH. LOWILL. MICH, JULY 8,1161 'J* 'ju—- — r l C In A^*4^WCrXl. T rf.\7U I WfJil f * ' I• -J*f «Et f fc COMIN© EVENTS Ionia Fair To Continued from firat page

Table, Sporta Dinner, or any other 1 The Mary Group of W.8.C.8. Wedding Flowers INJOY THAT Open August 6 apedal occasions. (Accessories permitted). Claaa 86—Arrange- the Methodist Church will meet Aa traditionsl a* her.; June'wed- ment In Green and White, white Fallasburg Park with a picnic din* ner Friday, July 6, at 1 o'clock: ding — are the fieral decorations With a Parade flowera with foliage in green or about- hert the hsuquet ehe car- Whito container. Class 87—Flow- Bring sendwlch, a dlah to JNUS and 4th of July table aervlce. For transportation ries ... the corssge ahs wesre later, The lonii Free Fair, Michigan's ers and container in shades and tints of yellow to bronze with fol- call Mra. Wm. Kerekes or Mra. J. tee ul eerly for expert Greatest Outdoor Event, will open E. Bannan. at 10:00 a. m., Monday, Auguat 6, iage. Clasa 88—Flowera and Con- floral bouquet, coraage with the Third Annual Free Pair tainer in ahadea of red—color of arid decorating adviee' Parade. oontalner optional Claas 39 -Ar- L H. S. Claaa of '86 Annual Re- rangement uaing only wseda. Clasa union will be held on Sunday, July plannad to meet your "Catch" The hour-long procefl|io^ of 40—Shadowbox Arrangement. Class 8, at i2:80 p. m. at Fallasburg Park, own budget neads. bands, floats, antique oi^s, deco- 41—Homemade Container. Class Bring aandwichea, dish to pasa and rated. bicycles and costuminl child- 42—Hanging Baskets. Class 48— table eervico. Pop, ice tea and ren will follow Main Street through Men only. Any flower or contain- ice cream furniahed. Gamea and the center of town. Then it will er. Accessories permitted. Class fun for the whole family. Ran to KIEL'S move down Dexter Street to the 44—Floor srrangamont .In large come. Fairgrounds where It will pass in basket or vase. Class 46—Arrange- review on the race track in front -F2 817 E. Mein tt ment of Annuals (flowers and fol- The Vergennea Cooperative Club Flower andGift Shop WI DELiVIR TWICE As Much ^ of the grandstand. iage). Class 48—Arrangement of will hold their annual picnic Sun- The outstanding attraction of the perennials (flowers and foliage). day, July 8, at one o'clock, Fallas- parade this year will be the appear Class 47—Best arrangement of any burg Park. Potiuck dinner. Bring CARD OF APPRECIATION thoughtful acta-of klndneaa shown ance of the famous Chrysler Kiltie cultivated flower (can be combina- own service, a, dish to passa and Band. This organixation la one of tion of annuals and perennials). me during my atay at the hoapital drink. Ice cream will be furniahed. I wish to thank all my neighbors, and since my return home. tho few authentic bagpipe bands In Claas 48—Arrangement of fruits frlenda and relatlvea for their the United States. All the pipers and / or vegetables (flowers may many 'cards, glfta and other Mra. Lloyd Rldgeway. Roll Tht Pan Ready Fish in are natives of Scotland. The uni- be uaed aa accent). Alton Ladies Aid will meet in the forms are exact duplicates of those church baaement Thursday after- worn by the Seaforth Highlanders, Section III: Garden Variety oocn, July 12. Potiuck lunch. one of tbe finest kilted regiments Claaa 40—Arrangement to be In Scotland. The plaid la the Mc- Judged 50% on number of vaiietiea, The Duell-Wilaon-Morria reunion Kensie Tartan. They are present- 86% on arrangement, and 16% on will be held at Townaend Park Ornamental King's Golden Brown Panoake Mix ed throgh the courtesy of local Ply- quality of bloom. Sunday, July 16, at one o'clock. mouth dealers. , Section IVi Table Settinga The Lake Odessa, Linden. Fre- CARD OF APPRECIATION Porch Railings mont and Ionia High School ImndH Clasa 60—Informal Luncheon We wlah to thank the Snow W. b«fer« frying have already accepted Invitations Table Setting Floral Arrangement: For » • to participate, and acceptances are one plaee setting. Place sliver 8. C. S. for the nice box of fruit; expected from Marshall, Lowell, omitted, acoeaaorlea permitted. alao frlenda and nalgnbora for Safety — Beauty Goodrich and Napolean High Card tablea will be furnished. Open carda, vlalta, flowera and food duiv School bands and others. to cluba only. Claaa 61—Coffee ing our illnesa. Entry blanks for all dlvwona of Table arrangementa. Mr. and Mis. Claude Cole. —FREE ESTIMATES— clO the parade sre vailable at the Free Section Vt Miniatursa • Phone 420 You'll Enjoy A Fair office In Ionia. (Bss adver- tisement elsewhere in this paper (Aeceaaorlea to scale permitted). CARD OF THANKS for entry blanka and list of prlxes Class 62—three inch container and flowera not to exceed 8 inches in We wish to thank the friends being offered). and neighborg for their many Idnd Lowel Welding A total of over $800 In prises will any dimension. Class 68—six inch TASTE THRILL container and flowera not to exceed deeda ahown ua in the death of our be awarded In the four 41vlslona. Inches In any dimension. Claaa dear mother and sister. Because of the tremendous en- & Railing Shop 54—Thimble arrangement. Con- Mr. and Mrs. T. Walter Klsor thusiasm shown the past two years 117 N.* Broadway, Lowell, Mich. tainer a thimble. (Flowera and Mr. and Mra. C. William Klsor in thia opening parade, the fair (Aerose From Post Office) container not to exceed 4 Inchea in Mr. and Mra. LeRoy HIU of Your Life Tfmel management decided to oootlnue any dlmenalon). Mra. Grace Dee thia apeclal feature. • t • Mra. Sarah Morse Section VI: Houae Plants Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ayrer Yocdnott Your DM NOW Claaa 65—Ivy. Claaa 66—Fern. Mr. and Mra. Ernest Ayres. a-S TrXIfi Clasa 67—other follagr. Claaa 68— plO ceronp icniing vac®tion African Violet (each color Judged THESE FOR SAUB ADS get TMOtta If you plan to take your dog with separately)). Class 59—Begonia. quickly. Try oa*. you on your vacation at the lake Class 60—Geranium. Claaa 61— or other reaort, h^ve him' vacoln- other flowering. ated against rablea now, Df. F. S. Section VII: Junior Exhibita Leeder, Director of Dlaease OorArol — RELAX IN COOL COMFORT Michigan Michigan Department of Health, Children age 10 or under. Claaa advised today. 62—Beat arrangement of flowera; Class 68—Dish Garden (5 or more A dog wandering around In the plants). Class 64—Cactus or other Friday and Saturday July 6 and 7 woods or rural area is apt to en- small houseplants In small contain- counter a wild animal or another er auitable for window ahelf. Age #—DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM-# dog which is infectcd with rabies. With 11 to 17. Clasa 65—Arrangement of INSURE GERALD ROLUNS If your dog is bitten by a rabid any flower. Claaa 66—Dlah Gardena MKdMibY skunk, squirrel, fox, other -tfild an- (5 or more plants). Out for Vacation imal or dog, he may contact fables THOSE WHO ADMIT and pass It on to membera of your family before hia lllneaa la recog- THEY ARE STUDIO In 166 nized, Dr. Leeder pointed out. Local Happenings about this queation... To safeguard your pet and your ARE BEQINNINQ family, conault your veterinarian Frank Kitchen'a 90th birthday I am an amateur photographer about having your dog vaccinated was quietly obaerved with his fam- with perhaps $260 in cameras TO WISE UP and equipment, which la pro- RIDERS now. ily Tueaday, July 8. Mr. Kitchen LEON EliR0L| waa born In Pennaylvania but has tected agalnat fire and theft, apent moat of his life in Kent coun- along with my other hbuaehold Advertijed la Our Builn Safety Week S on your calendar. It haa been aet Mr. and Mra. Raymond Wright ance queations, feel free to aaide as National Farm Safety and baby daughter of Grand Ledge call me at Rittenger Inaur- Week and Michigan State College called on Lowell friends and rel- ance Service. Phone 144, Low- a farm safety specialists are urging atives Sunday. ell. farm families to plan a safety pro- Charlea McGrath was taken by gram. ambulance to Hinea Veterans Hos- Theme for 18S1 will be "Adopt pital in Chicago Wednesday. His 1 . PERFECT Safe Practices." Records show that condition is considered serious. 17 million man daya were lost last Misa Vivian Rickert and Dolores year because of farm accidents. and Janet Kleeflach have accepted 3 •ra®*tLccc Wv WwmS^WfMICB * Thia represents a serious loss in poslUona with the F. a L in Wash- RADIO and needed farm prodution. ington, D. C. Falls are the cause of the largest Mrs. Trenia Devener, Mra. Lula Sunday and Monday July Q anclt9 number of farm accldenta. Ma- Smith and Mra. Ida Clark apent chines and animals rank next, fol- from Friday to Monday with rel- TELE-VISION JhfOday Shows Continuousirom 2: IS P. M. lowed by motor vehicles and hand- atlvea in Medinah and Glen Ellyn, ling objects. Safety specialUta say IB. In COM Yoy've Wondtrtd, Hort'i How to RoHt that the accident toll could be cut Mr. and Mra. John Phelps and SERVICE A Cklmponzeo LBw a Chi'd sharply by taking extra care with children and Mra. Trenia Devener Im Riders, authentic western each of these hazards. left Monday evening to apend over Cowboy Pants. Snug fitting, the Fourth with relatives in Fort Rodio and Ukvision FOR EVERY OCCASION Sanivrizvd for peiinansnt Wayne. lbs. Nellie Benedict of Ionia and GennanYisiiorTo Miss Beverly Benedict of Lansing Sorvkt for AB Mokot. • Wedding were Sunday dinner guests of Mra. Study Rural Life Nora Long of Grandvllle Drive. FUNNY GOMG MEN'S $4.35 Wt havB HM parte and • Anniversary ll-oz. Denim. Sites 29 to 42 A German woman. Interested in ! OS SSS! learning how American wo.nen and SttitB Pototo Growers * tht know-ltow • Birthday youth are trained and organised in To Yoto OR MORTTEFFOQ home improveiqent groups, is BOYS' $2.95 spending alx months in Michigan By MoR on July 9-13 8-oz. Denim. Sizes 6 to 12 with expenses paid by Michigan AN EXCITING COLLECTION OF heme economics extension groups. Michigan potato growers, who Miss Ingeborg Tlmmler, 27, Is ar- along with other farmers of the RAMO SERVICE EXQUISITE GIFTS IN ALL riving in early July and, through North Central area now operating YOUTHS' aio under a federal marketing order, PRICE RANGES 8-oz. Denim. Sices 13 to 16 Michigan State College exitmaloa staff members, will work with will have another opportunity to Company Prices Include Tax Michigan home economics groups. reject or continue Marketing Or- I She Is from Schlesswig-Holsteln, der No. 60. The Production and The Stars Where Yew Feel Germany, and has been a student Marketing Administration has an- At Hams" nounced that all growers will vote in home economics at Danzig. R. a CHROUCH Avery Jewelers The young woman , has expressed by ms-l between July 9 and 18. tM I. Msln tt Pfc MNULD HMM * DiMH LYNN a desire to acquaint herself with Clarence Prentice, Michigan Lowell, Miehigsn •bonzo Lowell, Michigan Coons <-II groups, their practice" and Stats Oollege extension marketing procedures and to return to Ger- spedalUt, reports the refereuduni many to help train German coun- has been called as .a result of in try youth and women. ability of the North Central Po- EXTRA # EXTRA # QCTRA Miaa Timmler's first public ap- tato Committee to reach a decision pearance will probably be at the on continuation cf the order. The ONCE ONLY SUNDAY AFTERNOON annual Michigan Homemakera' It member committee, four of GET INTO Conference at Michigan State Col- whom are from Michigan, are from n it v mtitfr lege, July 10 to 18. About 1,000 all cf the six states involved. members of Michigan home eco- Any farmer producing potatoes HOT ROD EXTU TUCK for the market In 1060 is eligible nomlcj extension groups from many counties In the state are ex- to vote In ths referendum and JOCKEY A TkrBBng Story of HM Hot Rod Anto ROCM pected to attend the aeaalon. those not receiving ballots should contact their county PMA offices. I lisisowinaai^— COME AT 2:15 SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND CARD OF THANKS Msy Recommend Rsgulstiona underwear see SEE TWO FEATURES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE To my good frlenda who called, Marketing Order No. 60 allows and sent me cards, letters and gifts the committee to recommend to the Secretary of Agriculture the grade, during my convalescence, also July 10. II. 12 Lowe Brothers my eighty-first birthday. I didst size and quality regulations on po- Tutt.. Wed., Thurs. to DtRBY realize I had so many friends tatoes tq be marketed. It was first on this old esrth. I sincerely hope issued in 1942 but wss inoperative STOP sometime you will all be remem- in the war yeara. Regulations DERBY RED bered as well as I have been, and were re-issued In 1617. Last year, ^wviniviiiscomnuiMAw sfssijl Can Get I can return the oompilment, you PMA officials took lengthy testi- have given me. I thank you all mony both for and against the pro- BARE PAINT very much. gram. In the vote last fall, pro- clO George H. Barnes. ducers of potatoes in tbe six state SHORTS $1.20 •P for tar COSTS T08 LESS TO USE area favored retention of the or- KENT COUNTY EQUALIZATION der. REPORTED BY STATE BOARD Prentice understands that all iWIOpSBsB InSCkL states covered by the agreement MIDWAYS ~ $1.50 $3.15 In the official report of the State will be considered as a unit and if Board of Equalization as audited a majority of the potato producers BaoMtawigBl and filed in the office of Auditor who grow more than 60 per cent of General John B. Martin, Jr., Kent the potatoes favor termination, it Is PLUS — Once Only at 8:45 — PLUS oounty value as assessed by the required that the secretary of agri- supervisors for 1951, is $433,586,577. culture terminate the order. Me Mthoi & As equalized by the county board The agricultural economist urges Ctarii Gobie aad Lore tta Ywm each potato farmer to weigh care- of supervisors, *40460^28 and $»9,- if 168,428 added the aggregate valu- fully the arguments for and LoweH Lmbtr & Cod Co. ation- is 8582,780,000. The percent-1 againsi Uic uiarketing order and to Reynolds "CALL OF THE WILD age of the state valuation is 4.17670. vote in the referendum. PALACE CLEANERt Phm* If RRUCE WALTER Umt\, Mkh. r 1 Main St. P m CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOON One of tbe happier results of I Oh promise me that aome day Lowell, Mich. SERVICEMEN IN UNIFORM FREE! commercial art Is the disappear-1 you wiU tell me that your allow- ance of the arty artiot . ance is adequate. T : ,1 rff Smr•..V-.v .