This is a self-archived version of an original article. This version may differ from the original in pagination and typographic details. Author(s): Petz, Marcus Title: When is money not a currency? Developments from Finland of proto-community currencies Year: 2020 Version: Published version Copyright: © Author, 2020 Rights: In Copyright Rights url: Please cite the original version: Petz, M. (2020). When is money not a currency? Developments from Finland of proto- community currencies. International Journal of Community Currency Research, 24(2), 30-53. International Journal of Community Currency Research VOLUME 25 (SUMMER 2020) 30-53 WHEN IS MONEY NOT A CURRENCY? DEVELOPMENTS FROM FINLAND OF PROTO-COMMUNITY CURRENCIES Marcus Petz* * Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT The article is a case study of several digitally based schemes recently operating in Finland where some functions and properties of money are evident. While working effectively as designed, they do not fully meet the criteria of a well-functioning community currency. The schemes include: sysmä, a digitally based hyperlocal system of account introduced by the rural Sysmä municipality; Pisteet kotiin®, a housing association points system in the city of Tampere, copied from a working Dutch model; BookMooch, a global book-swapping site that has extended its operations throughout Fin- land. Explored in the article are the institutional enabling and inhibitory factors and implications for and from other community currency projects. Data was collected by participant observation and semi-structured interviews in all schemes.