
Learning Objective Name ______

Today, we will describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the .

CFU What are we going to do today?

Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge Name some churches around your neighborhood.

CFU Students, there are many different types of churches in and around your neighborhood. Today, you will see that many of these churches came about because of a split of the more than 500 years ago called the Reformation. Many new ideas came from the Reformation. Today, we will describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation.

DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius , , John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Concept Development The Reformation was the religious reform1 movement in the that resulted in the separation of Protestant2 churches from the Roman Catholic Church. 1 change for the better 2 church that protested against the Catholic Church

The separation during the Reformation resulted from differences in theological ideas which impacted3 political and economic ideas.  Theological ideas are those which relate to religion.

 Political ideas relate to the .

 Economic ideas relate to money. 3 changed Catholic Church During Reformation Ideas Beliefs and Ideas the Reformation (Protestant) Approach to Catholics approached Each person should have a God through the intervention of the personal relationship with God. saints and the Virgin Mary. Who can The and the Bible were Worship services and the Bible Theological understand only in , a language that should be in the language that the Bible? the people did not understand. the people speak. Who can read Only monks and priests were Everyone should be able to the Bible? allowed to read the Bible. read the Bible. How much The Church believed that it The Reformers thought that the political power should be a large, wealthy, and Church should be a very local Political should the powerful institution, roughly organization controlled by local Church have? equal to an emperor or king. priests.

Can the The Church sold indulgences4 People can only have their church sell Economic to pardon sins. forgiven by God through their forgiveness personal . for ?

4 a document sold by the Church to forgive sin

CFU How would the Catholic Church during the Reformation respond to each of the situations below? How would a a Protestant church respond? Which situation is a theological idea? How do you know? …a political idea? …an economic idea?

• A religious businessman wants to read the Bible. ______• A wealthy nobleman wants to buy forgiveness for his sins. ______• A powerful church leader declares war on a kingdom. ______

In your own words, what was the Reformation? The Reformation was ______.

DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Importance The separation during the Reformation resulted from differences in theological ideas which impacted political and economic ideas.  Theological ideas are those which relate to religion.  Political ideas relate to the government.  Economic ideas relate to money.

It is important to describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation because:

1. describing the theological ideas of the Reformation helps us understand why we have so many churches. Several denominations have split from each other in the last 10 years over everything from women wearing pants to divorce.

2. describing the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation helps us understand how faith, money, and power are intertwined.

The arguments against indulgences are based on faith and religion, but indulgences were worth a lot of money.

3. describing the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation will help you do well on tests.

Sample Test Question 42. Which religious leader split with the Catholic Church over clerical abuses and the sale of indulgences?

A B Desiderius Erasmus C King D Martin Luther

No CST-released question directly addresses this standard.

CFU Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation? (pair-share) Why is it important to describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason means the most to you? Why?

DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Skill Development/Guided Practic e The separation during the Reformation resulted from differences in theological ideas which impacted political and economic ideas.  Theological ideas are those which relate to religion.  Political ideas relate to the government.  Economic ideas relate to money.

Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation. Step #1: Review the graphic organizer to determine what information is needed. Step #2: Read the text carefully. a. Identify the theological ideas. (underline) b. Identify the political ideas (if any). (circle) c. Identify the economic ideas (if any). (double underline) Step #3: Describe the reformer’s theological, economic, and political ideas.

Major Figures of Theological Ideas Political Ideas Economic Ideas the Reformation (relating to religion) (relating to government) (relating to money)

Martin Luther 1483-1546 German religious reformer

Desiderius Erasmus 1466-1536 Dutch priest and humanist

John Calvin 1509-1564 French theologian and reformer

CFU How did I identify the theological ideas? How did I identify the political ideas? How did I identify the economic ideas? How did I know what to write in the graphic organizer? How did you identify the theological ideas? How did you identify the political ideas? How did you identify the economic ideas? How did you know what information to write in the graphic organizer?

DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Martin Luther refused to back down. 11. As a result, 1. Martin Luther was a monk in Luther was excommunicated3. Germany where he studied the Bible 12. Luther leaving the Catholic Church carefully. 2. While studying, he came to created a reason for many princes and disagree with the Church about the nobles of the to of . 3. The Church taught leave the Church without seeming that the unholy. performance of 13. He also included the 95 religious ritual1 Theses in a letter to the Church arguing and good against the sale of indulgences. works2 was 14. Luther’s beliefs completely necessary to undermined the Catholic Church’s ensure the selling of indulgences, which was an ’s salvation. important part of the Church’s revenue4.

4. Luther Desiderius Erasmus believed the (des-i-deer-ee-uhs i-raz-mes) path to God was 15. Desiderius Erasmus was a through faith Dutch priest who alone. wanted to 5. Forgiveness the Church. was not 16. He believed Martin Luther , 1529 something the by Lucas Cranach that Church church could teachings should grant or something that individuals could be easy for achieve by themselves. 6. Instead, it everyone to was given by God to each person who understand, and accepted Him. 7. Luther’s beliefs led that everyone him to adopt , the idea should be able to that God’s will determined who would read the Bible, have salvation. not just the Erasmus, 1529 8. Luther was among the first to clergy5. 17. To by Hans Holbein the Younger break away from the Church because of further this idea, his theological positions. 9. In 1517, Erasmus made new, more accurate Luther wrote his famous 95 Theses, a translations of the Bible. 18. Although series of religious questions that he Erasmus agreed with many of the wanted to discuss. 10. The opinions he complaints made by Martin Luther, he expressed in the 95 Theses got him into never broke with the Church. serious trouble with the Church and he 19. Instead, he favored reformation from

1 religious ceremonies or set of actions that is always done in the same way 3 forced to leave the church 2 (good works) giving money to the church or donating 4 money received time 5 official leaders of organized religion DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only. within the Catholic Church. 20. Erasmus breaking the rules an embarrassing also agreed with the traditional Catholic public performance. position that all people have free will6. 31. In the mid-1500s, 21. He traveled across Europe became a safe haven8 for Protestants and wrote dozens of books, mostly on from other countries. 32. These religion. 22. In addition to writing refugees began to follow Calvin’s ideas. theological texts, Erasmus wrote 33. He was so successful in converting Education of a Christian Prince and the refugees to that it would dedicated it to the young King Charles eventually make up the most common of Spain. 23. In the book, Erasmus form of throughout applied honor and truthfulness to the Europe. running of a country in a Christian 34. The spread of Calvin’s beliefs manner. were most easily seen in the style of

John Calvin dress that became popular across 24. In 1536,John Calvin published Europe. 35. Before the spread of an apologia, or a defense of a Calvin’s ideas, the wealthy wore theological position, as a reformer. expensive and extravagant clothing. 25. Calvin believed that anything not 36. Calvin banned wearing fancy clearly clothing in Geneva, and this idea mentioned in became very popular throughout the Bible Europe. 37. Everyone was to dress in should be simple, dark clothing, without any rejected. 26. He unnecessary decoration. disapproved of dancing and the wearing of fancy clothing. 27. As a result of his beliefs, Portrait of John Calvin he had to flee by Titan, 1529 from France and eventually ended up in Geneva, . 28. Calvin helped to reform and combine the civil government and the church in Geneva. 29. He created a very strict set of laws with the church as the main disciplinarian7. 30. Calvin’s interpretation of the Bible led him to ban dancing and made punishment for

6 () the idea that we have a choice in what we do with our lives 7 person or group who make others obey laws or rules 8 safe place DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Closure The separation during the Reformation resulted from differences in theological ideas which impacted political and economic ideas.  Theological ideas are those which relate to religion.  Political ideas relate to the government.  Economic ideas relate to money.

1. Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation below. 2. In your own words, what was the Reformation? Step #1: Using the text and the graphic organizer, answer the questions below.

1. Describe Martin Luther’s views on indulgences.

2. Describe Erasmus’ ideas about the reading of the Bible.

What did you learn today about describing the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation? Day 1 ______Day 2 ______

DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Independent Practice Name ______The separation during the Reformation resulted from differences in theological ideas which impacted political and economic ideas.  Theological ideas are those which relate to religion.  Political ideas relate to the government.  Economic ideas relate to money.

Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation. Step #1: Carefully read the question. Step #2: Use the text and the graphic organizer to answer the question.

1. Describe how the ideas of Martin Luther influenced the Reformation.

______2. Describe how the ideas of Desiderius Erasmus influenced the Reformation.


3. Describe how the ideas of John Calvin influenced the Reformation.


DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

Independent Practice (continued) The separation during the Reformation resulted from differences in theological ideas which impacted political and economic ideas.  Theological ideas are those which relate to religion.  Political ideas relate to the government.  Economic ideas relate to money.

Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the Reformation. Step #1: Carefully read the question. Step #2: Use the text and the graphic organizer to answer the question.

4. Describe some similarities and differences among Martin Luther, Erasmus, and Calvin.


5. Who do you think was the most important figure of the Reformation? Why?


DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.

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DataWORKS Educational Research 7th Grade History 9.2 (3Q) (800) 495-1550 • www.dataworks-ed.com Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures ©2011 All rights reserved. during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Comments? [email protected] William Tyndale). Lesson to be used by EDI trained-teachers only.