Index supracrustal rocks, age, 706, 707 axis of intermediate susceptibility (K or K ), A int 2 thrusting over Adirondack Highlands, 8–9, 289–290 Adirondack Highlands. See also Central 287, 319, 321, 375–376 axis of maximum susceptibility (Kmax or K1), Granulite Terrane; Lyon Mountain Wellesley Island leucogranite, 263 289–290 granite and gneiss; Marcy AMCG suite Adirondacks. See also anorthosite-mangerite- axis of minimum susceptibility (Kmin or K3), (Adirondack Highlands); Moose River; charnockite-granite (AMCG) 289–290 New Russia gneiss complex magmatism; Carthage-Colton shear comparison between petrographic lineation and age, 269 zone (Carthage-Colton mylonite zone) foliation of samples, 292, 294–295 geological description, 300, 358, 380 anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite magnetic foliation (Kmax-Kint plane, or Kmin geological setting, 269, 286 (AMCG) magmatism dates, 3, 286, axis), 290 hornblende granites, 269, 271 301, 338 magnetic lineation (Kmax), 290 maps, 381, 699 composition of Adirondack AMCG rocks, 340 magnetofabric analysis, 291, 292 metamorphic ages, 286, 287, 302 Elzevirian folding and deformation, 286, 295, magnetofabric orientation, 290 Ottawan granulite-facies metamorphism, 338, 296, 301–302, 750 petrofabric analysis, 289–290, 291–294 380 Elzevirian orogeny (Elzevirian pulse) effects, petrofabric and magnetofabric comparison, peak metamorphic conditions, 302 286, 295, 296, 750 methods, 290–291 pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) path of folding and deformation phases, 287, 294–296 regional distribution of the domains of metamorphism, 281–282 general information, 8–11 magnetofabrics, 291, 292 supracrustal rocks, age, 707 geological description, 165, 300, 338–340 S-C fabrics, 292–294 Adirondack Lowlands. See also Central maps, 9, 338, 339, 506, 648 S1 and S2 foliations, 292–294 Metasedimentary Belt; Diana syenite models for Lowlands-Highlands juxtaposition stereonet showing AMS principal axes and Antwerp granite, 301, 339 and thermotectonic evolution of the inferred petrofabric foliation, 291 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages Carthage-Colton shear zone, 8–9, 302, stereonets showing AMS principal axes and age variations, 313 319–321, 376 inferred petrofabric foliation, 290, 294 40Ar/39Ar dates of hornblendes of mylonite Ottawan deformation effects in Adirondack triaxial ellipsoid, orientation of axes in, zone, 287 anorthosites, 339 289–290 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating results for Ottawan granulite-facies metamorphism in anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite biotite, 306–307, 309–313 Adirondacks, 338, 380 (AMCG) magmatism 40Ar/39Ar incremental-heating results for Ottawan orogeny compression, 286, 295, 296, in Central Granulite Terrane, 359 hornblende, 306–309 302 in Central Metasedimentary Belt, 359 cooling rate estimation, 313, 314 regional geobarometry inconsistencies, 295, dates in Adirondacks, 3, 286, 301, 338 parallelism of age-distance trends for 296, 300 dates in Morin terrane, 3, 36, 37 hornblende and biotite, 313–314, 315, syn-post-Ottawan collapse of overthickened dates in western Grenville province, 3 319 Adirondack crust, 295, 319, 506 emplacement, as major event in Adirondack regional cooling trends, 302, 313 TIMS ages of tonalitic gneiss in Adirondacks, tectonic evolution, 286 samples and methods, 303, 306 749–750 granulite-facies metamorphism and regional temperature-time cooling trajectories, 314 U-Pb and 40Ar/39Ar mineral ages in eastern deformation, 338 electron microprobe analyses of biotites and Central Metasedimentary Belt and map of AMCG suite plutonic rocks in hornblendes, 304–306 western Central Granulite terrane, 319 Grenville Province, 5 Elzevirian folding and deformation, 286, 295, Adirondian magmatism, 3 Mealy Mountains terrane, 107 296, 301–302 Algonquin terranes, 82, 106, 338 regional significance, 352 exhumation, 300, 314–315, 320 Alleghanian orogeny, tectonic transport of Blue role in Adirondack tectonic evolution, 286 geochronology, 301–302 Ridge rocks westward, 478, 648, anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite Hermon granite, 301 687–688 (AMCG) suites Hyde School Gneiss, 247, 301 Allochthonous high-pressure (HP) belt, 106. See Adirondacks Hyde School granite, 339 also Grand Lake thrust system; Molson charnockite-mangerite relations, 341–342 inclined isotherm model, 316–318 Lake terrane coeval emplacement of anorthosite and lateral oblique movement during Ottawan Allochthonous low-pressure (LP) belt, 106. See granitoid magmas, 342, 351–352 orogeny, 375–376 also Lac Joseph terrane; Mealy composition of Adirondack AMCG rocks, lithospheric delamination, 301, 302, 380, 506 Mountains terrane 340 maps, 286, 699 Allochthonous Monocyclic Belt, 164, 166, 268 description, 338 metamorphic ages, 287 Allochthonous Polycyclic Belt, 5, 496 geological setting, 338–340 Ottawan compression, 395 Amazonia maps, 338, 339 Ottawan compression, absence of, 295, 296, collision with Laurentia to form Rodinia, 136, SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, 302, 313, 320 286–287, 302, 321, 338–339 343–353 as part of Frontenac terrane, 165, 286, 295 paleomagnetic evidence against collision with tholeiitic characteristics, 664 peak metamorphic conditions, 301–302 Laurentia, 392 xenocrysts in charnockite, 341 petrographic data for hornblendes and biotites, suture between the Laurentian and Diana syenite, 288, 295 303 Amazonian/Rio de la Plata cratons, 544 Harp Lake AMCG suite, 107, 338, 758 post-orogenic cooling, 300, 302 AMCG. See anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite- Marcy AMCG suite (Adirondack Highlands) regional tilting model, 315–316, 317–318, 320, granite (AMCG) magmatism age, 164, 165, 338, 339 321 anatexis, 268, 269 comparison to composition of other AMCG Rockport granite, 301, 339 anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) rocks, 758 799 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/955261/back_matter.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 800 Index anorthosite-mangerite-charnockite-granite whole-rock Nd isotope data, 466–467 analysis of Th/U data, 426–427 (AMCG) suites (continued) Appalachian orogenic cycle, 3 electron microprobe analysis, 415, 423–424, Marcy AMCG suite (continued) Appalachian “Wilson cycle,” 127 428 geological description, 165, 338, 339 Archean gneisses, metamorphosis during origin of metamorphic titanite, 426–427 map, 164 Grenville orogeny, 37 SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology, 424–425, oxygen isotope ratios (δ18O), 167–168, 169, atomic number, absorption fluorescence (ZAF), 426 171, 172–173, 174 326 Townson antiform, 413, 415, 421, 423–424 Michikamau AMCG suite, 107 Ausable River anorthositic pegmatite and Woodstock antiform, 413, 420, 421 Mistastin AMCG suite, 107 clinopyroxene plagioclase dike, 339 zircons Morin AMCG suite Australia/Western United States (AUSWUS) analysis of Th/U data, 425–426, 427 age, 3, 36–37, 165, 338, 352 reconstruction, 642–643 morphology and cathodoluminescence, 415, comparison to composition of other AMCG 419–420 rocks, 758 B origin of metamorphic zircon, 425–426 geological description, 165–166 SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology, maps, 164, 338 backscattered electron (BSE) imaging 415–418, 420–423, 424–425 Novillo Gneiss (Mexico) dioritic orthogneiss from Cape Caribou River Baltimore terrane. See Baltimore Gneiss; chemical analysis, 757, 758 allochthon, 116, 122 Glenarm Group geological description, 757 images of Adirondack Highlands zircon Bancroft domain, 36, 184, 185, 393. See also Nb-Y tectonic discrimination diagram, 757, separates, 272–274 Bancroft shear zone; Composite Arc 758 Moose River gneisses, 329, 331 Belt U-Pb geochronology, 759, 760–761 Baffin orogen, 2 Bancroft shear zone, late extensional motion, 392 anorthosite massifs. See also basement massifs; Baie à Cadie Mafic-Ultramafic Suite, geological basement gneiss. See Chicoutimi Gneiss Harp Lake AMCG suite; Havre-Saint- description, 69 Complex Pierre anorthositic suite; Lac St. Jean Bakersville dike swarm (North Carolina). See basement massifs. See also anorthosite massifs; Anorthosite Suite; Marcy meta- also Crossnore Complex Blue Ridge basement complex; Blue anorthosite massif; Mealy Mountains age, 436, 460, 572 Ridge Mountains (Blue Ridge anti- terrane; Morin terrane, Morin AMCG geological description, 435, 436 clinorium); Blue Ridge thrust complex; suite; Nain Plutonic Suite; Oregon intrusion into Blue Ridge basement complex, Mesoproterozoic basement rocks Dome; Riviere Pentecote 436 Mesoproterozoic basement massifs in the Ottawan deformation effects in Adirondack intrusion into Blue Ridge thrust complex, 681, eastern United States, 412, 427–429, anorthosites, 339 687 507 Anse à Philippe Layered Intrusion, 67, 70–71. intrusion into Mars Hill terrane, 610, 615, 616 term definitions, 526 See also Saguenay region maps, 436, 573, 683 Baskatong-Dozois shear zone, 36 Anticosti Island, 502 Baltimore Gneiss. See also Glenarm Group Battersea pluton, 164, 172 Antwerp granite, 301, 339 antiformal core exposures (anticlines, Belmont domain, 185. See also Elzevirian Appalachian deformation front, 501–502 antiforms), 412, 414 orogeny Appalachian inliers, 11–14, 502. See also Blair Baltimore Complex (Baltimore mafic Berkshire massif, 412, 506, 648, 699, 730. See River inlier; Long Range inlier complex), 414 also Mesoproterozoic basement rocks Appalachian mountains. See also Blue Ridge Chattolanee antiform, 413, 420, 421 BGC. See Bondy gneiss complex (BGC) Mountains; Pine Mountain window felsic gneiss, zircon age, 420, 421 Big Meadows traverse (Catoctin Formation). See (Pine Mountain Belt, Pine Mountain foliated biotite granite Catoctin volcanic province Block) electron microprobe analysis of
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