Tke W eather: Today fislr, dry and e w i wito Tnwr^rxr /^ R C rt> vrD H o m e I 1 . \ m I # h i \ m m V 1 1 ^ hi w hi I k E d i i i o H |y to late afteeueeu ee uisM.

— s t a y Bmmm-Ammtm ffsaXsaa ^^snssssAaS'

• C M I I VOL XXIX— No. 33 LINDEN. N. J.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 23. 1951 Ifs Even Better Behind View Relief Drive Ust $5,649 WHMC Revenues; City Council Then Self Service Headlines LIN D EN — During spirited bid­ Conte * Sons were successful bid­ ding at City Council meeting Tueo- ders on eralks in Myrtle terrace and The guy who first said “It’s in Utility Line Sales Arranged P B r THE EDITOn • day night the Municipal treasury Raritan road on quoUtion of $1,026 the bag" must have been thinking was increased $1,850 over original and $536. resflecUvely. Esos Stand­ of an elderly woman customer of N e t operating revenues o f $5,649.23 fo r the firs t sis A trip throngh the Sun* ard Oil Oo. wao sole and winning offers made previously for seven the Pied Piper Super M arket 1726 months of operation under mutual ownership of the Win­ nyside section will cun* parcels of property forecloaed by bidder on a contract for 35,000 gal­ East S t O o rg e avenue. H ie wom­ the city for taxes. A total of $4,347 lons of gasoline. an, described as a regular customer, field Park development were reported Tuesday nig^t at s vince you that Linden has was accepted for the lands. City Engineer Daviemi asked was the recipient of $410 in re­ meeting of the Winfield Mutual Housing Corporation. Les­ one zoning restriction On one of the parcels four per­ council for approval of replanning ceipts inadvertently placed in her ter Goldberg, new executive director of the corporation, sons atempted to outbid one an­ and recoMtruction o f the intersec­ shopping bag, the piilice reported explained that there had been no unusual or emergency ex­ that should be applauded other. Pairs of bidders made offers tion of Vreeland Hills road, Stiles last week. penditures during (he period, and that it would be neoessaiy In the nicest neighbor­ on each of the others. In one in­ street and Valley road, where a 'The money, kept in a small to have a full first year’s report before the true financial stance. as Council President Hurst three-way traffic light will be a brown paper bag, was accidentally status of the corporation could be more clearly detennine

He lived in this city a year. Sur­ Inc., to indicate the tranaition to vivors includes his wife, Mrs. ownership by European manufac­ O bituary Frances Kielbasa; three daughten, Services Held For turers. Mrs. Mary Szkutnik, Linden; Mrs. Early in 1942, when the United OUR REATCST Josephine Klicb, Floral Park, L L, States Treasury Department as­ 6 JoMph KleUMw Refired AidRne VP and Mrs. Wanda Glogowicz. Po­ sumed ownership of the cbmpany Services were held at Grey’s | SALE JoMph Kielbasa, 67 yean old, of land; seven grandchildren, and and entruated ita operatfan to 2300 Orchard terrace, a watchman P^ineral Home. Westfield, on Toes- , three brothen, Stanley, Somer­ Americans, Dr. Strubin was named MIO-SUMMER for the White Cleanen, Elizabeth, day for Dr. Paul StruUn, 69. who ville, and Jacob and Szczpan, Po­ manager of the Linden plant Dur­ died August 14 at Alexian Broth- retired in June as assistant vice- : land. ing World W ar IL under his su­ e n ’ Hospital, Elisabeth, following president of General Aniline A : pervision, the Grasselll Works Di­ a week's illness. The funeral was held Friday Film Corporation. Dr. Strubel died i vision was awarded the Army- A native of Poland, Mr. Kiel­ from the Gomy A Gorny Funeral on Saturday at his home in West- I NOW IN ITS LAST FEW DAYS! Navy "E" three times 'for excel­ basa moved to Elizabeth in 1903. Home. Elizabeth. field after several months' il’.ness lence in production for the war 1^ TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW OF THESE GREAT VALUES IM TOP QHAUTY MEN'S Intermetit was In Falrview Ceme- j tery, Westfield. effort AND l O r S WEAR. OUR PRICES MUST RETURN TO NORMAL. SO HURRY Associated with General Aniline Dr. Strubin was named assistant and Its predecessor companies for vice-president of the corporation 33 years. Dr. Strubtn bed been in October, 1947, and transferred IN SOON. Alexander J. Lee plant superintendent and plant to the company's home office In manager of the company's 115-acre New York City. MEN'S SWIM TRUNRS CtlW AND DMSS Grasselll plane for 28 years. He is survived by his wife, Lou­ Jaotsen - BrentwoeO ANKLETS Bom in Liestal. Switzerland, Dr. Announces ise Guemer Strubin. o f Westfield, In Lastex aMl Boxer Medela REG NOW Strubin was graduated from the and four step-children; Mrs. How­ 39c 3 for 90c Polytechnikum of Zurich In 1909 Reg. M«$r ard Chapman, of Detroit Mrs. Ru­ 55c 4 9m 1.45 and he Tecelved his doctor’s de­ dolph Vesenmeier, o f New York 2.95 ...... 2-2* That ha hat acquired the interest held by 3 for 2.25 gree from the University of Gene­ City, Mrs. Hans Heer and Dr. 3.50 ...... 2.50 85c va in 1912. He came to the United Frank Bell, both of Westfield. * I.IO 3 for 2.50 Thomas F. Higgins in the Higgins ft Lee Funeral Home States in 1914 to work as a chem­ 3.95 ...... 2.95 1.35 3 for 2.25 ist for Charles Lennig A Co.. Phil­ 4.95 ...... 3.25 Fete Michael Bedrock 9BlMt ar Long Meeve The Modern Home for Funerals adelphia. In 1916 he joined the 5.95 ...... 4.50 Standard Aniline Co., Wappingers Michael B u d r o c k Sr. was /P‘ SPORT SHIRTS Falls, New York, as manager. honored at a surprise party recent­ / ARROW SHORTS REG. NOW Serving the People of Linden ly at the home of his son and His association with General 1.50 N O W .95 2.25 1.75 Aniline began on July 1, 1919, when daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs 2.35 Michael Budrock Jr. o f Clark SPECIAL SAVINGS ON BOYS' WEAR 1.00 •Sc 2 for 1J0 2.85 he was named plant superintend­ 2.35 ent of the West Works’ of Gras- Township on the occasion of his 2.95 selli Chemical Company in IJn- birthday anniversary and retire­ MEN'S RORES 3.95 3.00 BOYS’ TOM SAWTEB BOYS' PAJAMAS Terry a Seersucker Lee Funeral Home den. In 1925 when the unit was ment of 32 years with Standard 4.50 3.25 Koyon • Part Wool incorporated under the name Gras- Oil Company, He received a wrist TROUSERS Seersucker . . . Broadciotb 2.65 2.00 Formerly Higgins ft Lee Funeral Home selli Dyestuffs Corporation. D ' watch as a retirement present o> R EG . NOW 5.00 3.75 Mod for School Wtor .411 Types Strubin continued as superintend­ well as many other gifts Guests 5.65 4.7S 301 E. Blanche Street, Linden REG. NOW 5.50 4.00 ent Later, in 1928, the name waf- were from Elizabeth. Linden, Clark 7.25 S.fti 3.50 2.05 hfE-v*!* pi.r.rrw AT Tel. Linden 3-4993 changed to General Aniline Worka, Township and Rahway. 9.00 7.00 3.75 3 .1 s FAJAMA5 3.95 3.25 NECKWEAR ShtoFl iileevc - Kaee Leectk 4.50 3.25 REG . NOW REG. NOW 6.00 5.00 1.00 ftfd 3.75 3.00 7.85 6.50 1.50 1 .1 s 4.25 3.25 9.00 7.00 2.50 1.10 4.50 3J5

BOVS’ Laatox and Boxer WOOL MIXTURE BASQUE SHIRTS BOYS* NECKWEAR SWIM TRUNKS SLACKS Washington, D. C. NOW REG. NOW NOW REG. REG. 55c NOW 39c REG. 95c 70c 1.85 1.35 6.25 4.00 • Best Bet for Vets , . . 1.7S 1.15 SSc 2.25 7.85 4.50 Veterans who have been victimiaed on outrageous real estate deals REG. $1 NOW 49c 2.65 2.00 can sue for triple damages under terms of s bill approved by the House 1.35 1.00 8.50 4.75 ON SIGNATURE ALONE recently. If Veterans’ Administration appraisers decide that the seller 2.95 2.25 9.75 7.50 CAR OR FURNITURE fleeced the veteran by knowlingly overpricing the property, this bill BOYS’ SPORT 10.25 7.75 $25 to $500 would givs ths veteran ths right to turn the tables on the seller. BOYS' WASHARLE SLACKS sox 10.50 7.05 REG. NOW SHIRTS REG. NOW ONE TRIP SERVICE First D Now You Know . . . 39c 3 for 90c Short or Long Slocvo 3.50 2.75 phone Hie Friendly Leon Man The nation’s railroads have been granted another rate increase— 3.75 3.00 ALL WOOL GABABOINE which means highsr retail priece for you. The vice president of the 55c 4 for 1.65 Armour Packing Co., says meat prices will remain high. And top 4.50 3.25 SLACKS »E0R6E WOLF sconomists advised Mobilizsr Wilson that as s result of the weak con­ Men's and Boys’ 5.65 4.25 trols law passed by Congress, the cost of living will rise 5 to 8 percent REG. NOW Mgr. in the coming jrear . . . which means a $16 billion heavier tax load and COLD FIRE SOX BASQUE SHIRTS 11.75 0.31 tit M. wssa an. widespraad suffering among ths lower income groups and the old folks REG. NOW 12.85 9.50 PhsBs u . t-ssst u . Ns. i n trying to live on pensions. R E G . NOW 1.85 1.30 13.25 9.50 ClMed Slmrdmy — Open Fridays To i F. If. 65$ 45< D Dictionary of Politics . . . 85$ ftSc 2.25 1.70 14.00 10.00 I f ths govsrnmsnt wants to build a decent home to- rent to the 1.15 tSc 2.85 2.10 15.50 11.25 family of a soldier overseae— that’s socialism. But if t’.ie eovernment hands out $11 million worth of tax-free deals to General .^^otors—that’s tax amortintioB. • Lest We Forget . . . Sixteen years ago— Aug. 14, 1936—was an historic occasion. "The nation wao strug^Ung'Ung upward from theth® deptha of the,worsttha^worst depressiondepreasion in our hittoiy. Thehe forcesforcea of greedfreed and avariceararice were alarmed lest the American people discover how much progress they could mctuslly mske through resl representation and enlightened leadership. The insursncs companies were particularly active, opposing the piece of legislanon that was on President Roosevelt's desk on that eventful dav. But Henry P. Wetzel K. D. R. ignored their plaintive shouts of calamity and ruination. H# signed the measure. It’s now known as SOCIAL 8BCURITY. 125 N. WOOD AVE„ LINDEN OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M.

ROSiNSON U M H R C O . LUMBER - NILLWORB Building Materials Far Hone A Indnatry 180 Homepower! ■’Oas Satlsned CastonMr VidB Aaother” list ST. 4MOBOB aVS. B.. U. 8-6641 Until you NEED A TRUCK | FOR THE SHORE? | drive it you'll Here is perfection in coffee, because UtlLITY Flagstaff coffee is extra ridi! [TRUCK SOLD O n . never know B LB'tsnLv NT ft fN. ON’ TALS HOURLY. FOR THE DAY OR LONGER E L 5-9819 what 320 Washington Avo. \ Qiiyda:iSaft»BrFo does for you! ■lA m ia TOirVI HEAIO THE TALK about Chryaler'a American car angina actually put# to work more e i Toim im OBTOuro ravolutionary now V -8 FirePoirar ongine . . . arith thm o n trg y containad in tha lual than ottaar anginaa. T O O ... anoolhar. gMrttor, alopa at a «y its 180 hoesapow r , ita amaiing amoothnaaa and apaed than yaa^sa over ka< At tiw touch of accalaratioB. . . H oro tZariNa rnfO tllA N C I... raapoa- your too, powar fron tha halpa put on thg sivanaaa, acceleration, amoothnaaa, adiich no ottaar brahaa . . . ladiicaa foot bgra NOW COia D llVl T n UASON for all this two4hirdal aacitamant Hera la tha aaoat raeolutioaary advanca . pasaanger car e««g««e built in this country can agunl in Amarican motor car angina daaign in 27 yaatal... today. And you can tanvu it anth FiraPowar avaa BEirS ISO HOISIPOWn... a fuU 20 power more than that of the neat moat powurful m i 's TK I SATCTT OF FO¥fll-WASSSB9l Amarican pnaaangnr car anginal . . . y eatar dian you’ve aver had at your oonunaad proridaa fonrAftha A IIEW BHD OF nOH COMFUIEION ... — a new high in tha inatnnt raapowaivanaae addeh ■t a atandetin, you ia tha very n ir r -r of aafaty on today’s highwayat rrwArArgfs ro m p r n » S a first Hmamsphsrieal Coaihutoion Chm bar in ■ ■ F IN A N C Z C a COME D im n . . . OMIT A KIDI CAN SHOW YOU WHAT ONLY A CHKTOtSK OIYISI w, tan avRaB m ar, ia n w a t Csmsr MWsa Siraal. INsat Is A A 9 iapar MaHistl sow fiAkwur T.t6S« • Jaka N. NaaywW, TtS “ ‘ “ ■gii tMB su6i u iwliu* U an unsaBsi Ueu • liuau la III DiFEO MOTORS THE LINDEN OlSEmVEK. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, IT5I p « t * s Winfield It Yom^re CommtiMtg to Mmom Paragrapiis Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Duca of M Seafoam avenue and children Sam, Rose-Marie and John spent a week visiting relatives in Bamesboro, Pa. They were the guests of Mr. Ducaa sister and brother-in-law, Makes Pennies Count! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perrone.

Mr. and Mrs. David Dociey, IC Spray terrace, have returned after spending a nine day vacation in Atlantic Oty, during which they observed their fourth wedding an­ f)r€*h, Tap-Grm de B fU im § m ud Frgim § niversary. Mrs. Joseph Kardel. Jr.. Mrs. Dolley's mother, is enjoying a 15 day stay at the same resort

Sherwood Cuily, son of Mrs. Ethel Cully of 41 C Seafoam ave­ nue, celebrated his 10th birthday- CHICKENS anniversary Sunday.

Committee chairmen were chos­ en for the year at an executive meeting of the Winfield PTA Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mary Coulton, 7 C Gulfstrtam ave­ Sizes lbs. nue. " > • 4 3 ' They are: budget and finance, Mrs. Edgar Coulton; refreshments, Mrs. A1 Bunin; program. Mrs. John Croxson; sunshine, Mrs. Jo­ seph Infanger: goals, Mrs. .Jamas Rowe: legislations, Mrs. Paul Bun­ in; parent education, Mrs. Ethel Cully: recreation. Mrs. Henry Heu- SMOKED HAMS ser; entertainment, Mrs. William Spagnolo; historian. Mrs. Mary Shaik PirtiMn litt WhitovaillMrIalf Vallette: safety patrol, Benjamin Riggi; music. Miss Kathleen Stech- lb.49e lb-57« lb. 6 5 * er; Mrs. Kay Walthers. Miss Mar­ tha Kressler; exceptional child, Smoked Ham Slices Cantar cult • b 9 9 « Mrs. Catherine Moulton: auditing. Milton Waldstein: magazine. Mrs. Smoked Pork Butts lonalasi ib 7 9 e Wililam Kosch; summer round-up, Mrs. George Milter; decoration. Smoked Pork Shoulders Sitori cut lb 49* Mrs. J. Shed’.oek; Cub Scouts. Louis Matz: mental hygiene, Mrs. Ethel Sliced Bacou Sunnyfiald-Mgar curad ib.65e Simpson. Officers are; president. Mrs. Rib Roast . 7" cut lb. 7 9 * K)" Cut ib.73« John Croxson; vice-president.s, Mrs. Edgar Coulton. Mrs. James Rowe, Leg or Rump of Veal # a o a • lb 79c and John Lopresti Jr.; treasurer, lb. 35c Mrs. Charles Gottschalk: secretary, Breast o f V eal . • # o a a 0 G Mrs. Michael Joyce. Publicity Shoulder » lb 89c chairman is Mrs. Martha Schmid- Boneless Veal Roast lin. Fresh Hams wi> 1 or oithar half ib.63« Plans for the Winfield Fair to Short Cut ib . 4 7 « be held September 15 thrc/ugh 22 Fresh Pork Shoulders were made at a fair committee lb. 53c meeting Monday night at the Com­ Fresh Spare Ribs # • • • 0 0 a munity Center. A spaghetti din­ Sugar curad lb 39c ner for one of the fair nights and Bacon Squares a fish-and-chips dinner for the eve­ V 4 ib .7 0 * ning of September 21 were sched­ Sliced Boiled Ham • • a a a uled. Gerry Scaia was appointed Liverw urst Brsunsch waigar - ttkad lb 65c chairmen of the opening Gay Nine­ ties Ball on the 15th, and John Green will conduct the Grand Ball Fimo Qmmlitff Smmt— d on the 22nd. The fair workers noted an urgent need for additional volunteers. Food donations will be Soup Prices Hedueed! Swordfi8hst««kt-frashib.69c Fresh Scallops #> 69* welcome throughout the fair week Large Shrimp FrMh lb. 79c Fresh Whiting fc l9c and will be accepted by calling D uz o r O xydol . # # • UrgapkgSOc Mrs. Grace Kelly, Linden 2-2691. The Winfield PTA will be in charge Fab or Tide • # # of refreshments. Binso or Super Suds • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kelly of Fresh from N earbp F a r 5C Gulfstream avenue and chil­ Ivory or Swan Soap • s dren, Thomas and Regina, have re­ turned from a visit to the home of Camay, Lux or Palmolive a( Mrs. Kelly's father, Mr. William Calvey of Avoca, Pa,, and family. TOMATOES la. 1 0 Martyrs' Shrine T o m a t o J u i c e ion» is o z c a n 2 io f 2 5 c 4 6 o r c s n 2 5 c T o m a t o e s 2 lor 2 5 c

Nescafe • # # • 402 jsr36c 12 oz. jar 1 , 1 5 Bunt In Jersey Potatoes From nearby (arms 10 lb. bag 29* New Green Cabbage ib 4* A ahrine dedicated and conse­ Instant Coffee Cha$a & Sanbom «■ Borden’s 4 ox. 37* nearby (arms Ib. crated to the memory of the six W^hlte Celery Nearby farms stalk 12® Yellow Squash 6* Alba Milk Powder Non-Fat-Dry milk 3Vi oz. can 11c million martyred Jew’s of Europe From nearby (arms Ib. will be unveiled on Sunday morn­ L i m e s Saadlass-Florida carton of 4 fof 1 3 * E ggplan t 9* Coffee Time A sparkling coHea bavaraga pt.bol.2lo'’3 5 c ing, September 16. at Beth Israel Beets From nearby (arms bunch 7 * Radishes From noarby (arms bunch Memorial Park. Woodbridge, it was announced today by Leon Pineapple Juice a ii brands i8oz.can2for25c Shipper, vice-president, Beth Israel A&P fancy 20oz.can2l

/ P— 4 THE lINDtN OISiHVIK. THUHSPAY. AUW ST 23. 1951 hopeless tangle created by narrow streets, heavy traffic and IFifth Ward Fetes Shower Honors Linden is more fortunate than New Brunswick. Here Miss Jo Fedak Neighborhood Notebook we have broad streets. The present day planners in New Councilman, Wife Mias Jo Fedak was boaorad last ay [NDIiNObSlilKy Wedaeoday at a atiscaUaaaoaa A astniliialy quiet special mcet- ahower given by Mia. C. Mall- because of the alleys that grew up where streets should Isf of the Fifth Ward Demeeratic ABOUT M OfSTDICT— maaa at the CraftanMa'a CInb. Mothan arc atraage craaturaa. Takan as a wbola tbay ara endoimd have been laid out. Club iMi Thursday evening turned Decorations were blue and white, with wonderful qualiUee o f endurance, patience, mornl perfection and into a very exciting one for Coun­ But Linden’s good fortune will not last if some provi­ with aa arbor of white rosea as a myaterious power known as mother insUnct wbick aurpaaai all nor­ cilman and Mrs. Frank Burns. the table decoration and gifts ar­ mal intelligence. Taken individuaily they have one fault in common sion for parking is not made. Right now, the Lotery Build­ The meeting was called by Presi­ ranged under a white umbrella. TelepivuM: Linden S -$ tU ing lot is the only decent sized parking area available. For dent John Fituimmons to make . . . Thej*re human! ' Mias Fedak, daughter of Mr. and Thla uofortunate condition removes a bit of tht fable of infallibility ■ooM News PnMiaklac O n ...... PUBU8HER9I years it was free to all, but now there are charges. The for­ final plans for the family picnic Mrs. J. bky, 717 West Elm street, on which some of us were reared. It also dlacounte the wisdom of that Adew tlalM MaanCM ...... «> W A R O ROMAINB^ September 16 at Columbian Park, mer users of the lot are taking to streets and adding to will be married to Arthur J. Vaa- famoua sixth aenae mother Inatinct. Nothing human or other­ ...... RU BSRT J. M eUARVBrj but the m ain'event was a sur­ . . ■ • . ■ traffic problems. derwall, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. wise will ever diminish, however, the force that is a mother’s in­ i M M d m nieimd Claa ICettar. Prtrneir * (*» •( tnt Past Offioa prise silver wedding anniversary . . . Vanderwall of 801 Erudp street in New Jeiaer. under tk« 4et af Kareb S. IS 7> There is a municipal parking lot in the rear of City Hall, party honoring the Bums. Called fluence. MM PM ?MP • OMM p m late October. This influence, harnessed and diverted into the ciuttefed channels of course, but its usefulness is limited. It can’t handle all the upon to make a speech. Council­ Shower Guests were: Mrs. H. of public life, would eventually change the wnya of the univene and man Bums found an unexpected MEMBER cars that need space in the business section. Rugg, Crsmford; M n. F. Kalning, iU m— iri-d . . . whether for better or worae is puioly a matter of lump in his throat interfered. A NATIONAL EDITORIAL Union Township, that bustling suburban neighbor of Laurence Harbor; Mra. W. Dun­ conjecture. It is aa unhappy fact that thin ylU I force for the destiny club gift of 25 silver dollars was ASSOCIATION ham Sr., Iselin; Mrs. W. Dunham of the world is utterly useless in its present dissipated state . . about Linden, has approached the issue with courage and fore­ prosented to the couple, along with Jr.. Westfield; Mrs. R. Drake. Me- as effective as firing shot guns from widely scattered doorsteps in the sight. Several parking areas have been provided by the town­ many personal gifts. I OP Auotr aaBSAO o p oaw m A TW H f tuchen; Mrs. B. DrajM. Fords; Mrs. gsnersl direction of the Kremlin. em a cf iMunlaatlnBa an anp anniaat or I ship and the result is that more shoppers find Union Center Words of tribute were spoken tartan nnat Pa alpnad In andanoa at toad faltfe- HauMa M il >a M thbald J. Dose. Clark Towaabip; Mra. J. Well, believe it or not, we can blame a great deal of the confusion an raquMt Onalnad lattart will not ba pubilabad Tba Obaama martaa tha a desirable place. Movie-goers from Elizabeth (there are a by Mayor H. Roy Wheeler and laky. Miss H. laky, and Mmas. J. and lack o f stability In our government and its policies upon that so- M b t to artnt o n v tboaa artleiea wliieb it (aala ara eorttap or oabNaatlan Magistrate Lester Simandl. who Kenderea Ms. laky, A. Amon Sr., Lattan to tba Bdltor moat ba ilmltad to JOO trnrda Uuiaar lattan M U ba ant few left) often drive out to Union Center beceuse they know callsd natural mnrvsl . . . mother uutinct! The human slemsnt in Tba Obaaraar don not eanaor ita eoiumntau Tbar ara pam ittad fraa adl' were among the many present A. Amon Jr., F. Lamont. C. La- mothers has been with us a long time . . . to put it mildly. Even when they can park their cars nearby in safe locations. The same inrtai rain Tbair npintona.apminpa. tbtbarafnra. ara tbair o *n and do to honor the couple. mont, J. Hubeny, R. Hubeny. C. our present congressional leaders wsrs busting out the knees of their Oaet tba ataara ofI am m itt m applies to shoppers. Hugh Kenely, chairman of the Treche. A. Croueher, L. Houlroyd, knickers, it was tke human mother instinct to put s child's happiness There are vacant areas not too far from Linden’s busi­ entertainment committee, and his J. Vanderwall Sr, A- Schumann. upon a pedestal before which ail other desires were humbled. ^ co-workers arranged the affair. R Matheny, C. Mullman, J. Chris­ THtJRaDAr.* AUULST SX 1P5I ness center. The city would be wise to keep a watchful eye Even though they may have flourished in the era when children High spot of the entertainment tie, P. Yeisley Sr., P. Yeisley Jr., lest too many of them be used for building purposes. They were to be “aeen and not heard”, their own ears were alert to the was the rendition of “Linda" by E. Wcstling. E. Buckholi and C. ■'plant" for their fine futures. Papa's nose was glued to the grindstone lir Parking Lois will help make Linden a great city at some future date if the Councilman. Mr. and Mrs Vanderwall. all of Linden. so Junior's proboscis might rise in nil Its glory above the puny atUin- they arc reserved for parking use. Burns are planning a vacation ments of his parents. The recent action of iti owners of the Lotery Building It is not too late for Linden to do something about the trip eouth to further celebrate the BIRTHS Times have changed somewhat. Children now have mors freedom. in putting an end to free all-day parking in the rear of Lin­ occasion. They are both seen and heard . . . perpetually. The young parents who parking and ttraffic congestion headaches of today and to­ Mr. and Mrs. Burns will be visit­ CREPEAU—to Mr. an*i Mrs. Frank. den’s busiest commercial block points up a situation about 1011 W. Blanche st., a boy, Aug. 14. bloswmed forth under the influence of a new-found psychoiogy which morrow. It will be a civic shame if appropriate action is not ing with Mr. and Mrs. James ignored the horrible word, “no” struggle to bring up their children now, which Linden can do something before it is too late. at Eliz. Memorial. taken. Brousseau of Baton Rouge. La., handicapped by their own lack of diacipline. There was much weeping and wailing when a booth was until after Labor Day. Mrs. Brous­ CARH ART—to Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert, 423 Birehwood rd . a girl. Regardless of the age in which we live, mother instinct will always seau is Mr. Burns niece. insulled at the Blanche street entrance to the large lot and .\ug. 14. at Railway Memorial. t>e a ‘ mis-guiding” force, for the human mother instinct is to smootn a sign installed announcing fees for all but shoppers in the T w o W a r i h j C a m p a ig n s F R A N K —to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas the way ... to wrap in a shell of his own importance her most cherishol t>ossession . . . to give, give and give until the object of her affection Lotery Building stores. There will be more weeping and Chapter Greets 22 University terr, a boy, Aug. 15, Tw o important campaigns are going on at present, both at Eliz. Genl. reaches maturity, fully convinced of his inalienable personal righU. wailing in future years if Linden does not seize the oppor­ of which are deserving of the support of Lindenites who 3 New Members CARUSO—to Mr. and Mrs. John, Such firmly imbedded beliefs lead us to consider first our own tunity to secure off-street parking sites while they are avail­ care what happens to humanity in other places. 41-B Wavecrest ave.. Winfield, a pleasures and comforts. Translated to a national level these pedestal able. Linden Chapter 595. Women of boy. Aug. 17, at Eliz. Genl. tiersonalities of ours become apathy toward civil defense needs, in­ First, there is ARK, American Relief for Korea. The difference to government spending, arm-chair action against com­ Look at the plight of Elizabeth. Business is being driv­ the, met Thursday at the Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring this drive, Moose Home. Three new members Anniversary Fete munist infiltration and a passive resistance to what may well be the en out of that city by lack of parking space. It is necessary which has as its aim collection of clothing for Koreans who were accepted: Mrs. Gertrude Mor­ end of those fine plans we now have for Junior and Sis. to park blocks away from the business section and to pay rison, Mrs. Mary Accardo. and Honors Patersons The term, mother instinct, in its natural sUtc is not only accurate, are living in rags. Mayor Wheeler has made city firehouses A surpriae 25th anniversary Mrs. Margaret Simiklose. Moose it is awe-inspiring. The maternal impulse in animals is s lesson in for the doubtful privilege. party honored Mr. and Mrs. George available as collection deports. All that is asked is tht cloth­ true mother love not to be found in books on child care. WTiile s Newark is worse— and possibly the most aggravated in­ Heart Alumni Chapter night was Paterson of 1200 South Wood ave­ ing items be clean and in reasonable condition. frenzied fight for the preservation o f her young does typify the kind presented under the direction of nue Saturday evening at McManus stance is in New Brunswick. In the latter city, however, of mother instinct we so fondly assume human mothem possess, an The other worthy effort is the Flood Relief Drive, spon­ the chairman. Mrs. Mary Zakan- Hall The host and hostess were something has been done about it. New Brunswick has a animal . . . without benefit o f paychological training . . . will seldom sored by the Red Cross. It hopes to collect sufficient money ych. Mrs. Clara Parsons described their son, Pfc. Andrew Paterson, her trip to Moosehaven, Orange allow her young to arrive at a position where they will need to be Parking Authority and is attempting to correct the almost to assist in rehabilitation of areas of our own mid-west dev­ who is stationed with the Army in Park, Fla. Mrs. Bertha Lawson, rescued. astated by flood. Virginia, and their daughter, Kath­ entertainment chairman, reported erine. A buffet supper was served A super-natural insight brings her to teach her offspring self- EVERYTHING Robert Burger of East Side Metals heads A R K in Lin­ on plans for future card parties. and an orchestra provided music reliance and above aU, respect for the fellow-creatqres of their world. den and Leo Kaplowitz is in charge of the flood relief cam­ Graduate Regent Bess Genaro do­ for dancing. Gueats were from Only in times of dire physical distress do animals war upon one an­ other. All animals in their natural stete rccejve no training other than r a m i paign. Both are doing energetic jobs and deserve your as­ nated wool for the orphanage. rteret, Elizabeth, Newark, Ro- Refreshments were served by that of their mothers. Peace prevails . . . and without man's devss- sistance. Ile, Perth Amboy and Linden. Mrs. Zakanych and her commit­ tation, plenty wouM be their lot. tee: Isabelle Roseman, Elizabeth Baby Shower Held CiviliMtion with all of iU fantastic comforts hss robbed us of the Visit VilUnit Dearing, Eldith Mixson, Graduate For Mrs. A. Roehm insight which could make a mother’s IneUnct a power for eventual • F L A S H ^ U S • FILM Regent Mae Gessler, Jean Smith peace among men . . . not through some visionary world control, but Mrs. Evelyn Addis of Muse, and A baby ahower was given Au­ lU IL D II rERULS and Membership Chairman Marie through a hard-headed approach to the atark realitiaa of today s • Exptrt Decetopin§ • Mrs. Bertha Tristiani and daughter gust 15 for Mrs. Albert Roehm of Carson. Senior Regent Elizabeth problems. Agnes of Wickhaven, Pa., are Elisabeth by Miss Louise Roehm ot MASON MATXRLOO Horner presided. Next meeting I do not propose that children be indoetzinated with the horrors 605 West Price street. Decorations XBIM O PAINT guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vil- of hatred. I only suggest that we teach thorn vividly and well the will be Sept. 6. included a stork and streamers of H A R O W A B B lani of 115 South Wood avenue privileges which they now enjoy, and spare them not the full knowledge rainbow colors. Guests were pres­ DAILY Photo Service Co. A P P L L A N C a a for « week. of their cost. I only pray that my own sons will teach their children 117 N. WOOD AVI. Sfcw* 1V2t UNDIN 2-2tia Schaefers Vacationing ent from Bayonne, Colonia, Eliza­ HOCI Mr. and Mrs. William Schaefer the never-ending need to work, work and work to preserve their freedom. beth, Roselle, Rahway and Linden. o f 2902 Tremley Point road are BUILDERS' spending two weeks with Mrs. Early American colonists found Schaefer'r aunt and uncle, Mr. tha Indians playing a dice-like SEWIUL SIPHY 68. and Mrs. Theodore Henderson of game that became known as “hub­ •JT US AMANOff row TO HNAL DAYS of oor m OontMurinl Avn, O naford •VAiirr SINCt IM 4 Groton, Conn. On Tuesday they bub,'* b eca i^ of the shoute of were guests at the launching of “hub-hub-buV that aeco mpaniaE SUMMER CLEARANCE th « U.S.S. Trout. Caribbean Is Io b Babgold Shoet • h eests yee as awie when ye« kuy REDUCTIONS MARY'S Clipper Oshels'lkreiitli ns ye^ V . t . are memd ceundsM Irevel deteih. HAS W66« A m ^ servtoe m fuerte Bee, UP TO Pewilwkaii kepuMic. HeW. JoAeice, BALI FLEMINCTONFURCO end Cube. • Fer eaemple, SOW (pkn lex) severs Opw SUNDAY ft CvMydn kiqhls te #8 itionds includes cennecNng Oar iMifa Stack BRAS eirline from MiemI bodi te New Yetfc. Of Maa’s mti Mmft’ Ws ere eutharised Travaf Aganh h r Waar 32 to 44 P a n A m m i c a n W o m b A i b w a t s I t s i i m A to C Cup •weiB oira, u. e. B* eo

MURRAY'S"-**'toys' Shop 400 N. W m 4 Ara. Linden Travel Agency 214 N. Wood Ara. Opoo Fri. UotE 9 P. M. UNDEN 4B3 N. WoBd Avmnm Linden. N. J. Official Bow « C b S Eenut OttUiiUn MATERNITY LI. 2-6954 DRESSES •peeial Wff C«rry • F«l U m

O f MBf ndty Apy wl i i m i r d s u p p l y 1 **"'******^'•‘wdM soad FREE DIAPER SERVICE 1 FOR ONE WEEK FREE! M O O l Y N n D ^ TO EVERY EXPECTANT MOTNIR SINGER A IN CONDITIONED PURCHASING MATERNITY APPAREL vACUUN' i W iM iEvtry Chicktn e, E A N E R s J 1 1 a a a 1 C O R O f SoMCO or 1 CHARGE IT — NO DOWN PAYMENT V / C or of CroRbotTv B-Z STORES I w * THOB LIVE CUT.UP r L . N I C I S A N D other Store$ in Eluabeth and W ettficU m odoU otfko P fU C B s T i w m e BACKS N. WOOD AVE. a y a u a h i R I M m U T c N i e a N s 2 a . 2 5 * Owem FrUttw UmtU f F . M . ONLY rm^iNcaai fliiii riT t i i i i i W h ip EGGS WNU On M Onlf At Tibe 4 y a f O A N T n O I 3 9 * - WEDDINGS L A n 35c b . 3 9 * a COM PIITI ALBUM OP 12 NNB CANDD PNOTOOftAPNS ON WASHAMJ WIDMNO VUL ftt.W SINGER POULTRY LADGR SELECnOW OP PBOOPR SIWINft CENTR ERNIE'S MARKET 400 N. WBBd Avb., U bObb 1212 E. St. L M a a M K S UNDEN fflOTODRAPHBiS U . 3 4 7 1 7 1B3 N. W OOD AVE. THI lINOiW OtSfKVm. TNUKSDAY. AUWST 21. IfSI Miss Campbell, I Betrothed Jersey Cityite Are Married Here lU HI II \Y IE IR S A\ IL BROADCAST CORNBIRF

V' r : ? FOOD MARKETS HAM . . 89c Icili-llM t. 49e 630 W. ST. GEORGE AYE.. LINDEN SUCIO M m 12-at. car O p m ToNffet *ll f P. RL, 9M a t • A. M. f » 16 P. M. BEEF. 35c !• 6 P. M. Tam la! life 1 P.M. THURS.. AUG. 23 ED H ltLIH Y SHOW

I MIm Florenee M. Flath CJtoaaal4,WNBT.TV . t* f.- ■ . I (Unden Pbotoct.i , ’ -W " * ■ I Mrs. Catherine F. Flath of 32C iSeafoam avenue. Winfield, haa an­ nounced the “ ngagement of her Mn. Jokepli W. Koprr : daughter Florence Mary to Robert I Eddie Murray Phow) iJ. McLanc, son of William J. Me- Mim Eliaabilh Jane Campbell. L.anc of Jersey City. KN'. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J Campbell of 8 Hmsaa street, was Miss Flath was graduated from married August 11 to Joseph W. Benedictine Academy. Eliiabeth. P.oper son of Mr. and Mrs. David and is employed oy Watson-Still- R Rep"r of 358 Montgomery man Co., Roselle. street. Jersey City, at St. Eliza- heth's Church. Rev. Louid SeLser. USB, pastor, officiated. bride: and John Mulhearn and ALL UNIVERSAL MARKETS JOIN THIS GREAT OCCASION The church was decorted with Frances Van Note, of Jersey City. white gladioli and featured wed­ Following a reception at The ding music "Ave Maria” and "O I Pines, Metuchen. the couple left OF OUR NEW ELIZABETH MARKET I.g)rd I Am Not Worthy. ' Mr* on a motor trip to Florida. For wiimawp ( ’ampbcll bestowed his daughter travel, the bride wore a navy blue HiM M r’s SpaaiBb B iff 22c hiu 2*-2Be in marriage. and white checked linen suit with SbnCM WbMl. •*• III ecTaaoN M I N N i r i Maid of honor wu.s MLs~ Olive navy' blue acceesoriea. On their • ------return, the Ropers will live at the NABMCO • • * Mka Co.-tello. RN. of Elizabeth. Bride.s- FU-VEL iBBiriBi OrtBiB '>^ l i e maids were Misses Su.san P. Sheridan Apartments. 533 East firahaa Oraakari *^3la Campbell. sU-iter of the bride; 2nd avenue. Roselle. CM A M a t A N K M N Odagaa Braaalat *3 3le P'rancees MeSpirritt, of Jersey Graduated from St. Mary's High SUPERMBS NAaMCO City, cousin of the bride, and Bar­ School, Elizabeth, the bride also iB s t iB t Geffet. . He T r ia a g lB TI n m . . * ^ 2 4 b ■arsiMMilaw Faffs 21c bara O'Brien, of Belleville. Us an alumna of the Jersey City Kinua-s John Mcrrigan of Jersey City Medical Center School of Nursing, was best man. while uahers were of which she is presently a staff 25c R okaadi BtnM . l i e CM Omkm 2le RaaaMOaffaa. . l i T I c John A. Campbell, brother of the member. atoai lenN SiMBBii Oar P a l i s h M b Km Um ’s SaMaM ’itr ITc I t a i M I M f N . . ' J l i n t SUNWINa anaaars nuicy tioataa iM ivaroaam AMBttCAN RffiNHURE CO. Hi Nf Grackin . 'JH Me ■IM M tlaiav • • ■ V mm m . Borne ot QuaUlw Furniturt ■ILGOHrS FANCY FIOIIDA For th« GRAPCFIIIHT 7 * ^ • Livinq JUICE • Diaiaf Raaai BABYLAND auAurr ^ FRUIT6 buBIMTUna riMNiTuna • KitcbBM fo n n a aa 3 i*' 25c UTTLm A IM UASOMABLa NO. 1 CANS a auaia pucaa v e g e t a b l e s

Mahi M h b SALIM au N. Wm4 4 m U . 2-4021 m N. Wm M 4 m LONG ISUUCD U. S. #1 NEW PACK DOLE P0TAT0ES10»^25c List Yoar Frwpwfies Fat Sola W illi TOMATOES PINE6PPLE I Y lllO W U. S. #1 HAUMJT JUICE MIOHS. . 3<^1Ccl STEAKS N IW G t m i 0 / ^ FRESH SUCED INC. 2 <•' 25c CUBAUE. . 3c 49c'^ ESTABLISHED 1919 CAUFORNIA REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE CARMTS2^“ <^19c FANCY SElIcnO ■lOOD KID CRABMEAT 7N.WCX)0AVE UNOBiN.J. . ||a -lb. WHITIHOUSE FIK-NIK 7 1 m . llM D F H '2t 3S 71 BEETS. . .5c^“^ I ww can NEW PACK Kosher Stylo O S C A R MAYER LONG ISUND APPLESAUCE CHOWDER OR CHERRY- DIU PICKLES STONI or UYERWURST I-aa rail 3<«25c CUMS tan* 25c NAflONAUY 85o**' NOW! ADVamSIO MANOS R IA D Y ^ T M A T Own the Most Modern Fine Car SMOKED HAMS Hallllian’s WELCH'S aiaM iiiiCTio l a r m OM HGMGsttad PRINCH Save ^957 to tt349!* APRICOT White E n c .^ T S ii BUTT IVttYONS OUARANTIM 39i NAIF 491 DRESSING »RECTAI U IH H V MTANCOTANCO TAMTAMI I COiORiaCOiORW I FiTItaiSlii c T o c . I 0lcoMarttriMw25ol F rflig iN

n lO tJ HAYDirS FAMOUS SKINIISS CAlOMVt ^ ^ SU-aa. cant Bdwete. '^SBc L i n o R A K 2 tic KRAFT FHIIA. IRANO CRIAM FRANKFURTERS sum rtfOM Calif. 1-M. StraGiinliB 'JH 3Be Chaeie. ti^ 2*“ 25c caila phg. SNOW C tO r, , mm K larn* INb a.trlg.ii.i.r TOP GRADS Bm W * Omt lb. r«dH OraifiMM 2;i:M3e lUNKItT A • • Yci. ia cstry aay bat prict the beautiful Nash ArabMSMier SwiisClniic*%'5lc Aiiflytc «undi beside Amerin’t fineet luxuiy anj-with « - fTATI RRANO MHO CHRWAR jTsr: onm - «• Uaril |«f MMIta qiqp Llllf'Sm * 3 '* 2 i€ cluiive feeturet you cen’t get is iny other Mitomobilel lrapoM iat:r tl€ m B I ^ G iwii 2 '■' 23 c The world * imooAcst ride-with the u k t y mod quM o f all- C la m . . v ^ 8Sc welded AirfMe Cdnttructioii! Roomy interio^ nchly up- and hixuriotnly oomfortaMe! Aa Airliner Reaming COUiai INN THUSWUT Seet! Weather Eye Coodhioaed Air! New feoordemaahinf TOMATO iU*Cl u n i i y o Y UMON Jetfire perfonnance! And many other edv» utepe found aoly in ataew raaeew TASniT “ the wofld's most modem car” ! COCKTAIL JUICE And the price is actually up to $1349* lea than that of other 5!i-aa. Aaa fine cars! Stop in today. j‘« 24c lo w ir can wW •Campmratift frtott, .fsW i Wsi MnW A** il. «J f We InTile Yon. to thiYC a Nadi Aiabassaiior O LD D U T C H CLEANSER

Olenik Motors F A L M O U V I ISPK SPAN SOAP INk. SIbe. 824 B. S t. O tO K fR A y r . L M m . N . A T nohSS g^ o^SwS Ra0. lath I lara. laa i aM laa 35c Me TV N nt WirtdiFaetWIiliMMnTVTMRaih.i.ABC/lelwatk. S*“ 2Sc 2 *“ 2Si I H a I M l • TH t HWDtN O tSH V B t THUKSPAY. AUeUST 13. If t i Sport Tidbits

------1 , a l S A w i c n ------OoBcntulathwa to Um Linden Arfana for winning the womcn’a MUNS CAPTURE 13^” STATE TITLE division softbnll chsmpionship for the Uth time in the Itth snnusi ASA Toumsment st the Wsshington School Seld in Summit Linden B o w U b ^ defented the defendinf chnmpiona. the Woodbridce Greiners, 9-1 on Trip to M SOFTBALL jw fc i nifs at) "TOots” Nusse’s splendid 4 hitter. T b o ts" hss plsjed in sll the U W in Finals 10-5, 9-1 Eighth Ward Democrats srill at* Ab organsaUwial mcctlag for The Huskies defeated the O ow s toumsments. Edith White paced the locsla’ victory with s perfect tend the New Tork-Brooklya ball the P. T. A. Bowang Leagas will S-1 and the Princes won a 6-2 vle- day at the plate gettinc three for three. Every one of the Ariana game at the Polo Grounds Sep­ be held Sept 6. Play for this tory over the Hergerts in gam h PisM Shori W ill Try In Begionals safely with the exception of Nusse who made up for her weak stick* tember 2 on a bus trip sponsored league aril start In September and played Friday and Saturday in the innON COUNTT POUCB work srlth her twirling. PISTOL UUGim by the Franklin D. Roosevelt Club. activity is limited to P.TJL and Recreation Commission B Lesgue standiBg at Ttams Linden’s Arlans ran o ff with on the bench gave their all in nror- The Linden Buckeyes came up with another fine hurling Job by They wtt leave from Edgar toad Mothers Club membera. Officers softball aeries The Zerons for­ w L Pet. H8 al support from the stands. RUasbatb 12 X .923 1,153 their 13th state championship in Heme to defeat the Elisabeth AA. 7-2. Hesse limited the opposition to and Allen street at noon. Mayor elected at the last meeting in April feited to the Palmers in the game Plainfield 12 1 .923 1,178 two week-end games which were In addition to excellent team­ Sve bingles. A t the rate the Buckeyes are going lately, they will prove H. Roy Wheeler, and Councllmen were: president Mrs. Dorothy scheduled for Friday at Wheeler Linden No. 1 11 2 .844 1,166 work by all the players, a good Park. O. C. Pnrk 10 4 .714 U S 2 the final tUU in the State Ama­ troublesome to the top teams in the Union County loop. In fSct it Wililam Hurst and Michael Smig- Wynn; treasurer, Mrs. Helen Toth, Rsbvray Prison 9 4 .692 1.143 measure of credit in taking the looks like they are doing pretty good without the services of "Butch" elsky will be guests. The commit­ suid secretary, Mrs. Josephine Mea- Kenilworth 9 5 :648 1,144 teur SoftbaU Association tourna­ championship goes to the leaders tee in charge includes Mrs. Eklith saroe. W L P Linden No. 1 7 6 .538 1.127 W o yt Cranford 7 4 .538 1.128 ment for feminine teams. A 10-5 of the club: Nusse, as manager; Monday evening the World Champions, fo r t Wayne ZoUnera played Helnx,^Mrs. Jean Reilly, Joseph Mrs. Wynn requests that all in­ Huskies 11 2 A42 Sprlpcflald « 8 .333 1.106 Omch Michaels, Captain Weiss Palmers 9 4 A60 Summit 3 9 .250 1.091 decision against Asbury Park on the New Jersey State League All Stars in a benefit game. Those who Zematis, Edward Faster, Michael terested biowlers call the Linden BoaaUe Park 3 and 0>-captains Stanicki and Crows 7 6 A38 9 .250 1.066 Saturday was the fore-runner of were fortunate enough to aitness the game saw one of the greatest Babbit, Walter Gerhard and Fred Recreation Oommission office, LL Scotch Plains 3 11 .214 1.068 Kupsch Panwood 11 .083 1.059 aoftbali in action. Bin W est In the past three acaaotu he has Rihlmann. 3-9009 to have their names listed Zorosm 7 T .450 1 a 9-1 romp against the Greiners at Princes 3 11 .216 O. C. JaU 0 12 .000 803 This is a farewell championship 1,061 to bis credit and Fort Wayne has won over 600 games to attend the meeting September the Summit field on Sunday. Sth Word node Hergerts 2 9 .IW CBANPORO LINDEN No. 2 for Dot Zygala. who turns in her losing 140. Last season he fanned over 400 batsmen. He pitched a 6. at 10 am. at the Old City H»n Rysn ZSS‘ Klunder 274 The gals are not resting on their uniform for orange blossoms and perfect game several weeks ago at the Polo Grounds against the Klcrape 2761 Vtrksltl* 274 Tidwts Top 900 (3tles Service won the Rrst game laurels, however. With this one a wedding band next month, and Grumman’a striking out 25 of the 27 men that faced him in a nine Distribution of more than 900 Womens "A " and “B” Bowling Fiseber 2STi Drosdoskl 277 in the play-offs o f the Industrial MUler 2S8IStoemer 277 under their belts, they will try in will play no more with the Lin­ inning game. He had six strikeouts to his credit against the All Stars tickets for the annual family picnic Leagues meetings are being held League against Airtron on Thurs- the Regionals over the Labor Day den lassies. when this scribe left in the fifth inning. of the Fifth Ward Democratic (Hub this week at the Old a t y HalL In­ T o u t l.iosj T oU l Ijin d ^ at the Tremley field, 4-2. LINDEN No. 1 ROSELLE week-end at Buffalo, heading for On this week’s menu the A s were reported Thursday night at a terested new bowlers are asked to Novslsny 2M)!Andcnon 289 Emil Varga was the only All Star to hit the ball out of the infield Wnek eras the winning tor the World’s Championship series have a double header on Sunday meeting o f the club’s entertainment sign up for a “C” lague which Is Sweet 295iBrlnkm*nn 291 . . . and It was foul, down the right field line. the oilers. Segeda tripled in the Lrilo ailWoodrufI 273 at Wheeler Park in the N.G.ST. committee. Hugh Kenely, chair­ being started. A " C league will to be held in Detroit. The preliminary game between Esso and Singers was much more fourth inning to tie up the ball Tonueaewskt 276:'llclfehon 279 games. First game is for 4:00 p.m., man, presided at the meeting in the offer beginners a chance to learn In Sunday’s finals, it was Toots Interesting to this scribe. game 2-2 in the ourfth inning. Klut- second will be at 6:00 p.m. 0>luKblan Club on Park avenue, to bowl, improve their play and be­ Total 1,142! Total i.ia Nusse going all the way on the kowski’s and Zaltx’ hits in the SEMI-PINAI.S The opening game o f the Linden Industrial Softball championships where the picnic will be held Sep­ come eligible for membership in mound, giving up five hits and Arlans Asbury Park fifth inning and a sacrifice fly by saw AI Matulionis* crew continue their winning ways defeating the tember 16. Andy Wells’ orchestra “A " and “B” leagues. Interested walking no one. The only extra »b r h ab r h Rolband brought in the third run. Oallaghfr. .1b 3 3 2 Vona. p 4 1 2 Airtron nine. The Cities Service nine has yet to taste defeat in the has been engaged to play for danc­ women are asked to call Linden List Comp Needs base blow was by Bell, a double with the fourth run coming in on Bell, c * cf 5 1 3 0. Vona. 3b 3 0 0 Linden loop. A l was pleasantly surprised when his team defeated the ing at the affair. Recreation Commission office, Li. Again White was on the ball with ' White, If 5 2 3 De Sano. rf 1 0 2 an error. Ktsfffa was the leading Kupsch. as 5 0 2 Turner, c .5 11 Airtron team for be had his doubts about winning this one due to Final report of the picnic com­ 3-9009. In Rodio Forum her behind-the-runner batting. She hitter for Airtron with a and Mrs. Alec Stevenson, secretary, Nusse. p 4 0 2 Psp’Iardo, If 3 0 0 several o f his key men being missing from the lineup. Airton, accord­ mittee will be given at an enter­ bad three for three, and some ! Zygala. lb 2 0 1 Haynes, cf 4 1 2 a . represented the Linden CTiildren’s ing to Al, was the one team that consistently gave his Cities Service tainment committee meeting Sep­ IPLATGBOUNDS CIjOSB beautiful one-handed catches by Ibllchaels. c 2 0 ITetsche. lb 4 1 1 (3amp Fund, Inc. last night in a iBlazler. 2b 2 1 « Volg. 2b 3 0 2 nine more trouble during the regular campaign than any other team tember 11 at the ColumbiaiT Club. r a iD A T In a close game at Wheeler Park Kupsch inspired the whole team. I Griffith, rf 1 0 o Del Bene, as 3 1 0 Recreation Committee has stat­ the same day, DuPont and Dis­ broadcast over Station WPOE, Chamberlin 2 I 1 In the circuit In the semi-finals on Saturday, The stormy petrol gets its name ed that the playgrounds srill close tillers played nine innings and the EHizabetli, explaning the need for I was Just as surprised as Johnny Walck to see the article in my Totals 31 10 14 Totals •>2 5 12 from “walking” on calm water, this Friday. Eleven playgrounds ball game was nearly over when summer comp vacations for young the A’s came from behind. .’>-4 column about his batting average for the Cities Service team (the editor Arlans 2 0 2 O.J) 5 1 — 10 with the help of flapping its were successfully operated this DuPont brought in thrS runs in Lindenites to Mrs. Eunice Pavia, to win a tough 10-5 decision Asbury Park 0 1 9 '4 0 0 0— 5 must have slipped that one in). Knowing "B ig Jawn” as well as I do wings. summer. the ninth. . Eddie Solty pitched one moderator. Mrs. Stevenson out­ against Asbury, over what they the card be sent this office r^as supposed to be facetious and “wasn't RNALS of his best games of the season for lined the work of the camp fund took to be a very unfriendly at­ Ariana Greiners meant for publication" as he so informs me in a billet doux. titude on the part of the umpires ab r h sb r h was chewing on something and refused to order anything to eat while the winners. On Friday, Cities and the benefits derived by the Gallagher, 3b 3 2 1 541chael. ss 2 0 0 Continuing . . . “A remark made in jest concerning Cities Service's Gallagher’s and Marie Kunschs the rest of us did have a bite. Service took Karagheusian 4-3. children from their camp experi­ iBell. c 2 2 Kaezmarek. c 3 1 1 loss of two games while I was away made me appear to be one of those triples were helpful to Toots Nu.sse. 'White. If 1 3 Madger, Ib 3 0 1 So, John, if you can get “Keg” in an unguarded moment he might On Monday, Cities Service de­ ences and change of environment. who tossed back criticisms of her Kupsch. ss 0 2 Glroud. p 3 "ballonheads” who literally abound in the ranks of softball. M y buddies let slip Just how bad be did bowl. feated Airtron 5-2 at Wheeler Mrs. Nida Edwards repreaented . Nusae, p 0 0 De Boer. If 3 from Cities Service, o f whom I have so many, (sic!) Jumped at the motion in delivering the ball with Zygala. lb 0 1 Jacoby, cf 3 “Walckie” , in his letter, also gave me some pertinent information Park, and DCL won over DuPont the Urban League on the same opportunity to thoroughly roast me, and had “ Dizzy” Dean been pres­ some hard chucking that had all Griffith, rf 1 2 R^spollck. rf 3 regarding some o f his mates’ averages. EmU Varga batted a red hot by the same 5-2 score. Final game program. jBlazler. 2b 2 I Zupko. 3b 3 ent, he might well have said, “Get the fork, boys, this guy looks like her 16 years’ experience behind I Stanicki. cf 1 2 Katona, 2b 2 .474 for the Summit club in the State League and is shading the .400 will be Monday, when the winners he's all done!" it. Asbury soon eyed her delivery, IGalkovky. 2b 0 mark for Cities Service . . . Pat Banasiak, Another Lindenite who in­ of tonight's DuPont-DUtiMers tilt Arlans 2 3 0 0 4 0 X—9 Nbiw H N «w Coach and began to hit her hard, but I feel that it is only fair to give John some ammunition to work explicably was overlooked in the all star selections, also'wore out the will meet the league-leading Cities Greiners 1 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 Cthamberlin was on deck ready to with. For at least one o f hU hecklers. “K eg" Dobosiewicx, roasted ball for Summit. It’s been my contention for years that Pat and Service nine. At Ohio High School fill in and throw a beautiful ball John in no uncertain manner (this is purely an assumption on my Eddie Kubiak were two of the beat stickers in this man’s town. There Standings MARIETTA. OHIO — Paul 61 BROiO S’ part . . , but I know “Keg" and he wouldn't let an opportunity like “Paulie’’ Nemetz, 24, is newly ap­ game from the Sth inning on. have been others with greater reputations who haven’t hit nearly as W L P EILIZABETTh that go a'wastin'). - well, but it’s always been my considered opinion that baaehits, rather CTities S ervice...... 2 0 l.(X)0 pointed head basketball coach and The 'A’s hitting power was in full swing throughout the game, 4ir-£ttmditinmed Amongst the Linden keglers that bowled in the "Dream Sweep- than reputation, win ball games.” DuPont ...... 1 1 .500 assistant football coach at Gran­ stakes" eurrenUy being run in the New Tork Port Authority Bus Well, there certainly isn’t any argument on that point Distillers...... 1 1 .500 ville, O., High School. He is a with three quarters of the team Continuous Dally FT— 14 A M. June graduate of Marietta CJolIege getting one or more hits. Gal­ Terminal was “Keg”. Al Phelan, John Pallay, Ed Kubiak and myself John has aiso enlightened me as to the whereabouts of one Carl Airtron ...... 0 2 .000 Last limes today and is married to the former Miss lagher’s heads up base running, also rolled the ball down the alley. Ed Kubiak turned in a creditable Henrlcksen who has been in town for the past several months but hasn’t Double Horror Show! 906 set for the five games including his handicap with his best effort been seen too often, and again I quote from John . . . "It’ll Interest you Clnas B Jean Greenfield, daughter of Mr. and Eadie White’s consecutive hit­ being a 221 game. Al Phelan finished with a 952 with his handicap, to learn that I have a golfing date with your No. 1 heckler, Carl Hen- Tomartnw and Mrs. R. B. Greenfield of 17 ting behind the base runner also "Niqht MoMtor“ •ud Pallay had a 948 and I ’m going to pull a “K eg” regarding my total. ricksen, at the Roselle Country CHub this Satunday (as his guest). How’s Zerons vs. Crows at Sth Ward West Elm street. Linden. His wife proved helpful. Those gals who “OMd Mod's EyM” Park. is a 1950 Marietta graduate. couldn’t sit with the roster team Al, John, Ed and myself bowled on the same pair of alleys but about you starting another friendly feud with Carl to spice up your Palmers vs. Princes at Wheeler Frt. A Sat. A o f. 24-25 “ K eg" was down at the other end and after the games were finished column? You’fe quite an expert at it and he’s the perfect foil. (Please, Park. Loretta Veung • Joseph Cotton we tried to get some information on what type o f scores “Keg” had please, do not misspell that last word!) turned in. Even the most adroit questioning failed to elicit any inkling Fm afraid after C^rl gets through reading this Johnny Walck will "HoH Anqd" In Technicolor o f the type o f game “Keg” had bowled. It ^was top secret. I gven have to get another golfing partner. Instead of starting a feud be­ tween Carl and myself Fm afraid that it will be a Waick-Henricksen Bay Miliand - John Hodiak went through the duplicate scoresbeets trying to locate his scores, and "Night Into Morning" I located everyone's but "K eg’s”. feud and will be settled on the links with clubs and I hope that they miwoMits D rive IN theatreS only use the clubs to hit the golf balls. Sun. to Toes. Aug. 2C-27-2S . .J*!,* explain the disappearance o f the scoresheet Now “Dutch” Moore knows where to find (^ rl, all he has to do Is ukwon M r l » that when we stopped to have a sandwich at the snack bar “ Keg” 2 TECHNICOLOR HITS 2 make a tour of golf courses and he will in all probability locate Carl. g Lavish holiday special ^ Danny Kaye - Gene Tlcmey m. sat. Aog. 24-a Prl. Sat. Ang. 24-25 "O* Tlw Rivimi" § Last '51 display 10 p. m. Kim VlrglnU Randolpb David SCOTT BRIAN End Cameron - Wayne Morris DOUGLAS 5IAYO “ Stage To Tiicson" I Circus, afternoon, night* "ALONG TRB In Tech. "FORT WORTH" GREAT DITIDB" abP “ROOKIE riBBBSAN” I Big pool open every day Alsn < Wtd. A Thnrs. Ang. 29-39 Starts Sunday 2 ACTION-PACKED HITS I IH thrill ride9 m t t l f CssM iy • Span - Caitann Jeanne CRAIN — tn Tecb Cary Grant - Douglas Fairbanks, Jr Starts SanSay “TAKE CASE OF "GwKto Dm" ORBOORT PBCK MY LITTLE GIKL" Victor McLagIcn - Boris Karloff "ONLY TRB VALIANT" also "SIERRA PASSAGE” "The Lost Patro!” Itls th e T im e LEISVRE CAN BE BOCGHT Oieat Cal'! h i s is the perfect day for you au8 T to do eomething very nice for you'll'HI like. yourself. It's satisfying because Pontiac is IN EASY INSTALLMENTS Stop in and ace how easy—smd such a beautiful car—such a how tatisfylng—it la to become brilliant performer—and gives you the owner of a great new Pontiac. so many, many years of pleasure. It’s eaay hecauae Pontiac is priced Gome in and buy a new Pontiac— THROUGH A SAVINGS ACCOUNT just above the very lowest, and a truly great car!

A ritollar «r tw « m v c iI weekly will kay y«a a vacaiiato toexi naaiBier; a little aiare caa ateaa a eraiset xtlll aiare retireaieat la later life. It will pay yaa ta start aaw aad ta BANKBORROWSAVi a t UMDEN'S

3 OFFICES IK illa r H orlFolliur jo ia ssaiifglicsrto.



B D O 8 you OR YOUR HUSBAND Clsancd — Bepatred — Stored ,AX UNUSUAL OPPORTUSmr — Ml Wall to wall Installation earn 30 - 30 dollars spare time In jrour T Ac J Carpet Contractors community three or more alternoous LI. 2-2726 (eveningsI EL. or evenlncs Management position available tor those who can quality. W ANTED TO EBIT Children no handicap. Dae of Car 3-ROOM house diP aparUnsat. By Ad­ helpful. Telephone Linden 2-2S7S-J vertising Manager of Linden Ob­ 9 a m. to 12 noon or write M. Harris. server. located In or close to Lin­ Suite 604. 11 Hill Stram. Hesrark. den Phone Metuchen 6-2SS0 at Linden 3-8383 STENOGRAPHER Wanted; Permanent I I I // // position. Interesting and dlecrslflcd work. In congenial surroundings. SH AtE THE AUTO \\ Call Chestnut 3-6070 for Interrlew. WANTED; Ride to and from South SALESGIRL Wanted—Pull Time Eg. Avc.. Plainfield. Mornings nctwecn perlence not necessary. Must nave 6 and 6 JO. Evenings. 3 JO and 8. references. Apply Noll Jcwalers. M Call Undtn 3-4894 E, Price St.. Linden.______t e l e p h o n e operator. cxperleoeed I APARTMENTS POt RENT typist preferred. 5-dsy week. Good salary. Permanent position. Newark UXDESI Steel Drum Co.. 1300 W. Blaneke St.. Linden. “ELM TOWERS” 30 East Elm St. NEW ELEVATOR BUILDING 30 East Elm St. jf( 2 ROOM APTS 808 TO 878 l in d e n — 3V> ROOM APTS. 890 to 893 Sfewe-Freef Col—iol! 4', ROOM APTS. 8103 to 8106 Lovely modern t^Toom hokne in tbc Some 2 and all 34 and 44 room apt. SPLENDID 8UNNTSIOS SECTXOM. rentals Include garage. Convenient to shopping and transportation (Penn ‘ l e •TRl. ONLY $1«,S00f OCCUPANCY ABOUT OCT. l»t Attached gsrsge and rear patio make Call Mlm Gaul. ROselle 4-8110 an unuaually good value In today's market! fancy Orange LOST Horvty W« 108 WEST JERSBTI B T s f * * ^ BANK Book No 3812. CaU BUaaOatb 8-1381. fRuirsfyemf^SLEs £1 3-M78; If no answtr. El. 3-T3TT Open Dally 9-8. Sunday Afternoon 1-4 EASY Splndryer Like new Furniture CaHfomia Swdlass suitable for rooming House. US W. Fresh Killed . Juice ,„T?.(,whin,. Elizabeth Ave . Linden BUY U .S. BONDS Ble v , o , « o ______LEGAL AOVEKTiaEMBim UCOAL ADVEKTIBEMCNT8 The pure juice f r o m ^ » Grapes 2 *** 290 . I . CITY OF LINDEN that tbs supplemental debt statement PUBLIC NOTICE la hereby given that required by R. B. 40;1-13 has been duly Fryers «> 43c Orange JuM»^':=,_iOc Sweet and meaty! Really delicious! at a regular meeting of the Common msde and filed In the office of the tra m IS'aarby Farwu! Council of the City of Linden held City Clerk and that such statement Ideol Apple Juice Blended ijc on the 31at day of August. 1891. the shows that the obllgsttotis authorised Enfoy that delicious down-on-the- LARGE California following ordinance was Introduced by thU ordinance anil be within sll and passed on first reading, and the debt limitations prescribed by law. form flqvor of tender, golden brown Apricot 34c bald ordinance will be taken up for -nd It la further determined that 'he Grope 17c second and final readings at a meet- gross debt as defined by law la in­ fried chicken tonight? Prune Juice Honeydewso 49e mg of the Common Council to be creased by this ordinance by the sum held at the City Hall. Wood Avenue. of Twenty-Five Hundred D o II « r a G«'P*^.Tjuice“'r U c Linden. New Jersey, on Tuesday, tha (829C0.00). Drawn Fryers Prune Juice Luscious, sweet! Californio's finest. 4th day of September. 1831. at 8;30 Section 8. This ordinance shall take Tongerine J“' “ o’clock P M . D.S.T., or as soon there­ effect In the manner provided by law. after at the matter can ha reached PASSED: 1881. Hi-C Ornnaeode - Jonoy Elbarta at which time and place all parsons Alt Skinhtg whose lands may be affected by such President at Common Council improvements or who may be Inter­ ested therein arill be given an oppor­ APPROVED; 1881. Quality lee Cr Needn't Be Espennve! tunity to be beard concerning the Peaches 4 25c same The said ImprovemenU arc lo- Yal Improvements and the coat thereof Franks «> 59c C Fanqt 'Is to be saseaaed according to law. DAIRYCRIST THOMAS J. WIBBEH, Tender! Today's big food value! None City Clerk. City Clerk______priced higher? Whot a treot! CiMMy, Smeetli caifeii a n ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT Ice Cream AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AH NOTICE TO CBEOrroBB The world's greatest ice-cream value Vi-gal. carton $1.12. Cake roll 39c! Cucumbers •* 5e ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE POR THE ESTATE O P-M IN N IE CICCONE, also CONSTRUCTION OP A SANITARY I known as aHNNIE A. CICCONE. De- Chuck Roast ItT 73c SEWER IN AND ALONO EOOAR \ esased. Fancy Noorby ROAD ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY Pursuant to tha order of CHARLES SIDE FROM SMITH STREET A. OTTO JR.. Surrogate of tbs County Rib Veal Chops 93c Nabisco PremiumitZf^lc Juice Mohsa U oaal ’!r i9 c SOUTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OP of Union, made on the Tenth day at approximately 480 LINEAL FEET. Augmst A.D. 1881. upon the ippllca- 85c Com 6 19c AS A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TO BE tlon of the undersigned, as Adminis­ Sliced Beef Liver Fig Newtons 23c Juice 23c ASSESSED UPON LANDS BENE­ tratrix c.t.a. of the C(;tate of said de­ FITED, MAKING AN APPROPRIA- , ceased. notice la hereby given to the Asco Sliced Bacon 67c TION THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZ- creditors of said deceased to exhibit Lemon Wafers 'TZ* 38c Juice 21c INO THE FINANCING THEREOF” i to the subscriber under oath or af­ APPROVED APRIL 4, 1851. firmation their claims and demands Assorted Cold Cuts 68c BE IT ORDAINED BT THE COM­ against the estate of said deceased Hi-Ho Crackers " S n , . 34c Gerber's •AST POOS 5 I T 49c MON COUNCIL OP THE C IT T OP i within slg months from the 'late of taiiiiMiiM LINDEN; said order, or they will be forever Frankfurter A BmrS4^ue Section 1. That the further sum of barred from prosecuting or recover- Gerber's 6 '! r 8 9 c Twentv-Flve Hundred Dollars (82300 00) Ing the same against the subscriber. Butter Macaroons 2^ 30c In addition to the sum of Seventy- ■ EVELYN P. BOYD Pive Hundred Dollars (87500 00) here- I Administratrix c.t.a fm rfo FISH Fig Bars 35c Gerber's Cereal 15c tofore appropriated In the ordinance JOSEPH A. HUNOVAL. Attorney entitled AN ORDINANCE TO PRO­ 744 Broad St., VIDE POR THE CONSTRUCTION OF : Newark. N. J. Picnic Cakes ^ 29c Ideal Oleo aonaa 31c ROLLS 'tr A SANITARY SEWER IN AND ALONO • Aug. 18—5t o a w 8 w Pee: 87.80 Virginia Lee weekend feature! EDGAR ROAD ON THE SOUTHEAST­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ERLY SIDE FROM SMITH STREET ESTATE OP JOSEPH I. PLETTERER. Prg$h Prostgd FIthf Butter Cookies "S H , 29c Blue Bonnet ^ 32c SOUTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OF also known as JOSEPH I. PLET- Devil Food S r S ; ;s35c APPROXIMATELT 480 LINEAL PEET i TERBR. Sr.. Deceased. Haddock FilletsJ!;53c AS A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TO BE Pursuant to the order of CHARLES Streussel Loaf « i« m m 29c ASSESSED UPON LANDS BENEFITED, A. OTTO. JR . Surrogate of the County Realemon Beech-Nut Beech-Nut MAKING AN APPROPRIATION i of Union, made on the Tenth day THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZING THE^ August A.D.. 1981. upon the application Whiting Fillets jl^ 37c Shortcoke Layers ^ 39c FINANCING THEREOF” ap p roved of tha undersigned, as Executor of Lemon Juice Strained Baby Chopped Jr- April 4. 1951. to which this ordinance the estate of said deceased, notice la Iwaalaaa8 is a supplement, shall be and the hereby given to the creditors of said Scallops 67c Layer Coke ? r r 75c same Is hereby appropriated for the deceased to exhibit to the subscriber FeaturaJ at all 4emai! 12-m . mss AOC Foods 5 'JT 49c Foods 6 B9c purpose of the ImprovemenU therein under oath or affirmation their claims described, and there Is hereby author- i and demands against the estate of tzed the issuance of local improvement [ said decaaaad within six months from lO U H U assessment bonds and notes of the [ tha data of said order, or they will City of Linden in the additional , be forever barred from prosecuting or Evap. M ilk 6 r7 9 c Tea Bags so 43c amount of not exceeding Twenty- i recovering the same against the sub- DAIRY Five Hundred Dollara (82300.00) or ta terlber. much thereof (u may be necessary, JOSEPH P. FLFTTERER. Jr.. Sundaettes 8-08. |ar 14c Ideal Coffee r r ''n 85c which together with the previous ! Executor. Chocolate fudge, buttericotch, pincappla. amount of Beventy-Flve Hundred STEPHEN ORLANDO. Attorney fanof Domestic Cendy DepL Pemturm Ak o Coffee*-^ n s . . 79c DcUaVs ($7500 00). totaling In all Ten , 100 North W8od Ave.. ^ IDEAL Orange Thousand Dollars (810.000.00), la the i Linden. N. J. estimated maklmum amount o f ' Aug. 18—8t o a w 8 « Pte; 8TJ8 and notes to be Issued, and the tald M B f M S i r ' F ^ b . , 2 5 c Wincrest Coffee s., 77c < sum Is the estimated maximum NOTICE TO CBEDITORB ^ Juice t:; 19c amount of money to be ESTATE OP I8AT E SETTLE. De­ Marshmallows 33c Instant Coffee “^ V l .29 from all sources for the purpoee of fl- ! ceased. Swiss Cheese GNTcentroted. Each can mokes 1 Vi pts. nanclng the said Improvements, Pursuant to the order of CHARLES Section 2. The provisions of the or­ A. OTTO. JR.. Surrogate of the County R)EAL Concantfotod of Union, made on the Tenth day Kerr's Butterscotch 19c Kraft Salad Oil ^ 32c dinance which la hereby supplemented I Oaiein AasathMat 8-ax. 1 A — sre sU msde a part hereof as H fully : of August A.D.. 1881. upon tbo appll- set forth herein, except In so far ax : cation of tbs nndaralgned. as Executor lb. 69c L U O e n S HUreii-Baiwa aka I ' C Beech-Nut Cereal £ 15c tha same are changed herein by tpe- of the eetnte of said deceased, notice Lemonade 2 25c atflc provision. ’ la hereby given to the creditors of You'll enjoy the fine flavor! Section 3. Tbers U horeby sppro- : said deceased to exhibit to tha sub- Special! Each can mokes a full quart! prlsted in sddltlon to tbs proceeds of aertber under oath or affinnation Try it with Supreme rye! New! Farmdale Underwood the sforessld obllgstlons the S'un of thatr claims and demands against the Mazola Oil One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollsrs ^ iststo of said dsecaaad within Mx Orange Juice d 3^:35c (8123.00). which sum hss been msde months from the date o f said order, Dry M ilk 'tT 35c Deviled Ham Famama M rrf Oil? Bvsllsble by spproprlstlon In the or they will be forever barred from Mild Colored Cheese ^ 57c budget of tbs City of Llndsn adopted proaaeutlnf or recoverlnc tbs anme tiamfat aaUda dry aUm mUh, Grape Juice 21c prior to the adoption hereof, ss a down against the aubserlbar. m makaa 5 fmU qaarfs • r 19c 37e tT 71c payment,|IU3CUV. ••44Bsaid CbtASagsum beinga#wiAa*9 M«ev not wwwless than RICHARD B. HAONER. Cheddar Spread fivee per cent of the maximum amount 128 North Wood Ava.. Raspberries H!!r ^ 3 k of tha additional obligations herein Llndsn. N. J. w O O n Extfw Sharp Whila authorised Bxseutor and Attorney Pro a* Section 4. It Is hcroby determined Auf. 18—8M o a w 8 w Pee; 8748 A - ^ _ f ScaJ CalaraJ Beans X22c AmeriCOn Ua< Chaaaa 45c Scottissue*^ 10c Broccolisl!l!l^ '2T 23c Provolone Salami Macoroni Dinneni!!!!^!, 18c Fly Swatters 9c Peas , r H .2 1 c "^ g k , 20c CALL Kraft Velveeta Salmon *Z S3c Spinach ^ r 20c Cottage Cheese 17c Colgate's FAB , X . 30c Pickling Spices ^^aa. 15c Cleanser 2 liT 19c French Fries “" " C l 17c Yogurt *Z 19c Tumeric Powder 12c Soop BOUOUn 2jd!n17c Succotash “ " “lewx^ph* 2 k 2 ^ SAl/F Oi/fR 5 0 % Vinegar 1^ 8c S o a p ^ 2r:25c rmIN NPA7 hw iMfiy w«r M In Battle Creek R & R ' PAOC R & R Bron-Bi-Fig Chicken tT 74c Chicken ’’EmUR’ Am U WNfc En Um*’ 8AVDICMI. . . MCUBITT SMALL PAY- R A a UV^-eo. can Monday through Friday, 11 A. M < to noon, 9:30 on your d(al, feetur- • M B I T S I f IC m iS BUDGEr PLAN Flokes J lL 22c Chicken Broth 15c a la king 5k ir

T h to o th f !• ItaMtod . . . ____ Granulated ,k» 31c • PlsBorCOiIX to aiiMf ^ dM I ^ wintsr! College Inn Puritan Frmpmm Mem far faan in ff Super Suds CADET Tomoto Juice Morshmollows, Ball Fruit Jars ts 85c 30c DOG FOOD WOOD ISlhqX. ^ Famous “IDEAL". Go m I s, deoea 95c ( M i n a c o L Cocktail ZZ 2 k X33c , 71c • 11 W. U Z A K IH AVE. g U n l S I f f f •126 N. Wood Ave. 328 St. George Ave. \

THE LINDEN OiSEKVEP. THUKSDAY. AUGUST 23. IfSI Angnit a Zmrko: It will bum this _ le g a l ADViarnsEiiEifT a.—Holy Buchaitot. week In memory of the Ute Arnold l e g a l , advebuhement SIw St^ at ' ■y, A n g M 29 Eustls Hergenban. The BaVW ihwb amount of tiM obUgntlona b tn lB 7 JO a.m.—Holy BuebArist. Services tbla Sunday. August 3S, nra CRT o r LDIBB!« LlndMi Mfftble with interest st ncpt e»- stlU on the Sunday Summer Sebednle eeedlQS ^our per cent per annum, autborlaed. with the Holy Eucharist to he eri^ and the issuance of local Improvement Saetlon •. It la hereby determined A n g M 23 Once Ann. Infant daugbtsr of Mr. PCELIC NOTICE U hereby ?lven that the aupiriemental debt etatement and Mrs. Beglnald Chew. 2033 Alberta brated by the Rector, the Rev. Bw h usessment bonds and notes in a total Church Notes 0310 aJB.—Boly Bucbarlst. Morton, at 0 ajn. The sermon topio tbet at e reruler meeting of the O o t - amount not e*c<^l^ Ctoe JHiou- required by R. 8. 48:1-13 haa been 0:30 a-na—Interrrseleni avenue, received the Secrement of mon Council of the City of Linden duly made and filed In the office of lervlces neat Sunday. SubJaM o l the Holy Baptism In Orace Cburch this at this service will be ”But Blbere sand Two Hundred Dollars ______«f G krM . Lceson-Scrmon. composed of awee- PHSay, SL BoWheHmew. Apostle, held on the 21«t d »y o f August. IM l. the City Clerk and that raeb atatemant Awgiwt 24 past Sunday: the Rector, the Rev. Are The Nlne-Tenthat" Muale sung the following ordlnenee warn i n t ^ or aa much thereof as may be nacea 1131 Pal&mount EUmbetb ttona fnStn the Holy Bible ( K ^ Jamaa at this aervlca erlll include: ”Awake. sary. being the estimated maximum abowB that tba oWIgatlona autborlaad 0.-00 s A .—Boly Biiebarlet. Hugh Morton, officiating. Orace't god­ gttoed end newfitl on fln t rending, end by tbia ordinance will be within an ______, 11 earsloB) and "Sclenea a n d ^ M t b tatwAVa Avirai ts # parents are Mr. Charles Mayer and my soul, stretch eVy nerve.” O. F- the eetd otdlnenee w ill.b e teken up amount of money to be raised from all w»~««y sebdoL 8 R am with Kay to tba Serlpturm” by Mary BandeL 1738: ‘We gather tofethn.” sources for the purpose of ftnaaelng debt ItmltaUooa praaerlbad by said 03W a m BiniHim Bucbarlst (RIF Mias Florence M. Wetberly. for aeumd end flnel reetings at e Act. abd It M furtbar detarmlbed that Wadsmday Tmumonlal Sarvlm StU Baker E d ^ . Is "Mmd.” Flowers were placed on the High to the tredltlonal Netherlands mriody. this Improvement. Is hereby author­ The Golden Text la from Tim ­ Ralen (WMcb) Fetcra). meeting o f the Common CouncU to the gram dabt aa deflnad by mid Act n Pesutaaatb Sunday after Trinity, Altar of Once Church this past Sun­ 1028; "The King of Love My Sbeph^ be h ^ at the City HeU. Wood ized. ______10 to 4 p j othy (lY): “Ood bath not given ua day in memory of ftaak and Adolph Is," to the tradltlottal Irisb mriody; It Inereaaad I v tb u ordinance by the 8undafi lagal Angnat 38 Linden. New Jeney. on Section 5. Obligations to finance the sum o f One Thousand Two Hundred aspt and baUdayoL at 88 the spirit of tOar: but of power, and 9:00 a.m.—Boly Eucharist. Bymns I WUkowsky. The Sanctuary Lamp burns “I Love Thy Kingdom. Lord,” A. 4tb day of September. 1»S1. at 8 ^ interest on the aforesaid obligations DoUara (81JI00A0). at love, and of a sound mind.” , .- - - , I tbU week In memory of Oeea James Williams. 1763. _ o clock PM .. D.8.T.. or aa aoon there­ and to finance engineering and In­ Bible citations Include the words And Oiiinon. after aa the matter can be reached at spection costa and legal expenses and 8ectlon 10. Tbla ordinance abaU take Bow the fact of one Infinite divine from Christ Jesus' Sermon on the > which time and place aU peraona whaie also to finance the coat of the Is­ effect aa provided by law. • Mind or God can be. applied to the Mount: "Te have beard that It bath lands may be affected by such l i ^ suance of the obUgatlona. the total PA88ED. IISI. need for brotberb(xid and peace will been asid. Thou abalt love thy nelgb- proTementa or who may be ln tereat« amount of which U stated as Three Prealdent of Common Council be brought out at Cbrlatlan 8dence bor, and bate thine enemy. But I therein wlU be given an op p ortu ^ y Hundred Dollars (83(».00) approximate­ say unto you. Love your enemleo, to be beard concerning the same. ly shall also be Issued and the aama APPROVED: 1081. le g al ADVERnSEMENT bices them that curie you. do good said Improvements are local Improv^ shall be Included In the aforesaid to them that bate you, and pray for DAY’S END menta and the coat thereof la to be apprt^rlatlon. ^ Mayor Stream Avenue In an eastcGy direc­ them wblcb deepltefuUy use you. and •aaeaaeoaaaeaaed according to law. j w iISE R . Section 6. It Is hereby determined tion for a distanca of 40 feet la hereby persecute you;” (Matthew 8:43,441. that the period of usefulenaa of the ATTEST: prohibited, except for the use of the Correlative peoagee from Science City Clerk. foregoing Improvement, for the fi­ space mentioned, for parking purposes. ------and------Realtb Include: ” It w should .. be “ Nice out here on the porch with the AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE JOB nancing of which the obligations City Clerk by motor vehicles operated by per- I thoroughly understood that all men radio going.” THE CONSTRUCTION OF A S ^ I- hereby authorized shall he Issued. Is sons having official business In the have one Mind, one Ood and__FaMier. TABT SEWER ALONtJ ROSELLE the period of forty (40) years, to be LEGAL NOnCE municipal offices of the Township of one Life. Truth, and Love. Mankind “Nice to know the supper dishes are in STREET FROM ELIZABETH AVE­ computed from the dste of the Is­ Winfield, end that parking at any wlU become perfect In proportion as j NUE TO PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. suance of the bonds. THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY time on the northerly side line of this fact becomes apparent, war will j there washing thcinselves. Now I have AS A LOCAL IMPROVEMENT TO BE Section 7. That the bonds author­ to Gulf Stream Avenue commencing st cease and the true brotherhood of time to listen to a concert.” ASSESSED UPON LANDS BENE­ ized to *>e Issued herein shall mature STEFAN KOMAR and ANNA KOMAR, a point 140 feet from the corner formed man will be eetablUhed." (46731-13). FITED MAKING AN a p p r o p r i a ­ and be paid within the aforesaid pe­ hie wife, their and each of their by the Intersection of the easterly side t i o n THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZ­ “ Lots of changes since our younger days, riod of forty years, provided however, heirs, devisees, personal representa­ line of Pacific Drive with the north- I « «—a-- Pwueliw4»F|ne FlhUMk ING THE FINANCING THEREOF. that the local Improvement esseaiment tives and their and any of their auc- erly side line of Gulf Stream Avenue ' lABHBII wTBWjiWnBB VBur^B Mary. Remember all the work I used BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM­ bonds shall mature In annual Inatall- eexeora in right, title and Interest, and extending along Gulf Stream Ave­ PitneatM Raod and Oichard Tamm to do by hand — milking, pumping MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF j ments. not ezceedlng the number of and Mary Komar Coughlin and nue In an eaaterly direction for a dis­ Undan. Haw Jansy LINDEN: 1 annual Installmenta In which the Rev. Kannath WoMor. FimMo water, candling eggs, emptying the silo. Section I That an 8 Inch Vitrified Charles Coughlin, her husband. tance of 138 feet be and the same Is special assessments may be paid, the You are hereby summoned and re­ hereby prohibited, except for the use .Ml those chores and many more are Tile Pipe Sanitary Sewer shall be con­ ' first of which shall be payable not August 2«tb and 8«p(emb«r 2u

C all Vb f a r EsUmiatat TbL Liadta 2-4f IM . JO H N B A LA Z 32 W. 10th S»R UadMo. N. J. Why do yow hear to many owners praising Mercury? Stop by our showroom and take one out for a drive. You’ll find out in o hurry. For here's o cor that handles like o feather, rides like velvet. $ M ^jiy -for Test the whisper-hustle of its engine on the steepest hni. Check its rood-gripping balance on the rfiorpest p w o f o f curve. Discover its relaxing magic in the heaviest traffic We know you'll go for Mercury. For it's o Pfer/ormancft/ value-packed performer that mokes driving o pleas­ ure— mile after mile, year after year.

the big television hit, “TOAST OF TH E TOH'N,” with Ed SuiUvaa. Sundny Evening, 8:SS to t:SS P J L Station WCBS, C&annei 2. idhttiH ifiiil