Flagpole Dedication Honors Dick Lear by Courtney Ouellette Irving Police Association

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Flagpole Dedication Honors Dick Lear by Courtney Ouellette Irving Police Association RamblerNewspapers.com January 09, 2016 50¢ Flagpole dedication honors Dick Lear By Courtney Ouellette Irving Police Association. A group of Irving residents gath- “They told me last week that they ered at Irving High School to honor were going to do this but I never a family that has touched the lives of expected all of this,” Dick said. “We many people in the community. The really appreciate everyone coming Irving Circle of Prayer dedicated a out here.” flagpole to Dick Lear and his family Several friends and family mem- on New Year’s Eve for their decades bers shared stories and ways in of generosity and support to the which Dick impacted their lives, in- community and the Irving school cluding Irving ISD Superintendent district. Dr. Jose Parra. Dick arrived in Irving in 1964 and “I started back in January 2014 eventually established several Son- and not long after I started, I was in- ic Drive-Ins. Throughout the years, vited to a breakfast at Danals,” Parra the Lear family has dedicated time said. “The thing that struck me was and funds to organizations includ- I could just sense the giving spirit of ing the Irving Family Advocacy Cen- Dick Lear. The longer I’ve been in ter, Irving ISD, AMBUCS and the See FLAGPOLE, Page 2 Tastey hamburgers brighten New Year Surrounded by his family and friends during a flagpole dedication ceremony in his honor, Dick Lear received praise and thanks from By Jess Paniszczyn bucs member John Luna said. “It’s several members of the community, including the Superintendent of Irving ISD, Dr. Jose Parra, who shared the story of how the two The aroma of hamburgers cook- one of those events when the total met. / Photo by John Starkey ing on the grill filled the parking lot community comes out and becomes of the city’s Human Services Build- involved. It’s a total community out- ing, 440 South Nursery Road, as the pouring to help the less fortunate sun shined on the final day of the here in the Irving area. Anniversary of abduction old year. Members of the Ambucs “This event closes out one year, and the Lions Club were joined by a and hopefully hopeful things will variety of community volunteers to happen in the new year. In my opin- help prepare hamburgers donated ion, it helps the homeless know by Sonic to provide a complementa- there are people who care about raises parental awareness ry meal to those in need. them from the beginning to the end. “We do this to feed the homeless,” As long as we can help our commu- PROSPER -- The 20th anniver- First, create a family-only pass- their home address or school sched- said Bruce Burns, Ambucs special nity and give them hope along with sary of the tragedy which resulted word with your children. When a ule or any information that can be events coordinator. “It’s a neat thing hamburgers, they will see there are in the establishment of the Amber need arises to send someone to pick used to track them. to do to finish the year off and start people who care about them.” Alert system in cases of missing chil- them up or when an emergency Finally, create a free, private and the New Year. Datina Bari was running errands dren occurs on Jan. 13. happens, teach your children to ask secure Safety Profile for your house- “New Year’s Eve is a special time with her three daughters when she “Those of us who were around the for the password and only go with hold at www.smart911.com which to celebrate the previous year and to needed to stop at the Human Ser- area when Amber Hagerman was those who know it. can include current photos and celebrate the incoming year. We try vices Building on New Years’ Eve. abducted and murdered recall it viv- “If necessary, change the pass- physical descriptions of your chil- to make sure that all the homeless When the ladies were invited to en- idly,” Prosper Assistant Police Chief word if it becomes compromised,” dren. have something to eat and a good joy hamburgers, the girls were more Gary McHone said. “That tragedy, the Chief said. “If a child goes missing and a fam- hot meal.” than happy to join the festivities. which spawned the alert system now Second, make it a point to know ily member calls 9-1-1, their profile Begun three years ago, the event “I was going to go to McDonald’s, used nationwide, illustrated that it how much information about your can be seen by the dispatcher,” he has become a bit of a tradition for but my kids wanted to eat here. I can happen anywhere, anytime.” children is readily available. Refrain added. “This allows the operator to members of the Ambucs organiza- didn’t have to go to McDonald’s and In commemoration of the anni- from adding their names to back- share the child’s photo and descrip- tion. listen to a bunch of screaming,” Bari versary, Prosper Police encourage packs, and when posting informa- “We are very fortunate to help said. “It’s a good thing that they’re parents to adopt the following three tion on social media, do not include See ABDUCTION, Page 3 others who are in need and to share doing this for people who don’t have strategies to help prevent a recur- a lunch of hamburgers today,” Am- food. It’s pretty cool.” rence of the 1996 abduction. Coppell water rates to increase Feb. 1 During their Dec. 8 regular meet- the cost of providing water and sew- ing, Coppell City Council unani- er service to customers today. mously approved an ordinance to In addition the Engineering De- raise the current water and sewer partment identified the need for a rates by 15 percent beginning Feb. second source pump station and 1. The City has not raised water and ground storage tank. The cost of this sewer rates since 1994. project will require the issuance of The current rates have provided $10 million in revenue bonds. Rev- the water/sewer fund with a healthy enue bond debt covenants require operating reserve, the ability to the Water Sewer Fund to maintain make bond payments and fund all rates at a level providing net reve- operating and capital expenses from nues equal to 125 percent of the av- existing revenue levels and reserves. erage bond payment. However, the City has experienced The dollars collected from the in- an increase in costs from Trinity crease will allow the City to accom- River Authority (TRA) related to in- plish the following: creased flow coming from Coppell. cover the increase in costs from The increase in TRA cost is estimat- DWU, ed to be $1.1 million for fiscal year cover the increase in costs from 2016. TRA related to the infiltration and The City has also been notified by inflow problem, Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) that provide at least 180 days of ex- they are passing along a 27 percent penses in operating reserves, increase in water volume rates and provide a sufficient amount of a 9 percent increase in the water money in reserves to cover unantic- demand rate related to a dispute ipated expenses and/or lower than between DWU and the Sabine River Authority. These two items increase See WATER, Page 4 Page 2 January 09, 2016 www.RamblerNewspapers.com Irma Vega-Zadeh named interim principal of Irving ISD Keyes Elementary School Irma Vega-Zadeh, who led Paul ISD and 35 years in education, Ve- ISD includes six years as principal staff development coordinator, as- Vega-Zadeh’s passion and urgency Keyes Elementary School as prin- ga-Zadeh says it’s an honor to return at Keyes Elementary, seven years as sistant principal and as the assistant as interim principal at Paul Keyes cipal from 2006 to 2012 before she to Irving ISD and serve the students. principal of Pierce Early Childhood to an area superintendent. Elementary.” retired, returns to the campus to “I plan to do the best job that I School and substitute and interim “Ms. Vega-Zadeh is a seasoned Vega-Zadeh earned a bachelor’s serve as the interim principal for the can to help prepare our children for appointments since her retirement and accomplished principal who has degree in elementary education with remainder of the 2015-2016 school a bright and promising future,” Ve- in 2012. Prior to her work in Irving, served in a variety of educational a bilingual certification and a minor year. ga-Zadeh said. she worked for 20 years in Dallas roles in both Dallas and Irving ISD,” in Spanish from Texas Woman’s With 13 years experience in Irving Vega-Zadeh’s experience in Irving ISD, holding positions as a teacher, Superintendent Jose L. Parra, Ed.D. University (TWU). She also holds a said. “Her last principalship was at master’s degree in early childhood Paul Keyes Elementary, where she education from Texas State Univer- Coppell NNO rank 1st in TX for 10th yr. led the campus to unprecedented sity and administration certification success. We look forward to Ms. from TWU. The City of Coppell celebrated the department and volunteers to visit nation for Category 4, population SOURCE Irving ISD 32ndAnniversary of National Night the block parties. The block captains 15,000-49,999. Out on Tuesday, Oct. 6, with over did an outstanding job this year, This is the 10thyear in a row that 63 block parties throughout the city.
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