STANDARD PRESORT RESIDENTIAL U.S. POSTAGE CUSTOMER PAID ECRWSS PERMIT NO. 82 WOODSTOCK, VA Blue Ridge Since 1984 & LEADER LOUDOUN TODAYFEBRUARY 2017 Homeland Security Justifications In Related News ... Wireless Companies Seek Behind Short Hill Blackout Relaxed Approvals A proposal now before the – By Andrea Gaines neighbors are in is just now coming into legislature – House Bill 2196 – would view. The permitting process for upgrades strictly limit Loudoun County’s zoning In January, the Loudoun County to an existing use first flew off the rails when oversight with respect to the installation Department of Planning advised citizens citizens turned out in record numbers for a of “small cell” wireless facilities. impatient for details on AT&T’s continuing series of public meetings. Things quieted The bill, introduced by Del. Terry G. activities on Short Hill Mountain that key down when AT&T withdrew the permit, Kilgore (R) (House District 1) provides aspects of the work – including the amount but, heated up again as intense construction, for “a uniform procedure for the way of power, and the number of new utility lines, night lights, and earth-moving activities in which wireless communications generators, and more that might eventually continued. Spokespeople for the County infrastructure is approved by localities be required – would remain under Freedom and AT&T have routinely directed citizen Valentine’s Day 2017 and installed in public rights-of-way.” of Information Act blackout, not available questions to SPAM 2016-0067, a permit for Originating from the telecommunications to the public. “grading and electrical work.” giant SPRINT, HB 2196 would make Said Deputy Zoning Administrator The company has denied reports that Short Love In All the siting of wireless infrastructure much Michelle Lohr, in an email to Sam Hill is being prepared as the site for a full-blown easier for all companies – limiting both Kroiz of the Short Hill Rescue citizen’s data center. And, concerned neighbors fear that the information given to a locality and that Of Its Forms group: “The County is advised that the many of the things the public has both the right locality’s power to require facilities to get telecommunications facility that is the to know – and the right to influence through the approval for special exceptions, special use subject of [citizen inquiries] is deemed to planning process – will be set in place before the ... Ain’t It permits, or other zoning safeguards. constitute ‘critical infrastructure’ as defined public has the opportunity to mount a challenge. The bill is opposed by local preservation in the Homeland Security Act, and, as such, Since AT&T is operating legally under SPAM and conservation groups, including the Grand information that reveals any details of the 2016-0067, none of the activities currently Environmental Council. And, – By Andrea Gaines facility ... is protected from disclosure in underway is subject to Board of Supervisors these groups have another influential ally accordance with the ‘Critical Infrastructure review or public scrutiny. in the fight, the Virginia Municipal League. Americans exchange hundreds of millions Information Act of 2002’.” According to the Short Hill Rescue group, According to VML, the bill has “significant of cards on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. While under intense public scrutiny with the FOIA blackout in place, the potential ramifications for local government The National Retail Federation estimates since AT&T abruptly withdrew a permit for a use as intensive as a data center – with no including the use of public property without that we will spend some $20 billion to mark application related to a “continuing use” last further public input – is staring rural western proper remuneration, loss of local land use the day and demonstrate to friends and year, the bind that Short Hill’s immediate Loudoun right in the face. control and blind permit approvals ... “ family how much we love them – on what Speaking to the larger issue of marketers call “Love’s Holiday.” Love. It’s community input with respect to how a big deal. BRMS Brings Joseph’s Technicolor and where telecommunications service Happy Valentine’s Day, Fido infrastructure is located, Michelle Valentine’s Day is not just about human Dreams To Loudoun Audiences love. Three percent of people give a – By Andrea Gaines Gowdy, General Counsel for the League said: “While localities are working to Valentine’s Day gift to their pets and other What do you get when you combine a bury public utilities to enhance the beauty animals, spending some $680 million a year. simple and timeless tale of love, betrayal of their communities, wireless providers And, Valentine’s Day is popular with and redemption ... a rock legend named want to inundate rights-of-way and charitable causes, too – an important Elvis ... a boy with the power to interpret public property with towers and unsightly fundraising opportunity for everything from dreams ... and local children exploring their structures ... These small cells may be the local children’s hospital to organizations delightfully unguarded dramatic abilities placed on towers up to 120 feet tall and Continued on page 25 under an award winning director? will have bulky cabinets along with Find out by attending any one of seven antennae attached ... The wireless carriers PRISCILLA APPOINTED TO upcoming performances of Blue Ridge say that these aren’t cell towers, but to an COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Continued on page 17 ordinary eye, they sure look like them.” See page 4 PROPANE COSTS TOO MMUUCCHH!! This Winter is the Ideal Time to Make the Switch. 540-687-3608 “So very happy we switched to Hunt Country. My only regret is that we didn’t do it sooner. How “I have been buying propane from Hunt Country for about a year now. My much money we would have saved…However, we finally made the right choice about our propane. previous propane provider was much higher priced. The staff was rude and For years I have been receiving offers from other companies offering low rates, only to find out didn’t seem to care if you gave them business or not. When I was shopping you have to enter a contract with them. It never made sense to me that you could drive around around for a new company, thankfully I found Hunt Country. The staff is town and shop for fuel for your car, but not for your home. It’s nice to see that a business owner friendly, professional, knowledgeable and genuinely cared that you gave understands this and caters to the customer. We received our first delivery this past Saturday them your business. Hunt Country prices are consistently lower than their and the owner himself brought it out. The service was excellent. Of course, I’m not surprised, competitors. I highly recommend that you call Hunt Country Propane, if you as the initial account set-up was easy and the lady in the office was so pleasant!” —Caroline T. don’t, you’re making a BIG($) mistake. Thanks Hunt Country!” —Ed, Leesburg Less • Local • Honest 2 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017 ASK DR. MIKE

– By Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D. what to do. We know we need to act fast and hope you can respond to this letter. Dr. Mike, Concerned Parents Our 15-year-old son is out of control and we don’t know what to do Dear Concerned Parents, anymore. He smokes pot and I’m sorry that your son is drinks, disobeys us left and struggling as much as he is, and right, is truant from school I appreciate the negative and often, comes home whenever painful impact his behaviors he wants to and screams at us have had on you all as a family. when we try to correct him. He Not having evaluated your son, used to be an amazing kid and Dr. Mike my recommendations, as well as athlete, but he quit all sports my support and guidance, will and he’s no longer himself. We’ve be limited, but I hope the following is tried therapy, but he refused to go. The helpful to you. crazy thing is that we have no idea why While I understand your husband’s he changed. His problems started in thinking on getting control over things freshman year of high school and have by sending your son to a military gotten worse this academic year. We are academy, your son is likely not a good very worried about him and we are also fit for that sort of setting given his needs. very worried about his younger siblings More specifically, your son seems to be a who are very upset their brother. My very angry young man who is acting-out husband wants to send our son to in a number of very concerning ways; military academy, but I am worried that his struggles may have an emotional or he would hate us if we did that and that psychological basis (e.g., depression) he would also probably do something and/or may be due to his substance use – crazy like run away or attempt suicide. irritability, anger and being oppositional The suicide of that freshman boy at and defiant can be symptoms of teen Stone Bridge High School last month depression and/or substance abuse. has really freaked us out. We don’t want In my experience, military academies that to be our boy and we don’t know Continued on page 25 February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 3 7th Annual Loudoun Grown Expo, Feb. 27 Loudoun celebrates the best of Artisans represented will include what it grows and makes this month wood turners, painters, jewelers with the 7th Annual Loudoun and potters. The expo will also Grown Expo, Saturday, Feb. 27 feature author Tonya Royston, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Bush Cannon’s Baseball, Tree of Life Tabernacle in Purcellville. Ministries and business sponsors. Businesses represented will in- Admission is $2 per person or clude the County’s many wineries, $3 per family. Residents living farms, breweries, community sup- within Town limits are free. ported agriculture, artists and more. Parking is available in Town With over 30 vendors for this year’s public parking areas, Emerick Elementary expo, there will be plenty to eat and lots School and the Community of things to sample, taste and purchase – Center – all within walking distance of the from wines to beers to fine foods, including Tabernacle. sandwiches, local sausages and coffees. Hope to see you there. 4 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017 Priscilla Nabs Plum Planning Commission Post Appointment Shocks Many

– By Valerie Cury Crooked Run Orchard, a Virginia Century Farm – to build the Southern Collector On Jan. 3 Supervisor Tony R. Buffington Jr. “There is too much at stake for Road. This action was without consent (R-Blue Ridge) nominated Tom Priscilla for of the farm’s owners. Along with the the Loudoun County Planning Commission the future of all of Loudoun County, Town Council, he changed the original to represent the Blue Ridge District. Priscilla especially Western Loudoun, to alignment of the road, dividing the farm was confirmed on Jan. 19. This appointment in two and making access to orchards took many current Purcellville Town Council allow a position to be filled with very difficult. Members by surprise. Said Council Member • Wasting Proffers: The Harris Kelli Grim, “I knew there was a temporary an individual whose prior decisions Teeter development at the gateway of appointment, but I am surprised that directly contradict the vision of Purcellville proffered a traffic circle. The Supervisor Buffington didn’t reach out to us circle was built, immediately torn down, before he made a permanent appointment. Western Loudoun as expressed in and then a new one was built just 90 feet The person he selected is exactly the opposite west of the original one. This happened of what the new Town Council elected in May both Town leadership, and the clear because Priscilla, along with the rest of stands for.” sentiment presented in Western the Town Council, changed the original In an email to Supervisor Buffington alignment of the Southern Collector Council Member Ryan Cool said, “There Loudoun Envision [County Comp Plan Road. The second roundabout was paid is too much at stake for the future of all for by the citizens of Purcellville. of Loudoun County, especially Western review] workshops.” • Loudoun Pays More: Along with Loudoun, to allow a position to be filled with – Ryan Cool, Purcellville Town Council Member Town Council, Priscilla created 17 water an individual whose prior decisions directly rate tiers that charged Loudoun County contradict the vision of Western Loudoun facilities in Purcellville the highest rates. as expressed in both Town leadership, and • More Developer Favors: In 2012, the clear sentiment presented in Western appointment of Mr. Priscilla is completely the County, said they would continue at odds with your stated positions during the lawsuits regardless of their merit Priscilla voted to create a “Tourism Loudoun Envision [County Comp Plan District” solely for one developer’s review] workshops.” your campaign for Supervisor.” unless the County paid the Town $5.78 The seat had been vacated by Charles million. As a new high school was so property, allowing for multiple tax breaks Vice Mayor Karen Jimmerson in an over a period of 9 years. None of the email to Supervisor Buffington said, “Your Douglas in October 2016, who resigned desperately needed due to overcrowding, for health reasons. He was temporarily the County settled. In the end, the Town other properties in the area received this replaced by Chad Campbell who agreed to of Purcellville also incurred $500,000 in designation. • Runaway Development: Priscilla and Since 1984 serve until January. legal fees and the County, $1 million. Blue Ridge • Raising Taxes: Due to the lawsuits Council approved the largest development LEADER&LOUDOUN TODAY Priscilla’s History Priscilla and fellow Council Members in the history of Purcellville – Mayfair Tom Priscilla served on the Purcellville raised the Town’s meals tax 1 percent and (formerly known as Autumn Hill). With this action, Purcellville broke through its PUBLISHER & EDITOR Town Council for approximately 9 years, earmarked it to pay for the lawsuits. He Valerie Cury appointed Jan. 11, 2005. He also served also voted to create the Fireman’s Field longstanding northernmost boundary. CREATIVE DEPARTMENT on the Purcellville Planning Commission Tax District, which raised real estate Appointments Have Consequences Meredith Hancock, Layout/Design for 12 years. Working closely with Mayor taxes 17 percent. Priscilla’s appointment is particularly ADVERTISING Bob Lazaro, Priscilla’s record is one of • Developer Favors: Priscilla voted Judy D. Harbin higher debt, higher taxes, questionable along with the Council to make zoning important given that Loudoun County is (703) 727-1321 now reviewing its Comprehensive Plan [email protected] Town expenditures and runaway growth, use changes to Purcellville’s downtown including: area, on the National Register of through the Envision Loudoun process. Here’s How to Reach Us! • Debt: When Priscilla took office, the Historic Places. Due to the advocacy The Blue Ridge Leader reached out Email [email protected] to Supervisor Buffington and asked or call (540) 338-6200 Town debt was $10 million. By the of one developer, he voted to raise the time he left in 2014, the Town’s debt had height limit from 35 feet to 65 feet, what criteria he used for his selection, and EDITOR: as of the publication deadline, he has not (letters to the editor & press releases): grown by approximately $60 million. To allowing for a 6-story building which Tony Buffington, Blue [email protected] make matters worse, the Town’s citizens would overshadow the existing two responded. But on the Ridge Supervisor Facebook page he stated SPECIAL EDITORIAL were saddled with enormous balloon story structures. When the Board of Andrea Gaines payments due in 2020 and 2021. Architectural Review voted to preserve the following: “Congratulations to Mr. Tom [email protected] • Wasted Millions: While on council, he a lower height – because the scope and Priscilla for having been sworn in as Blue Ridge District Planning Commissioner for HOT NEWS TIPS: voted to purchase a vacant boarded-up mass of the building did not fit in with the Valerie Cury, (703) 943-8806, Loudoun County! As a long time western [email protected] building for a new Town Hall, appraised area – he voted to overrule the decision. for approximately $750,000. The Town • Breaking Contracts: While on Council, Loudoun resident, former Purcellville Town WEBMASTER: Councilman, former Purcellville Planning [email protected] purchased the building for $2 million Priscilla violated the Purcellville Urban and with renovations the entire project Growth Area Management Plan and Commissioner, and certified Planner by trade, MAILING ADDRESS: cost $8.5 million; a project originally annexed property out of phase, ignoring Tom is well qualified for the position and I PO Box 325, Purcellville, VA 20134-0325 estimated at $3.5 million. the process and the Town’s contract with look forward to working with him to ensure Copyright 2017 Blue Ridge Leader & Loudoun Today. the rural, historic, and scenic character of All rights reserved. • Runaway Lawsuits: Priscilla voted the County. consistently as a member of the • Didn’t Follow Comprehensive Plan: western Loudoun County for generations to come.” @BRLeaderNEWS Purcellville Town Council to delay Priscilla voted for many land use the building of a much needed second decisions that were against the will of On the surface, Priscilla’s credentials are impressive, but his record reflects reckless We Welcome Your Letters To The Editor: western Loudoun High School – suing the the residents, and in direct conflict with Submissions may be sent to County 6 times, suing Purcellville’s own the Comprehensive Plan and multiple spending, developer favor, working against [email protected], or via mail to, Board of Zoning Appeals and taking the charrettes. the County and ignoring the citizens’ voice. PO Box 325, Purcellville, VA 20134-0325. For those of us who know his record, this is Please include your name, cases all the way to the Virginia Supreme • Roads Over Farms: He voted to address and telephone number. Court. Even though Purcellville lost the condemn by eminent domain a portion hardly someone who will protect “western We reserve the right to edit submissions as necessary. Loudoun County for generations to come.” Deadline for print edition is the third week of cases, the Town, in negotiations with of a historic 90 acre working farm – each month, or, online any time. On the web with daily updates at February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 5 Purcellville Town Council Meetings – Jan. 10

– By Valerie Cury director of public works, a paralegal, and Mayor Fraser said he wanted to look at Council voted against discussing the a part-time event specialist. (The Town hiring as it relates to efficiency. “I look paralegal position for the third time, since Senior Campus Concept: Mayor Kwasi already has one part-time event specialist.) at things from an operational and process a vote had already been taken and failed. Fraser, Council Member Nedim Ogelman, Council Member Kelli Grim said that perspective. When I see a request, for The Council did vote to hire an assistant and the Town Attorney met with the it was long overdue to have an assistant example, for an assistant director of public director of public works, and voted for a representatives of the Stupar property in director of public works. “Regarding the works, my first thought would be – can part-time events planner. (Mayor Fraser January. The property is located at Maple paralegal, we are paying as much to outside we promote someone into that position and Council Member Nedim Ogelman and Hirst Road. The owners are interested firms, currently, as our staff attorney… Are and if the answer is no – I will say, `Why voted no, commenting that the position can in putting a senior citizen campus on the we attempting to do things that are not the not?’ If we had a director functioning in be filled by volunteers). land, providing different entry points for Council’s priorities?” that role for many years, someone should Backup Sewer Policy: At the Jan. 10 seniors, to live, work, and play. Mayor Said Council Member Nedim Ogelman, have been taught to replace that director.” meeting, Council also moved forward to fix Fraser said he encouraged the owners of the “This is a town – judging from the Fraser pointed out that if the Town has to the Town sewer backup policy. property to engage the community, and get election we just had – that is not looking hire someone new, it has to spend resources Most Virginia municipalities are only feedback to see if there is support for the to grow. A town where people do not want on advertising and training. The new hire responsible for backups that occur in the proposal to move forward. taxes to increase. And, we are a town “can’t hit the ground running.” main sewer pipes/system. The Town had been Waste Water Solutions: Mayor Fraser that is trying to manage debt … This is In reference to these issues, Fraser also paying for backups from residences to the also recently met with the Israeli firm a new Town Council that was brought in said he did not vote for the budget last year, main, and is only one of two localities to do Emefcy. The company has a turn-key waste through an election where these values because he wanted certain items in the budget, so. Consequently, Purcellville will be revising water treatment modular solution, which were expressed strongly. As a new such as an operational audit. Also, he said, its policy so the Town is only responsible for may complement Purcellville’s state-of-the- Town Council [member], I don’t want there were budgeted items he did not support. backups that occur at the main. art plant, Fraser noted. The firm has a way ... strategic decisions to be dictated by An operational audit would have shown Council Member Kelli Grim said that for the Town to “augment our capabilities previous budgeting decisions.” what the Town’s needs were “within the she strongly supports changing the policy, at the pump level … [so] we can process Ogelman said that he looked at some other Town of Purcellville,” said Fraser. “Absent and would like to put that information in the raw sewage before it gets to the plant towns in Virginia, and he found data that broke that, I trust staff. I trust your judgment. But, Town water bills. Mayor Fraser said that it … We see it as a potential way to increase down staff by general functions. He looked when we are requested to take the taxpayer’s is important to do outreach, and inform the our operational efficiencies.” Following at the Town of Warrenton, and noticed that money to pay for something, I need more citizens of this change. Making this policy the meeting, Fraser said that the Emefcy’s the staff from 2006 to 2015 fluctuated very than just trust to drive my decision. So, that’s change will save the Town at least $100,000 solution saves 90 percent of the energy used little, and is slightly smaller now. He noted where I am with several of the positions.” over a ten-year period. in wastewater treatment, and avoids energy- that the public works, and water and sewer Fraser said in a prior meeting he was made Town Manager Evaluations: For the intensive pumping, which will mean energy departments were intensive – 56 percent of aware that some staff positions didn’t have first time in 23 years, a formal written savings for the Town. Fraser said that the staff was focused on that department. The descriptions of their functions. “Those are process has been developed for the town Town will need to further evaluate a pilot public safety departments were significant, red flags for me. Let’s get our house in manager annual evaluation. The process program with Emefcy and the Department leaving other departments at 20 percent. “I order, so I can understand where the needs began Jan. 31 with the Town Manager’s of Environmental Quality to determine the would say if the public works, and water and are. We can then determine … if we need to Annual Report. All council members will viability of this solution. sewer – if those were needs that we had in the hire for these positions. Right now, I am not complete their evaluations, and conclude Staff Vacancies: At the Jan. 10 Council past and we need to replenish, then that makes convinced there is a need.” the process in a closed meeting with the meeting, the topic turned again to staff good sense to me.” At the Jan. 24 Town Council meeting, town manager by mid-March. vacancies – notably, that of an assistant Big Decisions Ahead For O’Toole Property – By Valerie Cury the Town Council has even considered the With the addition of the O’Toole property, rezoning necessary to pursue this project. So, Packie Crown of Bowman Consulting there have been no public hearings, no votes presented her company’s conceptual the Town is at 93-95 percent water capacity. on this proposed rezoning.” architectural design proposal for the Town Planner Daniel Galindo said that rezoning of the O’Toole property at the Jan. of the property is asking for one of the In addition to potential traffic safety it’s a good idea for the applicant to get an 17 Board of Architectural Review. most dense zonings – MC – Mixed Use problems, water resources are also being idea for the design guidelines before the The O’Toole property was annexed into Commercial, to consist of 72,000 square raised as a concern. project could be approved, and the Town the Town of Purcellville in 2008 by the feet of commercial, to include restaurants, In a memo to the Purcellville Planning staff, has allowed for pre-submission meetings. previous Lazaro Town Council. Located at retail offices, an assisted living facility, and Purcellville Capital Projects and Engineering Ogelman’s responded by saying, “The the southeast corner of Rt. 287 and Business a three-story hotel. Manager Dale Lehnig said, “Although the mass exercise at the BAR seems to put the cart Rt. 7, near the traffic circle on Main Street, Access to this site would be from the existing balance for water shows that using a peak factor before the horse. I am not sure it’s right for the property consists of two lots totaling entrance on Business Rt. 7, with a secondary of 1.2, there is sufficient water, the Town will taxpayer dollars to spend all the time that you 12.46 acres. When under County zoning, entrance from the Southern Collector Road. need to work towards developing additional are spending on this. This discussion is based the property had one residence on it. Now A memo from the Commonwealth of Virginia water sources. With the addition of the O’Toole on the assumption that there is going to be a under Purcellville’s control, the property Department of Transportation stated, “It property, the Town is at 93-95 percent capacity.” rezoning. There need to be public hearings. is zoned Transition X – and located within should be noted that most of the left-outs from Town Council Member Nedim Ogelman, There needs to be input from citizens. There the Historic Corridor Overlay District. A the site are turning right at the roundabout the liaison to the BAR said, “I just want to need to be deliberations on that part of the portion of the site is also located within the after crossing two opposing lanes of traffic, make clear for the record that this review discussion … I would suggest that you be minor flood plain – a Federal Emergency and then weaving through two lanes in a of architectural design for a mixed use selective on hearing these things before they Management Agency flood zone. short distance, which would create not only commercial complex with a three-story hotel are approved or denied. I am thinking about Through Bowman Consulting, the owner congestion but safety problems as well.” on the O’Toole property is happening before our Town’s resources.” 6 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017

Envision Loudoun’s Biggest Task Is Ahead

– By Andrea Gaines lower-density buffer in the middle ... and ... how will citizen comments inform the nitty-gritty planning details that preserving the rural west – is Loudoun Envision Loudoun’s series of public determine how land is used and developed in Loudoun County? County’s zoning bible. For others, this Listening & Learning workshops – part of three-part strategy is not “trendy” enough. the County’s 18-month process to rewrite Said a consultant who helped the County the Comprehensive Plan – wrapped up Jan. launch the Envision Loudoun process, 11. The interactive website is now also “Mixed-use in all its forms is really the officially finished with this initial learning rage right now ...” phase. According to the Envision Loudoun But, despite what is seen as modern and website, citizen participation in the effort new, the continuous planning discussion has been very good; “generating over 4,500 Loudoun County has engaged in has focused unique ideas and opportunities.” not so much on the latest trends as the So, now what? similarities between newcomers and people If you’ve ever been involved in who have been here for generations. People a planning charrette, or work session or stay in Loudoun and come to Loudoun, often, public hearing, you know; When you ask for the same thing. people’s opinions on a subject, you have Envision Loudoun’s most powerful to show how and why you acted on those developer interests, including builders, opinions. So, how will citizen comments real estate investors and their consultants inform the nitty-gritty planning details that occupy key positions on the Stakeholder determine how land is used and developed Committee and ZOAG – the Northern in Loudoun County? Virginia Building Association, Bowman If you asked the children who participated Consulting and the Dulles Association of in Envision Loudoun workshops by Realtors, for example. Community, historic “drawing” their future, you’d see both the preservation and wildlife conservation positive and the unknown. Animals and champions are represented, too – the trees and buildings live in harmony with Loudoun County B & B Guild and PEC, each other. Large, unknown structures for example. sometimes dominate the landscape. Parks of their own – the picture emerging from the hours and hours of input, and stacks Businessman Mike Turner, appointed to and swings are everywhere, as are bright Envision Loudoun will be much more and stacks of maps, drawings, letters and the Stakeholder Committee by BOS Chair colors and favorite stores. And, you’d complicated. suggestions into something that reflects Phyllis J. Randall (D-At Large), sees the know you are being lobbied – for more The County’s planning consultants – the Loudoun County, the long planning journey Comp Plan review as “a tension between parks, more shopping, more space between Ohio-based consulting firm of Planning Next that has gotten it to this point and what kind what is and what will be.” houses, a healthier environment, even for – are focused on collecting, documenting of future it wants. But, it may be the people in the middle lower rents. and organizing all Envision Loudoun input For some, the three part Rural, – everyday Loudouners new and old – that For the professionals trying to direct with the goal of getting their client to the Transition and Suburban Policy Area will determine where Envision Loudoun the process – all of whom have preferred endpoint; a new Comprehensive Plan. strategy – focusing suburban development takes us. If they speak loud enough. Comprehensive Plan outcomes and policies The real test will be how to translate in the east ... maintaining a protective, Purcellville Man Hits It Right: Meeting The “Other America” Gets Front Row View At Inauguration – By Nicholas Reid

Ever since the presidential election last November, there has been a lot of talk about the “two Americas”: coastal and continental America. The many differences between REID these two sections of the are numerous and oftentimes divisive. In this article, I shall explore continental America from the viewpoint of a coastal American living in the heart of Continental America, Rapid City, SD. One of the defining aspects of continental When Purcellville businessman John and it was a great opportunity.” America is an intense patriotism and love of the and were directed to another federal Fuog suddenly received an invitation to When Fuog responded to the invitation, United States. Most continental Americans are participate in the Inauguration of President he received a questionnaire from the U. S. building. patriotic, and the American flag is prominently Donald J. Trump less than three weeks be- Secret Service, and a request for a picture. So, he was ready for the Inauguration, displayed in and outside many houses, businesses, fore the ceremony, he had no idea he’d end Then just five days before the Inauguration, and was responsible for checking badges and public places. Continental America is a up with one of the best ring-side views. Not he received clearance, and was asked to for seating and close-in standing at the place where the crowds at football games will only did he end up on Avenue, report to the Commerce Department early on Inauguration. He worked the entire day at join the singing of the national anthem after the but adjacent to the President’s reviewing the morning of Jan. 20. He found scores of Pennsylvania Avenue and 15th Street. “I microphone for the choir cuts out so that everyone stand. other volunteers there, and Fuog wondered met many military personnel, Secret Service can still hear the national anthem. Continental It all started when he received the what kind of task he would be assigned officers, law enforcement officers from all America is also very supportive of the military and invitation from a member of the Presidential to. It turned out he would be along 15th over the nation. The highlight of my day was most people are, have been, or are related closely Inaugural Committee whom he did not know. Street. Later, a supervisor put out a call for being just 30 feet away from the President to a member of the military. “The PIC was looking for volunteers to assist volunteers to “go to another location.” The and his family and Vice President Pence and Another defining characteristic of continental in the events,’” Fuog told the Blue Ridge supervisor didn’t say where, but Fuog and his family,” Fuog said. “I was very proud to America is that it’s deeply religious. Churches Leader. “I was very proud to be a volunteer, about five others were delighted to comply, be a part of this momentous day.” Continued on page 14 February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 7 Love Your Home

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Watch The Heat And George Washington himself combined both sweetness and honesty when he admitted to his father that he had cut down the family’s Go For The Sweet beloved cherry tree. And, so we say – in deference to that honesty and this Chili-Out spectacular fruit – “Cherry pie please!”

Fun Chili Terms: • “Dumps” – different combinations of chili powders and spices that get added to the dish during cooking. • “Adobo” – a dark red sauce made from herbs, chilies and vinegar. • “Capsaicin” – the substance in a chili that gives the fruit its heat . • “Brick Chili” – dried chucks of beef, fat, spices and salt pounded and then rehydrated for cowboy food. Cinnamon ice cream rocks cherry pie, yum! • “Scoville Scale” – measures mouth hotness of pepper by concen- tration of Capsaicin. “I Cannot Tell A Lie ... I Cut – By Andrea Gaines saying goes. As we celebrate President’s Day this Down The Tree (For Pie)” National Chili Day is Feb. 23. What month, as well as National Chili Day, it better than to “chili-out” with a bowl on a seems fitting to provide our readers with a – By Andrea Gaines giving cherries and cherry pie another cold winter’s day? (And, then have some chili recipe once found at the top echelons look, pointing out the fruit’s abundance of cherry pie.) of power in America – Lyndon Banes Monday, Feb. 20 is National Cherry anthocyanins, a phytochemical believed to Chili itself is not a particularly old dish. Johnson’s Perdernales River Chili, named Pie Day. It is also President George strengthen blood vessels and protect lung It became popular in the late 1880s and was after the late president’s ranch. Washington’s birthday – which we honor tissue from smoke. featured at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. Chili and similar dishes regularly cross with the federal holiday of President’s Day. Now, a slice of cherry pie contains some- From there, chili became an American staple partisan lines – so try it out. President After a long campaign season – and where in the neighborhood of 350 calories, as chili parlors popped up across the country. Nixon had his favorite condiment – Sweet as homage to a new year sweet with and can be high in fats and sugars, depend- It is also said to have literally saved lives Onion & Chili Ketchup. possibilities – here at the Blue Ridge Leader ing on how it is made – so don’t go crazy. during the Great Depression. “The chili was So, here is President Johnson’s Perdernals we humbly ask our presidents to step to the But, there are lots of ways to enjoy this cheap and the crackers were free,” the old River Chili recipe. back while we do what we really want to super health fruit in pie or semi-pie form. do: Eat and celebrate cherry pie. A few of the more interesting recipes we Lyndon B. Johnson’s Perdernales River Chili Tart and sweet ... flaky and fragrant ... just unearthed can be found on these websites: (right from Lady Bird’s hand with minor editing) warm from the oven – or strait from the pie At – look here for Ingredients: tin with our hands when no one’s looking a classic country fair cherry pie recipe; • 4 pounds chili meat (coarsely-ground round steak, Everyone wants to – cherry pie deserves as much praise as we minimal ingredients, incredible taste, pretty well-trimmed chuck, or Johnson’s favorite, venison) know this: What is can heap upon it. star-studded crust. • 1 large onion, chopped the world’s hottest As a child, red was my favorite color and takes a more Eu- • 2 cloves garlic pepper? The cherry was my favorite flavor – I think lots ropean approach – for example, French • 1 teaspoon ground oregano pepper which most of kids felt that way. recipes for cherry pie use ingredients such • 1 teaspoon comino seed (translation, cumin seed) scientists agree is All of the great New York diners and as cream cheese, whipped cream and gra- • 6 teaspoons chili powder (add as much as you dare No. 1 in hotness family restaurants we frequented featured ham cracker crusts. More pastry-like and and use your own favorites) is the Trinidad their own version, and I lived for the just outstanding. • 1-1/2 cups canned whole tomatoes Scorpion Butch T. moment when the words “Yes, you’ve eaten More adventurous? Try notenough- • Cooked beans (optional) Hmmm. Would not enough meatloaf and lima beans, you may – this site is frequented by • 2-6 generous dashes liquid hot sauce (again, you are want to run into have a piece of pie.” cooks looking for more adventurous reci- the boss) one of them in a America’s most favorite pies include pes, including those in the low-sugar paleo • 2 cups hot water dark alley. apple, pumpkin, cherry and blueberry. But, sphere. Their recipe for cherry pie is glu- • Salt to taste­­ our food tastes are notoriously changeable. ten, dairy and refined sugar-free. And, while apple pie is the consistently If you don’t have time to bake – the best Directions: Place meat, onion and garlic in large, heavy pan or dutch oven, cook until strong favorite, cherries are getting new cherry pie we have eaten is from Mom’s light in color. Add oregano, comino seed, chili powder, tomatoes, hot pepper sauce, salt attention and cherry pie’s stats are going Apple Pie Co. in Round Hill (540 338- and hot water. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer for about 1 hour. Skim off fat during up. The “don’t eat that!” surveys, articles 1800), Leesburg and Occoquan. cooking. Serve with cheese, sour cream, etc. as you like. and websites that haunt us today are Enjoy! February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 9 Vacant Chairs Remembered Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Expanded To 3,300 Acres – By Andrea Gaines One Vacant Chair On October 21, 1861, approximately 3,400 Civil War soldiers We shall meet but we shall miss him. faced off on the shoreline known as Ball’s Bluff, just north of Leesburg. There will be one vacant chair. In a decisive Confederate victory, nearly 50 percent of Union We shall linger to caress him soldiers were killed, wounded, or taken prisoner. While we breathe our ev’ning prayer. The battle cost the life of a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, Edward Dickinson Baker, the only sitting United States Senator (Part of a famous Civil War poem by Henry S. Washburn c ever killed in battle ... but, spared the life of a young man named ommemorating the bravery of 18-year-old Lt. John William Grout, Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes. Holmes was wounded at Ball’s who died at the Battle of Ball’s Bluff.) Bluff, again at Antietam, and a third time at Chancellorsville, surviving it all to continue his service to his country as one of the most influential Supreme Court Justices of all time. County Heritage Commission under the direction of the Loudoun These stories are known backwards and forwards by the County Board of Supervisors, and received indispensable support relatively small number of Civil War historians who labor from Friends of Ball’s Bluff Battlefield. Friends of Ball’s Bluff tirelessly to preserve history in all its forms for future generations. has worked with the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority And, on January 11, 2017 – over 150 years since the Battle of to educate the public about the site, and to provide ongoing Ball’s Bluff – these historians saw a very special dream come interpretations and publications that describe in detail how what true when the United States Department of the Interior approved happened there influenced trends and outcomes in the Civil War. Loudoun County’s nomination to recognize thousands of As a result of the Department of the Interior’s actions, the additional acres at Ball’s Bluff Battlefield as worthy of National land and earth formations on both sides of Edwards Ferry Road, Historic Landmark status. Federal positions above the shoreline, Harrison Island, The action expands the 76-acre nationally recognized site to and other areas now carry the formal historic designation shared include 3,300 acres of riverfront land on both the Virginia and by 2,500 sites in the United States. Other local National Historic Maryland sides of the Potomac River, including Harrison Island, Landmarks include Oak Hill (President Monroe’s home on Rt. Maryland. 15), Oatlands, the George Marshall House in Leesburg, and the The expansion was lobbied for vigorously by the Loudoun Village of Waterford. What’s Your Presidential IQ, And Who Is Your Favorite? True or false, one US President once did he talk, to? Answer: James Garfield. named Nip & Tuck, d) a ram named Old We love presidential trivia and so do our worked as a hangman? (Answer: True. And, who did he talk to? You can probably Ike, or, e) a cat named Tigger? roving reporters Tim and Wyatt. So, this Grover Cleveland, who served from 1893 guess this: Alexander Graham Bell! Answer? Well, Nixon’s dog’s was name month, in honor of President’s Day, they to 1897, was once the sheriff for Erie And one more question ... multiple, Checkers, Teddy Roosevelt had the lizard asked a sampling of people off the street County, NY and had to “spring the trap” as multiple, multiple, multiple choice. Which named Bill, Calvin Collidge had the this question: Who was your favorite they say, twice.) of the following was NOT a pet owned by canaries and Woodrow Wilson owned the president, and why? And, how about this, who was the first the first family?: A) a dog named Checkers, ram. As far as we know, no first family ever So, here we go. Here are the presidents US president to talk on the phone and who b) a lizard named Bill, c) two canaries had cat named Tigger. who made the cut in Tim & Wyatt’s poll:

“Jimmy Carter, “I would have to say because the ones we “Abraham Thomas Jefferson. I “Ronald Reagan. In have been having Lincoln. He got us didn’t know him too my younger days, haven’t been too through the most well, but I’d say the America was really good. He was a turbulent times.” Louisiana Purchase messed up, and good man.” – Kim was the greatest land he helped fix the – Barbara deal ever made.” economy and put – John (descendant everything back in from Thomas order. Jefferson) – Josh

“Roosevelt, because he got us through “George World War II. He Washington, for all “Jefferson. He was “Abraham Lincoln. started many social the work he did for iconic, an artist, a His ghost still haunts programs. Without Virginia. He also thinker, and good the White House!” him I wouldn’t had great humility looking. That was – Simon have my Social as a leader.” a rare combination Security.” – Mary Ellen back in the day.” – Craig – Patti

“I don’t have a favorite “Reagan. He turned around the economy. He “Truman … have you got that one yet? A lot “TJ, because I went to UVA. president, but my favorite instituted low taxes, so businesses and people happened during his term: Korean War, he started Wahoowa!” – Ken would-be president is my man, thrived. He did lots of things: Strong military, the Air Force and the CIA, and many intelligence got us through the cold war, and tore down the agencies. He was his own man and the reason we “Eisenhower. He picked up our country Bernie Sanders.” Berlin Wall.” instituted the presidential pension – because he after the World War.” – Ben – Ian – Bradley had no money when he retired.” – Steve 10 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017

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2440 M Street NW, Suite 200 703-506-VEIN (8346) Washington, D.C. February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 11 Amy And Dan Smith’s Planning For Life – It’s Time To Review Your Estate Planning Basics Beginners and billionaires alike insurance premiums for “qualified however, consult with an attorney concerning legal advice. For legal advice regarding estate should refresh their knowledge of long-term care plans” to be medical all applicable laws and regulations. planning, the reader should contact his/her lawyer. these basic estate planning terms expenses, which means it’s possible While the most of us will never have Amy V. Smith Wealth Management, CFP, CIMA and concepts. to deduct them from federal taxes. huge fortunes to worry about, we should offers securities through Raymond James Financial The word “estate” tends to con- Many states offer tax breaks as well. still pay attention to our own legacies, how Services, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Her office is located at 161 Fort Evans Road, NE, Suite 345, jure up images of billionaires and And because benefits paid under we’ll protect them, and how they’ll affect Leesburg, VA 20176. Contact 703 669-5022 or www. aristocrats, but estate planning is long-term care insurance policies our loved ones. A legacy is not just about AMY & DAN SMITH Any opinions not just for the wealthy. It’s wide- generally aren’t taxable, long-term leaving what you earned- it’s about leaving are those of Amy and Dan Smith and not necessarily ly believed that estate planning in one form or care insurance can help avoid a nursing home what you’ve learned. those of Raymond James. Raymond James does not another is needed by everyone, and it doesn’t laying claim to all your assets until Medicaid guarantee that the foregoing material is accurate or need to be sophisticated, complex or costly kicks in. Check with a tax advisor to be sure. The foregoing article contains general legal complete and does not provide legal advice. Dan to help fulfill final wishes and protect assets. Power of attorney specifies who will information only and is not intended to convey Smith is not affiliated with Raymond James. Whether you are a prince or a pauper, refresh- represent you in the event that you’re ing on estate planning basics can help make unable to make or communicate decisions sure your legacy is left the way you intended. about all aspects of your healthcare. Keep It Simple Assigning joint power of attorney to An estate is the net worth of a person at two parties allows one to keep the other any point, including all land, possessions in check. The “two heads are better than and other assets. A good estate plan passes one” approach acts as a safeguard in case on your assets to intended recipients in a one individual becomes unable or unwilling manner and timing that reflects your wishes. to make important decisions. Common A will is not sufficient to protect your options include selecting two family assets. Wills are outdated as a form of members, a family member and a lawyer, comprehensive estate planning because or a bank or trust company. they only take effect at death- and with life A durable power of attorney differs expectancies higher than ever, the challenge from a traditional power of attorney in of protecting your assets begins much earlier. that it continues the agency relationship An estate plan should ensure that the cost of beyond the incapacity of the principal. long-term care for a disability won’t devour The laws for creating a power of attorney your assets, which could occur well before a vary from state to state, but there are certain will would come into play. general guidelines to follow. If no power Your estate plan should protect your of attorney is appointed, the state appoints assets from nursing homes. This can be guardians, conservators or committees, achieved by purchasing a long-term care depending upon local state law. Before you insurance policy. The IRS considers the or your loved ones sign any documents, Inspiring Young Investors – By Dylan Winick discussion and application, the students determine the qualities of a good investor The Wakefield In- and successful business, and then through vestment Club is a critical analysis they propose their fantastic opportunity recommended investment. Members for students of the up- of the investment club are entrusted with per school to learn a great deal of responsibility. Wakefield about investment and DYLAN WINICK School has generously gifted the Investment finance. For many stu- Club $50,000 to invest. By entrusting dents, this club serves as their first expo- the Investment Club with real money, the sure to information and skills pertinent to students are building confidence in the the investing world. The club began as the responsibility that comes with handling brainchild of Wakefield School’s Chairman money; and under the guidance of Neff, have of the Board of Trustees, John Neff. As a a chance of achieving success. The student- professional investor, he feels that under- investors have demonstrated exceptional Gerry Pierce standing the value of a business is a nec- intelligence and understanding, learning the essary tool to offer students. By gaining basics of investing over the course of only a Over 25 years experience. some background in investment, members few days. Chloe Osborn, ‘19, states, “I have Providing complete service of the Investment Club are able to supple- learned that investing can be risky, so I look ment their education with real world ex- forward to learning how to prevent failure that includes the engine, perience in a unique way. In the words of before it happens.” Neff, “There is real learning, real responsi- The club spend its time learning about generator, and transfer switch. bility, and real opportunity for those inter- equity, debt, leverage, and all of the Whether it is propane, ested. We’ve only scratched the surface of necessary things that go into running a the Investment Club’s full potential.” business. Wakefield investors learn how to natural gas or diesel, The club works as an investment firm notice events in the news that affect the stock with Portfolio Managers, Co/Assistant- portfolio and recognize companies they have Portfolio Managers and Sector Analysts,” researched. The Wakefield Investment Club We won’t leave you powerless. explains Grace Sacripanti, ‘18. Through is the beginning for many future investors. 12 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017

Just Like Nothing (Else) On Earth: A Rainy Romance George Marshall Center – By Samuel Moore-Sobel an impression on me, especially Cosmo’s (played by Donald “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen O’Connor) thrashing about as he – By Tim Jon them all” – a simple phrase uttered brought forth laughter from the in an acclaimed musical that helped audience through physical acting. I used to won- birth a star. The movie’s Kathy I even went so far as to attempt der why – after Selden (Debbie Reynolds) catches his routine, continually throwing his attention so completely that Don an assignment to MOORE-SOBEL myself down on the floor, leading visit the interior Lockwood (Gene Kelly) pursues my parents to express concern for of this place, I’d her. He works his way into her heart; and my future health. return feeling the rest is history. As the final chapter of Debbie Reynold’s life exhausted – both TIM JON With her recent passing, Debbie Reynolds closed, it caused me to reflect upon movies of mentally and physically worn has proven that Don Lockwood wasn’t the the past. What was it that so completely drew out – as if I’d been carrying an only one whose heart had been stolen. The me to love a film captured in a time from long extra couple hundred pounds or moment seems historic not only because ago? Things have undoubtedly changed since so – and gone sleepless for days - of her storied life, but because of what her 1952. No longer does an audience member visit for the duration of my stop. Now performance represented in Singin’ in the the movie theater to be entertained primarily by – jokes about my waistline aside Rain. The era of dancing featured in film dancing and singing. Dialogue plays a much (I’m no Tarzan, but I’m not that has been long over. Reynolds was a living more important role now. Sex and violence do rotund!) – and having studied symbol of that seemingly modest time. as well. Love stories are no longer acted out; the enormity of responsibilities Reynolds big start at the tender age of 19 the man, wooing a woman who almost always turned out to be much harder than expected. placed on the former occupant at the spirit and inspire the soul. Perhaps this shuns him at first. Hearts and emotions are “Making Singin’ in the Rain, and childbirth this address – I no longer marvel at whether was the whole idea behind the General’s exposed, while skin is kept concealed. were the two hardest things I have ever my imagination weighed me down – so to passion for cultivation; we heard – in repeated A sense of purity emanates from these done,” she often said. The famous scene speak – or if I actually absorbed some of the interviews with everyone connected to his older love stories, something lost in modern involving dancing on couches and singing, former Secretary of State’s energy while tour- activities – that his time spent out in the translation. When was the last time you “Good Morning, Good Morning” caused ing his house; either way it makes perfect flowers, vegetables and other greenery took went to a movie where the most physical her feet to bleed. Reynolds was not the sense to me that I’d feel a bit like Atlas in try- him away from all the stress of Washington, contact between two lovers was kissing? It only one struggling with physical ailments. ing to identify with the late George C Mar- international affairs and world conflicts – and would be naive to think that this is how all Gene Kelly reportedly had a 103-degree shall at Dodona Manor in Leesburg. I’d notice formed a relaxing and revitalizing tonic to sitting in those 1952 audiences acted in their fever when shooting commenced on the – upon returning from these trips to the quaint the man. I’m thankful that it did – and I trust own personal lives. One could argue that unforgettable “Singin’ in the Rain” sketch. little Newsroom at Wage Radio – that my usu- that not only Dodona Manor and its beautiful entertainment today is more true to reality; Perhaps the largest challenges help reap the ally bright, peppy energy level (in those days, grounds – but our larger world – enjoyed the but, do we go to the movies to be reminded of biggest rewards. anyway) had settled into a more contempla- benefits of his regenerating activities. reality, or to view and enjoy a simpler, more When moments of doubt enshrouded tive, ‘grandfather-ish,’ and almost dreamy Now – when I add all this together idealistic version of human existence? her, it was Fred Astaire who calmed her state after communing with the modern-day – the massive workload undertaken by This isn’t to say that all old movies are anxious nerves. “That’s what it’s like to stewards at the five-star General’s home. George Marshall – along with his list of masterpieces. Admittedly, many Fred Astaire learn to dance,” he told her. “If you’re not I recall noticing this effect for the first accomplishments – and the legacy of this movies, while featuring wonderful dance sweating, you’re not doing it right.” I guess time after I’d been shown the very desk at treasured estate and outside grounds – and scenes and compelling music, failed to my great-grandfather was right when he which George Marshall had penned what even my mysterious energy empathies deliver when it came to plot and character often described Astaire as “smooth.” Years would later be called the Marshall Plan – with the spirit of the man – it leaves me development. The beauty of “Singin’ in the later, Reynolds reflected on the challenge. his design for rebuilding Europe after the recalling that a synonym for our country’s Rain” is that it combines the two, delivering “I didn’t know that I couldn’t do it. So, I did destructive (yet very necessary) forces of Armed Forces is ‘the Service;’ and I wish a well-rounded picture. Not to wax nostalgic it, and I was terrific,” she said. World War II. I remember having some we had more leaders – in 21st Century about an era I did not experience, but it is hard Terrific she was – dancing her way into the pretty spooky sensations in going over this America – with a bit more – or a lot more to imagine many of the movies churning out hearts of millions of Americans, including sequence of events – and I remind you that – of the type of dedication possessed by the of Hollywood in our present day being able to my own decades later. My grandmother I’m more high-spirited – and even spiritual former resident at 217 Edwards Ferry Road stand the test of time. introduced me to many classics through her – than one quickly jumping to conclusions Northeast. He was very much a product Movie theaters around the country are collection of old movies. My love of the about spirits and such! of his time, but also - that era was greatly showing this movie, honoring the life of song “Just the Way You Look Tonight” came Now – after the benefit of a more objective affected by his efforts. Debbie Reynolds, and commemorating the from watching “Swing Time” dozens of viewpoint – almost 20 years later – I no On my last visit to Dodona Manor, I 65th anniversary of its making. I hope it times. Fred Astaire was always my favorite, longer really care – one way or the other took the pleasure of taking a leisurely stroll marks a moment in which the old can be for his elegance appeared effortless. In – whether some of the energy of a military around the exterior of the home – soaking infused with the new. Perhaps it already has the words of my great-grandmother, Gene genius reached out and grabbed me, or if up the calming energies of all the plant life – “La La Land” made some unmistakable Kelly possessed more athleticism, but Fred I simply (and unconsciously) employed in the yard and gardens – under the warmth references to this classic, and Hollywood Astaire exuded ``grace.’’ some of the more creative juices from my of an early-morning sun – and gave thanks reportedly has many more in the offing. There is something about watching Gene even earlier times on theatre stages in the that the General and his wife Katherine Either way, I’ll still smile when watching Kelly dance in the rain. The expressive joy Midwest and New York. Whatever the case, were able to spend as much time as they movies that helped form precious childhood seen on his face is contagious. Magically, I’ve gained – over all the intervening years - did (in the 1940’s and 1950’s) at this little memories. And you can guarantee that if something often viewed in our everyday an ever-increasing respect for the visionary oasis away from Washington and the raindrops begin falling from the heavens, lives as an inconvenience becomes work performed by the former US Army wars. This was his only permanent home there will be at least one young man in something to be celebrated. The “child- Chief of Staff, Secretary of Defense and in a lifetime of military engagement on Northern Virginia who will be “singin’, and like wonder” exhibited over a natural head of the Red Cross. behalf of his country; it’s easy to imagine dancin’, in the rain.” occurrence captured my imagination. Rain And whatever I felt inside Dodona Manor a resident of Dodona Manor accepting the was no longer something to be dreaded, but – and from whatever source it came – I Nobel Peace Prize; George Marshall was Samuel Moore-Sobel is probably one of rather, longed for. certainly enjoyed a sharp contrast in strolling the first-ever professional soldier to do so. the few of his generation who appreciates For my brother and me, acting out scenes around the exterior of the place; the expansive You could certainly say that – in eternity old movies. He plans on forcing his future from this gem was a constant throughout our yard, guarded by stately trees and softened – he rests in Peace. children to endure hours of watching this by the manicured gardens served only to lift childhoods. “Make ‘em Laugh” made quite classic film. On the web with daily updates at February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 13 Dream, Build, Believe Notaviva Vineyard Could Be Yours – By Hannah Hager Notaviva Vineyards When it comes to historical structures, Address: 13274 Sagle Road, Purcellville there are those who step into history ... Bedrooms: Four bedrooms and then there are those who make it. The Bathrooms: Two full and two half baths owners of Notaviva Vineyards were the Acreage: 5 acres under vine, additional ones who made it. plantable acreage It was the best of times; it was the worst List Price: $2.195 million of times for Stephen and Shannon Mackey Agent: Janeen Marconi, Hunt Country to carve their way into Loudoun’s storied Sotheby’s International Realty history during the Great Recession of Phone: 703 443-1757 the mid-aughts. At the time, the young They planted the vineyard, founded the growing wine industry is further detailed couple dreamed of a reimagined world of winery, started a family and held down in their tell-all memoir, “Dream. Build. could now be yours. synergies between wine and music that corporate careers all in front of the cameras Believe. Love, Wine, Music and the A simple search will reveal the would demonstrate their passion and will to of the HGTV reality television series, Founding of Notaviva Vineyards,” as is the breathtaking backdrop of the vineyard and succeed. Dream House. The rise of Virginia’s fast- construction of this home and winery that continued on page 16 SELLING HOMES, FARMS and LAND Marcy knows the Local Market Middleburg, VA $850,000 Purcellville, VA $430,000 Tennis Ct, Pool, Rm for Horses Great Location

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Meeting The Other America, continued from page 4 and chapels can be found at almost every block, and many of them are packed so full on Sundays that there are not enough pews for all of the people. Many local businesses are also closed on Sundays, making the city SHOP LOCAL downtown almost like a ghost town. Continental America, as a whole, isn’t racist, or at least they try not to be. Of course, due to the current practice of accusing people of such myriad transgressions as “white privilege,” “microaggressions,” “implicit bias,” and “cultural appropriation,” many people in coastal America (and some in continental America, too) consider continental Americans to be backwards, racist hicks deserving only of contempt for their rejection of modern, progressive values. These people have obviously never met (or cared to listen to) a continental American. Continental Americans, particularly those near reservations, are acutely aware of the plight of Native Americans in modern America. Many of these people also volunteer their time to try and help alleviate some of the extreme poverty found on many reservations. Far from being nasty, continental Americans are generally quite friendly to complete strangers, regardless of ethnicity. It’s not uncommon for two complete strangers to ask each other how they’re doing while just passing each other on the street. However, continental America is not in good shape. Years of poor economic conditions have taken their toll on the area. Even in the nicest areas of Rapid City, business turnover is high and many storefronts are empty at any one time. Most of the people in the area live in houses built before 1980, and few are the first owners of their houses. Drug epidemics, particularly the current opiate epidemic, have hid the community hard. Drug related arrests make up a majority of the cases of the Rapid City Police Department, surpassing even DUIs in terms of volume. Continental America has been mishandled, ignored and sometimes openly disparaged (remember the “basket of deplorables”). Maybe it’s time to stop and listen to them.

Nicholas Reid is a graduate of the Loudoun County High School system and is currently pursuing a degree in geology at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. He wants to become a paleontologist.

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Real Estate continued from page 13 winery. Words on paper pale in comparison, however, to the in-person views of this estate. Nevertheless, it’s easy to envision the rows of grapevines streaking the foothills of the . It’s not difficult to imagine the feeling of overlooking the pond outside the steps of the winery while sipping on vino of your own making. You could probably picture the design of the exposed beams spanning the cathedral ceilings that open up two stories of seating areas. Try to visualize the gleaming foresee a foundation for your own family hardwood floors circling the central serving becoming grounded just like the planters station as they reflect light from the large outside. windows, including one in the shape of a You can dream it; they built it. Now it’s North Star. Standing there, perhaps you time you see it to believe it.


$650,000 One of a kind, updated home on 20 wooded/open acres with possibility of subdividing. Custom home including 3 fireplaces, updated baths, wood floors through out, newer Argon Windows, large covered deck. Almost 3,000 finished sq ft. Marc train convenience.

JUST LISTED LEESBURG ADDRESS $249,000 Fantastic 2 acre lot with 3 bedroom rambler. Home in need of work, but would be a great property and location when finished. Split bedroom floor plan, many hardwood floors, carport and basement. Being sold “as is”

GREAT VALUE IN LOUDOUN COUNTY — $37,500 Rolling hills, trails, wildlife..... Quiet community offering interest in the environment and energy effcient building. Special lot that has authorization for a garage. Well installed. Convenient to Leesburg and commuter train. A great opportunity to build an energy efficient home.

February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 17

Joseph, continued from page 1 Middle School’s production of Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat – produced by Dolly Stevens, sponsored by the BRMS PTO and running Feb. 24 through March 5. With captivating characters such as Joseph and brothers Reuben, Simeon and Judah – and songs from Andrew Lloyd Webber – Technicolor Dreamcoat is a drama-lover’s work of art, a concert piece that over the years has evolved into a celebrated musical. As Stevens relates it, Webber wanted to use a lot of musical styles in Dreamcoat – including country western, calypso, rock and roll, French bistro and everything in between. With masterful choreography, and wonderful costumes and sets, the production will be nothing if not visually stunning and thoroughly professional. BRMS students practicing. Stevens wanted a pit band, for example ... and she got it, through a rare combination Also involved the production is Catina who work with them. In this category, star power we’ll all enjoy in your upcoming of professionals and student musicians. Anderson – photographer, part of the scenic Stevens shares with her students a production of Joseph And The Amazing All the children will, as always, steal the crew and assisting with the choreography. National Youth Award for Best Ensemble, Technicolor Dreamcoat. show. Hailing from Blue Ridge Middle Notably, each production crew is also a National Youth Award for Best Leading School and four different local elementary staffed with parents who have volunteered and Supporting Actors and a National Performance & Admission Details: Tickets schools, there are 48 BRMS students and to help pull the show together. Youth Award for Outstanding Production. can be purchased on-line at http:/brms. 12 younger students in the production. “Parents are an integral part of the “The diversity of the music, the many Or email BRMSplay@ Stevens gives a big shout out to Jacquelyn process, and I could not do what I do elements, attracted me to this show,” said On-line ticket sales will close at Volker, costume designer and Greg Powell, without them,” said Stevens. “In requiring Stevens. “There are some who take a midnight the night before each show. Tickets set designer. As a parent, Powell had such the parents to be involved behind the scenes simplified approach to producing a middle are $10 for all ages. Fri., Feb. 24 and Sat. positive past experiences with BRMS, … it becomes a shared memory.” school musical ... but I am not one of them.” Feb. 25 at 7:30 PM, Sun. Feb. 26 at 2:30 that he wanted to help again, said Stevens. Including 10 National Youth Awards, Thank you Dolly – ahead of time – for PM; Fri., Mar. 3 at 7:30, Sat. Mar. 4 at 2:30 Gretchen Lamb is returning for her second accolades that recognize dramatic the dramatic beauty you bring to Loudoun and 7:30 PM, Sun. Mar. 5 at 2:30 PM (the year as the production’s choreographer. excellence in youth as well as the adults County, and thank you, kids for the sweet final show). Loudoun Propane ® “Your Hometown Propane Company”®

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She had people who thought themselves better than a strong will and an ability to be funny, others. She hated injustice. When people joyous, and irreverent. tried to intimidate her, she dug in harder. Green was lit with vibrant energy. Energy But she also believed people could learn, that led her into situations you would never situations could change. Rather than turn have thought possible for a woman born in loved each other fiercely. She learned about her back on what she thought was wrong, 1944 in a small town at the very bottom of dedication from her mother, Elizabeth May, she acted. the state of Georgia. and the grandparents who helped raise Green loved her family completely and When Green threw herself into a project, her after her mother was left widowed was there for them no matter what. She there was no stopping her, or telling where with three young children. Carolyn, Betty, worried over them, but she was also just as her initial steps would lead. Her heart, her and Johnny teased and took care of each vocal in her pride in their accomplishments. sense of loyalty and of right, her love of other from the beginning, cooking dinner, She went to endless tennis matches, adventure, and her fearlessness propelled cleaning, and minding the garden. They had band concerts, riding lessons, and play her throughout her entire life. a childhood rich in love and the knowledge performances. She arranged the most So, for instance, in 1977, when the van Carolyn May Green that the people they loved believed they amazing weddings for her children in the came to deliver a new pony to the Farm to her, understood that she had that grasp of were special, part of a clan that persevered bank barn, and, with Bud, the most fabulous in Hamilton, and out stepped a starving people’s motivations that is the hallmark of through strong will. They were devoted to fundraisers for Habitat. thoroughbred mare that had been brought a real journalist, and asked her if she wanted each and supported each other throughout The end of her life was the final along to keep the pony quiet during the to be a reporter. Her first assignment, a trial their lives. demonstration of Green’s strength and ride, she stepped right up and said she run, as she told it, was to do a piece on Green’s mother showed her how women determination. She was just on the verge of wouldn’t let the horse leave. She and her homelessness in Leesburg. There isn’t any, could and should break down barriers. coming home to the Farm and her family. husband, Bud, were buying it. And they she protested. Go look, he replied. Sure In 1946, to earn a living, Elizabeth May She’d fought and dug in for more than two did. Next thing you knew, the Greens were enough, she got the story. She went on to became the first woman in her Georgia months while she was at the rehabilitation in the race horse business, breeding foals become one of the toughest investigative county to open a store, turning her talent for center in Charlottesville. She’d worked so from that mare, who turned out to have reporters around. But then she’d pivot, and smocking into The Tiny Princess shop. That hard to come off of the ventilator, showing pretty good bloodlines. And, if having write an entertaining feature about a local clothes store had a 52-year run, becoming that grit that made her who she was. And foals meant sleeping in a freezing barn in artist, easy as you please. a model for businesswomen throughout the then, the wrong antibiotic in her body at the January during snowstorms because the vet She was an extraordinary gardener. And state. wrong time ended her fight for her. might not be able to make it in time, so be she didn’t just spend her time crafting that She and Bud turned a rundown farmhouse Green is alive in the memories of her it. Green hated the cold. But she’d do what garden; she was also a fearless decorator. into an elegant, beautiful home made husband, Bud Green, children Craig and she had to, to have an adorable foal kicking But then again, she was also a gracious, for entertaining their friends and raising Heather Green, sister Betty Warwick, up its heels. fun hostess who put together extravagantly children and grandchildren. Carolyn and brother John May, and grandchildren Or when Green walked into the office of perfect parties for her friends. Bud’s attack on the place – the dry walling, Marley and Meghan Green, and Lilly Greer. Leesburg Today to complain that the paper There was plenty about where Green stripping of bricks, painting of walls and Memorial gifts may be made in her honor to wasn’t doing stories on land use around came from that made sense in this woman, doors, sanding of floors, recovering of the Virginia chapter of the Sierra Club and Hamilton. The editor, Brett Phillips, listened raised by a strong woman in a family that furniture, and sewing – turned that rundown Keep Loudoun Beautiful. Remembering Daniel Everard Juraschek Daniel E. Juraschek died Thursday, Dec. 22 received a Bachelor of Science degree in aunts, and cousins. after a fall in his home in Charles Town, WV. biology from Longwood University in In lieu of flowers, donations may be made Juraschek, 36, earned a Master’s Degree 2003. During his college years, he trained to a charity of your choice or one of these in Environmental Science and Policy from as an emergency medical technician. that most impacted his life: Missionary Johns Hopkins University in 2007 and Best known for his wonderful sense of Jason Hamilton (C/O The Bridge had worked in a number of environmental humor, he was also an enthusiastic cook who Community Church, 112 S. Fairfax Blvd., management positions in the Washington loved entertaining in his home on the banks Ranson, WV, 25438; area and West Virginia, most recently as of the Shenandoah River where he opened his field-workers/jason-adelyne-hamilton ); an environmental engineer and industrial house, his heart and his life to one and all. Servants 4 Him (PO Box 597, Hamilton, health and safety consultant with the Juraschek is survived by his wife Dayna VA, 20159; ); Martinsburg VA Medical Center; DuPont, Wilhelm Juraschek; his daughters, Evelyn Ashley Addiction Treatment (800 Tydings BP Solar, the Virginia Department of and Eliza, a foster child Kayla Gaydosh; Ln, Havre De Grace, MD, 21078, https:// Environmental Quality and the Town of his mother, Wanda Munsey Juraschek of Please share Leesburg. Just before his death he had Berryville; four siblings, Nathaniel Juraschek with his family which charity you choose accepted a new position in environmental of Olathe, KS; Millie Shipe of Charlottesville; and how it reminds you of him. engineering with Booz Allen Hamilton. Amanda Balas of Middleway, WV, and A viewing of Daniel E. Juraschek was held He was born on April 25, 1980 in Bethany Davis of Denver, CO; and by his Monday, Dec. 26, at Hall Funeral Home. Washington, D.C., grew up in Manassas grandparents, Ann and Everard Munsey of The memorial service was Wednesday, and Hillsboro, and graduated from Loudoun Leesburg and by his grandmother, Marcia Dec. 28 at The Bridge Community Church Daniel Everard Juraschek Valley High School in Purcellville. He Juraschek of Dumfries, and many uncles, in Ranson, WV. On the web with daily updates at February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 19 20 COMMUNITY February 2017 Wildlife Ambassadors Leesburg Mayor Kelly Hillsboro Planning Burk To Deliver State Of More Big Changes Continues With – By Amanda The Town Address Clark Educational Programs Wednesday, Feb. 8 After recently ex- panding its bound- On Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 6:30 p.m., Mayor Kelly aries, Hillsboro is Burk will deliver her first annual State of the Town set to initiate more address. The address will take place in the Council changes for the Chamber on the second floor of the Leesburg Town community. At a Hall, 25 West Market Street. The public is encouraged L to R: Catoctin Supervisor Geary Higgins, Hillsboro State of to attend. Center – Hillsboro Mayor Roger Vance, the Town commu- Congresswoman Barbara Comstock and Blue Mayor Burk’s address will be broadcast on the nity breakfast and Ridge Supervisor Tony Buffington. Town’s local government access cable channel, open house Jan. 28, residents discussed what is in the offing. Channel 67 on Comcast and Channel 35 on Verizon The largest of the planned projects is the complete FiOS. In addition, the address will be streamed live revamping of Main Street, which commuters know as Rt. 9. from the Town website at Some 16,000 vehicle trips make their way on Main Street webcasts. The video will be archived and available for each day, through the center of the hamlet. The aim of the on-demand viewing at the same web address. reconstruction is to help drivers travel at reasonable speeds, while also providing parking areas, sidewalks, and raised crosswalks. Presently, construction is slated to begin in Four Young Historians Discuss 2019, and be completed by late spring 2020. But the Town Civil War Turning Points is working to accelerate the timetable. Aside from a planned Post Office with its own zip code, Oliver a Greenwing Macaw turned 20 this year – he was donated to the other major project is a new water and sewer system. By Wildlife Ambassadors 17 years ago when the Rainforest Café restaurant in Tysons Corner closed down. Fall of next year, Hillsboro residents will be able to drink the tap water without boiling it first. Parrots and opossum and snakes, oh my! All kinds Joining other residents at the Jan. 28 breakfast were of animals can be found at Wildlife Ambassadors in members of the Town Council, as well as Catoctin Purcellville. Since 1996, the organization has been Supervisor Geary Higgins, Blue Ridge Supervisor Tony presenting educational wildlife programs for schools, Buffington, Board of Supervisors Chair Phyllis Randall, libraries, birthday parties, and special events. and Congresswoman Barbara Comstock. The collection of animals has come to Wildlife Ambassadors from other area animal rescues, county Bed And Breakfast Guests Can animal shelters, wildlife rehabilitators, and individuals. One of the oldest ambassadors, Oliver, a green wing macaw, Learn Cooking With Chef was donated to Wildlife Ambassadors in October of 2000 by the Rainforest Café restaurant in Tysons Corner. He The Briar Patch Bed & Breakfast Inn is of- has become one of the most popular ambassadors over the fering cooking classes with its chef to guests years. His size is impressive, and he can crack a Brazil nut who schedule stays during the weekend of in three seconds! Feb. 24 and 25. Or you can just attend the Several opossum and other native wildlife have been cooking class without the overnight stays. transferred to the program from area wildlife rehabilitators. Friday night of the stay includes a wine tast- The raccoon Sophie was the most memorable animal that ing with an expert from a local winery and ap- came from a wildlife rehabilitator. She and her family had petizers prepared by the chef. A 3-wineries tour is an option been knocked out of a tree during a hurricane, and she was for Saturday afternoon. And a cooking class will be offered the only one to survive. Her fall at such a young age caused on Saturday at which guests will learn from Chef Matt Fi- The Mosby Heritage Area Association will hold a talk damage to a hind leg. She was transferred to Wildlife narelli in February as well as enjoy a four-course meal. To featuring a panel of four young historians who will discuss Ambassadors, and after care, she ended up in a nearby learn more go to turning points in the Civil War. The talk will be held at Unison raccoon sanctuary where she is living with other raccoons. Methodist Church, 21148 Unison Road, Middleburg, from Although most programs are presented in schools and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 12. Tickets will be sold libraries, Wildlife Ambassadors does a lot of special events. at the door or online at Woodgrove Gymnastics The animals have made appearances at the Leesburg for $15 each. These young historians/scholars/authors are Flower and Garden Festival, the Loudoun County Fair, and members of the group “Emerging Civil War,” and provide Team Places First First Night celebrations in Leesburg and Warrenton. The fresh perspectives on the Civil War, 152 years after the fact. programs cover different habitats, animal adaptations and survival skills, and wildlife conservation. Some of the most popular programs are Rainforest Rescue, Creepy Crawlies, Music With A Cause Continues Amazing Animals, and Wildlife in Winter. Through Rainforest Rescue, students learn about the Feb. 26 – St. Andrews beauty and importance of tropical rain forests through Feb. 26, 4 p.m. A Taste of Spring! Beethoven’s gorgeous parrots, a huge Argentinian tegu, tarantulas, “Spring Sonata” for violin and piano forms the heart of and a red footed tortoise. At the end of the assembly, the a recital by Venezuelan violinist Marjory Serrano and students are able to make a difference with the Adopt An Taiwanese pianist Hsin-Yi Chen, featuring additional Acre program – which donates a portion of the program classics by Mozart, Coleridge-Taylor and Albeniz. fee to protect rain forest land. The students get to research, The 7th concert in the Music with a Cause series at and vote to decide on the geographic area of rain forest they St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Purcellville, will wish to protect. Their school receives a certificate from the benefit Mobile Hope of Loudoun. Tickets are $15; ages From L-R - Erin Ramsey (10th), Dani Kimbrough (10th), Lauren Sutara Center for Ecosystem Survival. 17 and under free. Go to, or (11th), Sarah Snare (12th), Kaycee Delitta (12th), River Stone (10th), Erin For more information, go to www.wildlifeambassadors. call 540 338-4332. Keane (9th), Jodi Snare (9th) org or call 571 252-0036. February 2017 OUT & ABOUT LOUDOUN & BEYOND 21

Create Some Romantic, Road Trip Hidden Stars By Myles Mellor and Sally York Memories With Your Valentine

© doublecompile IMG_20111211_153206, Creative Commons – By Andrea Gaines your bank account. But, with just a few hours out of your schedule you can take a beautiful drive Growing up on eastern Long Island my family heading west on Rt. 50 out of the quaint Village and I would often just hop in the old station wagon of Upperville, to Mountain Ridge Road (Rt. 601) and go for a drive. We’d cruise through the on the right. The ridge road runs for several farms, beaches and villages of the place, stopping absolutely spectacular miles, and connects with at special spots where you could stay in the car Rt. 7 west of Purcellville as it ends. ACROSS 3. Carbamide and admire the view ... or stretch your legs and do Bear’s Den Overlook – Just before you get to Rt. 1. Ballyhoo 4. “___ Woman,” Fleetwood Mac a little exploring. 7 on your Road trip you’ll see 5. Cut’s partner tune Eastern Long Island had lots of special places signs for Bear’s Den, a hiker’s spot and hostel that 10. Crescent point 5. Agnolotti and bucatini, e.g. that over the years created a beautiful series also provides access to the Appalachian trail. Pull 14. Coin featuring Leonardo da 6. Union station? of road trip memories for me. And, getting to in. Bear’s Den overlook is a short walk/hike from Vinci’s Vitruvian Man 7. Serpentine know Loudoun, I see that this County carries the the parking area. It has a large rock formation that 15. Letter opener? 8. Over, for short same kind of potential ... maybe some romantic also provides a spectacular view of the Shenandoah 16. “Finnegans Wake” wife 9. How Phileas Fogg traveled activities for Valentine’s Day ... with whomever River, and points west towards Winchester. 17. ___ Rose 10. Certain beans or whatever takes up the task at the moment. Airmont Road – This beautiful byway is called 18. Moves a muscle 11. Deprive of heat? With an eye toward beauty ... and romance (?) ... New Cut Road where it leaves the Village of Round 19. First fugitive? here are a few of the Blue Ridge Leader’s favorites Hill heading south, turning into Airmont as it crosses 12. Insinuating – easy local road trips where you can savor the view under Rt. 7 west. Along the way, the road shows 20. Tells fortunes, in a way 13. Wuss and make some memories. you some of Loudoun’s most beautiful properties 23. Frank kept one 21. Anger, e.g. A Mount Gilead Climb – Rt. 15, which runs and farmsteads and takes you past quintessential 24. Comfortable 22. Grasshopper sound, var. north and south form Leesburg is a wonderful drive, country spots, including the Airmont Country 25. Nickelodeon staples 25. Newfoundland promontory with great views in either direction ... especially in Store. Airmont turns into Greengarden Road after 28. Sonata, e.g. 26. Body of verse early spring when the redbuds are in bloom. We like it intersects with Trappe Road. And, from there 30. Primatologist’s study 27. Medical advice, often to head south from Leesburg and then take a hard towards Rt. 50 your trip takes you back in time, over 31. Player 28. Arab League member right on Hogback Mountain Road (Rt. 651). This narrow dirt pathways and centuries-old bridges. So 33. Finish, with “up” 29. Ballpoint, e.g. twisty-turny road takes you all the way up historic special. So, Loudoun. 36. Tamarindo, for one 31. Embellish Mount Gilead, with lots of exquisite vistas along the Harper’s Ferry – If someone were to ask me way. Take a left on Mt. Gilead Road and explore to name an absolutely failsafe hike in the area, I’d 40. Body shop fig. 32. Big club this special community. A right will take you back say, Harpers Ferry. Your canine friends will love it. 41. Greek physician 33. Iris holder towards Leesburg, where Mt. Gilead and Harmony Lots of trails and places to wander. Food lovers will 42. Part of CNN 34. Puts in stitches Church Roads meet Rt. 15. delight in all the great coffee shops and restaurants. 43. ___ over 35. Start with while Blue Ridge Mountain Road – Rt. 50 runs And, people who love to take photos and poke 44. Horrified 37. Banded stone from Ocean City, Maryland to West Sacramento, around in historical nooks and crannies can’t get 46. Round trip? 38. Amscrayed California. That would be some road trip – if you enough of it. Easy to find. Head north on Rt. 15 out 49. Ancient musical instrument 39. Kind of treatment could leave your life and job for a month and drain of Leesburg and let GPS do the rest. 51. Likely loser in court 43. Foot travelers Carter Center Events For February 57. Literally, “injured” 44. Knitting pattern, var. 58. Boys of books 45. Wildebeest b Monthly Lunch & a Movie — Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom 59. Traveling 46. Young hooter Friday, Feb. 3, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. Call 571-258-3407 to pre-register by Noon on February 2. 60. Anon’s partner 47. “The Canterbury Tales” pilgrim 61. A rival 48. Supported b Pickleball (Ages 18 and up) 62. Tide type 49. Boatload Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., on-going 63. Williams and Kennedy 50. Court call b Lyme Support Group (Ages 18 and up) First Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., on-going 64. Spiraling form 52. “Heartbreak House” writer b Valentine’s Day Dance (Ages 55 and up) Friday, Feb. 10, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. $3 65. White-tailed eagle 53. Hyperbolic tangent b Love Songs Performance. Alice Power and The Hamilton Trio. Tuesday, Feb. 14, 1 p.m. to 1:30 54. The America’s Cup trophy, e.g. p.m. (Ages 55 and up) DOWN 55. Indian bread b Jerry’s Jukebox (Ages 14 and up) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., ongoing 1. Seckel, for one 56. Create an email 2. Elegance b Alzheimer’s Support Group (Ages 18 snd up) 4th Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m., on-going. Answers on page 25 22 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017

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Valentine’s, continued from page 1 helps us focus on our love object and that promote fair trade (in chocolates and develop connections recognized as special. CLASSIFIEDS flowers) to groups that advocate for the And, those long-term partnerships provide homeless. us with a sense of security. But, the parts of But what is this thing called love ... and the brain related to love and attractiveness how do we know that “love” is what we are are highly-evolved. feeling? It’s not just an instinctual or emotional The Most Complicated Of Emotions reaction that draws us to love someone, but, People in love relationships are apt to an intricate reasoning process that tells us evaluate the strength of their love based something about the intentions of others. on what or how much they or the other “He’s a man I think I can trust to do right by person invests in that relationship – and that me,” a woman might tell her mother. Clearly, includes how much money they spend. love is not just something that feels good to us, But, the way we show our love has a very but also something that enhances our quality idealistic side, too. As the old Beatles song of life ... maybe even our odds of survival. says: Do Animals, Love? Say you don’t need no diamond ring and It is unknown whether animals I’ll be satisfied, Tell me that you want the experience romantic love, say researchers. But, studies show that animals are kind of things that money just can’t buy. downward spiral, and he may be a attached to their owners in ways that go Dr. Mike, continued from page 1 I don’t care too much for money, candidate for a program outside of the ‘Cause money can’t buy me love. beyond seeing them as a source of food, are not equipped to treat, and most will home – a residential treatment center, So, what is this thing called love? How shelter, and protection. not even accept, teens with significant therapeutic boarding school, and/or a does it show itself? And, what are some of Researchers describe the relationship mental health struggles and needs. You wilderness program – and he may need the finer points about the history behind this between horses and humans as something should also know that military school to go away to get better against his will. day and our most sacred love traditions? akin to an “interspecies co-being.” Horses tuition isn’t inexpensive, and if your Yes, he will likely be angry with you Surveys show that people go into love and humans have changed and evolved to son is dismissed after being enrolled, initially if you decide to send him to a relationships with very high hopes and be a better fit for each other physically as a lot of military schools won’t refund program, but in the right environment lofty expectations. But, those surveys also well as emotionally. It is equine science’s your tuition. Unfortunately, as a and at the right program he will be show that love is based on another person’s belief that horses relate to people as psychologist, I’ve seen many families evaluated and his needs will finally get goodness. People value the goodness they individuals, and that people do the same. lose tens of thousands of dollars in these addressed; his anger should dissipate as see in themselves; and, when they see those If a horse could talk, it might say “I get sorts of moments. In addition to losing he make progress and improves. same values in another, they experience along with Jane, but I absolutely adore money, the wrong sort of placement Again, I appreciate the seriousness love for that person. her sister Frances!” Cats are more aloof could actually make things worse for and the urgency of your moment, and Love’s Traditions & Origins – more distant and less demonstrative your son as well. at this point, I strongly recommend Emperor Claudius II did not want Roman in their affection and closeness. But In my opinion, your son needs to that you turn to a professional who men to marry during wartime. A bishop named dogs, however, are the kings and queens be thoroughly evaluated and ASAP. specializes in placements in your Valentine refused the emperor’s orders, and of the interspecies love relationship. Dog There is a possibility that all he needs son’s area of need if your son remains married people in secret. Valentine was jailed owners stick with their canine ‘til the end ... is increased structure and discipline unwilling to address his problems with and eventually executed for his actions, an because they know the dog would do the same away from home for things to improve you at home. The School Counseling injustice that many see as one of the origins of for them. Dogs, in fact, have been shown to (i.e. a military school or boarding Group in Washington, DC has been my Valentine’s Day. have a primitive understanding of human school setting), but unless you get him go-to referral for these sorts of moments It was also a man who started the distress – assuming the role of caretaker, evaluated, you won’t really know how for over a decade now. Peter Sturtevant Valentine’s card tradition. Charles, Duke for example, when a person is crying. bad things are for him or what he really is the director of the group and a top- of Orleans, was imprisoned in the Tower While cats are generally seen as more needs in order to get better. shelf professional, and he would be of Loudoun after being captured in the aloof than both dogs and horses, If his emotional and/or substance use a good person to speak to. He can be Hundred Years War. “Je suis Deja d’amour they still show preferences for issues are significant (and it appears they reached at: 202 333-3530. I also invite tanne ma tres doulce Valentinee ... “ (I individuals unrelated to factors such are based on what you’ve written), and if you to call me directly at: 703 723-2999 am already sick of love, my very gentle as which human provides the food. he remains unwilling to get help locally, should you have more questions for me Valentine), Charles wrote to his wife in the Finally, animal pairs that have spent a lot and if you feel that you’ve exhausted all or for additional support and guidance. year 1415. It was later recognized as the of time together often change their behavior other options, I think you should then first Valentine’s Day card. when one of them is in need, taking over take unilateral action as parents on your Michael Oberschneider, Psy.D., is a Let’s Get Physical when their “love” is suffering from illness son’s behalf. Similar to if your son had clinical psychologist in private practice. Love is, of course, associated with the or incapacity, for example. cancer and was refusing treatment that His new children’s book, ‘Ollie Outside’ human sex drive, but romance and long- Ah ... love ... animal or otherwise ... ain’t would help him to recover, you would is released through Free Spirit Publishing. term partnerships serve us, too. Romance it grand. override him at 15 to get him the help Go to or call 703 723- he needed. Given what you’ve shared, 2999 for more. your son appears to be on a very steep “We believe in supporting local businesses” Answers to puzzle from page 21 The Blue Ridge Leader is pledged to “Ray and I have been consistent advertisers of the letter and spirit of Virginia’s and The Blue Ridge Leader for many years. We like to HUD’s Equal Opportunity Housing advertise the homes we list for sale because we Policies. Virginia’s Fair Housing are proud to have them appear alongside the im- Law makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based portant local news and thoughtful editorials written on race, color, national origin, sex, elderliness, by area residents. We believe in supporting local familial status and handicap. This newspaper will businesses and because we are local we find The not knowingly accept advertising for real estate that Blue Ridge Leader readers support us too!” violates the Fair Housing Law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in the paper — Sam and Ray Rees are available on an equal housing opportunity basis. For more information about Virginia’s Fair Housing Law, or to file a Fair Housing complaint, call the Blue Ridge Virginia Fair Housing Office at 804.376.8530; toll-free & 888.551.3247; for the hearing impaired: 804.527.4290; LEADER LOUDOUN TODAYSince 1984 email – fair [email protected]; web: www. Follow The Leader 26 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY February 2017 Support Local Business Owners & Neighbors!

SMALL BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING Accurate, Affordable, Reliable Rochelle J. Dallons Chief Executive Officer

You Can (571) 249-4316 Ext 700 Count on Us [email protected] CLS Follow Us On Twitter COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPING SERVICES, LLC. Landscape • Bond Release • Mowing • Hardscape Turf Management Services • Licensed & Insured "Because Service Matters" @BRLeaderNEWS Michael Franklin, Owner 540.624.3111 [email protected]

LOUDOUN COUNTY ADULT DAY C CENTERS For Seniors with Physical Limitations or Memory Loss

A Our licensed adult day centers provide: ! A safe, social R environment with therapeutic activities

! Respite for caregivers needing support & V free time Carver Center ! Reasonable sliding 200 Willie Palmer Way scale fees Purcellville, VA 20132 571-258-3400 Offering engaging activities, individualized personal care, E nutritious lunch and snacks, exercise, medication administration, health monitoring and limited transportation. A unique facility, combining full Open weekdays from 7:30AM – 5:30PM. Community Center classes in the Purcellville Ashburn Leesburg afternoons, evenings and on Saturdays, R Carver Center (off S. 20th St.) (off George Washington Blvd.) (near Leesburg Airport) with Senior Center programming 200 Willie Palmer Way 45140 Riverside Parkway 16501 Meadowview Ct. weekdays from 9:00-2:00. Small and 571-258-3402 571-258-3232 703-771-5334 large rooms also available to rent for Video online at: private or public functions. Administered by Loudoun County Area Agency on Aging, Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Services. February 2017 Blue Ridge LEADER & LOUDOUN TODAY 27 LOOKING TO SELL IN 2017? Now is the time to call us to help you put your plan in action. We will help you prepare and price your home to take advantage of the Winter Market. We offer personalized service with years of experience, a fantastic marketing platform including advertising, social media, drone and video options and we provide access to a wonderful support team of handy persons, contractors, home stagers, inspectors, cleaners and movers! Whether you are moving up the street or across the country we can help you every step of the way. ROUND HILL LEESBURG

Fantastic horse property with center aisle barn and 3 finished levels 30 Acre custom estate with 800’ of Potomac River frontage $689,900 READY THIS SPRING RESTORED HISTORIC

LEESBURG – 2.28 Acres – mountain views – Hamilton – 15 acres – 18th century gem stunning interior! with new kitchen & geothermal $569,900 $849,900


“Sam and Ray are amazing realtors who sold our 14 acre property in Purcellville. They truly understand the market and the type of buyer that would be attracted to this type of property. Advice was spot on in terms of where to make any investments and how best to show the house. They were involved in every aspect of the sale including all inspections and contract/walk-through work on the house. They managed our expectations, provided great advice, and got the house sold! We would highly recommend them to anyone selling in Loudoun County. I would definitely use them again for real estate in this area.” JUST SOLD PURCELLVILLE

Call Sam and Ray Rees, ASSOCIATE BROKERS ON THE MARKET... WITH SAM & RAY REES 703.408.4261 [email protected] Downtown Purcellville Office