New Perspectives About the Tor Ecosystem: Integrating Structure with Information
NEW PERSPECTIVES ABOUT THE TOR ECOSYSTEM: INTEGRATING STRUCTURE WITH INFORMATION A Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by MAHDIEH ZABIHIMAYVAN B.S., Ferdowsi University, 2012 M.S., International University of Imam Reza, 2014 2020 Wright State University Wright State University GRADUATE SCHOOL April 22, 2020 I HEREBY RECOMMEND THAT THE DISSERTATION PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY MAHDIEH ZABIHIMAYVAN ENTITLED NEW PERSPECTIVES ABOUT THE TOR ECOSYSTEM: INTEGRATING STRUCTURE WITH INFORMATION BE ACCEPTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy. Derek Doran, Ph.D. Dissertation Director Yong Pei, Ph.D. Director, Computer Science and Engineering Ph.D. Program Barry Milligan, Ph.D. Interim Dean of the Graduate School Committee on Final Examination Derek Doran, Ph.D. Michael Raymer, Ph.D. Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Ph.D. Amir Zadeh, Ph.D. ABSTRACT Zabihimayvan, Mahdieh. Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University, 2020. New Perspectives About The Tor Ecosystem: Integrating Structure With Infor- mation Tor is the most popular dark network in the world. Its noble uses, including as a plat- form for free speech and information dissemination under the guise of true anonymity, make it an important socio-technical system in society. Although activities in socio-technical systems are driven by both structure and information, past studies on evaluating Tor inves- tigate its structure or information exclusively and narrowly, which inherently limits our understanding of Tor. This dissertation bridges this gap by contributing insights into the logical structure of Tor, the types of information hosted on this network, and the interplay between its structure and information.
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