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1-16-1913 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 01-16-1913 Journal Publishing Company

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ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1913. III Mall, PP . in- - a Mom n. 8lngla Oopira i imm THIRTY-FIFT- H YEAR, VOL. CXXXVII. No. 16. lly t aJTli, PO tVnta a MootP.

on or around gom portion of the lleorKe ,lr UN liiiluU l"l truck nrpnMMriinnTinnc public domain In Violation of Hi, d HARMONY IS REEIEO of pas. a I for sunn Mars, Imt hr filial, RISH , HOME SENATOR WARREN of mmi. h nilMWeli',1 ,ni ,,h I lls, ni. lit RULE i House Hill No, II. relating to the Maft nLUUiviiviLraun iuivj 1 simply mwiu to Kiiy In my ed h.v In i SI paper crime f bigamy, Introduced lv thai hi" hrolher l.i'llls opinion it"' tthlih lum boon it wu thai he .i meet MM tti Llewellyn ti ml MtfMM, fport amiiurad la iIocm not contain I i lo,t:u IP Tlii- house then adjourned M meet submitted sufficient his PfOthar in 'hall. no i,,i; Information uml ital stlf) ihil ON ACCOMPLISH cltiliii his of Ihc 'state, hut he LEADS TO A IN MESSAGE OF tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. IS CRITICIZED 01 10 shale BILL department in directing ih suit ii'iunt ta (p, id-- ' arpthei nutlftad Hie against ihc Wurrmi Livestock com-,,ai,- i.illi'e I" find no, Py his p k I iinl GFNFRAL REYES ON anil I i , 0111111,11, thai ihc whole thai he apt on Ike Irahi whtok mailer hr referred i.a, i, lo the In-1- . RE ELECTION OF lid Til,' police I'XpreSH doubt, SHARP DEBATE DIPLOMATIC MISSION COMMITTEE , GOVERNOR Ml ii,,r ii, paiiiueni for so, furthar el arkeNti I hi alll fol'Kit IPVfaflfplllnP .i may pr deem, d rf at ttPtlaa pioper and apWopriati' 4 ,Ww V"rk, Jim ll o.'iK i.ii Ratal i in ncihHiik thic riiot io Hacrvtar) DISASTER II i:ov-- . fowwt ii'Hiirtii ,,f ColomMe REPORT Hitchcock, of the micron department, SENATOR FALL iC IN COMMONS arrived tonlghl aboard ih,. steamer .1. minify iu,. PrvaMaat Rooaa- - DAMAGE SUMS Ifaloer wniuim ii Jintiui itiMi" Va mild: nrriing to ii statement credited i" Mr. Uonaiiartiv Hh allorncy mm- - ti he sailed. MM I him. made i before et a feels af. of (olil , do, that Nap fprk laP, 1, A flood of visit und la-e- Republican Piopose Sir Aithui Balfour Legislators Without Exception h piHiimii ia lbs central Wyoming Statesman Accused there hn- n ramplcic hrenkdow n Leaders iHtana foi danu the loss Attacks the Suiiih American republic with the In-- I on the Hirt of th, of the Load Legislative Calen- - of the sic, inn i Tll.ilil, nici today, m MeasuM Language It ,,f it union of Having Illegally Fenced t to Bitter Comment on Favorably, nlijirt promoting closer nVpartmatll In iIiih iiiiii r ho i Inded one Horn Mi Irene Wallace between I h, in nnd tho fiillcd States making, any s, pa Di- - II.. rl- -. l ana Ihi F Be- Large ot Public Do- - iai u afalpa da r vvith Bills and Thus win. t'talmi .liim fur Chargin id aith to ihc After Hearing It Read I tin hoped to OBtalH Ihi' Areas ie ,1 nil also hi' lot Warren In cone, 111, Tin ,i, loss of hci hushuiid. ll, in i I! Harris Hague pt dif- - Ml submission The ih' Ih ly I on of Solons, I ! fore Joint Session, piirti, nlai had for l.innen. re the man ik, Tins Ihi idemes between the United States Kind the cane a mUi h (Tavar ;igailtsl lii'.n n t of tlie iJalnM so fai Mad ovm t h,' manner In ii nd 'olonililn liim than it la ntalnsi Dlslri, i n,.i Mrs Mm Kul i ' n which th' iit'i states pay appenrB from Purdy '1 a- - k - J :n" " iiiHM,-.ttlt- n f RECORD OF ROOSEVELT Rurkc. It RESOLUTION TO RECALL Masii ASQUITH VIGOROUSLY NUMEROUS BILLS ARE Pan, mm territory. report thai IiIh cimc has napp prappfPd the loss ot hat hurlwnd, Jprpuea rp. 1 FORMALLY INTRODUCED IS BROUGHT TO LIGHT in the ut en leal nnd moai InacctPTPta ACTION STILL TALKED iteiie, author. DEFENDS GOVERNMENT a CASH REGISTER CASE minium in, I in. ii hi aihlblta th The claim of Mrs. Ml) H Mlll.t, palvaa do not ntaataniluie hat he ul- - widow of Kr.iii' is i Mill, I, thi trtiat, READY FOR DEFENSE Icuc." a Ictlm, is IM M Coi-fi- Rumois in Capitol Conidors Tltunlc Cheering and Much Excite- Holt, Em- Quite I i , . 111 - Measure by Senatoj ki itooHevcii dtrci'tad .1 n u Pniti'd states jiidg. Hand rtrtend- by examination of the Wwiminn laniht he Aie It is to be Introduced in ill cHteril.i thi lion to (ling pe ment Attend Two of Gieat-es- t powering Municipalities to dent Reports , 11 I"' With the made m noon UN w .ilhm imitted I II on claims to Pehruar) The Clnclnr ii. o Jun. ions Par-liame- in nl Depart- - by ii of very fppnt House This Week; Adoption more than nun Speeches Heaid Care for Indigent and Sick, X, cplloh ,f on,' witness uml MMM Agents of Intel "man dlflerrni tp clalme rrmhhii in tin documentary evidence, the govern-mt-n- i Mr. I Innt-- n and hi hk, i.,i, - The Seems Assuied. i l ot ihc White Slur line i nntrnds foi Years. of Especial Interest, finished the prgpentatlon of its ment Were Wioi poeiimentN in ule pipillc today cunlnlp that Us IktWMty I limited ,i. ih I testimony lodiiy In the Irlnl of Ih,' no upon on PWih pnoihar In eat lira. ii, Si, iles statutes to offlotojvlJ ot ' i I n of r mi nun the loe , thirty officials former to. I tlltll It, Or ii, I, VlurliliiK , Ill, llutinn,- I ..I l.,l I eased It Ire I Maraiav danraal UpeefcH i a MTtaati '". ' the National Cash Register company, llti Santa K". Jail. If-h- -- It ha- - . no' London, Jan i... The tArtlmi lo ' Wasbinglon, Jim. It, That the Ml NHAUl on KJtMOIt charged with having rtolotad tho' prettv genel.illl Pafkn ad Ida) .if ihc hotm rule I on Its final ' ii k company, ,,i which -. i anil-trus- t Wan sioi i I In l ol fin- is phi ni in in n criminal section of the Sherman the ciipitnl lhal the reason si .hip hiioi stagc Iii Ihc house of coiumnim was f Senator Pram ls R. Warren, ill WyPOV LIVESTOCK MEN TO K.. 1'hnig art The clerk Rf the toUfl leplaktllup is iH'ing piesepte, .'ill Ark., Jan. j i Ik- neCHpton ftp speech which lug. was the head, was "inainlnlnlnK ' . "i la message f (lovrmor Mi- - common plan win testify tomorrow eaanlnp ed W 1th a it. mptlni in ship thtci' s. Ii loin have heen ctcclled III Hie The unlawful cnclnHiires" of public lands parly in th. and hc reiisoll Donald, fend hy ins executive t why there Is so little hclng doin fms Piled with liquor rrom houap one in Prime Minister As- - in W.M.ming and Colorado In mimun- - legi-l- ut ore I'lWKlflMI). Ik print- KiiII'h napdldai in Ok at Ik ma, I. S Hillings, an qM,p n, ih, ntlnr hv mi Balfour, III'' Vanaltaa for itniiwav x'aii dnrta pppptanoa f ., report adopt- openly lot Senator was the f Mulkogee, was in - ed in full In thli issue f the Washington, Jan. ir. Fanator Sal" MEET IN DENVER for re diction, is liecauae his frlendi dai Inkei itkla.. former leadei ot th.- oppoaitHM). ie- ed today hy the house committee on ,1 tu r h. i Morning Journal, ning in the a lilll it to cwrvthllig bar- - j dl ,i,. i. .1,, "mod bale flnallv was adjourned until to- uppi mm, of Mlnnt'Hota. Introduced pKPandltUraa In the Interior depHrt have s. .mil section of IndllV'S pilpl'l'. today providing (Of vaca- and to keep out every din- - i ic morrow, when a division will SS ment. The committee's conclusion Ih,- message In government m i m leglslatuic taken. When orders of the day Tlic comprehensive tion annually for all was bused upon the complete Inspec- ma lament the I nnd Mini h an n. sllppeil acriws." Km vveie called Mr Italtoni, at the document in, contain furls railroad mall clerks. tion of the records, report and corre- NEXT TEAR ngureg I dayp paaj H, Hursum. of the Opposition lender, All of ihe stale which are "f spondence procured from the Interior ievara " PARCEL POST GREAT ics A. Spii ss party tires Better laiw. moved the rejection iin.lf Ih. in passim Interest. department covering the Investigation 'hat and other whip- - been talking harmony ai of the measure. Mr Halloiir, dealing thai was made by the government In Pave WILSON ARRANGES any and all times. The CPI of - with the bill ill a general vvav laid 1!U) 1 POT. These records showed and is belnp All stress on the esse of I'lster, charged RtOll I millnl lliirr.iu nf U.r Jinirn il H. A, All Olhei Of- - mony ralaad evarj where. that after a neconrt inspection, made Jastro and ShbWiQg a s - this is IxlleMil lo In- unit of ii clever SUCCESS SAYS the government with i" ' I'e. x. M, Jon. It,. The aeu-"- i, by Attorney QenenU MM top Aaaislant ficeis Are Asso- - political game, pai tke opoottiop want nf npprei lalloii ..I that kAd houaa met In MMMPP D, puvdy, it the requeat of praaMapt Joint this lead, is that It will not avail section, and. p.. luting Ills finger at the CONFERENCE WITH UpOPPValt KenatOf Waircn's company decline ntoratpg to hear the renditm of the ciation Ends Session In Phoe- in retain Henator Cat) government bench, he mMi whs exoneralcd of the Illegal acts "If Id I be spilled--whic- h Ood Rovernor'n mrmuilie. Thin In.pre.sNlv e It seems that the Idea Is to load HITCHCOCK which special agents of the Interior nix Today. turbid lln real assassin will be ceremony hepnn dhortly down the leglslnliii e with numerous after II ilepaiimciit had charged. lb use hIih nevei have had the cour-ag- e a clack hills, not juM fillers, but hills which and rcipilred nearly two A report hy Repre- i it Mi, ruing I. Nsrelsl I. .I W Ire I " GOETHALS minority drawn will reallv l,e given consideration to face the situation liiiiim. povarnor s of Phoenix, Aril., Jan. 1... II. A Jas pleaded with the The read h iiieaansie sentative lliirke, South liakota.nlso roI- - Premier Asiiulth i ' t With measures pending for the oi .i h v. ire-lan- d Mnwatf, as Inat yeur. will he presented to the house. Mr. tro. ii.ikci a' hi. use In rorgct the past and give he did Comment ...I " - ' imi'll.-u- tlelllcllt f the. salary iiuestlon, various1 Six Million Pack,u' andled h Vnllotlnl vast demiiiid-i'- d upon it aea-sl- Burka, of South llnkota, holds that what the majolitv frequent after the - phases f thiMiix prohh-- and oilier tin- War- l.lve stock hmhm t.ition at today'! tea- 11, sllefu-- no Ihc -- nfeglllirds pad closed and ll werns that It ic, ords show that Senator tun. e, 111. During First Five lys of laid 'slim hMB of i In slvteefilh niilitial coll- - mattei all ol prime unpin met President-Ele- ct Wants Infor-- I ren's company was not holding illeg- Inlrodsoad In th.- mn to prevent the with wide approval among the 1 for harmony to pui Iheni. legislator ally any BUbUc land in l!l6. No w- - venUon of tin- giaoetatlon. Denver 5f Actual Operation Report Piotestunti from being oppremied hy and anionic thoiit. who ,, 11 e harmony is expected by mation Regarding Panama; tlon against Senator Warren's com - i,v"" OV CI I,'! I,,-- in thi. I'onli'St tor the majority, and repeated the heard It. them to mi f i in fmce lor i.. ...j...i i... i - ini ni'Vi vein on im olhct rails from Postoffices. any oth-e- f IHIIV IS ov ill," in m offer introduce I'll re aim much Intercut In the j with reeiillimeiioeii oion ll I,l.i..a '. 1.,.,n t" Talks Over Policies Desolations II p I..,. ,hn re a i.el... I., the officers were Hiifegpurds the opposition Won'' ijuPe ero ,1 "inh ., To offsi'i ihis lln leBolullmi men. Juti, were adopted end, using the v i hill tUralap jaesPPl isaeal wtrr f was He 'licit i sfaicmem of conclusion his com- - ev-er- outline what Wanted. ret. hear it rend. Senators, thai Honed in the Morning Jourtuil 'ii million ma Illegal tor federal suisei vision of the open naehlngton, Jan. II. six Mr llalfoiir hod miide Hie snme Iloutine hiiNincHa In th, two house pan) then was inlnlnltig days ago will he presented In the that range; protesting against the reduc packiigcs were handled hy parcel iost glooinv pri dictions when Ihc liberals wan limited. One hill wan Introduced ThK feaOlUtlnri will In- to tion of tile on cattle, meat pro-- I house. the in the first five actual working days gov lit to South Africa. this, niorninp. helm; senate hill No. 1. Bv u s JHawaii Wpetlel taaaed In made tarllf nave self en uirri Included the documenta iv effect that Hie house repudlnlel Ita of system, ac .1.. .Ian IS, Prealdent- - din ts, mil, sheep and hides, and de ol Ihc opmutlon the T. P O'Connor approved the hill In Anlde. from the formal call to order Trenton. public today with the brief committee a. lion of .tune ti last, so fnr its the today Wllaop annmtn6ed today that he elating lot a physical valuation nf cording; I" figures prepared late behalf of ih, nationalists. Thomis mill the listening; meaaape, faled hv , to the report nre some sharp letters seal uliege.i sccoiiu eicciinn oi n, ran m post Invilod Colonel Qeorpe W. - railroads us the huels for transport;! lv jtc rt of ihc office depart' c i: one of the two tlnre was n'othlng done in the hoime had Prealdent Rooaevelt to Btfpia a. Is i n tlon rates. Th. convention will end lo in. senate oiu eriu ll is, ment. The figures were ,om u opposing measure, de- "I morning jthals, chief engineer of the Panama In- liberals the the aeaalon. Hitchcock, then secretary of Ihc stated III. it this resolution is now pre. I by PoatRMMtOl vviih Iv-r- Friday. tomorrow with an entorta lament pro from reports received nounced bin a", one of renrol on, The aciiate hill was Introduced ly 'canal, to cooler him In which prealdent oil be a tin the terior. the I'.n and win Introduced from out of itieii-tlo- ll Mr, iThe governor declared he would try gram. Bsaersl Hltchooek i,i4 and said thill nitless Ihc I'lster llolt, of Oonn Ana county, and in the Interior dcparimenl inspec paycttotogb ai momen i to hurt CnlPe having pit dsllvsry as much Informatb n as pos- - i,iii pestoff! oet were settled the bill was fore-.- 1 one in which AHMInicriiio is specially to obtain tors had not made good their charges candidacy - nt sihle about the canal qPePtlOP from LONGEVITY service and estimates made In, in ml to failure. William ii'ltrlen, intrrtated. It N an act to rmpowet aguinit Senator Warren. Special In- ATTRIBUTED There In in, doubt thai in, efforts post- - Hr, fJoethaht, nnd looked forward to ti ling reports of Ihc remaining leader of the. IndepsndSnl patlupellski, PlUplelpalltlpt l'" piuvide for the spector k. l. Unnen made the report1 Of tl faction ti, promote peace the visit with much Interest. The TO REMAINING OLD MAID offices of the country ""' fcturns said that while he could not accept and Hick. The senate adjourn- HeptPPtber 7. I0(, charging the Wnr-- j have apparently nicceesful. Mi packages governor said he was show that CMMSt wfre ih, i.iii as ii final eetkkrmeol ol tho ed In meet tomorrow. The house also arfBitlU rep company with maintaining fences everythlnf is hwrmontoup a with former Oovamot bgndlSd in the city delivery offices nationalist' rwittlrementa, he regard to meeUauain thin afiernnon. conference around Ifvittl acres Ot pot land In! Denver, Jan. II, For one hundred lim e Ih not c mi a ripple '.Marshall, president-elect- . which have reporls. ed It as a sincere and courageous The pottlad the vice and one years and twenty days Miss il , - houaa down to hnsiness Wyoming and 1,126 acres In Colorado, ll ills .i any where, Put low n llll- - - I g ith QOV-Mlb- MWtUtOUt pgoeptlon," said Pnstmas- message ,f pea,.- n. Ireland. The in want I" ii tl ( Mary ploded lile's path a small wny this afternoon, mim-iit- Munch was assisted hy W. '. Hintze, Shenrln hud dm ncath thc opposil inn leaders are posi- - lernOt soon I po ti r Henernl Efttchcock tonight, labortli adhesion lo home rule was cnu-Cl- ll Marshall as Today two davs' vv the employes, chosen by its and III the report charges were mail.' ah ni1. she died after inking i s quietly to select iinotket get his views on men il p inasters nre enthusiastic over the par- declared b) .limes Parker, sitting for ist Dlpht and receiving several and against the Warren Livestock cont- - Illness, thankful until the UtSl mo- ma n as al c Kail's friends In seat htm. jcies," said IVIlaor cel post service, practlcslty ail post Halifax. blip), AntORJ these was the liaca Hill- - flovernor panv, alleging that, it had persecuted ment lhal she had never married. Tin ill faction mti ti Ulease the only to get a date oiastms report u steady Increase and James II, in Campbell, serving as rj pi session, a delayed - Miss Phsarin attributed her longevity il with. meaiure the last and driven out settlers and hud ilnmi- him lo pi r.iss that at local merchants and in, inula' of the III Ihc absence li to him." never leader rislcrlte ne oiiipin lux law, a hill providing aated the public Landi in Laramie to the fuct thai she 'bent her fa- (lav was "one nf mil ny confer- - Inrms become familiar with the ,,i sir Edward Canon, who, although for an Inr, one tax and several others. The county. Wyoming. hack over the wash tub, never toiled Jammed With ISflSll -- of Increase fought Mil, elauae hy dices, ftonatof elect uliie James, of i cilities offered, lln rale he had the The list of employes name, in ran-en- s und set veil an ungrateful mutt, never claim, so they argue. lb. ,1 lln ds " Kentucky, came Py nation Horn Accompanying this rep, rl were Is .,,', derated. clause, was unable to lie present at was embodied In a resolution, had to puree children, wash dishes nf the people most be attended to ami president-elec- t to vpiess his many gffldavitfl from setili is. as to lb. final singe because of the Utiles which was introduced by Jamc V. the or put Up with the abuslvein ss of the all that sort of thing, ami thus plepsj on w legislali hi the extra Ihc alleged illegal fellies Senator lb Ice Miner cllcvxl in ml of his wife, repeated I'lstcr's objection Phavea, of COUlily, was views hat brutal husliuud she might have had expeciin llicv may Torrance It up mil what he Waircn's oom parry was maintaining, for harmony, thtl P. oiia, III.. .1 i Three men I., tni" and docktrsd the idii adopted without discussion. These session should take If she had laken the chum c." At the uge the general gooi nit, nl of the 'thought augges-- l the uctH of the employee of the com- vvm . Imprisoned in the Crescent coal would produce u generation of inter- employe are ns of certain cabinet uge of twenty, Miss Shenrln came u leglslaltire for badly needed law. In follows: Hole, of Oklahoma, pany in Intimidating bona fide settlers, mlti, Incaled six miles frsm Peoruti im, ,nc strife and permanent disaster Chaplain, Antonio Konrchegti: chief lions. Senator be I tilted Slates Hum CP Via county. !hc furthering of Kail senatorial with the governor and and u threat Senator Warren was de hy eXDloilon I,- this afternoon. it,, the progress of the rnuntiv rlerki Prank iUpttp; chief lunched Ireland, and seltbd ill Chicago. She With th. w in k hit; assistant brought him the latest Information clared to Iihvc made as to the POqtttst- - tmesis. i !om Kvotv lent in the house was POOH clerk. Andres Itomero; sei 'geant-at-Prnt- remained there with her family until together, they lie d 'ar less oppoal from the various stales In which tlon of certain lands. In a letter lo ph ii whep Mr. Balfour began his ad-- the Chicago fire, when, burned out tlon for cam than would be I Martin Serrano; assiHlant being Waged. Prealdent lloosevelt, (Icloher their I'S, report a Klich party has Issued special contests are lllllll.J s Sln-aii- nets dres ,,.c Sanchez; enroll-l- of home and posses-ion- the on hand If an a, live fight were In - The said the hill he had Senator Warren declared his company III it Is believed whip to members reqUSStlPI allend- clerks, (',. f). senator lamlly came to Colorado to start progre: s Vargas and Timoteo vesteidav In increase the was, observing the law, that he per-- i lunee fur the division tomorrow , Bttcaj readituj, Ar-lin- anew, Miss Shearln died In M. .lo The present peaceful activity of the clerks, tieorge W. n Hu- o Rally no Illegal u in n demonetretfone are axpsotsd, metnbervhlp the t'nited StateH bad fences, and that f- , ih I, spllal i h Is entirely! due t - and Kdunrdo LttJpB; stenngraph-Crt- hi legislature vi i govcrn- - or, ni, court h ll heen proponed of his he protested agalnm the "aassaslnpt- - r. Knur said that the Will of pa leaders, I Llewellyn, A. II. Cliirlcy. Mrs. mil av ing and procedurp," of forts lie in, ni in the prpgrsas of the Mil had own initiative that he had dark lantern i Oraoe Pimmai, smoothing out difficulties major-lltle- Anita Baca, Ida smith, Hy It with the the speeial agents of the de- - s UMMON WARREN been supported by siibsliintlal 1". ed piupi interior now Wallace and i'. Winder, with two partmcnt. venting the equshbls that iv but thai support was utterly nreatdenl lect. Senator Warren declared hit t he Postmls-Irewe- a, THE DAY IN CONGRESS. would surely have arisen hlngs I mimed liy the speaker. Id it conolo- - ins company up worthless, n n obtained by a tin pad given all fences ordinary course at t4 day each. Miss HePrl-1- e thal h' about public hinds, while the Inspec- luken their method reminding htm ol one of ", thing is being prepared fi and JeHPIC Stevenson; transln-lar- llui then tor" of the interior department main- sl A II. TO CONTEST EOR those comedies nf Intrigue in which C. $.1 I clectl i - C.ilh'Kos; six clerks at a g being vi- mi I'll nt noon lb,- chief n In im went to each suh- would he hitrmofiy H tained that Ih.. law still was a do- J lle-nu- u I, on hand there are each, as follows: D. Qiilntana, '. c olated Irk, illnalc la. im in (urn and gave a Trujlllo, crals In tl senate. and that United States Attor- ttle legislation who do D, Orlego. M, Salazar. U ney T. F. ccutivc ami j slnii nf his object In or-- i- Hurke would not proceed a ny consider,! l.ueero, u. pages, Willie Thny-W- , against Interests, hill. under ihmn lo assist liim, and (rtl; the Warren Ihc likel) ones lo pnl DallO Martinez and Pablo Lnhadlc. William Willi mt Inn SENAT ORSHIP ind i if, all duped. The records made ic today light it'll his name pre-ir- e The following hHls were introduced: Icstimon regarding Al hhoid g..V i nt has taken each AMERICAN OWNERS showed that President evelt held who will House Hill No. 4, creating ihecnun-- bclo re smiled, the men supporters m tUlil," Secretary Hitchcock, i e Interior mentioned, nir ii Humnar, Introduced by Mr. Man- - commit! support resolution r. D&lfour, department, reeponsibl many of which, possible, Will be pre- - nates. The hill prov des f u the ere-,- f Scant, odilc.ed bill In to the Irish, we will glvo be newspaper artlc II Senator t nils,' tills week w on nf I, new cnuntv out portions P1 i short selling tented llty i" the British, wo Warren, tine letter fr in I," former Ouadalupe, Dbavi any and TOTELLMAOERO ml gn of in- u and tranquility; president contained bin lb I Mllclll - pose ibination insevelt , unties. I in, In the taxi' win give you Hon of inspector Llnne n for In I I IS I STATE DEPARTMENT Dem roiire Jive ing In his n inrt the Wat ten inv, . Il-- srl cd- - 'I'hi-- ai.i to the homo rulers, this ation, a fill newspaper Hipping, TO ENGLAND OF LOSSES itv. ANSWER 3gislatui is a step toward ihe disintegration of and reports that denounced Senator I use BUI o, u, an income tax Agremiieiit reai Ii lo oto the United Kingdom; they said to tho WJt, Warn 'll. but which were based on no introduced by M. C. de llnca. .10th on Senator W rife r (tl.i !,, riling I il Npeclu I. usril v." Imperialists, thin Is a etep toward facts or allegations. v This act place a graduated tax upon presidential term regi ittion, Washington Jan Che clllle. o., Jan. Banati chisel iiiiln of (he empire; they said nil ii iconics above t.'l.noo a year. "This Kxhioit :;, limply is a bundle Adjourned nt 5:511 1,'clllC ni Pool's bill to rapes B, Win roll was summon,', .1 bi L b to the .uiih ami west of Ireland, you lb, us,, gin x.i. I, Introduced by M. Special Train is to Take Suf- of scurrilous allegations," said Presi- noon Thursday, Pit nutria canal net as t Anim graph ft'im Washington lal hu, an inalienable right to be gov- - de Baca, providing for the taxing dent Roosevelt in this letter, dated, ship, iln Ihe pav by his supporters in both erned l) v otirselvea according to your f the output of mines. The bill pro- - ferers from Rebel Ravages Janus. 17, 197. "I am utterly at a III H Nl ment of lolls In not up, rated to the legislature, where his t own ldea Hiey said to the north and ules a scale of tonnage taxes on coal loss to understand why such an ex- it noon iisp. nil preparation of the state lie- - is hotly contented by an nl In east of Ireland, you will never be so to City Expense of I According to its value and a lower tax Mexico at hibition should have been forwarded parlment's to Sir lalw ard (.rcy s democrat and progressive happy is when governed by other "lion ore containing prertoiia metals Government, by the department ol the Interior to protest, i'n ss the Root bill, or one Is expei ted In arrive her. people, according to their ideas. Jrid metal used In the Industries. The nn. It has a value, however, because illlest riled bj I, ng house lulls covering Ills recall Is believed to Rat The greatest dupes will be the Ttn -- col-'''t'- It deeply iject, should become law discovery notlci govern- prov'des thai half the tux so d discredits the worth and democrat, against election W ed the thai ii ona lists, who think that the Judgment ii xi fortnight, the reply In sealed packages ,ui shall go the state und one-Wa- tl Morptag Pflfe-- of Inspector Llnnen," Chandler, itroarressivc, nf mm nth lest ment is making Irelnnd n nation, anil lo (By Jeptsnf siieiiui tied to r rach to the school and general tU PaSO, Jan. 13. American prop- The second Investigation of the New York district. Seen tat Knox will go forward contain Idencs to uneeal ih, people of this nation, who think , t s "anty fund of the county where erty owner In Mexico will have a Warren operation made by Assistant Ways and mean'- - .uunilltee on ndon on the pri publican epresentatlv and they will be given peace. " collected. chance next week to tell President Attorney Purdv was completed and sldcred sugar schedule. ted. publican senators inui been II tin y were going to cut Ihe TTnlted 'louse mil No. 7, prescribing the Madcro of their losses. They will re pert Sd on January lflllV. Mr. Money trut Inveetigutlng eommitii e the eocretary of state. Hhould th Kingdom Into fragments, he declared, In 'onteetSi In- J"11 of district attorneys, relntro-(1",- 'I journey io Mexico City at the expense Purdy' report also made public to- egampned Qappge W Perkins and ib AI L ABOUT position win the house there was no more necessary ami (FORGETS on by Mr. Llewellyn. of the Mexican government. A special day, held that it had not heen shown termtned Chairman Pujo and Coun- they will have a majority of two evitable division than that of tho now Ibmse rim s requiring accounts train will meet the delegates ut the by the Inspector that Senator War sel fntermycr should examine y LEGACY OF $62, Joint ballot. Having a majority northeast of Ireland from the rest of RMlnst the Mate to he sworn to. port of Laredo, Tex., on next fSunilay. ren's company, at that time, had any William Rockefeller, In the house the probability of that i Ireland, The government hud not OOSlp-Holl- strength hy Messrs. Llcwellvn and The action I the direct result of the public land enclosed hut Hint the gov- Kdmntid l. Plsher, deputy adding thne more to their comprehended united feelings; that "oreno. visit along the border of Pedro Iis-curtil- ernment Inspector hud mistaken of New York city, urged a t. Louis. Jan. 11. Pascal lllxon. bv sealing three democrats and oust- lack of comprehension was danger- "ntlSe P.ill Vn o H.Im. th. uliSu minister of foreign relations femes belonging lo other parties. "I national rcserv before currency re- - allroad clerk, is Me gbaent-wlpds- d ing Ihe three repiihlp nns Is upparent ous, at itntv officers anil providing for of Madero's cabinet, and I.loyd C am of the opinion that no suit should fom committee forgot an appointmeiH loilay al "No one would sny," continued Mr. the laSSlfil-lltlA- W I DIXON ,f 111., In. litis,. ,m, former American ambaasa-oo- r he instigated against the Warren Passed Hiiiniim I H to make uni- which he was to claim a legncv Of U,MI Mill hs Palfour, "that the Roman Cutholics " I NlTESD STATKs SI M l 'r"iluc,.d Inst year hy Romas L. flaco to Italy, and president of the MvSStOSk company, uid Mr. Purdy's form law for RatiiialiK. ton of aliens $6 2,500 to which he is heir, and the TO will persecute in the old style or de- n,l rclntrodUSpd by .Messrs. Llcwellv n society. Mr. (Jriscom ac- report, "or Its officers or agents upon serving In army, nuv.v. marine corps police wet e called upon lo remind Helena, Mont., Jan. lit Thomas J. liberately persecute the minority at ;'"'l Moreno. companied Senor Ijiscnrain to the na- the report and the accompanying or on I'nlted Mates merchant vessels him. Walsh, of Helena was declared elect- all. But will that reconcile the mi- Hi, six-ye- be- us,. I In- - urge L. lllxon, of ed senator for the term nority in of to live ri Xo. 10 defining the tional capital. pints. do POi wish to be understood, Regan i onstdi ration of bill to Illxon's father. the north Ireland t'n,,. ,,r . . .. March, succeeding Sen- I,,. A number of invltntlons already however, as holding that the Warren . corporate academy of arts Chattanooga, Tenn died about a ginning next tinder tho control of the majority, Mill American - othors, Introduced last year bv have heen extended to rStlroad, min- Livestock company has not conslruct- - land letters. monlh ago. leav Ing all estate valued ator Joseph M. Hlxoii. nl a joint hi:H- .viimn for generations rtdlitLonsnnl ing men anil ranchers. 4 il not now mainlHining fences J Adjourned unlil 1'huisi ai ) l .' nan to b:s ALBUQUERQUE MORNING THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1913. TWO JOURNAL,

i Ii hi tl I tvB I tOUt lli il Ml' illleeil will. mplnte tin' HI the Ml" nf the IMX piObUlW. LEAGUE NEW MEXICO BOARD i hi MM, MUNICIPAL "STEWART REBELS AGAIN GUI km hi :i I rfyaahlni in renefd the lU, !.,,. .iit.i I ma said that mi aa. Dip Stoves & Ranges r... in. m taking lln i lln al inn full valimtlnn 'Il HJC E 7 I r r one giving A CVA HA. JTE left! 1 win.i Wlnklield lold I'harle: tiii. wirj fur fair to ON LAWS RAILROADS BELOW he lll'uhl lie Hlilr l aland th ill" OP EQUALIZATION trentmenl "'I lav payer. H' also AGREES i h Brin. ihn' I knew would follow, ii stated thai berbvel, and hi I i opinion hid by MM i 'hark H.iiii ii. an. hi corroborated thi BnaVKlBnnnBBBBnBBl s.. ni in i. ihcn ii fm iin letter Im Hid' Mati'ini ni l'ummn Hurkhart, If. A Belmont "notch" collar ,nl In Hi. governor, re- in white II.. BM-- mi ihc H'trv irul i".i who IT DESIRES iiim MEETS TODAY a striped Madras. It's an JUAREZ In . ; lii" le mm fmm him. inn-ll- y cently attended national ..invention n.atu fi ice ,.r ui . nuinilaalonera, that fair could only l reached llinilii r- - I iMUgllj NNk Murder. through it alatr taxing luiily of some ARROW V FiLiam V J C I ll wilt. Mr. Ctnncy'a bill contemplate mtip Harrison. Ark. Jan. IS. Session Expected Comprehensive Program of wo iiuscnheim Dm iiiann unit hi brother, Mir lhi formatlun nf mirh b badly. If inH-- COLLAR IV, 1 for I.V. Cluett, PoaSody DuiuUnn. were Indicted lore todn) portaut It W nsider It will nut throw i hi ini'Vi ni lajBaa. Legislation Framed at Ses- U Co, Hk Compelled to Close, Thro- as (r the iniirili-- i nf Ml Kiln narhmn. ..v. of nffi.f. but will entinu I . ii Held Com- wer Out l w '""I Matters in Conr with to ih.'in. nt whatpu r I'limrx-n-siitlii- sion in Capital; int: Five Thousand Ill lildgc. hose nilii Vegna l J. Tauprt or lata P, Kut i.iiii iiiv mutilated nfi. i h. had been may bt nxiil lb. buialaturi', " Taxation Legij mittee Named, i w I, of 1'lay ton. of Employinent. attacked! ,, ml i an Imal naalatanta of thr tnxing body Tin ami towna repr, . nt, Vnvemher Tl Thin, taxing body will be rhlrfly Rdeweli, Xlamonbrdo, tioviB, I i ii. li Ii, ,, were I'd wllh in i ni. in r I uf w mm B4a i apiial Uurninc oaaenal.l "it VI J.i.itnul bIiiI "I i i ... Ik mh t'Ttct-n- t hnat Clayton, siiAit PnrmiiigtiiB, ini .1.. - It t" br eoMfMMi "f a 16. - Th, "" i. M iimr-mal- Santa re, th M., Jan. state Kl Paeo, Jan. All mm p .Inn. IS. 7 ii- t'arhihnd, smna Pi, Albuquerque, I. 1 Monday n -i at nu n to bJTti nf iia. n M ...... oa th'in Municipal league which held a well n with tM interior .i i at ton and Artcaln. mnrnl ml ilait nvprj pi era of pnpMHy in aver) In. lay haa ar a HI today. attended aeaaion here MM, It' which i once PMilt year. propoapa nil r. luriim It ranged a complete program of lawa ,1 ili. i.nlr.i.Kl ,.n! r..miiii biiay yomy, Matinee 10, Oiyatnl. hi with to kV thrm nil lh hut which It will attempt to have paaard u-- below llallcgo, H STATE BOOSTERS III ,h to hIIow no man to uiwe prowarty In by pr.sctit aeaalon of th(. leglala-- l ilh mi the Mrxbuii ''D" v.ilinii legialml I uased the in,' county in wlilih hr Mvm. To preaa Ihese hllla before the id II ik ln'llt'M-- Uiat ,ii im. .1 ture. (The I....II.I feat 'Ilnr. in a iiuiiiiiinlon bill to thin. two hoiiaea, a leglalatlye tomniin. Raabe & Mauger ...I) i. mi thr govt MONTE CRISTI I.. .1 wi'inhly aubjert. rixiiiK iiii'thuds of making tax us ii7 A sr. aa tlilx. li'iim waa nmneil. It conaiata uf K. P. eihst INITIAL MEET Nb ami u III prolmbl ml,, a.'tive alepa in Dai I. a, of Snnta Ke, and D. K. 11. ..t Hi tnd d, at the te.ii.M. Sell. ra. of Albiiitieiuc. to- i uinpli I.. Hi hi in ln.llre.lly, nl Ih.i Imard, Attorney The bill whb h were auggealeil - HORMKN VOTtOUn i during ih i y aiU day by delegntea from the iii lb. in nil Krank lan. haa aln I will ai'H ni Miliiiiliiy. ilele-gate- Fuel Co. My I FE auction. Btfloa lie by thoai- a Aztec i volution. hi im ' AT SANTA tin- Thla bill will drafted 4 drOWn bill on tnnltrr. lain, INtli. m p. in., 1 50 rood art al IVncea to the judiciary ii trualli1 ia.i of will b" liitrmliii i .1 In thr aenatc aome anil anhmltted nkftlj Wot 111 111 . lN M'BfM iiailit at Any, h.'ivr I,. n burned b rt'lH on thr Utile thla . committer named earlier in the GALLUP wiek. Iior-a- wnuuiia nnd lairiiewa. CRYSTAL KiikIIhIi-- i anndian lino whit b Minn Into a ii ' for Ita i unable ration. When they Aable from thia k Hl II I'KI MiiontnlB it., v vo Hf .ni t pomlhwrnt ait-t- haye passed thla they will YANKEE Ihr i"Jin ilrunilm dimrb fm a l omprrhi e beiue of committee ide-Awa- ke rVnnk, InrlionrtTi uf Jiuirrx. Business Men of all pTi in the atatt be intrmlii'-e- and DfrflMd for early SWASTIKA Of r.iiKiti i. bajoVavra iw or three other piiaange, Iiral iiri nl tbr nlirlni Foim Temporary Organiza ih. ard i mn .inn. i si i hiiiI in Hyde Case. w.,nl at .it- r MOtl ii' mn. I'realdent J. J. Shtiler and Set relary COAL mnrllrra hv rn rlvnl that in nib Kansas CKy, Kan., Jan. I .'. i if th com-l- u I u t before any- II L. Mlikley, both of Italon, were Irual two of thr bin plant' Fd tion; Press Conference the flrat pla. and ARREST MEXICANS fi.i veniremen from Whom a ll. .1 I.. thing la done, they want the max- nam. . a i ommlttee on constitution All Kinds of oar down at Montrry and rlr Jury will be chosen for the third irml In i ' y tuxea lower- ami The league will meet 'i ib mi. Thin thrown out of imum b lea on all atutr ..f In II. tiarke Hyde, charge, with probably one-hal- f again when .ailed by the prealdent. WOOD aomt i.iidii nirn. ed materially, to tht ii.b donel Thi II. thr hoi rmylotm' atrlkr ana " or 'Mn to mn third of what they The following ia ihe program of I CHARGE OF phonic si arttlrd. II la blamrd for thr llr f aiillnl hMM "I Unrnlnx Jinn ni. mm are. with thia hill paaard, the Icitblmlnn: ahiil-diiwn- . Hnnta Ka, N. M Jan. 1.. Thr Htate whli h are mna4 L la' k tUllfhf OQOi of lli. poopto thnt their A neyy paying bill; a bill providing" Iti.oHiera' lallnli, wlileh w.i to of furl due I.. f iiiilroad nixii laxea Hre not In i" Im renacd by other for the collection of an occupation ii.. i I'ontrol of uiiijnrln who uiiirni ihr ihr havp formally nrganlxetl here I n to .1 . I Iraflii lrn leglalatinn will ha, aerured tax by i of eountlea; a )l iv .mill. I. i lintml ut ' ti ill anaoela-tlon- , Itlea instead PIANO SAL E today, and thr Stale PNM It will nerve a OOibtl SMUGGLING i lb. equnllzlng a . ' riKli'i' men will bill taxation, measure iiml .ii mi in.. I I whleh wua to have held Ha Ml Ml I'l M "I Mv In purpotat, too. fm hi UU .vint that the Hie . ounty to in ba t.ixiil, dif-t- compelling yrovide for tin irmb MtaUanml I t mreiing. had mint ' III; lt IN I II III leglalatinn ia not paaard a nut in lax .Morning other the alck and indigent, bill for the ii ii in RottlM Inert hrr. aaaeamua In lln- different eonn-tli- a Mr lliiiftiiir roniludfd hj rompai Waahinlton. Jan. lli The nhlftln the eommlaalon form of government: a MaVona, yanMpmw4 in noon .1 prop- ! r nf r. b. afff will he for. in us.aeaa all bill allowing citlea to have police ititr iho rnac of m that of thr hariti Mrxi.aii .i.llvltii In pre all in n tiiuht the t i I tltrr again war drmomtratrd tutlnt w be koii. MM erty nt lla full valuation in ordrr my Officers at Deming Take Judge who ore not justices of thelai Co. a innate lernwtl Thev will inrei toiiiorrow. it leiainr net ,iwirv to ilniiati h the. get money to tun ilnlr eountlea. Itilt peace; a meaaure providing for thejatorr la being i upH! cat tltiwn. The n t nf- - Three Men Into Custody for The laiomeiK did late thla in , ,.a, there might ba eountlea whieh uae of road tax paid In cities upon the prices quoted appeal tn all piano In- fiilaer, and formed Would ner .it the old would not lln thla the board Alleged Violation of Neutral- - i lly streets: a bill to allow citlc free whn tall, add inani are taking iirganixatlon. Tin y nninetl legitilatinli - of nppafl of the n pui. II. , whorr Am a trrnpomr) Ilk. to are aome nther riuht of fray for municipal water- advantage this exceptional t pinna for a .ir. ii MajaaMtaVy danger I,. . .. ii.' nf a tmnmliti e to iirrfet poaoirt aws. wtirka pipe Ifnes; a bill arranging the trinity tri nava money. a pro w ill mi I hnl city, Inter meiting ad to oullint bar ran of Btetnbefa m board of trua- - The ale coiillni W N'ni .1 S rfania, law-- ii n4U plUM na of Ihr vr.i in J uient mil legtalntloi it araota win. I',.., ,il I, I, Ii l.i in.. Vlnrnlnt l.nirnal I BBBt In incorporateil towns ao that stock Of i named t lh rrvolu-dow- bolh Sunt. were liable t to go Iota the eoiintled, after I', mini;. If., Jan. Offlcera lb. i will oyerlap and so that all metn-ber- a lit, sell out. pOCifOlnry, rtajOajl It- lie put eiimr ihnlrman nnd Hi.. .isNewtora h.n. ma. lb. if foil' of the Thirteenth United Statea env-al- will not go out of office nt the in take ad- - la aa i Ihr Mrxlrnn tu.h Tb. .nmmittee nmneil ami after the nmmlaalonera have siatl. mcil Here, thia morning same time; a bill tn nnbnrse the n sab. I ' 0. aase-m- . almig the Ainrri an Irontlrr, milow-- K I. Ilnvlra. Salitn paaaetl upon th' in, nnd ratae Frank Torres, of Deming, and fire Insurance fund formally appor- pianoa bow i" ing shown In Win-Mag- Srlb-ra-. .lohn M h nf rorly pann all. Hi of lb. K I! Alh0,urrqU! ma nf any ami all propertied that Just,, At tiata and Kdwardo OchOa. tioned, among the cities, for moneys Arlxona. Oallup, Helen. valu-atlm- i. ra W. M. Atklnaon. le gnn way aa it hnamr MtTran. IbftnlnB; Bin have ewapid. to their full who are alrangera hiTe, on a charge tnken from It thia year for salaries. Santa Pi, Ijis Vrgas : U Blcklof, Raton that I lie wrre RonwrK; Howard The PWOont alatulea retiilre of being imptleBlod in extenalve The expense of the leglalatlye N M. a property at Ita full amuggllng la to rope wllh the rrlwlal Tin booatera who in roof from ihr "i opirHtlona In aid of the committee which la to stay here In Por Information mil Icph'ini'. San Juan rmiii-- r wiliiatl.m, Ian i i'l. mi haa decreed re lie la In Mexico. rniral and aoiiibern diatrb la Albuiitiei tiie 0 the Santa F' a long aa Is neceaaary will write nr yvirr, expensi ,. a l ll il of it. One -- quartet to one-thir- A,, Orhon were earrtrd on their ..perntlona nt, ,,.,, had n rather hard time that from lata and arreittd 1. borne by the oftJaf and towns l.lntlrniann Co., Went tnrlml-i-nt- . in BMMB ii eaaea a alightly J, -- t aa they yy-r,- . abOtti a .'! thr very fai r of the m ni of The s.m Juan ri prrarntalii ra, ami to board wlii' Il an- members nf the league Mhuqtierqne, N M. Krank Mnpltn higher yaliuitloii ah. ill be plneetl on It. train for the amith. They were placed Ing W. H. fhrlaman. Eleven citlea w ere rrpfeaented at the R, ntntr Wer,. the It . a n tliired In the In jail will be Kl POM d by rrimrta from Conaul j and Kdw inl Vming, mrt thr and taken to league' meeting, though aome of . atatp In gov rrnor'n t'oiintlea menlimied along with the tomolTOn and delivered to Colonel K. METHOD department offltlalf highway ou.iuiaalon thr them did not have three if Iffaim to but the real, aa ibry Wmiltl bale to be In any . .' teevrr at Fort Hllaa alixrd thai atrong menaurea nffii r lute thla afternoon. whlrh thry wrre entitled pn srnt. The CHANGE eight law paaaetl th. atat,. would not re- Todny'a g I teg til are believed to be RATES MAY 'It ttolllll In n the promiwd drlrgatlon of from league hud been scheduled to begin y drapntt I Aru- - faitOfl to hnw n BOB ceive ta full -- hale of the Iiixck due th.- - flrat of a aeore or more to in- hip. lo treat nai to Its session at 2 o'clock this afternoon, t from that county, If the valuation IMde here by the federal authorities of hi in wrrr probably tttBoln but advanced the opening hour to 10 Ik d Washington, 1.1. I'pon th' i going m. Were nor prop, rly ralaed. and thla within the next few days, it being Jan. tin nipeliiiija then o'clock thia morning when it was cull, la of argument today hefaX - MM our claim the board makea for the that a band of amngglera outcome I'll.. goMin.u- KUUMrtrd ed lo order In the court house by supreme rnlttil eon) - power to ratae IBliO Ii wanla to ace isindiicilng npcriitlnna In thia vicinity, the court of the HOftwna through the M nver and tin- 0VUDfl" Mr. Is mayor mill. toaa President Shuler Shtiler on vi'Re-fahl- e latmn of 4H.00a.UAii praon ihat th. fetate geta It iirnper BTOpOT" using Deming aa a base for supplier. Stales as to the proper rates the mM probobir uortulnrM of rot'h ! , ...... ; , i i nt which ought to of Union. ti aiul frtfttt) oyer Plorlda MM iatle for Ihr ut inn of .l Hon of the revenue the deletioliieil. tb' r.aiilta is bt .'"l In- two .nil ni t... s may Hie i If leviea reducetl mil to I'lohiiiit Kxaane iicna. named I'oast railroad, depend lli. Metcii in utigrfaa haa paaa -- nglne. i Thil ml inllett.i) af to the ttatr un-Th- it not in eaaea 'aahliigton. Jan I a Any HanWI-ah- ii this morning mid then ndjoiirned method nf fixing rate In fore bill It la apporeilt thnt only to. The imilt will have 10 be and counil.a f...ed. Kltai til afternoon, i timnilttee yvcre i comnrft . v I., im reaae bringing any Inaane alien Into the Interstate commerce aufii. in in to puri'hiiae by Intrrefia, win i, Ihei need to '". the inw nttgatrtl prlviitr W IBtersPat) atlffl-ftil- oiluce tb.- nor- the I'nlleil wmibl be liable tn a follows: aion t' N'cedhnui. of the !lnn nf war In ituontltlea li it,, uooo yaluation ami thua i! Stales a hob hrllew prohohly Alnuquarqur a On John I. larke, of commleetOB, dechired that to rUUlp for. a. mal reventi. thia will not be poaaihle. fine of $20u, under an amendinenl promt Commerce i . ihm thla wll the frdrrnl da lllL'h ran th It la atated upon good authority, to the iniinluratlnn layv passed today AlbiiqiiertUe; .opea, of the commissi, ui should .not be leqaj "It in no uae M k aniilMiim th. prem otonipid thnt It all lie property in the atate by Ihe hoiia. Santa Fe, anil nt ed in passing upon every single rati', bori-- . .imlnga i mi nr abb' f were returned for taxation aa lis foil to Inaugurate a proceeding ta dep If wrlghl Ig ID the ball the f ..Ilnr m beta of the legislature nnd anil bgal aluitlon the total naeeaaed coins CAL'gF. IIRAOACHK AM) mine the value ut ihe i...u til, .11 .It'll of Ida 111' Uli I. nth na whn h met in Santa Wi t Una for aaaoi'latb valuation of the atate would be near ORIP h w. It. a could arrive at a "coat of ier MM iii.i Im . ii tioken. llHllllll sirup, "f the c banilier of LAXATIVK nrto.Mo Quinine removes rtisit flllglla mill (' I upf u'- - today Were gutala $.".1111, ami. mm. At preaent It la a little tun and H. I). How in,, ti D. by- accepting lh.' value of the thinva dtinr-- . Ttma after tllli. I at a banqttol M h' Win the cause. There is only One MBBO CowwnrM over 17.' mm, 000. The im renae of MO QI'ININF." I.oog Ihe slgna- - K. II. S. il W M. I ha two laiandi tonight. for ite i riatt hi.lel irntuatlon, with the leviea reduced to K. W. 2 He. A Unique h ItIM of OltOVK. tb. arrh hd There tii'ir -- who a proportlonnti amount, would not .f . Iproml inter n made Hildreanea of Importlinrr. amotiK in. ruBBt taxation al all. Hut the hua been lorn au I., CLAPP Ib, in being Judge H. A. Iti.'hariWtm inl leel- - that the COMMITTEE ., RoiWiJI, arhn plaadrd for ih luced in limit fir nit the if'- .iii. in of rapltol Improvimont eom- ,f the Ml htinef ul Inflmnee ami nin tne tb mtaalnn to hWlUtifj lh cltt "f Snnta tame, I. two nienlil tO Hi "iii-- Whom It Ii I , Sinator laaat Bart and Inatm lln men of hlntori the ninilim g .Ii. HEARS MORE OE I .a iiuht en. and ieiilenanl t'.overnor meeting .f Ihe board yvhrro nier-nvin- faaa-.,,n- ii apt i r or fortune, fnlllra and A thr , protniard i Food i ,,. rain, all of arhom chant large stocks returned nf Ii n K. .t ttmrt. In nirn ;.,.,it Irgiatatlon In grnrrol .mil inrgr them for appropriation for ihe atat. immlgra- - actual val HEARST LETTERS ' iissossnii tr at a real valuation would colonel O. K ii s. ibra. maynf nf bring in great deal of tax money M Mtittmu i ,in. Maya? vikinaon, from this source, now going uncoi- - ..I rtdwwpli; U BrnnSfort I. . led lie, iuse of unfair apportioning To Make Folks Cheery ...... i . ,i,,y. ii ,,i mora othrra a's.Ksments. The smallei F IRE MEN 36,000 iNegio frills How He Took the put up tin difference in CO OU the ciin titles when thi practice I ( j Files from Standard Oil Mag lowed to an iindtlt in thr way of high, I ley le. For breakfast, nothing quite so comforting as a dish nate nnd Received Fifteen Another souroe srenna which there's

' n full yaluation w ring to llghi ate Ihe i between the eastern ia small holding noyy- .ill,,. Is nut the Hftithi lb I of tJth the free under of good hot porridge. iinotive Wremen iml Knaim m in. NOW WALKSM0S1 ANYWHERE the exemption Ian. A matters stand. . With assessments averaging about n i yff the lemnnds f ihe fiinnen Im I Hi M,.. funis Jiiiirnal 'ia-- third or less of the real values, many a i eased Nugea uii hettei worklna Wahlnion. Ian Ml" roe cu Uhm Veal I SOlMtionS, lind a atlik- - Pinkneld, in., Hutndari iim rifii II llll III Wnlth tr.Ou ..! tun, B,.ts nut have tailed former HtaaUl He ii, messenger, HI. k'Oll mdil Not oil flee brcaiisr it is in d assessed at more illni ha' hern nrdi red ybmit Kin who has tOl . I for ny liCMTth of Time-- mi hnefi are iffccleil, of whom Home senate committee mi. eel than the Hat which thr law alio mm ate Hoinntlve fireman unit paign funds of 11- 1- parti, Iptltiou III til, to be exempted from taxation. This sale of tin Mehbold letter,' made is unfa ii m other tax payers, as the too high layy mat. i i ii alteration in in lostlmnn) contemplated ihat 1109 worth of n in- ly, w tiles sirs ' . priqie Should be free, nut that Post Tavern Win reappaarnU lodaj before thr 60 ii one-thir- d i mnmill. . Bryan stteet yvortb mi a valuation, rib ni ihe Wlnklield told tlie senator he had greatapf boon to i e aHoWed to go untaxed. - inynh nl it in ami a bad headache womanly trouble, hole taxation problem was reao-pusse- i. i day ," but that he later remem- - POT llfteen ci n the board through a d n n d thai tetagram, two letiii from such ey, i, pnina, onnaed from lu'.ion n recently. The board I walk, eopyhoolu and parcel of let-n- r manly trmible could not is given authority under the law, In Special three a n i duty - were taken ti himself ami Stump, ,.t , M f tan.l mi mi (Bet, bum at fact, made Its lo assess rail- a not he I meaaenger, ami for hla share time I a had backaches and roatls biegraph nnd telephone lines dish Oaf-toni- c, Makes a delicious i he got i . Mm. which lie believed to beadachea. mmeneed taking and trtain other properties at their b ie third nf Ihe Betes paid. He dill, the won and now I can full yaluation. So long a inty as- - said hr understood thry wet. s.,1.1 (a " alk any where I waB1 do tin own scaaors fall to do likewise with the for the morning meal. the N'eu York American. work, ami feel hetti r smaller properties that oome under Wlnklield told of being called Into their jurisdiction, and the board ful- fm i vn uues-tlone- fills .is duty, larger holdings bear inan hboldl afflt e ami the an proportion of the tax. This rich iiboiit the removal ,,f the in ni. .lu in unfair food is a skillful blend of the flavours and their i, Mirers mid tax e.immlsaUiiier The new ters. He said Mr. An hlmld told rttttl . ntlreta aggravate catarrhal colds is to try pointed mit qdrte fori 11. ly to the il meeting last Monday. and bronchial diaordrrs, lien the hoard at nourishment of wheat, com and rice. eie-ta- a Th. s,. officers propounded to the l'i Win nd if neglfctrxJ often Irad knowleilged my part In the matter. done board the question of whether, if they faiii winkiiiid i never II allowed theft holdings to be assessed to n. admitted pneumonia or 1 a lo tlll'iir.St Stewart ill I.) I'.llllets at fall valuation without protest, the -- BOTJ ml It costs about 2c the dish and brings pleasure to many I neyer told Mr Ari hbold It " j Imard would see that all ether prop-e- about It la for - was assessed nt ihe same valua- scorrs bMm The wltnesa a.tid that Mr. Arch- Irritable emulsion hold discharged him been use n, bi tion. The board has not yet answered east ceUs and aaesaani a every breakfast table. arenrW he knew something thOUi Ihe j this question, it has no power to lined ho neeil " ll snothea and heals bemi! taken the law leinuring full valuation letters I est less the affected It Wlnklield kworr that he had not assessments in the counties, and can membranea. wnrnoul li 1 1 ex- told Stewart he had received tSl.iuui i not now make any sin promises as Sold by Grocers everywhere Packages Oc and 5c, makea healthy flesh, rich for the letters, aa amg aald In the! il is ask, , to do. If it lines nut make blood ami streriythena wank atiilemetit Stew, nl prepared fm fur! the promise, Ihe larger holders will mer Senator Poraker. H, .,,,1 health M very property make a fight against luntca. Ncthing ia ao ' ., cept in extreme West. food Heorge Stump, chief clerk of the I'aldni ll paying an unfair share of the taxes aa Scott's Emulsion for tiaffi. department of the Long Isl- all druggists of th, nmmunity. one) Nf, It i,. , these questions that atubborn coughs and colda. and railroad, testified Hint on H Write ti is insider occasion he returned In Frank Hal nine I'o., I.,nil ihe board will meet tomorrow. . In- Many legislators insist on scorrs. .1 ni the Standard OH offices, two ('b ttiinooca, ti im SMitil prominent have Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Pure Food Factories, Battle Creek, Mich. or thiee letters he had tnk.ii by all III lilllla an li ns, and SI page become inioresteil in the matter and inii a Bamaa, atui.arM n j it "j gen- f. t. e trom his brother, bo 'Home Treatment fm' Women,' it st ems that beside the attorney r erals lull there may be others Intro- -


franklin lint, :i H. S. QUINTET WILL BALKAN ALLIES 0 SHOW BETTER TONE Qlrom c neolldutw Idtj I oitaoildatt X Isle ltnM.ll,' (Cop St. Louis Wool Kan i.itkt OPEN SEASON IN GIVE SHORT TIME ON WALL STREET .,in Poppet Ht I 1 l a Salle flipper ...ills, Juh. Mail., 1 Miami Copper Mad) Terrltori luedl SPORTS Mohawk UI11S. I h lie; Mia GOOD ORM FOR DECISION MARKETS Xavutla Consolldn fine, ID 1 71 rtrTt Mplsslng Mines Ni.l t ll Haiti New York Cotton. North Lake 'id DomtNloa BALL MAGNATES DO'CHAVEZ MAY MEET Piobably Will Make Strong TO TURKS London Oaceela Jim, 15- ,- otton a and Paris Purchase Middling up ml Bid for State Championship; Heavily and Many Stocks Cm - Huperlnr Tickets for Trinidad Game Sliuhtlv, But Ti en ACCUMULATE CHICAGO BANTAM Ottoman Goyemment Ma IT be Good, )(pi( The Livestock Markets. Have Brief Period in Whir U s. s.,,.. , l, l lah . 'on Kansas i lit I ItcNtorh, to Receive and Reply to Note t Mill I I AT DATE The nigh seho.,1 team, a etrohg con- fit M.i mtiu Juit MM ' 11 In- I Kansas Clti, Jan. IS. Cattle I!, BIG FORTUNES EARL! I ;, , ctai, cap . Ncn 01 k. Jan. Ih ouuial 1111 - , tender fof the state ha mploimhlp. of Ambassadors. Winona eeipt- .ion. In, billing .'in. southern-- two pTaVlOUg - lll open 11 with the days of .ru- the sea.. tomorrow night Woli, im, market steady, Native steer, M.flfJ with the IttislhcKS college in mid s. a Til waafcnaaa tha itoeh marKat I j:,. southern steers, gfcV a hi . ,v l.07.lf son form. tter a.. mnt uf itself ,l Miuithein cows ami heifers. tS.7SJ It i BULGARIANS TO SAY but lle ellhelcss ,,l u ueil U Ic Chicago of ., helfprs.-ll.Tlf- J no Mack Asset Is That the Trii idad mi Aie ( The team has been practicing for Board Trade. II aallv cow ami is fkCt the .lis.. iihreil (tat "f M ila scleral necks and the team work AS TO PEACE OR WAR tucker and feeders, gb.aoote' jfils Go Into Improve-nt- s for Bout Bf iveen Sinn and nice. The long practice also has given ntlnieiit. The market w.n hl ; i.uiis. tr. ootf .&n; cahee, la.M in 1 ous and Irregular, with contradictor) the candidates valuable training ,i II I - H0.?&i western steers. In- a it ll market to.lav p. and Constantly the Rocky Mountain Title I movent! among various Issui nil. ... :' ', ', r. hooting baskets. The High school I ii l. i n cow t Mi ul. H ll III 111. I hour whag they d ." it l W will he represented a fast team That Sultan Not VallO and .s.iuih.rn PacHtc I Hogs Receipt .lion market casing Salaries of Players, Holder. valued cent and i,, In I.,,,,, i this year and one heavy a , Warn weakest of the prominent laaui to ., antra, that ll as Constantinople tug oats and pr.o ana Th. range of stead) higher, Balk uf any Hm In Yield ai)(l, w Khnre daValoped 7 puck- team of class hit metal strength . y, 10 i the state. wiicai Bear! ; centa, At the; heav $7 ;0; ,,f . 1 n ': The girls' teams the High school varktua force opngM to heck the -- .. ers and butchers. IT. light, IV"1'1 "fIHlulrni lii Mi, mint Jniiriiull Si,.l,l I orrt.HHHl.'U.'.' Mtmiinit Feidin pt opening wheat tun.- over ,11, pin Kl de. line. .. ' , a K nil Hi Philadelphia, Jan. iv Cinnir Tili.l.hul. '..i., Jan i.v and ttuiinc terday, bat th sdvance temptedr. Mil. pigs. tt.75. day night I The position Mark, manager ami pari owner of the blm mi ; HH1 Ma kg the I at the Annul")', also are In of the Ktirop.aii profit hthlag 'mi telling gndet Sheep Receipts 9,100; market j uther . Hist class shape was a Influclu ,' , Mend) to Mm tons. Philadelphia Attilftlt-t- laughs at bo) caM do." markets faioiablc which Mai .1. In, ,1 ., in inllucncc in. lower. M.BDfJ Ticket suhl b High school Ht it - j and (Oil chase, ,,f locks l. KlU'opc btmbn, ftOf range weth- that baseball owners arc tiiIk m tha fry of the Trinidad right wus the failure ..( aoatlaenlnl mark-et- s t.N: 1 ,,, , 11 A i iiie-T- i 1 II.....I1111 1..,, Kprelul wo s.00; range piling up rlchea and sounds want tans who mi' ajuHoua ni., t 'hit vt dents tor the lin.ii. Ini. lad .ii nirri hare tha hcavlaal in aonia time. It to reflect an advance ut Liverpool, ers ami yearling, i:. uoi i Un will tie goo.i Friday night ' union. Jan. IS. The 11 Ik. Wtah jesttiuale.l Kumpc lioughl lug hul Ihe iniijiir league club r meit Milium Sinnot. ami .lis that (,0l ib. malnlnad being uttentiii to ., da also January High (ho M, rid In know that tli bale not tu taking upending in" much money gad. "if Charea dona n.i L'lth. whin the shales. I.oiulon chief. ciin. ..f j',, at Bnaaoa Ayr At thh in Hn del, r I , U school will pla Kl Paao Weakened ir tn nation tolh Hteel I'nluo laelfle, ami Parte. ( III. ago l i n, A 'Hi example. In' point tl kin.i of term ba aoeun HiIn runt lie and en., niKrtuiil buying develop, .liesH'k, ll I.' hoMlltttlCa Ullli' Turk. a. Amalgamated. I ', Hi, ract his clujb Ha a Im very foOl wild on. .r iii. in The team lo .lay for High c.l, on ih,. hi, ago Jan Cattle It. enlpjtf thai oi i: ii lh." cepta fhorls i. ii, ring am) UP BCht l , their let ttt uWiek ut in del stead, lo shade , ash dlvldegd in years, despite the larday o ha nut yet ll led Trader wrtjh heovj comntllnieatl in,i,i the reaction i, ,,i tun an eitn mi inn. market Cicncc to Hie power III nut) w nh- . r. O.ili; Texas steers. fm-- Ural it has twice won tin- wiu-hi'- "We Know what be .an io mid Twelve hois have beet 111, in ding ...n Hie "idiorl' l.le sboiie.l Uneaal of i c f.u May, iiusiness era exceed I.'i.iii bold Hie execution of Hi ii waive a $1 a weetern steers, ir. ciui rliampkiiuritp. Ha fmi lad la waflrt w but 11 niime it w ill giv e him In the practice rcyularly ami ih lining of ii ess and novating operation were Ifigli a. tile and the eHHM am anl few longer than I likely ; n. slock. feeders, this statement on hearing p remark .Ity by the hike to whip IhlH l.o the Dlayer who will appear louior- - carried an eatcnelvely, parUcnkulj In Vi c under the top and ' i Ic over is and tt.i&H yeatel da) cows heifers, $2 Still 7.70; many busclajll While If no doubt that Sinnot run would he dilflcilt. I'ompetltlon the metal vtnek. Polltloal con sulci., I el terday. ami that moii.hiul retired they d I ah .lilies, tha) tin doe. calv es, lO.tO. with fortuned, lie wiiii: Is 11 good man JiiiIkIhK from the fa. for tha flic poaJtlOn le keen and lion again figured pi oni.ii.ntly. All 'urn traders Were . in. , ,1 that a $7.00r trii,, ,,r "the Hulk. ins for the Balkan Hugs Receipts ao.aao; market "The only ntan can think "f who that he Iiiik foiigbl k.' eiilv el;hl bat none is itu he, I. Wail street talked politics lodni latf large export biisln uig traus-fh- i people," ami they declare they pro- tioni- to :,, higher bjuui Tucaday'g ratired from baaeuall with money wu lien wllhont beliiK lieaten, yet we are appiirentli little hca.lwai lias made ... led in the i earn. i was pose to maintain the i milt Wng ll) average Light, Mod Hanlon, fortrier manager of lha from 'Id Missoii and he lias got to Itmlbach signs with Agnga, loll a I'd dispelling the HUess a report the expoii transactions 7.i,',i bean. ntha to be n n 1 their united armies cunaMered I,, l , rough. $7.nofi7.10; Baltimore and Brooklyn tea ana, Han-in- haw un." I'hlcago, Jan. Kdw.ird Itetil-bac- h which has en r. hit the ie due to a cut III prl. es to a basis 7.007.IHi: great, iml. pendent people and man- " :. $7.25 was player, manager ,ind club As Mon as Chavez returns front signed tmlav a contra, t lo pitch weak' dealings Chicago. Mai prices, bulk of lies. age their mi ii diploma,, tireordlng lo I'.e our onnar, and vol wlii'ii we look oureful- - Wagon Mound, where he Is vInIIIiik for the i 'hii ago National h ague ha ll, Olds were un. hanged io Hililmoie The rise In fa- their OWn national Intii.sls. While f. ly inin iii caee vra win find thai Han-in- n his niotlier. lie will he eonsnlleil as bull dab the coming s. as..u EtohhJ pressure. Closing stocks 's drove shorts In COVer and the Pay ale "llllltn to concede n brief lose. Native M.TI retired on the profits which ha to the amount he will be Witting to Cratg and Kd ward McDonald, l.uiner-l- y ib . ii .s strong, period of dciui for Turkey' answer. Amalgamated 'upper 4.7 B tf I. ma, i,' ,,ni ut raal aetata, rather than tight for and If he Is willing to taKe f the c Iciguc and the ats played a too" role will. It: It is not with a iic of renaming American Agricultural "mo tin profit from baaahall. liny reasonable terms, the manager Itoston club of the National league, ref. Ten. .' wheal and corn hi, I Ma) negotiation on any modified haala, American heat sugar . ::.,', immense growl h of baeetinlJ of Sinnot will lie wired at nnee. raapCtlVly, also sent In their co- cloned at a nel advance of : Ii The The Balkan nations h ii,, i American fan reached lha point Where it "Althwvgti chavaa may hava beaa ntract. Tom DoWnay waa lo J Shipping buslnee was bia traded changed their terms since ll i, im rtcan Cab p J li moderate iii tin' club owners to mi up ami rlKlit In the past lit li.d.llnu out for Sacramento, M.'lioiiald, whag be The continued shortage 111 hog re- ion for presented. Ileeenihcr 23, lit hlle Aim rlcaii far g Koundry I In I i , think. Th coal of building naw plants, the money, if were his plate, fused to report there. j I III ceipts at Important packing points, an Tin k. ) baa 1 1' i. led all nloni lb. line American CottOU tin, in of should aeeept tills at any terms in bogs corn atrongth, larg Incraaaa tha salaries flirht except as regard Adrtanopl. the American Ice securities Jl '. adian.e SUN PROOF 1 ' Mava arrange praaUgal 11 player and tiu other aacinaoa Hint could for the Aegean Islands. American Utniecd I stiffened provldou rinsing prices 7 i v - grown in such proportions that it Ma that It Would gtV me In the easl.". .1 !1 . were from to 17 b e over ester- The aiii.-- have adapt, tl i Ir American LocomOttva ... FIREBUGS COMPETE firm Paint I equal to any paint sold licriiini' a serious iiii,miini with in said another well known fan. Sm. ltin.: g Kcf'iig attitude to convince Turk., that no'Anicr New up to earner ax m whnt Ih to be ttoae if e & In Mexico Ibis nine Sinnot has fought ent 'etghl alternative is possible for th .. n. lii- - Aiu. r Snicltlng It. f'ng thai are going to got even a fair We are closing It ..III III t.TI battle sinie lie gtartad ids caraar, ami; sloll of peace except 11 pill. 11. With Amerlcan Sugar defining col .' Available Grain Supplies p. r gallon, which Ih cost, on their lnvatmnta, has his first time In he beaten. Me' A a n Tel He Tel. their original demands, but the) wih lucre room a new years since the I to make for line. "it has been aevaral has met stieh men us Jai k and Char-- ' FOR BUSINESS to a old alienating the lympnthlaa of American Tab) r- we Hun Proof retails In eastern AthkHici paid dreldend. ley White. Kid Williams, whn defeat- - the pow. rs. and for this reason the; A iia. on. la Mini M"' cities at from 1 1, IS lo 12.11 p. r hava been working for year fur ed Johnny ("union; Charles Cl.lwan, have decided to await patiently the Atchleoi il ami telegraphic omiutiulcntinns rt paraa, tiihi wn to iiniiii a park llugliey McGovern, Jimmy Walsh, the of power At, h is, ,i 'I Delved bi In nils! reefs show tin fi. patron result the note of the to that would tnka care of our Bngllah bantamwadght, ami Max IN CHICAGO Constantinople, Turkey, they aj Atlantic ist I. In. lowing change in available Runpttc .ml lin n pa f.,r It. We planned th' Brock. meet note in Baltimore hi. :i ,,,iul'uicd with previous account: un tl I'l ICIOK I.I Mill II ii yearn inn the time i,ns she venture at pink thraa t'hii-e- . . ( . shihe Sinnot is very anxious to meet may refuse flatly to lotion thi advice Bethlehem Hteel . n heal. Mil l. arc left park, anil w I COlttmbta ami w ill clinic for nearly any of Bur Ope, she may give an In, oiiclu- - Brooklyn iinpid Tran been at Bhlbe p. irk f.nir seasons. . lave terms thut eiui be arranKeil. He will she gnawer with the object of further Canadian Pacific . also tigree to give t'hav.z a return Startlii g Story To postponing a decision, or she ma) nsfe Central Leathi r J S i .. United Stales. west Roe right in t'hleugo no matter who wins, , for a continuation of peno negotla- - i Iheoapeake & i thlo creased 11,000 bushels year w "At tbr end of nil Iheae the bout here. ficials Regarding oySteiliatlC itbuis on a new unite, which might pro- - Chicago lilt '.it West. Hi i, Caiaila, Increased Hci.iiOn hush f'nti aureelve confn ntad with A,,-- jChlcago, Mil. .V St. I' 111 M Total United ites and I ai rr Cl,,:lrl;,1rrc!vl,,' f"r ""' rtcntlOJ "I II., National Foundry j problem wc a Method of Bu i t , 1,012, of bow VUllUIMKOIbUI lenoll inn tin disiualitllng li- fill, ago ii Northwest er. aaed 0M baaheta. II tllC llf inning n major PENNSYLVANIA DEFIES j ri in Windy City fortifications ami :, pledge th no Colorado Kuei iron Afloat for and In KUCOPa To I league rtiiii ara t. ba maintained attempt would he Consolidated i teg c.l t, 200,000 bushel, & earn- - AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION lire Machine Company I t tha iltuation wa have been to fortify the to n. ('orn Product Toiat American ami Euro lad tn invest another llon.Oftfl ai I i. Hudson in., ii.. in .1 Sim . ial l Should Turkey refuse tu follow the laware k n new iri...K IsMled Hlrr for t ht emotion . General Foundry Work, .f t ig... Jan. 15. With Ih, indict-osep- h adllee of the pollers or glle all i.i- 'elll er Itlo urand In n Olltftttd i.n.l for Philadelphia, Jan. II. Th Ama- tha in. in today J an answer, the alllei will ask for a Denver Rio dmnd led Slates and in teur Athletic union was defied by the of Clarke for she Iron and Brass Castings. rbinger in the old bleacher rtfhl tlli-llf- Sc. II ii Dpiremit) ,,f alK alleged attempt lo bribe an assistant Qonvocatlon of oonfi Ulstlllera' in .S.', bll'dlels tad left ii. IiIh. lagtaad ..f paying a Pennsylvania faculti QggJ glhllltv today, Fred- slate's attorney not to prosecute an which they Icl.l ly will BABBITT METAL Mrhland, wi have been working nixbi iiunmlttee when . arson case, as a l ext. A. A. Itach. n. (otiatlons Th. wU ha f. t erick Senville was declared ligil.le chief find day p:i for our new imrk. . nun hush, New t,, deputy state told a ie- - th ilenuiielatlon m' the arinlsti, . If I'.rlc I'd prd Albuquerque, Mexico Im compete on the swimming team of flic marshal, Tha nitiiiitii.n K'vlnis minor i e the university. Senville third markablc stun of organised inccti- - Ti rgey inukes new proposals the Bu- leneral Bleotrtc lending kttgue, 11 s w.di an major laaarua, club "on , pfd. lUU-yar- lla delegation Ihc mat-- ureal Northern j place In the d dash In the In- Ian "ill refer awaan a krt of thought Tha problem al-t- year th huThesi fi,-,- tei '.. Sofia lor enusidoi at Ion, fjraal Northern tire win hava to bo m by each plob ae tercollegiate competition loel Hu e of . Ity In c. ugh Bulgarian here consider It; Illinois Central Ih and was a member of the relay team, sill. rale the im eordrnaj to Ita Idoaa of whnl beat for im will Intel bol'oln-'h-Me- mio, bushels Mogollon j A. V, Sen-- I try 111 per f fir.- - ln- - .ossiiiie thai their government 5i,vo iiHi-i- f A. authorities declared and c lis are its patron. rborough-Me- t, p ami Hri re IQOnee Adrhinople and be satisfied int. Imrea-- c ' largely vlllc a professional on the allegation ccndlary," Bach said. "Tht hugt ini' of the rea for the . i. I ,ir(. not handed together as DIM gang, t. vc it fortification paaed, tspac- - Inter, Harveeter b. I, linn Stage and Auto Line i a is that he bad received money for giving inc bull club N My Inter-- . arm, pfd I swimming lessons last summer, but! but there ale several groups at w oik as the pollers in heir note to the th. nhlcb has attend clubs to recognized Paper I the university upholds bis denial of and Ihc rivalry among th" defendant pWtC hac the right of the International r raptor. I I I The Metal Markets. htll.V men to tin There I lies to us possession. Qreek, Inte matron 'il in i H the charge, He win not participate bauds is as keen as In Hi i ompetl- - The liggva Silver City 7 a. m. Mm ll hell slxtl n men was Un- .Montenegrin Kansas south. in any meet where Pennsylvania' op tion botWeeh am class of radesmen. Sen Ian and delegation fit Arrive .Mogollon 4 p. in. ii limit. Thai it went up to ilelega-- I, lie Ha I.! u n In i !hkag .. haic notified tin Bulgarian I l.a, I,ea Mogollon 7 a. m. now w. are allowed to p.. mills object. The Intercollegiate There in ind Hon Bulgaria Will Uhtgh a spot, 4 Swimming Association will be asked known as Insur e ail lusters, n il i that have their full settled, standard si Arrive Silver city p. m. nly-Hi- e NM all the time support, Louisvlllo SOU I',. to decide his eligibility lo compel. In "ften get to fir. efoi'c the firemen in. matter what decision she Jan 'o April. li. Special Cars on Hggjawt. rh five men fi it of the time. may the) Minn., S P, Sail 11 SI n- $," They ship wlih Hi, ir ch. I lies oil, have reach, but will leave lo her Ti- I'lrin. Spot, f all or Address: C, Malilell, Pr0g of the club owners had their championship. .Miss, i T.'Xli 1, full liberty to make Hie final decision. iiirl Kansas 10.00. ,M. carry a Hi, ,1111, lies in din. recall iltg Jan.. $r.ii.7tiiti silver Hi, N. w would he allowed to gmbaaaodorlnl - :: 1.1 tips a l, . he The nference dlcuss- Missouri Pueiflc, Head (Ittlot, 1 .1. .MIIISON, Agent. Die men they can stand Sbei inan I Mil points ..snIiiiiiii. that lire started, I. How I. c.l the situation toda in general terms Nail. mal BbK'Utt II, Ht, 16- .- . 10i eforc i can nee." l.oiils, Jan. Joe Sherman, idjustcr do ilh. .ut coining i" ai Lead Ir. Memphis, ..III pointed Dalniy Com f Ii. In 1 In A man, of New York, tonight In a i liemaclves, i.nrtntrhocgj unit l.(r Web Known hoortlan Man IMen, t, I t KJJilMII 111 im I HAslll ' "iitninu no eight-roun- d bout. The) weighed i Ih' nploy Money :" New York Market. i. H St. Irf.iily, J,iin. 15. t'hrls von dec I'll lit ii t.u iltKKH New York. mil. Big mRT ''I ftillntTrngrtb pounds at n n McOov- - who actualh .licil Ih Mill's G liatitntf without It fmr. aiic. lornter old si Tl Norfolk U iwuthr o' 'he em, uf St. was ai aided a close adjuster make their inline) rurklsh I iiunriiTil '') nnt In stricture. Prrvrntn rnntacloo. liOUi America ii Association baseball i a North Aiuericnii decision Bobby I'obldeau, ofljuathtg the losses. Intccllies a formed daring Wl IV NOT CURE YOUR9rI,F? t.'Mlu, and well ItnoWn In political anil night, Hhc Northern Pacific AI prVMinUi M wf nhip ptcpinl upnn Memphis, eighth round oi tin- men general!) know the nam. last riprca sporting circlet Is reported to lie d) - atoamed pacific Mall rw npt of $1. Pull inifiirtiltri nuilnl on ifqumt. Kl - I ,1 Uardanelh and ' (l arson firm that h respoiislhlc for each ' nig of a it I'cn l. si in nla I ." ' THE &VrY1 CWMCXh ZO.. ClacinsaM. l ciuplk'ut ion of diseases lire, is nothing unusual for a lire hroUgh Die lines his jld. PCOpIC Has I Ir, honie lore, lie is 6fl yean ma u r lei-- cruising off sa.i. 'this p., SI I mi tgain Iti'feats Vamaila. at noon to- - t 'Mr. Hi ared ' St. UOUll Jan. IT.. thorge Slosson ,n Pittsburgh i 'mi Jl , toucl reated K ijl Vamaila, 1IKI to '.'(1 to- - Pressed Steel ''ai DUKE CITY BATTLIN G TO night In of 2,400 Ila ch Hi hi thai the Ih thlrd block their suspect, 'Pullman Palace point ID. I balk line billiard match. that they arc Heading GLEANERS-HATTER- S era Is p milking the tutu .re so far 1,204 elevi r. "It RepUbll It a building is wrecked. Tl to 8.',(i In Slosson High runs: d Republl IV W. (told. I'll, .us 44. hi Th 'I ilieh also on ihc lire. SloHson, 114; Yui average: mil a Treasury Statement. MEET CHAVEZ ON charge fur the work and the uxll iar) Macedonia, ahlc Slosson, 2 , 11, was undergoing repairs Hura Who desires lo burn his property Total innings. SO bor, When Mil pi n sh. had THE WM. FARR COMPANY lied Incendiaries 1. 1. 1. ling against fired Ihc .Mac, a Sealmaril Air l.llll , tend Wholesale ami Hi'latl Healers lu other for the lob. small fires I. Ill SoWler" smith iii Recover. oreii t nlntul u ii Seaboard Air Is a regulation charge .r ::i per Ill the ritJGMI AMI SALT MKjtM FEBRUARY 22 SI. Joseph, Mo., Jan. IB, The con- ami atrengtl over the HI of the Insurance coll.-- led. Cha Sausages a SiMi'lallj dition of "Soldier" Smith, "f port .Turkish pi Is Macedonia gouthern Pacific vary according t Hi. nutrnltudc "f For hog hlggpt mar- Leavenworth, who wus knocked out in Ihc harl.c r deatruc-Medjldle- h Southern llailway cattle and the the Ore, Kor larg fir. Hi, charge Is last night In u prize fight by Charles I l.i n tl Southern Hallway ket prices are paid. one per cent, anil it Urn lirlre AronODU, of Kunsas City, Is Improv- Ith. Tenn. ssee i 'upper iiector gr. .1, Sin vi lla. Mark Levy of New the fire hugs . the ing tonight, though he still is In a II a , Texas A Pacific arson In hospital. Aronson, who had been held know a single conilctlon for Mexico Athletic Club Closes eight. .nth BALDRIDGE by the police, was released tonight. Chicago in the hist the released lit Negotiations Clarke was 1,11 Hi United States Realty LUMBER COMPANY for Angeles nun sign. h his Wilbiiil lo Bog Halt tin. bond United Slates Rubber Bantamweight, State's Attorn, Hoy declare 1 .1, I'hlcago. Jan. It. Jess Willard and N DKSIO.VK'I i: vvton Fnlted Stales Hteai Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofing dc-sg- night that he vldence Kteel pf Han Hal. both of whom have h i p.i: II ni States Clarke recently dinner not upper and Builders' Supplies. on the white heavyweight title, Berlin, Jan. 15. The question of a I., , Home to almost member ot (he muling t'hico Is to Hie opponent were matched today to fighl six everi naval bj of Virginia ,iin Benny trust." The InqUUv. demonstration the fleets Chafes, the Trinidad ball- round m PhtlndatyMa on January "arson Hie European power against Turk. ayabasb inucight said Mm ne. gradual!) la widening end pfd. Auction. PUMPS, WELLS, ENGINES. chuniplon. on February -- 5th. No decision will he rendered. was shelved, cording to official re- Wabash London Wool now involves officials of Insurance iu Director Mark I. civ if the New rbree days before the Daly light, Wil port here, prior to the attempts of the Western Mal Windmill, litigation Plant ami I e. m Independent djucter Ungluc Mill. 'He ClUb, closed negotia- lard will box Frunk Ilauer In Km panic, foreign ambassador in London to Western Water Supply I'lauts. for tions and adjust ?rs employed rturaltco ting Crude, HnNoUna. Uleal with t'hlco s manager. A. J. Wayne, In.l. formulate a . to be delivered Solar Oil or Mohan, . . mpanle.'. by wire lust ntgnt. Chnve al- to the rnmont, Several mill and Wood Substructures. ready Turk has agreed to meet the I.os Oaaaha itars iwixing CMrtoata He still of the (Treat including some!WT; a toy, Ang' les t nil ti Office 110 i,y, piefcrring him as an op- Omaha, Neb., Jan. IS. Chief of names of not belongii triple allja nee, sha iii W. Copper Ave. Phono ponent to "ring," exi any other fighter. Police Dunn tonight Issued an order iei tared g b a demonstra- - t threetor an of- 1 u,i,-v.t;.- law also lias wired prohibiting boxing matches in Omaha. if pel Ugll itosw ii A! TO LINK fer lo Cbartgy to meet Beany ,r Mont., crl Aronson The chief stated that the llara'a orb' (Carries 17. I Mull). here 1 I the last of this month. union and several well known minis- HMsll HI I 11. VI s TO Leaves Hosvvell 10:10 a. m. Aronson Is the hoi who knocked out ters had made complaint uguin-- i n Moving Picture Trie I., .mi i I.I M l IN I IIMHIN. Arrives Vaughn S:2D p m. Soldier- to- Smith at St. Joseph. Mo.. scheduled d fight between New York, Jan. 5. Testifying Coaatantlnopie, j. n. I. port Boston Closinq Mining. uoeaay "..The Heave Vaughn daily .... night, the 1. nworth boy Packey McKarland and Krankle Whit day In the government's suit against has instructed Ihc T urktetl ulenlpoten- - Arrives Hosvieii 1:00 p. m. being so imdiy Ii - hurt when nay, Friday night, The cont, stunt.- the "moving plclnic trust" for alleged tterle to remain In I. olid. .n until the ('Auto wuita until 10.00 a. in. for knocked (iowni Allonez us to make it neces and i lull had posted forf. Us. violation of the Sherman law. II. W power pre-rh- e i, Creasy, s. Wry amhnssaduis of iln have Amalgamated Coppei arrival of K. P. & S. W. train No. 3). for him to he to a hospital Marvin, h I taken vice president of the scntcd their note, date for the Am'n Zinc, l.ea.l A- S 100 bales, Pare, one way $10. Hound trip, $18. i Albuquerque as r... company, . nre Pitcher Dnber gulls one of the defendant presentation still b uncertain. The Arizona ( 'omniel lal asy, Is, 'id. loo lbs. baggage carried free; exeeta I :.. , ood bouts within tin South Bend, Ind., Jan. Jean oncerns. declared that the Motion i & I ustralla, H0II h baggage, $3.r0 per 100 llaggag 'Xt few Boa 'orb Top. lb, Weeks, asi a result of Kevy'i Iluhee, n member of lust Jear's pitch Pictures Patents company, was or- ti Hrciisy, lid, up nergctle 'id. to 1.500 lb, carried. work to secure good op- ing staff of the Detroit American ganised, not to stop Competition, but istralla, 3,400 Connections made at Vaughn with I iment r rhavi league team, today nnnouncd he had to harmonize legal troubles. il. all K P. & R. W. and Santa Fc trains, l or cough and coIiIm t nmponnd Centennial inskc refused to sign the contlacl sent him I copper Ci llnswell Auto Co., it, .swell. Owners, jnte a, alt plus Syrup, 900. Only at Range Crystal and would quit baseball. Count of Monte Crhjto. Crystal. Iftuppe, East Butt Cop. Mine Oarliugton Urog., Vaugho, Ageuta, FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1913.

IDARK y OUTLOOK FOR Utterly W,i.i.. , Mil HAG ES PSUEOO DETECTIVE :mic M'NUFACTURERSL,.:; m . Koi"ly Pound OP PARCEL POST TO SERVE LENGTHY Special ahead f,,i In the 0 tain anyt At Cost 1,1 edlea, bu APPRECIATED JAIL SENTENCE e took Iloo, to gain i tariff, and the aa tatton for pure shoe I laws, ' the manufa. t uri r .it- are re-- I Our Entire Line of eMbb. fficial Repoit Prepared by dge Raynolds Ordered Exe-jte- d I'nder the preaeal tariff ratea, the Chafing Dishes, Percolators, Postmaster Hopkins Shows Values Term of Six Months 'tabs. .hi j i que Postoffice He Imposed Some Time Ago PrudciM-e- . Cut Glass, Leather Goods, tie Business. l'Poii Telesforo Chavez. I President John il llanan. i dress sent from Cobwwbe Silver Deposit Ware, Bibles, A committee appolnteii t., For Our the agllation for u "pure si aix of month impoci aome time ajo repotted that th,- - pre-e- nt I Brass Goods, Gift Books, upon Detective' Teleaforo Chavet. JudKw Itaynokla aenti-nce- i.'havey. You Couldn't Hire j lo "tie six month on a ehane of In pi rnonatlng an officer Books, Pennants, I'haveiand ufa' turers who i erfe, t Mo to Wear Dress a inpanton, wan Juvenile it charged, collected i n of whleh other from u woman by representing leather can he used In nl themaelvea to be Shields Again! Fancy Box Stationery, Etc. detectlvee. mittee reported tonight, ChavM waa arrested later by the rewarded by the kow m I charge of taking .xS aaaiiaaA from PranciMo In 1 Use That Marvel, PERSPI-NO- ! IMi I Mis.. Camlelurla a Vorth He Third street aalonn. He Hnd Pablo Mvntoya. who alno waa named In JUDGE LANDIS NOT e twelt in larla'a romplnlnt, were sen - FOR A of Its It ! to thirty days on this charifV COMPROMISE Deo miier iMh. Ctumtt nentenie on this charge will ex firs Saturday and he will begin Waslilngtori. Jan. 1". Jun. l 0. A. MATSON & CO. ih. s.-n- ,,r hix month" which Wilkerson. I'nltcd MntM attoriii) at Two ex sorK.rg i:anoltlri formerly impended. t'hlcago, today with Attor- diiy. h, led the eonferriil ney (leneral Wn k rsham regarding Cryvtat. 202 West Centra the numerous canes which ttlll en- m gage the attention of the federal ature Pictures. Paat courtn at Chicago during the cloning 41 days of th,. present administration It I Feature, c - Is unitcrstood Wllkersoa II i hi- i. that Mr with the attorney general Ihe TRIAL OF PACARICH proldem presented l. the course of EASE FEET AS ROBBER CAUGHT IN l"nite( States District Judge lamdl ! CASE IN U. 1, S. COURT at t'hlcago. in reft rrlnii to the grand J SALE Jury the contemplated compromises I . . treasury in a num- - ' of the department jv arm-p- l - , RESULT OF BAD BUS BOSTON her of oleomargarine cases. Cnmmls- and .V I j lly at th' start nloncr of Internal Itet enue I'abell fadi d ihf report en called uion the manufacturers to able show cause why they should not be JJ till) Mi witness was heard The taxed 11,000.00a. The grand Jury will!,' ACCIDENT ' session up in T lie, una taken II Ik i i i DITRIC Inquire into nitii.ilion aim,, the, Bi n oiinlih ll th ,t the fERHPI-!f- O Ig Juat glorioos' Wi h The hi tegt - j .iruiK i.t r Christmas business 'all goternment Is considering compro- ug(. jt n summer when dothnm a t extent mting H the mlsen of tlO;'.i"oi. A situation light we use It in winter ''im by shopping o Is created by reason of the fact that j clothing Is heavy. It isn't a gr tit, ed Christmas hair-gammi- etbooks of tlM people the treasury department promised the j cream: its a powost, on w ' r '" ls , ' Journal Who Has Made Specialty rnanufactu'rem that the.t would not 'J-- " r'' tu''' 'v" Mi .. be prosecuted for using cotton "' '' Dc Ciwlas' inhii In Capsiih ,if. Raiding Railroad Ticr-e-t ration f'FI'HI'l-Ni- i in il.mi magn In ' i i ii iii. 2.V at I(iiik oil In mukiiiif oleoniiirgarlne. the tirwt alMolut-l- removing all persplratlol g i.. ices Taken in Custody by examinations disci, md no artificial odors. Asa leidy eweetner titer, i coloring was 'nothing like It. A powdei pail ii 'rvsta I, coloring matter. When free later discovered ill wop., of the pro- - ,u h box 3. a. m. 1 KH '. sold at drug Jesu An hulelta. charged with un-- j Mt dm tn. the government pro. eeded to, IM Mtnre Itirt ' j lawfully pasturing - 'll ' per'sn sheep in the Dntll I Hi Karate Jiiuraul 'm-rla- l I Isles. 1 collect the lav Thi- house committee ''Vf'. !', . . 'ri ,v Tlo-- ' 'i I rmil national rurenl ycalrrriay pleaded mil Boetofa, Jan I.. The lone bandit on exueiidituren In the treasury de u'nicngo. 111 guilty nit an information in the fed- nil., bal held up half a doxen railroad partment also in im estigiiting the ,m1,. ari(j recommended bf I 1 - . eral rnurt. ,le waa silent, d ly n POLICE DRIVE VAG ticket offices in New York and I'cnn-- QUetlOg- - Powell Drug Co. , Hi Mate, deputy Marshal J. I. Prrea. K ania durlmi the Innt month. Wa ll w.m releaser on bond Finest Burleigh Long eapturcd In thin city today, the police believe, when William J. Clayton, a hhIi. urn Im- - raised lM-- at les. TO ABAJQ BUT Cloths. Lonsdale. Super husky young man. Ma taken Into - . reeding ri'ii-- iIiaii anywhere in Im i uatOdl after a nennatlollal chase fol- - Some of the items of the Sale imiiiii ion. lam market no -- Fine Nainsook Cambric. iiL'nhir uppl, nut where near Alhu-il- Bunch of Paradise. $2.00 rijm I ii pi hiIim Hun unit a -- nmll jlllplllll I. llipill'l ll. Till ) ink! up RE RETURNS Sheets. Pillow Casej and ... ket gate what the police bellete Real Aigrettes 12 sprays, $4.00 I lew riMiin am kind nf Niullri. to lie a list of i.iilroad tn ki t officer I'ai-tf- .... H thr i'mm ilMfi l .,m Bed Spreads, all on sale at rebbed, with the amearatt whii ii ti Black and White Beavers. $3.00 nun h (lull ship, ii i .ii .ml of sliabs Hefted The lint follows: I'Ufi week. The owner , onion u, , ,i 'Iei i nilier 17 New Yotk. Welln- - Miller E1 FERN C. KING wild unit ii few ilullnr- - anil it limited Burbridee Parrgo, lit. "Owe m be r I'.l ftuffalo. liraml Commercial Club Building I M I I I: uirtvo niwuquci i(ui EXTRA LOW Trunk, .12r.. HIGH Leave Second "January 2 New York Krle. t.160 MILLINER. ALL CLASS GOODS. i'i at "January It PhlbsdelpMa, Krie Started on Way 1 lift I'd tnren. PKICES tat. Janti. police Burhrldge (u Al- Mmite I'rl ordered leave i ii. in, linn-- . Officer Palila l.njan imtc htm to Ahajo Wednesday morning In tinned in tl.iixs. The police also KELLY FOR ARRESTED (hi police huggt They not out of the found Sf in ranh nml more than 11.000 In money orders THIRD TIME IN A WEEK buggy there mill l.ujan. pointing to heat the railroad traeka. mild, Heat It." In "l it ton n - 'I'lie poll, ,, t nought tlUrbrttfgV wan New White The attempted robbery Mrs ooettr- ted lor ii oihllni; wcurt mile along thclr.nk red thin afternoon at the llcket of f it cm 'iib night. U,tn officer Kd Doaohttr nut him of the BoatOn & Maine railroad. Cliiy-to- up "Hii ( I, i j who had plirchaneil a nle by ilf r ( i hi rd.iy nf lei noon .mil Jtmi ticket III arreted til' l.'l lly ii mi I plUaflrld, Middenly pointed a .as Mi eil h u ii a ga it '"upLiin I'.ii O'lirad) fouml ff I sen-- 1 Qeorvt ll.o or- ith Hi nc lurhrtdft in l he jull lust nluht. He Waists at at ranliicr kar. nrti ft lo Police I nay him another chance to go. and dering him to giye up all the inonev sloty nun-dyin- ki suspend- - im not believe Uvrtirtdce will be had. An llackar wun in Claytpn flipihitied Ihe revolver agwlB and old, led cu rt pcrnon in the II, III olfi,. to gel lulo a inriier. All ram-ol- i. ,1 li. a rail- in except George Tlti oiu Alhuiueriie Iuiik then i.iii he agent. , road ticket $ apparently liken tin ii aiihoiiKh he 98c The lutiidit had vnulted the counter hni sp, i,i part ni hi l inn here In Jull. to rifle the cash drawer when in a ii I'oiii,- .ludiie Craig sentenced I'.ur-urid- Phenomenal Tltcomli rush out of the door, ln- - 'In- morning, but aus- - values in inxt xtatitlt he taullcd buck oxer the Pflnttqd nciiteni-- ami gnv htm the counter, without inking any money lln , lislolll.i r hum c to leave. dainty new White Waists, mil and daidied Into the -- tn el ilh tlv enn I'm bridge rirsl Him arrested bc- - n piuinii DEATHS AND FUNERALS. in Lawn. Lingerie Crepe. Off lee force after him. Then fol lotted a through the bugteg Linen and Marquisette; street of tin- elty. officers who iolnei 9L JPK the pursuit not daring to fire at the values to $1.50: for our fugitive liecauas of the crowds, The t rde morning tnnn finally bolted Into a barber shop. Mini lis ifler htn ippcnram e III a 'A man h ., flll Ili had junt ordered u "abate In a ouit, the man urublxM) a loal Great l.tiuitiec .ullip January White Sale hurry," after throwing bin overcoat l from til II II lei ,i ihe lllco I'.lllinell, 11 I'M anil bal to one Hide, when an officer only entered and arretted him- lb offered no icnistence. Invaluable to Merchants Ctayton confegeed tonight, police j Vote li lmi linn Xiiieu.liiu ' 'tfh offniain any, to the robberies which .l.,n. l, ither W.ixhlimtoli I. .1 Mix .i be had noteid in bin diart III bin Housewives and Dentists niatement CiaytiAt In said to hate in- cluded a robbeO in I'lt t eland. i in i i. ni tin 98c Januar) pith, aitliough hi diart re- illl. MM A fill i:i.M TKK MtrTOII Oil, eiulUll. olic-iol- li lb or ' l o, ferred lo Iii iii as hating been in i'hll-- l one-ha- lf cr ban lii i omc an t adelpliia on that day. The police th iiitcoi - ilcllli-- or a i tared an officer attacbed to Hie loeui In In- modem store and bollle. In the office of U l artlller. illntrlct had identified the physician it is a piiii leal n,,, it. The iiiiiiiini I able : "lililc prisoner .n William J. Mnnagui . v im' jobs," ttb, blind labor - nniliilt Iliat dallt i imlroci HAIR STOPS FALLING, DANDRUFF For Our White Sale deserted from Port llnnkn. Winthrop, ic laborious. Kaaa., i wo n am ago. His home n' tile nii'ii bant and lioii-c- vi il,- arc ewdlj unit ii'i "lili ai i Extra Values in All In Yuma, Arl.. ClaytOO reglrtercd aTi ttilli the aid of an Klootrlc Motor, the hot i n here he stayed last nigh as ISAPPEARS -- 25 CENT "DANDER Kindsof Embroideries from Thome. Net. hote the Ayciage. Motors ai l.iilliliiig In the center of Mis Wa.tupp How much sleep di Small Electric neiid dlitrici , ,ih hla morn-tro- ) I in - .1 doctor? hi i iiicnt. cil tttal hulldlng and Doetoi Well, the ateiuge pernor The to. ill Idc Hie Motor cp; i.illi spcrwy ami coiiM Savi t! Ii 0 ihe W lei kg ii I, lock, id- - needs about set en hours. i ben. too. It can lie employed for ii wide tariclt of purposes, I joining At o'clock Mrs Vfayuop Then - S:36 thin morning. shall take eoiisi-r- t Inu your strength a- - mating linn- I tints well us and miinc.t. the fin ere apreading At that j fourteen oWMldef that I am thai The initial i ii- -t of Ihc-- c durable little IwtftrTI l iiimlccatc uuil V .n I lln , Golden Rule the i'o-- 1 of apefgtioa little. Wlit not iiitcsiigalc the small Klcctric Motor NOW f

light, and wa-- . aIra M Mild at vt ill mil ii h. Iiut MONTE CRISTA hair alp api-- i . if abundnnce; an ivovn Mtpervuea Mam InattMIMiM, il i hc o i i whi re. auftneaa nitd HUrl-- 1 si l.oiiiH. Jan I Ver Ketcreiid Dry Goods nfii i a fc when k' ui mti a m! ihltiinier f Hue Ah Under J. HturvWea, s. J., preal-il- . Albuquerque Gas, Electric air lien nl of t laaii.i uiiHeimty. ha hem at fill i i .i 'Itoil'o iippolited plovllieinl of MMWooii pi ov TODAY e u in, e, which Incluiles lx unit emit leu Light and Power Co. tie llalllll tel. and proie to iion and a BUwlliei of ollegea and other Company jw that your hair in Jeault liiMituttona l ather Hurmwei Ill failed. I.I. Drett) and Sol am that ll hanjwlll have Juriadh Hon aVFt Ihe terri-irvleK- " CRYSTAL 11 a cloth Willi ted j lorv north of Teiinewe,. lioin the liandeiine to the Rock) nioiiniains. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL.

VOL. CXXXVII, No. 16. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, .HURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1913, SECTION TWO. Taxation Reform is Keynote of Gov. McDonald's Message to Legislature

seem ileslral lc. though all st not I' 'l.n Document is Extremely Progressive in Tone and Covers a piaitlcable at the present tune pedagogy and school inanaui ninii Solons Called Upon to Enact Legislation to Prohibit Prizo 1. The county superintendent! Salient Points in $1 mn-- t in- recognUNvd thai man Wide Range of Subjects; Local Option Liquor Law Rec- hoi) Id be token care ol In a separate of ihcse itodants are Bpanl h Arnsr Fights and to Riot Out Gambling, Both of Which are Char- Mlarj bill, which should spec f their ' lean "nil, in .nblltion to the nthl powers Governor Message m ommended, Together With Providing for "Day- gnd duties and provide for i 'sar.v tralnini to llliv In th to Progress of Commonwealth; Statute holding Hi, in s,ii l accountable for use of is itwnlutel) necei ai acterized as Detrimental perfoi nintu r ,,f same, and this eommunitv ,s an Ideal plat S.e, ,,l Is , light Salcons." Modeled After Nebraska Act; State Board 2. An attempt as made to revise attention ailed to the for this training." Fair ?nd Workable Initiative and Referendum Amend- Inequalities of the present -iH our school HlW'a it lust session of ihe llgi"" are lllll'CNU ol Immlarailoii of Control Suggested, While Consolidation Where Prac- the legislature. I, ut filled. Another of taxation: cited t" We have ,.n ..(it books ments to Constitution arc Asked; Ratification of Income s laws i prove condltlops ami recommen-ilntlon- attempt should made in this dtrec. providing Im Inn en 11 of - a linestl-gatlo- n linmlira- Hon. even though we full agnln. burnt "ii ireful Hon, ticable of Higher Educational Institutions is Proposed by t tin arganlastli managamani Tax Amendment and Enactment of Inheritance Tax is I, I or the subje. me made again rcconiniand free text lie . of the business properl) coming books for our public schools. to provide Teller Executive. support ut public order its control. Strongly Urged. 4. Some provision should be mad" Liberal tin No attempt was niu.b Si tin- last Rpanfarh-America- is urged, wini, for training teachers for n schools inerea rd session of the Itgislalnre in modify appropiiatlonn fm 'nglni educs-tlona- l coinmnnitles In aecordunc" 01 No hill , li- I Morning .Itiiiriml these taws. smh aill of Corsage I institutions arc ecominend-e.- i livid. Wtthl Ul appm nt tomlng good i Itlsells Use ;. m With Article XII, S. I oil 8. Of wss Introduced, nor was Ihere nnv lonini .iiiiouk S.intu Ft, Jon. IS. The fi.l iMIIIIar) praetSaiilc. the sevei.,1 (. . il l oroide to constitution where Consolida- discussion so far os I know Indicating states and without the state. .',,0011 DO ,i " , lotting ll till Illl'Ssagl of Uovernor I.S.'ill.llO You will be piepared to lodge tion of Soma of these illStltUtlOM to an census 01 enumeration The appropriation for this instllii-annum- a iteslie nil the part ol the people I Oanenal Hi to In, i ens,. ( ., ml for now r eionim-n- and urse III, it (Ion William C. M Donald In full, to the whether ihe Increase in clerical force thir who p. iv tin- la lea and Ilteth has t.'i una per ami funding Ii I .linn. mi ,, lln purpose of also Is aoa l.iU. prompt on thut, II Is practicable. It will c "mam Ipi.-i- 1, ,! 111 action iis receipts flam other as shown legislature loduv , desirable nnd fo soniies. Oeneral 1 got favored, and boiishmK Hpanleh-America- n require oop two mora smies in make b r. poi i. are about more, I probably be prartlcnbla hi fur sort. tia I00 To the Hp iti' .mil Inn i : p .',v iKMi. of an) ii. ., fumlliiK nil 5, 20.1)0 nish mole room for offlcerg for some Normal school at Kl No appropriation was mad. to smendmi ut pan af the eon a total af al t Ifi.TiOli It Is mi- - A i 111 to y r lllto. actli-exlstenc- Stllllllol ales If villi do U I present ,1 Kmc to come. litis bureull. and Its btd true that under liond um ri Ilk, In malnlalu .1 ,1,11 OV nniini. BulMInt AmendmoM I" the corrupt I be one of Minn- - Is lo I tin, ill loinil iPslllMthMM lies, thoiiuh no, Its b'aal ,, cell, thin nol sulluient requires attention in .mil rarer- A r in n r v act, mak iiK It a to these states ,f ,,, approve. nine ehools designated practleet crime eased Nov. I", ISIS. No bullae lla imt maintain ami manage this Institution til consideration of the revenues md DulMlna in. nun no , him mm Thera W have paid vvorkei- - at the polls, .vol, or course h.n, III! privilege of lie. iiv the const H ill Ion as In en made III Mt In the board m ils in (lie man net that it should lo fipondltunM t elating in carrying mi Capitol Im- nloedtlonal a -- e, mnklim ,,, ,h f, v also providing ret form ol m No report of Ihe this latei that obtain aattafactnrj results. r thr aamr in " honest, intelligent, provement namiiv ballot. msnaaemi hat oppos,., ,, man I'lilverslty ol New Mexico, actions of th board has come to The school has a small 1411.1 lit llv of sronomhanl hit fur the general Capitol (in Local option h)Uo, law. ami a The second resolution is known as hut -- New. Mexico College or Agriculture tile, so m knowledge Is limited In land xlil Ho lamutca cultivate, umi ir those win) contribute to Ita provemonl it.Mt.04 4 t. noil. no 'aw prohibiting tin of ihe amendment tm the dirts t ale uml Mi i banle Arts oiiiation newspaper reports, ami Hi" it is imt sufficient to keep them bony maintenance, ! Hon of - T rtitorial saloons In communities of less we u United slip nnatori in an i School of Mines. COO lllKloll Is thai while have or to produce sufficiently to be rider our Mate i nsittutlon we art Ei.OIIV uu 3on residents. Other words II pi, o nb s that Inetltut'a. It.etO.Ot Military than iw l" none In the Imports a 1 factor in maintaining the limited In our tatpalliig power by tho L' Institute ..gainst r there fad mi ls of a state shall vol, directly artlflcatea Normal I'nlvcrsllv. Statutes ,ii iv. anting eompllsh anv thing ill Ihe choot, following: of Indei.i Mill. nn ii I :: ii iu and gambling, both t which arc for their lillted Stales sen.ltols In- - ! Normal School. pn il Hun The board pf A rl I. VIII, Sec. 4. "There aha II C ertlflcataa ileclaieil to be detrimental to Ihe stead ol leeI Ing them In the legisla- ttuslees recommends Spanish A merlcun Norm it There 's no need at this time to go Ihe securing bv UU rehear or lease of i. Im n d nnnuiillv for state revenue of Indebt, Hi. .10(1 an ii !i ii grow aim pi ogress. tive bodies. ao in nut provided by for ihe fillnd stale's th Into a discussion of what occurred the the a of Irrigable land with suffi- ii I. ix mil lo I'lo'fd four nillln mi inch Cwrthtteatea Institute Mlternl malntcisoH Un- i opi lllution tract rioaf and Dumb .w luni tor last dav Of the III t session of our cient for Irrigating Ihe same, ilolliir of the assessed viiluallon of tho of i, police, w be Ii lit When this rcsoiul arai ub- - water Indabt ll.ttt.Ot are slute mounted llrst state legislature. An appropria- SU0 acres, be iiropcrtj In thr state, agonal for tho These Institutions partmenl ItlltMsd to von tn .Mm 1'ilJ, also sin alsiut which shall hv a of llv , ri-- uts is tharuiterUed as of 16. !iO0 was made "to lie ex- lu support of th" educgtlonel. pennl ami each board tion praannted in connection therewith the Kulfieient to give employment the Totals Itl.lj - pended the direction of the klmls or It Is the limit of the mau- under i Iiovk In the school. WhSIS all of charitable institutions thr auta, Whether of mi die-s- following ommunleatlon In mlill to 111" above, there has Iminedunt mtlfleotlun aim coium'i sbmet ol public lands for i ,,11 be planted and culllvatad i.i ini'iit of tho state debt mill Interest agement of ihaae institutions or of "In with requeal of iio,,s I n recently Issued tl.0fil.000.00 in menls to th" landed States 000 initiating Information as to tip neeorlanee the raising lioas, the people of New Mexico am nol i be I - and also utilised for thereon, the llrst two veurs after providlt'r tor an income re-- s secrclarv of stale. beu to uh- iioiuis to pay tiw niii oahta nf, crunt N re- stltutlmi. soli, mineral ami other natural chickens nnd keeping cows for the Mils constitution goes Into f t tka prepared to soy. but the fact the tn of mit for ihe ongtWtrntloM of the legta-- i and Banta Pa countlan, aaeumed by the. and Ihe eleitimi t'nlted on aa This dlsapprov ed use of the Tina wouni total annual lux for all atnta pur-,- u sults obtained are not r mensurnie s. bv t inre copy of a hwoiutlon of con Institution. lew state under the requirements of th" Slates nalols tliln vote of I believe In Ihe light sort of to pav expenses bv scs, In all cases with the iiionev expended a not nnlj help the exclusive of necessary levies I sress eiiHtletl 'Jo'nt Itesolullon attaining net. Tho stnt" obtained i th" people. puhllcltv ami hope that shall be the sale or stutr produced and used for the stilt" debt, Khali a04 exceed by Ihe mx payers or the state for I'm, msing uf to the an Amendment to the Consti- acres of land for raving these A Study amendments jevii read) lo make known to the In the si hool. but would also be of twelve mills; ami it shall their maintenance. careful 1 I tution Providing That thereafter ptrat eons tut oil, providing im effee Id vv hi, h Smalms Shall dolus. This will mill 147.000.00 win the advantages I greal benefit the of the no exceed ten mills." of the reports showlna th tlav for outside III l.-- bv tile People ol the S. in Inmates annually to nor Intelsat charge, expenses and the live initiative and referendum. New Mexico possesses In ihe wav of school by reason of tin useful train- Sglgflea and other I oral Stales,' for as msv We tin eii on $ basis . Mme stringent banking laws such action III null eetlntata statement of county Valuable developed and undev eloped - knowledge ftnancea number nf pupis In attendance, leads In- deemed lo legislature. ing ulld the obtained nf four mill for purposes anil " 1. I a revision of tin- New Mexico rv a prtqier ihe state ti ov. 30. or.': - 111 and resource, beautiful seem and performing work necessary to be one to believe that tin- expenses "Iii this eonnectlon I am also fur- the null" fur Institutions after HU. statute? under the supervision of ellmnle surpassed nowhere and to make the fnrm a success. Receipts either greater .1 nishing ib.m Kor thr jrew I the total asacsaed these Institutions ale the uttoi nay gem In tin- world. for your Information a copy til Italunc i . 2 111. 4 I eases equalled In few localities The hoard also recommends soon valuation of nil property was mil ti 20. lhan they oueht to be In some Representation of Ihe at of a letter, te.. from iecretary Knox state Tnxat in 'Iocs not slate I am heartily In favor of a fair equipment for Industrial training. or tho, Ihe Interest IhoM rnnama-Hoelfl- r relating to this subject either the or d fm- the 1 a ad- 11 ll very expense for their' ai reasonable appropnnt.lot which believe would be great l.liinor luMlfv arcs! I "This resolution Is In form of Thi. rev anoa that win Im provided Pi on California exposition In of Immigration, or I w in 00-- I the training those draa license; limited usefulness. bureau an in vantage in prouerb inr th" Mirions purposes based upon uml ut the anniversary cele- Oltlc Imml-giatio- amendment the constitution a reform-aior- v . . Itti operate to create the of who should In fad receive foil tnxrs .sat lu 01) iniml Hint g provitlln- Cot tin- ii prol'.ililr 0 per There Is no doubt Da dcllya-bur- direct election of collection of Kiln's If we bration of the ttie of commlaaloner, with powers education during their confine- .ill Will III' ve should have better results. ifntted pta tea snatora by the people taxes for the .is 13. land lor purposes similar to those pro- ment In the reform si hool. ( Mows: Pullman an cuulU amend Article Nil. Section a New ll se to im uf the ereatesl Im- - company to 1,511.11 Placing of Mexico State vided In some other western states. Kor $463,002.00 of the constitution so thut one board in Washington monu- p.irtuncc that prompt action be taken IVnllcntlai v. Institution aern mnn- - tablet tiie Hundreds of biters are comlnu lo -- Common t, 6.14 control and upon state Kor interest ami Inking i tl would have the ment, bun- r Immigration and this resolution The question of The superintend! nl of the Sal,, of boada 30,110.70 of educational ihe "Id Ho- sub- fuml I 23. sgemeni of all these proper handling I dire.i election or I'nltad stuies penitentiary has prepared and Pi rest .0.37 (.22 would un- inr the others from homeaeeken, investors i nr l 14,111 "o resent institutions, the results disposal of public senators has been betore congress for mitted a report that covers ever tl state purpoaei I and the slate's land all sorts of pie who desire to other sources 1.364.M lie satisfactory. This maMv Is one 111 HIV gRd the Institution, ami Pot roods 11 1.00 doubtedly mole lands. to limited knowledge of out veals and which. tail In about should be under salary, thoiinh add their opinion Is to well un- - Is comniete ami up-t- Kor schools board Appropriation for tin luirenu of new There Is to mv mind no familial all and as full and not very huge. We tate. I bv or xpected nr sulnrv need be Immigration the of a mnk-i- - denri the member this state date is could posslblv get service from ol creation question of the advisability of details, shows Total MabnnnMwtab Should then belter department preside,! over In a soon as poa- - lealrlature ns well as In the people desired. He goes Into Iflt.tll.l! from an appropriation as al ' Th" other revenues of the Oaneral uounly t Ill, lie 3, the regents ami better results of immigration. put It gem rnllv ot our stale. the condition as It Was In ami slate prevent or commissioner sible to revive the bureau ami w 13, no, schools. We could 510-ae- re I hip ba a dlffntanas of penitential!', what has been available for appropriation are as lloanlliiK prismii rs the Pun has,, of a farm to tn work ins order temporarily at then- mas the states I 6H2. overlapping and duplicating 4 opinion to to reiui'dv these conditions and fi Id trt: Court It, avoid be made a part of hi- state peni- von shall have had tino as to the artlna he token done I I 4 K, schools and Vict Dtareat anil 0.16 work In the dlrTerent 20n-ner- e relative to this resolution It seem, to in mis for further consideration Interval on state deposits. .$i 4.000.00 ulnltlni .... tentiary, and a farm to l ilec'.le What MM be dei tlled most - bofipty Oil, might possibly be uhle to get along me ill I res bis the people of he believes ought to be done bv Krom ''iirporatlons oiiil In- wild animal .... be conducted In connection with mlv Isable for Ihe future. sons that what liooils ami IniilKis 217 740 With a less number of Institutions and our state should have a prompt ex this legislature to put Hint Institution suranoa oo.oon.oo the fefoi 111 school. 4 Is now lieltvsliui'g licbraili o. n - m Krom Siir'tiiry of 2,000.00 Coort linns" uml IhII, accomplish better work tliiin pie-s,.- from Ihe noil) In tin- best s pe for Ils pro, t uml State.. The veterans (ff the civil war III It Krom lionk KxHinlniitlons. 300.00 bntldrwa ami repaIra. I II, s:S, dene by ail. "I belleV,. that It Is the desire of economical n imminent, so that III tOUCh Pennsylvania orlglugted the alan to best in nun I'lillinan ami Kxpress . stuto trentrltrer 336, 312 attempted lo keep the citizens of OUr slate that the ipey not onl subserve the liae celebrate the battle of Gettysburg III Iml be a i nrnpanhw . Treasiiri'rs' ii no missions S3 HI, bj requiring amendment to the const ll ul Ion uf the tareata nf th tiate, shall with these laatttutlona lug at Kl lllto are equally as strong .1 :. llrst ul . ml This plan was Hv as from Krom fiiiiri-iii- I'mirl Peea. ,000.00 Assessor' commUNd(4ta. 74 713 copies of minutes of u II meetings uml again rebuilding anywhere for this Cnltd "tatea be prornntlv adopted, Inoi for Inmates free Munl'-lpa- l brought before Pennsylvania ns taxis 247 I.IK reports showing expenditures, at. expenso s ""' and i espectfullv urge that von take harsh and on pmly conditions nm school. The at til lime 111 wlin-- passed an cra- i ' i I :l 2 leclsliil e. ud reasonably lu 1111 Inslltii 7!, MlO.nO hools xii tendance, residence of pupils, age. would nol. ill opinion be instilled fMVorable action as soon as tie sapi" in snected Kpcobata r i inr fting the Pennsylvania commission to Total .uullalile ffl ipropr'u- - iithi'r 74, elc. While I have been able to "b anv w here ThetefoT". tin- most prut - Is tiractlcahle in Ihe wisdom md Hon of that ehnriictff I I11 of Ihia omlerlaklnB. and of the Information that charge ludghienl of vour honorable bod.! In Hip superintendent's ie,mrt ho lions. $tBM&.00. - tain sonic ticabie ami rcueoBgMe solution af Die be used as :i- gpproprlated 1180,008 to fa- retrulpr appro, 1 never yet been able to Wild I now ami In urge promo! mil asks increased appropriations for Tim Bttoni desire have pl'ol lem Is lo decide to combine Uml cmnmlssleii mlabt deem best. for n--r hcKlnnliiR Iei-- . li I :.' get u II of w'tial 1 wanted from them. vorable action on this resolution maintenance, and I presume will un coir olidalc Ibis school with one of Tics movemani was started with Ihe followa: I have never been able to ascertain other stat. schools, where the or MHle Institution.. delinks to shoe yen that this is 111 the Intention of having all the stales I'duratlonftl Inntltutlons. . funds as folio the average attendance for the school purposes for which It was founded of That are four of what mv known aaoeaann "' t1"' proper earc and 1 union Mn ami 'he veterans I'enitcnilury anil Ftoforn (leneral county . 11,110.14 vcar. The total enrollment is given, ever the as tinder out of the Inslltulloii. He can be better subserved than has -- ides The pennsv-i- state Institutions Insnm- Aaytun MoardlnK prisoners X. 744. 40 not give the desired in both participate Hospital, also asks for an Increased appropria- school. bUl this does In ell the case at Kl Itllo, vanla eommlsslon In 114 Ptquegted lie.: Miners' lb" . I 11,110.11 Court a large nnii Minerv' Hoapltal 11,111.11 formation, as there might be In a form School. Insane Asv him and the tion to p th" penltenften board, w-.- There Is now a general movement to pall, anil . . 3 11,141,11 all lln iatts tike I'hnrltnlil" InstltutloiiK. 2.000.00 interest and alnkirta. at one time during th. - and each nf these U un- in! ibis request is umhiubiedh war- number throughout the 10 combine and loom l elv time all had slg- Penltentlun bounty (I 1 in- nation iirallv short Inti'rest wild animal II and very few at another, and am r doing. der tin control uml management uf ranted from the rant thai the salaries j even to abolish schools for tin treei-e- altisd the Intention of so Kularlat and expenses o Koads ami brldgea. H2.626.3I clined to think In some cases this Is a board composed or live members. for the hoard ulovlded bv law exceed efficiency of educational S'B-le- nppoiiiteii ii eacn suite a offloOra I Court house and schools. the yenr. true at some of the . ,. These, like all Bthtfl known as the appropriation mad" last I has Iv ds (. I,, a eonfersnoa which ; buildings rep SI of Oklahoma nineteen or Mlsi elliineouH and It,til. The exiienses for maintenance rccopir.iend-m- l in Oetobi i stale Institutions anv kind, should Tip- superintendent also asks for a 1 I and Governor ''nice has ai Oettvaburu i State treas urer 11,111. b cell-hous- e, .... II these various Institution! legislature, by elimination to The of Ihe United be In fact Institutions of Hi" whole new w hich though not ab- $1)64. OX Treasurers' commbi 38,664.1 0 that the in conKras Total t. 286. are as follow s for the til nam orbited tj-.- slab, seiwiii: Ihe Interests of the stale solutely nceeasar) al the present time, I nnd consolidation, redur th Slates has nlft i, i, no readily be seen Assessors' commlssli 41.814.10 a- - In sens,, long) Krom th" above will year: ' will be ex whole, and not anv win probabl be nwadet In t 1 . to six. Oregon abol'shcd all tOr tills preaeM Munleipul taxes Oil. 062. 98 Mexli 12. 14.1 Cent con-spl- the situation as at ".xlstinn. I'nlversily of New t may to or under ilrol of local lata I or two, and II might be well to v 4 211.304.311 normal schools anil thou created periled with Inereaacd apnroprlatlons will prohn-bl- Schools . 470.4 1.17 BchOOl of Mines reason I have been of th" tin- advisability llrst-clas- s normal. a grea Hie I'm Ibis of preparing . 44.348,1 6 4 tabllsh be for. ami In some Other accounts Military 7.XII9.2I i ptngvfl llicv should all lie un- seems to be Inevit a'i"d Institute x. a lis w hile tl urg uml to thai ahead for what neeeaaary, 11,110.40 Article Nil. Section of the tel - be for the Normal I'nlv ersltv .... while at-th- e der the control ami nianageiur'Ut of able Willi prison labor, the cell- Total $1.4118.712.83 679.29 atltntlon provides as follows: keen and entertain them inn, n r eondi'.et of th" state's biislnnss Normal School II lemllmi Ihe celebration Some of a slide hoard, the members ut wit ten buns. probably be built for in I Cpll Spanish-America- n N "The legislature provide tor eompi-nsatlo- Hi- - n ,, l order to obtain the baal retnlta. wish again In attention to shall have provided for transporting should receive ionic for IIS, 000. ei nmnif mis new not tunTlclant to th,. of lam hers in the slates Would women, if our rovanoe are the fact that some of the COUntlei d mal tralnln all the veterans from both sides: their services, Thus the slate qua Ha re for whbii would pneel such Inereusml auproprlotlons. the state ale probably falling to re- Institute for Blind mal schools m otherwise so thut provided to send be entitled to receive better erv'ee probably tm i letter Ihuh where they 10,171.9 In Other states have m must itiher obtain morn reventie ceive such Interest a HMO' are Justly Dogf and Dumb Asv lum max become prolliient both Ihe participated at for the nsymi ni made rather than ore taken 111 ri if nl the present lime. 4 unit such veterans as . 1,862.2 Spmilsh liinguuges, to ib-- t lu or curtail our iippronriiillon". Mida entitled ,o lor the public funds in the Agricultural !olleg and or Qettyaburg, ami wma have to Ud. aaaa. on tlinuu'h that work Is dutch proba-bl- i I (a t ih Kpunlsh Hpeak the battle 1 from direct taxes, their "ill nands of County treasurers, and (Not Including sularl qualify them a w nu n gratuitous SS4PV Peeessarv now and ca -- hnvc appropriated sum snen in' l wiib-- appear to be. ing ami in Hie public e some Ipcreaae from vttrlona again recommend the enactment of pupils Indents be apportioneil among the veteran! mill bl pt 10 Iml until some future date nrdlntpn aoumea as now provided. a law thai will enable the counties, schools ami eihieatlonul Institutions of on. ami ,n kin'.: lls intereata ro lo ',1 Hip, do go to tin celebrat The repairs of and addition Ihe Tin' KUbteei of will be aen receive Total . .' 6.046.48 the state, and shall provide propel tagamenl ami put taxation with certainly, to reasonable other stales Mre providing mil Im change '" hospital building. Including Ihe com- In plane. the llrst means to facilitate tin th-.- se control aldnred another interest qn their own funds. The appropriation ami presence of their PUS4H nor ami Instltt under lha house, ccr- - IN, Dei teaching KuglPh language and the WOUbl n a pletion of Ihe new bath ITnder our constitution (Ail PtJtVUc Schools. fiscal year beginning of the eominbpjlon. ot a single board fit us 7 I be- - lalnlv might to be dune as soon Sr. i we power lo borrow ther branches of leurning to such ml have as follows: I eonslll'ltb'l' amendmcnl There is no doubt thai condltiona i 4 reeommeiiu that practicable The appropriation for for ili'llclts." etc. University of New Ileal 2.000 pupils and stud nts ." II "casual ealattoa in our common schools are nr iatod lu pav tin pelises of tilt iieve thai thi ante d not be large, and th" Wi haVe borrowcil lltO, College . 23.00U XXI, alreaih Improving every year. Superintend- Agricultural Article Section t. governor aim oniniisslon to result will more than offset any and reached the limit. No more can School of Mines 2 2,300 all public schools be conducted - far ent ol I'ublle Instruction A. N. White thai he provided, 1 ind a lump sum be ip- Miners' llospllill. outlay will be required at thla be borrowed In manner. 2 3.000 that this has furnished on- a complete ami Military institute In English, am mil, th. veterans Who TH Miners' Hospital il A shop Is reeom- - S, leelsls-inr- e 10.000 portioned Oarpentrr Under Art. IX. Sec. the University t III- li report Covering nil phases of Normal The law ea ling Spll III linn attend the celebration from seems to have tpended, which will undoubtedly hn may authorize a bond issue for copy Normal School N gave as its would, of course, Bt)1 our common schools, j of which American ormul School New Mexico. There hurmpplnUi exist good thin for the prisoners, for nun- aneelAc work or oroleel." Spa Norm Spanish-live- s will be furnl.-he-d fur your considera- purpose tin education of be .some win would not need in) pears to be ma sop,e of them at least will Is able to effect until HUnd ii. sen U such a loan slmll not tuke tion. In this public document vnu Institute for the speaking na of Ni'W Mexico fill aeletaoce and olheis win. would need HatlsfuClorv lo tl i' Interest III' bo li by ii, noil lu- learn trade which will valuablo shall have been approved the Deaf and Dumb Asylum v be in- ve. Ihoiigb such will llnd much thai ought to be Ihe in a ion oi' teachers In the public considerable, lull will probably Is Intended to w hen they era released, into of the people of the stnte. The tin and to legislature covet in; as arc an Will be served ll'" an and Inslruetlve. schools of counties districts presented the terests The pueatlon of employes' salaries reeeni vol" on road bonds ivus Totul ijua.aee Spanish language is preva- in this recommendation, largely tonal and belonaln to Colfax In The common public schools are so where the the ground is something that Is worthv of esre-li- il of this kind. The Interest ,ad Ihe average number of 1 ace vour way hi f If tills of our f lent. Which trust you will rnuntv, The 'in I Mils slate-wid- e It closclv related to the welfare , consideration. doubt whether was and carried pupils I s.hnlll'1 be 'leased to give thought should be Ik certainly ii praiaewurth; to approve, m-- t promised bond Issm,. that careful I will This clear the sort of men that nre needed The fata of any vim the per capita expense. pro- - Tabid Cor Is to given to them and liberal assistance purpose, but did the legislature Washington Monument '.i be on guard inly at the penlteti- - a lociil purpose not difficult - mention, however, thai this in some out to tin- fol- extended where possible and prue- I vide (lie best method for carrying wish call attention - Me. lie A grlcll 11 III lo riary a nil IlKVe Ihe care of th" li'H- row'. at uses exceeds $400 The Is possible adopted bl th' Xsiiuni we shall have Ucable. According to reports this purpose.' It for lata lowing resolution aaaos nner can be ihtn incd for the salary Therefore, hercufier collage gels a large appropriation I Bo I of trustees f tin on baud there tverc during mil about school lo ii the requirements of Washington Nation.' Monument pnn li in rely on our repular levies the 1,'nlled States. 1 (hsl I children of school age. uml from the Article Nil. si (Hon x.' The BpanHh-- Ci ly Jan. J gay lum recommends th" nroperty of the state for nearly all of Institutions, egcepl one. lt Ml Xil'O e live In All or I" rocoin-Houmab- ml to lln New spe-ela- 1011 shows an Increase of l.iion. American people seem to prefer Society i Hie revenues for reaolar and l facilities, such as 'Keaolved, fhnt the Ing pm at tin nreattnl time are: were lO.tOfl ehlMran ask for Increased si nd their children to a school lo- Secretary nl I." repr nt thai inn. appropriations, unless the la" ion there about etc.. and of course, for mend to tin Used track Seal by mean nf which age III where less new buildings in a rommun,ttj where both OUStudy the mtl power shall provide other of school districts ns. Some ol cated War. lu whos e care .ind all the coal purchased t the penl-b- '- lea school age In districts where leas hwnunll nliliroorlatli rnccs nre almost equally represented. placed, that tin method of rnlslni' revenue, as con- than a I'e re soiKiblc nnd monument is ly law tentlary win weighed, ao that n' Kor the year 2 were only these reullests This Is prnveit by the fad thai al Waahjnjftop, Ida 2. mi there 111 I of Colt rado, upun templated In Art. VIII. Sec. of the slim anted, Others t Mates chock can kept those who n bout 21.000. is a good allowing proper am though ther, are n lurgc number Ti a utates here. Matt This nnd im. okiahomi and ""' am : article to state, nstltutlun. y 'lib : patients tint furnlahln this tho year. In 1913 It Is conlldent-l- should pupils already enrolled in ie Hi Alitomi, upon There now i la$tj p4ifHeitlnriy, to call vour for the these of New Mcxl ami uml, s ml. ii farm whern be very shoiib N,-- University at a plnnty-elg- now mo convict 4 uniiruprln-I'on- s expected thut there will Mexico Normal n tho union, IrStltUtli atlenUort to tin totals for taking am ting their admlaak Into timing Ihe the Inmfto of the penitent la rv ran few will not have Vega, reports in my offioa show through the in ft I i, nil revenue. It would seem school districts that b ,f bemiit the 'the spect Ively, hi Uttlloyeil advantageously for tin live of achOOl that inav little si hool has been compelled a en discharged, dial ilui, surplus revenue under the th(. benctlt of months that this governor of 1 mil state lo furnish slate and w Itti gri tl benefit to thein-- t tli" con- state years to i levs win to have paid oil Article Ml. Section 4. of the during the last four i nacrtton In the mi,' selvet We probably ought to havti be auf'cfont Nov. 6, IHIt, the Spanls' L'Sii and ihe source stitution provides that: On to applicants walls of (he Washington Nuilonal The total receipt from all not b us ami acres, a Inrge part illcd mil I bulldinu at I'.l llltn thin - than "A nubile school shall I" main- American Norm records also show that durlnt .Monument, to ,hi end hat the repre- for ilm institution from Nov. 30. Itti. of which should be Irrigable land, in each was so damaged hv Are thnt It is now Bl Itito enrolled , im- were mho. mi. tained for at lenst live months lime Ihe school al situation of lln ttatea of the union No, no. - ion. with sufficient water Its t:si , Is occupying 25(1 X : I fnr I'liluiiiiii'. year In every school district In (he useless nnd the school less than students. to Washington i. o.llfl. balance on Hi an tn therein Hlsbursemocl "n mi thla farm convicts) could bo if state state " another building. There was social and liuslnCKS completed." 114.610.74, tha regular usefully port ..f ate audili JlnllOn on the bulldinu The favorable hand bln employed In various way Kunds have been provided to take airnnce of relatione exisiing at i.ks Vagas, the able secretary of war nnnrourlatlon thai bus formerly been nm nn'v In raising crops, has iml vet been paid ti the which. I will fall to Which BCceatlblllty "f tin- town, tin- streng'.n object of the irriei In In luneoa to ere rlit n( all rare of the schools that regents. ol this Ihe 1.0 lu.olc will would '" ronauntefl at the nenltona will board of The result kindlv iiter-es- t monsUonetl I. .: I, I 0 I I take care of themselws. ami this of the fncullv mil their Tin states above Illti for tlarv. bid nlso In rnlslntr poutlry nml fnndu Nor, - (Ire to raise several be In most enses. Some dla- has been in the problems presented cause ll ones that do not have wan Ile. elpis from i ill 1,117, done of lb mnlnl hogs ind fsrlntr for entile for tin sour! IIM8 firms rclallmr to the futnil- this . is trkts may not receive special state me to recommend that the work done tablets In molilimagd) This The hoi ii rncommeoa ii"" "r that Instltntlon. This work, ami the Durnoeea for whl h it Ire vary Total aid through failure to comply with by the Spa nl Normal somel nm, ni win cost iii"' st met ton I ., building Tor nrnnerle nuinaged, would uhdopbteds rorelpti 1.740.845.20 .ens established. Shell " rebuild nt Nor- tin- pride, I the of the iaw m tarnsferrcii from Bl into to the ap ll to state Ihi IhlnH would i b l., tiles,, t p.. better1 . renulrementa v land shou which ini't, emnc ilsliursemi'iits Rl or shall e lui'lii at another I I! available. it'to. mal University at Iwis Vegas, That every lealslnli r, Therefore, Ilk,' looiiiio, though am i.iMsen nl of in- shall ouplls of this of thing the time their rflensii town" the Institution understands the HJU li' Ul Inki UP" it it Itx IWIanoe to of all Balance of funds in school 01- - this trust hat elined til such llian they can possibly bo kept credit ',11.'.. school be taken c bv another Spunish-spcak'n- g del. iv . 8 3 needs and desires, of the te hoiit undue mot fumlH districts Nov. 30, 1911 .$3i U-- " dlffi-Mr- propria less Idleness nr Inside of the walls- al HnV Xov. It, 1012... llll,7tl.M of the st It Is not li- Received from state levy,. 7 129.86 atltntlon voung n and is anxious Tills Is neccHHIirj by the state. list I'll tm;. oeeimation. I believe that it is Hoi Stale Debt. cult to answer th ouestlon. The Is a I lu D Received all other to Serve lie iiceils Indicated 10 tablet ''a" '"' received hiilbllng will depend upon severni general nolnlon of prison Outhorttleg led Dobt of State of Nov. 30,101, from building occupied the sehyol was rl 301. Ihe folbjwln taken frmn the rept ,,i pi iv ati' persona, The ai must I'irst, Is the slate il! il the Is .satisfactory A int. Hate Int. sources II fm o school our-iill- lt eotolltlollS. lhai fnfni the most never bu'li dltnir' made by ils board of rsgents: .sovereign net of the stnl Hie present lime 60 meet curing Insane Aay- - posaa D w;'S reform he position iii method tor employing ami for f"r r union. And, second, $ 0 184,337.04 e re 1, nest of board of in uiber of expense,' are to be luiti ,000.00 $ I.30U. On Total school, and when school Was re-th- "If the the such all convicts. This fnrm ought nl.. tat on pn ii such poHSible Insane Asy-lu- Diaburaod for Snnnish- - VtH'T- - genta be gra nted ami propel fund-t- immend ihe ssifics of the Institution tallied at the earliest mow moved to Sorinirei In aiipnllltco building Inline- - .001 i 1.300.00 from Nov. a In leoull'e tills ment, us (ho Institution lias been sad- .... lean Normal eslali'sb.'fl for the approprtati organise a depot pay - Insane Asy- Nov. 30, l!H 'tas , without dnitev-- I't.ol-loi- i mliiht ada ly In need of something or t tils sort benefil r I f"W people Who vpl'V men, to pn pare teacher.'-- tb local rural i oprlate w tia vpl building In lum 23.0OO.00 5 i 110.14 It Is grea for nsi a. tlmi such a ever since It was established. Re- .... llllleh desire, It at Unit time. Without qUS 'lion, will be the icesaa ry to enrrv 'iefunrllnp . lln in Nov. th. near with an appropriation from Would 104.000.00 I 6.240. 00 hand ' ' In a - future sults obtained the farm 4 row- possilil to correct tb.. error forward ihe educational look-i,,- r e I 4 I $4 70,4 4.9: this rafi immeiuln completion and possibly f n e n til was tl n made ami avoid 'he of th slate and the fnr Its partial unquestionably reduce nnd at wh'eh fairs ureal' tn an appro-tlo- p exnons.-- . tlarv K,.f. 71.000.00 6 prevent"'! an'- rren peed state will be met. II Hon. inv the some time wine out all rela difficulties Whi"h of tht ( I' " n I t e Of the total paid out there it s, lit ib ial i pcla from the next islal tire. live to the maintenance nnd mennna S attendance at this institution whsr cnllse or tin creator age of tin Imemlmei 6 Was paid to teachers ... $622.902. penitentiary. 4!f. 10,000,00 whs located. It vil, cost a mne" dents tht-- hiinld be separated Dining itir Reform school ment of the Capitol buildings, - i!, And for repairs. row- In rebolbt and eoufn a bulld'ner grade pupil ami per-- I honors hie subniUted i. Reform ichool al Springer, The penitentiary board might bi 280.989. 97 the ordinal f,.i a Kding 23 000 00 3 Janitor, etc for till" selpH.l as 'I would to to more rapid li the to von tw m' win il propi'liv iinsldereil. is n very nuthorl7.ed to contract fm a4U h ol create mltted thai i 'apltoi d or Htatea, a now Institution, 'rhis e,ra AxneWse younger uttioents can. Ann. in intui- dilution tin tnted Impmiunt institution Hern M farm s might ba thought to be de- i 3,892.07 . Totul $91 iik wmild tske mone, thai Is eorelv need- tion to tin regularly required Studies the ilrsl, where under proper control and sirable and an appropriation made tr Caoltol Re- Buperta'tendeat White makes ji ed for educational work In our public IheA should receive Instruction In the "Article niui o.s shall discipline, young minds that have ob- cover a! lead a part of the purchaso building 2 number of recommendations ,or and other se'iools. efomentarv prineiptan or gardening. have powe Hid i, I'e. t taxes tained the w rung ben! should be re- - price of su.-- a place at the present AKrleiihutal legislation In his report, nil of which time, wiih a cpn,thjurjf, apprupii.i!i,.. TWO THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1913.

iiiiitlunu Im- - .mid a year pro- tot the future t it kind Hum win. their imminent trol tppriipfbit iui in b ma ulmiy mentioned last regi(r.illoii law. uml tluii some ltic. .Jii.ll. . Hi. ,n fuctx. It will from Interatnle Vtream Ttill t vision to protect Ho- - light nf Ihe 111' well for nil In ' v., t'areftlll) probably s. .1 v.,u Voter lo Secrecy III catting III ballot MOUNTAINDISTRICT Tin ! have lie. n mini will l. pu nl. in our Mule ciiiiHtlinhiin uml tee for . im form uml fm tin- - i tali v be made. HI 11 pfWldet. The board of careful consideration ed lo doUbl that thl Wat I 'ii l)l I Ion tmwn. umuoc-illo- power Impoaalhle any- Iiiih uml ilutii Ciri.t cf Hn. ugh ll to get The publication laws pued at the I 10 ba fair fur tin- display rclatint in luxation. HxfiI the Under the Carey t there ha thing done relieve the altontlon last ncaalon should, in my opinion, - I - t by T AMERS ig of tin- prndin t. civil mni in n. vi- thai our fli been hut little a piiNheil. Two The work to be done the traveling changed It Impose much unneces- 1 wmkxl linn .111)1 stop lii reform must wiw ihroiiKii libnus Willi M..n..H( r..i ui, 11. ni andilm 'ml hi UNllanU la of the sary expense upon Ihe people. Kor IS Shut m I eat of iiiNt, e, it hove nhi'v ll illlil board in firm mum have been made, one al l'"t t kumnet great Importuuce to the people requires two publication cl r Hi whohj only llltetlll 10 iiiuh niii'd nun in board "u .11 llle I'l'cos iiv.i and one nn Hie Hi. talc .lint to protect of notice Ullt the Stute In t hi' u- - they have, but, if poaalble. pttH'ced delinquent taxes tflven eater lininli' ml" Like liluretle pr,,j.i I ii lln iicalt what to to collect nl nf pri.pcrlv. in lln union and Kweetwatcr force i ei urn of fund wrongfully , ding to law. line publication RESIGN , ' Itralnage. Neither i by II re- v tin- k. rimr In illt Sun niintle mid Hint provision be miiili' one of theae project has yel reached tounn ofneera. A would aeein to he sufficient, nml Hun I Mean. Tlmt l "in-n- r for lllr It from office of it the Nluge where 'muthiug definite Ihorough knowledge of ip, Condltlont quire tw o publicall, in of Iin iil porn-tlo- m can of II" member, tutor K im full In perform llii'lr duly i existing lu the varlou of papers. More than one llltl' Ull'l til' MM an oe rt pol led III I ci I'd lo It. counties the ill Imlh laiK. llmiiKh lln V It required li In w I now nauln mid stale convlnde me (hat un appropria- larvt no useful purpose. The provis- mi iiiiuli rcpml in in' more purtn iilm lv recommend Rat rniide iMurxiveanMII. tion for (lie traveling auditor's of flic ion that publication of dcllii'iucnl Four Who Could Not Come shall Im done I Mili- III board of equalisation be glen Then w,,s upprni'i lal, (I bv Ihe latl should be made sufficiently lurge to tax Hats ahull commence un January - legltlatura 11 1,4)00. no um- In Vim Willi fin h MUM- power to i lningr liidlvldlinl nnd ro'. for IHoOrandi enable him to bring all of the work id raiHcs meal fans m the legality of Here to Take Recent Exam- poriite UNMnnll mill I Inn an Improvemani in countlet tdjaoenl Ui of the varlou COUnty and slate idfi-efal- mich publication iii weakly newspn-Imt- I Ion lie mill. for the line n' the river, and a apeelnl appropriation up to date hv the flret of next published nt regulur Intervals, inations on Account of Snow, the liOlird In cmplov competent 111011 for protect ioa at Intaglio bridge January, a that date must necessarily fall on In to go lulu Hie i mi ni leu ami oliluin kacorr unity, of 114.000.00. Thlf It lake very little invett'gutlon to different dnyg of the week In each Cai'iiot Continue Their Woik. mn li inloi niaiioii for the hoard amount i eatlreh inadequate to per- OoflVlnci aliv one thai the work yeur. .1 !' t hi' mn III b ncectuv In ilia Lie It tt form ihe work thnt onghl to be done of the tinvchng auditor ba In thee and other particular this nil. hi to the make a lietter and fair. r aNn.NHiii. nl. for III'' protci lion ,,f the people mi about doubled during the past year law should be amended, in my opin- distil, tu Til,- qweotlon Ii,in been raled In the Kio Qrajide. Then were mam The results of Investigation made ion, and I therefore recommend 'such Four tca. hciM In mountain our court ii to I lie (tower nf the for kaatetance that had to during the year I HI 2 havi convtrtOOd amendment. whn did not inke the recent examine-Ho- n hnnrd to rhmige ami iutlls I be tele, d at gnat only Ihe rnoat me that IhOra I the greatest Bead oi Nu'crelary of stale. will have to rclgn. according to t he b peo- ( pucd ill ah,.- under rluipti-- 134, lsr, if preHln niild foil led. The investigation throughout the tnle. The secretary of wtale In hi report 'minty Superintendent Atanaslo M on- '"ii mn-pan- I, mot. I now n hum, ml and urge ple on the river mid Ihe railroad Where there ha been no criminal in- by I int win m In KM) .alb attention to the facta that to yu. I low Immediately, have aaalatcit liberallv In tent, groat re- Insufficiency In the main l a K " the repeal of thl carclcKsneK often reason of the of the The. teacher hold permit froat nli- - Tin- - i provided Unit the nllllg Ihe work of lln engineer gad ulil Ik- cipected In be oiiNlltiitlon sult in loc that will nm Pa fnuntl to print the law the county superintendent, hut Ihese leglelnlure tna exempt from tax. ill m In trying to take car, of Hn water of agi p ihrough the trnveimg auditor journal! Of the tttte legislature, I Inlnwl. flrl only . li of a fttpllf thl trertcheToue and uncertain im- entitled them to teach until the 1 1 prnpert of ti head office. The reaull nf Investigations in he ha been compelled to leave between ui nc t v., i iln am, Hint ,,r 1200. 'i dif- tU taw, four counttes ure hown In the fol- printed the journul of that luglaht-lur- e l.t ion. Afar that they in lint fer at to whether ihlN prnvlaion re- l,evee ,t Sotorro San Marclatand lowing slaVnieiit of ahnrtage In, u well us the governor's met- - have a certificate. The State law re. peal the law giving twOjl exemplloli file have been Completed and thoae counties named n given In report ni go thereto, and lo the further tact uulre thl and Mr. Montoya hn no ii Hn ' OMtHtlUofl al inola. libit km. Algodone IhiN i u in l"ii hi wui i;p of th" traveling auditor' office that im a ppi iiprlutlon was made lo alternative when he re(iiets them lu of Ihr labor of mil inide iii lln 'v nf an mneinlnient conttruc-tlon- . - I neceaaary an net Albuquerqu an ndrr - publication of ere laid before the lglla- la thai law providing for t oinpcn-- ' adopled and make and nocorro (suinty. shortage,,- pay for the coat of tht resign. uch nnd have is,-- i a eon- - Hon Improvement! formerly of the leglNlature exempting Itciiiet 17; repaid, none: net due. III. 001.17. the plop. ndmant to the uy they for ,.t I. hums-dlnt- e The tanthtri were unable or whether Ihe old law in been made for woru lai una. RooaeVeH Nhortage, 14,-;;!- .; al it inn, mid he requests that iilni i d iiioii m hool tecllnn In pel properly OOnntT, nl on - be Helen, (larlleld. laNbuig Ann. cover to come to Albiitut rtiie account Mill In force, Thl qiicHtlnu can liona 7 ; due, appropriations be made to aiiiiN in Hug In good fallh mid eert- - repaid, I4.IOO.S7: net li u MiNoulle mid an- now under 1 recom- of now drifts. Rven when they offer W wny In gel the or eatTly ml tied leglalalhe tgpftt other none. ihese expenses. cnrnetl.v lNlHlotl Hm in Nome I e I nun, n conatructlon, It itllmated that nil be thl excuse the law givea them na i. reimbursed for their actual etpen-dllur- Inn nml ItMfOforl i'1' nd lliui Kin Ariilui couniv, shortage, 12.- - mend that lhee appropriation you I new iiipllnn ael-tlu- the prcmnt work planned will be com t teaching a lu-- I I linl llll Hot on llieee public Imi'l" made enin a exi law. nnd, WltBOttl linnet ssary delay. chance lo continue Igjfclflc prop- pleted before high water or by April exl-- lull ll till "III till.' f,,r tin it own benefit, but resulting, In fni ih the kind of S e iliasnllNlactlon aeeniN to l they fulled to lake the examination. upon may be IS, with the ncsi legtelet mini, CHBC In the advaiitiigc of erly which exemption llll. Ilonil Ana couniv. short, ige. lu different parts of the stale Mr. Montoya asked the stale supi i i Iglmtid reqUlrlluj llw aaaet-ao- In ni the aKorne) g and Itegdnagc doe nut InClUdt pelll'ilv of certain provision of the automobile If there wo any way lo al- I' n ihe peraoniil Nliilemenl uml, i - law at the last m nsIoii. ii POUtt" with ii tuffb The land eommlaeloner' report take l Ihe lawl Ncaalon of Hie leglNlature II); repaid, nunc: net ADO, 12.- passed low teachers In the mountaina to con- ,'f Ihe pi ilnimlng the aiinie. llll. . d bv secretary in his report, an to anmde him in. a follow ootfl moil whal waa supposed lo have been it "I vil ant Ihe I your tinue leuchlng on permit. It. I 11,1 ii. if miii lielleve IhlN lo he retaonnbte , en-..- . and respectfully Invite atten Mill' i'ii raoarnts ,,mprrhcnlve drain age law waa Total hortuge. I44.ii7t.ii4: repniu. Flln-dclf- Artuai leglvbillnn secretary s suggestion on Mere i the answer, signed by o office for the eeflod .Ian I. anl a proper aubjeel of led Tin law ha nol been In "i" rt II, 111.47; nei due. IIT.7I4.1J tion lo the uf-f- autijcct. Uaca, state Hupt tlnt. In Nov. n. llll nl thl lime. linn long enough m have obtgineij If the leglNlature will make n li this usitant llll I my meaongv. I rcoiii-inannV- in iv In ftrtt even t xperlmental riNiill up to dale. ll nt uppropriulion to meet Ihe Stale faast. ., law and by Inheritance im There It no doubt n lo the Import of this office, as herein No siiiic eui was adopted the "Answering vour letter of Jfcftoary I Ham, e, nllllllellila agllill Illlike the ,,f lb,, proper diuinage of our iimelided. I that the In leallnlnie Ml lis firm Station, and tin 3rd, we note that there are tlx or I more .ni. think ter- deferred contract and lion. No form of luxation liio lirande mid I' a valb" lands vtsllgatlona before January 1. 1914 stale la slill using the tul of the st u n teacher In the mountain dis- , t ,01.(17 juai nnd fnlr mid reotongble I reap BtfUllg suggest that the mi allien Thi mibject "iiiiie fullv dlacutaed will he entirely convincing of the wis- ritory trict uf your COOnty, teacli-e- r VIII. Section 2. glvet you prompt Thee Article by he engineer in his report, to whb h dom of Klich a course. mutter lie givtn intention. ar,, on permit - great fMiwer In tel ling teaching special f affairs will continue Indefinite- and latitude I Inv He j our attention. In examining account of county Treasurer. t and provide and it will he absolutely ncccsury for Mi ubjfi for tnxatlon officer, cnaea have Iieen found where The treasurer' report shows fulh - You Iliglivmv- - them ho l riiommeiid that the method I leuchlng the Name n wrongfully withheld Iransuctlons of the mine lo attend the examination lo I f Mexico, inonev hud the financial IWo a to btalned The public roads New held January Oth se- general he given iielt-- Tutu inn. ma is might find otmethlni nol IhetV i no low for the gdaqukte during the pat rear, iii recommen and 11th und , !l , - nnd kindred like every other atale In the union, reuueated In bla report The The atim or via, . .IN tl'IIIIS- from public frnnchloea pv imeai of th, guiitv party. I par. ilalinti that Ihe law requiring paid cure a regular certificate if they are I reudllj provide are lUMt now reeciv im: unittUtl at- ii rreil lo Ihe "tali IrniNui er. being Hiiltleii. nnd could recommend Hint the law btlgaiiona of the state to ba burned to continue to draw pay for their ser- lax on tention. t the November election n llcularly ltOt.03 I. Ill fur mil mon aeliool mid conalderilltli ri'Velllle frn covering the official cOntJucI of enmi- Nhould be changed e u m provnie vices, after having been notified of .ih bond of 00,000 Wtl appmved can-relie- d miNiiiullon and prtli oliirly Hie remainder to iliii'iilloiial and Hi, output "f mine, Ittue ty in eaamlnad and such obligation should be f by ui b bondt to lie print- nffleers carefutlv the results of Ihe examination. If unv d Ihe revllon of our Ian lie liter reservoir, mineral. ihe voter. d a It iin lv and perforated and prcaerved tllte Institution. ii aim inb so tu mnke cxln of theae It necea- Make law nIioiiIiI I" ll ni, ml, ed and sold upon the order of the pe-- i teacher full. will be d In hla hand. oeitn in Itltt lirande Improv in, ni and pulilh' Our tl mny dangerous for all mrson who misap- for the record, should receive aary nnlv diNlraltle lull necessary." lo ci impel the payment id heavy pen governor In uch amountg n be to eeeure other taaekarra to take cl InilldlngN. Hies,- propriate public fund. U attention I I , o I. l, thiiHc who delay Hie pay deem Noin of bnnd plates. I believe We will be libit 11 ataled (hen neeuis Tin aptMMI of thi ii, fflni allliN advlable. salaries of t oiiulv tfflcei. (in no VA aitlcii. tlltir In f by I proceeding. will probably be mild until July, inn. - Ith eiiial for, mid were $17.7 7 IN. which la well in, ill IllXtf, tal In inv last mesnge I used the fol- name warden III his report r, i lo find properly certificated teachers t "! - payment Mai n no provlalOB n made for The than II inI In Ihe limit of L'll pel ,,.H of II'- Th in. now Lii' I ht lowing language In regard to thl niuijicnd the eslal Hm nt of a fish by giving proper notice to the proper ll lug un thing pay nt of prior to July. In Ull'l rlltlN, provldi or mole wftboul the latere! I county IllKhw subiecl lintelierv. am oi opiu inm uiieiintendents." IWetted, ccpl the ordlim of i P'T The Stale iiniillon. n if s, Intl "This will require careful hatchery ihould bo eMabilshed the vi tal lea, hers in Ihe mountain unit ready for li i on cent. Thi Niih.1 worthy of your provided for under an net "f the leted The IoIhI of land grant" d and a patleal applicnllon revenue of the office are sufficient district look the 1 legitiature, ha appointed road boards I examination. before Ihe neat greaa lo Ihe elate la 2. .'it. 102.0ft careful ontlderatlon. of legislation Hint will lo pay for the expense thereof. recommend in varloug a provided by us any sublcet Mi hav s, ii the examina- mae hand ll could acre. Total n, lecled and all vcated f miHd nrgcuily that the counties von. Ton should rims hut approve his recoiiiinciKlutlons mi- a temporary tax law. Is making preparation! to rome before tion papers to the Ntale superlnlen tretul connlderiillnn and In lnl Nov 10, ItlJ. . 177. 05 you provlda for mid adjustment, having due regard lo ni in salary of himself and II. Inveatl-gat- e work on fair increase ii. Inclndea all ni'IiooI m aotnmtaatun with ptrwtr to do thorough and aytteinatlc us well as department, to be puld deat The teacher will be notified glean, BMefl a lights of the officer lerk of Ihe Helcrl-e- In Noo highway when the opera-tlon- the MOM I'--' 3'- the whole tax tttuatlon the state prov Idlng It by the state superintendent whethei Ktalr Itanki. NO. n those of the taxpnyer. nit of revenue. I. v id report at Ihe next shnll hqve been thoroughly r first aeftalim I alatiil tin- alt-- i hut not approved, ft7"i.l L'l.ll Mi make for service to dndgti in VWk Dlatrtat. they passed. The county superlnlen Ntute leglNlature. An Ixcd so ihut lln be i result poa-Hib- compensation iMliamtnl It atemad to me to exlat acre. Not aelectcd, S.4 17.K0S.SB atWlotl of the without Imposing 16, Article VI. of Ihe dent will not know the of the In all neceaaary can be obi,. meil for the be performed nnd I'nder Section result Iheir man-unde- upprnpi latloii pin may In- in atata banka and acre. flrt-chi- v n(. burden on the people." Constitution, the leglluture examination until after the teachers ettl-ma- le tflOltld I"' made, though thnl nun he made. the law of ilnn In iiddltlon ihe cOHimlwlloiiotr An be miide Iminedl-utel- crease ii number of district judges. I he permmded All be furnished effort should have been notified. I will be ;.4.'. men ,an probably convicts that - iNllUg. Hiring thai tin h that there ;'!.. road In get a bill thai will he salis- am informed from reliable sources I wllhmit pay fnr the by the lnte patvltentinry for id ii I Itelleve In acre to lie Neleiled III Ilea of achnol In MfVI the Mate oiui what will be pop Hiich road factory, S poasible. to nil concerned. that Ihe business of the district Chagf Vm eatlafaiton mil aretlont In Indian retervatlon. Itnd Hill in e named Ullib r Ihe exllanl work da,,,l your - and eXlNllllg In New a may be designated by the Highway On sccounl of the dskurs and ol the Fifth judicial uisiiici. If you have an old lead dline. ring ground UN ginnte. nillltnry leaervntbui or pat cnnillllnn unlll of ( havts, the cnmrnttalnn n state highway. Thla f.ilbitc to praseni any hill ill all posed of Ihe counties l'ass It on. Mgc, I ented IIeg loo tnttaj t,. c t i un v. nas bind. talis-factor- vnu were praottcalw nativ oosci ami ic.ui Iio not nml waste good problei ll proper laigloecr. convict Inlvnr hn pmv'en iiiii f is impossible fuss lime, mended The land Slide ( the salary bin to fail such proportions that it ' during ihe n yaafi and in caused I'os It on. Hll Wit) nohlllon arc of trm i and fa" I mlel Hie hi ndlng of Ntt I'n bei u Inw because of ml dlsnp- - for one Judge to peiiorui ine ouiies m follow-- 1 mr opinion, ean be made much more oming You may feel real mean, it's irUe, It nf the hill that you retching lmiortanr Ihe fllluie a i tie, i nii) im contldored the being no opportuni- Hu Office. I therefore recomiiienu It i imw- The policy provul, and there Hut In ItiHt u week or two methliiK 'Hall and grenlnr Ihe Mint, ing tUlljcclN. which belong lo ami an efficient than ty that an Sddttlonal jodgc bo provided cump fox fuiiher uonttdoratloh nis It will i right but k to you. of engineer' j will be lo coneenliate these mile iiil Ih r lb Imiila are neatlmabte in charge of the office: - i,'.eiiaiiire. ought not to aeons for that district. keep aoao i. u ti adlly employ This I'ua It on. nut provM Ill, llll and fnfe fnun stream Hanging Hydrography, Carey and the county ure entitled oaaaanMdoai. ed Iht- - nt iselly of moving again, i h'' officer t orMinition Cincinnati Bttoutrci III llll our puhll mhool. and Taw. MighwnVH Ith. (iratule Im 1 several for Ai't nvuid-m- g !.. their inn. and at the present nine cull vour iittention ,to the, .i i i them from place Ml PUV thus . . ... i ,i... ilhortti lor the upl'lllllllllg of in edin lent pmiemenl Drainuae. POWa and expgnteit. ought fO He about the first thing II comillclldatlons ciuiiaineu in no iiiNlilii Ion unntcoaaary and this nought uml I'ulil for. of llll nml nib er Ntale Ion, Highway ciuiunlsston lo be considered. In my judgment corporation Commissioner I report The Slate Hi'Useholdel helf. I'll give sti-cm- n (.niiglug. equitable way ii in inw liok Taxallon. to w in k in con nun linn with there is no reasonable, line of Ihese. ine you go - propotn of aixpencc to round inio tht e, The Ntale eiigiin t l nag made ar- and keep of combining all county olficers in which reitulrcs two puhllcutlons ent hullottn Itt the count road loajrdt 1 next street. i i - win, tin They should nrporntion pupi rs, have already h. Uim OK ll.iM' nine Nutliiiuil Tn tttorlttlon, IhlN Ntnle- mngemnntt i"i in touch all tin road the tume classification, fel- thoroughly with according I The Wall No, tree, gov'aar; a n In n Ihe I "in. t l 'nlted Sliile under the iiutluuili be paid like other people, mentioned. Another lo which tan and molt iiunl ia found nt Ihe head of the operation throughout the whole w low gave us n shilling In 111 of Chaptoi to do. is thin hich rec- round there Uui iraffk nltb glM-- hjm In Hciiliui . In the work that they have particular attention MINI page: Mate. In this manna we shall dis- In come here. Cassell' Katurdny Jour- - ucllv-on- Ol IWOl The rotultr place, Ihe office of that tin office of the elding for Ihem- "III llo field of ( on inincnlal l 111. Heaaion iJiwa be aid, to accompllth more In lb,, first ommends nal. ,i ngeipeut up In a surance comm ssloner be ubolisncii ll there more iinIiiIi uml e in of tiie work ander this ,,ml resulta,. than were trict clerk should he taken obtain better Its adjustment have und insurance department placed affli lencj or ninr. i la km feeling Uwu an (Ulte ajttlafactory. ever ,.li!,ll,eil 'tllelDId Ifll'tltod tepardts bill and ihe " punwaca for w Ilinii thi'Nc lu- .llldr in, whatever with the re- under the commission. in tanfloe The bv the i Working connection y nr, reqn ll Wll'el county It will Many things have been suggested mltttd In lie aold or bamlleil. pmphotlted mid (Mllgutlona alt' plweW-me- wherever mainder of the office!. Tiiai tttttmtnl, and I may mum The of Ihe gnml nr evil power. dnmcHlic wul iiipl, flood nt require a separate bill for sheriffs. to me, but nnve nireuuy iuetlun enlarged, wmild lit pieNcni condltlont ih,. local emptoyca might see to Now I LIFE'S STRUGGLE rttnjItuM liquor irrlgatloa, Tin first-clas- s counties under too ninny recommendations. from the Iraffl' in Ni w Meglco. We have never hmi prtventioa and have the wank dona, The real ol to vrry Importance lo III p. i ii law would not necessarily be wish to emphasize Ihe desirability mi ine lo require Utile dtl a dOflBltt In v nyHlen thai hat botn thing ,,f iiiiinI Road building hn progretaed wall such will to ,,f w ll h llili work i hose showed the greatest assess a thorough primary law that take uHon determine what the pmpei eg pa tile of dealing with portoitnl pie t'W Mexico (lining Ihe year directly under the that uvvuv ing I law the power of nomination us far cuurae ahall he. A law modeled gretd uml prejiidb e ami local' cm li'ds iii propcrh dovoto urlgu lllghwiiv commMakm and In co- ed value. It will reunite another pos WITH ILLNESS Nomelhlng law, Stute r..r clerks, us the value oi ine from the politician and bosses as nflrr ihe Mtoftttti and din, rimlnallon. thin. operation with several counties. The eoiinii is a Hixty-rii- Nlalloiia ,n' , counties cuii sible. Iteform in our election laws provlrilni for what are known iiur lax law HBV thai properly At t lilt- lime i work hits been done on the following ivi,,s In the different wel I ba-- by of the utmost importance to the "daylight tuiloona," ao arranged hat ihall he aKeaed at lt ciinIi A ultic. In gctlV operation ami (Ithert an some of which have been Com- be determined only the aenices Mn. Stewart Tells How She Thlrty-thl- t nu- - road, At lust session there fare of the voter. Ihe frnnl thou Id be iiliaoliitelx let! mid Ihe county aaaiN mid lounly ing ,n ranged for. pleted are under construc- nerformeil. the w no ton , and others This is n progressive age. He in ii Inttalltd, I covering office Suffered from 16 to 45 years ami eimlding aiiynne In gel mi i n cll-le- t loitnjtlc hav. vv.ih u bill drawn the nieii. "In in Ihhh iiiel ttkt an nalh In gauKet tion at the pn sciy, ijiie tome lug mny lost. The Initiative ami - w llll work of schools whu ii. in be nnolixlrui'led view of the Inlet lor foroi tiie law Botl thl Die IIN- in mi nf the fa.l thai where work b.'v IkuUinilnued lo ol superintendent being demanded from old How Finally Cured. - it very ifn Alamogor-do-Mighroi- B very good one, and referendum aft from tiie tutttde. alo piovldtni Uwl aw Hint "he will make dili- h ...ii' Mm n wall lartod It Iii i. mv opinion, wus Heaaor ear - be taken up the fulurc: pro- - one end of the country to Ihe other no (tme wbataoovtf Nhall lie per gent Ihe he Itj deatrabie thill the t inllvc ugree- county; Agua I would suggest S similar bill Inquiry" dining time (Hero Ymi should propose amendments to Ohio.--- milled In alls room n w gov el nc Aiding for for these otncers. Ktiphemia, " Because of total where Intoxicant aervlnu Ihe pcoptf In nbtgttl all pot nl Ith Ille federal niiicni i n. i. Santa fti coUBty; Caritbad salaries Improving the refer- appro-rodjueate- d pro the constitution are NM, and gtatolwttt) forbidding , I the Chamn-K- I Then the county commissioners, ignorance of how ty for mvseif tilde Inforinaliun n ulling in propert) mil lulled. rorornmend Mom nt. Bdd) county: endum provision und providing for care acrMng of DUtatde of i the wort Judges, assessors, treasurers mm Ihe drlnkn the in iiit county, Kach tJtpyer tt- - priatlnna for Itlto. Itlo Arriba couatp: Clayton rot bate un on fiilr basis. The when verging Into womanhl,an(l from proper. i In, , fairly be class- Initiative t hmIooii Anvone it it. in a iihi of hiH srop in etaary i,, la done In conjunction Domlng-8out- h, poaalbll Miivcv,,rs can I suf- ed mtkc mini, I'nlou county; 1 people our state have decided that taking co'ul when Ruin: to school, gnugim-Iriigiiiii'i- gsssss-,,- of iiHhauird of lieiug nri'ii xlimilil nevel Hw 11 he Willi Hi. Kin am i Magda'ena-Hpringer-vlll- e, ed together on the basts ot the - erl ii ltd ear to or llal.le " i. una count; thev will rule. Their will must even- fered from a displacement, and each enter a Kakton. In ii III ; other method ail exliii t per Pnt In aibh Socorro i i.iiiit.v the Mora Taiiie. valuation of sonic controlling In laws they daylight , it ,i tnally be the month I had severe pains and nguc The salnmi It ii ni the value of hit propel 1 Whiil dll Mma county, llotwetl tand. Cbavet which mny possibly he deemed more desire. luy-ol- ami for the beat of any Itoao-Puer- work Interottt the officer do in turn egoM? ttrttnty: Santa to de I,una. satisfactory. day within which which always meant a from In re la Any Vnu hive sixty itinimiiuiN Innmi told. The of propel I Of lion appropriate the county, Sanln s Ve- I have given this subject a gnat four days from Ume I ii.,'. aeNinenl permit lo (luadilllipa lo place on our Statute books laws for two to the man "hn iieen ground Htlootit vary IHjidll w eottn-in- s was a matter of and corpofotlont from ill IN nf New ktexll II. i":i of gas. Han Miguel mid Snnla Pe deal of thought. It to 16 old. ' In Hie i that nun he bcinibiiil tht slate was yesrs earh inoiuinu and lute ( e l Nlliall pel i i III In Home CBHC which were approved The nreu Silver (ilv llt'drock. Grant cotin-ly- : much regret that had to disapprove nil ' and people. The Interests al to sit- I nltilit will know tin fr'atun whj Iii nemiy in In .Miguel count)'. prov iding fm salaries of County her "I went to Kansas live with my full valuation oilier., amighl iii irrigated It 8,0 VlllnnuoMi. San u bill Hi, people are first 10 he considered. lt)t Imiir provided for Iht nt I i I anil wiiile there, ft doctor told me of tttt The u ii ten nii e lax payert are lurea of which .IJO.alS acrra are The following work has ben done officers, which knew wouiu rcsiiu party advantage, factional ter ininxlcaut ihould not liegln too miv Bocorro-8a- n An- officers befoau UtUklly new In IhW hutfttoto, Of ,ire covered by n i ppllcalhui not yel on the Com Inn in serious hardship to those and Jeul- - the 1'inkham remedies )ut I did not ue m i i ntliiin too late. IO0 ac strife or personal umbillon Hinali properly holder who an acted upon. A Icrge pnii ol Ihe tonio. Socorro uounty: Rlncon-La- t t am very anxious to see prompt ousy. them then at my faith in patent meili Th Utualt) played hniictl falNifv obtain tuch atnalL Ivn unty; Dona Ana- - end that tun." It in in Muiv .inn. undti thl projeitt rriici's. Imn:, tion on this subject lo Ihe The record to bt made will endure cine was limited. After my sister died nakOOBI tor diink and ilgnr ifever liepefn. "i hty propertj where It. be n bv aiiiuii boldeis or prlvnlt I"'"-Jec- i. Anthony, Dona Vna county, mid re- a vexed (iielion mny Ih: settled and your session ends. You , long niter h i I came home to Ohio to live and tht. lone nml neier will ht of an liene- an all Keen hv the asNctNni uml Hevatal nn'- opertfori have pairs have jbecn made upon the the officers receive their just Hues. win be Judged by the results of your fit to niie Tin s Idle-- 1 In no doubt m, i r in me has been 18 ani entourage ettll.i found i'lierv been and trt Hi dotni load work Camliin Keai fr Saul, PtaTkee. work, and I hull ba glad if you merit my homo for the last yesrs. m n a F"e Mounted and caiiNe i loot ol both time that the large property holder, at toward Ihe npletlon ol onterprtaat paooa and south from Santa to any police Irom people whom you represent "TheChangeof Life came when I was par-re- al In 1101, before mounted the nnd inonev i. ptopie ho umially rule, pay mi a much tmaller Which will be of kreal value to the Algodone s full measure of "Well dune, good 47 I saw I law had been passed, t.ioveinor Otero the years ok and about this time need lie m Imlh o malntMlu the centage 01 lli aiue of hit prop ( imp al ue alnte. There are now convict messuge v oiced w hut was men and faithful servant! I de-la- in his my physical condition plainly descrils-i- l family which depeitdeiil upon erly than Ihe niiiiiii owner win, can Than hat baaw t great deal of Albuquerque, near san Antonio, In general impression, that such a --4 them. rile eivlng nf ilriiilo, I Inllllil Nn. It unnece-sai- v ajqeorro Banta the in one of your Then I nuulile aililt and niie h ol Necmingly county, and botwean law be for special benefit AND advertisements. ,,, (iundii-bip- c would the WOMAN'S HOME if and in adjoining ,,i line, ling Thai it aOt mem to be mi much ami eXttnalon for permit tire Itosa nnd I'licito de In This K'Ktn using I.ydia E. Pinkham' Vck roorni t,, the otlooat It perltapi the inalatcd begun on of Ihe live stock Interests. Objection I0 paying luxe at there frequanti) ravtaaated and cpunty. Work hn been has continued with some FOREIGN MISSIONARY ctable Compound ami I cannot tell you greatcti of all Here l where UBOQ purpose de-la- v Algndonea iiil to ia ug ,,n unequal thart. Thi f,,i im olhci than the Camlno Keal hotween people to the present time. in tha i , or tny one the relief it gave me you flnj vour wine room uml iln- phaae of nature in n doml and llw- livin- ol .i iiluting on nnd Albuquerque, un such roads will human From u year's experience with the SOCIETY TO MEET first right iiniil ruin and degradation Ihtt nanl thai today, in New Mexico, we Hi. water ilghte of New Mexico, he concentrated th unlet camps work, knowing well the three months. It put mo lollmv In force mid Its their wtke hav condllluii where a large num- Tint unaaUataotary ' of attempt and the work of constructing the work done and also whut has had to where I need not lay off even,' month I al nplllill In unit the right of I icean-lo-- i i can ai. ber of tin- tax payer are tlmply inn In nol 'PVlop WBtcr right niilHt Camlno Henl and Ihe he left undone becuuse of not having ami during the last 18 years I have not irltj t( delirium,- What tori , lie, I bt rapidly as at- Woman's Home and Foreign fnlng lu k'ep from paying more be d anf iiev thai the highway will be pushed It sufficient tlmt to give it proper The psid out two dollsrs to a doctor, and have the! t.hull have in avuid-in- g i a by best society Of the Presbyteri- le than ih. 'i? netfhbort who aiSi alati nglffett lui In mind plan possible in tccordanoo wiih the tention. I unt now in u position to Mi ilongry w hi, h they e, , been blest fora In Ih all Hi, pan, Thi ha come to wiibb tins will be aocompllthed. method and a tboioughh organised ay, from my own knowledge, that an church' win meet this afternoon with excellent health 'I i c nf th, n. cnuren nner uln ri Irifluenci the tdmlnlatratlon of coun- In the PiVioh. Hotiiile, llHlaniia lyatem of te highwuv such Ideas as ubove Indicated are Very it in the purior. ine my ageiind I can thank Lyrlis or he i right and llberlle either thoae ty and the officer of many and DJu flrande valb yi larai Calls fnr assistance come following program will remlcteo: E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound for t of attain nml trroneoua. s. Who confound 'he meaning liberty have are helag leelulnicd by pumping. engaged In llviin, "Collll YoUl I counileN arc tnktotta to their from all classes of people, .1 i " Since is over of Hi hi un pro the Change of Life with thai or lhot' who a.el ' In ihe engineer' Rcrioture reading enf profit in Hie full extent from Tdeie icord In OOnolUllOtt, this head, I every sort of bualness, and from ev- have been a maternity nurse and beim' willing to be governed by the ill of tu dodging of every variety. ., uel'eage to In bt ro- under John Mord.i oflii. ll,,. holi-orhl- e ery county state. Anyone who -- M I i d of yoUl in the n wholly cannot over be majpi ii l.'.ll".-Hil- l HWmgti It ha been wish to call the attention Mission or euuurt Instead "I an aaaeaament of il, limed will a will see "The I In thiN I hody to the fact thill the state consider for minute estimate the value of good health. innnoctlon recommend lion and tax levy of IW(t hiIIIh thai I here ale omethlng like police Hope. I become one of why this Is so. The mounted Among Mcxi- - little thai lection IJ72 of the fomplhd ii'-s- . engineer's office lius Talk on "Life have now earned a comfortable fOI Ntale and .in average of ten niHN 320.0UII a. force I an nbsolntely I.iiwn i1.', a the most important In the slate, and pirn, home of to read iin or les for OOunfy, We have an body men for the pro- cuns Mrs. just by sewing and nurs'ng sine I'ttwcr. work required of him has r.ipidlv of organised Helen Hope I follow: of lc 7 J.iiOti.miO, a de-- v the through- Music Miss was 62 years old. I have recomnienil'' Powei projeett have nol been is tUCh magni- tection ol lif. mid property Of Wom ,,f ;i - Increased and imw of The K ,!. uiption I'hlna's the goo.1 re- Sunday fur the parppttt oi lew t mill for lhi atalc and eloped to ii a) kartleular uxteat, ai- out the stnlo This forte has been Compound to many with tude nothing but a strong mid en- - -- umic( till act hall be. icgarricd a the Hn, i,, foqi p,.i cent in the (HTrthV thllllgh htviwligutbui Ik be- that used solely for such purposes and to Mrs. J. lb " sults, as it is excellent to take before cMcfitive Is m ll .it Hymn--"Oo- i are midnight doeg capable mnn i.lde hamlb' dig- d Will Take of BVRttYN lime latween Saturdat lle. Thl not Include tpecltl ing mud. iiptui the upper illlii. Ilic propeily maintain the pence and ' and after childbirth. "Miss nil aatttfactovUy. i rocoinntend and Vou ! nitbl and eiidntgbi sunuay night levle on patil, ulai indualrlcN nor Innlvlng 10 nity of The uppl'oprlnttori y Auki.ia STKWART, Kuphemia, Ohio. lirand, ami Pen rlvert! urge as a 10 the en- the state. plutOB - I oiKing. ll to me that there houhl dlalrb I s, ho. la I, vies Then in mailer nf iusllce Is is no duet aeetiia the InttalUilion ot inrge power planta, gineer and good policy for the state Im; this veur 112.000, and If ion want special adrlce write (o be iweuty.(iiur hours In Sunday the town the levy for city lax power more th, expenses of Ihe sher- . thoVld It be found thai tuch talaryl be iiicreusvd to $3,U00 than II rea-mls- K. ( o.fconn-dcnlisl- ) In -- that his first-clas- I.vilia I'm Mm in Medicine name every oilier day and there la hai to added 111 11 1'k eil a office In one of our s tall be milted jllll it at per milium forthwith. iff Slu, I, nt in Phy sics Could you get lUsg Vour letler will no good fot eliminating any I I pro- New reatoe It an wonder I tht Would-b- e price cheaper hn it It can 4e counties. Conditions In Mexico ., bv oil to the receiver tjm, lutcr-- ,.f any- - tiambHng ami Prtao itjtrta. hnnk holdint he opened, read tnswered hi I if Hiit time In Ihe Inveatot hi It ew --, warrant and demand an increase in tnd tttati I Ml'Min duced otherwise. Theae are subjects, o I of a telephone'.' confidence. Inn he ftnet aui tax Mluntlmi? In this connection, in relation to kindred this fores for the protection of the upon woman and held In lrict i While We II depends who is. would fm im i raci am mi that ii I have taken (hem together. legitimate of the stute. Professor of neoreo, can explained that power ami irritation, recommend, dol- Interests Clime Judge. of Intoxicating ll im n- - lie may properly spend thousands of so possi- talking. ih atle our mi thodt are ni as to mlah ad in it d im e with the suggestion of t must be checked, and fur lis ,,( lea ctahn-uil- t for advertising the retoul Is in Oomiunoltloa than and that he may I protected from thl stale engineer, that all lars ble stumped out. It time to make a CARD SIGNS FOR SALE. ,i htblteUU the boundurlea of our sliile. we might not to forget for more determined attempt now to Naturally, an to waters by reaaon of beneficial and mi, h coinmUpUlm ,,r village not to heidtate Hid a us, b, required to file in ihe Hate one moment thai our conduct eliminate the assassin, the r.iblHt and . favorably 01 rxe( ii one mill - iuat'1 or pint laws are advertising us every other kind of man who may be now a full aasort-- ; will wynibr engineer's i.ffui a statement adversely vnu can pass This? The Journal hua be dlvei-sio- all time. If law. How's The huIooii piohlutn cat mucJt w hethi he Ihe mrhjeel of of twtth Knowing the point of the a violator of the ment of Card Signs on hand. You , prtet fighting Kiit-non- Wt- lliiuilrt'tl Pullun Kpwartl fur any ,.ii,..i in i..ece town trjatn UB tied to law that will prohibit nffer Oat i...ttr tpectal tin target for accurately Ideated and II ( l cured l..v can certainly find what you want in It ollce proteotiOH than at object, nnd blot out gambling. voU w gh" Tht corrupt practices ad passed at cat., af aurtb that HbII'i iinie Juat dl Nome nil mat or permanent i.lvsrttae-men- t Cat a in. Care the following list: "Furnished Rooms roaaroadi- - and ainall vlllagei! wlnre the oi water appro- New Mexico the greatest the last session would, in my opinion, y. 1. CHENEY S CO.. Toledo. 0. a fa thoWlni amount I for Kent."' for la ope uiiilmrl,, d m Ho- that ll has hud for tomotlme be greatly strengthened and more ef- "I'nfurnished Rooms there no priated porpotea for and hV ' tuoivii p. and n.l.v ws Wr. tiie aneOrttaatOt J. Sale," I am Inclined to that corrupt by h'c Rent," "For Rent." "For intend to make our attractive tlily in which the suine being think ficient to prevent election it, fur ttie laat I.'. rstis. tid !"!"''' him ttate UhO0U t I,, to be only are too well kgnwn '"' 0t the enactment of a provision making iierfit'tlT aontH-abl- In all buoiucaii Iradaaetltinl "Rooms for Rent," "Furnished capital!! and homeaeekera. This seems the etalaj- - T make I m to pay in,t DuaDiiall; able I" tar-- uut ur ublifititma KXlHS-ltlO- to it qeceaary it It a crime to workers to Influ- Room for Light Housekeeping." We muNt have wu in li IU.IH' inii'i I, better enforcement ni' im muiii'u In g: e a i.o br bi Urn in regard lo Hu- rate aliv tent. ence voters at the polls or any other HV COMMERCR. "Room Board," Preparation now being made of (he law or aome method mutt be btalned . NAT. BANK and "Table Board." art cnnl place. practice of having work- Toledu, Oblu. I'invlded by our law makera ta Com-o- ! aie aauroiu luted iT'cr to Match Traveling tuillb"-- The "House for Sale," "House for Rent," ,, Iheavl office of the ers I merely a subterfuge to buy the aisle oi fleers lo p, rforin their duly. 11. '"'f I'me tot filing Th,. situation in the Hall's (atarili Cure la l.len istemallT. artlu( "Plain Sewing." "Dressmaking." The , i ll Is Votes, he N.M-r- KlHtemVllN lillllled to one traveling that and should not tolerated. npeu Ore bkied and uiucma aurfuis of i I,, iirnaltiet for failure should be auditor such ' dlreftlr price of now provided In 1 again call at- li,,. T.silBKf'iila free. t"rio r, card will be aold at Ihe low 1 u ftbwut with the tone this connection ..ateui rot of-- hara It great deal of talk Veal V hi eenta er buttle. Sold by all Onifgiata. lo cent each. Call at the business ! siide importance and will in all taxation by people who are not, well! The maac engineer ha submitted to do one-thir- d of the work thai tention to the recommendations made j laws. This In my tirst message for a personal lUU'a tMSllr I'ltls let l'uattiiatlaa. flee. fcrobablli' silt pate m magnitude sou I iiifutined jb to our actual lonoiilnn the draft w s oiti m govern me iou-- :contfmplated under our Ik ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1913. THREE "

attemptiuit to save l.i'iiiia J., Surah I FURTHER il. and Charlotti Kenly. children, Beauty Secrets of the Footlight Favorites AWARDS from drowning;. Coral, p lanuaty PERKINS ANSWERS II, 190. 1 T . 11.1 R MINIM tn I VI lt Tlo. - l(5aoedwith" I Daa M In I" ship lit on Valentine lH'illill "YHIrfc" Hn' nilar Mai FOR HEROIC ACTS QUESTIONs ON THE "(rati'.titrk DYNAMITE EXP ODES:

I 1110, W I every vcxtlge gum! An- - Mania Bi C, Jan 15. When) Allcocks hi n wan nuked ti Klve iii ei"et ol uf hulk. ANNOUNCED lodiay MONEY TRUST i.f beauty I liml thin nhiiii' nmoim, OtFMr thing that deatrnya yaiur l.eiuitv leaving the harboi here at 2 chrgn creeplns feeling MM KftK tin In itcohol III an form n all. A third o'clock, with a en 111 prising 2,000 OIK- l iine'M .'illthtu, when nut lUlt Of In gnaalplng and mnllclnim and un- niaea of dynamite, th, steamer Hacar 1 I The inirt, hlfWt, ulna! ili'a r reader, kind lliiillghts of other people. tool, fire anil. itcMine ii..v..nH i,a.ii...i World's Greatest have no beauty m itci. was beached en riotectlon Island, The -- iillneNM, kI rl mi IhRi imMM'im-'i- i "A fourth Is urn lea either tmeie Commission Makes Samuel Unteimyei Has Under- External Remedy. Kniy the powder exploded, thi rtetoaavtlM re- degree of Hon, IlinKH. lint IDMl mental or phyidenl. A fifth In Inzl-nea- nine Public List of Money and sulting In several thuinuind .f iik have hpiimi' cnmigh not to mse al.No mental or phyalcul. If you dollar taken to Find Where Concen- damage. plate glim wtado iin areiit beuiillca. At bust wr dnti'i want to be sood looking you iiniNt to mp.e of I Medals Number facing the water front as ami tration of Capital and Credit ilo IhBl to MirBGtvea. Ah fur nr can work. While you are very voting "ii broken ... ihu very great bciiutlca are worn-.- n several persona lertoualy work to enhance th qUgJKlea which Persons, cut. fjvar) Becomes Evil, who hiive workcil at being member of the Inline an (luliy nature him given yi i: later on you iru u long time. Take lenly. the explosion occurred The I limlimce. She certainly iniikca a lllllsl Hul l, H e r In keep these titan for f the damage to the vessel I not yet I lli Joiirnul spr. 1st Wire. I I I iiuilneaa of betna' beautiful, mill noe, glfla from ruvtlng i ilclirlinallng M.irtilni l.n.i.1 Ill, Miirniiig I, ,,n it. S(h-- i 1., Wli,. I Coughs. Colds. Weak I. httahurg, Pa., I a.- - know n. tinea Kheumallim In Shoulder Unit I begun to think iihnut the The unman who I pta herNelf gel hid-I- Jan. The far- Washington, Jan. IV in a hypo pravanliTtl hue Ath i i's llasltn act u a lUliavadlif using Atlioik: s matter, I may try to do ho my If and emiNly fat utiles It illNOaW. ax ni'Kle Hero fund i oinmlsilloii tmnsb th. tn ii queellon put 10 lienrgr W I'lmtfrt a wall ai a urativ. A thum for or ten yeara I will aeereti-,,- anniuinceil a of hiatal us in (ne have Ii freiienlly In In Uiv. The woman further Hit awards CASE OF MYI IDS UP I'm kins. Samuel l'nt tmycr, counsel Prarant cuIJa li di j. lieiiuty. lull nit to now, like Topty, was vniuig se.iu Stllfneaa m 5orenea uf muaclo. who In menially Indolent may have lor heroic nets. The lust list for Ihe money trust committee, out- just (rowed." public on ". The FOR EXECUTIVE com-plexln- made November DECISION lined unlay record nf N'oi having any aeeretn nt my own, beautiful features and a good from the the Allcock's is list, with medali Abided, etc., us a of the original and genuine plaster. I you I wax luit hhe cannot, figure Ml committee "concentration nioncv ptirous will tell thoxe oi h woman Ml follows. is talking to In the boaemenl oi a great those wumen whom I call beautiful, and credit," and asked Whether .Mi. It a standard remedy, sold by druggists in every I. mils Sill, ill, medal part inu il. i.iilineiit attire the other day. who combine mental and physical i'. htmiie and Washington, Jan. 15. The right to I'el'klns considered It "a menace nnd 11,1100, as needed ot the civilised world. Apply wherever there is Pain. she wan ileinoiiNtiiitlnu Nome aort c f gifts, which interest and charm every Schnll, ciirpi'llter. eiuei the United st.ii r i:dwar,i k. peril t,i the prosperity ot the coun- i saved liayiimnil ( ii touKtcr thai Khe hail Invented h one. I,nfcar. elerk, Myllua, detained by the immigration try." ye Nell, and she KM a very hatiili'in (ran drownlDft, Hanti cru$, t'ui., Ju'n authorities at .New fork, depends BOW Tbe ipiehiiun generally was accept hulking who might have n 'Tor myself, I have never let my- womuii. !.. !. Mill. entirely upon Herretary Nagel's ed ua Mi. I iileiinyer'a conception of tliittv-flv- c get buy. My Is compara- I or She had a g.ccl self work i nee Von, tin- Lotion Rubs right in. Something luonze whether inn,, for which he the elusive i tilled money trust of AI COc kS figure, lil. o k luil r, natural; fine black tively humble, though I have Invent- medal and II, null, as needed. Vim was convicted In of libelling new and For rubbing whtre it inconvenient i yeH, anil n full not In lindon, Whleh the committee is In search. Mr. food. ii to put a round faee with ed this little nun hlne which making Nostra nd, nttetnptod to save King plaater. It. I liiiym;'. Md If. tieorae V., wai aadMJoM libel Perkins, declining the Wonderful in eauee of croup, whoopm cough and all local ii wrinkle nil hud lieeii in,, fairly well-lii-dn- . Shall I tell you alter that p T. Waverh l)oxc. and wived pama. Quaianued A- -l Sue a make-u- for the stage, and dropped Florence or criminal libel. Ii is understood win r reminded him of the eonnun-ilriin- i. to be an Liniment. Price botllt. how old I am" Almost nbl eniuiKh I" R, Hie bundle In ot aland. The Dosey and I'tauk Hulvoraen, dill, that Secretary Nigel Imlds h II Stnd fun far bamfif vltl. front her I criminal is imiitsc when spins," rnt ilamri t be your am years mi rm . Rrandmother. from (Hen X. ALLCOCK pgpet and all the thlnga fell dren, drownlnc. t'ove, libel to he a crime InVOjVlrta mm al asserted 1h.1l b aid nut -- ai whether MANl'F AC TURING CO. t?4 Canal Bli trt Ntw Yoft. i lit. .'he Ull Very nice, of age." V.. January K. 1911. lllld helieil turpitude. One later eitln phase I" co hi, as outlined In the QMaV nil- pick them up anil wrap up 1 I them Well, was struck dumb, for John Mclirlde, i.ninie medal nnd which olficiiiki are Riving attention Isj lion, was a peril. again, and that In how we got into :t5 n day Ml would have said and not tl.000, as needed. lliuic. laborer, th,;t granting alleged ,,r 'iit.-- i H the ftbe the) Mr. tnv .1 In putheliciil you hum rsallon about beauty, becauae more, anil vnu know we net to In good 'saved t'yrus U Nail (mm drnftninK, king When need a Pill He In w was seditious waa Miss s, ymottl "money (mat" pnstlon was put after nil thin ihe package iv I lodge of i the stage. think Tarpon, Tex. March , lit 10. , .' In make nie look belter on the Ntngc. llbeileii rimlnally Mr. Perkins had recommended pub. take a (Est. 1731.) dcmiin--ii.ilii- her In beauty are worth Willi II. I'l. ther, bron.e medal Brandrettts TheNe thing.".'' Mid l secrets II. ii as ure BVlla, Pill the a for flnnndul the , of the tuiiNlliiK inaeliine. iih die I am aoini; to remember and Sl.ono, ai needed Halltel. Bnya of New stock Per coHBTie-ATioN- niLiouangaa, HBADACMg, Intere! Ill Milwaukee Club. in. i.riuiialion the York . OlIIINlaa. w per-hail- s MV4 I'heas-fro- ' INOICIBTION, - Linked at me ith a Minlle. pointing to them mil put them In use. and deck hand, I'. William 11111I1 a B.c. Milwaukee. Wis . Jan. If.. William exchange federal charter, a Ihe I Ke and Ihe cv climb pen II, when 1 am (i'i 1 "III look as ant. level man drowning. Armour, formerly Interested in the affgaw, ti spulisibillty uinonii bank di- "theae thl nut) will never make one young and attractlvi as she dues, and IKniKlMN I ndlni!. t'ul., Mas :7. I HI). beautiful, though do Detroit. CleveUiiid Tolnda clubs. rector and the according representa- the .rente the will have n healthy trim flume and John V. Ibigeinaiin. luiuine medal illusinn nf beauty from the aide has purchased 11 Block of stuck In the tion mi the directorate to minorltv other a face free from lines. land tl.lMIO toward pun base of u thi nolliKhtS. Mllwiiuken hOM- - stockholders In corporations. The point poncontra tog im ' w 'fnrin. Ilagciiinnn, laborer, rescued American Validation certain t ,,u,i tli ntinn is made to enable the m Want to be Inalltlflll vnil ball club from Mrs. queatlon was as followa: a peril, but whether at the pnint you court up Dtvld i ' Schhictcr. farmer, and Jlln-n- l Pharlea Hnven,or, to clear Its calendar. The nk lieauli. you will owner, "I call your to exhibits be. II must Kl-- the and will have complete attention sav has reached It would be a peril bill will Have to be agreed tn I'V a ' 1.. S, hinder from a lunaway, l to be beautiful. o fore Ihe committee from which you I can any, I ot i PORTRAYS gin, III., June a, isnc,. control the club ibis year, Ut not have been out conference illllttee of the two she Kit Id ibis her cms flush-- I HTnvenoi will will note that Ihe lullnwlug nine in touch wnh theae for two years houses. Krnest K. IIokkos, hroiixe iiicdul retnin the niajci llj ol affairs I i, and she spoke cxacllv as If she It Is Will con- stliuilnns. J. P. Moigan & Co., (and would study ipies-tloii- c appnn-Imatel- v Ud Mil disablement benefits and the stock. Armour, said, and want to these The legislate bill carrMng were on In sialic lending 11 Drexd A Co..) liuaiatily com- ; I aiilna the tl.flilft. as needed. ItogKCNs. machin- trol the business ffaIra of the club Trust ver) carefully. I'm opposed to :t;,.:ia:i, probably will lie Imly. ot tntereeted heoetiee she J Hairy pany. Hankers' Trual compan. First the of money power, E ist, attempted to save Ray H. I'tter, and Clark, recerttl) Bfipolnted coin duration paaucd lotnoriow. The commerce lill nii keenly nil the suhicct, and I SCOTCH VIRTU .National bank. National Clt bank, power, or energy a Rtachlntat, from hurulim. Hood River, succeed Hugh Duffy, will direct bruin where that court amendment precipitated l.lli w thai 1 w mid bin e to Chase Nation. il National Hunk oottoentrat is likely write this i ire,, May 1810. ten in on the Held. bank. ion to result in linglhv debate. Progressives held that so I th oiiKhi I would I, or Commerce, Life In- Itodaey a Perry, brdMti medal and the Mutual harm." the .1. nit should abolished Murch Kiiultiililc Ufa companies have tolal pal-tie- s .'. .is needed, luctitlnnnl The committee, n executive ses- 4th. Members of Ihe other two f be benutl-o- f I 11: I NwaMfcei d 4x11, 0011,000 without tu AND VICE purposes. Terry, aged IK, hihoolhoy, IXMTOll's ttl s sion, determine that Chairman I'lijn elalmad that inrmlngthiw of the lol in, f I was a Kirl your regard to ,1 auc," saved Albert 11. Collins from drown- - Hrenks Severe! old In a Oil) and other lllatlom. and Counael i'ntci invci lsll William activities of the POUrt) Mulch 4th, .III I ('tires n ( 11 1 "AWMinlnn to be the saleswoman. 'Btll was not Mng, Alton, Me., December t, lfl(9. ruble ounh. the sltuullnn as llockofeller and take his testimony In Mould raanlt In ohaotlc rmndftlfan in pretty Kill, you. In s. led, and like put that Walter II. Wallace, deceased, bronze assuming further that ut the opposition uf Ml. Pujo, the bjialnaaa world. l.eci UNI thai Is what sh said, This has lieen published foi the business of making large Issues n Senator e, thoimh J Classy Comedy at Elks Satur- - inednl to widow nnd pcnlon nf I,'i0 a here This dbtetmlnatlon (allowed the Dixon, of Montann. I eoveral and baa proven years, oa't want to (tattef myself Itti, winters Ihe of securities, for the last five of c, w. de ntrgt that the atpraptia-Ho- n month. Wallace, aged chief clerk, q.ulckeat ob- in Rlchardaon, who it on day Afternoon and Night Is ami most reliable formula has been conducted mainly on Joint would only in piling idled attempting I'athleen B. tainable for coughs colds, "ftrom reported Mr, Rookafeller would sub- reanli the w and BCCOUat between Morgan & Co.. the up of was a plain, a kw UI'KI Smtgs. Sullle C. McLean and Mary 11. your druggigt got ouncm ofrtlyc- - mit to a brief examliiatlnn wlthnlit more caaes in the commerce Mild Satire on Life in Land two Klrst National bank and Cty h cms Inn hlu for my face, and ii Wolff from drowning, Santa Roaa Is- - eilne and half an ounce ol I'ine National serious results. The committee will court. Senator rmiimlns, of lown, lilobe of New York, t nth that was just a slit, hollow of Kilts, Hand, Fla June 11. 1911. Compound (Concentrated pine.) Take Hank Lee lliggiuaqti (.amine Ja eb lohlff tomorrow. who had oppiisoil the court, was In hcii'ks and an undeveloped figure, these two ingredients home and put Co., am) Kidder. Peabodv A Co.. of lavnr uf transferring Its Juriadlctiun Adam A. Oberst, deceased, bron.e Hav-- "" i i Hoslon, and the Illinois Trust It I In ubol-ishbi- lull adored beauty, vented to he nieiliil to pension 2a a them Into a half pint of good w hlskcv Bona other before Mil t ii ii ,i afternoon and uiKht at mother and of luga licitiitiful more than ainllilnu aM In Shuke It well and take one to tw hunk and the Klrst National SENATE VOTES TO It. Klks' theater. Albuiiierieans will month. oberst. stationar) fireman. 01 n go, Die world, I after emh meal at bed itanit lea and know mi: wnai and determined that have an uppurtuiiit of scelnK the 'died saving riiarlcs L. fair, aged 89, and OF COURT wrotlld in' as nearly as lime. Smaller doses in Bis yi'ii do as tu the methods of business EXTEND LIFE mutlful much talked-o- f and d for foreman ot a gas conip.inv. from suf- children BOrdtng to age. lie sure to gi t Mill and financial power and affiliations of ieraon with my llmlti ns could be." "Bunty Pull the lurlnn,H the now focation, ('iirpcntersv Ille, 111.. Kebru- - FRENCH FEMALE the genuine Globe Pine '0111110111111 these Institutions, please state "Please tell me ju how you famous Hfotch comedy, interpreted h lary 6, 191 1. whether Mine). IS, Hy a or Run," I wih.-- I an company. The play has (Concentrated Kadi half ounce thla concentration and control of Washlngtuii, Jan. vote (liestinncd hi Cecil II. Kalberg, deceased, bronze PILLS. tmiues-slo- bottle comes in a eealcd lln screw lup mangy a J;i tu I'll, adopted today un ennatai- Him a hook like i eiihi port- - made an exceptionally kTmd and credit constitutes peiil the senate i.ll, HUH In London. New York and Chi- iiicdul to mother and tfiiitl, as needed. Pane. Any druggist has tt on hand or to the progress and prosperity of the atnattdmOM lg the legislative execu- "hire V er. Ut lrei' cago. K.irl'cik, HTtd 19, reporter, died at- will quickly get It from his wholesale lagi I country." tive and Judicial appropriation hill, iinbgM trtnj, U W foe I peo- "To henin with, Itudted the " Scotch tempting to save Dorothy McOrew, house. Don't expet linent with prep- or i nan plan fnm IfVaeji arwjjfpat deaj Ml 'llunty is a mild satire on In reply, Mr Perkins delivered a lengthening th iifi the eomraaroi r vile a I ple that I met. pickinit nut tlms, that aged from drowning, aration because nt cheapness. It don't it virtues and vice, the austere rellKb'iis itf l.u Jolla, long nn economics, ol court until June ::(itli. tin- mi en 111 CO., T4, Ungllfta. I Puy fool talk the tist I'mler were the best looklnu. and IflOd '" practices are shown, coupled Willi thai ICaJ., August ii, 1911. to with a bad cold. Published hy (llolie uLbora-torle- a which was: isllng BWI the COUrt Would hci nine a find out their secret was. In prol'lts hy observa- the Pharmaceutical what shrewdness which I 'ha l ies L. I 'in ell. silver tblng nf past 4th. every nf spirit. medal. of Chicago. "Every one will agree that M I ihe after March almost case the best Inukitiu tion of form anil violation jrovcii. rape tin tfndent ot puiiib women were hen ItMeet hup-- l It depict tile stern patriarchy of a the and works, sui ed Until King, Sarah 4. iesl. They led normal, biiNy Ihcs, father who has himself a past, and unerring. Williams and two unidentified woiu-- , they kepi their minds occupied with details with an humorous touch of remarkable delicacy, lights en. and attempted to save Albert I'liiiMHit Ihotiuhts, and they did not and shadows nf Scotch domesticity, Hurst from dm Ailing. Wellington. do any which are de- of the thlnffl frugality and eea renins enrrf Ineea, m Kan., June ft, 90S. A chuiUhurAt at beauty, 1 found out Noises structive to as well as the Hiie.11 and hlg Impulses of Head night caused of llnrgls Deafness the waters and uccpli later. a narrow communiiy imbued creek (n rise suddenly and flood a "These destructive things are often with the severe creed of t'alvnnlsm, portion of Wellington. In the year 1860. taken up as fads. (Hie of them is Austin M. Morgan, silver medal Bunty., who pulls the sirinRS, is the in, va lent Just now amonu women of pre- Morgan, real estate dealer, saved Wil- Positively BliffKr, Cured daughter of Tammas and B, assassl-natto- a certain set. That is smokitm. Hun- sides over his household as Ihe suc- liam Mason, minister, from dreds and hundreds of women and cessor of her mother, who died I wo CletHirne, Tex.. Pecawher 7, Sound Rlrls smoke without reallzlnR years liefore, 19(17. A Universally that this vicious hahlt will rob them BtMle. Simpson In an old maid and Lorenio firtlit, silver medal ami New Method That Is Proving the Most Wonderful and a distant relative who has loaned taOO, us needed, (irtlg, truck laborer, HP m Tammai a matter of one hundred e,nd saved Alexander R Tuwnes from twenty pounds, which Tammns used drowning, Oklahoma Oklu., Jan- eld- i'll, Successful That the World Has Ever Known to make good the deficiency of an uary 27, 1912. son. Miss Slmpsiiu compels Tam- er Magdaleno silver medal ami COMING mas in choose hclween marriage or Barf, the restoration of her money, and IBM, as needed. JlnrRiis, track labor- Tammas is not In a position to Puiii-ilai- er, saved S. Ilrooks Townes, Jr., aged CRYSTAL THEATER and In i uiw "i'iciicc pasaes a IS, from drowning, Oklahoma City, The Secret of This Method Is VIBRATION bad Sablmlh. )k la., January 2 ,, 191 2. Thursday and Friday. Jealousy of an old flame of nyanej Mettier, sliver metut' ami Tammas' Impels the vindictive old l,90, as needed. Metaler, dentlet, to Tammas In the 16-1- 7 maid denounce tuived Annie N'owton, aged 12, from of the Inner Ear Jan. Only kitkyaid, before the churchgoers as ilrow nlng, Why the cocomagh, S., Octo- a dishonest man, when inventive ber 1909. llunty promises tu make (OOd the l(, Selig's Great Feature amount and iierlfi the arrest of her James A. Miller, silver medal and father, by cunfiscntlnu the nest ckk l. as needed. Miller, foreman, of her wcrtdinu with bonesi Weelnm attempted to react ie Jet & Itogcis. in 3 In Reels Sprunt. The rest of the play taken luged t$i farmhand . and Ora fostlc-- Hope for All the Deaf I v up in showing how tout sets all j wait, aged 14, farm well digger, and n'afii,Hi( nnil hMd dNnpp''.it nl the poHUlve rure of deafnetKi and defeating Susie and mar n things right from a cave-i- In cesspool. Liberal. I'tHi an If hy the mar elmii to bOynoofl love, irniaic under of hearing i a perfcrlly nutnrul THE COUNT OF rying her lather his Kan., October It, 1911. ft incthmi o irtfttitwni dteuvri1 hi n smoothing the path of her dissatis- lln- thi fl it j A tit r It'll II I'll li Allen W. McDowell, sliver medal in n fied brother, and arranging her own lulu. Ittiin'iniiM Kile ardttar The iior tore do otd aek anyone io tako and $1,."i4,"i benefits. Mc-- I If0trt4 irfiitim-nt- Tuil have iiv.-- Mfcjlll marriage with Weepiai, The whole heir word rot m. ii r do tin v mk awyntta to tool-d- m:1iIiik Tlif MtMN of UfofitpM slmpllc-It- y Dowell, i 'easer, saved I'. lilc Inveal .i Intl they are thoeoutfniy cdh story Is told with untneatrto Jessie IdTli rl (y Hcn.t iillv ItnAtrv tnr 41 .ni Mild K. ft vim I'd ha in h t rae i man I will oure tbem. MONTE CRISTO In terma of unformed humor and James Hatcson from buininc. mi Hirii'. hul on jwofmot of the tunicary H" en tUv wonderful, itmphi nnd .it,i(n le d th nffMnium "f ill' 'ur n& dirflruliy by thoroUfhly Delaware, Okla., January 22, ' Him dtiOOvefy p. lid n is interpreted actors loin. many rtl lln pard, tnn- sreai tnd mdde ilia readhi ramadm work of I tarri-Id- e With tin'' spirit nf the anthnr. William I'. Miirley. m eat'ttped retell hi the deaf from their silver medal and toi uefliii alloui the mWH afftk'tlnn, (he llaitofl 000 InvinilKullohH f aretiil Mliat lutai. ifveii from .iin if ill, disablement benefit and 11,000 ' total deafneae from and af nt m d t m il pui i ly htrlh hiK reitttariMft If him imlMen toward liquidating his Indebtedness. 'n,t "H Uie Ihe terrible heiid which lorlllle SlORf the limn of in lulo luiuea ndd of the lieted, ihut Di. Murley, i the obcull or iff the farmer, attempted to rescue rlaeivr aataitttflc myeui "f (JretnH will Mend you full ami uumplele liivimhU- .Niiitire-foKTM- . nnd in I It Im realm he (.. Cap-to- Information the marveb'tia Theater J. Austin from a runaway, f no fid hi key to the mi tlcuhir N'mnrc-for- eoueernitiK LKS i s, 91 of ih in wonderful metuud and hw ikiu.. February 1. used in tutu new maneioun maihd you can rare yooraelf at home absolutely Dorl K. Lewis, Al ter yearn of iliidy. embraclnf Ihe won FIRST TIME HERE silver medal and .im) i'..nHiititf nt of ear free, You an writer for thla liiforniallou tliiiitl no tdMi-lm- rpureetf UMi4ff any t:ooo, ins needed, for myhiM (nun phase of nerve Without obliK ELKS educational nr,iuinni, the tlom wlmtevei Witie t.'day. explain ftillv E pwpoaea. Mi-- s ilfit and phenomena found inervwhere lu the you Lewis, lined M, truly rttaotf yroir caee uitd will have nent you a full muffle life rtf Nature, ntariirnw nnd of achookfirl saved lletijamln W, Dla-7- , - concerning the iflwtlve S: eomphrtt detHirltloft this erlei wen- made how dlicovefj Home of the out THEATER per. , prdoeaeea Involved lh hcaiimr ami with oldeet and in ture FRIDAYJanuary 17 aged from drowning, i'owiiiik-- petvhKent linen have been perfeel ly and on aielentlfKi Uiom of what waa Vlie, rate ledn to I Que N'ovember 25, 1911. i (Him nitinelmiaj new method wae permanently ured he crealeet urpi neceneuiy of thoee who wit ne ma the QUrWf und the Albert C, mm who ii in. iotlilvely Zeluer, deceased, silver fw tn eiinple, yet en erlenun- und Saturday The United May ( o.'s lOviraordliiury 'those Awful "llend Noises'' Tlml Vearlj Drlie I'nn Wild llelieted eurea newrly every Mne. no mutter of how ireatnifnl in Q4U medal to willow and $H00 to liipildute Trial un l u ii that you w ill w onder why It wtie From the Ural Ioiik NtutiiliiiK Ruf wh.t raueed It. SiK'essi. mortgage, and pension of m a Not fthreovered UaOfW, It In Ktiuranieetl lo January month na "hrft e with (hi wonder he eiitltely free from hurah method, nhoek, It ui ik' i ieiii Otll with $& 11 1: month additional for her ful nW Hlrlhoil of tlvatllltlll how I'lllc ol) pain Injur) of any kind. Hlinc thU Tin: im v voc HAVE lll'.IA t.isxt HYWmN ,m son until he reaches age of Hi. Zel-ne- have been deaf, iidf ntrnt otiuteil your method wae perfected thoiieuinhi nf of Rejoicing From Those Who i Uf hoyefeM ly WAITING n , Letters nemn. thu treiMmant will rem me heuilna in deaf have been partnaueitl ii roofer ami sinter, died attempt-- alniflMt evei) etute uvk ly and pet muiic nt ly. eured. Wild' today to Or. I.. C. drains t o,. lug to save Churl '. Sullivan, aged Have Been Made to Hear No mutter how muny iKvotora have pro- nHV I'nUlfei KIiIk.. ("hhajro. Ill, for full uml noun . d iiM- titiK new complete mfm million now to be CUrid Meiwra, slmis i't William A. 1. riom a live Ibullng-ton- , hiieleM, trtitt ami electric wire, mtu pre mi neat n tot alone the riutebt) and poeliively nd i stay itrudy llu BflMU t il rnent ndf " hi urd if AmHiiincc Vt., September 7, 1812. Few EXIWt Fhmii .tm fnl I'ailtMiU Uhosc llnii'im; Itcsii.t only abi' int e and permanent relief of heml Kdwln S. Newlln, hy ThW Htm Mvmh. deceased, silver ' I canieil nut j.-t- tn B1 proved from mart. After the flint 10 noil or u eiiivr lH iivuui ami pension J20 Hti'tictloM for tin- llirrtt ami urn trestmenl t convtttccd "u (uui turt COUPON I ; FREE j month to each of three children. New. gUt1 )( Huy tlut jroup trcHlrurn t han efiilielj me Bfsw aVftff hix wr kn i nn bear Diagnosis and Information w hNpi i room hiive bl j lln, farmer, died to lare ele attempting save bejtJh ui one n'l my hfurfnit ) now he ftret Mini .n well Bunty Alia Wulte, aged 22, and Nelll K.'IVW. if It vtr wan in my tlft- My ((nial Ton much praise cniiol be AiHlersiin, aged 27, i iteiiit n i verj mucn imprnvfn una my giv und our teittinent. The from drowning), ' l, . Kmporlu, j an a- uiv ull mirnrin-.- .i g deafneKi hue been lolVtd int. t.HAlNs CO. Kan., July 17. 1912. ut the trHu!irt. u I uifntfu Ulal U.f m em by in. . and Public in PronoilBC an 11. warren, deceaeed, bron ntnt uttrr iulta In the country wtili-- ut n ttl PiiWfer in. in. Pulls t'nlte Mtt. Cttrftl f your wonderful the Yfuur ha, alio nt)rp)y "After ten months medul to it the Beet Itmnanlii IMny father and pension of $25 a my ratMtrh I unnol tlmnk you tito much treaimem um happy to say that I 0S1 month to me- of thlfl " I was 011 an father pr to mother, during for rfltWvioc turrllilc affliction hear aifaln perfeetly. almont rntliely the Mucin Stage. denf in noth ears Cou Id not hear a whI h the life of either, $700 to llipil-dat- e and "I ail well satisfied with the results of H k more than a fW inches dlHtuni with liejit their Indebtedness. Warren, yonir tn Itnieiti f a deafness. The r iarlna h Could ud hear any conversa- Id Strings I na dlffUulty. farmer and blacksmith, died attempt- In nt) Ityad hut eeaeed and enn hear much tion Without ttreat it rain and free i'Io ni ohllaalt lly 1 wu better, am not nsltif the apparatus ull Cwtkrrh t the nose and throat iery u.n rettuidinii ilie new melliii III" rl ing to save Unpen E. Tobey, I I QRAIIAM MOFFAT. Superb Cast aged 5k the timet now etfiect i ehould but feel bud tuiaohlai1 lube were closed. N'ow uwd i ure of mv (muhle. from drowning, H bo I uilse e niettnies J would iml ti bear n wut eh tiek several feet dUtu nl I Vassalboro, Me Muv rlftta j '"IT If wish y mi io make n dli With Chi-ctiK- o, you as well I the Princess Theater. 19, 191 2. wan widli It fo ti nun eee hw uud hear nrdinsry ennversutl.m as after1 haai inn fi on as vol or Magnificent Production 1 apprxvute it iml hw i ivh toward your ever ctuld In my lire. The catarrh Is en- li(aW barge. Cast j SlBH of Plners IntMOt C. Henry Carr, rte eased, bronze wonderfiat rure (or deafness." tirely cured and I breathe freely thjfftUjfh both nostrils without any dlsehnitfe tm mo- medal to mothef and $t,O0O. ivm need- ed, "It hi "Affth steal Joy that I ann'mnci to ron whatevpr. The ihrfiat and voice are SEATS READY TUESDAY farr. a;;cd 15, schoolboy, died you that fjiiy lieniitiit naa been perfectly re- clear. MefofS taklns; vnur trealment I had Prices: $1, $2 to save fleorge 11. stored in, m ihJ"Ujh your trealment. tried a number of different kind of ireut- - $150, Cronln. I 'When 3 eame to you I Was totally druf i ment wlihoiit any benefit In fa' t, arew AT MATSON'S iged 17, from l Mall Orders ow ICerrlved. drowning, Lynn. Mass., and thouiftit Mioi "uld lu my reason a woree all ihe tlrne until I cum to ypu. l 2, 1 9 very Seat sale ut Matson's store, July --J. the terrible noisee allnoni made me Imgan to iBtprove rapidly from ihe first lt.,k W. Roy Stokes, raay. treatment I am now peifeetly cured uud limitary 10th. deceaseil, silver i eoUlifl bot yit"nd tn my work In the regard ymr treatment as marveloue In every medal to father and $1,000. as need- ound houbr and " ftred to lav off. A sense und would not take a ihoasand dol. Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.50 former "f yours sent me to v.u for lare for the henerii I have reeolvetl from v HsVf lemonl ruled Ihil ed Stokes, aged 12. ,l,-- , I i t IHU lie " ehoollnn. ehbh J elaji slwavis Im gtatefal le hlta ! it" llrltt .in litkloiril THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1913. FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL.

I V; taxea $V14; pen- - $2:,0. peftll tot, il. $J0 $1.01. GUARDIAN ii, . $1.81; It. lASSOCIATE FORESTER SPECIAL iln 4, (flit 21 II T. I N.. It F . tax I.OI Fustem Add . tax $ I. SI; low 11141, si.'. cnxu, LR OAD DEMAND ALBUQUERQUE REPORTS SALE OF $S 14; ilt.. 40. II "S. tot $10.42. pennltv '2. ii j. I TO VISIT lul. til' - M .2. n. E., Uit 1 to c, lllk. 34. CHILDREN'S LAND ii. suiumn- l, ink. N N . 8C IS, T, Hi t I'r.ic KimtrrB 5 Add.; .14; $1.03; pan I'taxe., 1 i.M. panaUy (ii IV $2.0; pttnlty, ,.,, A f, Potior, n, ft)latalWho !. 1141. total fl.ll; $H.. i 7 ! 1 to , Ulk 43. BOOSTS LUMBE ih upending runvitllnt 'i ,h' ft Hd. vv i. nc T N . R 4 K.: taxed. Pruc. V.un Vp.,l,,nl i 'mm! Illd, appointed by Dl-- 1 .flti; v . Handova, K. E $1.3$; total, Add.; tnxca, $1.2": penult), Ainrii. km Livetloi k " X I $H.14 panally, .40; cnta, Cnu II. K. Ha) no I da, pcclalj W. Uui $1.31; total. Ht IK cXP'' tri.t Judfe Klelnwnrt. S' M $$.. illlWfl PhllonI, All., "d , R.; x, 41, KiKirrn Add ituurdiun to Mil prop, in fur hi lid N. U. ',u rililtil at r.,it awv e. i , t. s n n. Lot itu Utaj in visit AH imii. ruin . Ha proiwidv V. 11,1,111 per- .OS final ill, .'. c, lloi r; t n.- -. laWity, .4". i"Kt, $1.3$; It. ti: penult). rnKt. $l..l, inilT grandi hlldrttr, Adelufda. Trinidad and 8.14. illi-'il- from Phoenix. A il; ,eB- - MARKET ulll t'tme Paatlllo, irteterdA) riled hi aonal property. I2 total, IMS. ' Who Manuali ii I. 2. $.2. 4 ; !,ot T. r,3. lllhalund. lIMtKll fnreMer, alt), .22; coat. $3 2; tot $? (fff Hec. 3$, T. I X . n. I $, lllk. Kiidlcrti Add; report mtii Hie dtalrM clerk Ju.liel - i 4, $4 , t- - Is hi lln kiiiiin indention, iii.l John M. I n I Ulk pastalty, 40, $1.2$; tnxra, 17; penult). .21; alo '"' i tnxe, $.i4. rot. Ray no Id Itaudq an ordei iif liniinir ti i n Add ,,,t :,. ti. Illli. 25. total, $ (b. will in i ll)n ti Ml. I'ottiT. totul, $9 II.'. the mil. I property, $40; HK Lot 4. lllk. 34, II. II Add fata, i WVi, S'.i II ( .51, costs, K, $$ $11.77. penult), .44; H.II; total' i I II., k report re, Hint h eold tuxe, $10.21, lt, Hac 14, T. !' N , It. IllXl it; mat. i 'ut lie for Inimf nse Amount mi i.,,,. 2. tolul, $13. 02. $1 tola!, is i lie lun, I lo the MmiiIh Ke railroad for :: uenultv. 4i; eOMt. 3: $f.2. - .nt 17, LM I, II. II. Add.; (Ill, - Mi III- llliiiy Ik H lllnl '" "" Sargent, John 1. Blk. W i. Hoc jo T. lo V. It. i:.; lllk. to. tuiat Placed Last 11.078. The children lecontly made, Add.; taxes, .76, permit). penult)', COM. l 31- tniut' Car Material iiwiiii hour after dinner 34, Pereu $$.-14- ; penalty I lilt; .It; win, tn appllcatloa in the court tor permla-- j taxaa, I cunt ( ifii iil i what I'Vt cstcn, 44. i'Ki, .:ir; totul, iu totul, $10,14. ar; A Large Number of Ml, h, II aaked the appoint-- j KhI. M Jt 4. lllk. S, filhli V'HI Would if your wtk 'it in mi SwtK, MB 6 Sec 12, 'I', Opportunity nt. maav their griiiidfutasr to It ,v I Add I :.:.. ,en,ilt. 42. cokIk, $13$, $S.5ft; pen cnau, iik ii K n mine Boston! mint: tu taxa. IS. .14. penult) ti xes Also p"ot $1.3$; total, $1.0$. I i . in. I the tale. .11: cnat. totol. S10.14. Trim, rlpl S, Ct., V. K. ; L, M, X, P, Blk. 2. rc,t mni, Donlolo 2SSS lid. eiKI HeO. 12, T 1" N., It. Lt4i it, A .1. M It., S A. K. Koad I tuxes, 117.10; penult i. r. (liutide. taxra, $s :t penally t: ; coMm, $1.3$; flu tela, f W. (' A. ilrunde; $.",.; pamtlty I 1 A I A ootta. total. 111.70. iixa, I UIHt, vt v. v $; S .2 coKtK, SI. M; total, v i iv tr i nr. , s I, Rlk. 0, L. A S. Add T. in N It. m Lot , it,,., llll run,,,- - It, lid. N. - ai $1.3$; 14.38, pen., In. .".' cost-- 1 x ' 41- " n,.llu,. .11; cttta, O, I. rtedlllo. M. K. Hedlllo. K. Alley, j ' $YT8 ' $ ..'is. n.. iw. . 24. T. 10 V, Lois 14, 15, lllk, 1, J. A. Lee Ado. . , i u' in n it aorta SWi, Sc. , i ' l i m a mw- - penalty. .18; LIST J M J i li' t'lVi It. :: K.. tnxe. $2.0$, peiiultv, .1; taxes. I7. .; (.!,' DELINQUENT dlllo, v Road to it R.; 1 07 till ft, eisjta. $1.3S; total, $3.6U. 11.31; total, 111.70. N. H. I.uoero, K. 2, A lid. J. II. Hundoviil, J. m;Vi ni. , , HW Lot 23, Blk. J. Lee Vdtl ; V. It. U. nvvh iw't .r.'i " , V Sedlllo, Ilniid next to 'Se.'. 17. T. 10 N.. It. 4 P..; taxes, $4.24; i.,A. $.:.'.'!. penalty, .18, nsi ti Js' rlaht-o- f way; $10; property. I penalty. .31; coats. $1.14; total, total, $6.04. Days Idllloinil tuxe. $8.1 en. iltv. .40; coHtK, $t.0; Lots I, 7, Moore No. 1 Add.; tntex, rrnnlna total, $ .:.(. NK. e. 11. V. 10 X.. R. 4 $5.21. penalty, .20; costs. $1.38; tntal, Noth c la rchy ii thut the T. 'have; pAriorm propaily, $16 Sen,;., Mel, hnr 20x1 25 Va.. Bd. X. hVi, costs. $0.85. 1, jK.; $2.01; penalty, .10 111 nomn of the 1. ix s, J .::(, penult ,ai; coMta, 13.30 i; S. T. H:. M. Mnr-tlu- , 4, ,1 pi IWIiellt) in III, Mil loll. lotflM the U. iii't. Mnrllti. te. $3. 54. Lots 1. 2. 3. lllk. Moore N'n j; ' IX. WW, $1.31; total. l'i-k- ,i iropt tv upon which the Intnl. W. I.. Oradl; ptrnonal property, $ iiMineiw." iild Mr d neK of I SKV, Sec L T. 10 N.. P.. B.I tnxee, $6; penally, .25; cost, $l,t 101 1, In und Inula. JotaStU M Lot 17, eosta, IRti . til yes lev the yeiu ft' $20. luxes, $1.21; penally. .0$; costs, $1. SS; 03. UKl In the d, in. ind fol let prop-arty- , Maxes, 12.03: penalty, .10; It. H, A. Hro Add perminiil ;: the for ii,, Uu I'etrllory. now Hint ol lllk. II.SO; mini, 13.67. I i, .ml f.l Lot 4, lllk. P, Moore Xo. Add imtnutapturer dmitm 116; taxoa, $20.31; penult), I tl New Mole" 'unity or lleinulillo ftMi Kherman. Sophia 0 Lot Mlk 10 N R. 6 taxes, $2.08: penalty, .10, costs, $1.02; com, 1. Hi; Intnl. 123.17. l';i, '.Kt Bee. 12. T. $,j,; pit nine, tmOtWItttll I" in. Pert) Add.; personal prnperty, R.; $2.03: pennlt), .10; costr, total, :;.vli. I, dclln-- , Oarclu, junn Qnrrla y HttlM ft., HK; taxe. 110, e, nine $30; tnxc. 110. penalty, .61; costs, 3 9. 5, Nor. Add hiie f4. at Intnl. IS. 61. Lot Blk. h,,ei, ot tin- t ltd. N Xleoina uve , K. Apoducu. $1 141 nil da iliitlon oriinei total, 113.24. . r,.. penalty, .44; ensts, $1.38; total, fin, L' SV). sec. fi. T. 10 X., $8.77; i; i.npcr. w. Road; I C. X' il ha umotllit of III'' IIIX'', pellllllICK Pub prnnal Su kler. T Mini I 7. I, Ulk. 11.38, $2.6.1; penalty. f luxes, $4.07; penalty, .20, rosta, 110.50. u,i roau dit" oppoHite fin Ii name und property. 10; tfixe. riacii Add.; persimul property, 110; Lots 11. 12, Blk. I. ',.i Add I BOtta, 12 30; total. $5.0. tlul. $6.05. lutes, i l,lloti. tngcthet with ii tuxe. 113.41; ptMlty, .III eoatt, NtVH 11.11; to- 12. SV I, NW'i 117.10; penalty, .88; costa. iloiixule. iKime Lot lllk. X. 115 . HV. llteuient of tin iiivcm il in- uu persnnul total, BeC. 7, Seci III X.. It. v.. tal, 111.70. Baatert Add.; port i mil pmpeity. lit.Slnipler-Olnr- k Shoe Personal I , t I'qperty, aImi, tin MtNfeMl luxe r fn. 07 .20; costs, $1.84; i: x ft. Lot 7. Blk. 31, X. M, Ti th i IS. 01; penultv. .15; ' nslw, $: taxes. $4 penalty. '' ixcs. l.t; propertfi tl00; tuxes, $7; penally, I ii i. limn iln Kuiiie owner or owner. .r ,A,..l tc. taxes, $3.50, penalty, .18; costs, IhiumIk Intnl. .35; fonts, $1.31; total, $1.73. l.$; i 4 pin i" I lltll't' N Uuiule, Leonlde 33x1117 ft., Dd. Add.; N'- - SWi, SW SW'.KW'.SWl, total, 15.00. Snyder, FredLot I. Mldvnle I".. ii. XV, Ulk. N. M. T mid II" A N Arohroeio Itucn. h ltomero He,. SK 1. SI'', SK't Sec. Lot 18. 38. f.i - - Jeu peiKonal property, $2.'.. lixe", $3.01; XKV, Kcc. 7. p. costs. :ik, Alliiui Mutlde Cl.inltc Wmli- H. P. Iiurtln, W, Kf V'omo. ner- - NK. XK1. SI'.'. Xl:'i In 7. null), .44. II penalty, .20; oosls, $l.:ix; total, $5.40. t: K $4 07; n PprttOtuI propert), $200, lime, IIQ.I9; aonal prnperty, 0; lUX.'S. J ' 'is I" I, T 10 X.. II. tuxes. II" il P I'ii property, s, S'li'v. "nil al'tv, .20; Co-I- 12.20, t.,1,,1, $,M7. l,ns I. Blk. C. Park Add.: penully, Ill III t"tl a My, ,11; cost, r. tOUl. $5.43. 1100; luxe, llO.lii; penalty, 54; Costa, 1 ,. se, :i, io x.. it. P.: S17.50: pennltv. .88, costa, L3 2 lillllel'le. .I.llii,' I...I 1, lllk. V. total, $12 71. S' sl;'i t II $1.31: taxes. $4.07, pennlt). 20; .mat, $1,31; It I. 119.7(1. KaHiarn Add.: per" ml prnpertv, $20; Sprljtae, -- , 10, t 11, Thrndore Lot lllk 13, 1. II11111. I;tevali Sn so ri. I?, $1.11; petial-n- . total. $6.S. Lots 12. Blk. Peret b luxe. ;', penult' ll: eota, A P. Add.; $17.50; : ! fl. luxe, 10 X., It. fl P .ds; utneiB in,, re rapiitiy, 22, 2 1. 24, Ulk T, a. at Add $4 07. XF.v4 Sec 1, T. taxea, si'.r.O; penalty, costs, AND total, N total, I1&.70. X'i $1.38; F RIDAY thut liiniliei will tUXf. 12 ,11; pell. It), .10, $).H4, It '"'(. tl.tli taxes. $4.07; penalty. .2"; costs. $1.18: total. $19 71. i, iot, Hlacy Co, petKoiiul projiert), l - 1'rue. Lot P.Ik, fi, P. reu Add.; hi 1913. Intnl. 14.01. Haiti k. ii.- retKonul prnperty.: $300; taxes, $21; petiully. tl.05; costa. totul. $5.05. Kellxr-peron- T. 10 X.. R. I P taxes. $2.50: penult)'. .18; d0st $1 'II; ick f"i imvltti nt'e Hmn. al property, 1120: tnxc IX. 40. penult)', .42; cot. $23.43. XF', See. 21. "V e uf one panaftV, .1$; Il ls, total. $8.14 penalty, ,tt; costs, 11.11; total, $5. on. nine in I UN; inxe. Il.4l; $1.21; Intnl. 110 20 Steward, 21. 22. Ulk. 9. taes, mi., i ., ii Jno.I.nt $11.82. Lot Blk. 13. peren Add. '.en I, and eimt, 1.$; mtai, 111.1$, Hunk. Mrs. It. I. Iernnnl prop tsxes, $5.26; penalty, totul. Orunt Truet; N F. . See. 4. T. 0 costs, $1 31 t Ik cIuk of piieinent ijaen ltd. , .70, VW'i. V'l. $0.25; penult), .32; tot Aiuij David 100 ft ertv, 1100: tuxen, ii 4; penalty "u cost. 11.3: totul. It XI. vi. a It Ik E. 1. v it' 2 $8,14; pahnltv. .40; net It) kimnn. V. K. HoltitO)l, S. I; Ijomeft, ciihIh, tat il, '"V 17. A. & W.: tuxes. $7.15. - $1.3; Swan, N. IV Lot P.Ik. I. per- I V -- $1.38; total, $1.92. 1. P.Ik, 13, Perea Add.: tales, UroMWtaV, W. AikIick llnmero; In niiluu ii. J. Lot 7. lllk. A, -. 114; .70, ( ecsts. Iit P. hi.: taxi-- penalty, osta. Sec. 4. T. 10 "Imiliut in i itil" r, forty Moiiui property, laxaa, $i7.r.0; 3!i. I'" ' Vdd luxi 17; iM'nultN, Xtt". X'i S'W'.; penalty, lilt. im. i' 11.3; total, llii.08. f', .40; mill u in, in l, r of the SVeKlelll panally, ; cottft, 12.30; total, 120,4. .35; cisls. II.3H. tolul, H.73. X.. It. 2 W.. tuxes, $8.14; penalty. $4.01. SATURDAY p. , ... IH, T.---- total, $0.12. Lot 8, Blk r. nkaoolntlnn. " Mi ll, , K I... Mlk, Kaslern li nt. IV V. Lot 400 to 404. costs. $1.31. Wi , 74.XMI.4S2 11. tllXCK. prop-arty- , l HWV, sv, ftF.H Hec. H. T. $1.08; permit), .10 Is. $1.38; Pet, Add.. H Is, ll plnpelly, $2f0, ink. it. a. iiroa. Aiii personal Tufnya ii t,i -- llatl ft.. Bd. N. " tottl ' k, to- - W penally, .40; , III ft the I V penally, M. co-I- $l.4, $.'.. luxe. $;.7: penalty, .34; Maria M III. mil l: J,,se MB. X., It. 2 taxea, $s.M: $3.50. i ii Itramrta of Ml. $11.4$ ennlil II.H4: total. It. XT. W Berii'illllu I!, aid peiMimll costs, $1.'1S; totul. $9.92. lxrt 22. Ulk 13. Peren Add.; tixet, , T. 10 R. I Wii 'HI' Ih". llllll. Ill, iiiIm'IN of the 111 "i 1,1. .Inhn IKxl Vs HtlhWl. Sophia A Lot P, lllk. 4,, prnperty. 115: tuxes, $2.70; pennlt). si:,, Sec. 34. X. $3.13 penalty, .17 costa. 11.38; total. Northern Pint MnnufiK'turcr' no- - ltd. N, M Hwrtay, s. .Iitull I ilhers, A. Ilro. Add.; taxis. $5.2.'.. penally, .14; coats, 12.30; total. $5.14. taxes. $8 It; penalty. .40; coats. II. Hi $4.88 I (at . i Mow Hiiipim nj in etnbai Ii. VHUnl, W. luxe, .26; com, 11.31; t.X9. Trnllllo, Franco Lot 2. Rib. X. total. $9.92, Lots 7. I, Blk IS Perea Add.: totea, ,. I I ., Mil 2. Add.: ., 'I feet, nlllllilt 'I tl 4U. penult), .07. c.lKts, 11.11 mini, litlntaktr Tliuxinii Middle 47 Raattrn Add.: persnnul property. 120; Ijit 6, nik. 8. Apodiea $8.40. penalty, .42: coats, $1.38; totsl. 1; ; i 13; costs. $1.38; .'i; V im the mime monttl htttl 13.77. ft. Lot i to , nii. 5. Part. Add.; penalty, .10; enntx, $1.84: taxes, $2.60; penalfV, $10.20. I luxe. $18; , ,i an Inci euw i'l 1 4 pel cent. ntumlett, .1. II luxes. 12 0!); pKtiulty, .10, coat, $1.14: total, total, $4.01. Lots 11. 12. Blk 21, Perea Add. ll.lf, 3, fl. Apoduca Add.: $1 31 i,i hipinrnta lor Um alavnt month f'ereu iii i.ixes, $;t.r.o p, mult), .1: total. $4. OS. Trtijlllo, Jose M. 35x40 ft.. IM. X I.nt S, lllk. taxes, $14; penalty, .70; costs, 4 .1.3; costs, $1.38; ,,i 112 KhoWI'll HI) III, le ,ne of per uKlH. II IV mtai. $.vn. I Maria Snyrex, S. J. l. Ti ill- - 13. A taxes, $3.76; penult), total, $Hi.ii8. . , lit tvtt Hn niiiii' period of lull,1 Brofan, Wm. V, Peroonal propar-t.- In!,!-- T. A. Pi is..nai property.! Bfattaa, Wi J. Taf'na; perronul pmp. total, $5 2. Lot 17, Ulk. 40, P.rea Add. taxes, vhti, the prottuotlon for the anma $:i.xs; ptMoMy, tuxeK, $17.50 penalty, penalty, .19; Lot 15, Ulk. 2. J, Apoducn Xo. I $11.19; penult)', .16; costs, 1. 8; l- - UM; tu,K. .i; lilt; .!; crty, 140: taxea, $2.04; costs, pellnd Kho il de, ie,,e nf 112 pel eiislK, II III tu.43. cots, total. 14.44. taxes,; penalty, .08; $1.38: tnl, 113.13. us, r,n. 7.; totul, 13. taten, cut. The iirthcin Hamlwh nild Ihown, v. a i.,t ink. V $3. Lot 22. Blk. 41, Pereu Add.: Xo. 2; Hard I M.iiiiifn, inter' ataorlatinn A. flro. Add.; paraonal property, $25; Ke, rt 24. filk. I,. A. Lot It, Ulk. 2, J. Apoducn $5.59; pennltv .28; costs, 11.11, tout XA'( iner, J. Lot , lllk. f), raporta For the altvtn ttuvntha ol lit! mxe. $t. IS; penalty, ,11; cnt. $l.4; A P Add. person property. $25; Mr. Park taxes, I1.U7: penalty, .08; costs, $1.3; $7.25. , Add.; personal property, $50; taxes. rtvaal a ttaorttta in hamlwk ui of mi ll, "4. tuxes, !3 pen. i In ,45, costs, $.Xt; totul, $3.13. Lot 20, 21, 22. Blk. 12 Pereu Add: $. io. us; .14; eoatt, to- id oca $1 ,e t rent unit ,,n tncraaaf in hamltfl f O l", penalty, li.4; Prac. lavt It. Blk. 10, J. Ap taxes, $2.60; penalty, .13; costs, llj hlptnantft nf It) per cent, u iecrene (TtndeUrla, Ted 11 xl41 yd,. I. tul. $13.04. Add.: taxes. $5.69: pennlt; tntal, $4.01. I , I Mini - Wendell, R. Lot. 17, $7.25. 1'. : III ItardW III nf pel cent 11,1 M, .vim. 1: .v (lutein, s. Murrl- Lmtiell, Mureelli." 7, Ulk. 44, frank ll., $1,118; total. Lota i to 0 Inc.. k, 16, Purls Add dt P.Ik. 4. A. y O, Add.; personal prop-arty- B. Lot 5, P. J . Apotlacn $1 Hi lm ieae III hiil'dwiiod hlpinintn nf n. hi. I.. Itcriinlllln ItOad, W. I". ill I'.te, Add i", i son. property, $ln.O0; 10 ft. Blk. tutes, $5; permit! .25; costs. Itj 1, , $50, $14.11; penalty, .71: penalty, .07; coats, 17 i pan! uIhii Ik notad Wm; i .in it property, III; tfttoa, I. ims, .lt; pt'tinlty. .10; tnsts. $1.84; taxe. Add.: tuxes, $1.40; tntlil, $6.63. to- costs. 11.84: totul. Slti.73. ) . ltv.srj penuiiy. oata, $2.74; St. 38: total. 12.85. Lot 17. Blk. 2. X. J Hunches Add.; In hnu I'llie Mallllf.l' nil ei '... total, X. 14 - 2, 1. Wllkerson. Tho. Perxnnal Lot UUt. 33. A. Bros, Add.; tayes, SO 60; penalty .St; costa. II 38; follow- tnl, $22. ts. Wife Lots ...I, ii, ,ii lei'iiti., laauad tlte Love, A. J. nud S211O; Ml I property, tuxes, $;:.80: penalty, petmlty. costs $1.38: ripai ol ' m und ihlptnenta '.III,,, itndriKu r.oxso Hd Mlk. 11 Kusiein iVtMsi perHointl prop- taxes, tl.60: It; total, $8.37. lion ft .111. $6.43. ;; i H. K. Mttft, $1.28; total. $6.00. 71 5, X. ..Hi Jantini i t to 4 n t r i 1 ;, intfti J. Itomerv. J. 'unn. erty. $'0. lu.xc $llkt4 penalty, .83; total, W. ft. Lot Blk. 3. J. H- - Wilson, 1. K. 1'einoiml property, 21$, 33, A. Bros. Add and I!il2, KlmwitiK an Increuae In cut w a, into; 50x0 fl. lid. N. J. ""Sis. $1.14 tolul, t,)J.l . Lot Blk. Add.; taxes, $5.84: penally, .ft; ; $2S0; luxes, $10.76; pi'ttulty. costs, costs, $1.38; lei nth "I 13. mero, s, irflloia, K. ii mi", I.iii'ero, Tlr, in lOUxuO ft lid. X. .S; tuxes. $3.60; penalty. .18; csts, $1.38; total, $7.51. inrtta II2 total. $22 12. Ssn-die- s 4 ;i7 L. paraonal propart), 12,',. LorttO, S I Sedlllo, K. P. Hedlllo, iLtli totul, E.M, W. 3 I, Ulk. 8, X. J. VfO feet, nt per cent. iil,n, ten Hunches fi. I VS V Lot ;t Wile,,., --K- -- I'lel- - ltd If el. Ulk. 33, A. Add.; ic I l petiuitv, .in. (OHtK, 22; W. II. Iloail; lux. s, pennlt)'. ' " " ' ' ' T 71' . . . Ud 384. Urns Add.; taxes, $2.8; penalty. .14; in mi Tin nrriae in uhii tines. $5.a; 'i,i, nt k Ae.itla, W. Koad. ,:, $1.38; uu tit dtirlna leu montha 1912 n Intnl. Ifl.lit;, trixy, costs, ti .s total, $7.56. 6 Vj nere: taxes Uenanv, flunclii-- t ' HI i i S 13, 14. lllk. 2t M .wj,,(0,u. saa 7. 8, lllk. I, N. J. ..JL'S leel, i'l I pel cent, ,n, II. Lots corns, Lots , I t'oro-proport- $i.S4: total, $ Lots 107. 408. Blk. 19. A. Bros. .42; aim) I' tell llin lit H I ill he V, ,'KS I'eieu Add, N Lot 11. Plk. 1. M. pies, C. E Lot 4, lllk I, Add.; taxes, S8.34: penalty, cost, Ulk- pennltv, .70: coat, ovar Khipni'iiiK, moot ha 1 B Add. I.nt I4i Lot It. undo: persnnul $30: taxes, I iik mm n Add.: tuxes, lit: 11.38; total. $10.14.. ,ni tin tlwners. ?.X- , $ 1 to- - XI mini $111.08. . 3, X. .1. Ra- us ,0I(S .!, I, el, ,11 1. 1 cent. a. Add.; pers. ni. ii property, 111,41; pen. II, .82; costs. St; 1. 2, 3, 4, Bees. 2, Lot mi. of Lot P.Ik. J pel Hi". Lots Bee. 2; Uit y O. Add.; taxes, , mm penalty, S3; costs,, Lot 10, Blk. 12. A. nches Add.; $2.08; penalty. Tin shipment rivtf I'tll lift III; luxes, Ilil.tiS; Ml, $1.I2. , ,. i 3. T. S v., . s );., tunes, $1.1)11; pen- taxe, 41 ei W $7; pehalty, .36; costs, tl.38; total. 1 HI 2. were l,0&7,Oti feel, or fl; tntal, 2,22. Martinet, 12 xliO Vs., ult)', .05! costs, 12'.49. costs, $1.38; total. $3.5. month mIhv'; total, ; - east Lom-I'urd- Add OFF 2 32 .Ian- Chaws, Salomon 26x100 ft. Bd. X. Jesvii OaJXJlu, S A. 4 R. 3 $8.73. Lot 5, Blk, 4. X. J. Munches per cent. The itot'll nil hand Lots 22, 4, Sec. 3, T. I X.. R.; , nf Simpler Xo. 2 Add.. Althelmor Stih- - K. lirunt line. W. .)" Parrllhi Prac Lots 2, 3 4, Blk. 18. A. v 0 taxes. $2 01: penalty, .10; costs.; 1, mis, aniottntad to I.OM.IIa.-1- tuxes, .22: penult), .01; etttki 11.31; costa ,,,i, - illvlslon, Lot 4, Ulk. i. Althelmor Bub Ud. X. Joan Ma. tlitrela, Add.; taxna. $15.77; penally. .79; total, $3.51. 11 i,', 1, ,u,l the s(i it 1, 11 hand Xu- I2',ix300 Vs. totul, $11.1. division; tuxes, penalty, .TtJl s Lomhardo, E, line. W. total, $17.94. 7. Blk. 4, X. J. Bunch e Add! . mi,, 1' 2, amountad in i.oo",-;- i tit. tirunt Lots I, 2, Sec. 2, T. X., R. 2 B.; $1.3; Lot II $1 ,. Ljt 9, Blk. It. X. T. Armljo Xo. costs, $1.3; nun feat, u dccreoKe In . $2.30; totul, pensofiUl property, taxes, $.5t; tuxes. .42; penalty, .02; ensts. $1.38; taxes, $2.0; penalty, .10; ahowini Lots 3, 4, Ulk. ensts, $'; Add.; tuxes, $14; penalty, .79; costs, I,., 1, !',- Chnvee, t'utnrlna petmlty, .3:1. $3.22; total. $10.0. total. $3.56. ON ALL dttrtiti ''ii niniith mi2 of total, $1.82. 4, I Add., persnnul 2 8.x Ud. X. total, 15, 19, 0. lllk. ,. , I Kastrn property, Marrnjo. faslo tit ft., $1.3: in Lots 13, 14. 10, 17. nun or 7 pel cent. ' Lot I, See. 2; Lota 3, 4, Bee. 3; feet, Lot XO. 2 pra-all- $20; tuxes, $1 2 26; penalty, .111 eoslft. All.'). S. P. I'.n lfleo, IC. I'. I'll. lies, Lot . Blk. 5. X. T. Armljo X. rlanche Add.; taxes, rh, shipments n inmlier for 2, He, . 2. 3, T. 8 X It. 2 B. 11; tuxes, J. t$.7; tolul, $1 1.70. VV. "I", persnnul $21: Add.: taxes. $14: penalty, .70; costs, costa, $1.3$: the iimniit ol Novambar, 11112, u r $1.14: f'huves; properly, .04; petmlty, .08; costs, 11.84; total, .44; total. IJo.5. TranqulHno- - .'.txtii fi , Bd, penalty, .20; costs, $2.30; $1 total, $1 10, A, Simple! No. J; porlad h) mlatra "i tin uoiitana rhines, taxes. $5.25; .1; 0. Lota 14. lllk. A iles, S. A. Mal l, 'II. K. 'AT- - 17.11. Lot Blk. K, B. & A. Add : penuiiy, .21; 1 .38; h er- - S. iiin total, 1, 2, 2. 3, T. 8 X., 2 It, tute. taxes, $4.17; cosls. und I'lne Mnniifacltll a(l- Lot Sees. It. E.i ; atarfj V h Mairu poraonal properly, Mnrlno. Mlkt-rle- ti It $4. 2'i; penalty, .21. costs, 11.38; total, total; rtatlon, wen- 1 1, 141,711 feel, iis hui. IL taxes, .22; penult), .01; costs, $1.38, $5.70. r $26; $4.72; penalty, -- csts, 2, Xor. Add.; personal property. 16.79. 17, 18, 19, A. Simpler- No. i I r- luxes. Blk. Blk. p., 1, .1 wtth 1,4) 11,1 et ,ii 't. total, 11. Lota II tin M .30. Intnl. I7.2H. ISO; taxea, $::.jx: pthalty, .18; costa, It. Lots 21, 22. 23, Ulk. P. B. It A. .31; costs. lin ith nt an in- - Lot I, Bee. Ij Lot 2, Sees. 1, 2, Sees. I; taxes, 10.25; penalty, rap lltl, F. ft.. Bd. N. total, $5.28. Add.; tuxes, $ll,26; penalty, .56, cost, L,aaies leel, ;,s.7 pM fhaves, $1.84; 2, I, T. S N It. 2 B.; taxes, $l.oti; $1.38; total, 17.94. 1,117,51 hi Uley, s. p. piicheeo. k. V. Martin, w. MurkiiwIU. Mrs. C- L"t 2. Blk. K. 1.3; total, $11.19. 7, S. 9, lllk. A. Simpler Xo. L cut The nii'ttiher huw a utock on - pen, i in, .05; costs, $1.84; total, Lots v. ii .i ii i" i ,x, .. $x.7 7 petmlty. Add 114.17, penult), Lot 19. lllk. K. A. A P. Add.; taxes .3$; Costs, I huftd iei em her nt Tl lfltt.OOfl feet, i'u i" Fnstcrn lutea, $2.95. takes, $7.60: petmlty, Lit $1.84 ; total. $1 1.05. ; 11.38; $ 11.11, petmlty, .35; $1.3$; totul i7,008,0O0 .14, osi. .71 costs, total, I. 2. Lot 2, Sec. 2. 17: cost. total. 110.20. .s atiparad iih feet X. Lot Sees 3; Sees. V. -- Mnliuel 50x200 ft., ltd. Matthew, a. R. T. m Lot K. Blk. $8.73 3 B, Simpler Nt. it, ami er 1, 1. The total hip fliuves, t, I, T, 8 X.. 11. 2 P., taxea, $1.07; R. Lot I, Blk. ii Abellar, s. a. Hare la, B. Puh. tl, Belv. Add.; personal propert). $20; f.nt 8. Blk. V. A, P. Add.; taxes. taxes, $1.07; penalty. .01; costs. $1.3: III, Ills iQf the In i leV.'ll hlilUtll.M Of penoltv, .08; costs, $1.84; total. Road, IV. Acc'iuiu; personal property, tuxes. $1.93; penalty, .10; costs, $1.84; $4.20; penalty, .21 ; costs. $1.38; total. lAlal IU 11 ere llft.SOS.OOO leet, ft emu $3.59. 111! $26; luxes, $10.27: pen. illy, rosla, total, .t1 35.79. "ur--, With TI. 411, 000 Wtl tnt the .; Lots 1, 2, See. 3; Lot 3, Sec. 2, Sees, Lot 1, Ulk r, simpler xo. pel,, JO; total, $22.53. LOt 10, Ulk. Q. 1 tolul. 12. Luis W ; peh-air- BU Lot 6, P.Ik. Belv, Add.; taxes, penalty, .02; costs, 11.38; Suits, ' levari inn nth nf List n .il', dli ti 3, T. 8 N It. 2 luxes, .22; .42: III Orlogo Add p, $60; 1; :; Ohuvet, Bstllana dlklfl Fust, rsotmi property, $7.69; .38; costs, $1.38; total, in, . use ni ; per cent in .01; costs, $1.38; total, $1.01. penalty, $1.82. ft., Bd. N Mln. Road, S. Munlnan. tuxes, l.t6; peiiultv, .40; rusts, $1.84; NO. I: Lot 1, Sec. 2, 3; Lots 2, 3, 8ec. t. 10.11. t.Ota 3. 4. Blk. f, Simpler W. Tenflln Martin, ; 31; total, $10.30. Sees. 2, 3, T. 8 X., B. I IC; tuxeg, ,42; Lot 4, lllk. 4, It & L. Add.; taxes, taxes, $0.25; penalty. .31 costa, Jl .18; sts, $2.30; B. Q. iin Montoyn, U. Lot 11, Ulk. 01; costs, $1.38; total, $1.82. $1.1 ; penally, .09; costa ILli; total, total, $7.94. ICuttern peraonal property, peiuiln. Add.: Lot 1, Sec. j Lot 2, Sees. 2, 3; Lot $3.11. XA, Lot i, Blk. P. Simpler NO. 7, 8, hlk. Slim, tuxes, $7.11; penttlt), .37; cists, 7, 8, 28, II. L. Add.; J: I I 3. See, 2; lyit 4, Sees. I, 2. 0, T. 8 Ml, laits Blk. ft taxea, $1,25; penalty, .07; costs, $1.81. uiiinmYiuIU V L Add. persnnul 1 IIILLIIUIM UUUII ist, nt propert) $1.84. total, 3 t! ti : $9.2. . S P.; tuxes, $1.00; pthalty, .05; taxe. penalty. .08; costs, $1.38; totrll, $1$; $11.21 penalty. .54; eiisls. McOlinness, Roqu ft., Bd. $2.09. taxes. t9l8 costs, $1.84: totul, $2.96. total. $3.12. Lot 7, Ulk. 0, fllntpier Xo. 2; tat CoatSy $1.84; total, $13.0 X Road, S P. R. Road, W. llnmero, luit 2. Se. 2 Bd taxes, V. strip of Lola 1, 2, 8, 4, Coronado $8.28; pennltv. .17; costs, $1.38: totol Itluehyr. Pl.t II, Lot 13. Ulk. 40, i .22: pennltv $1.38; total, PlaCt i luxes, $2.80; petmlty, .14; costs. $4i88. 10 SPECIAL ii i Add.; personal property, $30; r.1,. $1.61. $1.38; total, $4.32. 1.01 2, Blk. D, Simpler No. 2 Add,, HI i ; i ., nt line, W. Cl pt. Vnae tuxea, $7.60; penally. .3R; costs, $2.78; 1, 4, Lot 24. t'otoiiudo Place; taxes, tuxes, $li.2,'S; penult)', .31; costs. f'W aoniil property, $i taxes, lit; Intnl. $10.80. Lot Sec, Lots 2, 3, Sees. 2, 1, 10 T. 8 X., It. Id.: taxes. XI. nil penalty, l$S 77, penalty, .44; costs, $1.38, total, total, $7.94. altv. .70; costs, $2. total 117. McXnsaer, B. i;. Lota 7. 8, 9. 10, No. : Uigh- - pen- 05; costs. $1.38: total. $2.49. $10.59. I.ds 3, 4. Blk. D, Simpler 'nrneit, rtne lllk. It, X. XL T. Do,; taxes, $21; ; " t.. 1, 3, 2, 2, Lot 20, lllk. A, County Add.; taxes, Add.; tuxes, .27 OU TT M d Add., term 'tty $20; ally, $1 05; ensts, $1.:IS; total, 123.43. Lot Sec. Lot Sec. Sees. $5.41; penalty, S ). Si.26; penalty, costs, $i.3S; total, es, $10.11; penalty, .18; costa, Mollis, L R. Lot 13, P.Ik. 1. CorO-nai- I, 3. T. X , It. 2 P.; taxes. .22; pen-alt- .0; $1.28; totul. $7.06. 111,10. tuxes, .01; ensts, $1.38; total, $1.41. $2.09. Lots 5, 0, Ulk. D, Simpler M f Skirts, 14; Intnl. peraonal property, 150; e.lSts. 21, A, D, D.- - sr.; Lots t, 2, Sees. 2, Ii Ltt I, See. 1; Lota 22. Ulk. 'mint)' Add.: Add.; taxes, $2.50; penalty, .1$ 'iim nln'e. Mis Persnnul 117. penalty. .89: costs, $; to , taxea, $14; petmlty. Lot 4, See. 2; Lot 5. Sec. 3; Lot i, taxes, $3.34; penalty, .1 coats, $1.38; ti us. .1.1 11 m iperty, $200, tul. $20.59. ' t I, Sees. 2, ::. T. S X., II. 2 P.; tuxes, 11.17; total, $4.87. S. 17 ft. Lot 13, Blk. D. Slmr v' . eoata, $1.3; Iiii.os. O ludge M, 0, Mechem Will penult!, costs, $1.84; totul, $3.51. 8. 92 ft. E. 9 ft. Lot 13, S. 92 ft 2 Add.; taxes, penalty, .01: c0"' linen. Malhllde 2ilxi:i0 It.. Bd. Olata, si ri M. ;it' ft- Lois ii, i$, ,iS; .83; 1, :;, 8 . 14, Blk. II, County Add.; tuxes, lost j. .v. canto, s Femuaaoa, B a u. A. Add.; personal Lots 1, See. 2, T. X., It. . B.j Lot $1.3$; total. $2.25. ., side at Which ir,, iiiu. a. $1.47; penalty, .08; costs, $1.84 total, Simpler No. -- Session I ri nt, V. A Mies land, I'd. N. mxes, taxes, .42; penalty, .02; costs, $1.38; Lots 13, 14, Blk. E, property, $;io. $:i.t;s; penalty, $3.39. ens", To Road A tliinxalcs, S. Wheel.r. R. ,1X; Mala, $1.S4. total, $6.70. total, $1.82. Add.; tuxes, $1.47; penalty, .08; rim in Tn , I, VV. A. Broa, Lots 1, 2, 3, ni en. f. V. -- Lot 1, Blk. 18, IL H. Lots I, I, Sec. 2; Ldt 2, Sect. 2, , LOt t, Blk. D, County Add.; taxes. $1.38; total, $3.13. Dresses T. x x.. R, I K. ; taxes, $1.25; penalty, penalty .06; costs, $1.28; total, Uita 1 6, Blk. F, BlrdtW I. lllk iiraai Tract; taxea, $23. in; Add ; personal property, $0t); taxes, $l."4. Prac. to 1 ii ; ; .06; en.Ms, total, penally, penult . csts, ,61 total) $22.95; penult). $1,15; costs, $1.84;; $2.69. $2.47. No. 2 Add.; taxes. $1.25; "' I.nis 1. 2, 3. 4, Met, 1, 2, I, T. 8 X., laita 5, 0. 8. 9, 10, Blk. D, fount) costs, $1.38; total. $2.09. total, $25.94. Ada-- . l) 17. IR, 19, 20, U. .' l; ; tuxes. .42; penalty, .02; costa, Add.: taxes. $li penalty, .31 ; costa, Lots 5, fi, Blk. 28, Terrace "itlz. Antonio Lots $1 lllk. P. A. A P Add.: personal prop- $1.38; total, $1.82. 11.38. total. $7.94 taxes, $8.75; penalty, .19; costs, erty. 16; taxes. $21.30; penalty, 11.07: Lois I, 2. Sees. 1, 2, 3. T. 8 X., It. Lots 7. 8, 9, Blk. J, Eastern Add.; total, tljt2. R.-- 1 tuxes, .02; costs, I Add. costs. $1.14; total, $24.27. .42: penalty, tuxes, $14.70; penalty, .74; costs, Lota 7, , Blk. 28, Terrace and third M, , nilui "l I'Vhrunry. The I). ,v j. Blootric t'o. Pertonal 'Hero. Fihvnrd P. Int 7. Blk. II, $1.38; total, $1.82. $1.38: total, $10.82. tuxes, $3.33 penally, .17; costs. IL1 Lots 1, 1. T. 8 X., It. Luis 3, 4, K, Jury is returnalde gti property, I860: tuxes, $17.60; penuiiy. P. i.-- 14, Ulk. fl, A. A P. Sees. I !:.; lllk. Eastern Add.; irand eenlra Add.: Lot taxes, ioiui, 11,00. Ada 11,. 7th ds) ,,f Pehruarj and the .88; costs, $1.38; totul. $1$,7 Add., tuxes. $21: penalty, $1 or,; costa, 4: penalty, tl; coals,; taxes, $6.60; penulty, .33; costs, $i.3S; l.' ts 8, 6, lllk. 43, Terrace petti jurj mi tie fullowtna Monday. Dunhar, K. ll Lot r. Blk, P. o $1.84; totul. $'.'.:. 89. totul. $8.87j taxes, $2.00; petmlty. .18; costa, $1"" Ill ,U "I the fuel tllut V.lh 11, 1,1 Xo. 21 tnxns, $21; penalty, $1.05; P X.. R. Lot 11. lllk. K, Eastern Add.; taxes, total, $4.01. tuxes. .4 p penally, Aon. l wtthom n court house, thai costs, ii IH; total. Pache.-.- . Patraolnlo 42x60 ft , ltd. $2.3t; ,18; coals, $1.38; total, Lots 11, 12, Blk. 51, Terrace I ., I , 7. Ulk. total,, $4.1)1. costs, sunn ftHVlna heen destmied hy fire mi I, Mnn Mind ."is X. K s T. xiartinea, K. M. Berna, W. taxes, $2.50; penalty, .13; $" lust fall nil win Da held in the 10. Petca: iiersoniil properly. $25; P. liiiriiK: perMontl property. 110; Irts 1, 2, Sees. 1. I X.. B. 2 P.; Lot 12, BJk. L, Eastern Add.; taxes total, $4.01. Furs i i s, InilldlUK HI I i"1 $2.90: peulilty. .15: costs. $1X4; .18; costs. $2.30: taxes. .42: nennltv $2.01; penail), .io; costs, $I.:18; total! Lot 5, 1, II. Add.; tdt h,", $1.38; in pulilli jinxes. tuxes, S3.;.: penalty, csts. Blk. P. total. I, nuns M i ' Mechem, ol Bn il, H.xa. total, 11.98. ,total, 11.12. t::.5C. .83; penalty, .04; costs, 11.31; Judte ' T)urnn Alio Marifll 00x106 Vs., Padltla, Fst J, 9, 10. Blk. X'i , See. 4 XW' BW'i Sec. Luis L 8, lllk. M, Eastern Add.; $2.25. ltd. x. viexondrr, s Lomhardo, B It, It. A A. Add taxes, $14. penalty, 3. gees. 4, 3, T. 8 X.. It K.: tu es, taxea, $5; penalty, 25; costs, $1.38; Lota 1, 2, Blk. 2, V. H Add,; X t'lliU. Illlls, VV. Arroyo; 20x100 Vs., lid. .70; . $10.08. 10.10; penalty, .30 costs, $LS4 total, torkl. S6.6 $1.67; .08; ensts $1.38; t costs. It; total, - penalty, to Dull llcsolutliuis. d- -i 1 1 Illli. TT I.- ... Udad, s pitch, ft. Angolo, v. Luoerf, Pnrran, Amlunslo- - -- Sxl5 ft., Bd. N 18.24 s. Ldts i $3.13. WBHarnSe ( A.M.: "The "crtalnl) hsve Mo-toy- tj VV 8 , , . .. A.t.t IU,,.s- - .. ,n. taxes. $17.50; penally, .88; costs. F. F. (tarda, s. P. Perea. F. J. Part S , See. 2, T X R. 6 E,; ,..,, .IU, Lots 23, 24, Blk. . V. mud, N' Veat reaoiutlona." : 11-- nuetr I$t II total, $21.14. W. p. h persnnul property. taxes, $2.44 ; penalty, I 2 ts, $1.38; costs, $1.35; total, 3.5$. penally, .00; cost. v hut the) f ives; $1,25; are 10 $21; mxes. penally, .53. coats. total, $3.94. Lot 5, Ulk I, Raattrn Add.; taxea, Weil, she reaotved no) to amakt $10.50; total, $2.09. F.lswnrth, Rd. T - Lots 1, 2, Ulk. 3. 11.10; total. $13.33. SV4 SV'i4 See. 1, T. X R. E.; $4.1l7; peiiultv, .22; costs, $l.38; XuUi, Lots 3; 4, Blk. 7, P. 11. Add.; tux Rule Ik) more olaaretiea. ,it,uk any more 7. IS: t.dnl. ,i'i personal property, $25: 74, 75, tuxes, $2.03; penalty, .10 costs, $1 Golden Nor Pratt, Tei "s.i Lots Blk. $l.:is I .83; .04; costs. to 1 penalty, hlahhnlls or tnke .im trips imm costs, m. r . ItaXft $tS.lii penally, .98; V. Bret. Add.; Lots 5. 90. Blk. , A. total. $8.51. i.e Blk. P, Eastern $2.23. x Vdd.; ill total, $22.46. Broa. Vdd taxes, $10.51 : penalty. .53; X'i XtV'i XW, See 12. T. 8 N taxes, tt.ifi penalty. .22; costs, Lots 5. 6. Blk. 7. P. II. Add.; tit ; total Bwlnn, ft J 344x1.900 ft , Ud. X costs, II.S4. total, 112.88. It. P taxes, 11.03; penalty, .05; SI, 38: total. S3. 76. $1,0; penult), .OS; costs, $1.38; Tl Alius. S. Iletnlilns Uuca. K. Rnnd It coals. 11.38: total. '$:.lvi Lot 2, Blk. V, Eastein Add.; taxes, - com-- , $3.13. une,- sn small Hint she would he M 3, Armljo SW ; ta4. W rtlret K Lot Ulk F. Peed. (leo. F. ."ts 4. fi, ,. Blk. I, XK', Swift 8i W. 12; penuiiy, .1:1; costs, $1.38' total, 15, Blk 7. P. II. Add.: to keep lu r resolution!" i I, Ar-- I 1 1. ' Dry Goods lied Xo : tdd F '. "i Ulk. F, tirunt Tract personal property, SFt; SE4 Sec. T I 6. R $4.12. .82; penalty, .04; cn(, $1.38; t"d' mija X" 2. Add pereonal prxwtrtjf, taxes. $!r,,7.".; penalty, .79; costa.$: tuXea, $s 14; pet $1.84; Lot 3. Ulk V f ,,i.., 1 .1.1 . taxes, $11$; $2.24. vddii l$i:.i: taxes, $23. C. penally. tl 84: totul, ttS.SH. total, $10.3$ ;".!'; penalty, .:; costs, $1.38: ; total, Lota 13, 14, lllk. 7, V. H. w ii,. ii. sure t,, advert lae for Fid" Richards K IIIU Ials 1. 3. 3, Blk. P Vri Sl :, Bee. 9, T. 8 X., R. E.; j$6.S5. taxes, $1.6; penalty, .08; costs, the momiaa 28. Kuatern Add., Lota 7, 8. Ulk. 27, ixea, $4.07 pennlly, .20; cost. $1.28;! Lot 7. Blk Y. Eastern Add.; taxes, total. $3.14. - penally. 3 uu Ntkl da) the ii itc read us follows QalletOt, F' ll'lano- Lot 7, Ulk. I, Pastern Add.; taxe, penult)'. total, $5.66 i$2.ot; .10; coata. Si total Lota 11. 12. Blk. 10, V Bljv V-- X . t,,tal. Gompany the newapaper: Belv. Adit; personal property, tf) .49; costs. $1.S4; total, $12.13. W Via. !: V.. See T fi I, .111. $4.67; penalty. .08; coats, $!...; t; M, X ', Ijots 1; . 3. ., A nmnay lapdof, with one ::s; penalty, .12; cost Romero, Boaalla, "dual Blk. P.. 160 A., tuxes. $; ton Fru". , 4. nil, r.usr-$2.0- tuxes. $is si, $3.18. u Addii "lt $i si; totol, $11.14, It. A R. Add personal properly. $20. uirv. .4: costs; totul. 'J.'.'2. ; ern .Ann.: mxes penalty, ,10; Lota 22. Bill. V, S'-- ; SW costs. IS 5 tl, 2. $fi nareta, F. F 40xo ft . Bd. X tuxes, $2.32: penalty, .1 2; (.oats, $14; VW'i SW'.. See. 25. $l.3; total. taxea, .83; penalty, .01; costa, $l I W. See. Sees. 25. 26, T. Lot o, mu. 29, ftaatern Alls , S, T. Perea, E, F. Muitln, total, 14.28. 2, si Add tuxe. total, $2.26. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1913.

! .04; i "Inn (lutlprrci. W. mi 23. 24. Illk in. P. II Add.; ill UilMfald, S V Apodiue, K. 4 Wi Ii property, 4) tiixen. .73; ponalty. K. AiphuIu; TruJIIIo, Pracltlano UH, J. A. Turlctta 8 P. Piiilllbi, li. A pelttilly. coata, 12 30; total. 111.13. 'Ii.'im-x- . .42: , 10 N. I. s $1.67. pcimllv. .'is, ...sis. SB; Padlna; personal propert! $4o; laxaa, mm, $4 u tot.ii, it.ft. 10x1. yd. Mir l)d. N. C 'iiir. in. H. '. I.ue. io. I: 1. I'.nllllii. v .1. Montova, 64x100 Va. Kslrvan 31 x300 yds. V. i I I'll. IX . K. Acx4tMia, ltoiui; ,v, W $ I Ml. 11.13. penultv, .33; coata, $2.30: total. i.mcro, Joh.- - Auiado M. N Itond. lintlerroa Trail; iuxph. Ilova, s I'. M..IH..V .1. IM X. A i Li n i.i. S. (illlciiwntcr. li. Uml iOI; 4 . 19!.;2!t. penaltv. eoati, 00; total,' ; XX' yda. rn-- hu I Our. lainielo Martin. M. Auolonlo llDlilnleH, l.1 UM tafia, $4 37 pen Acequla, Entrance; 5Jxi60 N. $l.l4 E, fc, Xlinyn. Hciilno 26x125 V., Ild N. Suit, J oho xioo ft Uo. k. M. K Ituea. V Ulo tlrandp. 10 , $2.71; total. $7.35. IM. X Acequla, 8. lintran, e. J tin n K. Hacn, 8. Vicente Kedlllo, nprpn; Ctiavaa, Alfredo lOxl.OOO ydl. Pi I (iii xv. ;ixx6 X'a. A i. mule, H. A. .tlntiloyu. 13. Roud. I. tnx, .41; penalty. .02; roala. lid. is inct Five. Monloy al. JuMo I. an, 11.1. X rein li. Gutlorrea; E. Mnrex, V II. Sn Inter; personal N. H. T. t.'haMii, Apoduca, X. A 8. I w. I', A. Garcia; peraonni properly. 1. 12.30; total. $2.74. J. t'havp. W. Pablo J. 70 ft, wide. Eat E. B. , E A. J. Ud. liar. la. li. Gullei ie :n; luxcn, .14; pcnulty, .92; eoiti, propcriv, 6lI; laxea, $12.30; penultv, Madrid. IUpjo- - 70x100 V Hd- M. Aeniula, 6x1.000 iIh I:, N I fl,,,. II .1, Lis le.,,1 I., lillcl. l,l, T III Cli. net, XV. Road; tilXua, $4,1 pen-- li. d .i XX E Outlerret; personal .113; .; K H Mini. II.fl cats, 30; total, tl ' M. A I'rrvo, s. j. Ooaaalea, R, 4th t., vex, s. T t.'liaeex. Uequln, W. rem, A. Hrutlna. I! Itaielaa I on, I, alt). .82: coals, .Xt; totul, l pioperiv, 35; taxes, $2.7.,, penalty, (Schuyler, Ira, Mutlldn Lots 1. I, 7, W. J. Uonaalpa; V IM. N B. It. '.ill. l.l pell " XV. Itnel, personal properly, .14. eoata, $4.14; totul. $7.01. Vpoduon, MllllUel A. 7 4 ft., Miirt'l.lK 3ixil2 Im. MontO a. Doinitiyu 100x2 Bee. T. N., 5 H. ; personal $2,711, $4$.. 72; I. I It. MtiJrld. 8. J. HoiiiiileH, K. fain I'ulm. total. lax.s. penalty, M; eoata, 11.71; X Hd, X. ,i in Second Hi., Mil. N. A. Apod.ii II, IM. X. Sanchcl. H. Oranl Btolan of CHarlt) Laid J. property. 1170; taxes, 112.41: penalty W. .1. .14X2I4 IM. X. II tlareln, M 1; Anton XCxOOO v. total, 13.52. xv Vi aMmtp. R, nt , i:oh..iIik: XV. I.. " Ramara, s. Illlla, k. a Itond; Peoond w. Panllc .. H Cotitrurea, I'aUilla; .62; costa, $1 X4: Uitnl. 114 17. K A R, II. W X. J K. Ii. n 1 M.Hlrlil. Comalpa. It.. lid. Vrum.ini. Hue, i P, I. In kilHl ,,l, 13 Aeeii tn AiiuMi, ltd. N. i. Antonio P. Ha 25 ft. ltd. ltd X Apodin S P. S.ui, In 7 Int. In Lola G. II. J. 'tint. ft. City Mavcnger properly, I - 1X0: K. W. Vh X. ) I'eraonal Max I'eli.i. pi op. Koad, Rival II Hd. N. J A. Unrein y S, 8 Sliiipbi. M XX'. A Pr, I. 4. Hit I. Hi, Ma UVl, taxes. Xpodacu. S. I'. Yrlaaarrl, K. Anuyn, ft Montoya; 30x50 Vi. IM Sin , panitt)'. Ihxph, I ."; euHlH, i K. M. Sen. U. t XV. il lot-l- , itimi. latea, $i4.4; tl.M; penalty, it: tioiiialei, C Acimiu'ii. . l j peraonal property, L. A p, xv pen. .19, en $2.:i; c of Baraks; IXiltO ft . Hd Padllln. 8. B. im, mis. $:;.'.. ,ln. .is, $1.3$; total. $17.07. total. $7.77 V. 4th hi : 60x1. 'in lid. X M. $40; tuxea, .tin, , est-- , x Apodaea, 8. It. Ana) a, ti. Hard-.- 1 $12.01; penalty, mil properly, 190; tixc $6.70. Tupta, Jom 2, 200x210 V. i ii M YniNKuril, M. K. Jtanioi I'l, AC4M)MUi, XV. M Illuh-i,- Prit. Ma. J. M. tiKir.O h IM X. $2.30; total. $14. y, X a Aidaca; 34 fl . l K, It. .92; coats, $4.14; to Toi rca. Tomns :Mx III IM. K. J. Ctl. N. X. Hnliedra, H A. Unrwu. H W riinittlfal; prop-all- I In.-- . (larrla. r. Pui'haj ho, K. J. C. AfMula onui H. i, a I .1. XV. roud to Grant IM. N. A. 1. O. Garcia, Joae J. 35xloo ft. tal c Ramoiu, s. It, .ad. li Vrlln, Ann. V An Ii I'ret 70x400 i pafXMMl eriy, $21.46. (ii-un- l rule. W MiKii'-- TmJIIIo; $16; tnxat. $.0I; IM .I.irii, s. VrlMurri. li. lino, M. V. Xuanei, 8. Garcia. K J. c. Mtunorn; laxea. $l.2f; penally. Vh. Milil. X. A. fllinel. T. fifllml property, 6; $11.32. iohIm, 4 14; total, $2 '. S. Montovn Antonio Joae 2101x1"" xv . Uxen. penalty, Aoequle, XV. It'uiil. personal prnpcrtv HOC V. Ai ; contra itareiaa mad; p Va N M. 8, K .06; coat, 11.84; total. don. K. AriMial. diiela 100x100 .'i'-- l, total. IH.H4 tlnrela. Hnlvador Witntir-- I 50x100 Bd. Chuxei. Indl.tna. J'i.Si: aonal property. 6A; l , 4 inn", t.K4; ,5; ceals. X. A, H. Ou-pe- taxes. t0.4l; A, XX' ei Men nor 4x260 Vb. ltd. ft. IM. 'liitlerrer., J, I'huvox, Mnrtlnr-a- . Mel,. mail. .1.- -- Land IM Vh. lid. X it. Cand.1i.11 s l r e.lUlll. Road; peraonal property.1 $(, 4; S1T.36. penalty, .62; coata, $2.30; XI total. V f(. I til. , XV. total, $13.24. X Garcia, 8. P Apoduca. E. M. II A. Koail; 100100 X, A Ualli-no"- s i ho. K tleirel, K Road. Ac. ipila; $1,850; laxea, $111.11; pennlty. $5.54, - XX' ri.iiin. C. XX'. Xpodncii. CrcSIInu 5. title X S K, I.. ; m i nn I . - I, itaca, Ines de 29X11; fl of .,,t AciHjUla 2llxlo( X'a. ll.l. Lot A W. C'andiilnrln Itlver. W. t'nunli line, X inri-H- pet- Hoiial pi..p tv, $llll t ex. $1 'I costa. $2 3,1, total, $118 9,. Gallia. Add.; Eust-PC- 2. Illk. 2, Lewis Xo. 3 i.,x. -- x p. Candolnrln, s. m. . 4. J, Eastern i.oi n, ink J. prtf$iarty, $56; tnxe. $0.14; penalty. hoiihI ptopeil). tlOa. laxen, 11.14: penalty Add. Moraga, Creaplu 40x240 Va Ild. X. Orlar1. IT ft. to eoHtH, $4. penalty, ,23; coata, $1 X4; t Horradaile, XV Acequtn; I4t46p ' Add.! HlRhlund road .21; 14. Ii: total. $11,06. pt'qalty, ,0C. cuki. 2.S0; total. $3.50. xlnr, la 4; ital, v Apodaea, s s. Kancltex, B, M - X. A i i Ornnl Mnr. lid, .V Gurule. s Apothah TrnJIIIo. l ellpe-- Voxiss ltd. N. - X ltd ineulo. s Mnilloyn vd. HartMaa. Kiice..- Vh. Vi. Bd. Itoilai: AptHUca, W. . Sanehex; 1x3S0 X'a Lirnni llaa. W. iiikIiIum.i I H. ittttftf ii. Acequln. W. Itlver; X't. ltd. road I. Apoiliica. Alley. Ii WilllnmH ft., X. June Xt I.llielo. s .I II lllirille. K. E. R. It W'C J. A" llarreraa, Trlnldud 16x1 25 ft. ltd. 11,1 X A. J. Cliivex. S. U E. I3'ix5 - 1 Cnavet, . Moiiioyii Willi h Ht. tu Aaeea, ltd. N. On- i X ; I), X. X. Cindebirlo. c li. ii TfiiJiHo; piiHoiir.l property. n. I., V .1... Ami.: 14x100 Vh. $4.17;, Simpler Add S. Suucticx, K R, A Hurnil, XV. Public land; lux. ill, 8. A. Apodlicu, E. AccqUrUl. xr. eoMH, Xccquln, XX' Acequla: peraonal prop- llil,. i'l taxfH. tll.33: .60; ,,. N S l x. K. i: XV. P. UkPaldon; taxes, $6.26; $7.08; 13.22; to- WTIIIIeina si. wait Martlm penally, .35, Coala, erty, 155; penalty, .10; W at.; 37 ft.. Unreins roud Ill-- . I ( .31; $1 14; taxea, $l.7; 12.30; total. 114.11 llllh. W. taxlt Vh. lid. X. aiiJ., la , Juan Kin 36X237 penalty, coals, totnl, tul. $10.65. nt , X. i i s. in second lid. Uurulc al, Prertacl lAdoifo tVxUllo, s i: (.men.. R, (Hi Va. I Id. X Ilrjutil. (1. N. I Ait 7, N'xi ,.f UM li. Ht.. XV. atca," J,' yda. Rd N. A. Apodaea, Second Unreins I riimea y Hini'hex. Antonio mix Ht OiTrtOIHll propern, li. H. tV li e i , Illk. B, Simpler Xo. 2 Add.; taxes. XlVrT;lcVo.'!!,"Xhuv. . Aceuneln: It.. ,;i liix.-H- 14.25; penalty, .31; H. tin- - - I L Kntraiiee, . M li. G. i coata. 300 Vh. Hd. X. A. Monto.wi. It. Ujii; Ihxph. penalty, it OMl- Ild. X. It la, 8y Ki-; penulty, .28; coats, tl.ll, total, i. T v , Out e. (l,i$ '!, II- - XX j Mini. 112.08. V.. V Montoya. XX Aciqii a; luxea. 18 1''. Ibaldon, Arenal, A. 14.14; . R $7.01. XV Minn. tutnl. !.:!:' lt Gnrcla; pel mil property, P. I'ndllla. E. Road. ChaVOX. V Ao ,, , , ...... ,, r Xpndaca, Rafael o. de 57xioo ft., properly, lizu; ihxih, i.n.i. I'lielieeo, Xleanoi I525 1. ltd. $75; taxea, .7$; penali , .04 , aeta, HucrhiiiH Augusta - Lot 19, Illk. 2, fid X. A. II Htiintiui. S. J. Itnrnjoa, penalty, ."I; eotH, 12.30: total. t.V4. I). N P, Martia, R. 1:.. ,1 13 13 99. Add : .1. I ,, I XX. , x. Uwero. .12. total. I'. II. taxea. .83: 04; S. M. Mt,, lt.,,,. II. Moil . .1 I ., X Aceqitati Madre, w. I 11 1:1 lit ill .Hl.-H- 11,1 l I v xbleiete. Rtlaa UNd Ild li. i: Williams nt.. ,.,l..ilion. w ,..,.ill :HK.iii v X .a. Pedro . iiii N. cosla, L$$; total. $2.26. property, IM. X. I". tlal.alilon, S. I'. V I personal $S: tnxea. .16; ilnlulilon, l.uni... I, Ii Martin. R. I:. II., P. Public road, S. Guticrr, J. Campbell. R. C. lajt I, Blk. 3$ W 1 V. Juj'.? "a"',;. U2' Dfald. 4 acren; 114 acres Hd. X. Tru- - i,.i,ill, ."I; coats, 12.30; total, 12.46. K. Itond, Aceoiieln: pers.,iinl,r,tnio 50x1 60 Va lid. X. .1 M Lu E. Lucero, XV. A. Hun k4$6 Vs. II. Add.; person ,1 v. $50; v E'lm' ,wv propel. ti rHy Mb. s & li Itond. XV. TrnJIIIo Antonio It. I. N. property. $75; taxea. $2.7; cero, S J. Gurule. li. W. (!. Pa IM. X. J. li. Lucero. s B, $7 .40; penalty, I llroa. Arniin, 15x150 fl. icero, .37; coata. $1,14. Itond. Al ev. ,.,,., property. N ,mlrt H A A B. I .15; coata. $2.30. total. $5 42. checo; Vs X. U 1 XV. s Vtta, E Araaon. V. G. 30x260 I'd Lucero AccHihi. P. Monto peraonal $9 61. WW ,,,'""','' ,,B; co'""' w. v. padiua; par- - llarela; 12x30 ft.. H. x. I. C, Aral Oaboldon, Pernandei t ucrea, ltd. s.. s 1.1 ro, li. M. TruJUlo, W. a. property, 11 no: taxes, t penalty, Candalaria. Carlota Ijind IM. N.. ir.'bi. X. H. C. K. I li. XX J. T.ipl.i. Araaou. li. Are Romero; - IM x 1; Pacheeo, .36; coata, I tal, 78. 8. XX. ,.o X s linn. Hrallmi, Fertlllo; iox2'. 13.22; $io between 2d and 3d ata., R. 2d al Pudilla, .Mariano .0x1 a. Hd. JjT ,t)S; coata, fS.SS; property, 170; nal. W Aeeinieln; personal property, s. i vis,, paoheeoi K . w I'm he, u 40x400 Ud. 4 , ,,; total IMI. peraonal taxes, $11.41; Gome, Prudaa vda. IS. penalty, 4: costs, S A v 14; -. . V'':n".' ,laV'' Aragon, Juan J 100x115 Va. Ild. .48; coats, 112.110 tuxea. $2 penalty, .11; coata. axM-.- s ,. v i X. A. H. I. "'..XV - $2.74; totnl. It; mi. jose .iiikih-- c.tndutarla. J. nnrcin, li. 111.04. Iloail, C Apodaiii; pel aonal prop- v 1, iniL, u i,.Mnli m T iiul.ul. Ban la. Eluiitcrlo 26x30 ft., Mil. $t.30: total, $4.56. E. formerly Anna Mai 1,1 Martin, Road. XV. 4th at.; peraonal properly ex. Sulldou 25x1 10 II. 11,1. X. 112... taxes 113.8,, penultv. 7 dial .in. ,$: ,,,, Wl Acequla; laud Ild X. A. Ou-- : Mra. IM. X. , X n Moiitoui, s. T. E. Unllo, Allele ncrea, W. juato Cordova; personal propavRfi 35; taxea, 19.17; I Cha, (1. . ''. Ouitcrrox, penally, ,46; coals, s Uarelu. li Itroailw oats. j 10; total, 116.86. li. AtrladO, XV. II. S. V.. W. XX baldon, 8. It. Armijo. linix, v, Moatoya; , C.iieia. Itond. K. Sanelnr; $50; $1 85. pen. ill,, .nil; coata, 12.30; 111.9$. -- jhi ionx7o ft tiixe. total. J. c.iudulurla; peraonal piopei Padllln. Antonio- 4iix..o V" Ai:nHia; land In Atrlsc; personal I. . T luxes, $2.92: penally. 16; coata, $1.14; $8 X4. Ho mez, Rcfug-l- 4 5xluO Va. 1,1 X. I Cultcrr.z. S. ft li. Accqiicln, $6.90: total. StI; taxea, 11.71; penulty, .4 4, co X S Turlittu, H Road, A W 8. ,, ,., , $1 (oial, - $30; tuxea. !..: penaltj. V. M. 44.91. Mux A 24x85 Vs. X J A. Romero, 8. 8. li. 3n; l H 11,1. ortlx; MrHiiiin proprrty. $30 Perca. Ild. Perea, Arequie, 12. Intnl. 1.50. S.ibe.lia. 1.,0X:.,(I X P Moll ,.,(N,H ,,,, ,,,; ,, 17 ij.m;. X.;i4; a re la. I'lorcnclo- 63x400 IM. 1: .1. i w. XV. 5(1x521 X a. 11,1. Ila- I v i -- ! X lasen, peiiiiltv .42; ei.HlH, $3.22 - Halt. H. M. Perea, Bala, 4th st.; X. A. Chnvez, Put. I. yds ' ' Ace-qua- l. ft, Vs. Ild. N. Is. A,e-iUl- .''"d". JlfrW. ArinlJo, Salvador 40X40 ioi mi. 11 1. ax. X. li. Sniichri, 8. J. H. t'havex. M A. 23x7llX Vs. Hd. X Julian rela. 8 A. Gomel. K. (inner. XV. lid. X. II. Armijo, s ft i: G. I I.i s. .1 Mm. Perea: E. PadllBj; 05X450 L.l nuyl s. K u.iW. li J. Ar- - Mdra, w. u. Hadtllo; peraonni S 1. S.ilx. T, 11x110 X'a IM. X I, W, i :. Rttt I Ib'-oi- x. Bourironoa. LouU i,ot 10, Itlk. M Trullllo, Jose li. Sanchez. Aceaula; tat ii. simpler S Moich'ii. .. N .'inj.i ,!( w T Sanehex; peraonni prop properly. 60; 14.18; penally. XV. M XV. 1; , - Kaaterrn a.m.. taxen, .xa; penalty laxea. A. Pereil; 26x92 Vs. ltd. 8. 8. Garcia, E. 4tli at.. li. No, 2: taxea, 14.51; penulty .23; coals, .personal property, S40; lax.- 'V ertT lino, taxes. .73; penally, .04. 23. oaata, ll.ltt; $7. is. K. D. M Siim M. A. pr,. US; 5 .04. eoata. II.3X; total, 12.25. total J. Sal. 8. liez. li peraonal in luxea. $1.14; 12 3'. total. 17.12. I. eu.ilt... .14. tioaU, SS; total $4 4.. ,.. $::... 7. 11,1 Sanchez. Juan Jcaua 7x7)2 Va. XV. Vh. X. pen, y penu, & ,. Caadalarte. 40x60 de Pen.,. 4th st., ltd, in,, eoata. totnl. $4.18. Chavea Mrs. aind Padro ft.. :'xl03 in.; Joan PndllU, AntO. v 16 ll.l. i . - J'';' V Armijo llacu. Juan acres X. 8. W. ltd. X. P. havez. S. J , li. J Rttubtgtn. S li. V. Jon- I.uwIh; tlonxalea, Manual D., Va. Ild X. A l I. Owner, i. Ilarela, PedfO 'hnea ft Jr. t4nd ltd. Prct II. Jl'llxtSO J. Sun II. X. P. A. Ilubbel.. 8. IKchl. I. s s,Me-x- . S. mlllo. li. same. & V. Mix I.Ml a. IM. X. X ( Ace-qul- xx Jara Cnavea, . C, Arairon; 2.,x30n J. S.inehez; 64X70X Vs. ltd J bin ex. S. It. M. X. P Qontalea, 8. C. E. hen. s. Habhell, R. 11. XV. prop- - j ft., lid. Spur. Road: latee, Padltla, Road: peraonni w Acequla; Prct. 2. 11 acrea Bd. N. N. Alley, S. R ti H. P. Siinehez. li & W. I". A1111IJ0; R, Apodaea, li. W at.; COx XV .J. prop, 3U. to- , OWMr, Public ronl, It. it.. 4tb Vraaaarrl: II2 penalty, .61; coals, $.'.30. ,,ii. HO, taxea, $4 58; pennlty, .23; H,niiloviil, S. Road, li. Acequla, XX t perHonnl property, $50; 1 pleec Hd X. A K. P. rtuneheT, li. J. 618 Vs. ltd. X. A. Mctieete, 8 M. A. ert.v. $75; luxes. $8.65. .48: tal, St): 7.11, ri.iieia; I'eiialtv. 115.21. coata. Sf total. . Handoval; ieraonul properly. $60. 41; J. Hnliehex. W. P. Hanehez; 115x522 Peren, It. It., XV. M Martin, z: per- - costs, totul, $11 - ,, a. laxea, ix pennlty, .42; eoata, $3.22; li.; Crollott, Lot I, Lot Illk Padllln, Clemente 100x150 ltd. 11X(( penalty. .70; costs. Va. Ud. X. 'A K Pill, He road, li P. 1 g. r, 8.X'3 i4.n; total, $12.05. aonal property, 39i; taxea. 9. '.4. Oonaalea, Mra. a. Va ltd. x. A, Simpler Xo, Add peisonal prop- X. 8. Pa.lllla. H. M. Chaxex. B. A. Pa- - $a,j j. $7.9l. 1 Ctiavaa, W. PuMie raadi pataonal ii. 8. 8. M tta Chavpx, I'orfliio ncrea, lid. X. pennlty. II; costs, 44; total, 127.38. ft Montoya. i: Grant limits, erty. 140; tuxea, 111. XT; penaltv. .'.'i idllla, W. Road! peraonal property. j,a,'. p.dro 2'A lid. N. $60: taxes. $t.9K; penalty, XV. ,, acres rt. Aiodaca, H. P. Apoilacn, K. Ace-iiail- a, properly, Rninlrez, Doivielona 20x900 Va. (l.iiel'i. lax.-- t. p.n.ilti. ciala, $1.84; I, ital, $14.30. tuxea. sf.sO; penalty. ,S4; coata, .10; eoata, $4.6ll; total, $6.68. lino; rtoad. s. a VallegtHv B. Acequla. . V. It It.; personal property. Hd. X Hlaa Sandoval s Pedro Ra .16. e,,sts,; total, 14.11. Daniels, Marlu 07xjj0 ft Hd X !$$.$; total, $7.84. Roud; peraonni $110; - propertv, taxes. I Pi wiaa.1 Tinee. v. ActHjucta Chn- Luoero, . X VV. - taxea. $.fi; penally, .34; coata, mired, li. 4th at.. rerftrto iax6oo im Tafoya. 8. Simpler Add.; li R. It.. San, be. Sllv erlo-- 40x200 Vs. ll.l .n.iltv, .23. eosls, $2.3(1; tn- - Apotlara. Va. lid. - V. X $231. total. IH.30. Serafin 20x200 mlenl: l5x4H(i Va Ild. X. Pedro Jarn- Motilano. 8. J. Lucero, E. C Perea. Halaaar; taxes. $12. M); penalty, .S3. X. Acequln, S. Isb-t- a line, E Sin ,.. i. N. J. Apodaea. K 1'. .Murphv, Ii. It. v XV. 2UX&B0 11,1. , Chavea. Keiden 25x1 10 ft., ltd. x. milla, 8. Juan Raaan, li. M. Sena. 4th st., Va. X. A 8 osts. $1.84; total. $14.97. ehez, W. A. J Chavex; 71x100 X'a. Hd. X ... CtR-dov- Va, Hurela, lister Rlbera de tox'.n W. X. Hoea; 25x40 IM. 2 XV I; .a, ta i l flinvex, S. U. Ilarela, li. Koad. W. .1. Celso Garcia, acres; taxea, $1.92. Lucero. li. 4th at.. I. C.illetalio lall A SXi ii. IN. Acequla. 8 J Montoya. li. Acequla.. y j , Kant ti r.. 8 j, A. Hatteliett, X, Baca. s. X. Aeeguala, - Ckndalarla; peraonal property, $36; C iiaea. k. penaltv, .15; eoata. $3.22; totnl. $6.20 12.08; penaltv, .10; Coata, 12.76; to Illk. II. Simpler No, 2 Add peraonal XX. I Vs. ltd. X C. Mo- ; XV. bixe-- , SS.aS; , toad. l"no Salndra. Ro.ul; Iiixi-h- W. Hlver; peraonni iiroperty, XX $S.7I; pennlty, ,$$; eoHta, $2.31); Itfi Hod., He. Orego rln 74x160 Va, Bd. till. 14.94. properly, $30; tuxea, $2. vs. penalty, ntga, 8. 1 S.imliez. li. M. Moreno. pvtiallv. .13; XI. X4; 14.47. luxes, 14.22: penally. eoata, 13.22: coala. tolul. MaL .4t, .21. X. E, S. If, Gurule, li (iwner. Martinez, Adelaldn 36x382 X'a. ltd .11; eols, $1.84. total, $4.23. B. Sanchez, 3,1x400 Va. Hd- N, A. Iternul. Jncobo 260x60 Ild. N XV Sa. -. I'luinx. Siiliiun 34x1X0 ft.. ltd. X. total, IMI, R, Salz; 57x165 Va. IM X ft 8 li. X. 8. Gnrcla, 8. J. Gonial,- R. 4th at. la M.iviiiilano 30x125 fl IM 8. L. Chavez, li i dd Hlver, XV. -- liurnn. Rniiilr.r. s. J. Tapla, li. J. Munlx. a Baca, s. c. Ratela, n. WiiiinniH at.. AraEon. Juan 10x26 Va. ltd. X. X. Palz. li. Aceiiuela, V. (iwner; per- W R. Luna; 31x543 Va. IM X P, X. Oubiildon. 8. C. M. Sanchez, B. It. ( oinmutilty land; personul piopeHv,w personal property, )SS W. Ii. li. Hiiraii, S. Hueero. li. S. p. XX n0,; Itaea; peraonal property, $16; Jeaua llllh. aonal property, $10; taxes. $10.49: Snnchez, Luoero, i: I'. Sanchez. R . Allev; taxea, $10; penally. .50. $15; taxea, $195. pi naliy. .20; Costa. taxes, $6 11 penally. 31; coats. S2.M; taxea, $4.17; pennlty, .21; coata, $.' It); W. puhllc road; tuxea, 12.08; penalty, penalty, .62: coata. $2 76; total. 113.77. xx. Acequln; taxes, $;.50: penaltv, coata, $1.84; Intel, $12 34. $5.ifi: total, 1121. lotnl U.lf. .10; eoata. 11.84: 14.02. -1- Vs. Intnl. IMS. total. Rodatie, Salvador 00x100 .28, costs, $2.76; totnl. $10.61 Henry, May A. 25x1 25 ft. Hd. N. sanelie v I'ena. Juan- fiCxinn V. Chnhln. A O 14.10 ncrea Hd. X. Cbayea, tinea. Vi, ltd. B. X. .1 Maimela 16x50 Va.. ltd. X. Rnearaaetoa 72x490 Ild. X a. Piichcco. 8. li. 8alr.. Montovn. Plucldii 40x40 Va. Hd. N, ft 8. C. Sanchez, li. R. It.. W. M.,11,1. X llfeld. 8 M. LobatO, R, A J. Hrnarl S tib konaon. K Road ft Iba X H. M. S 1 : r. Ii.u.Ih. S. r. I.opcx, K. P. Chnvex, Vicente Hedlllo. K. Poreu. Oafela, tV. P. Martin; tuxea. ,f7 A. Apoduca, 8. H. Oarcla. R. Public Apodaea: peraonni propertv S25. Chaxex, W. Hills, land Hd. X. Luis 0i. xv. At 11I11: 10 acrea Ild. X IUi - 7 W, W. 22x100 Va. .08; $3.49. XV. nu va, X. ; WtlHantt at.; peraonni property, (. I'onlova. aires: penalty, coata. $1.84: total. roud. Acequla 65x1 Ud. tuxea, $12 50: penally, .63: coals. pndlllu. 8. J. P. M, nloya, R, . Mou iIIOV h Mra. Xorrla. B. P. Atinllo. XX. Apo-ttao- IM. m. s. V. Bd. T Hi: taxea, $4.17; penalty, .21; coat, x. iiaeu. r. tktea, li. Salz, Muxlmlutio x2.0H0 Vs. A. Apodaea, 8. R. Garcia Eat., i: Ace $2.30: total, $15 4:i toya, XV. J. Pailllla: I.i tul Ild. X. J P. ri 'I t.i 11 ill ? 4 ! iiK'v. w. it. ' E. v. p.: It lttt; lotul. 16.68. Pandovat. acre: loxso X. II. Schulte. 8. M. yrasanrrl, aula, R I3x200 x. im x k. Klasel. Geo- - Lot 2. '1, I.t 3, ltlk. Montami. J. Moreno. K. J. Pu 12.70: lotul. 17.79. Va. X. S. M. lien, XV. 17 acres; v Chavea Moliao, Pcdr. - io.xN7 ft.. lid. J. Apodaea. Ion. Mills, T. G. Gonzales. Chavea, s. ft R, m. Oarcla Romero, ll. Simpler Xo. 2 Add.; taxea, $2. Sit; dllla, XV. Hills, house; personal prop-penall- Chavea. Mercedes - 100x50 yda. Ud. Ud, Ii. Pedro P.i iz. W. t lln-a- : 26x400 Vs. IM. X. T. fl. Gonzales, 8. w. li. P. Mdtea, pcnulty, x s ii. r. i.opex, w. A. R. 4x200 Barela; 12,(0; .12; coals. $1.84; totnl, , $110; tuxes, 5.x6. penultv, .21; X B. V. Chnvez. li. P. ArinlJo. va. x. v. Apodaea, s. C, Apodaea. R, w. T. erli Roid. Qalataaai 51i ft. 9 in. by 244 ft., rid. ud. Apodaea. 4th St.. Oonaataa. .13: costs. $3.08; total, $6.31. $4 35. costs, $4.14; total. $10.29. XV. R.,.1,1. 6 11X2011 ids ll.l X. J. I K. K. Apodaea. W. 2 ncrea; 20 McKuy. -- 11,1. , - N , S. A li. r. l.opez, W. Owner; 2674 Itlver. acres: personal property. $o; W P. IjiiiiI Hd. X. D. Ldpex, Andreas 12x125 fl X.I Sanclu-X- Vein eabidu- 36x60 Vs Hd Lucero. 8. Road. li. T. Sanehex, XV. V. peraonal 150; taxea, .73; taxea, eoata, $3.68: H, p. H-- . ft. by II U yda.. d. X. t'. U. Alon-lin- properly, $4.13; penalty, .21: Chavez, S. Grieao. li. Arpiljo. T. Harrena, s. ii. c Chavea, R. It. x. j. Caatoreno, 8. laietn line. B. J. Sanelie.. personal property, $ S. & li, (', l.opez. W. M. penalty, .04: eoats. $,: total. 5.69. total, 18.02. XV. Road. 8 acrea; luxes. $20 84: XV. p. OabaidOII; personul properly. Ii. 40X250 X's $3 32; fhavet; CxMluickO, Monino. W. Moulova. taxea, 111.25: penalty, .56: iiists. in. .1 iioperty, 155; tuxea. $13.06; Dlolilelo I.uii.l lid. X M. Sanehex y Gurule, .Manuel 3:!x:i.1l penalty, S1.04! eoala.$1.84; total.Stt.Tl laxea, $12.60; penalty. .6.1; coata. fjil X. Acequla. H. Isb-t- a line. L. T. totnl. $16.03. S. C. Q. $; 1 X penalty, ,ltj eoata, $.1.68; total. $17.39. Mnrtlnez. Oonr.elea de, 'd. li. Va. IM. X. Owner. S Juan v Perea. Ortafea, Kranotaoa' Haiss vi, im. $2.30; total. 5.43. Lobuto, W. C MorcAl 40x40 s. ltd. Chavez. Pnlroclno 2ax2lO Vs. Ild. W. 4 x. 'Iiaxez y Molina. Juan -- 50x125 ft., Itlver, 'onnt line. taxes. I'., i,oii7.aies, r. nuriiici a. Zntnoru. 8. P RaUatjae. E, J. lailldon. It. XV. Lola 5. C. Illk. 21. X II MODtO) a. S. It. Hol bon, B. P. X T. Ga baldon, 8. Road. li. Acequln. H. l $4.17: penalty, 12.30; to n. XV. K. j r,, X. slreet ear line. H. M. Scdlllo, .21. coals, t va. 110. reuro i.ueero,ih Galleaua, SanChii: tuxea. $3.82; Beatern Ada.; Lots 6, itiu. i. Amaa Nanehea, w. R. aiotitoya! 4o25 x. XV Stein ft Anuva: 4ux4o Va. Hd. N 16.68, W. 1). Gu- K. Public road. W. Manuel Se.llllo; tal. owner. E. J A. Tafoya, J penaltv. .19. i, ..Jits. 84 total, If,. 85. Add.: tnxea, 11.47; penulty, .08; coala.j Rd X. M, pudllla. 8. A. Chavea, E R. Annya. S. Ri .1. li. P Annya, XT'. , no, Va. taxea, penulty, costa, PU-c- 1 . peraonal proin-rty- $80; tnxea, Cnruliu.lal. lineai 'ion rule; t.0li ,10; (Hero llroa, Co. of land Bd $1.84; tolul, I3.S9, Road. XV. C. Pudllla; 25x35 Va. IM. Il A tin,,,- t fl Is till '. P $.5; IM. 8. $,1.'.'2: B. Penalty, 4S; eoata, $2.31), total, 12.?,1. X. Pedro Pair. Juan raroliajal, total, $5.40. X. Uarela, S lial J. M. Martin. Marques. Pedro 25x7 5 ft Rd. X. X. .;. Montoya, 8 .XI. .Moreno, li. R Jnrnmlllo. 8. P. chavex. E. .laramlllo. R, B. Baca, w. Acoquela lp X. v.- , ,1 I "liave y I'lno, Pedro Lot 2, Btk.i tThamtanl; Sandoval, ln, Land IM. 40x2,000 Va. im. N. D. Romero. k xv v. U liannon, K, Road; per- llorboa. W. J Caatoreno; personal I 1. X'a ll.l V I. taxea, .04; ct 8. XV. , liiialern Add.; ,taxi, $2.50; penultv. .83; penally, coata, $2.30; Lola tJarcin al, P. Kandohnl. E. Road, B. Hills. H. It.; land ltd. X aonal properly, $45; tax, . $9.59; pen propertv, $80; tuxes, $12.32; penulty. Batarina, s. s Uaca, 1;. P, ciiuv.-z- xv. $3.17. AeaMUela ('hamleal, W. Muzon ft by road coats, "Hi. $1.38; total. $4.01. total. old and house Andrea Anavu, ally. .48: $1.84; totul $11.91. Ill I oats. $5 .SS; tolul. $18.91. Road: oroiiertv. 170: tilxea. ordova, AUKiiatln :i!ix280 ft., Hd. t'havex. Xoyolu 30 Vs to Grant Acequela; taxea, $3.10: penalty, .16; 67 steps li. to XV, S V. Snbclrn. li. A MonnliiBli, Peter 25x110 fl. ltd X Sa bed ru. Xeator 260x163 Vs. Hit. In ill' in i IX IIH' 1,, tut X It. H. X. K. (osta, $2.30, Anaya, XV. OrleKo. tT. Baca, R, R. It . W. line. nd. E. Trullllo. Joae CM. total, $5.55. fohfrn Acequia; taxes, c. ('haver, s. G. Uarela, E J. canda- X. A. Chuvez. S, 8 Snnchez. E. J. 18.22. R, V. Tafoya, 1 Va. to-- 1 XX'. Pilldlc road; tuxea. $3.16; penalty. rat. Itlver. tirant line, 60 acres; Joae Antonio 0x250 $10.42: penally, .52; coats, $1 14; laria. in,..,, in .,1 taxes, $8.34; pen Montoya, XV. Road; SlOxtll ta, M Ptckaraatt, n. av ssttjl 'a. nd x .16; eoata. $1.84; total. $5.15. 40 Va. to dm nt line, IM. X. Jose 'ha- Ud. X. .1. p. Gurule. s. Read, li. tal, $16.08. ally, .42; costs, $1.84. total. SlS.tJe, X. Turlettn ft Hublsrll. S. A XV. P. P X. Hank, S. owner, B. I'edreifoan. ve?.. S. X'. X. '.ullcitoa, Pedro 10x10 Va. Hd. X. A. Padllln, li. Hlver. W. (rant 4th at.; 30x100 Vs. ltd. yulntnna, Raves 37x800 Va. Hd Monlano, Joae Lot 7. Hlk. 29. Ixibato, XX'. A. Padllla: peiaonul piop- XV Ac. 123X100 Vs Ild. X. R tyichei-bac- quia. Barlaira Armijo. s. Rlaamaaa lima., line, 70 Berea; Innd Ud. X. T Road. 8. 8. Sals, E. 4th St.. XV. Ditch: X. .XI. Montano. 8 it. Orletrn, E. V li.istein Xdd ; personal properly, fit; eriv. $45; tuxes, $3.2'!; penally, .IP; xnaya. s. M. Herman, li. A. Padre ):. S, X M. S. v. ; UrcBiirlo IlarelH. W. Street: per-aa- (iottKar, li ('. tlonwilea. W. 90x125 Vs, Bd. J. Lucero. SJanahex, personal prop ins..', .72; penalty, .04; coati, Sl'.SI; coats. $3.22; totnl, $6. ill. Koaa, XV. Acequla; peraonal proparty, I). property, $15; taxes. $10.42; Isabel de Rivera; personal property, J. Gurule. Ii. Klteh. W. Alnniedal erty, $25: tuXes, $1.32: nenaltv. .32: total. $2.60. Llhradn Mariano Land 20; 17 16; .36; coils, taxes, Turiettta. II tuxes. penalty, penalty. .52; coata. $2,30; total. $13.24. $25: $1.60; penalty. ,08; coata, Ditch; taxea, $4.17; penalty, .21 coata, $2.30: total. $8,44. Xuanex. Joae Chveg y 25x64 fl. Bd. X. 8 Chavez. 8. It. CbfVea, li A- t 22; total, $10.73. Uaretfc Daniel 110xll5 ft., ltd. X. $4.60: total. $6.18. costs. $3.68; total, $9.06. RoiaATte, Jiinii Antonio 150x600 IM. X. J. Vuio. 8. A. Simpler. E. Ro.ul. W. G. Turlettu; mix 00 Vs. Hd. Cornello- - 30x31 Vs. Bd. R. Cibahlon. li. John at., V. AcaqUela; peraonal Duran, Carrni Ita 200x1.500 Vts Torres. Louis 24x700 Va. IM. X. X's. Ild x. Romero, 8. Entrance, XV. J. D. Scrim; Pret. 1, 26x30 fl. Ud. N. It (aid. 8- 1. Padllla. E. Road, XV IN, P Gabablnn. S River, E. J. Jarn-- , IMpertT, $20: tuxea, $3.12; penaltv, Ild. X. Maria Hm k, S. X Durun, E. M. Perea. S Schulte, R. R. It., W. J. li. Romero ft Garcia, W. Acetjula; X. p. Gutierrez, 8, J. Cnavet, li. Ace M. Gar, lie 80x100 Va. Ild. X, Street, mlllo, XV. Roud; 300x300 Vs. Ild. X. 16; 4 eoata, $1,84; total, $5.12. Hills, V. Hlver: personal property, Oonaalea; Lot 9, ink. 1, Eastern 56x500 Va. IM. X. T. Oarcla. S. En- quln, XX'. Itoud; personul property. s It. Chavex. E. R. Morcira. XV. X. T. Oahaldop, S River, HoubIiiS, XV. Ilarela, Kat. Joauuln 40x90 Vs. IM. $25: taxes, $10.47 penalty, .52; coats, Add.: personal property , $90; taxea, trance, li. Ron, I, XV. T. Oarcla, 28x5mi ; luxes. $15.43; penulty osls. j Moreno, personal propeil.i. $9n. luXfa, River, $80; tnaea. N'. peraonal properly, A. Ilardelt, K, M. K. $2.30; total, $13.29. $6. 04; pcnulty. .80; costs $2.76; totnl. s. im x. Entrance, s. t. Oareii y h., $9.22; total. $19.42. I2.U5. penulty, .10; costs, i.m; ioibi, $17.21. penalty, .86; costs, S3.2S; to-ta- li II.. ail, W. A. Harnett; 40x100 Va. Hd tlareln, Heyes 39X204 Vs. Ild. X. $9.10. li. Road, W. I. Romero; 36x260 'a. O'Bannun, F. B. Lots 1, 2, S to $21 IS, x. 11. - tiuiierrex, s. M. ilarrcla, li. ". dumb', s. 1). Montana V, Prloala, Trujlllo, Hotero- 35x200 Vs. Ild. X. Ild. X D. Candalariu. 8. Entrance, li 12. (Ilk, 4, X. J. Siinchea Add.; Illks. Turletta, 1'ellpi 10x40 yda, IM, X. Oabaldon, Frtinclsco Uil l, ink. 6. Hills, W. PuMIe 26x45 E. S. );. XV. B. per. W. at : prop-- ;, . Turi-ii- , - oad; ft. Hd X. W, Est. M. C. 11 re la, 2 acres; tiltea, Trullllo. 4 Lucero; Chamleal, 4th peraonni ' ft x. j. ttanchca Add taxes, G. Tiiilettn. s. J. MorenO, E. R. X. J. Stinchez Add.; luxes. $1.37; pen- I'wnet. S. r. (lullerrex, R. Pedro tiha-ve- i, tonal property, $40, taxes. $3.N2; pen- erty, 70; taxiw, $ 7 82: peiinlly, .89; $6. 8Q, penalty, .34; coats, xx'. property. 3 11.25; penalty, .06; cost.s. n.30; total. 2.30l tolul. i. street; peraonal ilf . mi; osls, l. 8; totnl, $2.81. W. T. A. tiurule; personal prop- ulty, .19: cost a. $1,84; total, $5.85. coals, $6.06; total. $23.77. $9.44. peliullv, .23; coats, A. GOklS X'a. erty, $3.61. $20; tuxea. $4.68; Jeta mlllo. Halvddur HIS; taxes. $12.06; .enalty, .60; Garcia, Ceamt 10x1,004 Va, lid. X. Peed act Four. Rodurte, Gnapnr Vs, Ild. ( .'liannon, L. M. Lola 3, 4, Dk, 4. $2.30; total. $7.11. Ild X. Xald.r.le. S P. Oabaldon, K. coata $4.14; total, $16. SO. paoon Co. 50x500 X'h. lb:. N. M. X. It. Zamora. S. E. E. P, X. ,1. prop- Key Juan flurela, K. C. Lueen 1. K. Hills, .t ft Uarela, Hnnchox Add.; personal Precinct en, Annul. XV. Aceaula; 26x25 X's. Ild. N. uoota, 11. H. B. M. XV. XI per-soli- t. IniVrovemeDta on W. Hlver; Pret. 4, 20x800 Vs. lid. X. Sanchez. P. Arinl.lo, Holmttn, Acequla; 8x25u Vs. Hd. R. Za- erty, 20; taxes. $2,6U; penally, .23; Klock, x. S. llnproveinehtR Gov- ft XV 8. Sandier., S. ft B. Road; W. j govaomeat land; personal property, F, llareia, K. C (lareia, li. & w. Ptie- - P. Armijo: taxes, $1,67; penulty, mora. 8. ft E. P. Ilnrela. W. 4th st.; coata, $1 X4; total. 4.S7. ernment land; personal properly. $75: ,i iporly, 1115. tuxes. $ 5 45. taxes, $10.53: penalty, .53; lb: road; personal property. $90: luxes, .08; costs, $1.84; total. M.t'. taxes. $1.67; penalty, .08; costs. $2.76; Pfatt, '1' U, 50x200 ft. Hd. X. A. ft taxea, $2.10; pclialG. .10; coats, $1.84; penally, .6;. eoata, SI. 18; IpldJ, IIo.nx .4; total, $12.90. 19. 87; penally, to- - liar. I,i, liuloRio 35x1,000 Vs. Hd. X. totnl. $4.51. 8. A.ld.; S. J. XV. Pratt, E. ft XV. Sim total, $1.04. I.. M. 200x1.100 ft. ltd. Uopplnf, .49; eoata. $3.22; Kendall. Clyde Land IM. X. Kate tul. 113.58. L Montana. H. M. Uustatliente, li. Romero y Lucero, Jesus t'fX<tl pier Add.; taxes, $8.::4: penaltv, 42; ducal, (J. P. Imp. Gov. land, per X. .Xlbq. Land Ctl., S. Road, B. A- Gal XV. Jl'ipplntr. s. 1 ROM, ..r lOx Va. 1), pen- XV. per- - Mariano (irlesa, Ii. Hand OaOta, P'raneisco 7 ' Va. Hd. X. Trail 0 Outlermz; Hd. X. Romero, 8. A. Banc hex, coals. $1.84; total. $10,611. sonal property, $o; tuxea, $:i.:m. ft I. 'o , XV. P, Smllb; "IIh. W. H11I11 Vs. Ud. X. M. e, XX'. Hopping; taxes, $1.26; M. Lucero. S. P. Itnel. li. Illlla. W. 200 M. Garcia, S. B. V. Gomez. Rio Grunde; per- Ittvcra, Tomas 15x25 ft. IM. X. J. ally, .47; costs, JJ.OK; tolul. $11. 24. "ii ., property, SSO; tuxea, $4.17; pen- penalty, XV. .06; coata, $1.X4; total, $3.15. Itlver; 11x150 Vs Hd. X. C. Lucero Ei P. Vrftaaairl, Road; aonal property, $35; taxes. $9.24; pen- It. Rlvern, 8. O. Oarcla, E. Epples, W. Gilcifo. Jose -- Imp. Gov. land; l ulty, .21; custs, $2.30; totul. $6.68. Jaraminst Pedro 50x65 ft. IM. X. S. P, Lucero, E. P. Lucero y M., W personal properli, $:;0; taxea. $5.05; alty. .46; coata, $2.30; total. $12. Alley: personal propertv. nxes properly. $50; taxes, $6.96; pen- Monloxa. MuilUel- - 50x162 Vs Hd. H. - - J' BaMonado, a. tlrntina, E. P. C. ero. I acres: 27x1.200 yds. IM. penaltv. .25; eoata, $3.22; total, $8.52. Sanchez. Jiinn Jose- 3'. acrea Bd. 110.42; penalty. .52; costs, ; to- ally, .30; coata, $l.:i8; total, $7.64. x. j. nernai, b. J, Perea, E. j. Jdtttrta, BaMoaado, v. 1 I Road; personal prop- N. P. Aranda, S. C, Oarcla, E. trail Hutumcntu, Manuel 8x500 Va. X. M. GullcKoa, 8. M. D. (iontales. li. tu) $ 3 ''4 Product Kant. W. Roud. pcrxonal property, $30; erty, $411; taxes, XV. X". ' $6.25; penult'. .31; of llutlerrez, W. Public road; Prct. 4. IM. X. li. Ilarela, Jr.. 8. A. Ilarela, A. Lopez, Acequln: 2 ucfes IM. Romero, Teofilo Lot 4, Illk. ,3. N. Hai l, lisqlilpiiln :j.'.x;:95 X'a. Ud. X. lax.s. 13,33; penalty. .17; coata, $2.iitJ. coata, M,86. .s $$.; totui, 3- houBe, E. Gutierrez Trail, W Rdralai tox Road. 8. A. M. G. de SandoVnl, E, J. Huneh.-- Add.; laila 4. 6, 6. Ulk. E. .1. i, candajaria, H, M. e. 115.10. . 1.0 Prct. lot and 30 ft. Wjiiarc; Guiicrn. total, PC,,,i42x245 Va. IM. X. peraonni 260 Vs. tin. X. E. Barela, S. A. Ilarela. AceqUIn, W. Garcia; 9xloo X'a. Hd X SlmpliT Xo. 2 Add.; peraonal prop XV. 1 0x425 X'H, Ild X. A S. in 7 .. a t r :. Va, Hd. X ,E-- I. "pen. properly, 160: latea, $6.39; Acequla; Miinlt. in s. Carltn Montoya. li. t. penalty, coats, $1 E. Road. XV. P .1. YruHsurrl: 24x300 M. Gallt't,'ov. s. i. Gomez. B. Roud. erty, 175: taxes. $2,83; penally. .14, M. IC Acequla. XV. P Pa I,., S P. li, J. R. Allo- - W. .32; $4.60; total, LSI. Gutierrez, bale Gab.iblon. Areiiueln; personal propel v, (larolR, I. Vs. Hd. x. B. 8. A. Ilarela, R. XV. Acequln; peiaoiiRl property. ROtltK, $5.27 jOxSU x'h 11,1. x. m. XV $4.17: pen- $20: llufaela C de Prct. 6x Barcl'i. !8. $2.30; total. din,,: Rational, dai Aceuiildi wxea, luxes. ox; Yrna-siirr- XV. M. 2SX4IIO XV. penuily. .05; Costs, 3110 Vs. ud. x. Entrance li. M. l, Road, Chavez, Vs. IM. laxea, 110.64; penally, .61, costa, Hitnehez, Pollcnrpln Lot II, Ulk. S. Ilortd, li. An quia, Guilerrea. lti. .21,. eo.'.la. $1.81; total, $6 .22. . --'.;i0; ,toUJ $11,38. li. Hills, W. R, R.; Pret. 3, 25x , K. Hiirela, $ A. liirCIa, li. Guller $4.14; total. $15.81- li. U ft A. Add.: Lot 17. Illk. li. II. ft taxes, 6. 84; pepnlly, .29, coat, sa.SH; I'lldlU, SerafllU tlixi'O Vs. Ud. JV. Maldenadoi r.ox Bd.' Vlas-sarr- XV. Pedro 100 ft. 3n Vs. Ild. X C. (Sarela, S. M. l, rlz Tinil, 8. Ilarela: 41x400 Vs. ltd, Sanchez, Kllomeiio .'(r.v20tl X's Ud. A. Add.; personul property, $40; tuxes. total, $0 81. C. S.iluhez, M HuieiiWiibl llroa.. B. l!rf"lMn. X - A.' w T. Senn. li. & W. A. R, Celso Uarelo. V. Hher; land A. Lucero, 8. P. Yraasarrl, li. Ou- x Hi Sanchez. S li. de Lund', li. It. It.. $4.51: penulty, .23; costa. $2.30; total, Un.u. .Hen ti.-- - 9x558 yds. IM X. M Road, XV. c. Saiu'licz; peranhal prqt) liratbta; XV . personal property, $40; Bd. X. Pedro Itnmlrez, S. IJ. Araijon, tterrci Trail, W. Acetjuela Puchlilo: Roml; .13x175 Is. Hd. X. (iwner. $8.04. 8. Dunbar, li Hills. W. eilv. 160; la $6.32; 'penaltj . .12. $12.08; .(10; cost.s, Outicrr. ,!''. iienaltv, B. M. Sena. W At)eqvi)lnj personal Vs. IM. X. A. Wircln, H. E. S. P. Luicrp. 12. (Mil, Hitch ; W. A. Trujlllo, Hanoi,, li. fraction of listen, (lodotldo; 8x4 411 ydn, Ild ,X osls. 12.20; total. $8.94. S0; 8 total. S14 $10; Chavez, li. XV. formerly .1. R. Martljiez; H i x 0 0 A Lot, 3. Lot 4, Illk. It. Simpler Xo. 2 K ' .1. 3M IM. X. M11 property, taxes, $4.58; penalty. Road. Vs. IM. X. D Gnllerrez, 8. K. Otltirfrai. Halaaar, I'nUbi acres rtlnett. At Jfuia tratta n n.t .22; coata, 14: Armijo; peraonni property. taxes. S A Ii. Acequlli, Add,: taxes, $9 17; penalty, .16; co la, W. Acequla; im . Lolmt, S. P, ofero, li. Acequla. W. X. I". It. total. $8.94. $); Apodaea, Marllnex, OuticrrjOi, IxtkIi'.uIs. Oulterret, H. J. M. Chavez, R, O. d Vs. H.I I. penaltv, .21, costs. $7.36; totnl, XX'. Acequla Vs. $1.84; tolul. $11.47. X. M, ley rex, li taajea, $8.34; pciially, .42; coata. P11 lie ilarela. Delflnu 57x300 ciinhiical: 211,600 iiiiibircz dtv,., s Out road. ". H. It.; persmiHl prop- - IM. X. li. Bala, S. I. Sandoval, E. I'.las $ .'68. Hd. X. M. Sena, 8. M. Snnchez, li. It. Trujlllo, I'runclaco- - 25x 44 ft. Ud. Rslero Iteilondo. XV Arcquli; 6xl.,2:i $184; ', 119.00, et ty. $tio; -- tuxes, ii.'.iu; penalty; .76; Itodartn, W. Tomaa flonz;iler; person- llUKtntncnte. Francisco- - 2.1x300 X's. R XV. II. Pnndovnl; 3llx20u X's. Ild X. p. Chuvez, S. .1. Vnio. li Alley, W. Ida. Ild. X. M. Gullerrei, s. p, Hank. Mnchak .luiiaiiiin s de Land Hd coata, $ J.30; totnl. $18.22. al property, $25: taxes, $2.08; penulty, ltd. N." ('. Gayclo, S. .M. Gonzales, li. X. J. Luna, S. 'J Sanehex, Acequla, East at.; personal properly. $25; ulXef, K X XX'. Aeeqnia. 55x 02 Mis. I'd X. Road, 8 li. Ablerele. li. II. Padllln, Montoya, Samuel 50x50 Ud. X. Road, xx. Acequela; 50k5oo x'h. Dd. X. XV. 44x"2.',o M penulty, Costs, M. XV nrojierty, $46; ' ft. .10: costs, $2.30; total. $4.48. J. Handle: X'h. ltd. X. $8.76; .44; $2.30; total, Road, s j. x'liissarri. e. Gullerrei, Road; peraonal H".,laeii. s. & .1. I li. ('. Itaca, W. V. (Joiizales. C. A 45 Vs. Ild. N. M. J. E. Imcero. 8. TiuJillo. Ii. & W. Gaicla, 8. P. MoDtOya, li. Road, XV. $1 1.50. Hf. 4th St.; L'5x5iill yds. IM. X. taxes. a.0i . penulty, .15; coatu, $2,80: rliia; nersoiml hMmvIii ten- in.nn Oonaalea, s. Cohdlto Sonialoa, li. Apcouela; 2,'!x2H0 Vs. Bd. X. J. A. R. R. 37X250 Vs. Ild. N. P. Sanchez. Vnio, M. 86x300 ft. IM N 1'. Konteru, s. Acequla, R, Acequia, xx Intnl. $6.48 Penalty, .4 colts, $2.30; total, Ttlver, W. grants; s. ft B, Bmlllo de Luna. W. S. C. Snnchez, li. XV. S. Manuel are,, li. Williams Rft'tr e; personal $190. SancHlx, x' -- Laiui IM X. ft $11.13. Limits of Alameda old River road. properlv, Dleo piece of land In Los Unnchoa de Albu-querqu- River; 30x200 Vs. ltd. X li. LucerO, River; 28x1 70 X's. Ud. X. M. Garcia, St., W. liaat at.; taxea, $4.26; penalty, taxes $111,411: penaltv. .83; coals. li Road. S. J. Lucero, W. Acequla; 2 Miillt,, Ahran 58x90 Vs. IM. X. aires: personal property, 8. 8, Barela. li. Road, XV. Hlver; 27 Vi S. G. Candalaria heirs, B. A. Lucero. .31; coata, $1.84: total. $8.40. g,90; lolai, 124.19. acres lid. X l'. Trujlllo, 8. M, Zlrhut. ijareia, s. o. Barela, li. lima. vv. $50; taxea, $5.41; pennlty, .27; costs. xlOO Vs, Hd. X. A. Sanchez, 8. E. Go- W. Old River road. pcraonHl property, Im-1nc- t Six. CTaridftll, T. L. 4 acres land) p i li. AlllUq, l aud Co. XV. Ac quia; per- Ultch; pret. 28, 225x400 Va. Bd. X. $3.22: totnl, $8.90. mez, li. Accuueln, XV. Roud; tn.xes, $105; taxea, $9.50; penalty, .48; costs, Caslorena, Jesus- - 40x200 Vs. Ud Rbnal propertv, $l6il; tuxes, 115.26 sonal propertv, $115. taxea. $1.56; pen- ' A. Jaraniillo. H. II. Montova, li. & Uonznles, Vs. Bd. X. $9.6-1- penaltv, .48; costs, $5.62; total, $8.74: total, $18.78. X. E. Montovn, S. J. Moreno. E. Ace- penalty, coats, total, 40 ally, .08. S.78; total, $4.40. W. I a Luis 37x200 .76; l,ll; in. csts, - 1...,.-- r XV. 111,111,,,..,,i. :b, i,ix-- u ft S. Juan Ourule v .Moya. E. It. It., $15.64. Snnchez. Andres ::0x3ll(l Va. Hd. X. quia. Public land; 33x750 X's. IM. lieiinuer, llorriion Land lid. X Sanchez, XlColJa 10x213 X'S. Ibl. Vi " K. O. Gurelo, H. & K. Jnrn- - tV. T. X. ('haver.. X's. Hd. If. X. li. Apoduca. S, I.. Iireld. XV. li. . B X. (I. Apodaea, H. P. Gurule, li. Road, mill, (Jonzalcs; 33x250 Vs. IM. ft Gertrudes 30x300 Rodurte, S. J. Grleiro y G , li ft Acequla ft Zamora, 8. v. - , : Aceqaeia; peraunni prop- S. Juan (luriib-- li. Arias. W. Cnnuto X. A. Zamora, Jr.. 8. E. Onavea, B. (irant. w. Roud: 2Sx6(l Vs. Hd. X. ',. Public Innd: personul properly, $D0; Road, W. quia ft Zaniorn hutui W. A. Trullllo, 3SX2I3 Vs. Ud X. U. rty. f tl : taxea. 127. 22- nennltc. 11 .16' Romero, 4 acres; 22x100 Vs. Bd, N, Acethiela Chnmicul, W. 4th at.: 0x Sanchez, 8. Road. E. N. Snnchez. XV. luxes, $16.34; pcnnltv, .82; Coals, $6.64; pern $2.30; tolul S. Rndcv, 8. ROfld, li. Haen. XV. M. CM, 14.14; totnl, $32.72. Santiago R. R, 200 Va. I M. X. J. Ii. 8. A. Za ' ; $3.22; total. $20.38. Sanchez; 100x200 X'a. Ild. X. Acequln. -- Saiz, Juan (iuriile. 4th Ilarela. 84x180 Va. Hd. X. R San $9.29. M' , A 1 kill,...,-. A ...... II. X XV. . XV. v. it, avirn cjii, i. St., W. D. Oonzalea, 2 ocrea; 50x115 mora, E. Acco,ui Ohninlcnl, 4th at., doval, 8. V. Saluznr, E. R. Cnrnbajnl, Chnvez. J. E. 100x190 Va. lid X. Kane, J. M. Land Ild. N. Cutula-J- S. It. Armijo, li. J. L. Armijo, L. ' it VV (1. R, Oruns-feld- , XV. i Apodoca, li. ltivera. ft. Bd. X. , S. Entrance, B I0XLO00 Va. Ild. X. P. Chavez, S. W. D. Romero; 70x500 Vs, Hd. N. 0. J. l, Turletta, B. M. Padllla, Inrlu, 8. M. Moore, E. It. R Armilo: peraonal property, $190; '"'s; persona properly, $50; tuxea, Tomns Negro; personal Chavez, XV. Hitch; Va. V. W. Public prop .52, tnxes, penally, $1.08; est.,, $10.66' Crlefto, W. li. ft 5x1.000 Garcia, 8. Saluznr, li. It. Cntahajal, roud: iieraoiinl 4th at.; tnxea, $10,42; penalty, $21.61: penalty .5 4; cost: to Hd. X. Chavez, S. A. XV. 02; penalty, .10; $211.83. f $2.30; properly, $75; taxes, $15.17; penalt.e, F. Zumorn, E. D. Romero: piece land Ud. X. J. ertv. $40; (axes, St, costs. $1 84: totul, $12.78. $4,14; total. tal. $ r 0 ,76: costs, Aiequl, XX'. Road; peraonni Apoduca, costs, SI.1 30; $4.32. Vs. Hd. TclcHfor X's. Ild. N $5.06; total, $20.99. properly. 8. Entrance; li. J. Apoduca. total. Mures, Valenlo 0'4 wide Sanchez. nca, Manuel 16x23 ft. IM. X. Orlcgo v Vs. t taxes, $5.88: penalty, .29; costs, W. v - M. S M. E. Ace-qui- X. J. I. Valencia, S. Road, li J. San- Bazun, Pedro 30x100 4th st.: piece Innd Bd, X. A. (lar- Chav ez Padllla. Manuel 50x1 10 X. A. Chavez. Gaicla, . " Iks, S. & Chavez, W. It. lid X. S An- $5,111;; $11.23. p. XV. Ild. X. chez, xx-- Acequla; 40xXo s. Rd, X. ll.: E. J. ft Manuel Carubnlal, li. total. eia, 8 Bntrnnce, Ii. Romero. W. Vs IM X. A. Padllla, S. D. Chnvez, Hlver; land J. (iIkuio. axes, pcnulty, .15; costs, pa la, 20x200 Chavez, Helfiiui 1 Oxl.OOO yds. Bd. H. W. Gil-le- n R. S. IV $1X4 $:'.2: dres W. M. Carubiijal; River Road; 27x800 X's. Hd. X. It. E. Acequln, W. Roud; 50x20 Va. Hd. A. Hromphe, li. Matthews, Sanchez, Road. li. Airanila. totul. $4. 91. Vs. Bd. X. Juan A. Garcia, S. Mariana X Mrs. Gibbons, 8. Ed. Chavez, li. ft Sena. s. T. Garcia. Ii. Grant, W. Roud: N. H. Montoya, 8. 11. B. v.iter; 10x10 fl. Ud. X. A. Lopez. W. M. Unci; personal ptopcrly $26; ' Padllln. I. neian, Tom V. SEVi Sec. 3, T. Garcia, li. Max IVrea, W. Juan A. W. Ditch; 5x1,000 yds. Bd. X. G. personal property, $310; taxes, $10.84; Chaves, W. IS. Montova: 200x70 Vs. s. r. Carpenter, E. a. bopet, w. v. ,x. laxes, $x.:: 4; penally, .42; couIh, $3.22; X li. 2 B.; taxes. $16.50: penalty. Garcia: personal property, $55; taxea, Arias, s. Bd. cimvez. E. Ditch. W. pennlty. .52; costs, $7.36; total, $18.22. ltd. X Road, 8. Chavez v Padllla, li. Lopez; personal piopcrtj', $110; taxes, lotul, $11.08, $1.38; $17.66. $5.12; penalty, .26; coata, $3.68; total, Road: tuxea, $2.09; penally. .10; costa, Snnchez, XV. VI. Va. .52; coata, $4.14; to- Hnbedra, 2 acres IM. X. Uiinier,, total. Ambr.Mio :i0xW0 X's. Hd. J. Montova, Rio Jo. 70x200 $10.63: penally, Xeator 'i Abel 60x60 ft. Ud. N. J. $9.0. $2.76; total, $4.95. Xr. J. Lucero, 8. Xesier Sena, li Road, Ild, X. X Sabedra, S. Road, E. f. tal. $15.20. t. Hanohcx, s. Aeeuula. E. Road, xx'. K- Montoya, B. Chavez, 10X1,000 W. XV. 70 VH. Ellseo--34x6- 0 X'. W t ' "' Acequela, Ourule. Manuelita 32x1,200 Vs.: Fcbronla Va. IM. River; piece land Hd. It. E. San- P. Chavez; 150x1 Ild. Mirabel. ft. IM. ActqUlu; personal property, $25; ft.; personal property, $25: taxes, $1.25; penalty, .06; eosts, $ 3S X. E. Chavez. S. P. D. Chavez, E. ft chez, 8. p. Garcia. E. C. Sanchez, XV. X. Chavez y Apoduca, S. Louis ttfdld, Guurdlton. S. A. Vlvliinu, E. P. GHegO, taxes. $4.58! penally. .23; .osls, $2. '10; $1.87; I""s. penulty, .09; coata, $2.30; total. 1.1." . W. Ditch; 5x1,000 Vs. Hd. X. J. D. Road, house and lot; personal prop- E. River, W, Arroyo X'le.lo: peraonal W. A. Lopez; 28x35 ft. ltd. X. J. De- - total. $7.11. $4.26. Jnrnmlllo, Pedro 66x440 Vs. I : f Chavez, 8. Ditch, E ft W. Road; tuxea, erty. $10; taxea, $2.92: penalty, .15; propertv, $245; taxis, $8.37; penalty. vine, s. Bntrancf 4. J. R. Oarola, w. Pieiloct Ten. B'Mra, Porflllo 50x250 Va. Bd. X. Lopez. S. D. Ramlrex, E. Aottquala $2.08; penalty, .10 coats, $2.76; total, costs, $3.22: totnl, $6.29. .42; costs, $5.98; total. $14.77. C. Oarcla; 28x423 ft. Hd. X. S. li ft Enpiiio.-a-, Martcuartta - xo acres ud-X- MaVnpH K llol.lnr D! If ... l vu Chamleal. W. Contra Aceo.uelunvie.1a. $4.95. Sunchez, Conrudo 28x300 Va. IM. Chavez, Lux 33x250 Vs. Bd. X, 8. W. It. Grlego; personal property. $60: J. Ortega, s. gov. land, li. L Ban- - " a, Miuirtzmann; personal propert- 4 acrea; 163x700 Va. Bd. X. Ortegas Chuvez, Euaenlo 100x2,560 V. Bd. N. c. Cnrabajul, S. T. Oarcla. It Valencia, S, li. Montov a, li. Roud, W. taxea, $10.54; penalty, .53; co-l- ohcx, XX'. M. Apouaca; personal prop- !.1,0l tax-e- $5.60; penalty y's; coata, Entrance, S. Yrassflrri, B. Public road, X. B. Chavez ft Zamora, 8. P. Armijo, snlazar, W. A. Sanchez; 500x62 Xn. Montova; 33x200 X'a. Ud. X. A. Duran. $3.68; total, $14.76. erly. STSj taxed, $10.29: penalty, .111 .. total, 18.18. W. River, 12 acres; personal property, E. ft W. Acequla; 40x700 Vs. IM. X. Bd. N. J. Trujlllo. S. Acequla, B. J A. 8. 8. Sanchez. E. A. J. Duran, W. (.', Mi Mullen. T. J, Land IM. X , la. ata, $2.30; total. $13.10. Sobedra. Nicolas 11, BIk. I, $135; taxea, $28.53: penalty, $1.18; J. Munsey, 8. E. Chavez. Ii. Aeeqnia. Hodurte, W. Acequia; 56x1.400 Va. Ud. Morega. peraonal propertv, $90; taxea, 8. B. Acequla,. XV. lisplnosH, P. y 8EXJ SW1!, Apodaea Iot Matthews, Pedro Xo. 2 Add.: taxes. $1.67: coats. $3.68: total. $28.41. W. A. Zamora; 10'4x700 Vs. Ud. X. X. P. Lucero. S. It. Sanchez, E. Illlla, $4.02; penalty, .20; coata, $3.22; total, Puhllc road; talca, $8.34; penally. WVj Slit',, BEVi slii4. sec I, T. S X.. Penalty. .08; costs. $1.38; total, $3.13. Lucero y Perea, Antonio 113 1). Chavez. S. V. Chavez. B. J. Munsey, W. X. Garcia; 21x250 Va. Bd. X. A. $7.44. .42; costs, $1.84; total, $10.60. It. 6 E.: personal pioperty, $140; Sanchez. Ubaldo 2x80 Vs. Bd. 350 Va. Hd. X. P. Lucero, 8. A. San- XV. Road; 5x2,000 Va. Ud. X. D. Cha- Espalln, 8. A. Lucero, E. 4th at., XV. Lenie, Juan P. Peraonal property, Mnndell. A. P 11X291 vda Ild N taxea, $16,17: penally, .$2; posts, & B. Pedro Candalaria. W. O. chez, E. Road, W. R. R.. 4 acres; Pret. vez, 8. T. Chavez, E. Chamleal, XX'. 4th A. Sanchez; personal property, $70: $25 0: taxes, $10.42; penulty, .62; coats, Entrance, g, m, Outlerrea, E. OfUen, $2.30; total, $19. v.. I'aiela: Prct. 26. 25x140 ft. Bd. X. M. 4. 43 Va. Ud. X. K. Lucero. S. at.: 144x195 Vs. Ud. X. M- Busta-ment- taxes, $6.31; penalty, .26; coats, $5.06; '.::x; total. S1S.SS. water, XX'. AcHua; personal property, Her, era. liduafdo Et, NB Sec. aHllo. S. Kieln-wor- 3 XV. ; II J. Sandoval, E. E. t A. Sanchez, E. Mills, W. Road, acres; s. P. Armijo, E. Road, M. total. $10.43. Lucero, Juun B. Peraonal proper- 550; tuxea, 110.49; penalty, .58; coala, 21 X'H XXV i; , Bc. T. 8 X.. R. w Road; Prct. 26. 25x600 ft. peraonal property, $15: taxea, $11.25; Chavez: 20x229 Va Bd. X. M. Barela, Serna y Duran. I'rcderlco ty, $190; taxes, $7.91: penulty, .40; $2.30; total, $18.32. Bi; personul property, $40: taxea, 0, X. T. 25x100 Lopez, S. J. A. Lee. B. Road, penalty, .56: costs, $3.22; total. $15.03. 8. P. Vraaaarrl, li. Road, W. P. Vraa- X's. Bd. X T. Serna. S. M. D. Oonzalea, coats, $1.38; total, $9.09. Xuanez, Pablo--16x5- Vs. Rd. X. $3.77; penalty, 19: costs, $3. SO: total. River; Prct. 3 4, 100x120 Vs. Bd. X. Lueerro, Esplrldlon 1 5x700 Va. Bl. aarrl: taxes, 14.14; penalty. .21; cota, E. Acequla, W. Gutierrez road; taxes,' Montoya, Eutlno Land Bd. X, 8. ft A. Orleno, 8. Roud. E. R. OMegn, XV. $6.26. "".1(1, U. T. -. I.' ,:.,,.,,-- . X". w r.iinulu F. Lucero. S. C. Cordova. E. Illlla, 14.44: total, 110.79. $1.21; penalty, .06; cents, $2.30; total, E. Koad. XV. Juan 8. Pena; land ltd. M. Orleno: taxes, $1.67; penalty. Ox; Hcrrera, X'leente sli v; ft Lot 5, W. Camllo Lucero: 35x137 Va. Bd. X. Chavez, Ambroslo--10X1.0- 00 yda. $3.01. X. Acequla, S. Isleta Grant. E. '. Mo-rea- costa, $1.04 : total, $3.5. Bai 6. and KRX4 XWi; ft Lots I. 2, '''I N. S. Outl-frre- t, Cha- Aloarlo--t0x- ft Chilli' Orartt, E. R. D. Lucero. ft. T. Garcia. E. P. Bd. X. T. Chavez, 8. G. Chavez. B. A Htevene. S. ,1.- -15 acres Bd, N. I. A.! W. J. II. Padilln; personal prop- Sanchez, de Grlego 00 Sec, 7, T. 8 X R. fl E.; peraonni W. Va. Bd. W. Dolores Tapin; taxea, $9.70; vez. W. P. Coatlllo: 4x500 Acequia: 5x1.000 ye's. Rd. N. A. OnllCRoa. 8 .1. tl Nlpp, B. P. Lucern. erty, 120; taxes, 11.46; penalty, 07; vda. Bd. X. It. Romero. 8. t. OrleRn, property, $120; taxe, $18,65: penalty. penalty, i .48; eoata, $5.52: total, $15.70. N. F. Lucero, 8. C. Lucero, E. Camllo Chavex, 8. T. Chavex, E. Acequln. W. XV. Ditch: taxis, $7.60; penultv, ts. 12.711; total. J4.2S li. Illuhlnnd road, XV 'Id Ic.,ai:n, ',1, coals. $2,30; total. I2I.7S. ennrhez, Diego 60x60 ft. Bd. N. Lticero, W, Rio Grande; personal Road; 20x1,000 yds. Bd, N. A 8. P. coata, pl.84; total, $9.72. Juan 700x700 X'l Hd, N. j personal properly, $45; taxes, $8.41; Garcia, ReglnalOO acres Rd. N. ' SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1913.

Munuc)-40- 57. M. T. Co. Add., I. N. It. Chave. 8. AeriUia. K. It. El ! del Indln. K. W. Arrqula; H I propert'.', HO; Rael. t8n Va. ltd. N M. T: N. Orni. II. 12, Hlk. Acenuii Public domain , p.. m Pab. Co. - r. iraoMl V. ltd. N. R. pudllU T. Mahtanada, W. U Martin" 13.76; pel est-- 12 10; Arroj,,. R, Arintjo, J. Zuinnra, W laiea, 135, prtiulty, 11.76, roata, II. II: riaiiilna Iload. land s to-la- In, protierty, 5ou. Ihxk, 136; penalty. chuven. R lllver, W S. pad IIla' -2 .M; Ooota. 11.30, l, total. 14. J Outlerrrt; 1012 Va lid. N. A. total, 111.66. II . . M,; . '., 11.31; total. 134.13. lid. Ni Itoad. S. M. S.I III 7. . 1 1 0. N. 8. Mux Ftll.-h- R. W. Iload; Aekerman, I'mnk-I- M 21, 22. ink. II oat, 3.4 Martin. ir.inti rt. IM. K 4 7 Prdri 7. Lalihiiiii. lill. W ft Lota W. Hltlai land lid. N. M. Oareia - property, 4lj 110.14); 16.15, 6u. N M T Co.; Uila t, 16. Hlk., Oregorlo- H NEW. LoU peraonul luxea, totnl, 41, II. II A.I.I taxea, K penally. .61; S. 22; total, Add.: Let 1. 2, Hlk. s. I'ereu 7. 1. i. 10. Hlk anchea, Hiiiiii rond. W. I, J, lire. 4, T. I .V. It. C K.; ieraoii1 coat. Onrcla, PtHpt 2flo3fl0 yda lid. N. I'erea 5 17. I. per-ton- 17o, penalty. I ti; coata 11.14; total. peraonal property, 1M0; tatea, I t i t p Add.. Lot f'lk. Coron.ido. propert.. taxes. 114 14; IMS; lll.fl. M Ciniu. u. J. m Kanchea, K W. 176.34. penalty. .11; coala, 14.14: (otal. !.': - property. 160; tatea, 1121.14: I or. ortm 11.14; 121.11. 14.76. No. 3004, Join- L. .41; I M s, ii. i"Ui. Romero. Julian t'lniin Uarcia; laxea, penult.. penalty, 16.32; coata, 3.i2; total, Lindeay, w. I. I'rct. land Hula, A. U.8H NWK, Lota I, Ulk. 4. r Tra. I In (I Heca. I 9. JO, 30, T. 1 1 coata, K. Inc., .Clj 11.14; total, I2.?T, :i.. lid. N. Atriaco lurm. S. I. Sunchra, ( ii, T. 4 NL It. 1 K.i U 6 14 .24:1 in;, Pen MM rlv, 10. la N.. K.: taea. 07. penult), (lonxalet, - Va. Illo lira tide W I'uhllc 20 lurea property. 11,145; luxea. 55.i r. p. t Autuatln- 200346 Aii'ii-i- - Cycle a Ainm Co, propert), I a. 11.14. U. total, 16 II. p, Peraal 3. 31, II II. AUil. tra.- y. , 1(HK. N4 lit". IMI. Il.4. ltd. N. shubert. 8. Morn. K property. 1656; la xr, penalty, ltt lilk. i.ot, total '.. ii.5i', . :;: , 3D. 110 04. . 4. .IX. II Add U.t IU.I . .11; coat. II. Romero. Llhatm t'lalttt No. 300, Ho..d. W. I). Url-o- 4ii4(( d IM Illl. II. frac. Antonio nutUirrei J. .:,.,. j - coata, total, a r 11.63.; 3. u-wi- Ko! i Add., peraenaj ...iiu Martin-- de Impet, Franc 35t Tr. I. He. It, T. II N.. It. 4 K . tuxr N. M. (larrta, . p, tfbubert, R, Orant. Hlk. (rant l.Huo acrca; taxea. 117 x. f- J- Alton, Trurilon t.o 0 mllra I4k.62; penalty, 1. -Lot 1. t. H I'.o 11. IM V II. ad. 4 - Oarcla, 11.22. penalty, .06; coata, 11.14; toUI. W. Arroyo; pataonal property, i propert) III; laxc. penalty, coata. 11.14: li. ,.f tr.i. k with iMiiilpment In I'rcl. 12, coata, 06; 151.43.; tntat tec. I, T I ft, II W. Itoad. erimna1 JH$M9, 115. tnxea. 11.71; penalty, oh. coata, 13.22. 12.41: 13 total. 141.23. I i, mil of (rack n'lth i'i)iilpinent Inj M fc . i..v 16.41; penalty, .IT; ttatta, 12 0: im 2, sou E peraonal fir rrt), fit; UBtti Zninoru. ('ill. lui 111 No. 1010, total. 16.03. I, i 1 e4a PMtlHa crnnl atttaj Pn mih' of track with equip-- I'ii-oi.- .OK, Mftnt. Ic.tnl. 17. 01. T 1 Mann. Kdnurd property, 152.10; 6n, II. 04; penally. roat. 11.11 Tr. I, t, Sec, m, io, T. II N.. It. I iriei(o, Antonio ncrea lid. N, A mmt In I'rcl J, I S7-4- nulea of MM itenally, 12. 1764; taxea. 162.50; penalty. 12.1.1. :;x. I.'.O.US 14.67. MhMIii, Jose l ft li., 14,47 j prmt lt . .10; coata, H l..i 10 I ii)i aniilptnent in 12, II. total. tiv'. Cliui'hlllu Chillll Urant; rack Pitt, fair coata. 11.31; lotul. 164.11. latin N I I', de (la E 14; b. N. S A u rou lulu. Iinpro.rmeiila. Ac, I'm . in. i Mnt'lUt, Tom" HH NW4. II total. tl. arrrn Rd. Iwi hitlil Mo.ii. car harn, Mandril, A Co Peraonal Mne. 4 fc.; peraonal W II Afm 4 Ha'a, K. M. OtaTUle, V. Chi- in I t.ixra. penult). I llarr It. .1 ld. N II. Street. Sk inner, Mrs. Lapnord 14014 I. 2 Town of I'll II; l,ltl.ll; propert., 11.250; t.iXiv. x;.5li. penal I!,N,d ; h . 114): 11.14: pciialn 4; i ... M 14; coata, lotul. 11,611.26. R, C . r;. MMfcfett'. II uu l in i n.iin rMr. Us. A NH KRJ4 ft NV HV, HH of llll. prop. ii t in. ty. 14.24: coata. 11. 3a. total. 163.24. Pns a a. Apoda w' l I. 14.41. ss 1Vori.--- h" coata, II 10; tol Nl ftto. 14, T. II Km 11. t F..; t 14.17; penalty, ana, l t" Ah lira do Bnttl'tnj acre.! Matthew. A. K. Lot 21, Hlk. 2, IIomiI; land i... N. J. Apoda, a, N. ., HKM lee, T. 4 N., It.,! Lflpea A Arniljo. hV ICoad, W. Mart Martin. J. B. 4ttl4H Bd. property. 40; taxe, 12.70; pen-alt-f till. 114.11. is, II I Coronado Add : properly. Di He- - nl 22: peraonul 11,426; 21, latiil 140 Vh wide, El P. Martin. H li. tl. I. M. .11. coata. 12 30, total, 10.1.1. (lutlrrre. Oil I 46141,444 lid. propert., 1160; luxea, 131.56; penalty, 11. S3; I'rct. fid r Ik..-- 1116.46; penalty, coata.l I). taxea. 110.13; penalt' taxea. 60; . K .' 10.27; Manchex, h. J. U San. h. B, Ve' dillo. W. Plot. chttrHt; I;. Iik I h. t: w. Chillll CJranl coata. 1I.H4; total. 142.27. a I'm i'i tot "I. II34.H2 ; l; tut I. 111.44 penally, .11; lolul. 4.4..i N. H. A K Muynard. T. Y. Lota a. 7, Hlk. 24, vero nuncnen, w p t, coat. - 1 5 !. lid. Urant. (lar.iu, . Abayn, Jeans 06 ft. Hd. N l.l II, I por- W. r.l)u i Aim I. I. it N. M. T. Co.. taxea. 10.1.16; penally. Ihii.I N. Kat. Lucaa Arinljo, . A. Mi'-...- Charles Half unsold i". K. W. iiwnfr. M. tlutierrr; yd. Rond. s Charea, Aceooln, IM 44, lilk. 17. A, I'.ro A, 1.1 tnxa 113.17. coata, 11.34; total, 107.11. L. y A in,.... K. Illo ilrHin W. pf Hod & llratllitt Add.; late,! - I ft. II .... u N. A H. Chillll K. 'lull l. tion II. ..I. w I,.1111. II. I n. , tlrtnt. 41 4 Ulliil,. ... . uonin, W. .!-- . n HI II Monlrxutna Trust Co. Personal IthlRe, peraonal propert., t5!n hixi a. 14 0041a. 11.11; total...... h Arroyo. ioox)46 im Ifi penalt). .tl; " in, r.. r.n. raniT, t, . ai'i-'iiji- . flo' total, penult.., 'on' Itoad. M. tlrunt, I: Blwell, W I property, 16,260; taxea, 127; ;ii penally, i.jj; coeis. u.ji- i0. i rt , 164; I. prraoti iropi Uea, 13.54. tr..". li 114.16; coata, 11.11; total. 1311.24. tal. 137.81. Mi i:ulnn Win. Lunal .If 1 duilnrret; peraonul property, .'. 11.71; 14 61. ' j 17. 11, Hlk. total. I2.H4; Badaraeeo, P. v K Sim . 13. T. 10 Myila. M. C Lots r y 50 tnxeii. pep. In. .16; roala, 14.40; 1. Precinct Ten. Jaramlllo . i: t ii.. mo 13; Lota I. Itucu Add.; peraonal property. total. 17.71. ncrci Prat. -- I....!. raplu, H. i ;..'.. perea Add IflfiO; taxea. 1111.53; penalty. 16.61; Or.i's, John Mllnnroa , 12. I. to. taxce. He, AieUla; piTioliMl Uutlerrei, Klfldo 600x106 vda lid My. 11.30; coal a If coata. 11.14; tolul. 11 42 06. 4 28, Polaom Lode No. 013. , f in. II property, 74; tana, penality, N. Sl H. chillll Orant. R. Ornm line, McOuire. J. P. Lota 11. 14. 15. 14, s N. R. li.; luxes, 130.51; pentHt) 6. 7. 20, i.a; S NW( II IM I. H' 6. 4. if, .14; coata, 1.' 10; Intnl. 114.74. W I, (iutlerret; laiel, 11.41; penult llarlh. laaac Peraonal property. Hlk 17. N. M. T Co.; taxea. l.o. pen-IJ.'.- 11.50; coata. 11.84; total, 133.85. . II B.; 0.44; . ,. Hit. I, T. I prnilt. d o l, M .l Icioi. IU .'i I", poata,; lotat, 11.41 laxea. l:x.3; prnalt... .42;all. 13.50; toala, 11.31; total. lil.KX. Mora. I'llnnieno (8 4 HWi See. d , . 155; tali'. 14.41. II : ' ota, 11.11; U ltd N. h. CandeUHt, h. a. dc Qarcta, U4rt4te, Mareoa 76il64 ..I". IM II. 3X; total, 1.11.16. N '. NW i, Sec. 15.TT. t N.. It? t ft; i r.x:i(t Va ltd. I N. . N ); roaU, 11. IV; total. 112.1" MeMoy, in K. A. Madre, W. ('amino Urn pi t S. K. It W. Chillll (Irani. 0xlii'" llarlh, Cheaale D. -I- .ol- 27. 21, Hlk Nlrlaon. H Lot. 21. 22, Hlk. 38. Si', N E 1 NH HP.'i Hoc. 15, T I ' V. Arlaji. H. K. IB. Ilo-n- S'-.- . - J4r4Wo m: si;',, s. N. Ii. J. annul t.'i4; tairn, ll.l'V; pen- Ml, ltd. N. 8. K a v chiiiii Urant; I. A Hioa.; li. loo ft Lot 1. Hlk. 30, Jf, T. i, 156: penult). II 0 E . 8KV, Sic. 15; Lol- I. I proprriv Hfc, W. pn.prrty, ; 1 1, 8 N VKVk. I; NS N'W'i. nirro. Arwvuii: alty. 12.30; tolul. I.I4. land, houae and M In t'hllil peraonal II. II. Add.; taxea. 11 16 50; penall). 12.10; coats. 11.34; total. 100 S. Sec. 14; Lot 23. T. . ft It ; :i, la, N . IE.; pwautial prop 17; y. .71 roata. - ; It. IM; UUM, 114 n.. .. Antonio t ivrHonui prop- prop. rl. 170; U peliu Itl 11.71; coata. 11.44; total ', O E SW, Sec. 15, T 1 N.. It. 0 K; 11.14; loiul, tax.-- , coata, 12.76; lot, iierj(er A lira, IVraonul land 50x50 yds, Bd. N. Main at, I'l.ll. ttv. lilt; 111.17; penalty, .44. h.ouel K Co. prop- ft Mmn(..', ... IM. N pan-all- 0, Transfer Personal IMlpi H0R0 It. coata, 11.11: total. 115. 4. , I (Jurulc, Ven dl piopert). I2.I0H. late. 1147.2s. Santos Mora, E. A. Sulua, W. P, Moral I'm-II- t n i . erty, 179V; tuxes. 128.41: penalty. l.'lru . s Muiitii' ... i;. W. i 7.:io; run in V lllilmp, T. I) -- r.oxtKi Va. I Id. N. lid. N. . A K. Chillll Orant. W M. ioM 11.11; lolul. Illl.tX. 13x500 yda. Hd. X. chlllli Arroyo, 8. N. I'. era IM N 4V 11.42: costs. 11.26: totul. 131.21. t'lii.ri. ji root Itoad; praonil property. 130. M A. S C W I.. Uiirule. taxea. 12.01; penult., .10. Ilordeni. A. I'rixonal proper!.. ft C, c. Orant, K. M. da Orlego, w. h. K. Urtli R. tond, W 30; Jaiainlllo. K Otero, A. J. Lot l to 12 in. .. Blk. h.n.. latea, 15.47; penalty. .IS; coata. 12 W. pen- coata, 44; total. 14.63. 11.100; tavea. 107.14: penally, 13.16. Oeo. McAfee. p.i.-oii- property, Arrnal, Aciiiulu; (axea. 1.14; . 17, pet en Add.; tuxes, $140: penull), llraDt; peraonul proprtts, Ii0; tuna. IiHmI, - oeta, H tatoi, 17.11. .41; coata, 11.14; Lapea. Manuel- 14 acre Bd. . M it; I7i.m. 11,155; taxes, 8.l9; penalty. 14.16; I!.; II v. ' ""I". I. " 11 ult.. total, 110.40. 17. ost. 11.38; lolul. 1148.38. II prim .47. New Htate I.uiiiIot Co 67142 ft. -- Orieao, H. B. S. Horradalle. Lola A. Land Prct. t. costs, totul, 191 . 111.34. t.'iindelaria, MaraMMg 27x46 Va. tonio Urant, Imp.'. P 16.91: IM N, Vim Rtptr. H. HtlUrr, K. W. W per-aon- Bd Ni J. A. Ortega R Caaatna BaoL 28,700 acres; Kllaa-- - IM X l lid. N T. (iallritoa. S. H. l undalarla, dxllHI (Irani; houae ami lot; Powers, Q 204x294 It. Hd. X I'alarito Urant tat, !....,., r,0;0 V. Van peraonal properl). 1304; 36; W. lliyer. H. N. Torrea, 40 ncrea; Imt f S Mm Itlprr; K A. rqtilt. W. A. V. 30 proper!.. 1115. taxea. It. 8. Wesaendorf, E. ester, 1598.12; penalty, 129.90; coata, 11.21; Mltnl M I'. Huiit'lir. I". I" hi' I Calldelarla; Midvale. loir I 20, Hlk. 6, N. M. 2 1. 116.17; penalty. .11. on N. T. H. K. W, penalty, .11; rimlK. 11.30; total. IT T c... Lot Illk. W. Add.; Imta 1 to 8 inc., Ulk 1029.40. , W. I), fhovi l raonul prnpM ts.. taxi. Va. ltd Chave, I'erea total Mel-pi- . . m x. N. M T. Co.: houae on I'laiu I'rct. 12.14; tolul, lla.10. A Murtln. I. 126260 . da 14, Add.: Imt Hlk. 18. II. II. l"ixsj-in- prtialty. .12; coata. 12. SO; J proper!), 145. 13; I36; Perea II. l Thirteen iar. Mli Norma, J. W band nd. 8. Central t'hr; lid. N. K. M K i II personal proper!.'. laxea. Add.; 147.25; 12.30; . I, . 14.36; penalty, coata, 11.22; Uraut. taxea. penult). 'it.l, 41. It; ilutlerre. 614. XX. penalty. 120.51; coata. 13.61. C Hd. X A. aye.. K. Klnsenback IX . W !. Mnntoya, W. O. ... McAfee), peraonal cotta, 12.76; 152.37. Albcrs. I. Land j- l'linV44, Joar 1010 Va. total, 16.14. total Chuwa U2HM4, 111.41; prnally, .12; loldl. 1561.10. Apodacu. 8. OaJOta, W., 6kj I N. H A ti. P. O. Ni oi.iib, W. (.'Hndelrla. Teofllo. Int. In property, 150; taea. 11.30: penally, H ll Ilnra H. Hlk. J. I 18, 11.14; 112.71. t 15 Boruft, it. R. Lota d. Matthew Lola 5. 6. 7, 1, teat m Pn t. I. 100 acre lu Prct. coat. total. land IT. t 14. peraonul coata, iz.ja; ital. M Itidlev. Altl.o Orant. it. A B. Add., peraonaJ property, i Hd. X. S. Itiyi r, B. Trimble, W. Ortlr. Juato 34x160 ft. II. I. N. W. penuny Marttiiex Ale, III Iro 400x100 yd. Ulk. 11, II. 8o Add.. Imta 13 to 18 itoud. H. properly, inn; .io: 1414; tatea,; penalty. 14.11; IP. nl A- ( ; ; personal propertj, K Kolllna, Road, R J Baca, W. . Hd. . R, A W. Mora; inc., Hlk. II. A. A P. Add.; personal reeii tat, S.t, 111 0444, 11.14 j 110.31. Orun s. OOBtt, X4; !2.4T. . II. totnl. 150; 1 177.35: penult), 13.87; I J. Hi M.nt.. l,ol 4. 6. Hlk. 44. taxea, 12.03; .10; 11.14; property. taxes. lor,. 18; penalty, 150, taxea. in r nd, Andrpa 16140 yd penalty. N - 2. . IW..U A.I.I 110. Candrlarla, 1'rinldad eoti Bryant 'J. Lota i, i:ik. 15.26; costs, 12.30: totnl, 1112.71. coata. 13.22. totul. 881.41. .1. X Cluii i.rni.tii.l nrolirrlv. H, A. Hedillo, I.. total, I3.H7. J I'lmv.n. I. Bd. N AieilUln. J. VOodaca Add.: tttXeH. 12H; penult.. 1. 3. 4. H. .62; pem inxOf, j.pi. IM. Pal, lloroteo 4110x400 vda. H.I V Rode.. Minnie C Lota 1. Alexander, L. Ilelra 34tltl Hoad. W. A J Sedillo; 11 40: coats, 11.28: total. 130.71. X M. 1, 13.41 ; M Hlk 43. T. Co.: Prct. s int. yd. Ud. X. Catholic Cemetery. 8 Mm. N. Acenula, H. A J. Hedillo, li. Contra Orant, ft (Jutlcrrc. Orant. W. Hronaon. A. ft Lota 7. t, , Hlk. 4. -- In i. Tract; ta.xen. 1140.63; W. ruad; Pacheco, Pedro 27x100 ft Hd. I - X, Pat road. E. Gov. land, licmalillo Ace.ula. W, A J. Sedlllo; 36 yda. by Apodaia; 61x14 ..l. ltd N. P, Bal I'erea Add.; Lola 9. Coronado Place; penattv, 17.01; coatn, 12.30; total, a Int. In J. P.. TruJiilo, s campo hanlo, 17. c ChllUI Arroyo, p. Hal 50x115 ft. Bd X. Marline, 8. Rnad, I'alarito 46 Va. Hd. N IP a. I. S. Araitoti. Ii. J. donado. ft li peraonal prop.rl.. 150; taxea,; 1110.17. lid. .V J V. Ilnl'-- TruJIIIo. W. J. K. TruJiilo; peraonnl dnnado, W. J. M. Montoya; peraonal penalty. 12 30; E. T. Oallegoa. W. S. Ooiixulea; 75x66 Armljo. W. Itoad; peraonul propert.. coala. total. . I Ruppe. ft Lot 15, 16. 17. 18. Illk. IM. N. Aceiiuiu UareluH, 8. St r. t, J. HuMiell. property, It". Inxea. 16.30; penalty. 1.50; coata. property. 111: taxea. 10. 10; ponaRy, 112 1, 16; taxea. penalty. .Hi 11, A. y Add.; peraonal property, I 7. pen Utl I 12 16.91. A. ( irdova. W. Boon; Imts I, i. total, 14.14; 16 72. .34; coat. 11.22; tolul, IMS. C 1210; taxea, 161.02; penalt). $2.05; Pnlltltm, Minnie Howar- d- Lola 471. total in, County; l.lx i a mil Antonio -1- 00x110 Sanchet. Rnymond 15x15 ft. IM. Campfield. O. A. lm(s lo 6. 1. 84; 473, 474, laxea, .. iaria, Nit coata. tolul. 157.51. 16. luntv Add.; 164 Kairvlear Add.: t .1 M. N. Ptlb, S. A. K. Hlk. 7, li, M. i". prop- M N. Lohalo, Arr...... Co.. iiersonul 0 . M K Munlx. K. tload. W penalty, 35; iwatn, total, 16.63. M Hd. N ('. Romero 8. A E. T. M.H. rla, R. H. Candelarla, W. W. N. itamora; 1U240 yda. lid erty. 1120: taxes, 159.16; penalty, Saint. Ada M- .- Lota I, t, 7. Hlk. 1, ; 11.75, prnalt... .11. H N. M wood. W. li. Torres; Vs. lid, UXea. era. L L 64(40 ft ltd, properly, 110: taxet. II 04: Lopex, H. Mont... a. K. I. MoVa. W, Jj 'i9; coata. 11.44; total, 64.1. , Luna Place; taxes, 170; penulty, 11 50; P. peraonal N. M Martinez, E. U. It Hprlnxer, S. Street. N. Chaw. 13 43. POO road; 1 Hd. N. Donattr, - Chaplin. Win. Imt 23, Hlk. 8, X. M. coats, 171.88. J. Martini, ft le'oo 50Vr.: .In ltd. N. A penally. .05. ooala 11.30; total. .ie; total. Mu W. Vs. Bd Y W. Hireet: teraonal property, 130, K. Arroyo. s. per- - T i o ; Lois :l. 14. Hlk. K. M. U. A rtine. Post; 60600 K. 11. '.mlelurla, Jacobo 40x50 yda. Hd. Iload, Sunchca, James Imta t. t, Ulk 1, luhl ell. N. (tarda. I. A- Martinet, E. All.uu. Orant, W. I. luxea, II 45, penalty, .47; coata. 12.30: N. J. anile luria. li. ,V '"Uila. W. solllll proper!' 4G; taxea, 14. .2. li Add., peraonal property. 11.050. Ha'-- Add.: taxea. 133.25; penally. ft aonal prortr. II 10; taxea. AH f 1217.17; 110.86; coata, Iload. land 100 Va. lo Orant line. llil. - vd M ex. penalty. II total, lv.12 laxea, penult), 11.40; costs. 11 24. tolul. IK.29 coata, 12 SO; to- Bond; 30x40 im chu. i.. , null), It.imero. Kelt 11x47 V- - ltd. V. J. j 11.1, 12.30; total. 1230.33. Uonah) 113, N Pa i. i. S. Martin. li. Albuu. Orant K. A K. Aj. J. Candelarla. W M H. Torre Daniel 100500 vda. N Hengiilnette, Lots N la S, K. Candrtarla, Home Society Lot 8, 9. line. W. Road; tuxea. 127.62; penalty, w, Candelarla, Itoad, J 1...I...I., 1(10x115 Il.l. ,N. Juan Ar-- i I rr . 8. chillll Orant. R. Il In Children' Ulk. 8, A. Bros. Add.; fieraonal prop- riautpxta iand ni. I " Ulk 7. A K. 162.60; 18.28; 137.18. W. J. Hrebaro; I'rct. 35, 106300 Va. hex, W. C. toah. W. Torrea. 50x50 yda. ltd. N. c. Add.: luxea. erty. 150; taxes, 151,50: penult), 11.38; costa. tolul. I A K. J , 1. ii,!,. ii. W. mljo. H. Iload, Ii. I. N.n. ft penalty, costs, totul, Co, LoAd ltd. ft ltd. N J Per. , S. Metiaul. K. Arroyo. I. M. PonL 8. R, N. J. IMS; 12.63; costs. 11.44; total. 56.7. Albuip Floral MMial 1130. tatea, Ilerrara; peraonal property. 170; Torrea. ;. K. proerly, 1) Otltl-erre- i;.o.9 J.- , 3. X. A H. use. A Kerguson. 8. Kt. - W. Homer..; peraonal property. M. Pohl. 70x70 .da. ltd. N'. It. 8uwver. T - Lota 2. Central nail), .66; coata, 12.30; to- taxea.; penalty. .16. coata. 14.14. Claney, s. Imt MtinlnK, at. extension, W. BR, Ill; tatea, 15.42; penalty, .30; coat. 8. J. M .M..iit.., K. 8. Huche- - Cbarlotlc is. it. Add personal property, 150; luxea. E. 17th 15, N. M. T. C . Add.; per- penalt), 11.22; total. 16.45. no W. Chillll tOOxXOo yda. 15. Hlk. 131.68; penalty, 11.58; coats. 81.84; P. Honing! taxes, 132.30; Antonio 1 50166 Va. ahajul. Antonio Joae 0xl fhl. Arroyo; taxes, 49; Joae I sonal properly. 11.025. 10. ll'.Ol; costs. 12.30; total, $36.21. NanfUlnette. Wm. 2 Idkt , Kulrxlen S. Lue-r- . Hd. N. Wm. Mi lntoah. 8. K. A W total. Ill 1 N. J. B. y Ana) a. 8. penalty, 12.46; coata. 12 30; total. 17. r.o. 17, MV taxea, .13; coata, ! Schuster. Eat. II P. Imts tt. Ctotd bourne, M, O, imta Add. penalty, v. VT. 111" peraonal prop-1105- : Orant; peraonal property, 80; laxea, Mu Ii. Chuex, tl II Ii, Jllk. 11. Springer Add.; tuxea, 14 Moore R. No. I. Lota 23. 24. 25. 21, 11.31; total. 14. -- .01; 11.70; penalty, .09. coata, 15.00; total. Clan.-y- tl. rtv, luiea. 11.50; penulty, !' W Personal property, penulty, 12.10; cms 4: ital, 1; 16 22 tl Hchroedrr. II. W. 1 er lid. N 0.!I0 II. Moore I! No Lots to lata t 64)11 I- -' I": total. 13.11. 11.450; tax.-s- 114.11; penalt)-- 12.54; 1 15.91 property. T. X. P. Johnaon, P.. Main 11 Bd, N. Moore It. No. 1; personal flutlerret. y Munuel--- 1 u. rea Woodell, J. X2f.x60 vda. 154.72. prop- Chavca Oan iu. t, coata. lie; total Shadrach. W. O. 135; Uxea, 833.64; penalt), 11.61; t W. Cunt, road; peraonal Bd, K. V. Hoad. 8. A W. liraiit. K. Pub. Itoud: i'i. Lee Lota 4 43. 44 1. .14; N. U ilfeld. ft Itoad, Uarcla, .ik.. John 2. 3. Hlk. 41. II. H personal coats, total. 137.98. erty. 130. taxea, 14.16; penalty, N. P. 1,664x331 yd. IM. N. Arr.,. de A. Add ; Lota 9. 10, Ulk.; W. Ittllaj 25x25 da. Bd. ''have. Ulk. II. liros. property. 10O; luxes. liC 4.".; II. , Duxenette, C. Ii. 35 acres. Prct, 3, till. A W. T P.. 1 31, Add.; property. s. araveyard, I.. Boad, W. inn; pf R I. 4044 Eastern personal 11.32; coals. II at, total. 129 ..9. 8. L Oarcla, li. A. I. de 25x124 ft. ; Hd. N. X. Oureta. trt 1110; 11. 11: taxea, ItMl; iienulty. .67; coata. 1100: taxes. 125.30. penally. 11.27; Ijmurt. 12.94 . ooiihI proarty. uixe. Robert Peraonal properly, T. P. It. W. Aeviiula; hex, H V. Trullll... P. ox. 12.76; 110.46. costs. 12.30; intnl, 121.17. A S. It.. ptnally. .44: coat. 12.70; total. 112. total. 1500; taxes. 124.80; penalty, 11.24; Ud. N. Cruhalfi. W. M. Montoya; personal Itei-lni- t TbJrtj-flw- . 104064 Prel. yerlaT-20t5- 0 Va. Hd. N. ciaike. John Lee, Inc. Peraonal coata, 11.34; total, 127.4. at.; 64M) Oarcla. 105; penalty. H. L. P. E. It. W 4tli 114 tatea. 10.15; penally. 8. M. A. Ii. It. Hlerman, J. A 70x110 Va. fid X. property. 11,600; tuxes. Standard Plumb. A Heating Co. h: I r. Oarcla. Jarumilla. taxes, 113.7' lit 11.09; roan, a'l II Candelarla, w. lima; peraonul prop- J, llulx, H. lintranee, V. A Martin, 15.25; COabX. 11.38: total. II 1143. Peraonul property, 1740; taxes, 151.84; 30x124 rt. Bd. N. W. Acetpila; laxea, 1.3 malty, .17: CoJlln Hugh J.-- I,ot 10. Hlk. 26. coats. 11.84; 13.22: total. 138.08. erty, 50; tales. 11". 49; penult., .53. penull., 12.59: total W. L X Is anehei. K. Clara at,, coata. 11.44; total, .Ifi.flt. If. II, Add.: personal property, 1276; 150.27. Moore, tl. coata. 12.16; total. 113.32. ,1 i W M04p -- $i "... .osts, Hanick, 8. Sisters. E Road. BaWi aomil property, 110: Altegruclo 40x10 Va. Chavez, .1. 1! Land Hd. N. & s. lus Jsc i. Htar Co. Peraonal Ity, Oarcla. de 11.14; total. 192.21. toy; taxes. 141.08; penalt), 82.01; .11; coata. 11.10: Il.l N. L. Monto.u. s. Kntranca, L. L Road. J. A Martini. W. c. u. properly, 1510; taxea, 135.75; penalty. Colombo Society Lota 17. II, Blk. coats, 11.81; total 145.00 Martinet, W. Boad; 3W100 Va. Bd. Chave; personal property, 160; tuxes. 11.71: coata. 11.31; total, 138.91 30x16 461. 600. A. y O. Add.; taxes. 1300.27; pen-alt- s. W. 41 8 In. Romero, lis.iulpula Prct. II, 1 Lota L, S J. B, y Itaca, P. A.-- 15.61; penult.. .30; coat. 12.30; total. t. Stevena. Chas, O. ft. N. Torrea. 115,31; coata, 11.38: total. 1321.96. 20, vda Hd. N If. Gerhart, 8. M. Oarel. taxea. .13; penalty. W IP prop- 14.31. Imt 18, 19, 21. 22. Hlk. 10. 'jiii Mudre. id. pemonni Cooper, A. C. A J. Q. laind lid. X. B. A. Hros, W. M. (iarria; 3700 yd, kaaa, ( olleae Land ltd. N I'erea .64: C(iaa. total. 12 erty. S7; penalty. .57: Center. Mrs. A. J. M, acres lid Add.; taxes, 150.40; penalty, -- 146; laxea, 3d st W. Marble mo., H. ii.i v A s II. It. Feruuaaoii. E. P"1'. M. W. Vallidich. ( 'Ii L. Hlk. j C. IV Chavee, 4tli si li. coats. 11.84; total, 154.70. rax, lormerly J I'almrr, "line 115 10. N. A. o. Aratjon, ft prop-321.3- aota, 11.22; total ; 1175; penalt... 18.75; II. 159, W. Fergusuon; pcrsoial ed 11 penalt). D 1.. n.i.i .11; p. It. Anale, w. Road; taxes, 12.60; Slut" live tuxes. Snmnii rv. Ida Lots road, tnae, taltf, (Ion talet, ai..ii.. r.uxtoo yd, ltd. j. 11.81, totul, 1185.59. 149; 'penally, le .'. coata, .11. total, 12.26. .11; 14.17 costs, Uln. 11. A. Hros. Add.: taxes, ertl. 150; taxes. N. Albuip Co, H. It Cltacet. li. penalty. cimta. 11.44. total. f 1 laind costs. 11.84; total. 13.22: total. H2.94. ttren' Miaie 31 ft lid. N. ajiner s.mi H 11 ii if Imta Llxxle L. 0 IM. N. P.. A oenultv. 12.45: 11.42: cost. S151 M. W. Ai'cltlta: 40 too Va. Cole. kcrct De Angelo Lot I, Ulk. IS, 7 12 Illk. H, t., ; peraonal Chave. Tulllo. 162.29. Strong. Chas. J. Lola to . HtoHer i.e., K ( I, Mi Curia Add 1). W. 8. AreHUlu: taxes, 15.41. 11. pen- - M. N A. J. Chave, ft Candelarla, II. II. Add.; Lot 7. Ulk. 13, II. W 4. Add., tuxea. 129.18; ; tatea. 12.60; penult., 15.46: I entity. t ; ..... Romero P.. V. Chavex, W. O. de Caadelarla. penalt.. at, 11.14; total. Add.; Imts 1, 2. Ulk. 32, Eaatern Mrs M. ft. conic M) 14.47. 17.67 M Whltromb. A. 60x825 ally. 11.46; costs, 11.58; total III II total. A P.. T. Fournler Ud. ft, 4. 1. V, Ights 2, -- 10x60 Va. Bd. N. 8 lintranee. Add.: Lot Hlk. II. Add i Hd. X. Alley, 8. Tijerus loud. K. Sth ItO Ida, Terlhlo 44100 It of Hlk. V L'anbar L L. W. Canada de los Alamos Orant d la W MugKler, S Ir 4th Lot 8, Illk. 5 4. Eastern Add.; Imt 7. prop 12 12, I I. It, County Add.; 'st.. W. Keil lor el al; personal acres; taxis, 140'68; penult), II. Hlk. Add,, taxea. 15; penult., .26, loata, taxea, Jt.17; pat '. lltch: 8. Hlk. 55, Eastern Add peraonal erty. 150; taxe, 1133.36: penults, 11.38; 114.09. anal properly. 1100; tatea. l.t7; 11.31; total. 16.(3. total, G. 22. pen- costs, total. 14.14; t II 11.14: property. 1125; luxes, 1151.10. costa, 12.30 Mal 11 42.33. Txxcuty-lw- o. ,11 l,66. 1 ...aM. 16.67: Prcc4m1 It., niata. 11.44: total. Wllllaiiya. Mrs. R - Lota 7. Bill Oubaldon. Bd. v. 17.55: 11.44; 1I62.33. 13, Umd Hd. N. A. Itafuel alt costs. total. Whltten. T. A. . 33 ft. Imts Orant 1 Ml niljo. P. U. da. Rotate of 72x12 7, A 11.11; penalty Jurumllln. Pedro i W-- ls.t Canon de Curnuel It. I. Add.; taxea. N. A. Oarcla, s C Do boon, E I, 2. 3. 4. Illk. . T. Co. 11. Aeeytilu. j 14. 15, 10. Hlk. II M. Add.: 12 03: N. H Valeticta, s. Iload, 2 Montoya, 8. It. Oahaldon. li. taxes. 140.69: penult... .04; coata, II 34: total. 09. oula. W. Blver: 3656 lid. 51. N M. T. Co.; personal property. taxes, 170; penult. I It; costs. 11.84; acre: 112 I'et-iperl- W, A. Mont... a: 20x41' Va. 11.1. IS. 8. r . I 144.10. Wool Orowera' CO-- Mill drlea, S. Roud, li. Julian Unix. W. 1366; tax.-s- 161.72: ponult). 11.59: 175. .14. cost, total. 111 41. A W, r. Jiir.iniiii... peraonal proport) total. Sandiu Land A Improvement '' mal pr 1500; tnxea. 120,14; : 50oo ft. Hd. N. L Ourres, coats. 11.44; total., Wilson. E. N. Prct. 9. land I id. N. x ; 40: Uxea, 111.11; penalt.. .01: costs BBU, Hec. 26; coats, 1 .1 12.1 A- WU. NEH iimalty. 11.04: total. 8. Itoad, K W Itillx: peraonul prop. A 8. Uubbell. li. rond. W. 8. Hunches, Sli'i. 1 12 70; II I M Boo, T- N" Cria In. l oiii tis n lolul. erty, 5; taxea 11.11; penalty. .21; Pancber, L) dla ft 20 ft. Lots 102 acres: Lot 3. Ulk. 4. II II. Add.; RWI4 BwH. uninex, peraonal properi.. i A I. lid. N ; Orar.t Jaranilllo Chuve and 1. 2. I, Illk. 37, N. M T. Co.: piusonul 4. Hlk. 4. II. II. Add.; Lot 10, li. 313 Vs. wide in Curnuel Max, V 04K. IS.64; total, 18. Lot III 43; penally. .69; coata. Iterrota, ignm h Hons, and lot. A. J. Hedillo, s. M. a Juratnlllo, R : penalty. N'i a. 128.07; penull). II 4UX20U s i hi propert). 15 0; tuxes. 135.30 Ulk. 17, II. II. Add.: peraonul prop- res: taxes. 1 - Our.'la. Aiiilrellllii tal. til 72. mi. in Mahtano orant peraonal plop. iinijo. w. iliiis, taxea, 14. pell- w 77: cats. 11.84: total. lt:47. 11(14. 44. penalt., costs, 12.70; total. 132.23, a O. - Hd N. K 10; N. iload. s il. Hut, li. v. Duron, It erty. 1105; luxes, nietrlo Und trty, 40. UUtro) ll.n;: penult., alt). 21: coala, 11.44. tolul. 1 I'ntrelle Furniture f'n. Personal 13.22; 15. 88. ivei-iiu- i Tn ewty olajlit. , s. lid N. Itoud. S. 18.22 osts. total, tl P.. AieUla, W Iload, total, . Itoud; s.uj... ; penar-tota- l. I W Mat. 114; 11.41. toil Lucero I'erea. Jos.- 76x property, 12.150; taxe: I 5.27; ( lull--Im- . 4, Hlk. 27, 53.084 acres. 115. 16.14. Lucero. li. (larda, W. J. Ourebi ; 50x Woman's Atriaco Grant prop.rl., laxea. Mures, Ni.ol.-- Hons, and pei Bd N, Tiipii. s A E. c. w I.chP tv. 13.76; co.-t-s. 11.38; 180.41. i 1X94.87; penally, 114.74: costs. II .14; 17.67. li 176 ltd. N. II Oarcla. S. Iload, P. X. M. T. Co.; tuxes, 152.50; penall), coala, 11.41: totnl. tonal pro pen 4V. Itoud: 116400 Va, IM N I all V. ( 12.43; costs, 11,38; total, 160.51. tnlal. 1940.99. Muedulrna l.xl25 ft ltd. N. T. (Mania, w. H. Ourcia; peronat ' ultv. .37; c. Lucero, ii. T. nanchea, v. Conaalcs, andeluria 8. 117 ft. I ildorka B . p.. OVivnl h. ii u ii. ,o M Curaliajal. I', '. 1)..i atn s. hooi. ft w property. 106: taxes. 11.50: penalt... 24 III os. Owners. W Iload: peraonal plop, il . tHu; tuxes, Lot III, 280. (40. Ulk. V 8. W HE V4 . T. 11 N.. B. In. peraonal propert.. cnM-- . 13.61; IS 32. Int. land Hd. X. .'..'nu.o, Sic. 3, r roii. 119.29; 13 22; to- - .01: total. Add.: personal properly. 151) tn xes. N A. t penult), .90. coala. 'I I00X2H2 fi Hlks. 0. 12. 18, 19 A. y U. Add., ii. 15lixt50 Vs. Bd. Banche M Ii- I o 1.I4; r lamer.. ranoullluno Itfttf; penults, 11.85; costs, 12.30; AeoQuUi, W. personal VI-- ft W. If, II. A it. Add.; Imts Ii. IJ. Tapla, IIUIs: Utl. Hd. X. Lockhart, 8. It. lie lu li. uata 110.36. total. 111.08. 9, 2. Ill's. O. A. A P. Add.; arty, 1475; taxes, 126.28; p ii.. via W. la i1 Ud II If, II, Mr Zirluit .V Itoad: li. nl. kharti costa, 12.76; 129. .V IM. S 8. M. li. s Lopet, li. A liirlalit,I p. tuxes, 135; penally. 11.76; 11.26: costs. 12.76: total. Martlne. N 32. T 0 N . R, N, Vlvlunl. c. tie ntag, ti. Imts 34. 35. It; ink. 1 II. ThMntutt W. Albuip Lund Co.: 129.51 Gureiu y Chaves, Jose 31s' Itoad. o; peraonal ptop-- W. Itoud, 16X611 ft. lid. X. C, Lopex. 1Q, Add.: personal propert). total. W p. 190. tux. ;..v,a, 17.50, penalty, .31; coat, 11.30; Perea 5. Lot t. H, Springer M. M. A ft H'sid II; .17. if s. E. aim lain. w. Head; 1200; 17180; penalty. 13.09; Lot W'.. lilk. lid Jaranilllo, 112 II; penult.. .61; cot total. 110.16. Father, luxea, Add.; taxes. 1)9; penalty, 15.96; W. Hills; peraonal p" party. ,S property, 120; taxes, It 11,81: total, 179.19. Oon.iles, ot: tal. 115.22. Montby, Joat 50X100 Ud. If. pus..!. til cos. costs. 41.38; 1120.33. 1 30.7 4; penult). ii. Lnjt Bd N J. V. DOato, 11.68; 19.67. Herald Publishing (To, Peraonal total. 1440: tuxes. lin t N Comniun-11- ) penalty, tl total. , T .v. a X eS, Sa a . I'i is iAieiil. ArmtjO. 8. J. Montoya, li. I Lot lilk. r Add. 134.08. loora, la rota, Nuunes, Juan 330x21 7 yda. TtX proper!., 10.000; luxe. 1 420; penalt), costs, 12.30; total. I'ul, ii.i propert) I '" tlratton, 11. D IM N. Iload. lands, 4J4JT, Acequla; peraonal prop- 126.28; penalt) .31 ; costs,; Pnslin-- l Tlili'O-fnn- r. 4Hd .10; 1 7 ) ds. Bd, X. ft A R. ill. 121; costs, 11.38; total. 1442.38. 128.97. Ario mi. R, Carpenter, W. Aceoillo, ert. . 166', taxes, 15.91. penally, W. proper- total, Suis de Mora, Uenigna 76x1" W. Itodrlguet A otllcnwui Hiekox, Oeo. Personal I 17 N . 8. . IK 51. Lot 1, Hlk oles; land Hd. a. .pila, ant, 12.36; total. 13. ly. 12,800; taxes, 1133: penult). 10.65; Hd. N. S. Mora. 8. S. Apodnca. Moya, 16x111 Vs. Ud. M, property. Ixo: taxea. 152.50; penalt. yds. Bd. N K. Carpi in...... tatea. Btntiato coats, $2.30; IS. costa, 11.38, total, 114 .ft. royo, W. Load; 10x104 1,1 11091; pe r. s. V X'aranga, A w .14; total total. 150.51. to. c, 12 44 p. ii. ill 12.76. total. Marthmx, li. t). 184x114 lid N. Holmhoe. A. Personal property, Mom. S M. Montosu. Arro.o, total. 119 14. yda Ud. N. de Scott, II. Lot 0. Ulk. I Add Dunbar, & 1134; 6 12 T. Martlnex; 11x2: J. tOOO; tnxea. 131.5(1; pehall), 11.51; ' Il.l X. Albright. S Ind. Hcliool, 4th at.. penalty. 11 11.31 ta T 8. .1 HIV1,. R. M. Ortegb, 128: total . .' i a . Aniidai' mi Carpenter, It. BWM Bancuea, ft M Orlego, costs, 11.38; 134.40. I . . I . m.l o ...... W, C M. I'oruker: personal propert... total 130.78. 1.. ml Indian U . Sec. 10; Slii, N'i:v, W. Itoud; peraonal property. 155; Howell, lidgur T. l'erson.,1 prop- 300x0110 yds. Ud. N. 8. & W. L t '. sv, 64; tuxes. 122.83: penulty. 11.15; Imt 7, Hlk, 2 Add. nd. N ti S, SliV, , He . T. I X.. II. 4 li.: laxea (7.49. penulty. 10; coata, 13.22: erty, 1700; tuxea, 138.91, penalty, E. B. Lebario; 1,000x1. M crner; N J. A. coals. 12.20; total. 126.37. 149; penult). 12 J. lis. 166x106 yds Bd. N Hoad. 8. Arroyo total. 11151, 11.95; costs, 11.38: total 142 2 1. N. H. A W. Grant; Ittxt.OOO Sandoval, hoot Hedillo. Sofia 147x1 47 ft Bd. X. E. toad. E. Mi C. Carpenter San. hea, Ktuncls, 50x100 Va. Bd. Howell. It. C Personal property. S. A W. A udohe housi Cariienlcr. Entrun. c S. .lillo, 8. Albuu. Lnib. Co.. Lots I, 2. ink. 1. W. L i No. 3 Hd. X. E. Grunt, tier. II I' a. pelHonlll p operty, tmo; N. A S It Oahaldon, l' P. Kanch.. 11.000; taxis. 170: penult). 13.50; yds. Hd. N. owner. S. ' I 120: de E. Zuinoru, W. 8. Hedillo; personal Add.; tuxes 131.20 penalty 11.56; 500x700 propert' ta ; p. P. 87 4.88. taxea, 16.76; penalty, .3' coata, 13.01; W. H Oktboldon; raonul property. costs. 11.38: total. $1 38; 1 Orunt, E. J. M. Montoya. i 14.37. penu li .12; coats, lt.14; H . property, 114; taxea. 14.00. penult). 4 costs. total. 4.20. Mi')"-- t 150; tuxca.-4J.20- .16; custa. UubbelL T. Prct. land Hd. N. S. S total. 110.76 penult). 11.84. ft Lots 6. 1( 11, 12, Hlk. 9. N. M, T. .da. Hd X. li. & W. Grant. W. 16.7.1. Llil; 4.66. .13; costs. 12.20; total. O. Outierrez. S A E. sm, W Con- Moya. 8. E 6, Hlk, Chase. I'eran t2.34; total, A Bd N. V Co.: taxes, 1385: pOanlty, 119.25: 400x5oo .da. Ud. X. Antonio Lot 7 Warren, N. to 8. A 1336: tatea. 1 l Hina. M. P. 24x5 V, ltd. N. A 8. tra AceonMu 50 yds. from yds. Hd. N. I', r.-- ; properi... 15; TrasaHi-ri- s E A W. Ace- t, coats, 11.38; total. 1404.08. Orant; 404x544 Add peraonal 41 I) . K. W. J. Ourcia. Prct. 4. bd. N. '. Martin, 8 T. C, it Moya: i - :. coats, 11.36; totul. 117 aiulajl, J. P Candelarla. 5. 0, Ulk 8, Add.: taxes. li. J. Martinet. t: i penall., ,11; costs, It.xt; nula; taxis, 116.47; penults. .63; costs, W. Acequiu. E. Aceyula de Lots Perea Granl. F. . 6 7i: Herrera, Carlos Land Bd, O. (1. Whiting: personal propert). 149: penalty. 2 pro: lotul, It. 4s 11.84; total. 119.34. Torrea, 4. ll int. personal L CKn land. V. J. It. ( ,.rpi (" tuxes. 118,76; penalty. 93; coata, Itxjtt r4. Prct. Duran, ntvnlu Jo 76'x2; Notice is further given that the in 5 pea.. 77(4x4.125 yda. Prct. 7. Hd. 152.82. penalty. IL Vs. Wld IM X Iload. I ;. At 12. .10. 1S1.99. 71 IM. X, .1 Nuum-x- 8 Alley A total Tax Collector ot Bernalillo N. c. ...per., s. E. Oarcla, Ii. Tljcras li. ft. Lots i I l 'I Hd. N i V terror, w C Horrera n. lor, Mary J Eal Laud . 1. ...n4 lx Add.: 152.50; penult), 12.03; Chlllli Grant triii. li, prleata, Hoad; pert ...ill rill. - ill creek, w. foot mountains; late Town of 175. pi 41 A S '..., li & W. Hoad. "" .T.- lixxl.noo coats, penalty, H-- I propert. 13 s. .02, penalt! prop.rH. luxea. 6.2l All.uo Land i i.iie 81.38: total. 156.51. taxes. 1259.95: tai . a . I .Marco, I s uii.-- I vi " e Vs.. Prct 8. Ud. N. C. Monto), 8. M. 31; costs, 12. .0; total. tuxes, 1U.1S; penalty. . Procban Oae. at me uooi oi ...... Oar, ,. R P. Garcia. 8. W. M. Mar.-s- costs.' 11.38: total. 1275.31. 11404 Tncnls-lh- 115. SI laocllon iiom mi d & Co. 9 Thlriy-iiv- c. Valentin K i 1144: total. . Albini. Press. Hrick Tile preotnd sabtar. I'm . . of ouuty. in the manner 69 Va N. to 8: Int. In 125 House said ft I'rct. I ,1 Claim Winlon, J. L. 48i f, lk, Hd. N. Sedillo, S. Outferret, Beho.-.-hurt- Hd. ', flee. 4; 8W', attdetaria, Macurlo Mrs. l.v property set an. N. J. Hamora. 8, E. t, ucres J. Wm. laind -, .. . i provided . law. the )ds. ltd. ; 20, T. 11 N.. x i. i. K r,,rcL-.,lii-e W. B, R.; personal McQUOde, NH- T in N It. 6 K. 60x "2S92. Tract No. I, tow. c. Montoya. 8. c u. I,, .),.,- bills, w. K. Broadway. s E. l " o..-.-....,.i,j ."- r aun.i Butlarfua; Duran. I (I. Hi n i null. , 30: All. W II. taxe Pen-1- , . pena j Junr', ft J Dorain I taxoa, 16.10, pi Land Co.. lira: list. r us much thereof as may bo Lola 7 to 12 inc., Ulk. 55. N. M. T. Co.; prop.rl.-- 11.205:; M ,.,.,.; tax.-s- 125.01: I . ; coata, .i.-- .'! 4 li and. larl W Itoad pel eoats. 11 91: total. ,4. taxes. $3.76; penall., 19, 1210; j nocesoary lu ihc reepcctlve laits 9 to Inc., Hlk. 50. N. M T. Cr..: J.U.; coats. i.n.u, k.i,. ,v ustti. ti.xt; total. pen-- , I iin- - soiial property, ton 15 (iurcta. Andrea CI total. 10.24. 540; I'nxliHl .,!,... -- th tXi II: aiRDUttta due and that sale paraonal property. taxes. Tlirif. s I ihul- 110; t li; i .MHICC -llillli. h"" ull). .21; total, 19,01. No. I, Hees. 14. Tr Thirty four. n of Alameda 2.1.O0O' . . .n rt ..r Tru.t Precinct be continued from day to day not $29" penult). 114.52; costs. 11.74; irunt MIX 1 'VI - . I KUl'll uu.' Ourcia ..rubaliil It 40 V. to Sc.- 20; Ti.i i 8ce 19; Tlai't Si Mmentu. LUnado 400x500 )ds. sixt. day until all of the suld total. 121 1.61. taxes I..33.5..; penalty. ItMl! MlCO, will apply Arroyo, lid V, cueiiiiiu. t ;runt line, 16, T. II Ma B li. : luxes 14.07; Hd, X. Grant, ft Bond, K. D. Qalleaoa, disposed Hunsakor. Ilallie Imt 5, Ulk. 29, 11.38; totul. tttl-54- . 5 ,...,. suid CO ml)'. property has booM of. ' 1.. und for K C de Oun la. w H la; 20x50 I 12 0 total, 16.57. W. lunda; yda. Ud. N A X 1, 39. II. PMrlnel l ' ' 7 . . 1013. penall... .20; c Orant 164x200 M. M ELI ft II. II. Add.: Lot Blk. II. Add.: our. u... viu h 1' ft. Hd. M M ( have. S. ) road, K. Oarcla y Cundelaria, I'ranelaoo J M .ldonado. 8. (!. McAfee. 8. Mora. Treasurer and Collector of tuxes. 172.14. penally, 15.66; coat. Hun.hlto Grant 4.915 acres:; " land, real est'" ft aarclu. W IV Oarcm. t 35. 40X 1...I..I on small holdinf clulm and lyarner; portonul property. 165. Uernalillo County. Ness- Mexico. 11.84: total. 178.64. l.a.- -, 1102.94; penalty. 15.15; costs. '"T "LX.ronerty described in tW S.-- l ' VF Hd N Indian rond, K. 22; 1 Ill houn, personal proparty, 1140. tuxes, tXi r, 10.62: penall... .3.1; costs, 13. 11.38: total. 1109.47. 'foregoing list together with costs""'; 8 w. Brewary. ii T. 8 Io, W. B. 1 7. Ideal Shoe Co. pu sell 122.74: penalt., 11.14; oals. 12.30. total. 110. Nolle,, is hereby given that the fol-- I Personal George. Win.. Trustee All that j U(,natl,., and for an order to Impct; personal property 136': luxes. - 50x191 Vs. 12.000; taxes. 1140: penalty, 17; "" total. tS4.1t. Carabajul, Bui. udot loss ing list the names of the portion of the Ciena Gallegos land me to gattOff such Judgment, 12,75; penalty. .19: costs, l( d- Oar-e- l. contains 11.38; 1 48.28. (Main Qaroia, An Hd. N. Chillll Arioso, 8. Q, 8. y total. grunt not uctuaily improved, culti-- ! ,.,, ...... ( 11 thirty days 11 M owners u! all property upon which the within No. 3000. Tract 1. Sees. 14, 29. T. 11 E. Apodacu. W. N. Torrea; S5x rated ,,, . ,0 .ail 111101.111 lj, Annie II Lu 39, 40. Moore J. taxes levied In the year 1911 in and,., 'o. N.. It 4 li.; luxes, 14.07: penalty, .20; Vs. Hd. N. Arroyo dt chillll 8. s. xcres; taxea, 1533.50: penalty. 820.08: m said It. No. 1 Add.: luxes, 16.25: penalty. lie f..r the then Territory, now Stat, ol Hlk. 53. N. M. T. Co.: Lot 9. 8. :.,,,! oronerts descriueu toUI. 16.11. i:. s. A ran ante, w J ltodarte; ' of sosts. 12.76: total. 1562.94. -- notice by nan" ; coala. 11.14; ilrieto. n. Mexi. County of Bernalillo, having Iven .3 coat. 11.31; total 17.64. Blk. 33. X. M. T. Co.; peraonal prop- IVex-im-t jand after or Oullerrer Atallno Claim K 3002. 10x24 7 Va. Bd. N. Arroyo de Chillll Five. li door Halberkln. Alwiiic Lola 1 to 10 and l it; ..f .AR.ugUCr.iue, amounting erty. 1100; tuxes. 1175: ' nosteil ai in front 1. 2, 3. 11. 26. 26, T. II ft b OrlagO. E. T. W. J. penalty. 11.75: Barclus Working Men's ;. . ..1.1. 1, 11,.. rilslrlrt inc.. Blk Counts Add.; Lots 1. 2. Tracta Sec. l'leuiiue. to mor(. than 125.00, have become de- 1186 05. ft coats. 12.30: 1, 1,, . ... 1. ..1. l, llu 0 K.; taxea, 115 71; Lot L kjlk. W. Add., total '.flft'iiu ". l.t.t ,. . v,,iv,l...... ,,..rt ...... 0-0- .1 5. 6. 7. Hlk. 10, A L Add ; s. N.. Ri Eastern linquent together with description of vv.v ,()r couni) is li. tavt Johnson, A. J. Lots 292. 293. 24.1 tuxes. of sale, 11,17: .41 coata. 11.14: total. 111.33. peraonul property. 510: tuxes. I4.66: the properts the amount of the 1116; 154.60: penalty. 12.73: d ,,rU,r to ,he day ofterfoj penalty. 61. and Blk. 27. A. Bros. Add.: personal prop- Munuel--Clu- im No penalt). .50. costs. tt.OO; totul. 115 . coats. 11.84; total, 159.17. pui,lie in front Juratnlllo, tax), penalties and coats due opposite erty. 16: tax.-s- 137.51; M at auction k. 111.92. 7 penalty. H.18: person--Ul- 1. N . It N 4 6Qt041 Bd. N. Reynolds. Chas. A. Lots 10. 11. 12, Ifamm, Mra J I. Lota 225. 236, Rrea. 19. 30. Tract T. II Chave. Jose each name and description, together costs. 11.84; total. 141.23. building, the real estate and : : pen- - notn I taxes, 14 07 ; penult), .24. (oat II. S4; Julian Martlnex. 8. E A W. Chillll a of the 2. Ames Add taxes. 121.81 property described in this atn leaf Add.; tuxes, 13. js; penalty. with separate statement tuxci Joyce Supply Co. Personal proper- be re 50x50 yda. Bd. N. M. Mora. 8. , ally. 11.59; costs, 11.38: 134.78. judgment may .17: coata. 11.31: total. 14 14 total. 16.11. drum; due upon personal property where th. ty. 1350; taxes. 125.30: penults-- 11.27; total. against which pa V N M. K. Moya, W Entrance; Six. of taxea. Lartelr.e J. 8. Cunk. Helrx- - I lots. Otero, Juan 56x700 Hd. 1'adlllu. ft several U.- are due from the num.: cost. 11.11; total. 128.01. Precinct jdered for the amount 14.67; . prop-(tle- a LUk 4. R Add Cerro. 8. Arroyo. P. M lYrepln. W peraonul property, :'0 taxes. ownrr r .... Holmes Supply Co. Personal and costs due thereon, AH tatea. 101: . tier. OU-ro- . penult.-- : 17 03. -- taxes, M. penalty . .10: coata. 11.1: total. 12.54. L. peraonal prqperty, 1105 .26: coat. totul. oxer i.V Knights of Columbus Imta 13, 14. erty. L500; 162.52: penult)'., 25x12 ft, P.d. N. 16.41: penotts. coats. $; sa untel Antonio 1002601 Hlk. 14, N. 14. T. Co. 11$: pen-11- 3 13: costs. 11.38; total. 147.03. .Treasurer and Lucet" Itumuld.. late. S. W.I taxe. Mexico. ft Martin, ft 8. Alexander, R. Road inail, 112 61. s, A t Chlllli Orunt. A.- - S. ss 1" alts, 11.75; coata, 1 I; total. 131.1 l.i Montoya, Antonio Joe Laud Bd.J Hernallllo County New ALBUQUERQUE MORNING THURSDAY, JOURNAL JANUARY 16, 1913. FIVE



koadan "in Cmpmr. Mlanaaealli. Minn. TO DOOR 1 hp ip ii,,i itr,-'- brtlt. r gs- - IN VERA CRUZ STEPS VENEZUELAN rti :., ,'barati ia )", "t r (Urn .n.i il,.. ana.rrt will spplr,nitu mnf H , f Inilltr a , nn 1I,.. ,; r, ,,!., Igytrs, f.. msy aarM ir . no..' noil. it-- sod sit. iri"i,. uala, eneisi 2 tut 'i .! iiaiiiiiajl .ri,.i fi r It GENERAL Rumors Have That City is to ur. Acta onevaiutei ana net l ull nm in! ailrtrVx inuai ta given i. in ,,ni uiitisi tiett'iuoa i'im'i win tie be Attacked to Liberate Gen- Companion, Miss Minncta eel 'a in, iMWn I'h nreadrigtlMi i fni.-.- i a, an, aiett'Miiebee Jrue t eral Felix Diaz Incarcerated Areuillcs, Mystified; Lattei Anr 'trustial tea ar l ale.iaaaiar. Immigration Woman is Authorities Ex- There. Fiightened. , li uitiai lam aa He.t can lie van aall ,ir-- ,l COMMITTEE HEARS clude on the i uMi Ina tulles ,( H"i lira druc , ra the learaillaeta uainail atnl mil He r isght) lain a lseMuarol l maal lima (. irldltg ! M. i in r, I .102 Giound That He a,l ill, NhtIhI Leased II, ii Dr. Ada v.illlii Has Shown ami aualii at liaO time ami I'WJ n Verg I.'i. I) , area fin., Jan. timvi" rumors I' rult avium , has received throe GREAT M astir, ir thai dtsaei lis Moial Turpitude. raae. I are current of n threatened concern mysterious notes, ilrawn Purcaaas it PLEAS OF SUGAR crtulclv ,,r isiaaaalum : "in ,1 trati'il attack on Vera X'rtix. both from hearts, pierced with arrow. at. af i. til, um , 4 Urania f Sf,dluin fluid ; 1 the outside and within tag City to ti Inn of tin- billet-- , lull tho words how na ' nt lislniwiirl 0 n. a ,alill"l. and I "a af Wft KeUx Dlax, tho leader of the they era not unseasonable valentines. 'APPEAL IS TAKEN TO Ilia Thla liaa rurail I , gtvg im- - MIii-nel- a II a III yuu raoegl ravolution here ami 'I'll,' notes have algrglgf Miss Wit ir lira - - PRODUCERS I" ii to tho OrogOg rising. Tho mill- Ariruilloh. who liven with Dr. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT ' I.I i ' Yiru I, me le, in een i". "Mual.'ian aalia: "(d. tu rj authorities been uilvlMeil uf i h nllller. Win n reporter for tin rhtld i uiv'i a i.i.ii ma, hae f umi rtuiii in urareuma hfvahlal leeekta a possible revolutionary movement Journal railed ,it,rday afternoon. Ifeala Up. If atlr,- alllglng hy S I Ii It III, g In tl un.iai leairaeneaa and a altsl.i uagti" anil are roHily to meet einergenelex. til, dnnr of screened front porch Will llf Secretary Nael Pass on a ..Her I.. Thej luive strict orders from the eon-trn- l wax lin ked. While Miss Vrgullles talk- Detain imtiir Wine Growers of California government to kill eHry suspect. ed to the visitor who keot a poker In Appeal fiom Findiim of Tho foreign consuls In Vera Crux her hands. Declaiu Reduction of Tariff CORSET ike have received Im- - f, mi m, Boaicl; Bond Will be Asked notification of the MPs Argtilllcs a ii, ie pinned Ben, win ,1 full pint affr Will i" ii'Iiiik danger ami have .niu-n- l, to the front steps last Saturday morn ' up and ru, ail I be Means of Destroying fiom Couits, fceeetet nil. I. their governments. Conservative peo ing. She showed It to In I'lleVullllel khraaj set, Gieat Industry, ple believe that the daring plot Willi w old Iht xlie hud fmiml two Itrena agi Mra n ll- Brr fa not i nn t r la llxc Mil the war-lik- e pre- OtfcMT notea, one lust Thurxduy and lt Moinini Journal Nprrial Srr parations lor resistance on the part one Friday mm ulna, but that xhe had , u York. Jan. 15. The special Horning Journal "h-i lid LMMMI W Ire of Hie army the navy have luirned so n,,, ,,, and them frighten Ward of UMpilr) RlUn I r,rin-,i- v at Island today tlmra taar,. ma Washington. At, IS. Sugar alarmed the people. her. Miss ArguHlcs kept the note maal decided that t'iitlaim rustm, ha ,.f ipi I,,,'! sugar Mini. California wine ne l in slrrl touud. of Venenata, i - a ili. moat Iran producers, inlniTiil water Importers should ciud- halm h Mining en. .un., .f laid ItKDKlJi lil t (Mil MM The last note wax written with rd from entering Una with a leva) i. i,.,.... m ,i f n ,,., pa, oil. it la II la hrt today the United state, k an ami others, descended in force IN I paper. get and liar l,i Itic te.atilla galtj la ruir SfStrsUaS XII in in n t.uo, I" mil mi hrowti Two words - maka - t'astru's nttanwri ingnnadialeli .m- tain la tl oo pi ,,,1 III,' 111, MSI- ,'Ulll II it t Oil VllM a saah "f .ma pint uf saris sstrt and oa Mi xleo City. Jan. The rgUglg ill arc plain. They are, "Interfere not.' ,t taaai..,utfui i . dlu il.. ua truoan is- - noiinccd that the decision ine local half f Vttaa auwrttf sad ua mill means in iinin out the tariff ix C, HI i Thrv are plnl. aliii tile state of DuraliKii MfMWlBg It signed "K. W." The SPECIALS I tit. or Intra lliitea dally until Oir imalrlla ale mean lliunlKl'.itlon authorities w,ni. b nvofalag, noon and nil, Tlir m t roMlt Of t)M ht'ii ritiK u ;is - 'P are thonaaghly cleaiiacd and yuur n.uhia their eampalgn of destrurtlnii. ,n un of this is not clear to the women pealed a taaaa a Infor-mitio- to the department of am i la istag maul On' ii llttli' new ana a acituisition of cordlni to private trieurams rocelved A misshapen heart that Is what th and labor. a a pn sstaj by ." in .prpl '"I th, repetition of much "MMa M " - aurl, here, tell Of p i i on nrnai: bars then " ' yog aw whleh of the hurnliiK the "omen iicucve scrawled The order of the Immturutinu an (rlagTi hair ami my a "Mi "' wrllaa: Van (Sanaa a ,1,1., thai has flK u ! In hearings ,, alrasallnc aril oUa, slnlluns at CaPoling and I'rlianoH, one stiic tne paper An arrow New Voik th, full ,,f dandruff Plana a,li ,. nhai (, do ' nl tu na alio la alaaplaaa. nar h,s I' ll In previous t'U liillK. thuritlc at for dip,,,, thin and frltlng tlilnnrl llais which iff Ago xtickH in quaal heart-shape- d ll' Dura and Torrenii. nml the the out tutlon of Castro, a, to un Vuavtrr: Tha Iwal adv I U lint.- appatlta and am day and Nothing in tin- - cxnminu-llnn- t crdlna the (an ..ffar nillirs committee 'i ggCkllMj and i. in um of San I.Ueas anil line. almpla ,bt at a wall at,,, k, ,) rirug aloes a mint " - dersliindiiig of officials of (he ,le "f IIk- viii nf sugar .r lav uf yalluw miie-.- Inn shades Lagat, fifty miles of Durunxo. Dr. Chewiilller wax not ! dlrrctlona . north at hum partment of It rr,i-hai- Answar- Tha fnilowiita if iiaait for sri views any weakening commerce ami labor, aceomiMarlag, and uaa ragutarly. It rate indicated Poor sharp encouhtan botwowj rebe la yesterday. she told Miss Aiguille moo, u tiaaiihv. tu,.r,,ua sr,,wtli aral wrrks will sraduatlv rasiorr and jarew out of the refusal of Castro to of a n plan . luatr-dn- s nc ii r y,,ur aervoea ayatsaa tanajonne in ihr irniiiiiM' demociatie fur federal!) sue a. I a, i.l uraa dandruff. Ill hlna a, alp. anil In the slates of Mexleo nun i.e. the tirst missive on answer ipiesthnis nv a of tn po,hoaphltrs. 1 uss llaelurs augur i propomidcl the hair an.l aluM ratline hair If lha hair la iji presenting another free fur and MorelnR are reported, in of the fence last ' I os. .,1.1 rardamonb Mta. all front Thursday morn board nf Inquiry concerning charges 1iatli and '(ragglne It raat,,raa a a., ft. fluf-f- i rs'l'iiurtir by h at coming VALUES I U shskr ind taka a liaspo'llful brfeia ctlon the the li Ing. FOR t,a, whleh the federal), claim to have It was scrlhhled on course wrup 1,.. i i...... i ...11. ,... - agMersece, and laliiga the iniruaa n.. ,,,,,', " ii,, toe tiwils- rut,-- i task maal extra session Of (NRHI ted Iohs on paper. natural ronffldcralile the rehels. ping TM pli.vlclan told MM slnalion of (leneral I'aredes in Villi" a Some Of the loading nn n In thr Denying the rluht of Aumwtln San-ehe- x A rgmll, s It ontalncd a threat to ncla. for "Resells" aa." "I would earialtilv ap K K. h. aaks: I am growing wlilcli he is under indict- pro, lata rnv siout as grt awaf Slot ualgli HII Ii sugar ImluHtry won- present, lalwln to Ih governor of the slate of xlliKit her VI s Aiguilles il ii not re- - aotncttiins that would ment. althoiiKh he necer has ami lain-- aaav farl-In- I'M, much now am act- been aalght that laneutd ii. Aikins, thr irt. president and Tlaxcula, the retiring governor. Senor iiieinlicr ic exact wurds. The second, ti led ahli-l- l J. ii "ill. I,. to m..l of tha tlmr ragskua Pirssa advla.. i, ha l tu take." (tldabjo, toalghl Im i VI blood and watarj and tny ing head of tho American Sugar barricaded himself found Friday inornlnK on the In a ".k nsw,.i t,.ii uaa-- l no i ur alsrraati OUR WHITE abate men! Issued hi Commis- la pi ... i company, proposed n moderate In the state palare with a Kuard of front pot h. according to the doctor. i.iii will Isagin taking .'.grain art sioner of Immigration wniinms. k Answer: V. n minion ta rary aaally Vats. ThfOc taiilais rsdeea tMuallv at tha reduction I" tin' sugar lurlff. Henry state troops. Sanrhex esta lillshed the contained Just one word, , "lleware.' the first explanation for tin ,, .. 1..!, i, If ) ..ii will follow ilia dlraetlona rata of a pound a dm after tha fleet taw I g T nxnard, nf California, nn, n doxeti new government In private house. It also contained heart, drawn wit' to an below Ak votir drusalat for thraa-grai- days n aruggiai ran supply tham In tentlon of Castro and setting forth s other witnesses from California, Colo- Hltghl rioting took ptgoa In the street. a red pencil, ah said, und it was d. lets and takr aeeefd lills-- nltli full d, train ,i,a Ihe (In, linns ,,f the board, It I churtr-e- d ine tp th,- atrwettom sn,l your wrtfht will rado, Wlaconato, Michigan Hidalgo named a third man to suc- pierceu hy an arrow. Ine prom-d- asstmlta-Ho- "Poor writes: "My haalth la that the former president uf Vein-tnal- n, rasas, Thraa ist.iata It." refl a, ' uf Sllltcl ceed him at midnight, declaring that Miss Arguill s whsoiiitloii oii.l aid dlfratlon trans- poor n "tint a lung iandlna roBgHge found a man's tra, SALE has "committed freiucnt per form t tie tstfaaleatop and ftgurr Thay sea Ilea I hava to uaa puis or tomatMaa all he would yield to him If acclaimed hy I tariff in the snow i their front yurd last jiir.v" b.v pretending "ta larnomni ItrcarrUsaa ghysletaaa und are perntetlf ma tlmr fan y.n, prearrlba aoniriiting la people. Senor Lust pbuebl will cora chronic constipation.'" the main, minis Saturday. Th tracks came from of matters com ernliiy liarmlaaa ThfT takrn rafiitarly tska that th whlili a man of I. i,kn I ter of foreign affairs, said tonight that 'unatipatton la probably E. MIIIIiii;. Franklin, La., northeast con r of the picket fence his inlelllgence and holding the posi- (alnltie flsah and that languid fcllug will Answar: tha lie himself had rejected the rclicls' anisi, i". of mora illnass than any ether ttilng. ml. il f,,r tariff bars to inert the to the front porch. The trespass, tion Which he did, undoubtedly pos- templet!) Most reniailtes only rrhava tha trnuhla and ngaCf. proposals, as they were of un i,a-a- I thra-grwl- ith kili'll "f the sugar industry Of evidently hnd stepped the fen,, sesses knowledge. F. 11." My i ura. alarava gieeartae Intboaaibla our Harold A. Content II wrltas. rlirtitnatlam la sulphur taldAtsi. and ,1 II. character. Tiny included Is - I am gat ao iulihrrt tabtata net Mat, I'nriinr linvrrnor al. it tow at that corner. Miss Argnll- acting foi QoTttoa Battle, Cas-Iro'- s Cettlns w.itsa all tlir ilmr Una gradti lenianil 1'rex- - ticornc It It fur ma to liava found thrm most tatlal'ta and 71 for the resignation nf HM .Iff that makes OKI hard , ...... , srnald, of Main,, peaking for added, without u smile, that she attorney, said the case would he gat around " all. Sera Or. Thay ait .,r and Inna r cent of tho canning Induatry ident Madero. always up tha kOSfeti and Itvar. whlla purifying fruit and the doctor walk through taken InU) the courts for decision. I. A dlapatch to Impafclal it Kind. tin- country, advocated cither free from Vera the gate. citing specific putts of ex- Crux, Castro's icar at a reduced rate, white thu inya llonri Itochcttc. the I'rcnch The notes, of course, may he WARNER'S GUAR amination, the statement of the hoard r promoter, is org n buckle FTrofhers Brooklyn, x. bunker and who tad a hoax, but Miss ArguHlcs Is says: the railway companies for transuir A anil at Parla, has there, through W'IIIIhiii Jamison, arrived ltochetto voos. one says the doctor Ix not Spcaklna of Lonig Varela. who tatioa nf the enal. Ijnltc a number of n.v , was In .Mexico City yesterduy, L the federal Rugar Itefininif rum but aiarmcu. rule ret used to accompany sent him fraqnenl lelngranta in regard ANNUA REPORT IS Slreek millers left the stnte for their I i h managed In escape. The police here through rrank c Iradea lr. (,nevalllier to the theater tin ANTEED RUST- - to the character and death of (iener.,1 j natrra oountn to putttttHMa in the eauxp. explain that failure In i, - free "iisar thr .Hirst ouicr iii. and she rarely ventures AntmPo I'arwdee, in- soys: jwar In progr between their cum-Jli- Uoehette was due to the lark of nn out of doors after dark sine,, th, dll " '1 do not know w ho he Is.' We and Turkev, thus Increasing the order from the of In- covery a in minister the of tin. notes. conglder him an unreliable witness. BK shortage ol minors that already ex- - terior. They say hud been MADE STATE ien the commttti t t"nk up Srhediih Itochette nr. i nevallller sleeps soundly. Miss Ill- - to the effect thill no leted, under for davs. Arguilles suys, IF (wtnea spirits and other Ium- - surveillance several and when she hears foreigners suffered losses of property "On account of the , level, .pnicnt l?es). I'orinet Commlaalonar of in- - the doctor hreatblng evenly In the through his actions durliin the years of the large extent of territory In I - MI i; i ,, oars sne r 11 it Revenue oh0 W. Yelkes, rnll- lilt im forces herself to keep when lie Wag president, we decline to the Houthweat. supplied with cottl aw a sc. MINE INSPECTOR tended that whiskey was n necessity, WtM ItD Ml IIDKII rLROK believe. His refusal to reply to inanv from the mines af tin- slate, and on lull that imported wines were n lux-in- y Tamplco, Mexico, .Ian. 15. W. C. The iiuestlnils put to line bearing Upon account of the price of fuel, all being grower, "Value" al ami therefore should hear the Nichols, an American fruit Ills rlKhl to land, - us that I higher ihaa I few years ago. and Iha burden nf tho tariff taxation . whose liberation from Jail was effect- thole ate ihimauln which be coal being of a superior Miiuiity, the ed William t'nltnan, representing the inst September by Ambnaaador BLACK LOCUST IS desires to conceal." demand for New Mexico coal Is I'V gov- Rocs H. BcdcJow Subm California Wine association, support- Wllaon hy a direct demand on the The statement c, utilities with tile j c lient ami constantly Incrcasine,. Ho ernor nf T.illl.nlllpas. was ed Mr Verkes content inn VigorOUety. the state of declaration; "That upon Information terestinij, Compilation oucli-Inclu- s- the prospects for future business declared not guilty today by the su- " lie dccUrred that the lowest wages from official soul i i s, he was churned Ivety bright, and on account 01 preme of i lunge of paid in California were double thong court the murder BEST ADAPTED 95c with reapOnatblllty for the unlawful ing on All Phases of 'favorable conditions of mining, made against him. Nichols wan ' laid abroad, Me said that the CattfOT-ni- n kilting of Paretics. but declined re- - rcL'ulnrttv of work, luivlnir hud no to have murdered a handlt lie in New Mexico, wines produced today were Infin- A Heatedly to ai i Information, tiv labor atrikea for a number of raan taking special assortment of offer ot hud captured and ares to jail. l - her-a- itely superior to thoae of twenty years to Hive the Kvci mm-il- Infill tha miners will prosper as well He eight Im t 4M-- , I .., .i,u,raai ago. hut that the Industry should he Mas sentenced to years' in ktter's death. lill i.rrr" paskteat gsi slae In anv sin to In the union. prisonment, not w it ailing th T DRY warner uorsets in i'o, .Ian. I .', Mine III tupported in taxinx imported wtnoa hsta 0 CLIME He to Irm or deny Santa State "There erg fifty "tiro eonl mines In refueed either aft fission oi a Mexican th, kpeclor Ham ii. Ueddow, of (iailup. I ax luxiiiie.', that his gnlft, even after In bad been op up In the state; out of this hi Style Nos. 213, d W. 0, i slaver of the bandit and 220.368. has aubmHl to (invelliur thirty-thre- e rc- - ietor K. Whillnck, a NYw York avitrnad that unfavorgbli Inferences number only mines the man to get the reward. MrDonnhl, a I cpnl t nil Bring the till ee importer, rould not agree that Kent would be drawn from lUCh refusal purled as working, three reported as 226 and many odds and months in In was enllrely a luxury. He auggestcd and that lie must take Ihe conse- - .not working, and sixteen failed Foiest Service Exw report in i' i. f ,,n 'It. make nin report ,,r to return the that tie ii some well known SHIRT WAIST FAMINE O Tl r ends: values to $1.50; i sent them, so If all lirevv lie cut from j:i cents a gallon aiiows nis tnee urows More fl statistical bluhks I.", coal Companies had made return In eeiitH a Billion. THREATENS NEW YORK 'together vvith ills i the choice of lot it la ting ti t oporauon of t tin- - output mineral Rapidly Than Others; Catal mennor a htm naked t mcernlug these of In lr poratlnnn, total Protect Ihe luitilcs ami a pproved June loth. 111 did nut waleis. ion," In Henry Mel- matters, cOnatltuto In our opinion an of tl lues w ould be ".I i itei ttii ii chimed pas Make Slow Progress, b, Oflie npel Itlve until ninety days! ville, who urged gttmiaaton of the truth of th, charges, what shows In this report, An rfort aiii'lher Importer, New York, Jan. 1 8. Thousands ,,f later, and as appointment of Mini a the will be to get complete data duty nf l!a per cent as ample lie Is therefore. excluded on the - made for women may have to wait for their inspector w as not mail,, until Sep- ground ihat he has tdtnittod the eom-- fnr Hie nest report, shirt waists. DUfai tun rs A. S. Peck, tern ber lotit, i :i 1, there hna ant been The no assistant district to mission nf a cl lim- felony inv olv- - "rSummary of colli and roke pro- committee has working any, unless nearly 60,(9(1 shirtwaist eater, yesterdav time for th Inspector in become j liasls f,,- except received a report of ine, turpltodi duction of New- .Mexico for four Srhcillllc II. the makers who struck today, quiokly lire the tree plantation moral thoroughl familiar with tha oMMtl 1'a.v at Dalhart, Tex., 95c in months, commehoing Juiv 1st, ending lavv democra- c inclusion, ih and the lirouglit to terms. The strikers chose from the bureau of plant Industry. tions exlatfrig at all the iiilucs In thej tic plan to reduce rates on articles of that General Castro liiav appeal from October 'list, II2: iimber of mines a lime just before the beg lining of Mr. Peck had charge of Die setting slate, nor to pro perl) collect ami! in necessity and Impose a greater burden the Undines of the board of special operation, 4; Dumber of mines the spring rush when the supply of out of trees at Dalhart years i omplte tin- data Covering Un opei. luxuries Xn witnesses will he four Inquiry throuab thi coin mlssioner of abandoned. It tons of bttumtnoua goal 'a waists on hand was limited. To meet ago and the report In cepacia fly inter- (bill ol tin mines during ma permit' heard, tomorrow, Immigration to the secrelni'V of COM" produced lbs. per tonl, I5,THi tiiis emergency, the employers Be' esting to him. covered by this report. Hut I have men mil labor and adds that "this number of now mince opened up. ti they arc prepared to send their work A lurge number of trees were plant- visile, I and ' lepreted ail the largeal Want The he 1 signified his intention t f do tons of Huh bituminous coal produced Misbranding "Value" s I tol Icaihci Prohibited to 'lev eland, ().. where shirt waists ed there hy the luireaii to determine at ifllnt-- of the state, ami am glad (2.000 lbs. pur ton), ;n:.:Mi; total also arc manufactured on a lurge what In stale, iltll bill Very few eXecp- - kinds thrived dry regions. use will be that number of tons of coal produced, ' si ale. The strikers replv to this was The trees were thins, I folia theac mlnoa In a safe. cultivated by dry to flla an appeal to Boer tary Nggel. 23,001; tons of coal nilned by hand. un. mm to and a threat to call a general strike that farming methods. The and couilltlon. The ope mlshrand leather result of this Mr, Battle, his assistant said, would I.IIM.H:!: tons of coal mined by ma- billing federal Inspection of would tie-u- p work In Cleveland and experiment will interest tors fully rc.ullr.lng the udvuntngn In lor farmers of proceed in the matter al once and in chines, ItlitiAj total iitiinher of min- merles, was adopted hy the Wcst- - other manufacturing centers Leaders eastern New Mexico Hnd adopting the must Improved methods western tile un ml line will t lo have the ing muchlnes used. It; total number & as- - of exus. I In Harneaamakera' Dealers' of the fulled C.armcnt Workers' may mining, and o,utpplng their mines of tons of coke produced, 141. Ola; I $1.45 iiciii admitted to that he latlon todhy. P, Shipley, of America suld today that per cnt Dim k locust shnwcil th. m,m with model ti and efficient machinery Charles It comtm us g number of employe in and about the s to four-yea- cltpy more barters city, was president. of their members had returned nomeniil growth In the r pe- for extracting and preparing the mines, o.tiuU; number of fatal acci- lliiin the one small rm ifforded hint - ' ussoulotlon will meet here next work because the manufacturers had riod. This tree has a height Consists of Warner's Fin coal for market the mlnoa are man- aigfh reached it Bills Islauil dents, i; tons of coal mlm d for accepted tholr terms. "f thirteen feet Other trees that lip d by aide a m pnntl, al men who Ufa lost. 0,70l.l; number or thrlvud uro the white elm, est Corsets in Style Nos. teem wiiMiik to oitiply with all ug eleven feet K, Mini. una I'lcpafea for Mobillal loo. im each lite Inst. !H 2.5; num- berry, seven feet. and green geetlona mud the Inspector that ash. six I.omloii. .'nn III A Lloyd's ills- - ber killed per each thousand cm usage orange, nine foot; - 635, 615. 569, 290, 579, conformed tt good mining prnc-t-it- s ltusi ian miU- h ii" m Minna, liiiiimama, rciioris ployed, l.oo." and one-ha- lf feet. ti, c, w In I lii r rcpiired b.v law BOILS SLUGGISH, LIVER TORPID, that ordelM have been Issued ill pre Cntalpas, which grow r ptdly In 266 and 545; values from pare iiiuii)ii7.atinn. or not. Ouch I iur 1" good, tag cast, and which many farmers "UWihg the natural There's no u can I of dry region have planted, $2.00 to $3.50; all on Porto in,-,- , Wnnu HetfQo wliaanni ditlotis exlstlli g In this state for iinl In listen ommnii reached induatry only five feet. Appaientlv they arc WashiiiKlon, Jan 16.- - A tiieiiiorlal ItiK coal, the ims bean HEADACHY. BILIOUS? not adapted to a dry climate. sale at Mr the PortO RICO house of reple- - din ted with f, WCt accbleiits ol Who did .von get ti talk cog - cedar and yellow pine also Iscntativea. was presented In the house tegtropbee than in the other l,r- to llllll oaton Tranacrlpt, pfanted, but their growth was Itodaj by Speaker Clark, petltlonln, duoing stabs, and t In- fatal nei Idem j for a new constitution for Porta RlCO rate in tills state for a number Of years uny IMXTOK'S I INST t OLD roiiMi I.A your liver, Mo sour, gassy st Ii ichc und all it It, tjlve that cotintrv full has been luwer than other stnte thai i have record of, bul it HreakN Severest (old iii a Day ami yOUr head other distress; relieve you torpid liver I'i, till Pgetii will l filii idirpo.i. not oiilv to nn, in - I'urcM Any t nil, hie Cough. " e; now le unoomf ort and constipated bowels ol all the sour miseran and tuin this record, but to Improve x- - bile, gases and cloaged-u- p ivaste which awe ) mi are from Donattpntlon, indi- - $1.45 Istltik, BOndltlona, safeguard This has been published here fnr and the is producing the misery. FORMER BANKER IN NEW HAS Teflon, biliousness and sluggish In-- 1 MEXICO health and Uvea Of the workera In several winters and has proven the A box of keeps qutckaat ob- teetittea you tilway get the desired Cascarets ever; way possible, I feel in nml most reliable formula your head sweet, STATE OF COLLAPSE NEW LUNG TREATMENT ami that cougha colda, feaulta clear, stomach liver 1 tainable for und with Cascan doing this work will hara tha your druggist get two ounces of Glyc- and bowels regular and you feel cheer- , ind hearty o operation of the operators erine half an ounce of tilolie Pine ful and Dully s and for months. Don't forget mil al of Snct-s- Abroad III way. A , per d the Chicago, Jan. 15. Dr. William T. eve reasonable slxtv compound (Concentrated pine.) Take the children their tittle Insldes need lowed bv Importation Merc. , nerv Klt liy. cent of the fatal accidents in tills these two Ingredients home and put good, gentle cleansing, too. former head of the Klrby Sin Hum Golden Rule stnte were caused by falling; coal or them u pin good w hlskcv bank, who recently was ordered several yaara of tragi- Into half of Alter fatting tin- work- to Jail by United Slates District Judge cal ly 'hr i. .nine; ,ir. lallata BeruM tool at face of the Shake it well and take one to two a Landls, a dlaeaara of tho lunar. Sln.lln. swiaa ings, where the inimrs are supposed after each meal und at bed is In local hospital In a brought Allien, an Hlnl aSr CANDY CATHARTIC mi ll, lias been to In In responsible for protecting them- time. doses to children ac- state of collapse. ill ,ew ora. Smaller is bcin useii by Umbering cording to age. lie sure to get onlv He was selxed with an attack .insumpilves nd other aurfarais fr selves properly their , Compound a Drv Goods lung dlsaaaos can gat poslltva raila, nv its pin, h. bOPe to i.i abb- to convince the genuine Globe Pine spasm while in my of- - uaa. as it n,.' oius ai..a ma ravwgsi nec- (Concentrated Pine), Bach half ounce lice," said 1'. If. i.rDonnell, - ttataSMI to the miners ol the advantage uml his uttor- dlaauar In the lungs, but aids lha bottle comes In u sealed tin cre"V top nay, tOdgJ', Is U ploersa nf irpall. essity nl' timbering as It should oe "He suffering from uml Any it on or Slroiin craatea an ajipriit.. iuipruvaa don- -, so as to avoid so many acel- - is: druggist has hand hulluclnations and It Is nei (ha strmglh It eama here with a remark will quickly get It from his wholesale 10 CENT BOXES -- DRUG to able string riidorarmrnts from of prep- ANY STORE guard him closely." . house. Don't experiment with . (Company! u. Iradlng ,ihyal,-lans- 1 ALSO 25 ft 5Q CfMT Dr. tha aid's production nf OOal (since Xftllt Klrby and his wife are at liberty isfurmatlua ahoill spolln ran he aaeiitad 'The arations because of cheapness, it don't UUIIIH JLVJ.lll on t.10.000 bead pending an nppeul In iliU nil, from the Slrutht Ok '.' "t have been III nftlee bus been limited pe, to fool w ith u bud cold. Published JBxIJtl way Srw Vork lily All laad Idlbom-tortej- Jul cuse to I Wrat llr tu the number ii mines obteinabfn, by (Motto Pharinnceuttcal i their the Flitted States Ing ilrugaists ara racommrndtng aud ,ha the court of appeals. ) and tin number uf mis in -- In by of Chicago. f JANUARY 16, 1913. SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY,

AN I MlflPRXUKNT NKVt HI'AI'Kit. il tin JIINqieroiK Congressional Record is CMdOF Unique Publicationj It morning journal PHftRYNX Always Appears on Time THE on JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. 7,000 kKm HM n i N. v M (M i.iiim. 0,ooo I faue It III)' Will. Hi llUll.a b- - OaWUwM r Hlxti i oinl II- - sAI I TV should Your li during the T.niimrarlly Idle. Mi.lril. on ih, in debatee floor of the higher the rate of interest in or repr hi Mi"- - i iti tin It is an invariable rule that ,ii Illli il In .'I '.M.iiHli nth. the risk. gnv iuvc-tme- nt the greater lid i iioiiiiouH intiil, which In III. It I II Ml I I II' V I'll Unit In iiih preceding of l)exsit of The Stale National Hank of Is nil Indication of thejliiin- - The Certificates Alhmjncujnc. as far as -- can ity is concerned, arc practically on - I I. ....I I .1- - ix- - a par wlpi uovcrniiesm wi 'III. aiJiMU ill ill ill able. Write its about Banking by ire conKri'M will (III linn. Hill iilliii I lll'lll.

, I1HH Bank ,i Illlll', National n da) li State i hi' mcaetli 'i in publlahcd; ili i'i - ukwooili.. 'M II iliutleH In- IS of ALBUQUERQUE. rlpttofl Urn aad couldn't ii i" n

ii dully ver luitlHin i of Utha ippi'llH III till' lion-.- - Mini Hellllte. I iiih- I'lirpH cil relern In. piiaa upon I j tin- wni k of I ha noli, takrra. I "Thn official i I'pni ii - of the hiiiiKo iluf rairei ntiillvpa hum infinN thiui- - I avail dollar minuuih In th wt of I 11; - M Till i.i t i: m III Ml! II lUta public printing having Ihelr I '' ropy rend) w ithin iilmiil Ihlrtv niill- - I I ul after the (pel . i ,n, delivered. iiiriiilni nf tin- limisi making nil Lddpaa (ftfeatttee run, If he thirty long Kxchangi .lilealrca, begin to read tin atenogjraph-a- - riled." report nf it im Himii iia to roni'ltul' IiIh remark. In tlii an) moat of tha n mi i i i m s r n In ilmii hi iiiiMiln-- In n I'll, "hull si iil- - fo- - Waatari SK'mwa Ptaalara E upS! lw III

i ii- i e 7;,, Hum iii houM flva ii a.SSu hi in mi Vcilna. noMfaphera mid a Manom rlil. tin- i D r'':;:r:r and i hei ta ka "turna." I. lull till Iii Tne UarteMca i o.. 3 Don 1804. Uapt P i n

.1 I'll IM ill" INIh till' .,.- kill. V n .it tin homo of I'M't'J HulMKtHb-- r 'l rvaJournalWantAd. Results. "riipaftarat before :i ;u o'clock t In- next morn-ii- i Sunn i Iiih h an additional in If tin- - aaaalon Huhcm ut DANGER IS AT THE AKNUAL IH SIM-S- snow. NEW VORK in., the Record row Ml FLOOD hniiMi- - null senate ato- - CITY, NCfVEMBER 11-1- 6, I'M J, "i ii.i i mi tji vnr iha oiiy ha in thi- in mi INCREASED BY 18 Underwood khnrthand in at a The njiii il oxpti' BIG BAINS Typewriter

Leading Clergymen Endorse Again proved conclusively in a public demonstration its sn-pri- Day (jualities in 1 Call for Child Labor River Men Hope Stage in Ohio May Not Exceed That of 62,2 Speed, Accuracy, Stability

in mil in (it Murniiit JiMirnnll Feet, the High Maik Reached Operated for eight solid hours (continuously) by 8 of the Mid M typist:', in half-ho- ur relays, one underwood nf his n, iti Ti iticrl aiJ world's fastest liiliii; mill Typewriter (taken from stock) produced the magnificent total of 55.'M4 words, averaging nearly 10 strokes per sec- I Hi lotif iiiil NptW laMMtf Ulri't ond. The crucial tet of Stability was here shown. No- where, at any time, ''as a typcwrilpr turned out such a tre- 1! il". tl llllilrii'-uw- - of work in the same time. This is a world s all in', mendous amount ilatJun null battel record. titwH fur th. tn'ii- - D ttta and that The UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER in the International ncploltatli ktbot i'i 'iii'iii. n t tonx.r-wll- l Khnll heco Hlhlo In thi." Chrn- - not Speed and Accuracy Contests won night I MiKII II Virsl Nine places inthe World's Championship HOW tn Ji First l;oiir places in the World's Amateur Championship lit i First Ttvo places in the World's School Championship onto rtlVEK is i i.ooiiim. Breaking All Former Records I' lIlillKN, tl Mod TFJllUTOHY IIOt'KIiV. lil lubiir f Bvanivlllc, Ind., Jnn. 15. The Every Record. Every Vcir. in Every Contest is held by the in fi iin mora ter- - iihio rtvar hourly UNDKRWOOD "The Machine You 11 it' Eventually Buy" mill fi.rrliiK fmnu iH 10 flee front hontcj to towwi, nmny of ili il in y tholr are liim Hi" .rr.i ts of ilu- ih tin' li whlih fn Underwood Typewriter Co. efetldran wk II I,' hull (Incorporated) itnl In irlNtiiin Fourth Street. Albutjuertpic. ml IitIii 122 South launchei ilnoa '.in

that In nil of Hi"' i Hint th navttlK leglalatlva iii-o- ti ir, i. in Iwartnt on Alhm ihli iu will In- Intro- - hill II Use Williams' Menthol Cough Drops Extra Strong 5 Cents a I'ackagc AMERICAN KING 01 In- - PreeMlewt Bwwwite to rljotu Williams Drug Co., 307 West Central SWAN'S ISl.ANI iMiirnhiiii atoppod pa" today n to Ari.onn, whori' tin v w ill visit frtenda. The vloa preaWent-ol- i ehaaod aoinn IiuuHiik etdthea, BXpacjU to hunt "inii in Hi LUMBER Cement-Plaste- r Thay hit iiuilKlit. ,. Miisanchii-HiI- i'lty nt Albuquerque Lumber Co. the "kinn." KOMI N H III li STEADFAST CONFIDENCE 423 North Firs! Street liu wim bom in rlna piivriitM, Aim nt Iw The I'oIIowIiik Stiiti iin nt should to fl'l of "I lii-l- f I I'lirin i on i ii' I'loi of Merit This Home-Mad- e Cough i I H.I I tl T.'ll 'Uipmi.i to to to fcCvery MnrniiiK tour litton mil Itl'lllll'l. Syrup Will Surprise You I Tin-- vent t'cpted for rotihi itrotiger proof of the merit m m of uny remedy he than the pa I r it W himplnc Conga II 0elred tatementg of trrateffil entteiierii who 'i'ii' L I mll. Mapplj l hi; their confidence haa been by lapae of time? Thce are the kind of itatemertta that are I n i 3i He develep- - ennntantty in your Pbeai pa J I null Htoms. The) ii linnii' in Hi Hint ,.... nerelnllv ami pfra for Doan'l Kidney l'llls. are tWlce-lot- d ami confirmed with new eathuekiam. Can any render doubt S!4 Ihiiiih. makpH a Hie folio" u resident of $1.00 Iliii nvi' pint"" ins: It's from tMOtmh for ii wlio! funiilv. Von oouldu't ' ' I'1' lia loeiillt. WUI II imuli or - no.ul I'l'ini Qaliateo St.. Santa aoort S'J AO. lyrup for turn "I deem it a pleaa- - Opens an account in our Savings Department and Mix "in- - of sugnr with ,t Baathamptoo, y nut Hrniuilnti'tl ilow to puoilie ntni. I t i tire eorrohoi'ut'. the Vj pint of warm watrr. and r Semi-Annuall- y. Jr, ,,i I of Don earns four per cent interest, compounded nunutaa. Ptil tij ouoaaa of Piwm lift y nietit (ava In priiise aantt' worth in a pint bott lr, unit add - ney rills about woven yitirs - to he exoellei tlie Suyar Syrup. Tliia narfactly S) found them an and liai a lastr 'ealraran like , dy and 1 Have never heait it. Braeea up the aapetlta ami ili(litly " vouch for their inerlta wher laxatiM', wliiili lieliia rnd a coiiirli. liortunltv has been present! Call and let us explain. rrsii Noti prol.nlilv know lha nirdioal valua of pine in r broAeklttt f the I" ami other throat iNHMoa, aorc Inn-.'-- la ia i etc. There BOtblax letter. Pinox brought blockade . deflidte the moat .iliinlla conoriitiatcil eiimimund N alntcment THE FIRST AND of Norway white pine extract, rich in eLid w hen the road UW SAVINGS BANK ,,' ,ul,. M io fV only Biiaiiicl and alt the nntural h.'aliiiir pin j ni.t teattftta. Other preparations will Bat work in Uiia formula. ei Hons and toned up oil to I'titcint Prkaiai. .,' TRUST COMPANY The prompt reatltta fiim tlii inextien- - lotii sooteii. The strongest and largest Savings Bank .le agents for the L'nit-th- e ptaa ha heefl imitated often, but never Btiecei'ull. name Doan'a in New Mexico. A irnaranty of abaolute aaHfaet!..n. or Remember and tin tuke no othe nioni v pioiuptlr refunded. poe with this d ti reci- - Vonr ilruitHt Im Pine, or will il for voir if not, "end t 'J'lio Results from Journal Want Ads, l'iaex to., Ft. Wayne, lad, J MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 16. 1913. SEVEN ALBUQUERQUE -

SCOOP'S IDEA DIDN'T MEET THE CITY ED"S APPROVAL By "HOP.' SCOOP, the Cub Reporter. , i i i r . , : s. Vt -- To gReXWUvKr i BOiS-l- WT .... 1 tArteruf. "MiNr kswh ( ) j .icoot want "U THt mMT r ?! YOU. 3emE 0 T FO- haM-C- ,V4I TO BE A IWIOONIJ - - mr ng- i LAWN cvea aow well r MAwn H. . t u..mao k c j DeW TWM 0 THt PuttNieiT I i '. J iHSTANCt A - AT 1 CAN DRAM FvlrtNvFNr m. . THirAtr U FVW AV CO THfM TAKE f, . .r,-- ., - w - - , r- I v. . ' PfMfU. AMO t OU CiN DRAW T M S V




- 1 MTL


rmb llhuj nnuLji ATTORNEYS.

It. W. D. BRTN I FDR PRESIDENT A I turn? it-U- n The Journal Want Columns Offlr In Plret National Bank Rlld IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH, THE JOURNAL ln. Alhuguargua, N. U nr rninnr mason liewia H HMLt Attorney tl 14. , Boom. 11-1- 7 11 Cromwell ItulMUg, R.-.- . Phoag FOR SALE. Phone IklSW; Dffle. F. GOOD ON 1171. P. McCanna lots. is Close Sec- lis N. Raeajai su Itaan Cloae In htmlnesi t II. ROMBMTCOM 'miner Poincare Home good cm gar lota. Sacrifice Improved buataaaa property. Mwyee. ond in Caucus by Deputies Insurance rrama, rum nhed. for Sale xtern Block. Phone 11.4, - iko r(M Sub- alectrir lUhts nr f o $au Votes Be- r inufh'rn geing Only Eleven Brlrk hiislnesii blaCfc, rentral Ave. a month. H, cash. Font moid tt t'orner lot, rioae In. Mll4g, HUOO Prick, modern, hot DENTISTS. Rival, Kriiiiic biiildii 8. Central Ave. house, model ii. large Sale hind 60 ft. on i 'upper Ave. letv.een Rib heal, well built, good porrhei. :: water llrc,ln. c '.mi. K. baltdlng. 8 DR. t. KRAfT jjjtd iitu sis. 11400 cash, balanee ter rent. ' Central . tlet.Ml, BurgMn. Two lots oi'iner 6ih and 7 -- bungalow with KleeJP sAMH l Daniel I ttmio tooat mii ,t. Mi in r, n$, Mo'iiititf o.ri iul Wire. Ave. tn i"i rrirar We a fine, nnxl-(ii- i Room Hbtg. 744. , inK poreh. eortier lot, N. Ilth street. i me I I. Phi n. .ill-- Jan. l7 A VOt. taken this Crama. m"ih rn. IWI l.ronm, m hoot. agpolntrmmM b, "iiol .ash. In lane. I par rent. lea M.d m.ii. moon at H Joint MUCIU of the Tijeras Hie. id lloll-- c. I ICS I III. VI llll II 1 sun 4 a I Tag, of gjiod land, tics making tip th mnlnrltlcs In frame, W alter iii roe rard, .ni ii, north of D. H PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. senate ami chamber of deputies fhrea eufMf Caatral and frame house. Co. This propcrlv tMfri) prcsl-- r its Indlhn sehool. Porterficld IIIUM Ih- - -- old Ho tllolllll eontnnte a candidate for the Sixth SI. OoM H" ; a. res i,f land. :i ronht ad. die Dunbar's Now Is Hie Hme In a a. ii. i a, m, i. and sixth. act worn of III' I 'iilH resulted " Two a. cornet i ram aaalh, s A I l I real bargain. Wee us aboitl I I TWO ioi.m nmmnTOi t hoioe. barn, miles Hi il l:M Praetlcn ed to Tuherruloola. nn op. it. 10 gtymond PolBcalre, premier, 1X0: Nina mom peWile dam, inoUern. MfSKl ro Went ...ii. Houra: to Phone 1177. caatla. ii tH 114 tt Vf. Central Ave. peeita iiuniiiK (4 I mi Pninn, minister of arloultin FOW IttRVRANI A orniT of llll. Albuqu.niue 141. prfgrtBegt "f I'or Kent. FIRE INSURANCE and LOANS Sanlt.rlum. Pbno. Antonio Du, room brlek house. tleepiM pres- - Ten FIRE INSURANCE nati Itf'i 1'anl D.Mhanel. porell, hot water Ui-.- NOTUi KiRhlll or doputie., 83; A. Fleischer W. M. SHERIDAN, M. m ..r the chamber St II South ifgnrdj Street. LOANS I. 52 l Hank Blilf. 216 West Gold. ix Rlbot, Amw' . round Hour, Stale Nat rfconr ITI Nct io FOR RENT Rooms. Practice IJmited to lot was then begun. ABSTRACTS I f eve-t- , Genito Urinary 'In second tin lot. taken RE." fur-- r Diseases mi "GOODY-GOODY- HI RTS rvm mfortubly resulted In Jule. PlIM minister " peart has appointed Monday, the 3rd line. as day nlahtd Ste.un Diseases of the Skin. receiving vote, day of MarCh, Itll, the lor all't lie Dili. culture 23 PROHIBITION PARTY ii an be to FOR Raymond I'm near, lieming objection, there Th W.seermar.n Noguchl Taetg Premier he approval of said final report ami IE JOHN M. MOORE and J'.ni votes tiro necessary to Halv.ra.n I ". the dleehargc of said adrntntatraigr. "." Indianapolis, Jan. Deelarlna Nice little three-roo- on CltUaag Bank ituiiding. A. K. WAI.KKIt. coital', Two i. ...n Realty Company thai the goody attUude" hurt blocks i Albuguercu., N.w M.aleo. "oii CKrk of a"1'1 Prohale Court. one lot, vviih east front, two i; modern 11 1 YY. (.old. Matt 10 the party's rattae, fjaorga C, PeanaHi at for $790. from Twelfth reel cai line, Hits. I t LI. M RAKKS. oi I'ennsyhnnia, In aildressliiK the PfttlPOSAU BRICK SCHOOL-H- O TVEITMOE l'"i: f: isv rms. led tuod-i- i BOND FOR prohibition national oiifereiiee In l' I'BE, Department Of the Interior, looms, Speelallata Eye. Ear, No.., Tfcre 111 South W Iter street. BI4g. TODAY toda) paW Office of Indian Affairs. WaatUMton, HUte N.llonsi Haak PREDICTED IT, Mealed pro STORAGE. NaMM Ue'ha.. conducted OUT eampnlun.i i. c . Darambat IMI FIRE INSURANCE f'ldt itluNT Nicely tuniiNlicd rooms. ara posals, plainly marked on ihe outside so thai n man had to he a saint hei w' necona. j WANTKD Piano., hou.ehoid uf the aaatfld envalope; "Propogala . Rood. ML41MO,N L. Ill ItTON. M. U. In i mild vote the prohibition tieket. UKNT rootna; mod-- l safely Han Krniiriwo. Jan It. After a for iiiiek Kchoolhouae, poeidn Ronlto FOR Kurni.hed tc, atored at rea.onable nd I prohi- V.( I'bi.blso tiurgeoa. nm sh'k and tired of having I. ad- em. no sick. Apply jOS' ennui.' rate.. Advances made. Phone 640, .1. enwpad l the refusnl of Indian Set New Mexico," and Phoaa 117. Bldg. VCk'a Ia. bgll how good Co. - I each other of & Beourlty Improv.- I'nlted States Distrii't Attorney A. bitionists dressed to the commissioner Indian Thaxton FOR RKNT baated "roum..The Wurehouaa re- W, nog item .: 1 4 Anare4e. tn aini tlM are.'.'. Ml iis. Ii. C. wifl'he 211 fioIlL 6S7. 216H N Beeoad, Th. Plymouth. ment Co. tifflc-- Hooma and WOMAN' UOBHTTAJU Mr9orntMu In 2 -- Ti ceived at the Indian Office until ,"TT-i"T- ana i and (l llecology. Mill' in hond offered lo .7 11 s i or.nt tuoca. rnira .treet euirsi ine thr $12". -. oard rngMati Rati Waa It Pari- o'clock p. m., February u, iii.i. for fiTrkk . avenue. Dr. Patters.. 11. Mar.. 71$ N. BL reaMeata of snnthirn rallfornla for v i i, ou.-it- Ino Palis, Jan. It, The Kail at furnishing materials and labor for the i he ralrauw of uinf a. Tveltmoa, the Ron of a brick anhoolhooafe at the Ft Ut RENT He who owned vast estates in FOR SALE V FARM ' iiiforiila labor laadcr aantaaoad at Puebte Bonlto Indian School, New Hold Denver. m Mil VOICE CULTURE. KnaUnd, Sled here today, He was Choice bus on w.-- We (an sell VQV land In the Mini IndiaAapotla, former .Mayor P. II Ho Mexieo, In stliet aeeorda in c with the t llaseldlne ISKNT Fii In 1S4" He was ohalrwaa Ot the avenue Cheap, or b i ins. Also Foil hies valley for from $.' to $.MI per I'arfhy iinnnnneed today that he hail horn plana, specifications and Instnctlons eaeh f, In 5(1 lot d, .,th Bt. board, II S. Mrs. E. L. Bradford in rtfeMna the MHary Hrltlsh Home ;ule association to bidder, whleh may be examined ai foot corner and re. Hint will produce from to uccarded rli I Super Ft I! KNT-- - n g I ' I ICll I III Ban Franclaco. mid fh ibis office, the offices of the Iron Ave. lit j per acre per year. L is t't'I.THRK. rnnrAiat in Denver. Colo, of bondMum vaH htvtia iMir nf Conat ruction, J. ii. I'i:.K, you ..''nut it. I. W. f.old. Pbone ItggW. Poat, Denvet, COlO., the Journal. su Ills-i- i the XSH I ii. H. Foil RENT Warm, MM LUflH V DKX1 it. hcforC AsslHtilnt rtilted States N.-- Hullder Phone Third. AlhiKiueione. .e., the r. ..liable io persor 1:1:01 i: iet Attorney lii'iijamin MoKlBtay. lie Los Angeles, Pal., Mm i) a oi viiv;. TWRJTERS and Contractor, ment. .'l.'o 8- Kdith. Si hoadsnien examined lurnisheil Ihe C. S. Indian Warehouses at Chi- - lafal ot I,M( and the remainder of cogo, in., st. Louie, .Mo., Omaha, Nov., Foil RENT nean, omfttrtable DNUKKWooli TV PKWR1THH CV - - ft. ( f 121 Phone 174. Ho inn. "lot lll ha Kitpiilied tomoi- and san (ergnclaoo, Cat, the Ralldera JJELaJVWED- rooms, niiipleieiy f lished Fourth sited. McCarthy. ami Rachange at Mlnnoapolla, houagkaeplng. gALE Improved or fifty iow, ai enrdina ti fradora 1 lltjht FOR farm new eecond-han- d. School. For further gatTLoi mi vi a. m v. ALL KINDS, both ami Minn., and at the acre, utul. r ditch. A bargain. Oaear re- Hu perIn ten-- i 210 W. PftOM Bought, aohl, rented and information apply 10 the Sllier. N4 Idffrelng, Bernardo, N. M. OFFICIAL i0CTED dent of the Pucblfl Hondo Indian WANTED Tea m.tera und laborer.. III I I lint HE Iiol Kb paired. Albuquerque Typewriter Ex- Hchool, Crown point, New Mexico, r 11.76, $2 and day: carpenter.; Prop. (FOR BALE Ranch of 13 acre, in change, Phong 144. 121 We.t (laid. FOR MANSLAUGHTER 12.26 Charles (iriinde. county; ,11. AHBOTT, Acting Commissioner Hood concrete carpenter, $4 a day. L'Ofl s. I lrsi Plump fS Valencia under irrlgatlai ditch Apply :i i S W. Santa Fe. MESSENGERS. WANTED Mill carpenter, wanted a e e e ItiinciTof l!!."! acres, suh- - smelt-i- I'm: RALE I I - Communicate uh the Oaarh K. PAIiCKI. i: . v KK V Mes- - Indlunapoli, Ind., Jan. 6. rTca- WANTED Positions. e Irrtgnted ley I ml eouth il. and & Miniim Company, Mandalena, rat land, Ml k Slexeiis. I'.eoiue V. Perkins. II. COME HOME. or Albuqueefrue, Bee Owner, s. WANTKD Dressmaking, 734 S, Amo New Mexieo. su DaVikon and Norninn II. Itenm. of Itroadwav u York dlreetom of the Clncln- - trect. AN tlpToTtTINlTY for u live man a if you are tired and it unary, To e u, Hamilton Dayton railroad, d A.'TI:i Di. s', ears' seliliiK our uuarailteed Yakima come to the ST. JAM EH HOTEL, FOR RENT Storerooms. valley mown nut.sery BtOCk; exclusive FOR SALE ,,n ;, cMwrge of involuntan experience, ."illii S. Amo St. e We ire here to can- for th. tired Houses. I - territory; outfit free; cash weekly; 1 I N. St. a IIEN1 sioi. r. nun and vvure- In i niinei Hon ith the fine ' a and hungry. Ill First ii; inslaiihlei- WANTKD Fancy laundry .work, hustle, not experience, required, New houae, .an . Plrai iireet, Inquire November FOR BALE 'R TRADE For vii, nt Irylngton, ind.. 1J38W. cot-tgg- waists and limns. Phone Toppenlsh Nursery Co.. Toppenish, Mexico ranch, n modern a Alhuinietquf Lumber Co, in whleh sixteen persons were VANTI'rfPositlon na driver: wall Wash. in the Highlands. lniulro Of Med. have fhnM iondn of jr.. (ion FOR RENT Apartments. c.,u.iinnd In elly. Address 207 PA IM'KLS I'mST is reoiiirinK Ihon owner, HI S. Much streel. ell tf alipear lo re tor trial. i ne !i postof-fi- ( e NTAOH POtg. HOT I'ast Cei Hal. Phone sands railway mall clerks, BVm iif.xt Modem furnished and llll: THE sl(?ned yesterday hefore L'n-cl- .11 aids ere WANTKD Scwins by Ihe day by ch rks, can ii is. Work for e or a spillVt.s til' MI . M., pubile In New York and EOR SALE Livestock, Poultry. a notary Competent drem maheri agtlafJMH Sam. Write ai once for full In h:r' 7S5 Leavoa Alhuguerqua poatofflga ii today. The fail. 1 e d except Btindayi 6 had Indianapolis Hon guaranteed, I'hone 318J. formation. American institute, Daak FOR BALE' Seventy. live uly at a. m. a block y- - of the road to install Ual- - 10, Kansas City, Mo. RENT Fn a Can earn three passenger, - WANTKD Paper htillKlnn and FOR Dwellings Rock hen. Call in .tan rdered by the railroad eonmil- a lime. First comes, aerved. gbminlng bv ecpertnnced man. army, BALE-- ni first Indlet- - WANTED For United states FOR r. .in of mule. n was the eanse for the Cheap prices A ran on, can- Journal. able bodied unaxUtfrted men. POR RENT Five-roo- furnished all s. Iroiidvvay. 0 For tickets apply to II K ol Is 3a, of houses; modern. Inquire Tompkins, e . X I Vo (,AIU 1A, a THKN iiRes and citizens POR HAI.K l''re.h ranch eggs. Win Prop Dwellings. i nited State., "f Rood character and COS W. Silver. I HH Broadway. 7.1N Wlfey Henry, what punishment should WANTED Blela, 413 W. Atlantic. Phone I48JW. S. Phone temperate habits, who can speak. n t IUGE BOND CANCELLED b. Mated "Ut la a iniiii whii pruuu" to POR RENT modern house.' I a ." rend and wiiie the .Tngtlah languagi FOB BALE ShTyo'unB Poland Jhlna t, moiiibii and then i' fuses l" mm i liei WANTKD To rent lornished or COMPANY nempelled to with sleepitm Vor Information apply to Recruitlttll W. Cupper. SOW s. I'hone S BY BONDING Hubb) He siiouid be house, bidy., Albuquerque, bar, officer, Barnett fur- bo dx means dol- - Trunka. Bull maul porfhl must he modern; Highland N. M. POR RENT Modern coNKBV'H poultry Will Second and lar.s to one, Fi e if vou bring Case. and preferred. No children or sick. nished house, corner ati Hand Bage February first. 403 N. Second. lnver. Jun. I ."..Assessor Clare J. want possesion about Tljefas. lmiuire made, repair- Iteher faced the serious probability Add reus P. O. Rox city. JELMA ed and ex- rielhg removed from of flee when KXKt t TOIt s XOTICfc. FOR RENT Ranches. BARRED ROCKS- - I offer 2 breeding changed. Al- WANTED (Jul for general houa . p pack by oock ba a c r qua learned today that the United In Ihe Matter of the Kstaie of John work. Applv ins N. Kichth St. liens, headed i Parks s, J 1(1 1 1.641 ' ,, ii ,lso 1 Trunk Pao Uttea Fidelity ft (luaranty Co., of D. Torllna. POR RENT or on har. a farm of .1.1 for and . l l WANTED Hlrl geiieial house- s . 20 S. A. K. a hi m for 41 acres, land. Coll 117 pullet bred Rrgdli ockei I, $5. J. tor), Id arylnnd from his Notice Is hereby given 'hat l'.l!. V cultivated ' hud withdrawn a An bungalow nearly a vrk lilt Central. n KIM '.I. I 21 XV. SI Pbnna 411. re- - M Kee, mors attractive E. Tijerns Ave ; S'olgliiss, Phone lifl.oon band, which he wu Walker and Frank ixe. 4 tWO a a new, rooms, bath and WANTED A girl to on table. v wiTI of wait Fi ii; s .t: F.ggs for hatching Prom to assessor. No reason of the last and testament John a . di'cd nlve as a porches; well situated on corner 713 W. i upper. U' .. kl r . I, I. .all,' In Apjily n. i . ... ' ' ..I..U.....U U - iissigaed by local officials of the D. Ti rlina, deceased, have Hied the e lot in 4Ul ward. Price D; a FOR SALE Miscellaneous. ai Of I'na- - l,t (lirl won p.. ds, ii. Plymouth Rock, and probate court Of the county lb e $:'n() cash, balance on monthly a WANTED lyr house island oupany for their action, though It E. Qrnnd avenue. 12:'. B, W II I to, New Mexico, their final report g payments of onl) lit) per month, a Telephone POR SALE Oood furniture, (heap. s c. Mlnttrcn. Wm. Meta, III reported the controversy Into which I j t.;;w as such exeeiitois. and the court ha principal and Intereal a WANTKD A Hill hotlgg-N- . li'if. N, Fourth. Atlantic Ave. Ph. aic 111 re- a Ibcltidlng 'or general ItchaFa threatened pgr cent day of 1 - appointed Monday, the 3rd a John M. Moore Realty Co, j 4 work. Call !17 Thlrleenlh "i fTm! SAI.F. Saddles, poinee and aur- THET lay. they win, they pay. Won in assessed valuation of hearing . lation the March, 1 3, as the day for e w cold. l'b 1124 rey. 1 t W, (odd avenue. I four first., one second, at slate fair, nver county Involved with il he, to the had objections, nj there UANTKH Hood girl foi general POR SALI. ('ash or lime, .ewlnij llll I; six fI r.ta, two lecond., 1012. officers, is responsible of said final report and the I 1 ate and city approval house Wol k also a practical nurse. machine. :: and rant Hldg R. C R. l Rede. Mottled An- - part of the discharge el said executors. ir the action on the 31 ti W. iron. - I Icona. C. XV'hlie A. B. WALKER, Fiilt BALE- p. uenger goto. tf4. and S. Orpington.. i udiiiK company. l KA ,v s i x I I Slerk of said Probate Court. WANTEJ HI for rk Apply IIS W. Santa Pc. Kgg. and chick, for .ale. U E. lllsoS, lul WM. F. OHLRAU one to go II one nil Thomas, P. O. Box 111. 717 Kasl RA1LWA1 . l by K.xploslou. KXF.Cl TOR'S XOTICE. i DM BALK vlasoilna lighting plant ive killed Boiler ond street. Kateldlna. Revised Time Table London. IS. Five persons of Mary 116 We.t (lold. Jan. in the Matter of the F.statc WANTKD- - A yoUgg girl handy with (Effl'CtlV'C! loci Hilar 8, 1912.) up-ta- gna XX -- ere killed when an holler Kelly. the needle, to help in alteration Foil BALE Ono powei i l bound. n is hereby glveg that M. W. Co. BUSINESS CHANCES. the iteamet Madonna exploded. Notice Construction room. Apply i Economatt, City. ollne engine in firs! class condition.! rrlves Depi re- Flournov, executor of the last will and RtMt CnliforMi 7.2.'.i I tup cording to a wireless dispatch - Must sell at once. Cat! at 215 ft . deceased, WANTED- Woman to do general $1.2 PER WORD Inserting lasslfled I testament Of Mary Kellv, i '.'.ill.. i ni HI Hip I a ,p ived totttght at Faynl. The mes-Ig- e hbuaework and cooking. Apply Mrs Central. Phone 1344. In has filed In ihe probate court of the Genera. Contractors iind ad. In :0 leading papers the Cai. Fasl I ..up 11 also Ihe vessel was N. 0 23 stated that Bernalillo, New Mexico, his J. Armi.i". W. Copper. I". S.. S. nd lor list. The D ike Adver- 3 14 6ag iMt i count) of California Limited. Algiers. The v oceeilinu toward filial repen M such executor, and Ihe WANTED houaekeepei for ihe WANTED Miscellaneous. tising Agency. 4;:;i Main St., !.,. I 0 I ie I, uve fTbiirs 7:Wh 8:ooa Builders " a French passenncr and freight court has appointed Monday, the 3rd country: middle aged preferred. or 12 deary St., San Pratioginn, I bound A. 1 K on January! of Ittg, as the da) for 1 i Stove repairing. W. ' 0 "(la Ml learner left New York dav March. Apply between the hours of and WANTED $61 rnVITdu.v Overland Kpr. Il If any be, Houses Itii lit on I'ttsy Payiiicnls. MAKEB $8Hi 2 9 4 0 ih, ice'AlgMm MaraeUle.. hearing objections, there urges 20B B Central. M-- Knstern Kvpress Rap P and at Si hotel. il.df. phonr Hex. No Call for T, . Jour- to the approval of said final report !.. fake 4 Califoi liiu iioiled. ;..3.'.p 6 Oiip " t l ady good appearance. XV Vii. h row; slate kind and nal Office. and disc ha d said executor. i. .loinsiM. WANTED-- of ANTED R K. c. ,v Chi Kxp i: r.r.p S:4r.p l.i,00fl l.cyacy; kicked to Death. the rife i:riti, SH4. (in A. K WALKER, well and favorably known In ID i"i caah price. P. o. Bor TO I.llAN 11,000 fur one e.l 20 De i v v e i '. uiip ii i up YouiisT-4- , .me lelta, Colo., It. John first-clas- s partlcu. Jan. Clerk of said Probate Court. soliciting foi home firm pleasant WANTFD- - -- House building and Job sei in in State a prominent Delta county Plans Furnished Free work and good proposition for iUIh carpentry. Barton Keller. 7$i No. lar. toll Journal. 809 El P K Meg. Kxp.. 12:20 by attorneys In i.ViiiSTi: AT tll'S NOT Id. icher, was notified ref- 1 chance, from Kl Paso 8:30a Mar- party. Olve name, address and th St. Phone 292W. We have business sir. i In the Mailer of the Kstate of J:55g city yesterday thut he had jul lots FOR sali:. erences. Address O. W. M.. this office. $100 to $7,000. Ml P. cos Valley Kxp.. cus Wlshrun. If you wont carpenter work done, ( , i II. Icn cm ived an inheritance of $35,000 THE m:xx MatXVCO ill i i v . iver oft.) Notice is hereby given lhat Noa Office at CHv sa-- h Jt Door C., new or repairing, telephone 876. tf. Northbound, in his sister's estate in Sweden, of X. Silver. I'hone l!K. administrator of Ihe estate LOST. Ill in Mev ,vi Kl P. fi:0fla teen minutes later Toungbird wns filed PhnM st- and Lend Ave. P, Mohn. From Marcus Wisbrnn. deceased, has VOli BALE XX'cll equipped clggf si i. From Kl Paso. . . :3gj k"d fatally by he wns v K I ' -I- Seeoiiu-lianii nfiigny :ie!:s. the horae in the yn bate CpUrl Of Ihe count) of r PUOXK MM. ft A key; green ribbon attach W T Inentlon. Inquire Rah. i i B store in fine 812 From I'eco. Vull.y nit him; to a luiKgy drive to Delta. Ni w final re I. piensi i i. i er io ...n 'o Ba ' to Bernalillo Mexico, his return t.. utli office and Hhn her Optical Co., 110 s. Second. and Cut off 1;1hm JIc died this afternoon. aor as such administrator, and the ,lv reWJItl. 9 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING THURSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1913. EIGHT . JOURNAL. atn the Ih nefll of hla eredltora. The alul'e haa been clneed and the Mock will lie COL. TWITCHELL IS .f to ititf, the dehta Crescent Hardware Company I Mra. J L I'eren. wife of DsptttJ III Bloeea. lomn, House r'urnkdilug Oooda, t'otlery. Tool, Iron Pipe, jl'nite.l Htalea Marahal Perea, la ' Work. 'at her home In the Highland' I Valtr. ami lluiiif. Plumbing. Healing. Tin and PI" ' NOW ASSISTANT IS U .11 Mini l Tl I.KPHONK. IliV There will gg I. meeting of Albu-"Uer.i- 'oiinrll No. St I, Knight of ('oluml.ur. nt Mil Fellow hull. t 300 ALL g o'clock tonight

Har-V- e SOLICITOR Your Milk From? John Hleln. aiiiri Intenilrnl M Do Yon Alhu-iUeriii- Know Where Comes hotel, Mho h.ik been In e fat SOVOrel graphs, left Inat U-- night for M) Phone MATTHEW'S 420 K M. 1 year, general counael ol the lominent New Mexico Attor- Ni.ilhueMern line, MUM night went RECORDS through A llu.ui Hiir III hla pilvule ney and for 32 Yeats Coun- on Mnntii Ph trnln No. 7 sel foi Santa Fe System, Re- MoOT) shi iln nl. ii prttUligjOhl ' hi mgn Mtarrhgni. Ihhi night nraa a pna- - Mens ceives Meiited Recogritipn, a.'ligei oil Snnla I'r tr.iin Xn. '.' He Co. la en route to IO AJtgOMM Charles Ilfeld a, in John K. of llernnllllo. Colonel Ralph K. Tw lieholt, for BROKEN wan .i ppolnteil eounli phyHlrlnn 01 thlrty-tW- O yai an iiHHlatnnt attnr-m- i Wholesalers of Everything sumionii Bounty, M tha ntnoting of f.'t the s. ii.t.i Kr Hallway y(tem held tnat weak New MallCO), and one of LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA the board in the mot Our GREEN TAG SALE this season has heen the most Mia Nellie Hartley, of the Hurt lev promt ni nl mom bom of tha New Mex- - leo bar, ha been hy flardl-n- . intuitu I y. left UMM nlghl fur l'hh.iK. appointed successful one in our history because of the Extremely v In i. ahe goo lo piiri.huae her i athrop. gencrnl aolleitor of thl ) aiiiing niui gummai ntock. road, aaaiatnnt noil, Itm lor New Mex-.- Low Prices Quoted. It is not too late yet to take ad- ( The nppolntmanl from Gross, Kelly & Co. Inc. Mra. It M. Ilenderaon and dniigh-to- r date Whnleaal anil Detlrre la January I, I approved hy nroi'.ra have returned to AH0'urriue nnl vantage of the following: Suits I'n hi. lent K. I. Rlplo u aevrnil iiiontha' vlalt to to uftel nil (Hilonel hell, I In Wool, Hides, Pel and Goat Skins at iohiiHtouu. I'h Twlti who now tlvea and filnuia on legal liUHlnrn th"' M Vrgae, M. M.i AllMMjurrqii. . R, JJf. Tin miumrt, N. M.; llimiuer.Ue tor Trtuldad, Mra Jake l.rvy mill mm. I;nld $2000 Overcoats now $13.50 .... v. m ; ejmua, N. M. miiwa) umpnny, confirmed the new r Lovf, of smit.i i'e. viaiting Ptorw art ol hla ppoint mrni w hrn n lnt relative and friend In A I buqUOrOOjt, night. $30.00 Overcoats now $19.50 Thr arrival int niuht from Mo mp' Frtoitda in Alhpquerque of Cptoooi CANDELARIA BROS. CO. TwltchoRi im w.ll us thriughoiit the $20.00 Suits now $14.75 Rggtm i" AND i.ite. win learn with eonoMorobta Santa I'e leading room, anil Mr, j plengtire of hi a .p..un no nt lo be Iflunoer, $30.00 Youths' Suits now $16.50 Sheep, Wool, Hides who have hoog In Alhn'i'u .iHNletanl anllcltor. and Pelts joe for duya, left Inat nlKht; ThO New Mexiro Hlilr;.or for the 02. l I south Hr sir-- i Allniqaerque, N M on train N. i for the conot Rantg Kr HiHtrm la Jiulgr II. I.. $30.00 Men's Suits now $19.50 Itognhw gommunlcntton nf Tempi Waldo. The kgjhl OffJMi ol thr M i u thin atnta are at Rant UMhjg No. $4 a. K a. . hi maintained $:').50 Boys' School Suits now $3.90 LAUNDRY evening nt '.ill. Work In Hu R. A. Over-Coa- Una VrguH degree. All vktklng bTAthorg nra In-- j ts M $7.00 Boys' School Suits now $4.90 Pick vlted My older or the HITS WOMAN WITH of the Pack forolghl WHITE The Woinnn'H Home and" LAMP: IS SENT TO Mhalnnnrv Hoi'lety of the 1"lrt Moth $1.25 Boys' Knee Pants now 75c WAGONS 0. 11vt ihnn h win gwot in tha fhnrchj JAIL FOR MONTH Rl o't lot k parlor thl afternoon COATS Hlrunger will he wrl. ome UNDERWEAR. FLANNEL SHIRTS. SWEATER a At the regnlu mooting Of the local! LlOgtl Rtdof, a negro, yrterda and OTHER THINGS go at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Hunt's Ml a run-- 1 a Muoae lodge ton In elaaa of niMinlng wn nentenced to aer e Strong Brothers AMntM will le Initiated b) National! Jail Hi nt, in e of thlrt day b) Polipl DtrocUM t'. i. Roum. aii mamhtiaj Jillluc Craig lieiause he liroke n lamp riiili-ruki'- and GmbalaMti, t"' be iteaORl on Molly t - head. The II I'hj nr Night. are reineaed John.. arrai HoUOOhOM wa Htagcd In thr lltaolt hotian on Telephone 7.V in xlilrm e SMS. Haul TenlHeh, of the WO). 4 1. nan CO.. who ha been gUttO ek North Brood n Strong Illk.. upper ami Mecond sTmo .nTst e th"' two Ih roportod loj KldOT i an r- - inn i.'t. H held Ui r fruits iat wrrk. 111 tnloog he imorsvtng and i aspoetod to bej a faio game the RodligM THE CEN1 RAL AVENUE CLOTHIER nt hla OfflOa nghRl In I few tlay. oi Vorttl Thitd atrael trn rrnra ago. -- . gun arc " lis t d uchls ,u young Rider dropped in otrhddi mid In K. t". W ade, Jr prominent . tha avent that ynu ahould tins, led to hi Idea tlflco Hon. from nil t . Iji CtitCOO, wna In not receive your morning papar, httornev ol UMM night on hla return hii IwmI.. We telephone HKYANT'H alt' home Itoni Hnnla I'e. where he went RATON AGENT CHARGED 11 rtisiomrr I li o giving your nam arm to trntiKiiit Important logaj MUMItonn, l -- I Him grown. It addrraa and the paper will WITH STEALING TICKETS mee-aeug- A. Cooper, the ba delivered by H special Itm Hugh of I'n BUTLER AUTO our m . help J'liona 601 or (Oil. hyteiiitn BhMfOhi will Hicak at the TheSeasons - Hrn ohiOf "if Santa Kr tloll. hull' m Rgtvfttfog Amu hall tonight. II"'- William, thr progreaa apoelnl aorvloo, with k r. Huaoma In MINI I I III IT 6.00 $6 00 vlvul uieetlng a re now in Company's m Idle I urged CtHIOdy, returned here from I'nratoii. I I The uhiiva rewiird will ba paid lit the hall and the l I" II MINI Styles Cut., yeaterduy moinin-- . who fur I he to attend. Latest Hietink arreat aid conviction of night ngent at anyone caught atealllig copies foimrrly wn ticket Haul Vrlnrrl, who Baton, is charged arltti ateallna thk- - of ilia Mottling Jnuriiul hum poan thouaand aheep to the foodlng rl from the OfflCt there. Garage tha doorwaya Steam Heated uf aubacrlbera. of Uia Anltiin i utility, Colorailo, ha Iltiaann went through JlHJHNAI. PUHUSIllNU CO. II. ..Id Ho' returneil to the elty. lut Saturda) nlghl He wn held at "TH top WARD S STORE leei to red thrli at the Our Best RaratOh on order from Mr. Willlum. Open for storage of cars. Protect your car from H ho went after him. He will leave LOCAL ITEMS OF INTERES1 loda f for Raton n ith Rtwamn, frost and save the hard work of cranking. HOMER H. WARD, Mgr. Santa I'r Hiiur Monil. I Mr Huaann oame here with nor nlghl. DOOiOT Hire uttendeil th Quality huoband she tni'od al n hotel. Marble ga, -- lit Ae St . imtl; v'. in. ting Of the Ntilte hoaril of lualth CORNER COPPER AND FIFTH anil to .ii enamlnera. of whli h he Washington. WOMAN AND BOY ARE .Ian. iS. -- NeW Mexico: la v lee irealdent. Cloud) Thursday; Kilduy ruin or A apeolnl meeting of the REPORTED AS MISSING C. II. CONXER, M. 1. . o. Neigh bora win ha hoM thi nftontoon Specialty, tateopathy, JUST ARRIVED FROM :a o'clQOk. Mill & nt at thhl I'rllgwa hall. i treat all curable disease Chicago Lumber Co. NORTHERN ILLINOIS . I lias n. .mi- in mil iho RuMnoOl of linporluiu e a to hi ti.iiis-ll.-tr.- l report ad in ilia noiiee kuM nlghl laal 'Hi. Rtern Rldg. Tolephon it tod a) at hla eliniiiliriH. and there will he drill for in i s,,M i yaara aid. wa ntlaalng. Tha General Planing Mill. H i n, i rHtrrn 1'iiinn of order ol tin Genuine val- polleg were unable o linil the hoy IVnl tn ,MIii.pirritir lut lognbi Clifford, Nooogor. and If Mr. Iuiza found him, he hail 1,000 HENS 3d and Marquette. Phone 8 ' ate-ii- A. Hnyder, who on not notified them at midnight Iny (Gentry's I'.Mrn Otitillty I'.gg. r m irn huh. Ther i iinh will Karl ua herr ong, Rnydor, A negro woman by the name of egg freahen in from Hirer in a!a week. John Khumatr baa been appointed ii rtnti to hi Harmon U The' arc boxed anil scaled Ml wa minting. A el nt niiin.iuei of Khortle Hull- - ha irtiiriii'd to Hriuing, wliiir ues to Mattock, also reported at the much north of town, and II S'. n iin ilu u in li ii ml nrnl liny to $30 It ii r li. lOOgj OMJOjOttl IV man tulil the DOltCO th left her home by ,1111111, Malm llnu-kin- . friHh bows Hi replenish your milk ill for thr Santa sold ami Mr. iilld hi yesterday morning ami had nut Supply, thin t your rhance If you Hi. WiIIiiiim fUdcllff nrnl family, Hallwav tlQOJ POIir Snyder ynu t a mi II y well known lure, Inn returned taal night are a farnirr, we will aril Ihrxe of iirirn. arrived inat nlghl for h hla are See PUTNEY eowa on time if yon will Hell their lug rrli1'"l In AlbUiUorcU mini If Ton U.iim a maun in tin- gunahtne Creamery, thta Phone j for light hauling, rfmngfrnitnl n I. ling you to pny for parrel. mpMongora, Prompt aervlce. I I UNIT! UK W i l l) 11 i 'Itm Ir Weber, until iIIh tin' Miwg from tio'ir own product ma gnat ha lomluttril :i liahrrdaah. i.iitttlj Studebaker H fflooa of sh.. N, van ash, Thc row nr ai.limatrd iillil Hie ' I'K. South Sen. ml Htleet, Iuih tribiiiion elorh in Sad, He hoie TrtiuUla. 112 tnd BuggyCheap fin. hi ever luiortcd Into New Mex Ipade n inluntan Haaignmant for Sun. Ilnlrniletit II. S. Wall at Hii n 4 (Ir Sold al Auction on CoiiinilHslon Bornnrdlno. arrived in AII.Uliel'.lii' If you need a carpenter, telephone WV Arc the Agents, nr CIIRAM-I'KV- . - Your Choice rail n.ldrr SI'NSIIINK yaotnrdoj and will boot one the trav- tleaaalden. phona S77, Co laaik At Our Stock. i Frank i Auction A u i li Hiie, N. M. K In .New vi. a - HiueHrnlative ,l sit N. Dsvejadh. Phaoaj 57 toliareo otupmiy making hi ( umniiiis Wants t" EMI short Pnlfo, SPRINGER thl elt Waahlncton, Jan. I. ieaator A Cummin Introduce, today g bill for $45 Electric Donw TRANSFER CO. a in not l,,ni lax on shot! soiling nf FOR storks and dealing In cotton future, rorty yonrw nkpotinncc in the rur loony, grain, agrirtiltura product and pro- GIPES SANATORIUM TUBERCULOSIS EFFICIENCY HEADQUARTERS gglea. nualnaaa with dlrod outlol to niann-faeture- vision, intended to check Short Private bungalowi ull modern Improvc- - I M I It Ih of Ruropo. ship nil wild HI 11 animal Nklnn to A II. Hilton Mi l', un- ments, u trnted WALLACE HESSELDEN tile Comphlljf, Antonio. New TGXJH3PHONB uT. AI.Bt'QUEItQl'E, N. M. will in. mom mow, a p m San "....mi 4'oiiiractors. Mexico AUCTION MM i Ht i ll ii mi Figures unit workmanship count. W DR. W. T. SALMON FRIDAY AND guarantee mora for your monay Corrlllo I amp 1 I as g g sas g I M ill, is StoVC than any other oiitrurtlng firm In MEMBER in nv. (.allup I. limp s I g f f f r .i.aiiup Stovo ELECTED 2 V. Vf If fire hi Mi II raf MM NORTH SIXTH ST. PUOM? i. I OF MEDICAL BODY At Auction SlTKMIOIl I'UMM. Mil, public auction, absolutely ANTHRACITR, Al.f, PtREM, STI'.AM COAT. li.m-- will eii at g. Mill WihmI. WihmI. Cord Wmal, Kindling. I J re til w 1th. ut reserve, tha beautiful Coke. I'tictorv Native W T. Salmon ia-- . elected it Itrick, lav. I'r. turn, . hinawaic, pictures, Flro Santa I'e Brick. Common llrlck. Mine. Cnunty member of the Rernulillo SATURDAY cut piano, etc., contained there- naaoclutlon at a tneellng held gla. in, "onslsting in part as follow-- : Inat night club. ut the t'oinmrreiui 1 360 piano; luxurious parlor aet of Hi Hul Aaide from the admlaaton of ', solid mahogany, beautifully wn pine, inon to iucmicrhii, no bualnem ami uphOlstOfOd In finest It tneacted waa rand) h railed hhPhr leather; S beautiful 9x12 ruga; rlrh a dint itanlon t lr. ii. s MctJtndrnaa mid lace curtains: complete dining room To-da- y in which never! phyalehma took port outfit, I chairs, extension table s Special FOR 'and "0 buffet to match, In wcatlnrnl oak: li small axminster rug, tTx.iti; I $45 lira bod; springs; osternioor I mattr aaaes; beautiful mission Aftaeer; Your Body complete dinner set; a lot of fancy. I hand-paint- china; $2."0 worth of 'cut glass, in great variety: homing uHtU oiiiiaolinu the aniho Moves; kitchen range; refrigerator; a any lour nntumobile m of every kind; cmi-tr- r Towel: kitchen accessories machinery. Theo arc i 1495 tallies; rockers; chnirs; man's bl- - nu- - It t tr cycle, gad many othe;- things too HMO as IK:ll HICK. HORDKR, Kl I H .tl.oo l.t fai. merOttS to mention In to. t.l Hfck. to hayi your bonooi The furniture in tbti sale ta nil tn Hggtnottin gnanrknt to poo ami A-- l cnnd'tiiin, biggest .,tart like new. fed position In order to mt-o- This le one of the iiiosi Mesirable lots 85c Per Dozen HI foul IiIihhI i In ulalion of furniture placed un st.le this year: everything modern and ami m i le haruioni. t litis, a. tin pia im.i term ran b' made ami 3ts4S ITltKISH. IIIMMI n. I Bpo I 1 1 . li l f Kli.l ivi: pilling umI in ih or will be unnouniril it ailc. Other Vlt I hear adJiudiMoaMa see 'good, cush. Owner lenvlnt city; tnusi sail 45c E. L. WASHBURN CO. IV M Per Pair W Mffl NAtK SIMMS J:II0 . TOPAV, Dr. Schwentker Golden Rule ;10 NOItTH SIXTH ST. rRANH MITIOV ), tisrroi'vru. I'llolle oTU. AllCllollItT. .. n. r. ruiijo RndMhag, I'h i Office. "I": Itcsidrnie, I0;'.i. Dry Goods LET US SEND A MAN Buy Vincent's To replace that broken a ndov Colorado Beet Sugar Syrup gtaaa

i IIMI IVr Out lur ROOi Sugar and M.m gt i itiji i: 1 i miii h i Mnplc Syrup- - I I gal., i.V; gul Company KH"ii.iii.ri"iwi.iBi ll COMI'ANY Hoc; I gal.. II. 26: al nil re! niters. IMione 41 4 N. I'lral Z.THOME 283 313 - 515 WEST CEJVTHA.L dtARLHR ll.l I I H (t, U .ii, III-i- it. .n.