
supracrustal rocks, age, 706, 707 axis of intermediate susceptibility (K or K ), A int 2 thrusting over Adirondack Highlands, 8–9, 289–290

Adirondack Highlands. See also Central 287, 319, 321, 375–376 axis of maximum susceptibility (Kmax or K1), Granulite Terrane; Lyon Mountain Wellesley Island leucogranite, 263 289–290

granite and gneiss; Marcy AMCG suite Adirondacks. See also anorthosite-mangerite- axis of minimum susceptibility (Kmin or K3), (Adirondack Highlands); Moose River; charnockite-granite (AMCG) 289–290 New Russia gneiss complex magmatism; Carthage-Colton shear comparison between petrographic lineation and age, 269 zone (Carthage-Colton mylonite zone) foliation of samples, 292, 294–295

geological description, 300, 358, 380 anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite magnetic foliation (Kmax-Kint plane, or Kmin geological setting, 269, 286 (AMCG) magmatism dates, 3, 286, axis), 290

hornblende granites, 269, 271 301, 338 magnetic lineation (Kmax), 290 maps, 381, 699 composition of Adirondack AMCG rocks, 340 magnetofabric analysis, 291, 292 metamorphic ages, 286, 287, 302 Elzevirian folding and deformation, 286, 295, magnetofabric orientation, 290 Ottawan granulite-facies metamorphism, 338, 296, 301–302, 750 petrofabric analysis, 289–290, 291–294 380 Elzevirian orogeny (Elzevirian pulse) effects, petrofabric and magnetofabric comparison, peak metamorphic conditions, 302 286, 295, 296, 750 methods, 290–291 pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path of folding and deformation phases, 287, 294–296 regional distribution of the domains of metamorphism, 281–282 general information, 8–11 magnetofabrics, 291, 292 supracrustal rocks, age, 707 geological description, 165, 300, 338–340 S-C fabrics, 292–294

Adirondack Lowlands. See also Central maps, 9, 338, 339, 506, 648 S1 and S2 foliations, 292–294 Metasedimentary Belt; Diana syenite models for Lowlands-Highlands juxtaposition stereonet showing AMS principal axes and Antwerp granite, 301, 339 and thermotectonic evolution of the inferred petrofabric foliation, 291 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages Carthage-Colton shear zone, 8–9, 302, stereonets showing AMS principal axes and age variations, 313 319–321, 376 inferred petrofabric foliation, 290, 294 40Ar/39Ar dates of hornblendes of mylonite Ottawan deformation effects in Adirondack triaxial ellipsoid, orientation of axes in, zone, 287 anorthosites, 339 289–290 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating results for Ottawan granulite-facies metamorphism in anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite biotite, 306–307, 309–313 Adirondacks, 338, 380 (AMCG) magmatism 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating results for Ottawan orogeny compression, 286, 295, 296, in Central Granulite Terrane, 359 hornblende, 306–309 302 in Central Metasedimentary Belt, 359 cooling rate estimation, 313, 314 regional geobarometry inconsistencies, 295, dates in Adirondacks, 3, 286, 301, 338 parallelism of age-distance trends for 296, 300 dates in Morin terrane, 3, 36, 37 hornblende and biotite, 313–314, 315, syn-post-Ottawan collapse of overthickened dates in western Grenville province, 3 319 Adirondack crust, 295, 319, 506 emplacement, as major event in Adirondack regional cooling trends, 302, 313 TIMS ages of tonalitic gneiss in Adirondacks, tectonic evolution, 286 samples and methods, 303, 306 749–750 granulite-facies metamorphism and regional temperature-time cooling trajectories, 314 U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages in eastern deformation, 338 electron microprobe analyses of biotites and Central Metasedimentary Belt and map of AMCG suite plutonic rocks in hornblendes, 304–306 western Central Granulite terrane, 319 Grenville Province, 5 Elzevirian folding and deformation, 286, 295, Adirondian magmatism, 3 Mealy Mountains terrane, 107 296, 301–302 Algonquin terranes, 82, 106, 338 regional significance, 352 exhumation, 300, 314–315, 320 , tectonic transport of Blue role in Adirondack tectonic evolution, 286 geochronology, 301–302 Ridge rocks westward, 478, 648, anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite Hermon granite, 301 687–688 (AMCG) suites Hyde School Gneiss, 247, 301 Allochthonous high-pressure (HP) belt, 106. See Adirondacks Hyde School granite, 339 also Grand Lake thrust system; Molson charnockite-mangerite relations, 341–342 inclined isotherm model, 316–318 Lake terrane coeval emplacement of anorthosite and lateral oblique movement during Ottawan Allochthonous low-pressure (LP) belt, 106. See granitoid magmas, 342, 351–352 orogeny, 375–376 also Lac Joseph terrane; Mealy composition of Adirondack AMCG rocks, lithospheric delamination, 301, 302, 380, 506 Mountains terrane 340 maps, 286, 699 Allochthonous Monocyclic Belt, 164, 166, 268 description, 338 metamorphic ages, 287 Allochthonous Polycyclic Belt, 5, 496 geological setting, 338–340 Ottawan compression, 395 Amazonia maps, 338, 339 Ottawan compression, absence of, 295, 296, collision with Laurentia to form Rodinia, 136, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, 302, 313, 320 286–287, 302, 321, 338–339 343–353 as part of Frontenac terrane, 165, 286, 295 paleomagnetic evidence against collision with tholeiitic characteristics, 664 peak metamorphic conditions, 301–302 Laurentia, 392 xenocrysts in charnockite, 341 petrographic data for hornblendes and biotites, suture between the Laurentian and Diana syenite, 288, 295 303 Amazonian/Rio de la Plata cratons, 544 Harp Lake AMCG suite, 107, 338, 758 post-orogenic cooling, 300, 302 AMCG. See anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite- Marcy AMCG suite (Adirondack Highlands) regional tilting model, 315–316, 317–318, 320, granite (AMCG) magmatism age, 164, 165, 338, 339 321 anatexis, 268, 269 comparison to composition of other AMCG Rockport granite, 301, 339 anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) rocks, 758


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anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite whole-rock Nd isotope data, 466–467 analysis of Th/U data, 426–427 (AMCG) suites (continued) Appalachian orogenic cycle, 3 electron microprobe analysis, 415, 423–424, Marcy AMCG suite (continued) Appalachian “Wilson cycle,” 127 428 geological description, 165, 338, 339 Archean gneisses, metamorphosis during origin of metamorphic titanite, 426–427 map, 164 Grenville orogeny, 37 SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology, 424–425, oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, 169, atomic number, absorption fluorescence (ZAF), 426 171, 172–173, 174 326 Townson antiform, 413, 415, 421, 423–424 Michikamau AMCG suite, 107 Ausable River anorthositic pegmatite and Woodstock antiform, 413, 420, 421 Mistastin AMCG suite, 107 clinopyroxene plagioclase dike, 339 zircons Morin AMCG suite Australia/Western (AUSWUS) analysis of Th/U data, 425–426, 427 age, 3, 36–37, 165, 338, 352 reconstruction, 642–643 morphology and cathodoluminescence, 415, comparison to composition of other AMCG 419–420 rocks, 758 B origin of metamorphic zircon, 425–426 geological description, 165–166 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, maps, 164, 338 backscattered electron (BSE) imaging 415–418, 420–423, 424–425 Novillo Gneiss (Mexico) dioritic orthogneiss from Cape Caribou River Baltimore terrane. See Baltimore Gneiss; chemical analysis, 757, 758 allochthon, 116, 122 Glenarm Group geological description, 757 images of Adirondack Highlands zircon Bancroft domain, 36, 184, 185, 393. See also Nb-Y tectonic discrimination diagram, 757, separates, 272–274 Bancroft shear zone; Composite Arc 758 Moose River gneisses, 329, 331 Belt U-Pb geochronology, 759, 760–761 Baffin orogen, 2 Bancroft shear zone, late extensional motion, 392 anorthosite massifs. See also basement massifs; Baie à Cadie Mafic-Ultramafic Suite, geological basement gneiss. See Chicoutimi Gneiss Harp Lake AMCG suite; Havre-Saint- description, 69 Complex Pierre anorthositic suite; Lac St. Jean Bakersville dike swarm (North Carolina). See basement massifs. See also anorthosite massifs; Anorthosite Suite; Marcy meta- also Crossnore Complex Blue Ridge basement complex; Blue anorthosite massif; Mealy Mountains age, 436, 460, 572 Ridge Mountains (Blue Ridge anti- terrane; Morin terrane, Morin AMCG geological description, 435, 436 clinorium); Blue Ridge thrust complex; suite; Nain Plutonic Suite; Oregon intrusion into Blue Ridge basement complex, Mesoproterozoic basement rocks Dome; Riviere Pentecote 436 Mesoproterozoic basement massifs in the Ottawan deformation effects in Adirondack intrusion into Blue Ridge thrust complex, 681, eastern United States, 412, 427–429, anorthosites, 339 687 507 Anse à Philippe Layered Intrusion, 67, 70–71. intrusion into Mars Hill terrane, 610, 615, 616 term definitions, 526 See also Saguenay region maps, 436, 573, 683 Baskatong-Dozois shear zone, 36 Anticosti Island, 502 Baltimore Gneiss. See also Glenarm Group Battersea pluton, 164, 172 Antwerp granite, 301, 339 antiformal core exposures (anticlines, Belmont domain, 185. See also Elzevirian Appalachian deformation front, 501–502 antiforms), 412, 414 orogeny Appalachian inliers, 11–14, 502. See also Blair Baltimore Complex (Baltimore mafic Berkshire massif, 412, 506, 648, 699, 730. See River inlier; Long Range inlier complex), 414 also Mesoproterozoic basement rocks . See also Blue Ridge Chattolanee antiform, 413, 420, 421 BGC. See Bondy gneiss complex (BGC) Mountains; Pine Mountain window felsic gneiss, zircon age, 420, 421 Big Meadows traverse (). See (Pine Mountain Belt, Pine Mountain foliated biotite granite Catoctin volcanic province Block) electron microprobe analysis of titanite, 415, biotite Carolina terrane 423–424 Adirondack Lowlands crustal affinities, 469–470 zircon age, 420, 421 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating results for maps, 461, 602 geochronology biotite, 306–307, 309–313 Nd isotopic data, 466–467, 606 previous studies, 414–415 electron microprobe analyses of biotites, crustal affinity and Rodinia rifting, 469–470 sample preparation and analytical methods, 304–306 detrital zircons 415 petrographic data for biotites, 303 ages, 467–469, 470–471 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, 40Ar/39Ar age of Oaxacan Complex biotite, analytical methods, 464–465 415–418, 420–423, 424–425 775–777 possible Gondwanan affinity, 470 geological description, 412, 414 40Ar/39Ar ages in Central Metasedimentary eastern Inner , 461, 464 James Run Formation, 413 Belt, 396–399 geological setting, 460–461, 478–481 Laurel Formation, 413 Bondy gneiss complex biotite analyses, 49, 51, Gondwanan connections, 469–470 Loch Raven Schist, 413 53 Laurentian connections, 470 maps, 412, 506, 648, 699 Red Wine Mountains, Disappointment Lake map, central Appalachian mountains, 437 Mather Gorge Formation, 413 Paragneiss, 84, 91–92, 95 maps, southern Appalachian mountains, 461, Mayfield antiform, 413 Red Wine Mountains, U-Pb age of biotite, 84 462, 680, 699 Phoenix antiform, 413, 420, 421 Wilburn Rhyolite Member microphenocrysts, Milton belt, 461 Slaughterhouse Granite (Slaughterhouse 588–589 Sauratown Mountains window Gneiss), 413, 414, 420–423 Black Lake fault, 164 geological description, 460, 464 Soldiers Delight Ultramafite, 413 Blair River inlier, 496, 501 maps, 412, 461, 462, 506, 527 Sykesville Formation, 413 Blanc Sablon terrane, 496, 499–500 Smith River allochthon, 461, 462, 527 Texas antiform, 413 Bloomingdale mangerite, 339, 352 Valley and Ridge, 460, 461, 471, 478 titanite Blue-Green-Long axis, 574–575

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Blue Ridge basement complex. See also Catoctin volcanic province; French age, 460, 478, 490, 492 basement massifs; Blue Ridge Broad massif; Grandfather Mountain maps, 479, 480, 649 Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium); window; Lovingston massif; Mars Hill Rockfish Valley fault zone, 650 Blue Ridge thrust complex; terrane (MHT); Mesoproterozoic geological description, 488–490, 550–551, charnockitic gneiss; Mesoproterozoic basement rocks; Pedlar massif; 651, 652 basement rocks Shenandoah massif maps, 479, 650 biotite gneiss, 650, 652 ages of Blue Ridge Province granites, 429 mylonitization, 558 field relations, 652 ages of granitic rocks of the central Blue relationship to Short Hill fault, 491 geochemistry Ridge, 427 Salem Church massif, 526, 527 chemical composition, 662–664, 670, 671 Cartoogechaye terrane, 527 sedimentary fill in rift basins along the eastern comparison to type-A and type-I granitoids, Chattahoochee thrust sheet (Tallulah Falls Laurentian margin, 478 665–666, 667–668, 669 dome), 529, 533–535 Short Hill fault comparisons of granitoids to ocean-ridge Chopawamsic terrane geological description, 481, 483 granite, 666–667, 668 evolution of crust, 470, 471, 606 maps, 479, 480, 649 compositional characteristics, 662–664, maps, 461, 602 relationship to Rockfish Valley fault, 488, 666–667 Nd isotopic data, 466, 606 490 tholeiitic affinity, 655, 663, 664, 669–670, Chunky Gal-Shope Fork paragneiss, 460 tectonic significance, 483, 486–487, 672 comparison of north and central Blue Ridge 488–490, 491 geochronology massif, 487, 488–490, 491 Short Hill Mountain, 480 high-silica charnockite, 656, 657, 661–662 Corbin Gneiss, 412, 526 South Mountain, 480 leucogranite gneiss, 656, 657–658, 661–662 Corbin massif, 527 summary of geological evolution of the low-silica charnockite, 656, 658, 660, Culpeper basin, 478, 479 northern Blue Ridge province, 491, 661–662 Dahlonega gold belt 648–650 Old Rag Granite, 658–659, 660, 661–662 geological description, 460, 462, 464 Sutton Creek Gneiss geological description, 648, 681 maps, 461, 527 age, 533, 534 high-silica charnockite detrital zircons, 464–465, 467–469 geochemistry, 535–536 field relations, 652 Emuckfaw Formation, 460 geological description, 528, 534 geochemistry, 662–665 Fort Mountain massif, 526, 527 intrusions, 532, 533, 534 geochronology, 656, 657, 661–662 geological description, 436–437, 478, map, 529 map, 650 481–482, 610 Tallulah Falls dome leucogranite gneiss Gettysburg basin, 478, 479 cross section, 532 field relations, 652, 653 greenschist-facies metamorphism, 437, 439, geological description, 528–529, 530–535, geochemistry, 662–665 455, 478, 489 542, 543 geochronology, 656, 658, 661–662 Hayesville-Soque River, 460, 462 maps, 527, 529 map, 650 Laurentian fragments preserved as western Tallulah Falls–Ashe Formation, 460, 464, low-silica charnockite Blue Ridge rift-to-drift packages, 436, 528 field relations, 652, 653 460, 470 Tallulah Falls Quartzite, 529, 531, 532–533 geochemistry, 662–665 Looking Glass Granite, 527 tectonic transport westward during Alleghanian geochronology, 656, 658, 660, 661–662 maps orogeny, 478, 648, 687–688 map, 650 Blue Ridge Province, 506, 573, 648, 649, Toxaway dome magmatic periods 699 geological description, 528, 535, 538–539, Magmatic Interval I (Group 1 rocks), 651, eastern Blue Ridge–western Inner Piedmont, 543 672–674 461 maps, 527, 537 Magmatic Interval II (Group 2 rocks), 651, northern , 479, 480 Toxaway Gneiss, 536, 538–539, 542 672–674 western Blue Ridge Mountains, 412, 461 Trimont Ridge massif Magmatic Interval III (Group 3 rocks), 651, Marshall Metagranite geochemistry, 531, 536, 542 673–674 age, 480, 483, 487–488, 491 geochronology, 530, 539, 541, 542–543 maps, 649, 730 composition, 482 geological description, 528, 539, 542, 543 mineralogy foliation, 483 maps, 527, 530, 540 amphiboles, composition, 654–655 geological description, 481 Tugaloo terrane, 531, 543–544 igneous origin of lithologic units, 652 maps, 480, 649 unifying tectonic model for the central and normative compositions, 652, 653 Mechum River Formation, 460, 649 northern Blue Ridge, 490–491 pyroxenes, composition, 653–654 Milton terrane Whiteside Granite, 527 variations in modal data, 652 evolution of crust, 470, 471 Wiley Gneiss, 529, 533–534, 535, 542 Old Rag Granite, 650, 652, 658–659, 660, maps, 461, 602 Wolf Creek Gneiss 661–662 para- and orthogneisses Nd isotopic data, geochemistry, 531, 535, 536, 542 tectonic setting and source characteristics of 466 geochronology, 530, 534–535, 542–543 granitoids, 666–672 multiple episodes of deformation and intrusion, geological description, 528, 532, 533 tholeiitic dikes in Blue Ridge basement 483–486 map, 529 complex, 436 Neoproterozoic extension, 648 Yonah Granite, 527 Blue Ridge Mountains (Blue Ridge Pink Beads Granite, 527 Blue Ridge thrust complex, 682–683, 689. See anticlinorium). See also Appalachian Rabun Granodiorite, 527 also basement massifs; Blue Ridge mountains; Blue Ridge basement regional geology, 436–437 basement complex; Blue Ridge complex; Blue Ridge thrust complex; Robertson River suite Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium);

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Blue Ridge thrust complex (continued) greenschist-facies metamorphism, 685 age of igneous crystallization of tonalitic Grandfather Mountain window; thrust maps, 682–683 gneiss (TIMS), 248 faults mylonite, 685 ages of metamorphic zircons in Bondy Ashe Metamorphic Suite Linville Falls-Stone Mountain thrust sheet gneiss complex, 39, 247 in Burnsville Fault, 684 geological description, 681, 685 isotopic disturbance and age scatter, 261–262 dates of metamorphisms, 686 Paleozoic greenschist-facies metamorphism, timing of metamorphic events, 262–263 in Fries Thrust sheet, 681 681, 682, 685, 686, 688, 690 zircon inheritance, 262 Paleozoic metamorphisms, 685–686, 687 Little Pond Mountain fault, 682–683, 685, geological description, 21–22 Beech-Crossnore Suite peralkaline granitic 687 geothermobarometric calculations plutons, geological description, 681 Little Pond Mountain thrust sheet biotite-garnet Fe-Mg exchange Brevard fault zone, 681, 682, 683 Alleghanian metamorphism, 685 geothermometry, 45, 53–56 Burnsville fault Cambrian Chilhowee Group sedimentary effect of garnet grain size on peak geological description, 681, 684 rocks, 681 temperature calculations, 59–60 interpretation as strike-slip fault, 681, 684, geological description, 681, 685 effect of retrograde cation diffusion on peak 687 Paleozoic metamorphism, 681, 682, 687 temperature calculations, 58–60 intrusion by Neoproterozoic Bakersville Long Ridge fault, 682–683, 685 garnet-aluminosilicate-quartz-plagioclase dikes, 681 maps, 682–683, 689 barometer, 56–57 maps, 682–683 Paleozoic kinematic history of Blue Ridge garnet-orthopyroxene geothermometer, 53, result of Ordovician collision of the thrust complex, 687–688 56 Piedmont terrane and Laurentian crust, Paleozoic metamorphism geobarometers, 56–57 687 Ashe metamorphic suite, 685–686 peak metamorphic temperature, 43, 51, 53, thrusting, 687–688 Fort Ridge thrust sheet, 686, 687 56, 248 U-Pb zircon age for sheared pegmatite, 684 Fries thrust sheet, 685–686 gold content, 22 Cranberry Granite (Cranberry Gneiss), 688, Linville Falls thrust sheet, 681, 682, 685, heavy rare earth element (HREE) patterns, 22, 690 686 24, 255 Cranberry Mine Gneiss (Cranberry Mine Little Pond Mountain thrust sheet, 681, 682, hydrothermal alteration, 6–7, 27, 28–29, 248, Layered Gneiss), 684, 688, 690 687 261 Devil Fork fault Paleozoic regional metamorphic grade, 681, hydrothermal system (Cu-Au-Fe oxides geological description, 681, 684 690 hydrothermal system), 21, 36, 244, 248 maps, 682–683 Sams Gap–Pigeonroost thrust sheet, 681, intermediate gneiss, 252, 259–260 relationship to Fork Ridge fault, 684 686 isothermal decompression, 57–58, 248 Fork Ridge fault palinspastic reconstruction, 691–692 juvenile crust in arc formation, 247, 248, 261, geological description, 684 Pigeonroost fault, 682–683, 684 262, 263 greenschist-facies overprint, 681 Pumpkin Patch Metamorphic Suite, 688, laminated quartzofeldspathic gneiss maps, 682–683 690–691, 692 cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 254 relationship to Devil Fork fault, 684 Sams Gap–Pigeonroost fault characteristics, 24, 249, 253 relationship to Little Pond Mountain fault, Alleghanian metamorphism, 684 chemical composition in Bondy gneiss 687 geological description, 684 complex, 22, 23

Fork Ridge thrust sheet maps, 682–683 correlations between Al2O3 and TiO2, TiO2 Bakersville dike swarm, 687 relationship to Fries fault, 687 and Zr, and Y and Zr, 25–26 geological description, 681, 684 thrust development, 688 lamination pattern, 24, 248, 249, 253 greenschist-facies metamorphism, 681, 682, Sams Gap–Pigeonroost thrust sheet, 681, 684, protolith formation, 260–261 688 686, 690 rare earth elements in Bondy gneiss Paleozoic metamorphism, 686, 687 Stone Mountain fault, 682–683 complex, 24 Spruce Pine Plutonic Suite (Silurian- Taconic metamorphosis, 686–688, 690–691 U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology, 249–250, Devonian), 681 thrust sequence and development in Blue 253–255, 260–261 Fries fault Ridge thrust complex, 687–688, 691 light rare earth element (LREE) patterns, 22, amphibolite-facies metamorphism, 682 Unaka Mountain fault, 682–683 24, 258 geological description, 681, 684 Watauga River Gneiss, 684, 688, 690, 692 location in the Grenville Province, 20, 36 greenschist-facies metamorphism, 681 Bondy gneiss complex (BGC). See also Central maps, 21, 36, 246 maps, 682–683 Metasedimentary Belt; cordierite- mineral assemblages and textures, 40, 41–42 relationship to Sams Gap–Pigeonroost fault, orthopyroxene (Crd-Opx) gneisses polydeformational history, 248, 262–263 687 aluminous gneisses, 21–22, 23–24, 40 pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path thrust development, 687–688 cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 249, 254, divergence from Nomininque-Chénéville timing of thrusting, 681, 684 256, 258, 259, 261–262 deformation zone P-T-t path, 36–37, 61 Fries thrust sheet chemical composition, 22, 23 P-T-t trajectories in BGC and NCDZ, 43, 47 Alleghanian metamorphism, 681 copper showings, 20, 22, 248 prograde conditions and reactions, 40, 43, 57 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages, 684 cordierite-orthopyroxene (Crd-Opx) gneisses, retrograde conditions and reactions, 43–47, maps, 682–683 22–28, 29 58–60 P-T conditions, 682 garnet grains as thermobarometers, 43–47 prograde pressure and temperature constraints, Paleozoic metamorphism, 685–686, 690 garnetite, 23 40, 43, 247 geological description, 681, 689 geochronology prograde reactions, 43 Gossan Lead fault, 681, 682–683 age determination by sensitive high- quartzofeldspathic gneiss Iron Mountain fault, 682–683 resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP), cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 256 Linville Falls fault, 685 22, 39, 249–260 geological description, 255

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protolith formation, 22, 27, 261 maps, 109, 110, 130 Diana syenite, 351 rare-earth element (REE) patterns, 24 Mealy Mountains terrane, similarity, 108, 127 Gore Mountain charnockite, 348 U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology, 251, mineral analyses, 116, 117–119 Mars Hill zircons, 622–623 255–257, 261 mineral assemblages (hangingwall), 114–115, Minerva charnockite, 346 whole rock geochemistry, 23 131 Oregon Dome ferrodiorite, 349 rare earth element (REE) patterns, 22, 24, 248, Northwest River anorthosite, 108, 114–115 Snowy Mountain mangerite, 346 255, 258 Northwest River dikes southern Appalachian detrital zircons, 465 retrograde conditions and reactions, 43, 247 distribution, 107, 108 Catoctin volcanic province. See also Blue Ridge tectonic evolution, 262, 263–264 as markers for Grenvillian metamorphosis Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium) tonalitic gneiss and deformation, 110, 115, 131 Big Meadows traverse (Catoctin Formation) age of igneous crystallization (TIMS), 248 as tholeiites, 108 chemical stratigraphy, 443–444, 444, 447

age of protolith, 248–249 phase equilibria in the CaO-MgO-FeO-Al2O3- crystal fractionation model, 449–451 calc-alkaline affinity, 22, 258 SiO2-H2O (CMASH or CFASH) fractionation models, 449–450, 451, 452 cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 258 system, 115–116 location, 438 chemical composition, 22, 23 prograde reactions, 115, 123 stratigraphy, 438–439, 440 geological description, 257–258 relationship to HP belt, 128 trace elements, 443, 444, 448 207Pb-206Pb ages of zircons, 39 retrograde reactions, 115, 122–123 Catoctin Formation, 436, 438, 460, 479, 650 protolith formation, 261 setting and description, 106, 108 chemical mobility, 439, 442–443 rare-earth element (REE) patterns, 24 tectonic model for Grenvillian evolution of chemical subunits, 443–445 U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology, 252, Cape Caribou River allochthon, Chilhowee Formation, 436, 438, 478–479, 649, 257–259, 261 125–128 650 whole rock geochemistry, 23 textures, 114 Farquier Formation, 436, 438, 649 tourmalinite and quartz-tourmaline gneiss, thrusting over Groswater Bay and Lake geological description, 435–437 22–23 Melville terranes, 107–108, 110, 126 greenschist-facies metamorphism, 437, 439, 455 boudins (mafic enclaves). See also Llano uplift; zoning patterns, 117, 119 traverse (Catoctin Muskoka domain Carthage anorthosite, 339 Formation) geochemistry, 221 Carthage-Colton shear zone (Carthage-Colton chemical stratigraphy, 443–444, 445, geological description, 212, 214, 789 mylonite zone). See also Dana Hill 446–448, 447 BSE (backscattered electron) imaging, 116 metagabbro body; Diana syenite crustal mixing model, 447–448, 449, 450 40Ar-39Ar cooling history, 398–399 fractionation models, 450, 452 association with the Adirondack Highlands- stratigraphy, 438–439, 440 C Lowlands boundary, 285, 300 trace elements, 445, 446, 448 Canatiche Complex, 146 comparison between petrographic lineation and I-64 traverse (Catoctin Formation) Candlewood Mountain, 730 foliation, 292, 294–295 chemical stratigraphy, 441–442, 443–444, Cap à l’Est Gneiss Complex, 69, 73, 74. See also ductile deformation zones (DDZs), 287 446 Saguenay region ductile faults, 288, 289, 290 location, 438 Cap de la Mer Amphibolite unit, 6, 69, 73, 74. extension into Canada as Labelle shear zone, stratigraphy, 437–438 See also Saguenay Gneiss Complex; 358 trace elements, 441–442 Saguenay region formation through island arc–continent Lynchburg Formation, 436, 438, 649 Cape Caribou River allochthon. See also Grand collisions along Laurentia margin, 358 maps, 436, 438, 649 Lake thrust system; thick-skinned geological description, 286, 300, 358–359, 397 Mechum River Formation, 436, 438 thrust systems kinematics, 287, 296 Neoproterozoic dike swarms, 478, 491 age of syntectonic pegmatite, 107 late extensional motion, 392 Neoproterozoic rifting associated with Iapetus chemical composition, 117–120 lateral movement, 296 Ocean, 436 cross section, 111 maps, 5, 164, 268, 286 Pedlar Formation, 436, 448, 488–490, 491 dates of emplacement and deformation, 114 models for thermotectonic evolution of the petrogenesis distribution of strain, 108, 114, 127 Carthage-Colton shear zone, 9–10, 302, characterization of source, 452–456 Dome Mountain monzonite suite, 108, 109, 114 319–321 crustal contamination, 445–449, 450 footwall rocks. See Groswater Bay terrane; mylonitic foliation, 287, 289, 294 evolution of Catoctin magmas by Gabbro Lake Melville terrane mylonization event, dates, 287, 295 fractionation, 452 geothermobarometry post-Ottawan orogeny crustal collapse, 359, evolutionary trends from a mantle source, mineral assemblies, 116 376 451–456 P-T condition estimates, 117, 120–123 regional distribution of the domains of fractionation models for chemical subunits, P-T paths, 123–125, 127 magnetofabrics, 291, 292 449–451 postpeak resetting of thermometers and right lateral oblique transpressive shearing hydrothermal alteration, 446, 448–449, 456 barometers, 107, 120, 121, 123, 125, during Ottawan orogeny, 375–376 picrite model for calculated partial mantle 129 sphenes, U-Pb ages, 287 melt, 451–452, 453 sample selection, 116, 130–132 strike slip and oblique slip displacements in plagioclase-silica-olivine phase diagram as SiO activity (a ), 122 Ottawan orogeny, 376–377 projected from diopside, 452, 453 2 SiO2 thermobarometry with estimation of ultramylonite shear zones, 289, 290 tectonic discrimination diagrams, 452–453, equilibrium state (TWEEQU) software, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of zircons. 454 117, 120 See also zircons use of trace element data, 452–456 zoning pattern measurements, 116–117 Baltimore Gneiss, 415, 419–420 regional geology, 436–437 Grenvillian metamorphism, 117, 125, 127, Bondy gneiss complex (BGC), 249, 254, 256, Shenandoah National Park, 437 128, 129 258, 259, 261–262 tholeiitic metabasalts, 436, 438, 453, 454

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Cayamant shear zone, 36, 245, 247 garnet zonation profiles, 42, 44, 45, 49–50, 52, oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, 169, Central Gneiss Belt (Laurentia and Laurentian 61 174, 176–178 margin) geological setting, 37–40, 166, 244, 358–359 Chicoutimi Gneiss Complex, 66. See also Baie à age, 185, 211 gneiss complexes. See also Bondy gneiss Cadie Mafic-Ultramafic Suite; Cap à geological description, 210–212 complex (BGC) l’Est Gneiss Complex; Chicoutimi maps, 185, 210, 215, 393 geological map, 38 Mangerite; Cyriac Rapakivi Granite; marble-rich domain, 37, 244, 245, 247 juvenile crust in arc formation, 247, 248, Kénogami Charnockite; La Baie metamorphic temperatures and pressures, 39, 261, 262, 263 Granite; Saguenay Gneiss Complex; 247, 394–395 Lacoste gneiss, 245, 247, 263 Saguenay region; Simoncouche Gabbro Mont-Laurier area, 244 granite-monzonite-gabbro intrusions, 3 Chicoutimi Mangerite, 65, 67, 69–70. See also orthopyroxene analyses, 49, 50 Guénette granite suite, 247 Saguenay region plagioclase analyses, 48 isothermal decompression, 50, 61 Coahuila (Mexico). See also Mexico, basement quartzite-rich domain juxtaposition with Central Granulite Terrane, rocks from eastern and southern ages of metamorphic zircon and monazite in 359, 360, 376 Mexico supracrustal rocks, 247 Kensington-Skootamatta suite, 247 ages of inherited zircons in banded granitoids, amphibolite facies, 37 Labelle deformation zone, 245 762 dates of deposition of sediments, 247 location in Grenville Province, 20, 35–36 cobbles and boulders of Mesoproterozoic geological setting, 244 maps, 38, 164 granitoids maps, 38, 245 U-Pb titanite ages in Central Metasedimentary geological description, 756, 762, 765 U-Pb ages of detrital zircons, 247 Belt, 395, 397 map, 756 regional geochronologic summary, 393–395 Central Metasedimentary Belt boundary thrust Pb isotopic compositions of leached rocks deformed at midcrustal levels, 184 zone, 210, 245 feldspars, 765 sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe Central Plains orogen, 2 U-Pb zircon igneous crystallization ages, 763 (SHRIMP) ages of metamorphic charnockitic gneiss. See also Blue Ridge map, 756 zircons, 39 basement complex; Muskoka domain Composite Arc Belt. See also Bancroft domain; spinel analyses, 49 charnockite, definition, 651 Central Metasedimentary Belt; tectonic evolution, 235–236 description, 214 Mazinaw domain; Parry Sound tectonomagmatic events, 37, 39–40 farsundite, 651, 652 age, 3, 185 U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar ages, 319 geochemistry, 219, 221, 224, 227 amphibolite-facies conditions, 185 Central Granulite terrane. See also Adirondack high-silica charnockite in the Blue Ridge boundary thrust zone, 185 Highlands basement complex Elzevirian pulse, 185 anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite field relations, 652 geological description, 185 (AMCG) magmatism, 359 geochemistry, 662–665 lithotectonic divisions, 184 Elzevirian orogeny effects, 359, 395 geochronology, 656, 657, 661–662 maps, 5, 106, 185 geological setting, 269, 358–359 map, 650 Ottawan pulse, 185 granulite-facies conditions during Ottawan jotunite, definition, 652 cordierite, cordierite analyses, 49 orogeny, 358–359 low-silica charnockite in the Blue Ridge cordierite-orthoamphibole rocks juxtaposition with Central Metasedimentary basement complex in Archean VMS deposits of Manitouwadge Belt, 359, 360, 376 field relations, 652, 653 mining camp (Ontario), 30–31 maps, 268, 286, 393 geochemistry, 662–665 characteristics, 20 U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages, 319 geochronology, 656, 658, 660, 661–662 in Early Proterozoic Svecofennian supracrustal Central Metasedimentary Belt. See also Bondy map, 650 rocks of Orijärvi (Finland), 30 gneiss complex (BGC); Chevreuil mangerite, definition, 652 cordierite-orthopyroxene (Crd-Opx) gneisses. See suite; Labelle deformation zone; opdalite, definition, 651–652 also volcanogenic massive sulfide Nomininque-Chénéville deformation Pedlar River Charnockite Suite, 550, 553 (VMS) deposits zone petrogenesis alteration trends accretion dates, 244, 247 differentiation from, or partial melting of, a Al2O3-K2O-(FeO + MgO) diagram, 28, 29 alkali feldspar analyses, 48–49 mafic source, 232–234 Crd-Opx gneiss, garnetite, tourmalinite, and anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite magmatic temperatures, 230–231 siliceous gneiss compositional trends, (AMCG) magmatism, 359 partial melting of a residual source, 231 28, 29 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages, 396–399 partial melting of a tonalitic to granodioritic SiO2-Al2O3-(FeO + MgO) diagram, 28, 29 40Ar/39Ar hornblende ages, 396–399, 400–405 calc-alkaline source, 231–232 in Archean VMS deposits of Manitouwadge Baskatong-Désert deformation zone, 244, 245 tectonic significance, 235 mining camp (Ontario), 30–31 biotite analyses, 49, 51, 53 U-Pb geochronology, 216–217 in Australian sapphirine granulites, 31 Cabonga terrane, geological setting, 244 Chester and Athens domes, 730 in Bondy gneiss complex, 22–28 calculated metamorphic pressures and Chevreuil suite. See also Central characteristics, 22 temperatures, 37, 39 Metasedimentary Belt chemical composition, 31, 331, 339 Cayamant deformation zone, 36, 245, 247 age, 37, 38, 39, 164 correlations between Al2O3 and TiO2, TiO2 cordierite analyses, 49 amphibolite-facies overprinting of dikes and and Zr, and Y and Zr, 25–26 Elzevirian orogeny (arc accretion) effects, 359 host rocks, 247 in Early Proterozoic Svecofennian supracrustal extension and numerical modeling of crustal Chevreuil mafic-felsic suite, 3 rocks of Orijärvi (Finland), 30 extension and thickening, 392–393, Chevreuil monzonite-diorite-gabbro suite, 37, factors affecting mobility of REE, 20, 29 399, 406–409 246, 247 geochemical composition, 25–27 Frontenac mafic-felsic suite, 3, 5, 36, 210, 247 deformation of Chevreuil dykes in Central hydrothermal alteration of Crd-Opx gneisses, garnet analyses, 49–50 Metasedimentary Belt, 37 27, 28–29

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mass-balance calculations, 27–28 characteristics, 361, 362–363 aplitic gneiss intrusion, 287

mobility of TiO2 and Y, 25 geological and chemical description, 368, cathodoluminescence (CL) images of zircons, From Moose River, 329, 331, 334 370, 372, 374 351 from Moose River, 327 geothermometry, 369, 374 Diana lineament, 289, 294 origin of cordierite-orthopyroxene gneiss in plagioclase composition, 368 folding and deformation, four phases of, Bondy gneiss complex, 28–29 event 4 (cm-wide shear zones) 288–289, 294–296 origins, 28–29, 31 amphibole data, 366 geological description, 287–288, 343 rare earth element (REE) patterns, 26–27, 30–31 characteristics, 361, 362–363 hornblende granitic gneiss intrusion, 287 X-ray fluorescence analysis, 24 geological and chemical description, 370, hornblende quartz syenite, 288, 289

[Zr/Sm]n ratios, 26–27 372 maps, 286, 339 [Zr/Sm]n vs. [Tb/Yb]n values, 26–27, 31 geothermometry, 369, 370, 371, 374 mylonitic foliation, 287, 294 Crd-Opx. See cordierite-orthopyroxene plagioclase composition, 368 pyroxene syenite, 288, 289 (Crd-Opx) gneisses event 5 (veining event) quartz syenite Croghan granitic gneiss, 339, 352 amphibole data, 366 characteristics, 343 Crossnore Complex. See also Bakersville dike characteristics, 361, 362–363 luminescence (CL) of zircons, 351 swarm (North Carolina); Grandfather geological and chemical description, 370, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, 345, Mountain window; 374 349–351, 352 Formation geothermometry, 369 whole-rock chemical composition, 340 age, 572 plagioclase composition, 368 regional distribution of the domains of geological description, 572 event 6 (brecciated vein) magnetofabrics, 291, 292 crustal formation age, 495, 496. See also Nd amphibole data, 366 shallowness of intrusion, 288, 295 isotope method (Sm-Nd method) characteristics, 361, 362–363 Disappointment Hill complex, 496 crustal growth processes, 210 geological and chemical description, 370, domains, definition, 212 crustal shortening, 193, 575, 796 374 geothermometry, 369, 374 crustal thickening E in Adirondacks, caused by Elzevirian orogeny, plagioclase composition, 368 286, 295, 296, 301 foliation and stretching lineation data, electron microprobe analysis ductile shortening or elongation of fault walls 362–363, 364–365 Adirondack Lowlands biotites and during slip, 184, 189 geological description, 359–360 hornblendes, 304–306 numerical modeling, 393, 399, 406–408 granulite-facies deformation, 360, 371, 375 advantages and disadvantages for dating progressive tilting of subhorizontal thrust greenschist-facies deformation, 360, 375 zircon, 268 planes in flowing rock masses, 193 map, 359 Baltimore Gneiss titanite, 415, 423–424, 428 relationship of L-S fabric schistosity to northern Dana Hill metagabbro body (outcrops biotites and hornblendes in Adirondack direction of crustal shortening, 193 A-4, 87) Lowlands, 304–306 Cyriac Rapakivi Granite, 69, 73–76. See also geological description, 360–361, 364 experimental method and analytical Saguenay region physical and chemical characteristics, 362 parameters, 271–272 post-Ottawan isothermal uplift, 375–376 titanite grains from Baltimore Gneiss, 415, pressure-temperature (P-T) path, 371, 375 D 423–424 scapolite-plagioclase chemistry, 364, 367, 368, titanite in Baltimore Gneiss foliated biotite Dana Hill metagabbro body. See also Carthage- 372–374 granite, 415, 423–424 Colton shear zone (Carthage-Colton strike slip and oblique slip displacements in Elsonian magmatism, 3 mylonite zone) Ottawan orogeny, 376–377 Elzevirian orogeny (Elzevirian pulse) amphibolite-facies deformation, 360, 375 thermotectonic history, 375–377 in Adirondacks, 286, 295, 296, 301–302, 750 40Ar/39Ar dates of hornblendes of mylonite, U-Pb dating of sphenes, 360, 375, 376 in Central Granulite Terrane, 359 287, 360, 375, 376 undeformed metagabbro, 365, 367, 371 Central Metasedimentary Belt, 359 central Dana Hill metagabbro body (outcrops delamination and crustal collapse in Central Metasedimentary Belt, 359, 395 DH, RW), 361, 364, 370 delamination/convective thinning model in dates, 2–3, 185, 247, 750 event 1 (30+ m shear zone) Oaxacan Complex, 778, 779 definition, 2–3 amphibole data for shear zones and lithospheric delamination in Adirondack Etla pluton, 777 overgrowth on igneous clinopyroxene, Lowlands, 301, 302, 380, 506 exhumation models 365 lithospheric delamination in New Adirondack Lowlands, exhumation, 300, characteristics, 361, 362–363, 374 Jersey–Hudson Highlands, 519 314–315, 320 geological and chemical description, post-Ottawan orogeny crustal collapse in granulite-facies Oaxacan Complex following 367–368, 370, 371 Carthage-Colton shear zone, 359, 376 the Zapotecan orogeny geothermometry, 368, 369, 371, 374, 376 syn-post-Ottawan collapse of overthickened collision of a midoceanic ridge with the plagioclase composition, 367 Adirondack crust, 295, 319, 506 trench, 778, 779, 780

event 2 (3 m shear zone) depleted mantle (TDM) model, 496. See also Nd delamination/convective thinning model, amphibole data, 366 isotope method 778, 779 characteristics, 361, 362–363 Des Îlets Granite, 67, 71. See also Saguenay forceful extrusional exhumation model, 778, geological and chemical description, 368, region 779 370, 371 Diana syenite. See also Carthage-Colton shear overriding of a plume, 778, 779, 780 geothermometry, 369, 374 zone (Carthage-Colton mylonite zone) tectonic switching, involving alternating plagioclase composition, 367 age, 288, 301, 302 extension and compression, 779–780 event 3 (amphibole vein) AMCG (anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite- extension amphibole data, 366 granite) suite, 288, 295 Bancroft shear zone, 392

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extension (continued) effect of garnet grain size on peak temperature description, 602 Carthage-Colton shear zone (Carthage-Colton calculations, 59–60 geochronology, 604–605 mylonite zone), 392 garnet-aluminosilicate-quartz-plagioclase map, 603 extension events in the Central barometer, 56–57 Nd isotopic data, 604 Metasedimentary Belt, 392–393, 399 garnet grains as thermobarometers, 43–47 Neoproterozoic granitoids, 603, 604 Neoproterozoic extensional regime, 1, 491, garnet-orthopyroxene geothermometer, 53, 56 relationship to adjacent terranes, 605–606 648 geothermobarometry Sabot Amphibolite, 602, 603 numerical modeling, 393, 399, 406–409 biotite-garnet Fe-Mg exchange State Farm Gneiss Robertson Lake shear zone, 392, 395, 397–398 geothermometry, 45, 53–56 age, 602 effect of garnet grain size on peak temperature description, 602 calculations, 59–60 geochronology, 604–605 F garnet-aluminosilicate-quartz-plagioclase map, 603 barometer, 56–57 Nd isotopic data, 604 farsundite, definition, 651 garnet grains as thermobarometers, 43–47 Goose Bay, 106, 109, 110, 111 faults. See stretching faults; thrust faults; garnet-orthopyroxene geothermometer, 53, 56 Gore Mountain translational faults granulite uncertainty principle, 107, 117, 123 charnockite Flinton Group Grt-Cam-Pl-Qtz (GHPQ) barometer, 117, characteristics, 341, 342 dates, 2–3, 188 121–122 luminescence (CL) of zircons, 348 deformations and foliation, 188–189 Grt-Cam thermometer, 117 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, lithotectonic boundary (LTB), 184, 189 Grt-Cpx-Pl-Qtz (GCPQ) barometer, 117, 344–345, 347–348, 352 strained primary inclusions in L-S shape 120–121 mangerite, chemical composition, 340 fabrics, 193 Grt-Cpx thermometer, 117 map, 339 structural significance in the Mazinaw domain, Grt-Opx-Pl-Qtz (GOPQ) barometer, 117, Gouvernour, 339 188–189 121–122 Grand Lake thrust system. See also Cape Caribou French Broad massif. See also Blue Ridge Grt-Opx thermometer, 117 River allochthon; thick-skinned thrust Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium) P-T condition estimates in Cape Caribou River systems geological description, 572 allochthon, 117, 120–122 age, 106 intrusions from Crossnore Complex, 572 Glenarm Group, 413, 414. See also Baltimore footwall rocks, 111 maps, 412, 506, 573, 648 Gneiss ingress of water, 114, 115, 127 rift-related magmatism, 575 Setters Formation, 414 maps, 106, 109 Frontenac-Adirondack Belt, 185 gneiss. See specific types mylonitic fabrics (S ), 106, 108–109 Frontenac terrane. See also Adirondack Lowlands m Gneiss Belt. See Central Gneiss Belt (Laurentia origin, 108 age, 164, 257 and Laurentian margin) relationship to HP belt, 128 deformation dates, 286 Gneiss Complex of Chicoutimi. See Chicoutimi setting and description, 106, 108 Frontenac mafic-felsic suite in Central Gneiss Complex shear zone Metasedimentary Belt, 3, 5, 36, 210, Gondwana fabrics and mineral assemblages, 115, 247 configuration of at the end of the Proterozoic, 131–132 geological description, 286 544 high-pressure granulite-facies conditions, map, 164 connection of Gondwana cratons to Appalachian 123, 127, 128 oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, segment of Laurentia, 469–470 mylonitization, 115 169–170, 171–174, 172, 178 connections to Pine Mountain window, 470, P-T estimates, 121–122 471, 642, 643 P-T paths, 124, 125 Gondwana and peri-Gondwanan terranes, G peak temperatures, 107 139–140 retrograde cation diffusion, 107 garnetites, in Bondy gneiss complex, 20, 22–23, recycled crust in Avalonia and peri- role of shear heating, 128

29, 31 Gondwanan terranes, 139–140 stretching lineations (Ls), 108–109, 110 garnets Sm-Nd isotopic data, 140 Grandfather Mountain window. See also Blue calcium and magnesium compositional maps Goochland terrane Ridge Mountains (Blue Ridge of garnet, 46 Fine Creek Mills granite, 603 anticlinorium); Blue Ridge thrust Central Metasedimentary Belt Flat Rock granite, 603 complex; Crossnore Complex garnet analyses, 49–50 geochronology age, 572 garnet zonation profiles, 42, 44, 45, 49–50, comparison with other Laurentian massifs, crustal shortening near Grandfather Mountain 52 605 window and Mount Rogers, 575 ε zonation profiles, 61 Nd vs. age for samples from Goochland geological description, 460 Disappointment Lake Paragneiss garnet terrane, 604 maps, 462, 527, 573, 680, 682–683 composition, 89–90 Montpelier Anorthosite, 604–605 Granite-Rhyolite Province, 2, 212 garnet grains as thermobarometers, 43–47 Nd isotopic data, 604 granitic gneiss. See also Muskoka domain geochronology. See also specific material; source constraints for Neoproterozoic aplitic Lyon Mountain granitic gneiss intrusion specific method granitoids, 604 in Diana syenite, 287 limitations due to lithographies, 393 State Farm Gneiss, 604–605 geochemistry, 219, 226, 227 problems interpreting high-grade metamorphic geological description, 601–602 geological description, 214 terranes, 268 Maidens Gneiss, 602, 603 petrogenesis geothermobarometric calculations maps, 412, 506, 602, 648 differentiation from, or partial melting of, a biotite-garnet Fe-Mg exchange Montpelier Anorthosite mafic source, 232–234 geothermometry, 45, 53–56 age, 602 magmatic temperatures, 230–231

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partial melting of a residual source, 231 accretionary growth of the southeast margin of hornblende granites partial melting of a tonalitic to granodioritic Laurentia, 6, 82, 107 in Adirondack Highlands, 269, 271 calc-alkaline source, 231–232 Archean-Proterozoic suture, 496 Adirondack Lowlands tectonic significance, 235 background information, 4–8, 392 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages, 287, 306–309, granulite facies crustal formation age map, 496 313–314, 315, 319 Australian sapphirine granulites, 31 Laurentian craton in the Grenville Province, 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating results for Central Metasedimentary Belt gneisses, 37 496 hornblende, 306–309 chemical composition in Bondy gneiss maps, 5, 20, 106, 393, 496 electron microprobe analyses of biotites and complex, 22, 23, 24 polarity of ages of rocks in province, 6, 82 hornblendes, 304–306 Morin terrane supracrustal rock, 37 regional geology, 358, 392–393 electron microprobe analyses of overprinting in polyphase orogenesis, 35 tectonic models for evolution of the hornblendes, 304–306 Red Wine Mountains massif, 83 southwestern Grenville Province, 211 petrographic data for hornblendes, 303 Granulite Terrane. See Central Granulite terrane Grimsthorpe domain, 185–186. See also petrographic data for hornblendes and granulite uncertainty principle, 107, 117, 123 Elzevirian orogeny biotites, 303 gravity modeling for determination of dip values, Groswater Bay terrane. See also Cape Caribou 40Ar/39Ar dates of Dana Hill mylonite, 287, 184, 194–195 River allochthon; Parautochthonous 360, 375, 376 gray gneiss. See also Muskoka domain Belt 40Ar/39Ar hornblende cooling ages in Central geochemistry, 218, 222–224 Arrowhead Lake pluton, 107 Metasedimentary Belt, 396–399, geological description, 212 footwall rocks, 108, 110, 111, 114 400–405 petrogenesis, 229–230 Grenvillian recrystallization, 114 40Ar/39Ar hornblende cooling dates Oaxacan tectonic significance, 234 leucosomes, 110, 114 Complex, 772 Green Mountain massif maps, 106, 109 Diana syenite, 287, 288, 289 age, 707, 749–750 mineral assemblages, 110, 114, 131 New Milford, Connecticut, quadrangle, 732, geological description, 352 P-T estimates, 120–121 733, 734, 738, 746–747 maps, 338, 412, 506, 648, 699, 730 P-T paths, 123–124 New Russia gneiss complex, 271 greenschist-facies metamorphism. See also Blue prograde reactions, 110 role of hornblende in melt-forming Ridge thrust complex retrograde reactions, 114 reactions, 271

Catoctin volcanic province, 437, 439, 455 stretching lineations (Ls), 110 Housatonic Mountains, 338. See also Dana Hill metagabbro body, 360, 375 thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) Mesoproterozoic basement rocks Lovingston massif, 550, 551, 553 geochronology, 114 HP belt (Allochthonous high-pressure belt), 106. Paleozoic Blue Ridge deformation, 478, 489 thrusting of the Lake Melville terrane over the See also Grand Lake thrust system; Pedlar and Lovingston massifs, 550, 551, 553, Groswater Bay terrane, 107, 110 Molson Lake terrane 564 Guichicovi Gneiss, 756, 763, 764, 765 Hudson Highlands. See also New Jersey–Hudson Grenville Front Guilford Granite, 429 Highlands (New Jersey Highlands); dates of deformation, 127, 211 Gulf of St. Lawrence, 501–502, 502 New Milford, Connecticut, quadrangle formation, 127 Canada Hill granite maps, 106, 185, 210, 338 H age, 509, 520, 721, 750 Grenville orogen formation of S-type granite by partial definition, 1 Harp Lake AMCG suite, 107, 338, 758 melting, 517 location, 1 Harvey-Cardiff arch, 185. See also Elzevirian geological description, 509 North American map, 2 orogeny Canopus fault, 731, 751 northwest thrusting, role in evolution of Havre-Saint-Pierre anorthositic suite, 146 cooling age following Ottawan orogeny, orogen, 184 Havre St. Pierre-Atikonak, 338 700–701 Grenville orogenic cycle Hawkeye granite in Adirondack Highlands, 339, deformation dates, 750 dates, 3, 698 664 geochronology, K/Ar and Rb-Sr ages, 731 definition, 731 Hawkeye suite, 3, 380 geological description, 730–731 Grenville orogeny. See also Adirondian Hawksbill Mountain traverse (Catoctin maps, 648, 699, 730, 732 magmatism; anorthosite-mangerite- Formation). See Catoctin volcanic migmatization during intrusion of the Canada charnockite-granite (AMCG) province Hill Granite, 750 magmatism; Elzevirian orogeny; Flinton Hearne Province, 2 migmatization during Ordovician granite group; Ottawan orogeny; Rigolet heavy rare earth elements (HREE). See under intrusion, 751 orogeny (Rigolet pulse); Shawinigan rare earth elements (REE) Storm King Granite, SHRIMP age of zircons, orogeny (Shawinigan pulse) Heney deformation zone (Heney shear zone), 36, 718–719, 751 chronology of events in the Lovingston massif, 244, 245 supracrustal rocks, ages, 707 553 Hermon granite, 301 Huiznopala Gneiss dates, 1–4, 212 high-strain zones. See also lithotectonic boundary basement rocks from Grenville Province, definition, 212, 244 (LTB); Mazinaw domain 765 high-grade, dextral transpressional shearing ductile shear zones at the sole of fold nappes, map, 756 event, late Grenville orogenesis, 507, 184, 189, 190 Pb isotopic compositions of leached feldspars, 520 estimates of minimum width, 184 765 temporal subdivisions, 1–4 gradational boundaries, 184 U-Pb zircon ages related to metamorphism, time scales, comparison, 2–4 slip planes (ductile-brittle thrust faults), 184 764 Grenville Province (Canada). See also specific structural measurement sites in Mazinaw U-Pb zircon igneous crystallization ages, 763 elements and terranes; specific tectonic domain, 187 Humber zone, 501–502 elements and terranes Honey Brook upland, 506, 648, 699, 700–701 Hyde School Gneiss, 247, 301

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Hyde School granite, 339 thermal ionization mass spectrometry U-Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry hydrothermal alteration (TIMS) (TIMS), 71–74, 76 alteration trends of Crd-Opx gneisses, 6–7, advantages and disadvantages for dating geological description, 69 28–29 zircon, 268 maps, 66, 67, 70, 338 alteration zones in Lyon Mountain quartz- ages of metamorphic zircons in Bondy gneiss Lac St. Jean terrane, Sm-Nd data, 499–500 sillimanite veins and quartzite, 383, complex, 39 Lac Volant prospect. See also Allochthonous 387 experimental method and analytical Polycyclic Belt; Matamec Igneous birdwing-shaped REE profiles, 26, 29, 248 parameters, 272 Complex; volcanogenic massive sulfide Bondy gneiss complex (BGC), 6–7, 27, 28–29, geochronology for zircons from Saguenay (VMS) deposits 248, 261 region, 72–73 arsenic, antimony, and silver content, 154–155, Catoctin volcanic province, 446, 448–449, 456 New Russia gneiss complex U-Pb ID-TIMS 157 chloritization, 20, 27 zircon ages, 269, 274, 276–281 bravoite, 149–150, 159, 160 factors affecting mobility of REE, 20, 29 chalcophile metal concentrations in sulfides,

mobility of TiO2 and Y in Crd-Opx gneisses, 155 25 J chalcopyrite, 149 sericitization, 20 Cu/Pd vs. Pd diagram, 156–157 volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits, jotunite, definition, 652 Dike Zone, 147 20, 28–29, 31 discovery, 6, 146 hydrothermal granite. See Lyon Mountain granite disseminated and semimassive sulfide bodies, hydrothermal system K 148, 150 Cu-Au-Fe oxides hydrothermal system, 21, 36, Keene gneiss, 341–342 formation of Ni-Cu-PGE deposit 244, 248 Kénogami Charnockite, 69, 76. See also assimilation, contamination, and sulfide Fe-Cu hydrothermal ore deposits in the Saguenay region saturation, 157 southwestern United States, 380 Kenoran orogeny, 496 crustal magma conduits, 157 Lyon Mountain granite and gneiss Ketilidian orogen, 2 favorability of the magma, 157 dates of early hydrothermal activity, 380 Killarnean orogen, 212 fractional crystallization of sulfides, 158 high-temperature fluids, 380, 382 Konnarock Formation, 572–573 models, 158–159 low-temperature fluids, 380, 383, 385, kornerupine-group minerals, 325. See also sulfide accumulation, 158 388–389 prismatine sulfide separation and interaction, 158 magmatic fluids, 380, 382–383 Kwyjibo Fe-Cu-REE (rare earth element) deposit, fractional crystallization of sulfides, 158 NaCl content of fluids, 380, 383, 388, 389 146 gabbro texture, 148 surface-derived fluids, 380, 385, 388, 389 gabbronorite, 146–147, 148, 149, 151–154, 157 galena, 149, 150 geochemistry of the dike, 151–153 L I geology of the Lac Volant Cu-Ni-PGE L-S fabrics. See linear-planar (L-S) fabrics prospect, 146–148 Iapetus Ocean. See also rifting La Baie Granite, 67, 70. See also Saguenay magmatic breccia, 148, 151, 157, 158, 160 Neoproterozoic rifting in Catoctin volcanic region magnetite, 149, 150 province, 436 Labelle deformation zone. See also Central Manitou-Nipisso area map, 146 opening, 127, 392, 544, 777 Metasedimentary Belt massive sulfide bodies, 148 rift-to-drift transition geological setting, 244 meteoric alteration, 150, 160 Laurentian fragments preserved as western granulite-grade strike-slip movement, 359 mineralogy of sulfides, 149, 150, 160 Blue Ridge rift-to-drift packages, 436, maps, 36, 164, 245 modeling of magma composition 460, 470 tectonomagmatic events, 36 contamination, 151–152, 154 marine trace fossil Rusophycus in Unicoi Labelle shear zone crystal fractionation modeling, 153 Formation, 573 formation through island arc–continent model for the origin of the mineralization, timing and location in Mount Rogers area, collisions along Laurentia margin, 358 158–159 575 maps, 5, 268 origin of Lac Volant dike, 147–148 sedimentary fill in rift basins along the western as northern extension of Carthage-Colton shear pentlandite, 149–150 Iapetus ocean, 460–461, 469, 470, 478 zone, 300, 358 plagioclase, 148, 149 ICP-MS. See inductively coupled plasma mass Labradorian events platinum-group elements (PGE) concentrations spectroscopy (ICP-MS) dates, 3, 6, 107, 497 in sulfides, 155, 156 ID-TIMS. See isotopic dilution-thermal in Lac Joseph terrane, 82 pyrite and chalcopyrite, 150, 157, 159, 160

ionization mass spectrometry (ID- Sm-Nd isotope mapping, 6 pyrrhotite (Fe1-xS), 149 TIMS) in Wilson Lake terrane, 82 rare earth element (REE) patterns, 151, 153, Indian Lake, 339 Lac Joseph terrane, 82, 84, 128. See also 157 inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy Grenville Province (Canada) S/Se ratios, 154, 155, 157 (ICP-MS), rare earth elements in Crd- Lac St. Jean Anorthosite Suite. See also silicate minerals, 149 Opx gneiss, 24 Saguenay region sulfide segregation, 156–157, 158 Innuitian orogen, 2 age, 66, 338, 352 sulfides, distribution, 147, 148 intermediate gneiss, 252, 259–260 geochronology Th/Yb vs. Ta/Yb, 151, 154 ion microprobe analysis. See electron microprobe 1160–1140 Ma event, 77 tholeiitic magma, 151, 153, 154, 159 analysis sampling, 71 U-Pb age, 147 isotopic dilution-thermal ionization mass U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ionization Valley Zone, 147, 148 spectrometry (ID-TIMS). See also microprobe (SHRIMP), 71, 73–76 violarite, 149, 150, 159, 160

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Lake Melville terrane. See also Cape Caribou Laurentian craton in the Grenville Province, total (Elzevirian plus Ottawan) shear strain River allochthon; Grenville Province 496 of basement rocks, analysis, 193–194 (Canada); HP belt (Allochthonous rifting stretched borders of granitoid plutons, 184 high-pressure belt); LP belt late Neoproterozoic rifting, 392 uncertainties in local horizontal position, 184 (Allochthonous low-pressure belt) Laurentian rifting during Rodinia’s breakup, unconformable base of the Flinton Group, 184 age of syntectonic pegmatite, 107 392, 436, 460, 469, 544 Llano uplift. See also Laurentia; Rodinia formation of Lake Melville rift, 127 Laurentian Paleoproterozoic gneisses. See also Babyhead Anticline, 785, 787 Labradorian metamorphism dates, 82 Central Gneiss Belt (Laurentia and boudins, 787, 789–790, 791, 792, 793 maps, 82, 106, 109 Laurentian margin) Coal Creek domain, 784, 785–786, 786, 796 mineral assemblages, 110, 114, 130–131 metamorphosis during Grenville orogeny, 37 map, 785 mylonitic and Labradorian fabrics, 110, 111 light rare earth elements (LREE). See under rare continent-continent collision, 797 Northwest River dikes, 107, 108 earth elements (REE) deformation and folding, 786 as markers for Grenvillian metamorphosis Lighthouse Cove Volcanics, 435, 436 Honey Creek–Rocky Creek area, 785, 786, and deformation, 114 linear-planar (L-S) fabrics 787, 788 P-T estimates, 120–121 characteristics, 184 Inks Lake (Devil’s Waterhole) P-T paths, 123–124 defined by mineral grains and polycrystalline early structures, folds and fabrics, 792–793 retrograde reactions, 114 inclusions, 192 five S-surfaces and foliations, 792 thrusting over the Groswater Bay terrane, 107 description, 184 geological description, 792 Lake Placid, 339 determination of dip by gravity modeling, 184, late structures, folds and fabrics, 793, 796 Lake Waramaug, 730 194–195 maps, 14, 785 laminated quartzofeldspathic gneiss determination of dip by reflection seismic metamorphism, 794–796 cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 254 profiling, 194–195 similarity of structures to Packsaddle characteristics, 24, 249, 253 dip and rotation in stretching faults, 189, 190, domain, 793–794 chemical composition in Bondy gneiss 195 timing of deformation, 793, 796 complex, 22, 23 L-S fabric spectrum (S, S > L, S = L, L > S, Kingsland pluton, 785, 787, 791, 796

correlations between Al2O3 and TiO2, TiO2 and L fabrics), 192 late plutonism, 786 and Zr, and Y and Zr, 25–26 L-S shape fabrics, 190, 193, 195–196 leucosomes, 787, 792, 795, 796 lamination pattern, 24, 248, 249, 253 linear component (L), 192 metamorphism protolith formation, 260–261 lineation, relationship to direction of maximum conditions during first metamorphism, rare earth elements in Bondy gneiss complex, finite strain, 192–193 786 24 oblateness-prolateness factor (k or K), 192 early upper-upper-amphibolite- to granulite- U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology in the Bondy planar component (S, schistosity), 192 facies metamorphism, 786 Gneiss Complex, 249–250, 253–255, relationship of L-S fabric schistosity to northward decrease in grade, 784 260–261 direction of crustal shortening, 193 second mid-amphibolite-facies Laurent Syenite, 67, 71. See also Saguenay relationship to D1 and D2 strain, 189–190, metamorphism, 786 region 192, 193 timing of metamorphism across uplift, 786, Laurentia. See also Central Gneiss Belt relationship to principal strain (D3), 193 797 (Laurentia and Laurentian margin) in repeatedly deformed metamorphic rocks, orthogonal orientation of Laurentian configuration of at the end of the Proterozoic, 192, 193 deformations, 784 544 schistosity, relationship to direction of Packsaddle domain

continent-continent collision on eastern margin maximum finite shortening, 193 five metamorphic fabrics (S1–S5) and fold with Amazonia to form Rodinia during strained primary inclusions, 193 generations (F1–F5), 786–787 Ottawan orogeny, 136, 286–287, 302, in the walls of stretching faults, 184–185, 190 five phases of ductile deformation, 786 321, 338–339 Lithoprobe Line 33 geological description, 784, 785, 786 connection of Gondwana cratons to location, 184, 186, 187, 194–195 granitic sills and dikes, ages, 785 Appalachian segment of Laurentia, 469 reflections from lithotectonic boundaries igneous crystallization ages, 785 dates of latest movement, 784 (LTBs) and high-strain zones or thrusts, juxtaposition and equivalence to Valley Grenville-age orogens along the southern 184, 188, 194–195 Spring domain, 785, 794, 796 and eastern margins of Laurentia, 784, lithotectonic boundary (LTB). See also high- map, 785 785 strain zones P-T conditions during deformation, 787, 796 paleomagnetic evidence against collision conversion into slip planes, 193 uplift and cooling of rocks, 797 with Amazonia, 392 definition, 193 Valley Spring domain with Piedmont terrane, 687 determination of dip values by gravity aplite bodies, 791 sedimentary fill in rift basins along the modeling, 184, 194–195 early structures, folds and fabrics, 789–790

eastern Laurentian margin, 460–461, exposed LTB walls in Mazinaw domain, 186, four metamorphic fabrics (S1-S4) and fold 469, 470, 478 187, 193–194 generations (F1-F4) adjacent to suture between the Laurentian and reflections from LTBs and high-strain zones or Packsaddle domain, 787 Amazonian/Rio de la Plata cratons, 544 thrusts, 184, 188 geological description, 784–785, 786, 787 continent-continent collision on southern shear strain igneous crystallization ages, 785 margin. See Llano uplift Ottawan shear strain of Flinton Group rocks, juxtaposition and equivalence to Packsaddle formation of Labelle and Carthage-Colton analysis, 193–194 domain, 785, 794, 796 shear zones through island shear strain vectors, relationship to total late structures, folds and fabrics, 790–791 arc–continent collisions, 358 strain, 193 maps, 785, 788 Laurentia and surrounding continents at 1.3- tangential shear strain at stretched LTBs, metamorphism, 791 1.0 Ga, 82, 107, 470, 643 188, 193–194 mylonites, 787, 789

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Long Range inlier (Newfoundland) Roseland Anorthosite description, 384, 385 Cat Arm Road orthogneiss, 497–498 age, 557 hydrothermal zircons, 384 dike swarm, 435, 497 geochemistry, 557, 563, 564–567 zircon geochronology, 383–385, 386, 387 geological description, 435, 497 geological description, 553, 651 zircon-rich illite-diaspore leachate, 383, 385, Hooping Harbor satellite pluton, 497 map, 602 389 Lake Michael intrusive suite, 497 titanium mining, 551 Lyonsdale, New York, 381, 509. See also Lyon maps, 436, 496, 497, 506, 648 Roseland District, geological description, 551 Mountain granite and gneiss petrochemical data, 498, 499 Roses Mill pluton, 553, 558, 562, 564 Potato Hill pluton, 497, 501 Stage Road suite (Stage Road Layered Gneiss) age, 553 Sm-Nd data, 498, 499–501 M Taylor Brook gabbro complex, 497 geochemistry, 557–563, 564 Western Brook Pond orthogneiss, 497–498 geological description, 489–490, 553, 564, Maberly shear zone, 164, 165, 296 Losee metamorphic suite. See also Mount Eve 651 mafic enclaves (boudins). See also Llano uplift; granite suite; New Jersey–Hudson relationship to Archer Mountain Suite, Muskoka domain Highlands; Vernon Supersuite 565–566 geochemistry, 221 A-type granitoid suites, 507 Roses Mill pluton intrusion, 553 geological description, 212, 214, 789 basement rocks, distribution, 701 Turkey Mountain suite magnetite charnockitic rocks geochemistry, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566 Disappointment Lake Paragneiss, 85, 90–91, characteristics, 703–705 geological description, 551 95 geochemistry, 705, 706 intrusive events, 553 Lac Volant prospect, 149, 150 map, 701 source material, 567 Lyon Mountain granite and gneiss, low-Ti Nd isotope age, 704 LP belt (Allochthonous low-pressure belt), 106. magnetite deposits, 380, 388–388 87Sr/86Sr age, 705 See also Lac Joseph terrane; Mealy New Jersey–Hudson Highlands magnetite geochronology, 698 Mountains terrane mines, 700 geological description, 507, 725 Lyon Mountain granite and gneiss New Jersey–Hudson Highlands metamorphic leucocratic rocks cations, removal from feldspars, 380 conditions, 700 characteristics, 702 emplacement dates of granite, 380, 383, 720, Red Wine Mountains massif, 84, 85, 90–91, 95 geochemistry, 702–703, 704 750 magnetofabric analysis. See anisotropy of map, 701 emplacement dates of pegmatite, 380, 383 magnetic susceptibility (AMS) metatonalites, 702–703 hydrothermal alteration, alteration zones in Makkovikian orogen, 212, 496, 497 Nd isotope age, 703, 704 quartz-sillimanite veins and quartzite, mangerite, definition, 652 partial melting, 702 383, 387 Manhattan Prong, 730 TIMS and SHRIMP age, 698, 703 hydrothermal system Manitou Gneiss Complex, 146 trondhjemite, 702–703 dates of early hydrothermal activity, 380 Marcy AMCG suite (Adirondack Highlands) partial melting, 518–519, 520 high-temperature fluids, 380, 382 age, 164, 165, 338, 339 quartzofeldspathic orthogneiss, 507 low-temperature fluids, 380, 383, 385, comparison to composition of other AMCG supracrustal rocks, age, 706–708 388–389 rocks, 758 Lovingston massif. See also Blue Ridge magmatic fluids, 380, 382–383 geological description, 165, 338, 339 Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium); NaCl content of fluids, 380, 383, 388, 389 map, 164 Mesoproterozoic basement rocks; surface-derived fluids, 380, 385, 388, 389 oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, 169, Pedlar massif illite-diaspore-hematite veins, 380, 383–384, 171, 172–173, 174 Archer Mountain suite 385, 389 Marcy meta-anorthosite massif geochemistry, 557–563, 564 leucogranites Keene gneiss, 341–342 geological description, 551, 564 geological description, 380, 382–383 maps, 268, 338 intrusive events, 553, 651 leaching by acidic fluids, 380, 385, 389 pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path, 282 relationship to Stage Road Suite, 565–566 origins, 380 Mars Hill terrane (MHT). See also Blue Ridge chemical remobilization, 551, 567 low-Ti magnetite deposits, 380, 388–388 Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium) chronology of Grenville-age events, 553 maps, 339, 381 age of Mars Hill crust, 628 crystal segregation and accumulation, 565–566 oxygen isotope (δ18O) values, 385, 387–388, ages of mafic rocks, 628 geochemical models, 565–566 389 ages of magmatism and metamorphisms, 628 geochemistry quartz-albite facies, 380 Carvers Gap gneiss, 526, 610, 614–615, 620 analytical methods, 557 quartz-calcite veins, 382 Cloudland gneiss, 610, 612, 614, 616, 620 major elements, 557–558 oxygen isotope values, 385, 387–388 geochemistry rare-earth elements, 562–563, 564 quartz-rich facies (quartzite) major elements, 612–614, 616–618 trace elements, 559–561, 563 geochronology, 383–385, 386, 387 tectonic discrimination diagrams, 619 whole rock compositions, 491, 550–551, geological description, 380, 382–383 Th/U ratios, 618 553–557 quartz-sillimanite veins whole-rock isotopic data, 619–620 greenschist-facies metamorphism, 550, 551, deposition dates, 382, 383–385, 386, 387 geochronology 564 geological description, 380, 382–383 cathodoluminescence (CL) images of Mars Horsepen Mountain suite, 551 hydrothermal alteration features, 383 Hill zircons, 622–623 metamorphic effects on composition, 566–567 hydrothermal origin, 382, 384, 389 SHRIMP U-Pb analytical methods, 620–621 mineralogical comparison to Pedlar massif, oxygen isotope values, 385, 388 SHRIMP U-Pb rock sample results and 488, 567 tholeiitic characteristics, 664 interpretation, 621, 627–628

Oventop Mountain suite, 551 xenoliths of calc-silicate country rock, 382 TDM and Nd isotopic data, 619–620, 621 petrogenesis, 489 zircons U-Pb zircon data, 624–627

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geologic evolution, 628–629 Plevna thrust, 187 Mesoproterozoic basement massifs in the geological description, 610 southwestern Mooroton shear zone, 187 eastern United States, 412, 427–429, intrusion by Bakersville dike swarm, 610, 615 Tweed-Madoc area, 194, 195 507 maps, 527, 610–612 Mealy Mountains terrane. See also HP belt Neoproterozoic dike intrusions, 478, 491 Meadlock Mountain gneiss, 615 (Allochthonous high-pressure belt); LP Paleozoic deformation and anticlinorium petrography and field relations, 615–616 belt (Allochthonous low-pressure belt) production, 478 protolith analysis, 612–614, 615–616, 618 age, 107, 338 Pedlar Formation, 436, 448, 488–490, 491 relationships to Eastern and Western Blue anorthosite, mangerite, charnockite, and quartzite and quartz-rich schist, 481 Ridge, 610 granite (AMCG) magmatism, 107 Robertson River suite relationships to other ancient continental crust, Cape Caribou River allochthon, similarity, 108, age, 460, 478, 490, 492 629–630 127 maps, 479, 480 Roan Mountain, 611, 612, 614–616, 620, 628 map, 106, 338 Rockfish Valley fault zone Piedmont. See also Baltimore Gneiss Mealy dikes, 107 geological description, 488–490, 550–551, K-Ar and Rd-Sr geochronology, 414 preservation of pre-Grenvillian 40Ar/39Ar ages, 651, 652 mass-balance calculations, cordierite- 108, 126–127 maps, 479, 650 orthopyroxene (Crd-Opx) gneisses, relationship to LP belt, 128 mylonitization, 558 27–28 megacrystic orthogneiss. See also Muskoka relationship to Short Hill fault, 491 Matamec Igneous Complex. See also Lac Volant domain Short Hill fault prospect Britt pluton, 214, 215, 220, 226, 235 geological description, 481, 483 age, 6 Lake of Bays suite, 214, 220, 226, 234–235 maps, 479, 480 dikes, 146, 147 Mann Island granodiorite, 214, 215, 220, 226, relationship to Rockfish Valley fault, 488, gabbronorite, 146–147, 148, 149, 151–154, 235 490 157 melting (prograde) reactions, 43, 50–51 tectonic significance, 483, 486–487, mafic-silicic layered intrusion (MASLI), 147 prograde pressure and temperature constraints, 488–490, 491 maps, 5, 146 40 Stage Road Layered Gneiss. See under Mazatzal orogen, 2 Mesoproterozoic basement rocks, 491. See also Lovingston massif Mazinaw domain. See also Composite Arc Belt; basement massifs; Berkshire Massif; Sutton Creek Gneiss high-strain zones Blue Ridge basement complex; age, 533, 534 Addington pluton, 186, 187 Blue Ridge Mountains (Blue Ridge geochemistry, 535–536 attitudes of lineation and/or foliation at anticlinorium); Hudson Highlands; geological description, 528, 534 individual measurement sites, 191–192, Lovingston massif; New Jersey–Hudson intrusions, 532, 533, 534 195 Highlands; Pedlar massif map, 529 Clare River synform, 186, 187, 189, 195 age groups and intrusive events, 481–482, 483, unifying tectonic model for the central and Cross Lake pluton, 186, 188 487–488, 491, 651 northern Blue Ridge, 490–491 distorted granitoid plutons, 186 ages of basement rocks, 429, 480, 483, 487, whole-rock Nd isotope data, 466–467 exposed LTB walls, 186, 187, 193–194 651 Wiley Gneiss, 529, 533–534, 535, 542 F1 fold nappes, 186–187, 190 charnockite, 480, 481, 489, 490 Wolf Creek Gneiss F2 fold nappes, 186, 187 chemical composition, 448, 482 geochemistry, 531, 535, 536, 542 F3 fold nappes, 186 comparison of north and central Blue Ridge geochronology, 530, 534–535, 542–543 Flinton Group, structural significance, 188–189 massif, 487, 488–490, 491 geological description, 528, 532, 533 geological description, 185–186 deformation and intrusion, multiple episodes map, 529 geological features, 186 D1 (regional coaxial compression), Metasedimentary Belt. See Central L-S shape fabrics, 193, 195–196 483–486, 487–488, 491, 651 Metasedimentary Belt Lithoprobe line 33, 184, 186, 187, 188, 194–195 D2 (noncoaxial ductile shear), 483–486, Mexico, basement rocks from eastern and map, 185 487–488, 491, 651 southern Mexico. See also Coahuila; maps of north- to east-northeast striking D3 (late-stage compression), 485–486, Guichicovi Gneiss; Huiznopala Gneiss; lithotectonic units, 185, 186, 187 487–488, 491 Novillo Gneiss; Oaxacan Complex; Mellon Lake granitoid complex, 186, 187, 195 foliation and lineations, 483, 484–486 Oaxaquia middle Proterozoic metavolcanic-metasedimentary rocks, 186, garnet + graphite gneiss, 481 microcontinent; Zapotecan orogeny 189, 193, 195, 196, 202 geological description, 436, 478, 481–482, igneous crystallization ages of zircons, 762, Mooroton shear zone (Moira Lake shear zone), 550–551 763 194–195 granitic rocks map, 14 narrow high-strain zones, 186 age, 429, 480, 483 orthogneisses, division into two age groups, Northbrook pluton, 186, 187, 188 composition, 482 762 Ottawan metamorphism, 185 geological description, 481 Pb isotopic compositions of leached feldspars, rocks deformed at midcrustal levels, 184 map, 480 764–767 structural features at individual measurement maps, 12, 461, 479, 480, 551, 648 Zapotecan tectonothermal event during the sites, 191–192 Marshall Metagranite Grenville orogeny, 762, 764 structural measurement sites, 187, 191–192, age, 480, 483, 487–488, 491 Michael suite, 107 195 composition, 482 Michikamau AMCG suite, 107 thrust faults and possible thrust faults foliation, 483 Mid-continent Rift System, 2 Big Gull thrust, 187 geological description, 481 mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) Henderson Road thrust, 187 maps, 480, 649 comparison of Catoctin magmas to N-MORB, Little Skootamatta thrust, 187 massive hornblende + orthopyroxene + 453, 454 Mitten thrust, 187 plagioclase metanorite, 478, 481 comparisons of Blue Ridge basement

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mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) (continued) comparison to composition of other AMCG geochemistry, 217–226 granitoids to ocean-ridge granite (ORG), rocks, 758 geochronology (charnockite), 216–217 666–667, 668 geological description, 165–166 geological description, 212–214 E-type mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB), maps, 164, 338 maps, 210, 213 151, 153 oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, 169, metabasites, 221, 228, 229, 235 normal mid-oceanic ridge basalts (N-MORB), 170, 173–174, 175 monocyclic history, 211 22, 154, 155 Mount Eve granite suite. See also Losee Seguin subdomain, 212, 213 normal mid-oceanic ridge basalts (N-MORB), metamorphic suite; New tectonic evolution, 235–236 tholeiites, 22, 453, 454 Jersey–Hudson Highlands; New trace element variation diagrams, 225, 227

migmatites, melting reactions, 50–51 Jersey–Hudson Highlands (New Jersey mylonitic fabrics (Sm) Minerva Highlands) Grand Lake thrust system, 106, 108–109 charnockite A-type granite chemical affinities, 507, 510, Red Wine Mountains massif, 87–88, 93, 95, luminescence (CL) of zircons, 346 512–518 101 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, age, 507, 509, 519, 750 343–344, 346–347, 352 distribution, 717 mangerite, 339, 340, 341, 342 geochronology, 698 N Minerva charnockite, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geological description, 509, 719–720, 750 geochronology, 343–344, 346–347, 352 high-field-strength elements (HFSE), 510–512, N-MORB. See mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec 514 Nagssugtoqidian orogen, 2 (MRNQ), 146 high-grade, dextral transpressional shearing Nain Plutonic Suite, 338 Minnesota River Valley terrane, 2 event, late Grenville orogenesis, 507, Nain Province, 2 Mistastin AMCG suite, 107 520 Natashquan terrane, 496 Molson Lake terrane, in HP belt, 128 lack of penetrative deformation fabric, 509, 510 NCDZ. See Nomininque-Chénéville deformation Montaubon terrane, 496 lithospheric delamination, 519 zone (NCDZ) Moose River. See also Adirondack Highlands map, 508 Nd isotope method (Sm-Nd method) cordierite + orthopyroxene + biotite + K- petrogenesis Appalachian mountains whole-rock data, feldspar + quartz gneiss crystal fractionation, 510, 512, 514–517, 520 466–467 biotite and quartz formation reaction, 329 mixing and assimilation-fractional Arabian-Nubian Shield, 138, 139 characteristics, 327, 329 crystallization (AFC) processes, 514, Blanc Sablon terrane, Sm-Nd data, 499–500 composition, 329, 331 516 Brazil Neoproterozoic orogenic belt, 137, 138

major element traverse, 329, 331 partial melting, 514, 516–519 convergence of U-Pb and TDM ages, 496 ε thermobarometry, 334 rare-earth element (REE) patterns, 510–512 Nd values of recycled crust, 137, 138, 139, cordierite + spinel + sillimanite + garnet + trace elements, 511, 512, 513–514, 520 140Gondwana and peri-Gondwanan plagioclase + quartz + ilmenite + rutile whole rock chemical composition, major terranes, 140 ± biotite gneiss elements, 510–512 Labradorian events, 6 characteristics, 326–327 Mount Rogers Formation. See also Crossnore Lac St. Jean terrane, Sm-Nd data, 499–500 composition, 327, 328 Complex; French Broad massif; Long Range inlier, Sm-Nd data, 498, 499–501 sillimanite formation reaction, 327 Wilburn Rhyolite Member (Mount Mars Hill terrane (MHT), 619–620, 621 thermobarometry, 333, 334, 335 Rogers Formation) Mesoproterozoic basement rocks, 466–467 exchange and net transfer equilibria, 334, 335 Buzzard Rock Member, geological description, Natashquan terrane, Sm-Nd data, 499–500 isobaric cooling, 335 572 143Nd/ 144Nd ratios in depleted mantle, 136 location and geology, 326 deposition in west Blue Ridge, 460 143Nd/144Nd ratios in peri-Rodinian ocean orthopyroxene + plagioclase + garnet + Haw Orchard Mountain, 574 crust, 136 ilmenite + microcline + quartz ± biotite Konnarock Formation cover layer, 572–573 143Nd/144Nd ratios of juvenile and recycled gneiss local geological setting, 572 crust, 136 characteristics, 331–332, 333 maps, 573, 574 Pinwarian events, 497 composition, 333 Mountain City window, 573, 574, 682–683 samarium retention by depleted mantle, 136 formation reaction, 332 Mt. Rogers volcanic center, geological Sm-Nd isotope mapping of Labradorian thermobarometry, 334, 335 description, 572 events, 6, 497 pressure-temperature (P-T) diagrams, 334, 335 regional geological setting, 572 Sm-Nd resistance of to metamorphic resetting, prismatine + microcline + plagioclase + quartz rhyolite, 572 496 + rutile ± tourmaline ± biotite ± garnet thrust faulting, late Paleozoic Alleghanian southern Appalachian whole-rock depleted ± ± cordierite sillimanite gneiss orogeny, 573 mantle (TDM) ages, 466–467 characteristics, 325, 329–330, 331 two pulses of rifting, 574–575 St. Marguerite terrane, Sm-Nd data, 499–500 composition, 330, 332 Unicoi Formation cover layer, 573 West Africa Neoproterozoic orogenic belt, prismatine formation reaction, 330 , 574 138–139 thermobarometry, 333–334 Whitetop rhyolite blocks, 577, 578 Neoproterozoic extensional regime, main stages quartz-sillimanite segregations in leucogranite, Whitetop Rhyolite Member, 572 involved, 1, 648 382 Mountain tonalite and granodiorite, 339 Neoproterozoic orogenic belts MORB. See mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORB) Muskoka domain. See also charnockitic gneiss; Arabian-Nubian Shield Morin shear zone, 164, 359 granitic gneiss; gray gneiss; mafic Mozambique belt, 139 Morin terrane enclaves (boudins); megacrystic Sm-Nd age, 138, 139 granulite-facies supracrustal rocks, 37 orthogneiss Avalonia, 139–140 Morin AMCG suite analytical and sampling procedures, 217 Brazil age, 3, 36–37, 165, 338, 352 element mobility, 217, 221–222 Borborema Province, 137

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Sm-Nd age, 137, 138 supracrustal rocks SHRIMP zircon time of emplacement, 738, Gondwana and peri-Gondwanan terranes age, 706–708, 725 746, 751 Sm-Nd isotopic data, 140 amphibolites, 709, 711–713, 714 syn-tectonic (Paleozoic D2) intrusion into subduction and recycling of crust, 139–140 discriminant function analysis, 714–715 Brookfield Gneiss, 737 tectonothermal activity, 139–140 dispositional environment, 713–715 Manhattan Schist, 731, 732, 733 West Africa geochemistry, 709, 710, 711, 713–715 Mesoproterozoic basement rocks, 731 Sm-Nd age, 138–139 marble, 708, 709, 710–711, 712 migmatite gneiss, 732, 733, 734–735, 738 Trans-Saharan orogenic belt, 137 metasiliciclastic rocks, 708–710, 711 Morrissey Brook massif, 730, 732–733 Tuareg Shield, 137–138 stratigraphy and lithography, 708, 709, 725 Neoproterozoic-Ordovician cover sequence, West African craton, 138 western domain, geological description, 698 731 New Jersey–Hudson Highlands (New Jersey western Highlands, metamorphosis conditions, New Milford massif, 730, 732–733 Highlands). See also Hudson 699–700 pink granite gneiss Highlands; Losee metamorphic suite; New Milford, Connecticut, quadrangle. See also geological description, 735 Mount Eve granite suite; Reading Hudson Highlands map, 732 Prong; Vernon Supersuite basement gneisses, description, 731–735 SHRIMP zircon, monazite, and titanite ages, alaskite, 720 biotite granitic gneiss 738, 748, 749 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages, 700–701 geological description, 734 U-Pb zircon age, 733 basement rocks, distribution, 701–702 map, 732 Rowe and Ratlum Mountain Schists, 731 Byram Intrusive Suite, geochronology, 507, SHRIMP zircon age, 738, 747 Sherman massif, 730, 732–733 698, 704, 717 U-Pb zircon age, 733 Stockbridge Formation, 731, 732, 733 Canada Hill granite Brookfield Gneiss, 732, 737, 751 Walloomsac Formation, 731, 732, 733 age, 509, 520, 721, 750 Cameron’s Line fault, 730, 731 New Russia gneiss complex. See also Adirondack formation of S-type granite by partial Candlewood Granite Highlands melting, 517 geological description, 736–737 anatectic segregations eastern Highlands, geological description, 698 map, 732 back reactions in crystallizing melt, 270 Franklin marble-hosted ZnMn-Fe deposits, SHRIMP zircon and monazite ages, 738, as a characteristic of New Russia 697, 699 746, 751 orthogneisses, 269 geochronology, 698–699, 724–725 U-Pb zircon age, 733 diatexite in metagabbroic gneiss, 270 geological description, 435, 507, 509, 698 Dalton Formation, 731, 732, 733 hornblende, role in melt-forming reactions, geological evolution of the Highlands Danbury augen granite 271 continental-margin arc magmatism prior to geological description, 735–736 metatexites in charnockitic gneiss, 269–270 1200 Ma, 722 map, 732 anorthositic gneiss in New Russia gneiss major tectomagmatic events summary, SHRIMP zircon and titanite ages, 738, 747 complex, 268 721–722 U-Pb zircon age, 733 charnockitic gneiss in New Russia gneiss Ottawan orogenesis and postorogenic evolution of basement rocks complex magmatism, 724 0.99 Ga metamorphism, 751 association of hornblende with anatectite sediment deposition, 722–723 1.05 Ga rocks, 750–751 formation, 271 geological map of New Jersey with 1.3 Ga rocks, 749–750 chemical analysis of zircon from anatectic quadrangles, 700 Early Paleozoic intrusive rocks, 751 gneiss, 273–274, 275 granites, 716–721. See also Mount Eve Early Paleozoic titanite ages, 751–752 crystallization of anatectic melt, 281 Granite; Vernon Supersuite occurrence of three Mesoproterozoic events, description of metatexite sample tested, 271 Green Pond Mountain, Paleozoic cover rocks, 749 maps, 268

698 fold structures of gneisses (YF1, YF2, and peak metamorphic conditions, 271 Hardyson Formation, 698 YF3), 733 U-Pb ID-TIMS age of zircon from anatectic Lake Hopatcong Intrusive Suite, geochronology segregation, 269, 274, 276–281 geochronology, 698, 699 analytical methods, 737 dates of granulite metamorphism, 269 Lake Tiorati diorite, 509, 520 cathodoluminescence (CL) images of dates of thermal events, 269 late to post-Ottawan, high-grade, ductile zircons, 737, 746, 748 gabbroic gneiss in New Russia gneiss complex, transpressional shear zones, 507 SHRIMP U-Th-Pb data for zircon, titanite, 268 lithospheric delamination, 519 and monazite, 738–745 garnet growth during dehydration melting, 271 localized crustal extension associated with zircon, titanite, and monazite ages, 731, 733, geological history, 268–269 ductile shearing, 507 737–738, 746–749, 751 granitic gneiss in New Russia gneiss complex, magnetite geological description, 731 268 metamorphic conditions, 700 hornblende gneiss and amphibolite granulite-facies metamorphism, 269, 281–282 mines, 697 geological description, 734 isobaric cooling, 281 maps, 338, 412, 508, 648, 699, 730 map, 732 mangeritic gneiss in New Russia gneiss Mesoproterozoic rocks in eastern and western SHRIMP zircon age, 738, 746–747 complex, 268, 271 Highlands, 699 U-Pb zircon age, 733 metagabbroic gneiss in New Russia gneiss meta-anorthosite and related rocks, 715–716, intrusive rocks (Ordovician), 736–737 complex 725 layered biotite gneiss chemical analysis of zircon from an metamorphic conditions, 698–701, 724–725 geological description, 734 anatectic segregation, 273–274, 275 Pompton Pink Granite, 721 map, 732 crystallization of trondjhemitic melt, 281 Sterling Hill marble-hosted ZnMn-Fe deposits, SHRIMP zircon age, 738, 747 description of trondjhemitic sample tested, 697 U-Pb zircon age, 733 271 economic interest, 697 leucogranite aplite dike peak metamorphic conditions, 271

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New Russia gneiss complex (continued) Nutbush Creek and Lake Gordon mylonite zones, Ocoee Supergroup, geological description, 460, metagabbroic gneiss in New Russia gneiss 602, 603, 606 461–462 complex (continued) Oine Mountain belt, 412 trondjhemitic segregation, 271 Ojibway gneiss association. See also Shawanaga domain U-Pb ID-TIMS age of zircon from anatectic O segregation, 269, 274, 276–281 geochemistry, 218, 219, 220, 226, 227 peak metamorphic conditions, 271, 281 Oaxacan Complex. See also Mexico, basement geological description, 214, 216 pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path of rocks from eastern and southern map, 215 metamorphism, 281–282 Mexico Old Gneiss Complex. See Chicoutimi Gneiss Nomininque-Chénéville deformation zone age of garnet-orthopyroxene mafic gneiss from Complex (NCDZ). See also Central Meta- northern Oaxacan complex, 762 opdalite, definition, 651–652 sedimentary Belt age of pegmatites from northern Oaxaca, 762 Ordovician limestone, in the Saguenay region, age, 36, 247 cooling history of northern Oaxacan Complex, 67 amphibolite-facies overprinting of dikes and 777, 780 Oregon Dome host rocks, 247 erosion, 777 age, 338 geological description, 36 exhumation models charnockite-anorthosite transition rocks, 342 geological map, 38 collision of a midoceanic ridge with the ferrodiorite geothermobarometric calculations trench, 778, 779, 780 characteristics, 342–343 effect of fluid infiltration on peak delamination/convective thinning model, chemical composition, 340 temperature calculations, 59–60 778, 779 luminescence (CL) of zircons, 349 effect of garnet grain size on peak forceful extrusional exhumation model, 778, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, 345, temperature calculations, 59–60 779 348–349, 352 peak metamorphic pressure, 56–57 overriding of a plume, 778, 779, 780 maps, 338, 339 peak metamorphic temperature, 53, 56 tectonic switching, involving alternating Oswegatchie leucogranite, 339, 352 pressures during isothermal decompression, extension and compression, 779–780 Ottawan orogeny (Ottawan pulse) 58 geochronology in Composite Arc Belt, 185 map, 164, 245 40Ar/39Ar age of biotite, 775–777 continent-continent collision. See Amazonia; P-T-t trajectories in BGC and NCDZ and, 47 40Ar/39Ar age of phlogopite crystals, 774, Laurentia; Rodinia pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path, 47 775 dates, 185, 519 retrograde conditions, 47–48 40Ar/39Ar hornblende cooling dates, 772, 777 definition, 3, 519 tectonomagmatic events, 36 cooling rate, 774–775 Ottawan compression in Adirondacks, 286, North Hudson metagabbro, 339 U-Pb age of titanite from calc-silicate dyke, 295, 296, 302 northern New York mafic dikes, 435, 436 774, 775 Ottawan deformation effects in Adirondack Novillo Gneiss (Mexico). See also Mexico, maps, 14, 773 anorthosites, 339 basement rocks from eastern and Ordovician (Tremadocian) sedimentary rocks Ottawan granulite-facies metamorphism in southern Mexico in cover layer, 772 Adirondacks, 338, 380 anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite Pb isotopic compositions of leached feldspars, Ouachita suture, 756 (AMCG) suite 765 oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O) chemical analysis, 757, 758 peak metamorphic conditions, 772, 777 in Chevreuil suite rocks, 167–168, 169, 174, geological description, 757 Pluma Hidalgo, 756, 762, 763, 764 176–178 Nb-Y tectonic discrimination diagram, 757, stratigraphy and structure sequence in northern fractionation between calculated whole-rock 758 Oaxacan Complex, 773 δ18O and zircon, 167–168, 170 U-Pb geochronology, 759, 760–761 U-Pb zircon ages related to metamorphism, in Frontenac terrane minerals, 172, 178 anorthositic pegmatite, U-Pb geochronology, 764 in Frontenac terrane rocks, 167–168, 169–170, 759, 761, 762 U-Pb zircon igneous crystallization ages, 763 171–174, 178 ferrogabbroic granulites Zapotecan underthrusting and burial of the in Lyon Mountain quartz, 385, 387–388, 389 chemical analysis, 757 northern Oaxacan Complex, 774, 777 in Marcy suite (Adirondack Highlands), comparison to other granites, 757, 758, 760 Zapotecan underthrusting of the northern 167–168, 169, 171, 172–173, 174 geological description, 757 Oaxacan Complex beneath an arc or a in Morin terrane rocks, 167–168, 169, 170, intrusion as dikes, 757 continent, 772, 777 173–174, 175 U-Pb geochronology, 759, 760–762 Oaxaquia middle Proterozoic microcontinent oxygen isotope methods, 166–167 gabbroic granulites, 757, 758–760, 761 absence of arc magmatism, from 1115 Ma until preservation of igneous δ18O values in zircons, geochronology, 758–762 Zapotecan/Rigolet event, 768, 779 169–170 δ18 geological description, 756–757, 765 accretion to the southern margin of Laurentia SiO2 correlation with O, 167–169 orthogneisses, division into two age groups, during Alleghanian-Ouachita orogeny, use in mapping terrane boundaries, 7, 164 757, 762 756 whole-rock (WR) δ18O from granitic rocks, Pb isotopic compositions of leached feldspars, evidence from feldspar Pb isotopes for 167–169, 175–178 765 existence of Oaxaquia, 765–768 zircon δ18O from granitic rocks, 167–168 potassic granulites, 757, 758, 759, 761 geological setting, 772 tectonomagmatic events, 757–758 maps, 756, 773 reconstruction of Rodinia, with inferred U-Pb zircon ages related to metamorphism, P 764 location of Oaxaquia, 779 U-Pb zircon igneous crystallization ages, 763 size, 756, 772 P-T-t trajectories. See pressure-temperature (P-T) numerical models of exhumation history of subduction of ocean on one side of Oaxaquia, paths Grenville Province, 393 780 Paleozoic Appalachian orogenic cycle, 3

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Pan-African Brasiliano orogeny, 137 fractionation models for chemical subunits, Bondy gneiss complex Parautochthonous Belt 449–451 divergence from Nomininque-Chénéville map, 5, 106 gray gneiss, 229–230 deformation zone, 36–37, 61 overlying Allochthonous Belt, 106, 107 hydrothermal alteration, 446, 448–449, 456 P-T-t trajectories in BGC and NCDZ and, Parry Sound domain. See also Central Gneiss Lovingston massif, 489 43, 47 Belt (Laurentia and Laurentian metabasites, 234 prograde conditions in Bondy gneiss margin); Composite Arc Belt Piedmont Province complex, 40, 43, 57 maps, 185, 210, 215 eastern Inner Piedmont, 461, 464 retrograde conditions in Bondy gneiss rocks deformed at midcrustal levels, 184 map, 602 complex, 43–47, 58–60 207Pb/206Pb geochronology eastern Blue Ridge-western Inner Piedmont, Cape Caribou River allochthon, 117, 120–125, age of sapphirine-bearing gneiss in Red Wine 461 127. See also geothermobarometry Mountains, massif, 84 Maryland Piedmont. See also Baltimore Gneiss Red Wine Mountains, 88, 99–100 ages of metamorphic zircons in Bondy gneiss K-Ar and Rd-Sr geochronology, 414 Dana Hill metagabbro body, 371, 375 complex, 39 Ordovician collision of the Piedmont terrane Grand Lake thrust system, 124, 125 Pedlar massif. See also Blue Ridge Mountains and Laurentian crust, 687 Groswater Bay terrane, 123–124 (Blue Ridge anticlinorium); Lovingston Pine Mountain window (Pine Mountain Belt, Lake Melville terrane, 123–124 massif; Mesoproterozoic basement Pine Mountain Block). See also Marcy meta-anorthosite massif, 282 rocks Appalachian mountains Moose River, 334, 335 geochemistry, 557–558, 559 Bartletts Ferry fault zone, 634, 636 Moose River gneisses, 334–335 geological description, 488–490, 491, 550, Chewacla Marble, 635, 636 New Russia gneiss complex (Adirondack 651 Consortium for Continental Reflection Highlands), 281–282 greenschist-facies metamorphism, 550, 551 Profiling (COCORP) seismic reflection prismatine map, 551, 552 profiles, 636–637 in Moose River gneiss, 325, 329–330, 331, mineralogical comparison to Lovingston Cunningham Granite, 634, 642 333–334 massif, 488, 563–564, 567 fold nappes, 635 occurrence in Grenville Province, 325 minimum melt composition, 446, 448 geological description, 460, 528, 634–635, prograde pressure and temperature constraints, 43 Pedlar River Charnockite Suite, 550, 553 634–637 prograde reactions, 43 Penokean orogen Gondwanan connections, 470, 471, 642, 643 protoliths dates, 212 Halawaka Schist, 635, 636 Bondy gneiss complex (BGC) North American map, 2 Hollis Quartzite laminated quartzofeldspathic gneiss, peri-Rodinian ocean crust. See also comparison to Weisner Formation, 637, 642 260–261 Neoproterozoic orogenic belts; Rodinia geological description, 634, 635 quartzofeldspathic gneiss, 22, 27, 261 destruction by subsequent subduction, 136 Grenvillian, Mid-continent rhyolite, and tonalitic gneiss, 248–249, 261 maps, 137, 141 Paleoproterozoic ages of zircons, 642 issues and criteria used in protolith preservation in Neoproterozoic orogens, map, 636 interpretation, 612–615 136–140 Paleoproterozoic zircons in lower part of Mars Hill terrane (MHT), 612–615, 614–616, remnants in Neoproterozoic terranes through Hollis Quartzite, 634, 641, 642–643 618 subduction and accretion, 136–137 possible East Antarctica or South Australia Sm-Nd depleted mantle model ages, 136 source, 642–643 U-Pb crystallization ages, 136 U-Pb analysis of zircons, 637–641 Q petrofabric analysis. See anisotropy of magnetic K/Ar cooling dates, 635 quartz-sillimanite veins, Lyon Mountain granite susceptibility (AMS) Manchester Schist, 635, 636 and gneiss petrogenesis. See also under Mount Eve granite maps, 461, 469, 506, 527, 574, 635–636, 648 hydrothermal alteration features, 383 suite; Wilburn Rhyolite Member metamorphism conditions, 635 hydrothermal origin, 382, 384, 389 (Mount Rogers Formation) Pine Mountain Group cover sequence, quartzofeldspathic gneiss A-type granites (charnockite, granite) and 634–635 cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 256 rhyolite samples and sampling procedures, 637 geological description, 255 differentiation from, or partial melting of, a Sparks Schist, 635 Losee metamorphic suite, 507 mafic source, 232–234 Towaliga fault zone, 634, 636 protolith formation, 22, 27, 261 magmatic temperatures, 230–231 Uchee belt, 634, 635, 636 rare-earth element (REE) patterns in Bondy partial melting of a residual source, 231 Wacoochee Complex, 634–635 Gneiss Complex, 24 partial melting of a tonalitic to granodioritic Whatley Mill Gneiss, 635, 636–638, 641–642 sapphirine-bearing quartzofeldspathic gneisses calc-alkaline source, 231–232 Woodland Gneiss, 634, 642 in Red Wine Mountains, 83 crustal contamination, 445–449, 450 Pinwarian orogenesis, 3, 6, 211, 497 U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology in Bondy evolutionary trends from a mantle source plagioclases, plagioclase analyses, 48 Gneiss Complex, 251, 255–257, 261 characterization of source, 452–456 polyphase orogenesis, 35, 248, 262–263, 299 evolution of Catoctin magmas by gabbro Pond Mountain volcanic center, 574 fractionation, 452 Potsdam sandstone, 300 R picrite model for calculated partial mantle pre-Labradorian events, 3 melt, 451–452, 453 preorogenic history of rocks in orogenic belts, Rae Province, 2 plagioclase-silica-olivine phase diagram as 211 Raleigh terrane, 602, 603, 606–607 projected from diopside, 452, 453 pressure-temperature (P-T) paths Rapakivi granite, 339 tectonic discrimination diagrams, 452–453, Adirondack Highlands metamorphism rare earth elements (REE) 454 pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path, in Archean VMS deposits of Manitouwadge use of trace element data, 452–456 281–282 mining camp (Ontario), 30–31

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rare earth elements (REE) (continued) oxygen fugacity (fO2), 85, 97 association with regions of crustal rifting, in Australian sapphirine granulites, 31 plagioclase, 91–92, 95 597 birdwing-shaped REE profiles, 26, 29, 31, 248 sapphirine composition, 90–91, 94 influence of halogen flux, 597 in Bondy gneiss complex, 22, 24, 26, 248 sillimanite composition, 89–90, 94 rifting Bondy gneiss complex rare earth element spinel composition, 92, 94 Appalachian mountains, crustal affinity and (REE) patterns, 22, 24, 248, 255, 258 titanhematite, 83, 85–86, 87, 93, 95 Rodinia rifting, 469–470 cordierite-orthopyroxene (Crd-Opx) gneisses, element partitioning, 96–97, 100, 101 early rifting attempts, 392, 436, 460, 544 rare earth element (REE) patterns, equilibrium between sillimanite and ilmenite, generated of Wilburn Rhyolite Member, 574 26–27, 30–31 97 Glue-Green-Long axis, rift-related igneous

in Early Proterozoic Svecofennian supracrustal FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (FMAS) model system, rocks, 575 rocks of Orijärvi (Finland), 30 84, 97–98, 99–100 late Neoproterozoic rifting, 392, 461–462, 469 factors affecting mobility, 20, 29, 31 ferrian ilmenite lamellae, 86–87, 88, 95 Laurentian rifting during Rodinia’s breakup, heavy rare earth elements (HREE), in Bondy granodiorite, 83 392, 436, 460, 469, 544 gneiss complex, 22, 24, 26, 255 invariant assemblage, phases and conditions, Mount Rogers Formation, two pulses of rifting, inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy 97–99, 100–101 574–575 (ICP-MS), 24 massif Neoproterozoic rifting associated with Iapetus Kwyjibo Fe-Cu-REE (rare earth element) deformation and metamorphosis during Ocean, 436 deposit, 146 Labradorian orogeny, 82 rift-to-drift transition Lac Volant prospect rare earth element (REE) equilibrium textures, 85, 86 Laurentian fragments preserved as western patterns, 151, 153, 157 ferrian ilmenite lamellae, 86–87, 88, 95 Blue Ridge rift-to-drift packages, 436, light rare earth elements (LREE), in Bondy gabbronite, 83, 84 460, 470 gneiss complex, 22, 24, 26, 258 granulite facies, 83 marine trace fossil Rusophycus in Unicoi Mars Hill terrane (MHT), 616, 617, 618–620 magnetite in massif, 85, 90–91, 95 Formation, 573 mass-balance calculations for Crd-Opx metamorphic pressure and temperature Rigolet orogeny (Rigolet pulse), 3 gneisses, 27–28 estimates, 84 Rigolet shear zone, 107 mobilization during hydrothermal alteration of mylonitic zones, 87–88, 93, 95, 101 Rigolet thrust volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, natural remnant magnetization (NRM), 83 map, 106 29, 31 orthopyroxene + sillimanite + quartz and reactivation during the formation of the Cape Rayponda and Sadawga domes, 730 sapphirine + quartz assemblages, 84–86 Caribou allochthon, 125–126 Reading Prong. See also Mesoproterozoic oxide lenses, 86 truncation by out-of-sequence Cape Caribou basement rocks; New Jersey–Hudson oxide-silicate equilibria, 85–86 River thrusting, 126–127 Highlands; New Jersey–Hudson 207Pb-206Pb age of sapphirine-bearing Rinkian orogen, 2 Highlands (New Jersey Highlands) gneiss, 84 Riviere Pentecote, 338 age, 429 sapphirine-bearing aluminous paragneisses, Roanoke Rapids terrane, 602 geological description, 507, 730 82, 83–84 Robertson Lake shear zone maps, 338, 412, 506, 648, 699, 730 sapphirine-bearing quartzofeldspathic 40Ar-39Ar cooling history, 397–398 Ottawan granulite-facies metamorphism, 751 gneisses, 83 geochronology, 397, 398 recycled crust titanhematite in massif, 83, 85–86, 87, 93, geological history, 395, 397 143Nd/ 144Nd ratios of juvenile and recycled 95 late extensional motion, 392, 395, 397 crust, 136 U-Pb age of biotite, 84 maps, 5, 164, 393, 398 in Avalonia and peri-Gondwanan terranes, U-Pb age of zircon in paragneiss, 84 Robertson River suite 139–140 partial petrogenetic grid, 98–100 age, 460, 478, 490, 492, 575

depleted mantle (TDM) ages, 137, 140 pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions, 88, maps, 479, 480, 573 ε Nd values, 137, 138, 139, 140 99–100 Rockport granite, 301 in Grenville collisional orogenesis, 140 sapphirine-free quartzofeldspathic gneisses, 83 Rodinia. See also peri-Rodinian ocean crust Sm/Nd ratios, 136 temperature-composition relationship, breakup of supercontinent Red Wine Mountains. See also Wilson Lake 100–101 dates, 777 terrane ultramafic rocks, 83, 84 early rifting attempts, 392, 436, 460, 544 amphibolite facies, 83, 84 underlying rocks, 83, 84 late Neoproterozoic rifting, 392, 461–462, chemical equilibria among silicate and oxide retrograde cation diffusion, 58–60, 58–61 469 phases, 96–97 retrograde metamorphism Laurentian rifting during Rodinia’s breakup, coarse-grained magnetite, 84 retrograde conditions, 47–48 392, 436, 460, 469, 544 cordierite-absent invariant point, 100 retrograde conditions and reactions, in Bondy formation of supercontinent Disappointment Lake Paragneiss gneiss complex, 43–47 connection of Gondwana cratons to characteristics, 83–84 water activation, 47, 57, 60 Appalachian segment of Laurentia, 469 cordierite, 91–92, 95 rhyolites. See also Wilburn Rhyolite Member formation by collision of Laurentia with corundum composition, 89–90, 94 (Mount Rogers Formation) Amazonia, 136, 286–287, 302, 321 electron microprobe analysis, 87–88, 89–92 amount of rhyolite in Mount Rogers maps, 136, 141, 779 garnet composition, 89–90, 94 Formation, 572, 597 relevance of Grenville rocks to assembly and magnetite, 85, 90–91, 95 Blue-Green-Long axis, 574–575 breakup of Rodinia, 300, 321 map, 83 metaluminous rhyolite members in Mount Rooster Hill megacrystic charnockite, 339, 352 mineral assemblages, 84–86, 101 Rogers Formation, 572 Rossie diorite, 339, 602 orthopyroxene composition, 88–89, 92, peralkaline rhyolite, 572 Ruisseau à Jean-Guy Mafic Intrusion, 66, 69, 70. 93–94 aegerine and sodic amphibole in, 583, 585, See also Saguenay region overprinting, 84 586, 589, 596 Rusophycus fossils, 573

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laminated quartzofeldspathic gneiss, trace element variation diagrams, 225, 227 S 249–250, 253–255, 260–261 Shawanaga pluton, 214, 215, 218, 226. See also Saguenay Gneiss Complex quartzofeldspathic gneiss, 251, 255–257, Shawanaga domain age, 69 261 Shawinigan orogeny (Shawinigan pulse), 3, 247 gneissic rocks, 69 tonalite ages, 22 shear strain magmatic gneisses, source, 66 tonalitic gneiss, 252, 257–259, 261 Ottawan shear strain of Flinton Group rocks, map, 67 Candlewood Granite zircon and monazite ages, analysis, 193–194 plutonic rocks, 69 738, 746, 751 shear strain vectors, relationship to total strain, Rb/Sr isochron age of paragneiss, 69 Central Gneiss Belt, ages of metamorphic 193 structure, 71 zircons, 39 tangential shear strain at stretched LTBs, 188, supracrustal rocks, 6, 69 Cyriac Rapakivi Granite zircon, 74, 75 193–194 intrusive rocks, 69 Danbury augen granite, zircon and titanite tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust I, metamorphic temperature and pressure, 69 ages, 738, 747 197–198 Saguenay region. See also Anse à Philippe Diana syenite, 345, 349–351, 352 tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust Layered Intrusion; Baie à Cadie Mafic- Gore Mountain charnockite, 344–345, II, 198–201 Ultramafic Suite; Cap à l’Est Gneiss 347–348, 352 tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust Complex; Cap de la Mer Amphibolite Lac St. Jean Anorthosite Suite, 71, 73–76 III, 201–202 unit; Chicoutimi Gneiss Complex; Losee metamorphic suite leucocratic rocks, tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust Chicoutimi Mangerite; Cyriac Rapakivi 698, 703 IV, 202–203 Granite; Des Îlets Granite; Kénogami Lyon Mountain quartz-rich facies, zircon ages, tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust V Charnockite; La Baie Granite; Lac St. 383–385, 386, 387 and VI, 203, 204, 205 Jean Anorthosite Suite; Laurent Mars Hill terrane, 620–621, 627–628 total (Elzevirian plus Ottawan) shear strain of Syenite; Ruisseau à Jean-Guy Mafic Mew Milford basement rocks, analysis, 193–194 Intrusion; Saguenay Gneiss Complex; zircon, titanite, and monazite SHRIMP Shenandoah massif St. Fulgence shear zone (SFSZ); U-Th-Pb data, 738–745 basement rocks, geological description, Simoncouche Gabbro Minerva charnockite, 343–344, 346–347, 352 650–651 deformation events, 71 New Milford maps, 412, 506, 573, 648 general geology, 68–69 biotite granitic gneiss, 738, 747 Neoproterozoic rifting and volcanism, 575 geochronology, 76–78 hornblende gneiss and amphibolite zircons, SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology. See sensitive lithodems, 66, 68, 69, 76–77 738, 746–747 high-resolution ion microprobe map, 67 layered biotite gneiss, 738, 747 (SHRIMP) U-Pb ages, 68 leucogranite aplite dike zircons, 738, 746, Simoncouche Gabbro. See also Saguenay region U-Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry 751 geochronology, 76 (TIMS) geochronology, isotopic data migmatite gneiss, 738 geological description, 69 for zircon, 71–73, 74 pink granite gneiss, zircon, monazite, and map, 67 St. Fulgence shear zone (SFSZ), 66, 71, 77 titanite ages, 738, 748, 749 SiO activity (a ), 122 2 SiO2 Sand Bay gneiss association. See also Shawanaga Oregon Dome ferrodiorite zircons, 345, Slave Province, 2 domain 348–349, 352 Sm-Nd isotope method. See Nd isotope method geochemistry, 219, 220, 221, 226, 228 sample preparation and analytical techniques, (Sm-Nd method) geological description, 216 73, 249, 353, 415, 464–465, 621–622 Snowy Mountain map, 215 Snowy Mountain charnockite zircons, 344, charnockite Sandy Springs Formation, 460 347, 352 characteristics, 342 Sao Francisco craton, 137 Storm King Granite zircons, 718–719, 751 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, 344, Sauratown Mountains anticlinorium sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe 347, 352 geological description, 460, 464 (SHRIMP) tonalites, 22 charnockite-anorthosite transition rocks, 342 maps, 412, 461, 462, 506, 527, 648 Sept Iles terrane, 496 mangerite, 346 Schroon Lake, 339 Shabogamo suite, 107 cathodoluminescence (CL) of zircons, 346 secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), 326 Shady Valley thrust sheet, 574 chemical composition, 340 sedimentary fill in rift basins along the eastern shape-preferred orientation (SPO), 110 map, 339 Laurentian margin, 460–461, 469, Sharbot Lake domain, 164, 165, 185–186, 296 sphene (titanite) 470 Sharbot Lake shear zone, 393 New Milford, Connecticut, quadrangle sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe Shawanaga domain. See also Ojibway gneiss closure temperature, 774 (SHRIMP) association; Sand Bay gneiss Danbury augen granite, titanite ages, 747 Adirondacks anorthosite-mangerite- association; Shawanaga pluton Early Paleozoic titanite ages, 751–752 charnockite-granite (AMCG) suite amphibolites, 216, 221 Early Paleozoic titanite formation, 751–752 zircons, 343–353 analytical and sampling procedures, 217 migmatite gneiss titanite age, 747–748 Baltimore Gneiss element mobility, 217, 221–222 pink granite gneiss titanite age, 748 titanite, 424–425, 426 geochemistry, 217–221, 225, 226–228 titanite in Baltimore Gneiss, 415, 423–428 zircons, 415–418, 420–423, 424–425 geological description, 214, 216 U-Pb ages of Carthage-Colton shear zone Bondy gneiss complex Lighthouse gneiss association, 216 sphene, 287 age determination by sensitive high- maps, 210, 215 U-Pb dating of Dana Hill metagabbro body resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP), marginal orthogneiss, 214, 215, 220 sphenes, 360, 375, 376 22, 39, 249–260 metabasites, 221, 228, 229, 235 U-Pb titanite ages in Central Metasedimentary ages of metamorphic zircons, 7, 39 monocyclic history, 211 Belt, 395, 397 intermediate gneiss, 252, 259–260 tectonic evolution, 235–236 spinels, spinel analyses, 49

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Stone Mountain, 573, 574 Catoctin volcanic province metabasalts, 436, rare earth elements in Bondy gneiss complex, Stone Mountain fault, 574 438, 453, 454 23, 24 stretching faults Lac Volant prospect magma, 151, 153, 154, sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe angle between slip plane and directions of 159 (SHRIMP) ages, 22 wallrock strain, 184–185 mafic granulite of the Bondy gneiss complex, TIMS ages of tonalitic gneiss in Adirondacks, attitudes of S1 fabrics associated with 248, 263 749–750 stretching thrusts of F1 nappe, 190 Mealy Mountains terrane, 108 tonalites, chemical composition in Bondy attitudes of S1 fabrics associated with normal mid-oceanic ridge basalts (N-MORB), gneiss complex, 22, 23 stretching thrusts of F1 nappes, 189 22, 453, 454 U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology, 252, 257–259, in Central Gneiss Belt (Laurentia and Northwest River dikes in Cape Caribou River 261 Laurentian margin), 184 allochthon, 108 whole rock geochemistry, 23 definition, 189 partial melting or derivatives as petrogenetic Tortue anorthositic suite, 146 ductile shortening or elongation of fault walls model for the charnockites, 234, 235 tourmalinite, in Bondy gneiss complex, 20, during slip, 184, 189 in Sand Bay gneiss association, 216 22–23, 29, 31 formation during D1–D2 thrusting, 189–190 in Sand Bay gneiss metabasites, 228 Trans-Hudson orogen, 2 identification of stretching faults, 190, 192 tholeiitic affinity of Blue Ridge basement Trans-Labrador batholith kinematics of stretching faults, 189–190, 193 complex, 655, 663, 664, 669–670, 672 calc-alkaline rocks, 82, 107 L-S fabrics in walls of stretching thrusts, 190 tholeiitic characteristics in Adirondack AMCG genesis, 497 at midcrustal levels, 184, 189 suite, 664 maps, 82, 210, 338, 496 obliquities between fault surface and strain tholeiitic Northwest River dikes in Cape Trans-Labrador Highway, 83, 84 direction, 189, 190 Caribou River allochthon, 108 Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, 773 sole thrusts on large fold nappes, 187, 189, 190 thrust faults. See also Blue Ridge thrust complex translational faults, slip vectors, 193 tangential shearing, 184, 189–190 Catoctin volcanic province, 436–437 Trenton Prong, 699 Superior Province, 2, 393, 496 tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust I, Tupper Lake Village mangerite, 339, 352 Sutton Creek Gneiss. See under Blue Ridge 197–198 Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium) tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust Suwannee terrane, 634 II, 198–201 U Sveconorwegian Province, 159 tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust III, 201–202 U-Pb geochronology tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust ages of metamorphic zircons in Bondy gneiss T IV, 202–203 complex, 7, 39 tangential shear strain in wallrocks of Thrust V charnockitic gneiss from Muskoka domain, Taconic orogeny, 686–688, 690–691 and VI, 203, 204, 205 216–217 Tahawus, 339 thrust faults and possible thrust faults in the U-Pb ID-TIMS. See isotopic dilution–thermal Talston orogen, 2 Mazinaw domain, 187 ionization mass spectrometry (ID- Tectonic Assemblages Map (Ontario Geological Thrust I dip angle estimation, 195 TIMS) Survey), 187, 194, 195, 196, 204 Tibbit Hill Volcanics U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe terrane geological description, 435 (SHRIMP). See sensitive high- Crustal Formation Age, 495 map, 436 resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) definition, 107 titanite (sphene) U-Pb thermal ionization mass spectrometry Texas and Mexico, locations of Mesoproterozoic New Milford, Connecticut, quadrangle (TIMS). See thermal ionization mass rocks, 14–15. See also Guichicovi closure temperature, 774 spectrometry (TIMS) Gneiss; Huiznopala Gneiss; Llano Danbury augen granite, titanite ages, 747 uplift; Novillo Gneiss (Mexico); Early Paleozoic titanite ages, 751–752 Oaxacan Complex Early Paleozoic titanite formation, 751–752 V thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). See migmatite gneiss titanite age, 747–748 also isotopic dilution-thermal ionization pink granite gneiss titanite age, 748 Vernon Supersuite. See also Losee metamorphic mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) titanite in Baltimore Gneiss, 415, 423–428 suite; New Jersey–Hudson Highlands ages of zircons from Adirondack anorthosite, U-Pb ages of Carthage-Colton shear zone (New Jersey Highlands) 338 sphene, 287 A-type granite chemical affinities, 510, 513, Groswater Bay terrane, 114 U-Pb dating of Dana Hill metagabbro body 716, 718, 721, 725 Lac St. Jean Anorthosite Suite (U-Pb TIMS), sphenes, 360, 375, 376 Byram intrusive suite 71–74, 76 U-Pb titanite ages in Central Metasedimentary age, 507, 698, 704, 717–718 Lac St. Jean Anorthosite Suite U-Pb TIMS, Belt, 395, 397 chemical composition, 718, 719 71–74, 76 TLTB. See lithotectonic boundary (LTB) geological description, 718 Losee metamorphic suite leucocratic rocks, tonalitic gneiss comparison to Storm King Granite (Hudson 698, 703 age of igneous crystallization (TIMS), 248 Highlands), 718 Saguenay region, U-Pb TIMS data for zircon, age of protolith, 248–249 distribution, 717 71–73, 74 calc-alkaline affinity, 22, 258 geological description, 507, 716–718 tonalitic gneiss, 248, 749–750 cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging, 258 Lake Hopatcong intrusive suite thick-skinned thrust systems, 106, 108, 127, 129. chemical composition in Bondy gneiss age, 507, 698, 725 See also Cape Caribou River complex, 22, 23 chemical composition, 718, 720 allochthon; Grand Lake thrust system geological description, 257–258 geological description, 718 tholeiites 207Pb-206Pb ages of zircons, 39 VMS. See volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) in Blue Ridge basement complex, 436 protolith formation, 261 deposits

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Voisey’s Bay crystal fractionation, 594–596 backscatter electron images, 272–274 evaluation of deposit, 146 normative composition modeling, 593–594 Baltimore Gneiss, 415–418, 420–427 similarities to Lac Volant, 159 phase relationships, 594 analysis of Th/U data, 425–426, 427 volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits. petrography, 579–581, 582–583 felsic gneiss, 420, 421 See also cordierite-orthopyroxene (Crd- phenocrysts foliated biotite granite, 420, 421 Opx) gneisses; Lac Volant prospect distribution in rock zones, 579, 581 morphology and cathodoluminescence, 415, altered Ca and Mg content, 29 perthitic alkali feldspar (“perthite”) 419–420 arsenic, antimony, and silver content, 154–155 phenocrysts, 572, 575, 579 origin of metamorphic zircon, 425–426 exploration, 20, 29 quartz phenocrysts, 579 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, fractional crystallization of sulfides, 156 Quebec Branch section 415–418, 420–423, 424–425 hydrothermal alteration, 20, 28–29, 31 geological description, 577, 578 Blue Ridge thrust complex, U-Pb age for Lac Volant, 6 map, 582 sheared pegmatite, 684 S/Se ratios, 154, 155 rheomorphic features in peralkaline ash flows, Bondy gneiss complex 575 ages of metamorphic zircons, 7, 39, 247 sampled sections of Wilburn Rhyolite Member, SHRIMP age determination, 249–260 W 577, 579, 582–583 Central Gneiss Belt source, 572 ages of metamorphic zircon and monazite in Wakeham Group tectonic deformation and foliation, 576, 577 supracrustal rocks, 247 age, 6 tuff detrital zircons, 247 map, 5 ash-flow, 572, 576 SHRIMP ages of metamorphic zircons, 39 Weisner Formation. See also Pine Mountain welded, 572, 576, 578 Central Metasedimentary Belt metamorphic window (Pine Mountain Belt, Pine Whitetop Mountain, 574 zircon ages, 39 Mountain Block) Whitetop rhyolite blocks, 577, 578 Coahuila (Mexico) comparison to Hollis Quartzite (Pine Mountain Whitetop Rhyolite Member, 572 ages of inherited zircons in banded window), 637, 642 Wilburn Ridge, 577 granitoids, 762 Laurentian sources, 643 Wiley Gneiss. See under Blue Ridge Mountains U-Pb ages of cobbles and boulders of map, 635 (Blue Ridge anticlinorium) Mesoproterozoic granitoids, 763 Skolithos, 637 Wilson Lake terrane. See also Red Wine Cyriac Rapakivi Granite, U-Pb SHRIMP U-Pb ages of zircons, 637–638, 642 Mountains isotopic data for zircon, 74, 75 Wellesley Island leucogranite, 263 geological map, 83 detrital zircons West Chester and Avondale massifs, 699 Grenvillian orogeny, convergence and stacking, analytical methods, 464–465 Westport pluton, 164 82–83 Blue Ridge Mountains and Appalachians, Wilburn Rhyolite Member (Mount Rogers map, 82 467–469, 470–471 Formation). See also Mount Rogers Wolf Creek Gneiss. See under Blue Ridge cathodoluminescence images, 465 Formation Mountains (Blue Ridge anticlinorium) Diana syenite, 345, 349–351, 352 ash flow, 572, 575 Woolen Mill gabbro and anorthosite, 339 growth during anatexis, 268 breccia, 577, 578, 597 Wopmay orogen, 2 growth stage I (Adirondack Highlands), 273, clasts, 572, 576–577, 578 Wyoming Province, 2 275–276, 278 columnar joints, 575, 578 growth stage II (Adirondack Highlands), compositional zoning 273–274, 275–281 ash flow sheet, 575, 579, 581–584, 596–597 X growth stage III (Adirondack Highlands), zoned magma chamber, 592–593, 596–597 X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), 24, 437, 273–274, 275–281 fiamme, 575, 576, 578 441–442 growth stage IV (Adirondack Highlands), fossil fumaroles, 575, 578 273–274, 275–281 geochemistry hydrothermal zircons, 384 major elements, 589, 590–591, 592 Y Lyon Mountain, 383–385, 386, 387, 389 trace elements, 589–592, 593, 594 Mars Hill terrane, U-Pb zircon data, 624–627 geological description, 572, 575–577 Yard Hill jotunite, 339, 352 Mexico, basement rocks from eastern and Haw Orchard Mountain, 577, 582 Yavapai-Mazatzal orogen, 212 southern Mexico, 762, 763 lithophysae, 577 Yavapai orogen, 2 New Milford, Connecticut, quadrangle map, 582 biotite granitic gneiss, 733, 738, 747 Massie Gap, 577, 582 Z Brookfield Gneiss, 737, 751 mineral chemistry Candlewood Granite zircon ages, 733, 738, aegerine microphenocrysts, 585–586 ZAF (atomic number, absorption fluorescence), 746, 751 Fe-Ti oxides, 589 326 Danbury augen granite, 733, 738, 747 feldspar phenocrysts, 585 Zapotecan orogeny (Zapotecan tectonothermal hornblende gneiss and amphibolite, 733, riebeckite phenocrysts, 586–588 event ). See also Grenville orogeny; 738, 746–747 peralkaline rhyolite, 572 Mexico, basement rocks from eastern layered biotite gneiss, 733, 738, 747 aegerine and sodic amphibole in, 583, 585, and southern Mexico leucogranite aplite dike, 738, 746, 751 586, 589, 596 dates, 762, 764 migmatite gneiss, 733, 738 association with regions of crustal rifting, Oaxacan subduction as a cause of event, 777, pink granite gneiss, 733, 738, 748, 749 597 780 SHRIMP U-Th-Pb data, 738–745 influence of halogen flux, 597 zircons. See also cathodoluminescence (CL) New Russia gneiss complex petrogenesis imaging of zircons chemical analysis, 273–274, 275 A-type granite affinity of magma, 593 Adirondack anorthosite, TIMS ages, 338 U-Pb ID-TIMS age, 269, 274, 276–281

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zircons (continued) Oregon Dome ferrodiorite, 345, 348–349, Red Wine Mountains paragneiss, U-Pb age of New Russia gneiss complex (continued) 352 zircon, 84 New Russia gneiss system anatectic oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, Saguenay region, U-Pb TIMS age for zircons, segregation, U-Pb ID-TIMS age of 169–170, 170 71–73, 74 zircon, 269, 274, 276–281 Pine Mountain window Snowy Mountain charnockite, 344, 347, 352 Novillo Gneiss (Mexico), 763, 764 Hollis Quartzite, 634, 637–641, 642–643 Weisner Formation, U-Pb ages of zircons, Oaxacan Complex, 763, 764 Whatley Mill Gneiss, 636–638, 641–642 637–638, 642

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