Proposal 14094 (STScI Edit Number: 0, Created: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 8:06:03 PM EST) - Overview

14094 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm Jupiter 55 Cnc b Cycle: 23, Proposal Category: GO (UV Initiative) (Availability Mode: AVAILABLE)

INVESTIGATORS Name Institution E-Mail Dr. Vincent Bourrier (PI) (ESA Member) (Conta Observatoire de Geneve [email protected] ct) Dr. David Ehrenreich (CoI) (ESA Member) Observatoire de Geneve [email protected] Dr. Alain Lecavelier des Etangs (CoI) (ESA Membe CNRS, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris [email protected] r) Dr. Alfred Vidal-Madjar (CoI) (ESA Member) CNRS, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris [email protected] Dr. Stephane Udry (CoI) (ESA Member) Observatoire de Geneve [email protected] Dr. Christophe Lovis (CoI) (ESA Member) Observatoire de Geneve [email protected] Dr. Francesco Pepe (CoI) (ESA Member) Observatoire de Geneve [email protected] Mr. Aurelien Wyttenbach (CoI) (ESA Member) Observatoire de Geneve [email protected]

VISITS Visit Targets used in Visit Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run OP Current with Visit? 01 (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/CCD 4 12-Aug-2015 21:05:46.0 yes WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA 02 (1) -RHO-CNC COS/FUV 4 12-Aug-2015 21:05:53.0 yes COS/NUV

1 Proposal 14094 (STScI Edit Number: 0, Created: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 8:06:03 PM EST) - Overview Visit Targets used in Visit Configurations used in Visit Orbits Used Last Orbit Planner Run OP Current with Visit? 03 (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/CCD 5 12-Aug-2015 21:06:00.0 yes WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA 13 Total Orbits Used

ABSTRACT The super-Earth 55 Cnc e transits an extremely bright (V=6) at a very short separation (a=0.016 au). The mean density of this planet suggests it is surrounded by a thick gaseous envelope, yet our observations at Lyman-alpha detected no significant amounts of hydrogen or water. Located within a carbon-rich system, 55 Cnc e might be a 'Super-Venus' with a carbon-dioxyde envelop containing metals such as Mg. We propose to further constrain the nature of this planet through COS observations in the CII line, to assess the presence of an extended cloud rich in ionized carbon produced by the photodissociation of the irradiated CO2 envelope. We will further characterize the structure of this cloud through observations in the MgI line, recently revealed as a sensitive probe of extended atmospheres. We also detected significant Ly-alpha absorption at the inferior conjunction of the warm giant 55 Cnc b, suggesting that we witnessed the partial transit of an extended hydrogen envelope around a non-transiting planet grazing the star. The planet lies beyond 0.1 au and is thus in a lower regime of irradiation than hot Jupiters. We propose to use absorption lines to confirm the presence of an extended atmosphere around 55 Cnc b, and to investigage its regime of evaporation. We will observe simultaneously the atmospheric transits of 55 Cnc e and b in the third visit. Both STIS and COS proposed spectral ranges will allow us to look for many additional species in the upper atmospheres of these two planets, in completely different regimes of mass and irradiation.

OBSERVING DESCRIPTION This program consists in 3 visits for a total of 13 HST orbits, dedicated to the observations of the transits of two ( 'e' and 'b') in front of their host-star. Following the difficulty identified by the TAC to disentangle between the signatures of 55 Cancri 'e' and 'b', we selected the same settings for the transit of (Visit #2) and the transit of both 55 Cancri 'e' and 'b' (Visit #3).

In 2 visit of 4 orbits each (Visits #1 and #2) we will observe the transit of 55 Cancri 'e'. For planet 'e', transits occur every 17.7 hours (the orbital period of the planet) and last for about 1.5 hours In 1 visit of 5 orbits (Visit #3) we will observe at the same time the transits of 55 Cancri 'e' and 'b'. There are about 6 favorable configurations per for this. Note that 55 Cnc b is not refered to as a transiting planet because its planetary disk (as seen in the optical) does not cross in front of the 2 Proposal 14094 (STScI Edit Number: 0, Created: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 8:06:03 PM EST) - Overview star. We refer here to the partial transit of its atmosphere when the planet is at inferior conjunction with the star, that is expected to last for about 4 hours and to occur every 14.65 days.

For Visits #1 and #2 the timing requirements are set as phase constraints on the first ACQ exposure of the first orbit in a visit. The goal is to observe the star during two HST orbits before the transit, one HST orbit during the transit, and one HST orbit after the transit. The allowed start phase range is ~26 min.

For Visit #3 the goal is to cover the transits of both planets 'e' and 'b'. We indicate in the timing requirements the specific dates when the transits of both planets can be observed at about the same time (these dates cover the next two until June 2017). For each of these dates, the phase constraints are the same, and are set on the first ACQ exposure of the first orbit (using the period and zero phase of planet 55 Cancri 'e').

3 Proposal 14094-Visit01Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Fixed Targets Visit Extended=NO star 53Cancri(BOCancri) Comments: Thisstarisinadoublesystem(commonpropermotions)with 55CancriB(GJ324B),amuchfainter(V=13)M4dwarfthatis1.4-arcminaway.Italso4.6-arcminawayfromthesimilarlybright(V=6.3) (1) # Special Requirements:SCHED100%;Period0.7365417DANDZERO-PHASEHJD2455733.008 Scientific Instruments:STIS/CCD,STIS/NUV-MAMA Diagnostic Status:NoDiagnostics Proposal 14094,Visit01,implementation Alt Name2:GJ324A Alt Name1:HR3522 -RHO-CNC Name Equinox: J2000 Dec: +281950.95(28.33082d) RA: 085235.8109(133.1492121d) Target Coordinates :27.36km/sec ofPosition:2000 Parallax: 0.08103" Proper MotionDec:-234.05mas/yr Proper MotionRA:-485.80mas/yr Targ. Coord.Corrections 4 K=4.015 H=4.14, J=4.59, I=5.0, R=5.4, B=6.82, U=7.45, V=5.95 Fluxes Reference Frame:ICRS Miscellaneous Thu Aug1301:06:03GMT2015 Proposal 14094-Visit01Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Exposures 8 7 6 5 4 etween timeresolution,SNR,andbufferdumps. Comments: Thecount-rateestimatedintime-tagmoderesultstoomany bufferdumps.Asanalternativeforourscientificpurpose,weuseinsteadaseriesofACCUMmodeexposureswiththeoptimalcombinationb 3 2 Comments: FortheACQandACQ/PEAKexposures,weselectedsamesettingsasinProgram#12681whichconsistedofSTISobservations thesamestar.WecheckedthesesettingsbyrunningETC. 1 # 5444) (STIS.sp.71 ACQ/PEAK CAL GO-WAVE 6764) (STIS.sp.71 SCI 5444) (STIS.sp.71 ACQ/PEAK CAL GO-WAVE 6764) (STIS.sp.71 SCI 5444) (STIS.sp.71 ACQ/PEAK 432) (STIS.ta.715 ACQ (ETC Run) Label (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC WAVE (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC Target (1) -RHO-CNC WAVE STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK,52X0.05 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK,52X0.05 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK,52X0.05 STIS/CCD, ACQ,F28X50OII Config,Mode,Aperture 2707 A E230M 4300 A G430L 2707 A E230M 2707 A E230M 4300 A G430L MIRROR Spectral Els. 4300 A G430L 2707 A E230M WAVECAL=NO Opt. Params. 5 81 PHASE 0.785TO0. Special Reqs. t inVisit01 Sequence 1-4Non-In t inVisit01 Sequence 1-4Non-In t inVisit01 Sequence 1-4Non-In Groups nt inVisit01 Sequence 8-10Non-I t inVisit01 Sequence 5-7Non-In t inVisit01 Sequence 5-7Non-In t inVisit01 Sequence 5-7Non-In t inVisit01 Sequence 1-4Non-In [==>220.0 Secs(Copy1)] 250 SecsX7(1540Secs) [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) Exp. Time(Total)/[ActualDur.] [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) [==>] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy8)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy7)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy6)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy5)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy4)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy3)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy2)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy1)] 200 SecsX8(1872Secs) [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) [==>] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy7)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy6)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy5)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy4)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy3)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy2)] Orbit [1] [1] [3] [2] [2] [2] [1] [1] Proposal 14094 - Visit 01 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm... 9 SCI (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 8-10 Non-I 200 Secs X 8 (1872 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 0.2X0.2 nt in Visit 01 6764) 2707 A [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 1)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 2)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 3)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 4)] [3] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 5)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 6)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 7)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 8)] Comments: The count-rate estimated in time-tag mode results in too many buffer dumps. As an alternative for our scientific purpose, we use instead a series of ACCUM mode exposures with the same time resolution as the one we usually use our time-tag data. 10 GO-WAVE WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 8-10 Non-I nt in Visit 01 [==>] [3] CAL 0.2X0.2 2707 A 11 ACQ/PEAK (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK, 52X0.05 G430L Sequence 11-13 Non 1 Secs (1 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 -Int in Visit 01 [==>] 5444) 4300 A [4] 12 SCI (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 11-13 Non 200 Secs X 8 (1872 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 0.2X0.2 -Int in Visit 01 [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 1)] 6764) 2707 A [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 2)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 3)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 4)] [4] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 5)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 6)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 7)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 8)] Comments: The count-rate estimated in time-tag mode results in too many buffer dumps. As an alternative for our scientific purpose, we use instead a series of ACCUM mode exposures with the same time resolution as the one we usually use our time-tag data. 13 GO-WAVE WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 11-13 Non [==>] [4] CAL 0.2X0.2 2707 A -Int in Visit 01

6 Proposal 14094-Visit01Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Orbit Structure 7 Proposal 14094 - Visit 01 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

8 Proposal 14094 - Visit 01 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

9 Proposal 14094 - Visit 01 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

10 Proposal 14094-Visit02Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Fixed Targets Visit Extended=NO star 53Cancri(BOCancri) Comments: Thisstarisinadoublesystem(commonpropermotions)with 55CancriB(GJ324B),amuchfainter(V=13)M4dwarfthatis1.4-arcminaway.Italso4.6-arcminawayfromthesimilarlybright(V=6.3) (1) # Special Requirements:SCHED100%;Period0.7365417DANDZERO-PHASEHJD2455733.008 Scientific Instruments:COS/NUV,COS/FUV Diagnostic Status:NoDiagnostics Proposal 14094,Visit02,implementation Alt Name2:GJ324A Alt Name1:HR3522 -RHO-CNC Name Equinox: J2000 Dec: +281950.95(28.33082d) RA: 085235.8109(133.1492121d) Target Coordinates Radial Velocity:27.36km/sec Epoch ofPosition:2000 Parallax: 0.08103" Proper MotionDec:-234.05mas/yr Proper MotionRA:-485.80mas/yr Targ. Coord.Corrections 11 K=4.015 H=4.14, J=4.59, I=5.0, R=5.4, B=6.82, U=7.45, V=5.95 Fluxes Reference Frame:ICRS Miscellaneous Thu Aug1301:06:04GMT2015 Proposal 14094-Visit02Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Exposures Comments: Inthe ETC run,thestrengthofstellarLyman-alpha linehasbeensettoan extremely conservativevalue,andthe airglowassettoitshighervalue, in ordertocalculatethebuffer-time. 8 Comments: Wefollowedtherecommandation oftheSTScIforsettings. 7 Comments: IntheETCrun,strength ofthestellarLyman-alphalinehasbeensettoanextremelyconservative value,andtheairglowassettoitshigherinordercalculate thebuffer-time. 6 Comments: WefollowedtherecommandationofSTScIforsettings. 5 Comments: IntheETCrun,strengthofstellarLyman-alphalinehas beensettoanextremelyconservativevalue,andtheairglowasitshigherinordercalculatebuffer-time. 4 Comments: WefollowedtherecommandationofSTScIforsettings. 3 Comments: IntheETCrun,strengthofstellarLyman-alphalinehas beensettoanextremelyconservativevalue,andtheairglowasitshigherinordercalculatebuffer-time. 2 Comments: WefollowedtherecommandationofSTScIforsettings. 1 # 790) (COS.sp.715 SCI 843) (COS.ta.715 ACQ/Image 790) (COS.sp.715 SCI 843) (COS.ta.715 ACQ/Image 790) (COS.sp.715 SCI 843) (COS.ta.715 ACQ/Image 790) (COS.sp.715 SCI 843) (COS.ta.715 ACQ/Image (ETC Run) Label (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC Target (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC COS/FUV, TIME-TAG,PSA COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE,BOA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG,PSA COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE,BOA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG,PSA COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE,BOA COS/FUV, TIME-TAG,PSA COS/NUV, ACQ/IMAGE,BOA Config,Mode,Aperture 1291 A G130M MIRRORB 1291 A G130M MIRRORB 1291 A G130M MIRRORB Spectral Els. 1291 A G130M MIRRORB 00 BUFFER-TIME=10 FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES; 00 BUFFER-TIME=10 FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES; 00 BUFFER-TIME=10 FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES; Opt. Params. 00 BUFFER-TIME=10 FP-POS=ALL; FLASH=YES; 12 81 PHASE 0.785TO0. Special Reqs. t inVisit02 Sequence 1-2Non-In t inVisit02 Sequence 1-2Non-In Groups t inVisit02 Sequence 7-8Non-In t inVisit02 Sequence 7-8Non-In t inVisit02 Sequence 5-6Non-In t inVisit02 Sequence 5-6Non-In t inVisit02 Sequence 3-4Non-In t inVisit02 Sequence 3-4Non-In [==>440.0 Secs(Split3)] [==>440.0 Secs(Split2)] [==>440.0 Secs(Split1)] 535 Secs(1760Secs) [==>] 90 Secs(90Secs) Exp. Time(Total)/[ActualDur.] [==>461.0 Secs(Split 4)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split3)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split2)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split1)] 535 Secs(1844Secs) [==>] 90 Secs(90Secs) [==>461.0 Secs(Split4)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split3)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split2)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split1)] 535 Secs(1844Secs) [==>] 90 Secs(90Secs) [==>461.0 Secs(Split4)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split3)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split2)] [==>461.0 Secs(Split1)] 535 Secs(1844Secs) [==>] 90 Secs(90Secs) [==>440.0 Secs(Split4)] Orbit [1] [1] [4] [4] [3] [3] [2] [2] Proposal 14094-Visit02Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Orbit Structure 13 Proposal 14094 - Visit 02 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

14 Proposal 14094 - Visit 02 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

15 Proposal 14094 - Visit 02 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

16 Proposal 14094-Visit03Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Fixed Targets Visit Extended=NO star 53Cancri(BOCancri) Comments: Thisstarisinadoublesystem(commonpropermotions)with 55CancriB(GJ324B),amuchfainter(V=13)M4dwarfthatis1.4-arcminaway.Italso4.6-arcminawayfromthesimilarlybright(V=6.3) (1) # would thusbebettertoavoidschedulindVisit#3atoneofthesethreedates. to haveatleastoneHSTorbitmadebeforethetransit,whichisnotcase inthreeoftheselecteddates(14Dec.2015;24April2016;8June2017).Ifpossible(ie,unlessitpostponesvisitafter2017), With thesephaseconstraints,the5HSTorbitsinVisit#3allowtocover the transitsofbothplanetsatallselecteddates.However,experienceinanalyzingHSTobservationsatmospherictaughtusitisbetter constraints arethesameanddefinedusingperiodzerophaseof planet 55Cancri'e'.TheyaresetonthefirstACQexposureoforbit. (these datescoverthenexttwoyearsuntilJune2017).Wegiveforeach date (inUTC)atimeintervalof+-5haroundthetransitplanet'e',whichshouldallowtoidentifyitwithcertainty.Foreachphase Comments: ForVisit#3thegoalistocovertransitsofbothplanets'e' and'b'.Weindicateinthetimingrequirementsspecificdateswhentransitsofbothplanetscanbeobservedataboutsametime 2017:07:27:00; BETWEEN24-MAY-2017:17:32:00AND25-MAY-2017:03:32:00; BETWEEN08-JUN-2017:11:04:00AND08-JUN-2017:21:04:00;Period0.7365417DZERO-PHASEHJD2455733.008 AUG-2016:17:36:00; BETWEEN03-SEP-2016:01:10:00AND03-SEP-2016:11:10:00;29-DEC-2016:03:55:0029-DEC-2016:13:55:00; BETWEEN12-JAN-2017:21:27:00AND13-JAN- AND 14-DEC-2015:18:53:00;BETWEEN09-APR-2016:11:30:0009-APR-2016:21:30:00;24-APR-2016:05:00:0024-APR-2016:15:00:00; BETWEEN19-AUG-2016:07:36:00AND19- Special Requirements:SCHED100%;BETWEEN14-NOV-2015:21:46:00AND15-NOV-2015:07:47:00;29-NOV-2015:15:20:00 AND 30-NOV-2015:01:20:00;BETWEEN14-DEC-2015:08:53:00 Scientific Instruments:STIS/CCD,STIS/NUV-MAMA Diagnostic Status:NoDiagnostics Proposal 14094,Visit03,implementation Alt Name2:GJ324A Alt Name1:HR3522 -RHO-CNC Name Equinox: J2000 Dec: +281950.95(28.33082d) RA: 085235.8109(133.1492121d) Target Coordinates Radial Velocity:27.36km/sec Epoch ofPosition:2000 Parallax: 0.08103" Proper MotionDec:-234.05mas/yr Proper MotionRA:-485.80mas/yr Targ. Coord.Corrections 17 K=4.015 H=4.14, J=4.59, I=5.0, R=5.4, B=6.82, U=7.45, V=5.95 Fluxes Reference Frame:ICRS Miscellaneous Thu Aug1301:06:04GMT2015 Proposal 14094-Visit03Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Exposures 8 7 the oneweusuallyuseourtime-tagdata. Comments: Thecount-rateestimated intime-tagmoderesultstoomanybufferdumps.Asanalternativefor ourscientificpurpose,weuseinsteadaseriesofACCUMmodeexposures withthesametimeresolutionas 6 5 4 the oneweusuallyuseourtime-tagdata. Comments: Thecount-rateestimatedintime-tagmoderesultstoomany bufferdumps.Asanalternativeforourscientificpurpose,weuseinsteadaseriesofACCUMmodeexposureswiththesametimeresolutionas 3 2 Comments: FortheACQandACQ/PEAKexposures,weselectedsamesettingsasinProgram#12681whichconsistedofSTISobservations thesamestar.WecheckedthesesettingsbyrunningETC. 1 # 5444) (STIS.sp.71 ACQ/PEAK CAL GO-WAVE 6764) (STIS.sp.71 SCI 5444) (STIS.sp.71 ACQ/PEAK CAL GO-WAVE 6764) (STIS.sp.71 SCI 5444) (STIS.sp.71 ACQ/PEAK 432) (STIS.ta.715 ACQ (ETC Run) Label (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC WAVE (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC (1) -RHO-CNC Target (1) -RHO-CNC WAVE STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK,52X0.05 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK,52X0.05 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, 0.2X0.2 STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK,52X0.05 STIS/CCD, ACQ,F28X50OII Config,Mode,Aperture 2707 A E230M 4300 A G430L 2707 A E230M 2707 A E230M 4300 A G430L MIRROR Spectral Els. 4300 A G430L 2707 A E230M WAVECAL=NO Opt. Params. 18 81 PHASE 0.785TO0. Special Reqs. t inVisit03 Sequence 1-4Non-In t inVisit03 Sequence 1-4Non-In t inVisit03 Sequence 1-4Non-In Groups nt inVisit03 Sequence 8-10Non-I t inVisit03 Sequence 5-7Non-In t inVisit03 Sequence 5-7Non-In t inVisit03 Sequence 5-7Non-In t inVisit03 Sequence 1-4Non-In [==>220.0 Secs(Copy1)] 250 SecsX7(1540Secs) [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) Exp. Time(Total)/[ActualDur.] [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) [==>] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy8)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy7)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy6)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy5)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy4)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy3)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy2)] [==>234.0 Secs(Copy1)] 200 SecsX8(1872Secs) [==>] 1 Secs(1Secs) [==>] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy7)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy6)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy5)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy4)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy3)] [==>220.0 Secs(Copy2)] Orbit [1] [1] [3] [2] [2] [2] [1] [1] Proposal 14094 - Visit 03 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm... 9 SCI (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 8-10 Non-I 200 Secs X 8 (1872 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 0.2X0.2 nt in Visit 03 6764) 2707 A [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 1)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 2)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 3)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 4)] [3] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 5)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 6)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 7)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 8)] Comments: The count rate estimated from the ETC run is just above 2e4 counts/s. We thus set the buffer-time to its minimal value of 99, but the data loss should be negligible for our scientific purpose. 10 GO-WAVE WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 8-10 Non-I nt in Visit 03 [==>] [3] CAL 0.2X0.2 2707 A 11 ACQ/PEAK (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK, 52X0.05 G430L Sequence 11-13 Non 1 Secs (1 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 -Int in Visit 03 [==>] 5444) 4300 A [4] 12 SCI (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 11-13 Non 200 Secs X 8 (1872 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 0.2X0.2 -Int in Visit 03 [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 1)] 6764) 2707 A [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 2)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 3)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 4)] [4] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 5)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 6)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 7)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 8)] Comments: The count-rate estimated in time-tag mode results in too many buffer dumps. As an alternative for our scientific purpose, we use instead a series of ACCUM mode exposures with the same time resolution as the one we usually use our time-tag data. 13 GO-WAVE WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 11-13 Non -Int in Visit 03 [==>] [4] CAL 0.2X0.2 2707 A 14 ACQ/PEAK (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/CCD, ACQ/PEAK, 52X0.05 G430L Sequence 14-16 Non 1 Secs (1 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 4300 A -Int in Visit 03 [==>] 5444) [5] 15 SCI (1) -RHO-CNC STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 14-16 Non 200 Secs X 8 (1872 Secs) (STIS.sp.71 0.2X0.2 2707 A -Int in Visit 03 [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 1)] 6764) [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 2)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 3)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 4)] [5] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 5)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 6)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 7)] [==>234.0 Secs (Copy 8)] Comments: The count-rate estimated in time-tag mode results in too many buffer dumps. As an alternative for our scientific purpose, we use instead a series of ACCUM mode exposures with the same time resolution as the one we usually use our time-tag data. 16 GO-WAVE WAVE STIS/NUV-MAMA, ACCUM, E230M Sequence 14-16 Non [==>] -Int in Visit 03 [5] CAL 0.2X0.2 2707 A

19 Proposal 14094-Visit03Characterizationoftheextendedatmosphereandnature ofthehotsuper-Earth55Cnceandwarm... Orbit Structure 20 Proposal 14094 - Visit 03 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

21 Proposal 14094 - Visit 03 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

22 Proposal 14094 - Visit 03 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...

23 Proposal 14094 - Visit 03 - Characterization of the extended atmosphere and the nature of the hot super-Earth 55 Cnc e and the warm...