War and Society the Dutch Republic, 1581–1806
War and Society The Dutch Republic, 1581–1806 Branislav L. Slantchev Department of Political Science, University of California, San Diego Last updated: May 13, 2014 Contents: 1 Medieval Origins 3 2 From Resistance to Rebellion, 1566–1581 6 3 The Republic Forms, 1581–1609 10 4 Political and Fiscal Institutions 17 5 Thirty Years’ War, 1618–48 23 6 The Golden Age, 1650–72 27 7 The Stadtholderate of William III, 1672–1702 31 8 Decline and Fall, 1702–1806 36 8.1 The Second Stadtholderless Period, 1702–46 . ...... 36 8.2 The Orangist Revolution, 1747–80 . 39 8.3 The Patriots and the Batavian Republic, 1787–1806 . ........ 41 9 Paying for the Republic 43 A Maps 54 Required Readings: Anderson, M.S. 1988. War and Society in Europe of the Old Regime, 1618–1789. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Optional Readings: Blockmans, Wim. 1997. “The Impact of Cities on State Formation: Three Contrasting Territories in the Low Countries, 1300–1500.” In Peter Blickle, Ed. Resistance, Rep- resentation, and Community. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Blockmans, Wim. 1999. “The Low Countries in the Middle Ages.” In Richard Bonney, ed. The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c.1200–1815. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boogman, J.C. 1979. “The Union of Utrecht: Its Genesis and Consequences.” BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review, 94(3): 377–407. ’t Hart, Marjolein. 1999. “The United Provinces, 1579–1806.” In Richard Bonney, ed. The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c.1200–1815. Oxford: Oxford University Press. De Vries, Jan. 2001. “The Netherlands in the New World: The Legacy of European Fis- cal, Monetary, and Trading Institutions for New World Development from the Seven- teenth to the Nineteenth Centuries.” In Michael D.
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