New Products From Runco, Revel, NAD, Pioneer, Linn & Lexicon Sony G90 Size Do e s Ma t t e r ! $5.95 US • $7.95 CAN Editor-in-Chief . .Harry Pearson Executive Editor . .Sallie Reynolds Senior Editors . .Greg Rogers, Video Thomas O. Miiller, Audio Greg Sandow, Music & Multimedia Technical Editor, Audio . .Robert Harley Assistant Editor . .Bob Gendron Technical Consultant, Audio . .Richard Marsh SUBSCRIPTION, RENEWALS, CHANGES OF ADDRESS Contributing Writers . .Alice Artzt, Bill Cruce, Phone (888) 475-5991 (USA) or (973) 627-5162 (outside USA). T h e Perfect Vi s i o n Subscription Services, Box 3000, Denville, New Jer- Thom Duffy, Neil Gader, Bob Gendron, sey 07834. Six issues: In the USA, $32, Canada $36 (GST includ- Robert Harley, Alen Koebel, Bruce Lawton, ed); outside North America, $65 (includes airmail). Payments must Tom Martin, Andrew Quint, be by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) or USA Barry Rawlinson, Paul Seydor, funds drawn on a USA bank, with checks payable to Absolute Jonathan Valin, Heidi Waleson Multimedia, Inc. Art Director . .Nancy Josephson for Design Farm EDITORIAL MATTERS Address letter to: The Editor, The Perfect Vision, Box 235, Sea Cliff, Proofreader . .Aubin Parrish New York 11579, or by e-mail to
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