Volume 03 Index
237 CAKE AND COCKHORSE, VOLUME 3 INDEX OF PLACES AND SUBJECTS Adderbury [Oxon.] 2, 27, 30, 59, 61, 101, 106 Banbury (Codd) 111. 139, 144. 153, 169, 219 Bloxham Road 183 Admiralty, Board of 172 Blue Coat Trust 120 Advertising 35 Blue Pig Yard 123 Agricultural Labourers - Board of Health 33, 83, 84, 95, 103, Child workers 119 104, 105, 124, 195, 196 Neitbrop 108-110 Boatmen 83 Religion 116 Bolton's Lane 100, 101 Riots 8, 108, 146, 176-179 Booklists 80, 231 Trade Unions 14, 146 Bowling Green Inn 42 Wages 8 Bowltinge Street 189, 190 Alkerton [Oxon.] 160, 225 Boxhedge 85, 92, 99, 100, 101, 105, Anti-Corn Law League 108 109. 119 "Arethusa" H.M.S. 45 Brailey's School 39 Arlescott CWarks.1 13 Bread Cross Crosses Army and Navy Stores 46 Brewers Arms 86, 91 "Art Journal" 233 Brewing 107 Ashmolean Museum 60, 148, 151 Bridge Street 39, 42, 43, 45, 51, 77, Aston-le-Walls [Northants.] 160 83, 110. 112, 113, 116, 117, 184, Athletics 40 185, 190 Australia 210 Britannia Works 77. 93. 107, 111, 112, Avonmouth Docks 34 124, 171, 196, 233 Aynho CNonhants.1 154, 231 Britannic Assurance Co. Office 56, 57 Broad Street 40. 41, 42, 110, 117, Ballot Act 52 1M. 190 BaLwott EOxon.1220, 225 Broof's Yard 86, 89, 91, 97 Bampton [Oxon. 1 93 Broughton Road 183, 191 Banbury Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Bank Agricultural Association 109. 110, 112, 121 45 Agricultural Workers 108-110, 116, 119 Building Society 33 Aldermen 189 Building Workers 116 Amateur Musical Society 170 Bull's Head 86, 89 Angel Inn 44 Butcher's Arms 87, 191 Ark House 39, 87 Butcher's Row 110.
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