Manrlfmtpr Iupntttg Ceiling Panels Throughout the Capt
• ; W v ''r-'S '-'i’ PAGE FORTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALJ), ManchesUr, Conn., Wed., Dec. 17,1975 Tag sale canceled The Captain has ceiling art The weather Andover GIFT GLIDE Coventry and have now processed into real artistic Reese, pastor, said for Partly cloudy, colder, chance of snow MONICA SHEA designs. DONNA HOLLAND everyone to bring their flurries, Temperatures falling into 20s. 646-0375 742-9495 “All of the panels have been done free choice little Christmas Much colder tonight, low around 10. Today And Everyday hand by the students in the club. We envi The re p la r monthly tag gifts that did not please Partly cloudy, cold, Friday, high manrlfMtpr iupntttg Ceiling panels throughout the Capt. Nathan Hale School have been decorated sion that the propam will continue and be sale sponsored by the An them to the sale Jan. 17. around 20. National weather forecast '"P _______ map on page 37. by the Sketch Club of the school. expanded. dover Congregational Parson’s open house Manehetter-^A City of ViUage Charm Only 7 Day* ’til Chriatmaa Church and scheduled for Edward Mahoney, principal of the “Next year we are planning to have the The Rev. and Mrs. Reese school, said, “Because of damage on the Sketch Club d esip and paint different Dec. 20 has been canceled. will hold an open house at Beginning in January it MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 67 FORTY PAGES — TWO SECTIONS ceiling panels, such as scratches and cut meals from different countries on the 10 the parsonage Dec.
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