Iianrijphttr Ieopiiiitg Mprai6 Highs in the Low 60S
PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., Oct. 4, 1978 The Weather wHm Partly sunny today with highs 63 to 68,17 to 20 C. Cloudy N m with fog tonight; lows 47 to 53 Occasional rain likely Friday; n iianrIjpHtTr iEopiiiitg MpraI6 highs in the low 60s. Rain probability: 10 percent today; 20 percent tonight; 70 percent Bill Vetoed Vol. XCVIII, No. 4 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, October 5, 1978 A Family ISEWSpaper Since 1881 Friday. National weather map: page 20. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi dent Carter, defying his own con gressional leadership, today vetoed the »10.2 billion public works bill and promised to do the same to future legislation he deems fiscally irresponsible. The lines between the White Food Costs House and Capitol Hill were clearly drawn following Carter’s expected announcement, and House Speaker Thomas O’Neill immediately scheduled a vote about noon to see if the veto can Up Sharply be overriden. If the House reverses Carter, Senate Democratic Leader WASHINGTON (UPI) - The cost Even without the volatile food Robert Byrd said the Senate of food, down for two straight price sector, other wholesale prices would attempt to do the same months, rose sharply in September to rose 0.6 percent compared to just 0.4 push up all wholesale prices by 0.9 later in the afternoon. Both percent in August. percent, the government reported houses must vote by a two-thirds To make the situation even worse, today. It was the greatest increase majority to override, or the veto the department also reported that since spring and a severe setback to is sustained.
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