Fr. Marcel L. Taillon, S.T.L. MASS SCHEDULE Pastor Chaplain, Narragansett Police Department ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH Chaplain, Narragansett Fire Department 53 Rockland Street Chaplain, South Kingstown Police Department DAILY MASS - 9:00 AM - MON.- SAT. [email protected]

WEEKEND MASSES Msgr. John C. Halloran SATURDAY - 5:00 PM Pastor Emeritus SUNDAY - 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Fr. Joseph P. Henry RECONCILIATION/CONFESSION Pastor Emeritus SATURDAY - 4:00-4:45 PM SS. John & Paul, Coventry OR BY APPOINTMENT Fr. Jose Parathanal, C.M.I. ST. VERONICA CHAPEL In Residence 1035 Boston Neck Rd. Marriage Tribunal, Diocese of Providence WEEKEND MASSES [email protected] SATURDAY - 4:00 PM SUNDAY - 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 8:00 PM Deacon Joseph Clossick [email protected]

All masses available on Livestream

August 1, 2021 - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time “...their eyes were opened and they recognized him...” ~ Luke 24:31

Dear Parents/Guardians, With the many challenges in our culture today, such as secularism, indifference toward the faith, and moral relativism - just to name a few, faith formation is of paramount importance. The Church refers to parents as the “primary educators” of their children. “Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child’s earliest years.” (CCC 2226) However, when it comes to catechesis of both children and parents, the parish community is the “pre-eminent” and “privileged place”. (cf. CT 67 & CCC 2226) We each have an important role: the parish program offers a coherent, well-organized, and most importantly, sacramental preparation, and the family ensures the faith is lived out...participating in the sacramental and spiritual life of the Church. We, at St. Thomas More Parish, continue to accompany you and your family on your faith teaching and forming disciples, growing in knowledge and encountering . Thanks to our dedicated catechists, our supportive pastor, and most especially to God, our program was entirely in person last year and will continue to be in person this year. St. John Paul II explained that “the definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ: only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity”. (CT 5) Our faith is based on an intimate relationship with Jesus and it is best passed on in and through relationships. Because relationships are difficult to foster from afar, it is vital that our program continues to be in person. I am pleased to announce that registration for the 2021-22 Religious Education program for students in 1st through 10th grade is now open. Registering early is especially important to ensure your child(ren) has a spot and it will also help us to better prepare for September. Please note: We require that you register your child(ren) each year. Registration forms are available on our website and in the parish office. Please complete the form and mail it in or drop it off at the office. The sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion will be received in the 2nd grade. Students in the 9th and 10th grades prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. After a year and a half of preparation, students in the 10th grade will be confirmed in the spring of 2022. I am grateful to our Lord for the opportunity to service your family and our St. Thomas More parish family. Please keep me in your prayers and be assured of my prayers for all of you. Hope to see you at Mass!

God bless, MaryTheresa Conca Director of Faith Formation This weekend - August 1st - there will be a second collection for the Peter’s Pence Collection which provides the Holy Father with the financial means to respond to those who are suffering as a result of war, oppression, natural disaster, and disease. Annual Wedding Anniversary Celebration EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME honoring couples observing their 25th, 40th, 50th and over 50 years wedding anniversaries SATURDAY, JULY 31st (Vigil) in 2021. Sunday, September 26th at 1:00 PM at 4:00 PM – Special Intention ~ for the Delaney & the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Providence. Kirwan Families Must register by August 27th by emailing 5:00 PM – Birthday Remembrance ~ Theresa DeGaetano [email protected]. SUNDAY, AUGUST 1st VACATION SCHOOL CANCELLED 8:00 AM – for the soul of Linda Ousterhout St. Thomas More Vacation Bible School will not 9:00 AM – 1st Anniversary ~ James McGovern be held this year due to water damage at St. 10:00 AM – for the soul of Patrick Mannix Veronica Chapel. We regret this inconvenience 11:00 AM – 34th Anniversary ~ Anthony Boscia II & and look forward to it resuming again in 2022. Stephen Ricci 8:00 PM – 9th Anniversary ~ Mickey Dillon SUMMER MONDAY, AUGUST 2nd 9 AM – Special Intention ~ for the Delaney & BIBLE STUDY Kirwan Families Summer Bible Program Schedule & Topics: TUESDAY, AUGUST 3rd Place: St. Thomas More Parish Hall 9 AM – for the soul of Alison Fracassa Time: 9:45-11:15 AM Dates: Tuesday Mornings WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4th July 6, 13, 20 & 27; , 10, 17 & 24 9 AM – for the deceased members of the July sessions: The History of the Monarchy in Goodwin Family Ancient Israel: excerpts from the historical books of the Bible, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th August Sessions: Women in the Old Testa- ment and the : reading texts. 9 AM – Birthday Remembrance ~ Debbie Hazebrook Leader: Maryann McCaffrey Knag, MAT MAR. Maryann is a trained Catholic Bible scholar FRIDAY, AUGUST 6th who teaches under the Magisterium. 9 AM – for the soul of Waldo DiSanto Please join us for prayer, readings & discussion. For more information, contact Maryann Knag, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7th 203.213.4809 or [email protected]. 9 AM – Birthday Remembrance ~ Ray Lydon This program will be offered in person as well as on Zoom. Please see the online version of our bulletin to access your zoom link and meeting ID. Rest In Peace Mary Fontaine For more information, contact Robert A. Nardolillo, Jr. Maryann Knag, 203.213.4809 or [email protected]

Sister Christina, a Capuchin Sister of Nazareth, PA spoke to a big crowd about her devotion to St. Joseph in this year dedicated to him. Her talk was informative and inspiring. For all who could not attend, you may view her talk by visiting our website and clicking on the Live/Archived button. Look for St. Thomas More Mass on Friday, July 23rd.

Maeve and Fiona Stafford (and family!) Baptized in Christ!

Oliver John Caruolo Baptized in Christ!

Water damage repair work continues as the glass was replaced on the stained glass window above the Powerwashing roof to remove Rodman St.entrance of the tower at Parishioners Katie & Ian Tougas algae at St. Thomas More. St. Thomas More. Thanks again to the Married in Christ! family that donated the crane! Join Fr. Jose Parathanal for a Pilgrimage to Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands & Belgium which will include a performance of the Oberammergau Passion Play (only shown every ten years!)

2022 September 2 – 14 Seats are limited: first come, first served Reservations due soon For flyers & more information contact Fr. Jose at 626-710-7521 [email protected]

Gospel Reflections Group All are welcome to join our informal discussion Ministry Matters group which meets on Mondays from 10-11:30 AM in the parish hall. Over coffee & refreshments, we read and reflect on the of the coming week Welcome to our Ministry Matters section. We have a very vibrant comunity and welcome you to get and share our personal insights of those readings. involved and become a part of our parish family.

Men’s Bible Study Funeral Mercy Meals/Hospitality Committee Our parish has a very active group of men who In order to assist those in time of bereavement, meet each Saturday morning in the parish hall at we offer the use of our parish halls for a reception 7:30 AM to discuss the Sunday scripture readings. following a funeral. This committee sets up the This is very informal and all are invited to join. rooms and provides food and cleanup. Volunteers are needed to cook or assist in any way for these Pennies for the Poor meals and for other occasional parish events that The small donation boxes on the church walls may arise. If interested in helping, please contact labeled “Pennies for the Poor” goes to the Deb Rowley at 401-474-6505. Diocesan Dire Emergency Fund in South County, which helps with rental assistance, utilities and prescriptions. Thank you for your help.

Prayer Chain Ministry If you know someone who would like extra prayers, please call Jean at 783-3403 to express your request. Volunteers are needed and welcome to join this important ministry.

Pray the Rosary The rosary is prayed Monday - Saturday after the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Thomas More. All are welcome.

Relevant Radio “ Morning Air” Show Join Fr. Taillon at 550 AM every Wednesday at 8:00 AM or listen on

Rosary Repairs Drop broken beads in the box in the foyer using the envelope provided. Include your name and contact info. You will be contacted within a few weeks when your repair is complete. Faith Direct Simplify your donations to St. Thomas More by enrolling St. Vincent dePaul clothing bins in online giving. Visit the website at and Accepts clothing and shoes. Bins located at the enter our parish code: RI147. Your donations can be back of the St. Thomas More parking lot. one-time, weekly or monthly and can be easily changed.

SUMMER BIBLE STUDY July 6th - Aug 24th Two Topics: Period of the Monarchy in Ancient Israel & Tuesday mornings - 9:45-11:15- St. Thomas More parish hall

July 6: Kings: Overview of the Period of the Monarchy with dynastic succession; Books of 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings; United Kingdom of Saul and David (Part I). Reading: 1 Samuel 9:1-11:15; 13:1–31:13.

July 13: Kings: David (Part II) : Reading: 2nd Samuel 1:1-24:25; 1 Kings 1:1-2:12

July 20: Kings: Solomon and Joash, Reading: 1 Kings 2:10-11:43; 2nd Kings 12:1-21

July 27*: Kings: Hezekiah and Josiah, Reading: 2nd Kings 18:1-20:21; 2nd Kings 22:1-23:30 ************************************************************************** Aug 3: Women: Overview of Women in the Bible: , Rebekah, Rachel and Miriam: Reading: Genesis 11:27-13:1; 16:1-15; 17:15-22; 18:1-15; 21:1-14; 23:1-24:67; 25:19-26; 27:1-46; 29:1-30:24; 31:3-55; 35:16-21; Exodus 1:15-2:10; Exodus 15:1-21; Numbers 12:1-15; Numbers 20:1; Numbers 26:57-59.

Aug 10: Women: Deborah, Ruth, Hannah and Abigail: Reading: Judges: 4:1-5:31; Ruth 1:1-4:22; 1 Samuel 1:1-2:21; 1 Samuel 25:1-43.

Aug 17: Women: Tamar (daughter of David), Esther, Judith and Mary of Nazareth. Reading: 2 Samuel 13:1-39; Esther 1:1-9:32; Judith 1:1-16:25; Matthew 1:16-2:23; Luke 1:26-2:52; Mt 13:53-58; Mk 3:19-21; Lk 8:19-21; Jn 2:1-10; Jn 6:41-42; Jn 19:25-27; :14-15; 2:1-4.

Aug 24: Women: Elizabeth, Samaritan Woman at the Well, and , and Lydia of . Reading: Lk 1:5-25, 1:39-80; of John 4:1-42; Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44, 12:1-11; Lk 8:1-3; Jn 19:25-27; Mk 15:42-47; Jn 20:1-18; :11-40.

Join Zoom Meeting - Meeting ID: 893 7993 3359 Passcode: 124751 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89379933359#,,,,*124751# US (Chicago) +16465588656,,89379933359#,,,,*124751# US (New York) For more information, contact Maryann Knag, 203.213.4809 or Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) [email protected] +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 893 7993 3359 Passcode: 124751 Find your local number: )01 204 5 24 6 7 8 49180@1A ¬ ­®¯°±²¬´µ¶·¸¹º»

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