El Boletin Summer-Fall 2010
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SUMMER / FALL 2010 Topical Issue: Latina/o LGBTQ Psychology ElThe Newsletter ofBoletín the National Latina/o Psychological Association From the President Latina/o LGBTQ Psychology American nation to extend mar- our editor for putting it together. riage rights to same sex partners Thank you all for sharing your work and the Mexican Supreme Court with the members of the NLPA. upheld Mexico City’s decision to do the same. Clearly, Latinas/os in the U.S. and abroad are taking steps to See you in San Antonio, advance civil rights for all. The authors of the articles in this Edward Delgado-Romero, PhD newsletter bring issues around sex- Associate Professor ual orientation and Latina/o cul- University of Georgia Welcome to another issue of El tures to the forefront. These articles Boletin. This issue addresses many cover a range of topics from the matters at the interface between technical (i.e., a primer on sexual President Latino/a cultures and sexual orien- orientation), to the professional National Latina/o Psychological tation. Perhaps fittingly, as I pre- (i.e., hope for machismo; breaking Association, 2009-2010 pared my introduction to this letter the silence; becoming an ally) to in March 2010 news broke that the the personal (the life and career of IN THIS ISSUE Puerto Rican pop star Ricky Martin groundbreaking Latina psychologist Noticias had come out as, in his own words, Oliva Espin). Dr. David Acevedo- Achievements…………………….2 a “fortunate homosexual man”. Polakovich has put together an- Milestones………………………...4 Calendar ………………………….4 Martin broke several cultural ta- other fine issue of El Boletin. Read- Latina/o LGBTQ Psychology boos by publically owning his iden- ing these articles make me think Invited Editorial …………….…….5 tity as a Latino gay man and father that the NLPA is on the right track A Brief History …………………...8 Hope for Machismo .…………….9 of two. His revelation put the spot- towards establishing our own jour- Religion ………………………….11 Allies of Color…………………...13 light on the issue of sexual orienta- nal. We have so much talent in our Becoming a Latina Psychologist: tion within Latina/o cultures. organization! Oliva Espin, PhD ……………….15 References and Resources …..17 Since then, exciting things have My congratulations go out to Officers’ Reports …………………...19 been happening in Latin America. each of the authors who submitted Recent Publications………………..20 Argentina became the first Latin contributions to this issue, and to From the Editor……………………..22 2 El Boletín The Newsletter of the National Latina/o Psychological Association Noticias NLPA events and Accomplishments ests in counseling, the psychology of pledged to ensure that psychologists in ACHIEVEMENTS women, and ethics. his state, which has seen significant Donations to support this effort can be demographic change, are responsive made by going to the web-address: to diverse individuals. Congratulations https://utdirect.utexas.edu/nlogon/vip/ and best wishes go out to Dr. Guevara ogp.WBX?menu=EDEP and then en- as he works toward success in this tering “Melba Vasquez Fund,” in the endeavor. text box. Recognition for NLPA Awardee Luis Guevara PhD Elected the Eduardo Morales PhD. First Latino President of the Ne- Dr. Eduardo Morales, whose distin- vada Psychological Association. guished contributions have in the past Following the example of Dr. earned him recognition from NLPA, Vazquez (Texas) and other Latinas/os has recently been multiply recognized Melba Vazquez, PhD for his contributions in the San Fran- The University of Texas cisco Bay Area. ABC7 KGO-TV fea- Establishes an Endowed tured Dr. Morales in several public ser- vice announcements aired during His- Fellowship in Honor of Dr. Melba panic Heritage month. Additionally, the Vazquez, APA President and San Francisco Hispanic Chamber of NLPA Member. Commerce named Dr. Morales the Honoring the election of their distin- guished alumna, Dr. Melba Vazquez, as the first Latina to hold the post of Luis Guevara, PhD APA President, the University of Texas who have recently held the presidency Counseling Psychology program has of their state associations (e.g., Evie begun work to establish the Melba J. Garcia, PhD, Arizona; Miguel Gallardo, T. Vasquez Endowed Fellowship. This PsyD, California), long-time NLPA fellowship will be awarded annually to member Dr. Luis Guevara was elected a graduate student who demonstrates as the first Latino president of the Ne- outstanding academic achievement vada Psychological Association. In this and whose research and career goals new capacity, Dr. Guevara has are consistent with Dr. Vasquez’s inter- Eduardo Morales, PhD (continued on page 3) In addition to the events and accomplishments of the National Latina/o Psychological Association, each issue of El Boletin features content centered around a particular topic considered important to the membership. This issue is focused on the Psychology of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer and Questioning (LGBTQ) Latinas/os. Topical coverage begins on page 5. SUMMER / FALL 2010 NOTICIAS 3 (Morales. Continued from p. 2) Among High-risk Couples in Tijuana, peted for three different grants. Ms. will allow her to examine drug use, Cruz Santiago, whose experiences as 2009 Most Influential Bay Area Latino sexual relationship power, and intimate a NLPA student were featured in the at their awards banquet. Dr. Morales’ partner violence among sex workers last issue of El Boletin, begun by ob- accomplishments were recognized by and their regular partners. Dr. Ulibarri’s taining an Applied Research Grant Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, success with such a challenging and from the Society for the Psychological Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Mayor competitive grant mechanism is a tes- Study of Social Issues, which sup- Gavin Newsom, Senator Mark Leno of tament to the quality and importance of ported her work toward the develop- California’s 3rd district, Assemblyman her work. ment of SOAR, a strength-based fam- Joe Coto of California’s 23rd Assembly NLPA early career professionals are ily after-school program for low-income district and José Cisneros of San Fran- getting early starts on their pursuit of children. This was followed by a cisco’s office of the treas- $10,000 disbursement from urer. the Office of the Vice Chan- cellor for Public Engage- NLPA’s Students and ment at the University of Early Career Illinois, which will allow the continuation and expansion Professionals of the work with SOAR. Experience Funding Michelle has also experi- Successes. Monica Ulibarri, PhD; Michelle Cruz-Santiago; David Acevedo-Polakovich, PhD enced success with other Following in the foot- sources of funding, such as steps of established NLPA members funding. I. David Acevedo-Polakovich, a 2009 Summer Grant from the Na- who have built successful research PhD, an Assistant Professor at Central tional Science Foundation Research funding careers (see articles in previ- Michigan University’s Department of Fund, which supported her mixed- ous issues of El Boletin), NLPA’s early Psychology, was recently selected to methods research into acculturation career members and students have receive an Early Career Investigator stressors among Latino families. recently experienced important suc- Award from that institution. This award, As these students and early career cesses when pursuing funds for their disbursed over three years, will allow psychologists demonstrate, grant- research and professional work. Dr. Acevedo-Polakovich to expand his writing and fund development is an Dr. Monica Ulibarri, an Assistant Pro- research examining the influence of important avenue for professional de- fessor at the University of California – peers on adolescent’s attitudes about velopment, even at the earliest stages San Diego’s Department of Psychiatry, diversity and inclusiveness. of a career. It is encouraging that was recently awarded one of the Na- Not to be outshone, NLPA’s students NLPA members have experienced tional Institute on Drug Abuse’s com- have also demonstrated stellar suc- such successes early on. Congratula- petitive and prestigious career devel- cess in the pursuit of funding. Over the tions to Dr. Ulibarri, Dr. Acevedo- opment grants. The grant, entitled last two years, NLPA student Michelle Polakovich, and Ms. Cruz-Santiago. Dyad-level Predictors of HIV Risk Cruz-Santiago has successfully com- 4 El Boletín The Newsletter of the National Latina/o Psychological Association Noticias NLPA Events and Accomplishments Announcing the: National Latina/o Psychological Association’s Biennial Conference Latinas: Celebrating the Psychological Strengths and Resilience of Latina Women and Girls. Conference: November 12-13 Pre-Conference: November 11 The Westin Riverwalk San Antonio, TX More Information Available at: www.nlpa.ws MILESTONES Yvette Tazeau, PhD, appointed as the Western Riverwalk in San Anto- Promoted Chair of the Diversity Committee for nio, TX. Alongside professional and Edward Delgado-Romero, PhD, to Clinical Geropsychology, (APA Divi- research presentations the confer- sion 12, Section II). Full Professor at the University of ence will feature a keynote address Georgia. by APA President Melba Vazquez, CALENDAR PhD, the first Latina to be elected Monica Ulibarri, PhD, to Assistant September 30 - October 2, 2010. to this position, and an event with Professor; Department of Psychiatry, NHSN International Conference: noted Latina author Sandra University of California –San Diego. Modeling a Transdisciplinary Cisneros. More information, and Approach to