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HIATUS A.S. Council at a Glance 1 Letters to the Editor 4 Four in Small-budget success Thursday Coupons 11 a row UCSD alums star in "Trade Offs," an Indian-American Hiatus Calendar 14 Women's soccer wins ((M indie film shown at the San Diego Asian Film Festival. Classifieds 16 champion:;"i~ page 9 Crossword Puzzle 17 page 20 THE UCSD ARI) UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2003 Tran to be honored Textbook prices criticized at candlelight vigil Group calls for Dynes to take action By CA~LL£ FAURE said. "His untimely death has been By MARNEnE FEDERIS News Editor a great loss, not only to me, but to all of u in hi clo e-knit group of Associate News Editor Revelle ollege junior Bryan fTiends. part of me has departed In light of recent tuition fee Tran, who pa sed away on ov. 7 at with him, and I am doubtful it will inc eases, the issue of textbook hi on-campus apartment, will be evcr return." pricing has been brought up by honored :It a candlelight vigil at 7 Other friends spoke of Tran's various groups hoping to take p.m. on I ov. 13 at the ,\1atthews readiness to help out in every way action to lower prices. Several . \paruncllts. he could . organi zations uch as minority Frlcnds are invited to attend the "I nevcr knew a problem that advocacy group Greenlining vIgIl 111 Tran's memory, which will Bryan couldn't solve, whether it Institute and the alifornia Public take place 111 the latthews cul-de was calculus, physics or some ran Interest Research Group are tak sac of Lot 406. dom computer problem that ing action to address the issue. CSD police .Ire calling lran' popped up," Revelle junior iheer Greenlining Institute recently Jeath an apparent suicide, but Patel said. "Not only could he solve sent a letter a king UC President IIwesngatlon is still underway the problem, but he went out of his Robert C. Dynes ro take a firm pending a formal determination by way to make su re I would never be stance with major book publishers the me(iJcal examiner's office. This caught off-guard 3gain. During and a k that textbook rates be ould take abour three weeks, late-night review sessions for equal to rates offered in Great VICtor Ha/Cuardian according to UCSD Police Sgt. physic quizzes, experiments we Britain. This lener comes after an Rohert Jones. performed in the re halls, or even o t. 2 1 article in Tht New York High costs: Many textbooks for reqUIred classes are sold for over $100. UC Tran wa a bioengineering c,lsual conversation, Bryan alwa}'s Timfs reported that many text students spend an average of $1,254 per year on textbooks, a new study says. m:IJor and a Regents ·cholar. knew. IIe even knew the shortest book bought by college students :--Jumerous friends have spoken way to Warren from Revelle during around the country are actually challenge these global corpora year. Additionally, the study shows out about their memories of lran first quarter physics, when r had no available overseas for half the tion that reap tremendous profits that for UC campu e , the a\'erage to celcbralc his life and accom idea that \ Varren even existed." price. from California, but do very little cost of textbooks and materials has plishments. ome friends hared stories of According to GreenIining Intern in return," Corpus said. "Our been teadily increasing and IS "lie was a great man in every numerous projects Tran undertook. Richard Corpus, the lener urges hope is that Dynes will be the estimated at 1,2 -4 per year, ~cn,e of the word. Bryan was there "It was always fun to talk to him Dynes to take the lead in reducing leader in reducing textbook which is 4 percent higher than In time of need, and he wa never about all of his projects that ranged the co t of educati on for UC ttI costs." the national average of $843 afraid to lend a helping hand, even from photography to downloading, dents, pecially those that come ccording to a study done by reported by the College Board. If II meant going out of his way," from low-income families. the organization, UC students Rcvclle Junior Kian 'alehizadeh See BRYAN TRAN, Page 7 "We urge President Dynes ro spend $180 million on books per See TEXTBOOKS, Page 3 Ropes A.S. reexamines course In• need for task forces By NEIL SPEARS by all of the college councils and Senior Staff Writer that never happened." the works ccording to Gallagher, ince The A.S. Council di cu ed the ta k force was given the author Opening the tatus of its recently created ity to change the . constitution, ta k forccs, which have never met the charter f the task force i COIl- and lack member, at its ov. 12 idered a constitutional amend scheduled meeting. ment, wluch must be approved by Oi cu ion during the council every college council. caucu focu ed around a ta k However. Thurgood 1ar hall for January force to revamp A. election College ophomor.e 'cnator Kate bylaw and a task force to inve ti Pliion argued that thc task forcc gate the fea ibility of A.. CounCil chartcr tiid not constitute a con By SHANNON ELIOT autonomy from the univer ity stinltJonal JllIenJmcnr. Contributing Writer ad:nini tration. "I thmk thiS task force l:XI~ts The debatc began With a tilS and we necJ to deal \\I th II," ome early winter qUJrter agreement about the eX! tence of Pillon '.lId. 1004, the CSD campus I~chcd the elcctor.11 rC \ ' i~lon ta k force. No one hJ~ bcen apPolllted to ubi to be homc to J ne\\ rope " It doc n't eXist," ,\ . '. erve on the clet:tlon b\'IJw~ tJ k cour,e open to \nlticm\, faculty Jnti PreSident JerelllY Paul Gallagher force, which \\ a~ cn:a,ed by the members of the ' Jn I le'o commu- sa id . "The last count:1i passed It, prevlOu~ \ .S. CounCillfl\· 11It}'. Funded )Ollltly by i oclJted but Mnce It was a constitutional Students ami C'D Recrcatlon, amendmenr, It had to be raufied :ee TASK. PlIge 2 the WI es course wlil con~ist of var iou.> Ollltioor ch'lllengc~ deSigned for activitic promoting trust-build- 111)( .lIld tcam ulllty. Ac ordll1g to A.S. President ,..I~ ,.,J V H[Tran] was a Jcrcll1 P Jul ,allagher. the 1113111 .,. "l ::;. goal for the c nstru 'non of thiS .') t Nov. 13 outdoor challenge i to facilltJtc I gr at man In ever Nov.Il Nov. 14 I'.Ind W 10 l bondlllg c\llCrlcnce anti enhJnce W,nd w~vt'S I rei.lIlon hips. partlculJrly among H67lS3 H67LS2 ens of the Swel W 3 'kIoI' tWCuordion wdelH organizations and their l W07id . " Nov. 14 Honorin. On Nov. ", Vietnam War veteran John Damron Il1cmher~ . Ilowevcr, faculry .lnd soldiers: • t • • \nd " lO kI "ff .. f • •• pays tribute to his fellow veterans by holding an American flag on non- C:I member are also wel- V.uld .... d I h Veterans Day at Mount Soledad. Nov. 15 Nov. 16 - Kian Salehizadeh, S-..eII W ndS2 :ce ROPES, Page 7 H66 LSI H64l~ Revelle College junior Z NEW THE UCSD GUARDIA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16,2003 THURSI1AY. NOVEMBER 13, 2003 THE U D GUARI1IAN NEWS 3 Textbooks: CalPIRG campaign to analyze costs, bundling A.S.: Need BRIEFLY ETCETERA ••• I I I continued from page strategie for fall quarter, it would bundling additional material s with method for stud ents to save is the for task forces "California is one of the top lower the cost of education by the books, or give bookstores the usc of book-swapping services. three textbook markets in the over $800,000," Turk said. "Our option of selling textbooks by Accordi ng to A.S . Commissioner Scripps scientists study advantages that children from low-income nation and official must use th eir goa l thi s year is to save students themselves. of Enterprise Operations Jeremy questioned fa milies faced. She developed her idea as influence to benefit our students," $2 million on the price of their "[The campaign) is important Cogan, he will be working with a depletion of marine life her undergraduate senior thesis and Corpus said. "Costs can go as high books." becau e we can't fight the ruition new company call ed booksoncam continued from page :2 received a grant from Mobil Corporation to as $1,415 at schools such as UC Additionally, CalPIRG chap hike, and here's an aspect of cost pus. com to start an online book ness of appointing a task force to A recent study by scientists from Scnpps start the program. Joined by a small staff of Irvine." ters from different UC schools are that we ca n fight," sa id Jared swa pping service for UCSD sru research the elections bylaws JUSt a Institution of Oceanography found that the recent college graduates, Kopp launched According to U spokesman conducting their own research and Brown, who is coordinating the dents. Through the Web site, stu few months before campaigns for warm ing ocean temperatures could be the Teach for America in 1990 and placed 500 [Ianan Eisenman, UC bookstores launching the Cheaper Textbooks ca mpaign for UCSD's chapter of dents can list any book that they next year's council begin. reason fo r the depletion of manne life on the men and women in teaching pOSitions in Voted number 1 FOB pd in 2003.