


Adderbury [Oxon.] 2, 27, 30, 59, 61, 101, 106 (Codd) 111. 139, 144. 153, 169, 219 Road 183 Admiralty, Board of 172 Blue Coat Trust 120 Advertising 35 Blue Pig Yard 123 Agricultural Labourers - Board of Health 33, 83, 84, 95, 103, Child workers 119 104, 105, 124, 195, 196 Neitbrop 108-110 Boatmen 83 Religion 116 Bolton's Lane 100, 101 Riots 8, 108, 146, 176-179 Booklists 80, 231 Trade Unions 14, 146 Bowling Green Inn 42 Wages 8 Bowltinge Street 189, 190 Alkerton [Oxon.] 160, 225 Boxhedge 85, 92, 99, 100, 101, 105, Anti-Corn Law League 108 109. 119 "Arethusa" H.M.S. 45 Brailey's School 39 Arlescott CWarks.1 13 Bread Cross Crosses Army and Navy Stores 46 Brewers Arms 86, 91 "Art Journal" 233 Brewing 107 Ashmolean Museum 60, 148, 151 Bridge Street 39, 42, 43, 45, 51, 77, Aston-le-Walls [Northants.] 160 83, 110. 112, 113, 116, 117, 184, Athletics 40 185, 190 Australia 210 Britannia Works 77. 93. 107, 111, 112, Avonmouth Docks 34 124, 171, 196, 233 Aynho CNonhants.1 154, 231 Britannic Assurance Co. Office 56, 57 Broad Street 40. 41, 42, 110, 117, Ballot Act 52 1M. 190 BaLwott EOxon.1220, 225 Broof's Yard 86, 89, 91, 97 Bampton [Oxon. 1 93 Broughton Road 183, 191 Banbury and Bank Agricultural Association 109. 110, 112, 121 45 Agricultural Workers 108-110, 116, 119 Building Society 33 Aldermen 189 Building Workers 116 Amateur Musical Society 170 Bull's Head 86, 89 Angel Inn 44 Butcher's Arms 87, 191 Ark House 39, 87 Butcher's Row 110. 171, 172, 175, Armia's Cottages/Armitt's Lane 92, 93, 184, 190 95, 97 Cadbury Memorial Hall 42 Atheists45. 91, 112, 118, 119 Cakes 8, 29, 40, 50, 160, 161 Austin House 42 CakeShop40, 149, 160, 161, 236 Back Lane 86, 89 Cdthorpe [Hamlet] 83, 84 Baking Trade 40 Calthorpe Estate 53 Bank, TheeFoundry Bank Calthorpe House 108, 123 Baptists24, 31, 77, 89, 91. 94, 97. 101. Calthorpe Street 31, 40, 44. 51. 83, 102. 103. 104, 105, 116, 117. 118 123, 139. 172. 173, 175 Barclays School 39 Calthorpe Street Mission 31, 40, 51 Barkhill Street 186, 187, 190 Calthorpe Terrace 53 Beargarden Road 183. 184 Canal 37, 42, 43, 44 Bicycles, lst appearance 43 Carriers 167. 172 Blacking factory 87, 121 Castle 211 Blacksmith's Arms 46 Castle Gardens 43 238 B anbury (Cont' d) Banbury (Cont'd) Castle House 129 Eagle 92 Central Bowling Green 40 Easington 39, 83, 84 Chap Books 169, 170 Education Act 1902. Attitudes to 39 Chartists 37, 77, 87, 118, 124, 195, 196 Elections - Cheney and Sons [Printers1 165, 167- 175, [I7151 55 197, 200 cl8311 33 Cherwell Street 44, 110, 124 Electricity. Introduction of 42 Children C19th Century] 119, 120, 121, 123 Engineers 107, 111, 112 Christ Church 40, 113, 114 Epidemics 44 Christ Church Chapel 115 Factory Street 43. 44. 208 Christ Church National Schools 39 Female Friendly Society 169 Church Clothing Club 44 Female Martyr 69, 121 ChurchCourt40, 41, 45 Fire Brigade 37. 44 Church Lane 33, 42, 77. 115, 184, 189, Fir Tree Inn 86. 87 190 Fish Street 170 Church of 32, 33, 89, 94, 97, 99. Foundry Bank 85, 92. 95, 97, 103, 101, 104, 106, 112,113. 114. 115, 116, 108. 122 117. 120, 123. 196 Foundry Square 223, 229 Church Passage 117 Foundry Street 40, 93 Clothing club 44 Friendly Societies 44, 110. 169. 199- Clubs' Procession 110 202 coal Supply 43 Frogge Lane 190 Cobbs Bank 27 Gas Supply 33 Cokerowe 190 Gaol 24, 45. 108. 139 Colbar 190 George Street 40, 41, 45, 167, 184, Cohgregationalists See Independents 189. 190 Consenratives/Conserative Party 31, 33, 52, Gilletts Bank 24, 27, 28, 29, 44, 45 87, 118, 124, 196 GlobeRoom 26, 45, 53, 54, 56, 57, Co-operative Society 30, 32, 110. 206 70. 162 Corbett's School 104 Globe Yard 40 Corn Exchanges 24. 27. 40. 193 Golden Lion 44 Comhill 184. 186, 187. 190, 191 Golden Villa 102. 109 Corporation 33, 43. 55, 103, 210 Gould's Buildings 100. 103, 106. 123 County Garage 43 [Also Gould's Cottages, Gould' s cricket Club 39 Row. Gould's Square] Crosse~29. 181, 183-196. 207 Grand Cinema 40 Cross Pool 190 Great Exhibition, Exhibitors at 232. 233 Cromwell Road 148 Green, The57, 129 Crouch Hill 191 Green Lane 94, 95 Crouch Street 39, 40. 119 Grimsbury 16, 33. 39, 42, 52, 83, 84, Crown Inn CNeithropl92, 93 93, 187 Cuttle Brook 186 Guler Street 185, 190 Dames' Schools 118, 119 GUM'S Houses 99 Dashwood Lodge 42 Gunn's Row 100. 105, 106 Dashwood Road 39 Hardwick [Hamlet] 83 Daventry Road 39 Hardwick Road 86, 89, 93 Doctors42, 43, 44 Harriers' Club 40 Dog and Gun 89 High Cross See Crosses Dorcas Society 44 HighStreetm, 33, 40, 42, 43, 45, Drayton Road 92, 100. 105. 109 47, 123, 167. 170, 175. 182, 183. Drinking habits 85 184. 185, 186, 189. 190, 191, Duke of Wellington 105 195, 200, 207 Durrants school 39 Hightown Road 44. 45 239 B anbury (Cont. d) B~IIIYpnr d) Historical Society - h4ilita 169 Report and Accounts 1965 - 66, 67 Mill Lane 44 Report and Accounts 1966 - 162, 163 Mills 193 Report and Accounts 1967 - 233. 234, Millwrights Arms 85, 100, 102 235 Mold's Restaurant 40 Tenth Anniversary 198 Mortality Rates 85 Hobley's Lane 85, 92, 93, 94. 95, 96, 97 Motor Cars, First appearances of 43 Horse Cloth Trade 37, 43, 209. 210 Motor Co. 41, 43 Horsefair, The 44, 129, 183, 184, 185, Municipal Buildings 53 186, 189, 190, 191, 195, 207 Municipal School 39 Horsepool Lane 100, 103, 104, 105, 106 Museum 53, 54, 64, 65. 148, 162 Horseshoe Brewery 45 National School 86, 89, 104, 113, 114, Hunt Edmunds Brewery 42, 223 117-119, 123, 169 Independent [Congregationalistl School Neithrop 27, 44, 83-128, 139, 176, 97, 119 177. 223 Independents CCongregationalistsl31, 77. Neithrop House 89, 98, 99 87, 91. 93-99. 101, 104, 108, 109. Neithrop Villa 100. 102 115-119 Neithrop Wesleyan Mission Hall 101 Industrial Archaeology 150. 165, 213. Nelsons Cottages 100, 105 215-233 Nethercote [Hamlet] 33, 83 Infants school 117-119 Newland 190 Iron Founding 32 [See also Britannia Works "Newsman" 1. 4 and Vulcan Foundry] New Society of Plush Weavers, 199-202 Ironstone Railway 40, 224, 225 North Bar 43, 45, 85-87. 90, 91, 108, Jolly Watennan Inn 44 169, 183, 209 Lampitts, Ironfounders and EngineenEe O.K. Seal Co. 43 Vulcan Foundry Old Charitable Society 44, 113, 195 Lampitrs Yard 94 Old George Inn 87 Laurel Cottage 39 Old Parr Road 39 LiberWLiberal Party 31, 52, 91, 124. 196 Old Pound Yard See Pound Yard Linden House 196 Old Wharf Inn 44- Lodging Houses 40, 51, 106, 111. 121, 123 Omnibuses44, 172 Lower Cherwell Street 42. 44 Orchard House 92, 94 Magistrates 83 Road 39, 53, 112 Market 1, 8, 32, 40, 107, 187 Pains Square 100, 104, 107, 110, 123 Market Place 24, 40, 42, 44, 45, 95, 129, Paradise 85, 92, 98, 99, 229 167, 183-191 Park Close 39 Marlborough Place 42 Parish Registers 79, 80 Marlborough Road 31, 32, 39, 40, 42, 51, Parliamentary Representation 55, 58, 52, 58 84 Mayors 33, 43, 193, 195 Parson's Street 40, 43, 45, 47, 149, Mechanics' Institute 3, 6, 44, 58, 83, 91, 160, 161, 170, 184, 190, 236 113, 174, 195 Paving';uid Lighting Commission 83, Mesmerism 174 89. 189 Methodists/Methodkt Circuit 1, 7, 9, 10, Payne's Yard 92, 97 13-16, 31-34, 39. 40, 42, 44, 51. 52, Perambulator Factory 46 75, 77. 85-106, 110, 113, 115-118, Pesthouse 39 123 Photographers 42 Methodist New Connexion 31 Phrenology 174 Metropolitan Bank 45 Pibble Lane 189, 190 Middle Classes 83, 107, 124, 171 Plague Cl644179 Middleton Road 38, 46 Planning Proposals 129, 147. 148 Midland Bank 45 Plough Inn 40 240 Banbury (Cont'd) Banbury (Cont'd) Plush Weaving 27, 29, 30, 32, 119-207, Salvation Army 42 208 Savings Bank 33. 103 Plymouth Brethren 87 Schools= Ark House. Barclay's, Police Stations 44 Brailey's, British, Christ Church Poor 83-128, 144 National, Corbett's, Dames, Poor Law 33, 122 Dunant's, Independent, Infants', Population 83 National, Roman Catholic, St. Pound Yard 92, 95, 97, 108 Mary's, Webster's, Wesleyan Prebendary 190 Seed Merchants 42 Presbyterian Meeting House 9, 87, 115 Sheep Market [Street] 186, 189, 190, Primitive Methodists 31, 40, 77. 91, 110, 191 115, 116, 117 Sheep Street 27 Privies 85, 95, 97 Shoemakers 107 Prospect Row 86 Shopping facilities 85 Prostitutes 103 Shoprowe 190 Public Library 32, 77, 162 Shrugmuster Farm 39 Puritanism34, 69, 73, 74, 187, 188 Smiths 107 Pytchley Motors 43 Society of Journeymen Tailors 107 Quakers37. 45, 93, 102, 104, 116, 193, Soup Kitchens 44 196. 214 Southall Gardens 89, 90 Ragged Sunday School 113 South Banbury [Parishl 113- 117 Rag Row 100. 101. 103, 105, 106, 108, South Bar40, 41, 42, 43, 116. 123. 109, 118, 119 186. 190 Railways40. 42, 44, 124, 170, 171, 172, South Parade 45 193 South Place 93 Rainbow's Lane 93 Sports 39. 40 Reckoning Counter, Discovery of 148 Springfields 42 Red Lion 43, 50, 193 Star Tea Co. 45 Red Lion Street 167 Steam Engines 112, 165, 210. 223 Reform Procession 1832 - 107, 108 Steam Packet Inn 44 Reformers See Liberals Steam Society 223 Reindeer Inn-1, 19, 40, 53. 57, 65, 199 Steeplechases 166 Religious Census 1851 - 115-117 Struggler Inn 44 Rental Cl4411 190 Sugarford Gate 183 Revivalism 69, 75-77 Sunday Schools 39. 42. 113. 170 Riots 1830 - 108, 176-179 Sunrising Inn 100, 105 Rock Pleasant 100. 102 Swan Inn 195 Roman Catholic School 118, 119 Tailors 107 RomanCatholics 91. 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, Tanning 43 101, 103, 104, 105, 113, 116, 117, Tanyard 85, 87, 88, 123 118, 119, 195, 196 Technical School 58 Rope making 37, 43 Telephone, Introduction of 42, 43 Rope Walk 43 Temperance Movement 44. 51, 104, Rushers Directories 85, 107, 170 124. 193 St. John's Ambulance Brigade 24 Three Pigeons 86, 89 St. John's Church 117, 118, 195 Tink-a-Tank 44 St. John Street 186 Tithe Map 183 St. Louis school 39 Tobin's Yard 41 St. Mary'sChurch33, 78, 79, 112-117, Tomato. Introduction of 37, 42 188, 209 Tontine Society 169 St. h4ary.s school 44, 119 See also Tooley's Boat Yard 213 National School Town Council See Corporation St. Paul's Church 114 Town Hall 24.44, 193 241 Banbury (Cont'd) Barbadoes 78 Town Miuion/Missionaries 31, 42, 103 Barford St. John [Oxon. I 59?, 152- 154, 160 Townsend 85, 89, 97, 100, 102, 103, 104, Barford St. Michael [Oxon.] 591. 153, 221 106 Barley Hill [Ireland3 106 Traction Engine Builders 45 Bedfordshire 106 Trelawn 87 Belah Viaduct 62 Tripe Sellers 40 Belgium 148, 193 Turnip Cutters 112 Bibles 78 Tweed Company 43, 207, 208, 210 COxon.3 78, 108 Typographical Society 107 Bicycles41, 43, 47 Unicorn 91, 167, 175 Birmingham [Warwicks. 1 108 Union Street 104 Blackfrian Bridge 229 Unitarians 89, 93-95, 97, 99, 101, 102, Elakesley CNortbants'l4 105, 115, 116, 118, 196 [Oxon. I 34 United Order of Smiths 107 Eloxham COxon.126, 33, 57, 89, 91, 110, Upper Cherwell Street 113 169, 178, 223 Vaccination, Agitation against 39 Bloxham Grove [Oxon. 1 229, 230 Vestry 69 Boat and Coal Co. [WarwicW59 Vicarage 73, 74, 113, 114, 182 Eoddington [Northants.] 1, 7-18, 160, 177 Vine Inn 24 COxon.178, 108, 157, 166, 177. Visiting Charitable Society 103, 178 178, 179 Vulcan Foundry 92. 93, 94, 99, 112, 150, Archaeology 131 223, 228. 229 Bodysnatchen 138 Warwick Road 39, 40, 43, 45 Church 140, 141. 144, 145 Water Lane 86, 87, 91-93, 97-100, 108, Churchwarden's Accounts 137- 143, 145 112. 229 Club Day 142 Water Supply 33 Families 140-141 Weaver's Bank/Cottages/Row 100, 104, 105 Field names 131 Weaving 27. 29. 30, 37, 43, 87, 107, 110, Hearth Tax Returns 141 111, 197, 199-210, 233 Inclosure Award 137, 138 Webster's School 93 Mill 221 Wedeyans See Methodists Mummers 142 Wesleyan Rxrmers 115 Nonconformity 139, 140 Wesleyan School 39 Parish Maps 132-138, 149 Westminster Bank 45 Rhubarb Growing 138-140 Whateley Hall Hotel 44 Steam Navigation 229-231 white cross see crosses Stocks 141 white Lion 44- Terrier 1685 - 137. 138 Whitesmith's Arms 44 Wakes 142 Whit Monday Sports 40 Eodleian Library 32, 74, 79. 149, 151-153, Widows, Condition of 122, 123 157, 159, 160, 180 Woodfield's Cottages loo, 101 Bohemia 143 Woodhull's Lane 93 Bolton-le-Moors [Lancs.] 201 Workhouse [Neithropl 103 CNorthants.1 9, 31, 108 Wyatt's Houses 99 Bradford CYorks.1 203 Wykham [Hamled 83, 191 Brailes [Warwicks.l 27, 29, 30, 110, 178 Wykham Mill 221 Braintree &sex] 94, 112 Wykham Park 14, 42, 52 Brandon CSuffolW 91 Wyvern Kid Co. 43 Brighton [Sussex] 60, 63 British Museum 60 "Banbury Advertiser" 196 Broadway [Worcs. 1 29 "Banbury Guardian" 14, 114. 170. 196. 212 Broughton[Oxon.]2, 38, 57, 83, 139 Baptists24. 31, 77, 89, 91, 94, 97, 101-105, Brymbo Ironworks [Hook Nortonl226, 227 116-118, 139, 140 Buckingham5, 9, 59, 62, 63 242 Buckinghamshire 106 Conversions [Religious] 16, 32, 33 Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Bank 45 Coopers' Company 60 [Oxon.] 59, 61 Cork County 106 Byfield [Northants.] 111 Cornwall 77, 93, 106 [Oxon.] 110 Calcutta 112 Covent Garden 205 Cambridge 151. 154, 175 [Warwicks.] 30, 47. 91, 95, 111, Camden Society 151. 154 176. 201 Canada 210 Cricket 39, 49 Canals34, 37, 42, 43, 44, 50, 213, 231 [Oxon.] 5, 15, 16, 46, 50. 180 Canterbury [Kent] 187, 189 Croquet 39, 49 Cape St. Vincent. Battle of 145 Crystal Palace See Great Exhibition Cardiff 106 Cuckfield Viaduct 62 Carriers 50, 167, 172 Culworth Gang 1. 3-6 Castlethorpe [Bucks.] 94 Census Dassett Hills 42 1841 - 30 Daventry [Northants. 1 17, 49. 170 1851 - 30, 83-128 Dawley [Salop] 148 See also Religious Census COxon.161, 153. 169, 176. Ceyl,l8 178, 221 [Oxon. 1 89 Deepdale Viaduct 62 Chalcombe [Northants.] 17, 50 Devizes [Wilts.] 59. 61 Chapel Outings 42 Devon 93, 106, 112 [Oxon.! 59, 61. 62 Dictionary of National Biography 61 Charlton [Northants.] 36, 89 Doctors' Commons 46 Chartism 13, 30, 37, 77, 87. 118. 124, Domestic Servants 120, 121 195, 196 Doncaster CYorks.1 160 Chartres 117 Dorchester [Oxon. I 42 Charwelton [Northants. I 34 Dorn, River 215 Chelsea [Middlesex] 93 Dover [Kent3 61 Cherwell River 34, 166. 184. 185, 190. Drayton [Oxon. 1 59. 167 212, 215 Dulwich College 63 Chichester [sussexl 160. 190 Dunchurch [Warwicks. I 46 [Oxon.] 5, 169, 222 Chipping Warden CNortbants.16, 12 Ecclesiastical Commissioners 114, 115 Christ Church College, Oxford 27, 229 Edgecote CNorthants.1 1, 19-22. 34, 50, Christmas Celebrations 47. 50. 142 154, 155. 160. 167, 211 Church Building Society 153 Edgehill CWarwicks.1211. 212 8, 14, 15, 17, 32, 33, Education Act C19021 39 49, 51, 52, 59, 60, 62. 63, 89, 94, Egypt 195 97, 99, 101, 104, 106. 112-117, 120, Electricity Supply 42. 173 123, 151-160, 196 [Oxon. 1 60 "Church Times" 121 EpwellCOxon.160, 94. 221, 229, 231 Civil List 176 Evangelicalism 112. 113, 114, 195 Civil War 34. 69, 79. 211 Exeter Hall [London] 76 Claydon COxon.15 Eydon CNorthants.1 13. 16, 52 Clockmaking 61. 62, 64, 65 Club Days See Banbury, Bodicote Farndon CNorthant~l5 College of Arm 60 Farringdon Sueet [London] 78 Cockfighting 4 Female Labour 109, 121, 122 Combination Acts 201 Fenny Compton [Warwicks.] 42, 45 Compton Wynyates 212 Field Burcot [Northants. I 4 CongregationalktsSee Independents "Firefly" [Steamship] 229-231 Consewatives/Consenative Party 31, 33. 52, Flysheets Controversy 13 87, 118, 124. 196 243 Football 40 "Illustrated London News" 113, 194 Fox Hunting 50 Inclosure Acts 52. 59, 61 France 19, 62, 148 Independents [Congregationalistsl 37. 77, Freeholders 59, 61 87. 91, 93-99, 101, 104. 108, 109, COxon.3 113 115- 119 Fulling Mills 215 India 161, 210 Innishannon [CO. Corkl 93 Gaydon [Warwicks.] 3, 5 Ireland 94, 95, 109, 112. 118 Gayton [Cheshire] 78 "Ironstone Cottages" 85. 97 General Post Office 43 Islip lOxon.1 34 General Strike 34 Italians with Organs 40 German Bands 40, 51 Jamaica 93 German Maids 47-49 Jesuits 187 Germany 148 Gloucester 62 Kanturk [Co. Corkl 106 Gloucestershire 85, 89 Kendal CWestmorelandl59, 61 Glyme, River 215 Kent 176 Grand Junction Canal 140 Kew Bridge 62 Grand National Consolidated Trade Union Kidderminster CWorcs.1 102 110, 203-206 [Warwicks.] 211, 212 Great Barford CWarwickt.1 124, 146 [Oxon. 3 227 [Oxon.) 16 Kingsland [Herefs. 1 62 Great Central Railway 51 Kings Langley [Herts.) 101 Great Exhibition Cl8513 62, 87, 233 King's Sumn [Northants.] 177, 227 Great Haseley [Warwicks. I 61 Kingston Bridge 62 Great [Oxon.] 61 Kingston-upon-Hull 99 COxon.1215, 223 Kingswood School 12 Great Western Railway 40, 193, 227 Greenham [Berks.] 93 Labour Aristocracy 30 Grendon CBucks.1 104 Lace-making 119. 122 Lancashire 201, 203 Hampstead [Middlesex] 46, 60 Launceston CCornwalll93 Handbell Ringing 50 Lawley Bank [Salopl 77 Hand Loom Weavers' Commission 109, 110. Lawsfield 4 111, 197. 201, 202, 205 Leamington Spa CWarwicks.1 12, 193 Hanwell COxon.155, 147 Leeds EYorks.1 93, 112 Hamhill EWarks.143 Leicester 102 Hanrard 170 Leominster 1Herefs.l 59 Hawkesbury Junction 213 Liberals/Liberal Party 1, 17. 31, 52, 124, Headington [Oxon. I 94, 143 196 Hellidon CNorthants. 1 10 Limerick 91 Hemel Hempstead 147 Lincoln 190 Highwaymen 3-6 Lion Brewery CLondonl45 Hillesden CBucks. 1 47 Little Barford Mill 218, 219 Hillmorton CWarwicks.1 102 Little Bourton [Oxon. 1 13. 111 Holy Land 195 Llangrove [Herefs. I 63 [Oxon.] 45, 62, 165, 169, 227 [Warwicks. 1 59 Hopcrofts Holt [Oxon.] 3, 5 London 22, 27, 33, 45, 46, 59, 60, 62, Hoppersford 4 64, 65, 73, 78, 93, 94, 99, 109, Horley [Oxon. 1 42 138-140, 172, 175.204, 229, 231 Humber Cycles 47 Lord's Day Observance Society 112 Huscot Mill 46 Love Feasts 10, 12 Hussars. Tenth 108 Lower Boddington CNorthants. 1See Boddington 244 Lower Grove Mill 221 "Northern Star" 109 Ludgershall [Bucks.] 61 [Oxon. 1 61, 62, 165. 169, 219 McCormick Reaper 111 Norway 62 Madras 18 Norwich 102 Magdalen College, Oxford 71 "Novelty" locomotive^ 231 Magistrates 50 Manchester 195 Oldham [Lancs. 1 102 Martyrs' Memorial 193, 195 Organ Builders 40 May Day Celebrations 51, 142 Otter Hunting 34 Medieval Pottery 166 Ottery St. Mary CDevod 143 Mesmerism 174 Overseers 52 Methodism 1, 7, 9-18, 31-34, 39, 40, 42, 44, Overthorpe [Northants.] 16, 42 51, 52, 75, 77, 85-106, 110, 113, 115- Oxford 5, 29, 34, 35, 42, 59, 60, 61, 63, 118, 123, 139 106, 112, 113, 139, 161, 167, 173, Metropolitan Bank 45 193, 195, 212, 229 Middlesborough [Yorks. I 58, 59, 62 Oxford Architectural and Historical Society Middle Temple 64, 65 151, 191 Middleton Cheney [Northants. 1 13 34, 37. 42-44, 50, 213, 231 COxon.1 65 Oxford Journal 138 Midland Bank 45 Oxfordshire Milling 34 [see also Water Mills1 Assizes 108. 167 Milton COXO~ Clockmaking 150 Ministry of Munitions 172 Gaol 176 Mollington [Oxon. /Warwicks. 1 180 Inventoria 180 Moravians 10, 52 IronstoneCo. 224, 225 Moreton Pinkney CNorthants. I 119 Museum 164 "Morning Post" 121 Quarter Sessions 176 Motor Cars, First Appearances of 43 Record Office 58, 69 Mummers 142, 143 Roman Remains 24, 36, 66, 131, 164 Municipal Corporations Act C18351 170 show 35 Yeomanry 108 Nailsworth CGlouc.1 59. 61 "Oxfordshire Roundabout" 34. 35 National Monuments Record 149, 158 Oxford Society for the Promotion of the National Telegraph Co. 42, 43 study of Gothic Architecture 151 New College, Oxford 59 "Oxford University and City Herald" 177, New England 76, 77 205 Nigeria 18 Oxhill CWarwicks.1 11, 212 Norfolk 77 Northampton 157 Paganism 76 Archdeacon of 9 Paper Mills 215, 219, 220 Methodist Circuit 10 Pembroke College, Oxford 60 Sheriff 19 Peterborough. Bishops of 9. 12, 14, 15 "Northampton Mercury" 204, 205 Phrenology 174 "Pioneer" The 205 Agricultural Riots Cl8301 176 Plage C16441 79 Archaeology 166 Plumb Park Corner CNorthants. 1 5 Assizes4, 6 Plumpton CNorthants. I 61 Countryside 34 Plymouth CDevonl 101 Gaol 177 Polesworth CWarwicks.143 Hamlets in Banbury parish 83 Poor Law 33, 50. 122 Issue of "Cake and Cockhorse" 1-22 Poplar [Middlesex] 93 Record Office 1, 149, 194 Primitive Methodists 14, 30, 31, 32. 77, Northend CWarwich.1 8, 9, 10 91, 110, 115-117, 146 245 Prince Edward Island 75 Sewell Grounds CNorthants.14 Princess Lamps 47 Sheep Farming 1, 30 Priors Hardwick CWarwicb.1 160 Shipston on Stour [Warwicks.] 27, 229 Prussia 143 Shotteswell CWarwicks.117 Publicans' Compensation Bill C18901 16 Shropshire 35, 77 Public Health Act C18481 83 [Oxon.] 29, 30. 33, 60, 91, 95, Puritanism 34. 69. 73, 74, 187. 188 110, 207, 229 Putney CMiddlesexl 229 COxon.159-63, 220. 221 Smallpox 39 Quakers27, 37. 45, 61, 62, 93, 102, 104. Society for the Preservation of Ancient 116, 169, 193, 196, 214 Buildings 153, 154 Quoits 39, 40 Society of Antiquaries 60 Somaliland 63 Radway CWarwicks.1 95, 212 Somerset 104 Railways40. 42, 44, 50, 51, 62, 124, 170, Somemtshire Gazette 205 171, 172, 193 SorBrook215, 230, 231 Rainsborough Camp CNorthants. I 25, 36, 38 Southam [Warwicks.] 83 Ratley CWarwicks.1212 Southampton 93 Reform Act Cl8321 84 [Oxon.] 60, 109 Religious Cellsus C18511 13, 115, 116, 117 Speenhamland System 108 Revivalism 69. 75-77 Spitalfields [Middlesex] 105, 204. 205 Rhubarb Growing 138-140 Staffordshire 157 Rice Cakes 40 Standard Cars 43 River Navigation 212 Star Chamber 187, 189 Roman Catholics 14, 15, 91, 93, 94, 95, Statute of Articifers 167 97, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 113, 116, [Oxon.] 176 117, 118, 119 Steeplechases 166 COxon.134 Stocking Knitting 122 Rover Cars 43 Stockbridge [Hants.] 63 Rugby CWarwicks.3 93, 102 Stockport [Ches. 1 63 Russia 62 Stockton, Sons and Fortescue Collection Russian Flu 44 58, 69, 89 Stoney Stratford CBucks.1 3, 5 St. Clement Dane's [Parish. Londod 78 Stowe CBucks.1 23 St. Sepulchre's CParish, Londod 78 Stow on the Wold [Glouc.l5 St. Vincent [West Indiesl 93 Street CSomersetl28, 29 Salford Mill COxon.1222 Swud CGlouc.1 89, 112 Salisbury CWilts.1 190 Sturdy's Castle COxon.1 5 Salvation Army 42 Sulgrave ~orthanu.13, 4, 13, 25, 166 schools Sunday Schools 13, 15, 16, 17, 31, 32, Aynho Grammar 231 39, 42 Boddington 15 Sunday Observance5, 11. 34, 47. 49, 77, Church 34 112, 113 Dean Close 63 Sunderland CDurhaml62 Dulwich 63 Sussex 176 St. Paul's63 [Oxon.] 30, 59, 60 Shrewsbury 63 SwalcliffeLea [Oxon. I 68 Sidcot 61 Swere, River 218 Stockport 63 Switzerland 195 50 W00dhbuse Grove 12 [Oxon. 3 177, 179 -See also BANBURY. Schools. SUNDAY Talyllyn Railway 227 SCHOOLS. Tariff Reform 109 Science Museum 229, 231 Tay Bridge 62 246 Telephone. Introduction of 42 Weaving Tennis, 18, 49 Cottages, Bloxham 57 Tennis Cakes 40 Horse Cloth 37, 43, 207, 209, 210 Temperance Movement 16, 32, 34, 44, 51, Northamptonshire 10, 111 104, 124, 193 Plush 27, 29, 30, 32, 199-207, 208, Thames, River 3, 4, 50 2 33 Theological Institute 13 Tweed43, 207, 208, 210 Thetford CSuffolkl 93 See also BANBURY "Times" The 109 Wellzume CW arwicks. I 146 Tomato, Introduction of 37, 42 Wells Csomersetl 112 Towcester CNorthants.1 3, 4, 5, 87 Welsh Highland Railway 227 Towyn CMerionethl227 Wendover [Bucks. I 211 Tractarians 113, 151, 195 Wesleyans See Methodists Traction Engines 45, 47, 112 Wesleyan Reformers 115 Trade Unions 107, 199-206 Wesley DeacoMwes 17 Trafalgar, Battle 145 Wesley Guild 16 Trafford CNorthants. 1 19 West Indies 93 Trinidad 63 Westminster Bank 45 Tripe Sellers 40 Westminster Central Hall 16 Twentieth Century Fund 16 Westport [CO. May01 106 Tysoe [Warwicks.] 7, 9, 10, 156-158, 160 Widows 122, 123 Wigginton COxon.125, 26, 36, 68, 164 Uganda 63 Willersey Hill Farm 29 "Union" [Coach3 138 WilliamscoteCOxon.146, 47, 50, 54, 161 United States of America 42, 43, 75, 76, Wiltshire 30 77, 93, 108, 171 Windsor [Berks.] 62 Upper Boddington See Boddington Winscombe [Somersed 61 Upper Grove Mill~on.1220. 221 [Oxon.] 28, 42, 121 Upper Heyford [Oxon. 1 59 Wolverton [Oxon. 1 5 Upton House CWarwicks.1212 Woodford Halse morthants.1 10 Woodhouse Grove School CYorks.3 12 Vaccination 39, 47 Woodstock [Oxon. 1 27 Venice 187 Woolwich [Kent] 99 Wootton [Oxon.] 215 Wadham College, Oxford 113 Worcester 158, 160 Wakes, 8, 142 World War I - 17, 40, 51, 63, 172, 196 Walsall Cstaffs.1 94 World War II - 18, 173 walthamstow cEEssexlll2 Wormit Foundry 62 Wardington [Oxon.] 12, 13. 19, 46-51, Wormleighton [Warwicks.l 160 121, 180 wortha Csalopl 120 Warkworch CNorthants.194, 106, 166 Worton [Oxon.] 112, 113 Warmington [Warwicks.] 11, 158-160 COxon.145, 55, 224 Warrington Lancs. 1 167 Warwick 5, 6, 33. 59, 177 Yarmouth [Norfolkl 93 Record Office 58 Yorkshire 104, 106, 310. 203 Watennills 215-222


Abbot, William (Culworth Gang) 3, 4, 5 Adams, William (Culworth Gang) 6 Abbotts, E., householder 141 Adams, William. wheelwright 101. 119 & Adams, Charles 78; Jane 78 Eliza 119 Adams, John, farm labourer 94 Alcock, Messrs. P.R. & Sons 43 Adams, John, Mary& Tbomas 78 Allins, Thomas, shoemaker 180 247 Alsopp, William 189 Beal, FaMy 106 Amos, T. 210 Beale, A. J., headmaster 39; Seymour. Andrews, John. farm labourer 95 science teacher 39 Andrews, Priscilla, washerwoman 97 Beale. Caroline, smock maker 106 Aplin, Benjamin William 143, O.V. 143 Beale, James, bricklayer & Elizabeth 94 Arch, Joseph 14, 124. 128, 146 Beales, G. A. , photographer 42 Archer, John, farmer 13 Beasley, James, weaver 102 Archer, Thomas, farm labourer 87 Bedford, Isaac 61; Mary 61 Aris family 140 Beere, Robert, farm labourer 104 Ark, Ann 144; Henry 141 Beere, Thomas, farm labourer & Hannah Ariss, Eliza AM, George, Temperance 13 104 Ariss, Ethell6; George, shoemaker 15-17 Beere, William. farm worker & Caroline Armit, William, gardener 95 104 Armitt family 95 Beesley, Alfred 183 Armitt, William, glazier 95 Beesley, James 1, 3 Armstrong Siddeley, Messrs. 173 Beesley, Samuel, baker 161 Ashby, Stephen61 Beesley. Thomas, chemist 193, 195 Ashfield, John, fellmonger 102, 121 Bennett. John 144 Aspa, -. musical director 193 Bentley, William, alderman 189 Austin family 89, 117, 141 Bessemer, Henry 30, 209 Austin, Jam- B., chemist 193, 195, 233 Betts, A., baker 40; S, baker 40 Austin, John, landowner133 Betts, Charles, weaver 94 Austin, John, miller221 Biddle, John, knifegrinder 103 Austin. Richard, landowner 133 Billington, William, labourer 95 Austin& Harman, Messrs. 91 Birt. Joseph, labourer 91 Auther, -, watchmaker 93 Blackwell, Sir Basil 173; B.H. 175 Back, Rev. Henry 113, 182 Blackwell, William, seedsman 105, 107; Baisley, -, farmer49 Martha 105 Baker, Joseph. basketmaker 91 Blake, -,(butcher) 139 Baker, Robert, millwright 102 Bland, Mary94 Baker, William, basketmaker 95, 97 Bleeke. William 71 Baker, William, tailor & draper 13, 33 Blencowe, James 110 / Baker, Charles & Fanny 97 Blinco, George 187 Ball, Joseph. bootmaker 107 Blinkhorn, -, photographer 42 Bannister, William. fiddler 106 Blounston. -, carpenter 91 Barclay, Misses. headmistresses 39 Bloxham& Hardy, Messrs. 173 Barlow, William 141 Bloxham, E. , landowner 137 Bamard. -, farmer 176 BlOXham. John 139 .Bames family 140 Bodfish, Isaac 179; James 179 Bames, Judy. charwoman 105 Bolton, -, gas worker 42 Bames, Matthew, brewer 105 Bolton. A., headmaster 39 Bames, Thomas. gardener 103 Bolton, C. Newport230 Bames. Thomas, shoemaker 102 Bolton, Henry, farmer 101, 105. 109, 119 Bames. William 144 Bonham, -, carpenter 49 Barrows& Carmichael, Messrs. 45, 213 Bonham, George 102; Sarah 102; Thomas, Bartlett. L. W., photographer 42 grocer, 102 Barton, George, millwright 94 Bond, George, carpenter 101 Bateman, Thomas, corndealer 103 Bond, Joseph, labourer 95 Baughan, Bros. 233 Bonner, John, gardener 93; Thomas, Baughan, John, master weaver. 99, 100, 118 registrar 93 Baxter, -, 78 Booth, General William 42 Baxter, Mew. R. & J. 107 Bosman, George, weaver 95 Bayley, Rev. A. 154 Bosman, Mary 94 Baylis, William& Maria 97 Bosman, Sarah 95 248 Bosman, Willism, weaver & Mary Ann 95 Butler, William, postman 91 Boss, Thomas Ward 195-6 Butters, Rev. S. M. 17 Bouch. Sir Thomas 62 Cadbury, James 45, 193 Bourne, Sarah 89 Caless family 141 Bowers, William (Culworth Gang) 3-5 Callender. Jemima 103 Bradford family 140 Callow, John, farm labourer 105 Bradford, Henry 144 Callow (Carroll), Thomas, weaver 105, 111, Bradford, John 141 Martha 105 Bradford, John, innkeeper 144 "Captain Swing" 3 Bradford, William 141, 144 Carpenter, W. 233 Bradley, AM 99 Carrell, Hannah 105 Bradshaw, Henry William, carpenter 16 Carter, Joseph, pipemaker 94 Braggins, Messrs. 231 Cartwright family, 154, 231 Brailey, Misses, headmistresses 39 Cartwright, William Ralph 155 Brain, Hannah 95 Cantthem, Mrs. 50 Brain, Samuel, farm labourer & Sarah 95 Castle, George. labourer 103 Brain, Sarah. charwoman 97 Castle, Henry, farm labourer 106 Braithwaite & Milner, Messrs. 229, 231 Castle, Thomas, farm labourer 105 Brasbridge, Rev. Thomas'll, 73, 149 Caughey, James, evangelist 77 Bratt. William 139 Cave, -. cake seller 46 Brazier, Richard 110 Chamberlayne, George 47 Bricknell, William. carpenter 85 Champnes. Rev. Thomas 14-5, 18. 32-3 Bridges, John 19 Charawanamuttu, V.E. 18 Bromley, Clement, plumber 85, 120 Chard family 45 Broof, Thomas 91 Charles, Thomas. gardener& Betsy 101 Broof, William, butcher 89 Charles, William, farm labourer 95 Brothers, William 177 Chauncey family 19 Broughton& Wilkes. Messrs. 40 Cheney family 167 et seq. Brown, - , brewer 45 Cheney E., printer 200 Brown, Messrs. E.W. 40, 182, 236 Cheney & Sons, Messrs., printers 197, 200 Brown. Miss 161 Cherry, -, miller, 221 Brown, William, farm labourer 103 Cherry, Fred 18 Bnunmits 47 Cherry, George, glazier 16; John, farmer Brummitt, Arthur James, haberdasher 16 16; Thomas. mason 16; William, Bryceson, Messrs., organ builders 157 carrier 16 Buckler, J.C. 152 Cherry, Mary Am. dressmaker 102 Budd, George 11-2. 18 Claridge, -. baker 40 Bull, Harry, labourer 52 Claridge, Am, seamstress 97 Buller, Mary 59; Robert 59 Claridge, Charles, labourer 101; John. Bunting. Jabez 118 labourer 101 Bunton. William, stationer 45, 75-6, 112. Claridge, D. 139; John 139 128 Claridge, Hannah 103 Burghley, Lord 74 Claridge, James. farm labourer 102 Burling family 140 Claridge family 140 Burling, Thomas, innkeeper 143-4 Claridge & Bloxham, Messrs. 172 Burlings, Rose 141 Clark family, of Street, Som. 29 Busby. Edward, tailor 104 Clark, loseph, weaver 30 Busby, William. farm labourer 97 Clark, Martha, yam winder 89 Bustard, Joan 19; John 19 Clark, Walter H.. F.R.I.B.A. 2 Butler, Edward, innkeeper 93 Clarke. Caleb 24; George 24 Butler, George 19; John 19 Clarke. P. 140 Butler, Jweph, groom 89 Clarke. Thomas 193 Butler, Sarah, servant 119 Clarson, Henry 55 Butler, Thomas, shoemaker 101 Cleridge, -, 144 249 Clues, Thomas, farm labourer 12-3 Dawson, Betty 33 Cobb. -, banker 27 Dawson, Henry, labourer 102 Cobb. Edward 115, 123, 128, 146 Day, Mrs., tripeseller 40 Cobb, Sir Edward 144 Deer, Webb, landowner 137 Cobb, Thomas 108 Deer family 141 Cobb, Timothy Rhodes 207 Denton, Anne47 Cobb, Messrs. 43 Dickason, William 169 Cobb family 115. 123, 197, 207 Dix, Edward 59, 60 Cobbe. Anne Frances 78; Bernard 78 Dixon, Daniel, Sergeant at mace 195 Cobbett. William 177- 8 Dommett. James, headmaster 39 Cockerill, Robert, blacking manuf. 87, 110, Donovan, Patrick, mat-maker & Ellen 106 121, 124 Douglas, W.T. 195 Cockwell, Caroline. laundress 106 D'Oyley, John, labourer 104 Colegrave, Miss, headmistress 39 D'Oyley. Robert, labourer 91 Coleman, John, millwright 94 D'Oyley. Bray 61 Coleman, William, farmer 109 Duffing, Ann & Eliza 106 Collins. William, baker 8-10 Dumbleton, -, 160 Connor. Charles, shoemaker 104 Dumbleton, Thomas. saddler & Martha 89 Cooknell, -, shopkeeper 49 Dunn, John, labourer & Sylvia 97 Cooper, Caroline, tailoress 91 Dmn. Thomas James. labourer 97 Cooper, John 145 Dundas, Henry, Home Secretary 201 Cooper, John, farm labourer & Rebecca 97 Dwell, Messrs, brewers45 Cooper, Rebecca, widow 95 Durran, Eustace. jeweller 16, 39 Cope. Sir Anthony 69; Sir Jonathan 55 Durran, J. 33 Corbet, Richard 183, 187, 191 Durrant, -, headmaster 39 Corbea, Frances, headmistress 104 Eaglestone, -, 5 Cork, Thomas & Mary 93 Earley family 42 Cotterill, Mr. & Mrs. Charles, preacher 17 Eaves, G.W. 17 Cotterill, Hannah 120; William, labourer Eden, Rev. Dr., mesmerist 174 95, 120 Edinburgh, Mrs. 141 Cotton, William, newsman 1. 4 Edmunds, Rev. F.F. 32 Courage family 155 Edmunds. Hunt, brewer 223 Course, Joseph. miller & baker 222 Edmunds, (Edmonds) Percy Spencer, seeds- Cowley, -, builder 195 man 16, 32 Cox, Am104 Edmunds I. Richard, ironmonger, etc. 32 Cox, Hannah. bagmender 97 Edmunds 11. Richard. son of above, 3 times Cox. James, sawyer& Mary 95 Mayor 13-4, 32-35. 42 Cox, John, farm labourer 105 Edmunds, William. brewer 42 Cox, Mary 103, 106 Edwards, Charles, labourer, 106 Cox, Samuel, milk seller 99 Edwards, John, weaver 93 Cox, William, sawyer 95 Eglington, Samuel, builder 31 Creed, Emma 1, 17; Sarah 17; William 16 Eglinton, George, cordwainer 87 Cripps, Patience. nurse 89 Eldridge, -, farmer 49 Cromwell, Thomas, Vicar general 19 Elkington, James, "lath bowler" 104 Cross family 91 Elkington, Thomas, farmer 13 Cross, Chemists Ltd. , 39, 45 Elliott, Elizabeth 103 Crump, Eliza, seamstress 101 Elliott, Capt. , landowner 135 Cubitt, Son& Co., Messrs. 197, 207 Emery, Charles, butcher 106 Dale, Samuel, hawker 103 Endall, William 177 Dale, Thomas, beer-house keeper 85 Enock, John, weaver 102, 119 Dale, Thornas, plasterer 102 Enock, Richard, farm worker 106 Danby, James 87 Ericuon. John 229, 231 Davis, -, smith 49 Ewer, Edward. weaver 200 Dawkins, John9, 10 Ewers, James. labourer 94, 111 250 Eyles, Richard, weaver 95, 111 Giberry, George, labourer 101 Fairfax, Arthur. solicitor 16, 43, 52 Gilbert. Richard, draper 12-3 Famdon, John 61; Thomas 61 Gilby, Thomas, coal dealer 104 Famdon, Richard 62; Sarah 62 Giles, Jane 103 FeMimore, -, farmer 50 Gilkes family 59-64 ’ Fergusson, Rev. William 108-9 Gill, John 189 Fields, Messrs. 42 Gillett family 27-29 Finney, Charles 77 Gillett, Charles 44 Flanigan, Thomas, farm labourer 106 Gillett. Jonathan, banker 196 Fleet, Frederick 91; Thomas, innkeeper 91 Gillett, Joseph Ashby, 29, 110 Fletcher, J. 205 Gillett, Lees & Co., Messrs. 207 Flick, P.W. 45 Gillett, Martha 126 Flowers, Mrs. of Chetwode 5 Glaze, Samuel, malster& grocer 87 Floyd, William, currier 87 Glegg, Eliza kaskery W. 78 Forbes. Rev. Charles, Vicar of S. Banbury Godfrey, -. grocer 49 114-5, 117, 128 Goffe, Am, teacher 93 Forster, E.M. 29 Golby, James, farmer 109 Fortescue, Charles, solicitor 44 Golby, Rebecca, washerwoman 89 Fortnum family 60 Golightly, Rev. Gilbert 8; Rev. Thomas 8,12 Formum& Mason, Mesa. 60 Goode, -, artist 166 Foster, John, pig dealer 13 Goode, Charles, watchmaker 64 Francillon, Francis, solicitor 91, 119; Gostelow, -, of Adson Grounds 5 Mary 106 Gould, D., publisher 166 Francis, Rev. C.D. 156 Gould, James. labourer 93 Franklin& Hopcraft, Man. 153 Gould, Richard, surveyor 102 French, George, farm labourer 104 Grant family 140 French, Thomas, labourer 91 Grant, Ann, landowner 137 French, William, cordwainer 99 Grant, Henry 144; Thomas Jun., 144 French, William, ohepherd 99 Grant, William 141 Friday, Charles, sawyer 105 Greatrex, Christopher, fellmonger 89 Friday, George, lawyer‘s clerk 105 Green, Rev. & Mrs. N.J. 18 Gardiner family 117, 140-1 Gregory, Charles, sawyer 99 Gardner, El&, landowner 137 Gregory, Margareta 65 Gardner. George. commercial traveller 99 Gregory, Phoebe, charwoman 103 Gardner. James, landowner 133. 140 Gregory, William, gardener 94 Gardner, Thomas 139 Griffin, J. 42 Gardner, William, landowner 133, 140 Griffin, Thomas, weaver 95 Garrett, -, Sunday School teacher 33 Grimes, Daniel, beer-house keeper 102 Garrett, Mary102 Grimmett, Mrs. 42 Garrett, Thomas E.D., surveyor 16 Grove, Elizabeth, innkeeper 144 Gascoigne, Levi & Mary 89 Grubb. C.F. 232-3 Gauthem, William 169 Guest family 141 Gautherne family 60 Guilford., Baron 55 Gaay, George & Ann 94 Gunn, John, labourer 101 Geden, William 10 Gunn, Miss, property owner 99 George, John. bank clerk 44 Gunn. William. labourer 101 Ghilo of Picquigni 214 Gunn, William, millwright 93 Gibbard, Joseph, malster 97, 104 Hadland, Charles, landowner 137 Gibbard, Mathew 139 Hale, Joseph & Elizabeth 103 Gibbings, Rev. W. 17 Halhead, William, alderman 189 Gibbs, J., architect 195 Hall family 140 Gibbs, Samuel, carpenter 102 Hall, Ann 141; Margaret 141 Gibbs, Thomas 139 Hall, Elizabeth 103 Gibbs, William& Mary 101 Hall, Richard 19 25 I Hall, Thomas, innkeeper 144 Heydon family 141 Hampden, John 140 Heydon, Richard, landowner 133, 135 Hankinson, Thomas Orton, pork butcher Hill, -, master weaver 43 16, 39. 40. 210 Hill, John, plush manufacturer 207 Harding, Hanrey, millwright & Mary 94 Hill, Miss44 Harding, W. J., plumber & decorator 40 Hill, Rowland 113 Hardy, P.G.. architect 175 Hill, Thomas 141 Harlock, A.J. 45 Hinton, George, farm labourer 94 Harper, Joseph, Itinerant Preacher 9. 10 Hirons, -, police constable 44 Harris, Dr. 46-7 Hitchcock family 141 Harris, Hannah 99 Hitchcock, William, landowner 137 Harris, Richard, labourer 95 Hitchcox, George, printer 170 Harrison, Rev. William 158 Hobbs, John, malster 91 Hartlet, John 186 Hobbs, Joseph, labourer 103 Hartley, William, masonl01, 119 Hobday, AmClark 157; John 157 Hartwell, Benjamin, weaver & Kezia Hobley, Alfred, farmer 93 87, 111 Hobley, Francis, slater & Sarah 93 Hartwell, John, farm worker 105 Hobley, John, innkeeper 105 Hartwell, William. horse dealer 102 Hobley, Thomas, farmer & Elizabeth 104 Harvey. Abigail, Andrew, Lucy& Malachi Hobley, William. builder 93 55 Hobley, William, plasterer 106 Hasker, John 180 Hollier, -, 14 Hastie, Francis 61 Hollis, Rev. Joseph 33 Hawkins, John, shepherd 99 Holloway, Charles, weaver 91 Hawkins, Martha, schoolmistress 85 Holloway, Thomas, policeman 91 Hawtin, John, decorator 44 Holtom, William, labourer 97, 122 Hawtree. Alex, 141 Hookins, Rev. Phillip 153 Haynes, James, farm labourer 94 Hopkins, Joseph, cooper60 Hayward, Dr. William 139 Hopkim, Joseph. slater 169 Head, John, woolcomber 104 Hopkins, Mary, dressmaker 89 Heaton, Butler& Baines, Messrs. 158 Hopkins, Richard 60 Heel, R.T.. schoolmaster 33 Hopkins, William R.I., ironmaster 62 Hefford, William, tanner 43 Hornabrook, Rev. Richard 93 Heming, Mary 62; Richard 62 Horwood, Miss Margaret 18 Hemming, William, labourer & Sarah 101 Hoskins, -, 221 Hemmings, Thomas, labourer& Mary 103 House, William 141 Henderson, Mathew 139 Huckell, Hawtry143, 144 Henderson, Rev. W.T., 109. 117 Hull, Thomas, carrier 13, 14, 15 Herbert, Daniel, weaver 91 Hully, Rev. John 7 Herbert, Evan, minister 139 Humphrey, Laurence 73 Herbert, Francis 122 Humphries, John, labourer 99 Herbert, George, butcher 105 Humphries, h4ary 99; Sarah 99 Herbert, George 87, 107, 111, 119, 173, Humpbris, -, engineer 45 206 Humpbris, George, labourer 94 Herbert, John, pig butcher 97 Humphris, Jane, servant 120 Herbert, Richard, labourer97. 122 Humphris, John. labourer 94 Herbert, Thomas Jun., weaver 200 Humphris, John & Nancy 97 Herbert, -, innkeeper 199 Humphris, Richard, sawyer 95 Heretage, John 9; William 9 Hunt, Emest Charles 175 Heritage family 9, 10, 15 Hunt, Henry, weaver 97, 111 Heritage, Thomas, malster & Mary 94 Hunt, Thomas, brewer, 196 Heritage, William, butcher 87, 124 Hutchings, Ephraim 195 Hestley, Mrs. 106 Hutt, John, farm labourer 104 Hewers, John& Hannah 102 Hyde, J. 210 252 Hyde, John, draper 13-4 Ladkins, Edward 157 Ingram, Charles, ostler 91 Lakin, Thomas 141 Ingram, Caroline, smock maker 101; George, Lamb family 161 labourer, 101 Lambert, George & J. Jnr., artists 38 Ingram, Mary, stocking knitter 101; William, Lampitt, Charles, engineer 99, 112, 229,233 labourer 101 Lampitt, Horace 223 Ingram-Lockhart, John 61 Lampitt, John, engineer 171, 229 Ivens. John, farmer 52 Lampitt, Messrs., engineers 45, 82, 220, Ivens, Thomas, farmer 13 222-3, 229 Jack, Richard (Culworth Gang) 3, 6 Lampitt, Thomas, engineer 102 Jackson. James, farm labourer 103 Lampitt, (Lampet) William, millwright & Jackson, John 95 Ellen 93, 105 Jackson, John, labourer 102 Lancaster, Thomas William 112 Jackson, Thomas, weaver 91, 97 Langley, John L. 39 et seq., 214 Jackson, William & Elizabeth 89, 105 Lascelles, Frank, pageant master 63 Jackson, William, bricklayer 94 Law, Richard (Culworth Gang) 3-6 Jame. William 144 Lawrence, Thomas, smith 89, 121 Jawis. Benjamin. shoemaker 105 Lawrence, William, preacher 9. 10, 15; Jarvis, George, bricklayer 105 Sarah 15 Jennings, Rev. J. 32 Leland, John 185, 186, 191 Jenris, Sir John 145 Lewis, Miss Caroline 33 Jolmon, Rex 17-8 Lewis, T. 33 Jones, Canon A.J. 14.4 Lincoln, Bishop of 190-1 Jones. James, farmer 13 Lines, -, camer 50 Jones, John, tailor 102 Lines, Hellis, farm worker 106 Jones, Matthew, weaver 87 Litchfield. Charles, coachman 99 Jones, Robea, weaver 89 Locke, John, weaver 102 Jones, Sarah97 Longe, Thomas 186, 189; William 186 Jones, William, weaver 200 Loveday family 46 et seq., 161 Jordan, Rev. 113 Loveday, Miss Domthy 51 Judge, J.H. 17 Loveday, Miss Helen 161 Judge, -, of Wardington 49 Loveday, Dr. Thomas 54 Kench, Thomas, plumber 16 Lovel, -, innkeeper 144 Kennedy, Williarn, weaver 97 Lovell, Jaseph 144 Kilby, John, solicitor 33 Loxton. Rev. 12 Kilham, Alexander 31 Ludwig, J. H., fancy goods dealer 40 Kilpack, -, weaver 91 Ludlow. James, labourer 103 King, David, spirit refiner 106 Ludlow, Mary, laundress 102 King, William, weaver 91 Lymath, -,smith 49 King, William, landowner 137 Lyne. John, miller & baker 222 Kingstone, Joseph, "hair commer" 104. MacAdam, JohnLoudon 102 124 Mace, Thomas, solicitor's clerk 13-4 Kirbp Thomas, hurdlemaker 101 Mace, William, lacemaker 97 Kircam, Mrs. 19 Mainwood, David, saddler 49 Kirttow, Robert, labourer 99 Mainwood, John, carrier 50 Knight, (16th & 17th cemury family of Malsbury, Thornas (Culworth Gang) 3, 4, 6 Banbury) Bazaleel64-5; Joan 65; Mander, Dr. 44 John 65; Matthew (of Reindeer) 19, Mander, Jim, stonemason 51 22; Matthew (of Barkhill) 187, 189, Mander, John, innkeeper 44 190, 231; William (L) (d. 1631) 187-9; Margeter, Emma 101 Wdliam (E) 65 Mascord, Francis. weaver 102 Knight, Jim, dispenser 42 Mascord, John, labourer & Elizabeth 103 Knight, Thomas, Town missionary 42 Mascord, Thomas, gardener 95, 122 Knight, William (Eodicote) 141 Mason, Hugh60 25 3 Massey. William, tailor 95 North family 140, 212 Masters, William. smith & Am 94-5 North, Hon. Charles 55 Maycock family 13 North, Francis, Baron Guilford 55 Mayho, William 4 North, Lady Susan 121 Meadmore, Rev. Jams 12 North, Lord & Lady 45 Meads, -, girth maker 43 North, Thomas 141, 143 Mellers. Fred, clerk 16 Norton, James, upholsterer 91 Mercier, Sarah, shoebinder 102 Norton, T. J., herbalist 43 Merry, John Lee, malster 195 Noye, William, Attorney General 187, 189 Mewburn& Barker, Messn. 42 Nutt, James, farm labourer & Mary Ann 94 Mewburn, William 14, 31-2, 42, 51-2 Nutt, John. farm labourer 87 Middleton, Jeremiah 103 O'clare, Rev. 4 Middleton, Thomas, brickmaker 103 "Old Bess", fair owner 51 Miller. Colonel 95 ONeal, James, weaver 95 Miller, George212 Overton, J.H., teacher 39 Miller, Sanderson, architect 212 Owen, -, 5 Millett. Messrs. 167 Owen. Mary89 Milliner, Miss 51 Owen, Robert 110 Milward, Elizabeth 118, 199 Owen, Susan103 Minton, -, 157 Page, Elizabeth 99 Mitchdl, -, of Buckmaster 5 Page, Thomas, labourer 103 Mobbs, -, carrier 11 Page, William, innkeeper44 Mobley, William, plasterer 105 Pain, Benjamin, weaver, 87, 121; William Mo14 I., miller 221 121 Mold, Percy 39 Pain. Charles, weaver 87 Mold, Thornas42 Pain, John, builder 103-4 Molyneux, Col. C.C., householder 141 Pain, Joseph, farmer 108 Monahan, Philip, engineer 94 Pain, Thomas, solicitor83 Moorby. Elizabeth, washerwoman 102 Palmer, Dr. & Mrs. Pkbe, revivalists Morbey, James, tailor 94 75- 7 Moreby, Joseph, smith99 Parfitt, -, factory overseer 43 Morgan, John, milkman45 Pargeter, Christopher, labourer 99 Morris, William, first Sec. S.P.A.B. 153 Pargeter, Thomas, weaver 91, 111 Morris, William R., of Morris Motors 29 Parish. Hannah93 Morse, Joseph, woolstapler 89 Parker, J.H. 151, 153 Motion, Andrew, brewer 45 Parnell, James, millwright & Sophia 93 Moulton, Ebenezer, preacher 13 Pater, Rev. J.E. 39 Mullis. John. shepherd& Mary 104 Payne, Edward James. grocer 13 Mdlk. Hannah 103, 105-6; William 103 Payne, Thomas, ironmoulder 93 Murphy, Julia, cotton spinner 106 Pears family 91 Nap, William, fruiterer 87 Peanon, George, pipemaker 97 Nelson family 141 Peedle, Thomas 144 Newall, Thornas. weaver 197 Pegler, Mary Anne 61 New College Warden 135 Penn family 140 Newman, John 87 Penn, Daniel, weaver 99 News, William, coal dealer 103 Pew John 141 Newton, Daniel, market gardener 99 Penn, Sarah 94 Newton, James, gardener 93 Penn, Sarah, straw bonnet maker 106 Newton, John 113 . Penn, Thomas, labourer 101; Mary 101 Newton, William, gardener 94 Penn, William, weaver & Caroline 101-2 Nichols, Simon 157 Peterborough, Bishop of 14 Nicoll, John, landowner 133 Petrie, -, tailor 203-4 Norreys. Lord, M.P. 176-7 Pettipher. William (Culworth Gang) 3-6 NORiS. Joseph. millwright & Julia 89 Pettum -, of Lawsfield 4 254 Pilkington, Henry, alderman 180 Riley, William& Ann 101; John, millwright Pilsworths, Messrs., drapers 42 101 Pinson, George, stationer 42 Riley, William, millwright 106 Piper, Rev. Henry Hunt 115 Rimall, Charles, smith 101 Pitcher, John, farm labourer 106 Rivers, Fr. Anthony 187, 189 Pitcher, William, ex-nurse& Mary 101 Robbins, Daniel, carpenter & innkeeper 87 Pittam, Francis, farm labourer 94 Robbins. John 141 Platt & Medley, Messrs. 210 Roberts, Mary 104 Plowman, Henry 144 Roberts, Mary Ann 139 Plumb, William, smith 99 Roberts, Thomas 140 Pottinger, Jam, pipemaker 101 Robins, John 144 Pom, William, printer& bookseller 170 Robins, Thomas 144 Pons, William historian, 183 Robinson, Daniel 94; John, carpenter 94 Poulton, John, cabinet maker 87 Robinson, Henry 172; Frederick 172 Powell, Job, gas stoker 105, 107; Lucy 105 Robinson. -, gardener 49 Powell, Mary 105 Robinson, -, grocer45 Powell, William, labourer & Ann 103 Rollright, Ann 61; Edward 61 Pratt, Henry, landowner 137 Roode, Mary78 Prentice, A. 126 Rose, T., bank clerk 44 Prescott, Elizabeth, laundress 85, 94; Rowsham, Richard, innkeeper 144 George 120; Robert, weaver 85, 94, Rowson, Ann 144 120 Rusher, John Golby 170; William, book- Prescott, James, weaver 95 seller 169, 170 Prescott, John, cooper 95 Rushton, J.R. 149 Prescott, Joseph. weaver 200 Russell, Edward & Family 78 Prescott, Sarah 95 Ru~sell, William, ofBodicop157 Preston, Daniel, Police Superintendent 44 Rutter, John& Daniel 161 Prickett, -, girth maker 43 Rye, Arthur, surgeon193 Prickett, -, baker 49 sabin, -, farmer 49 Prince Frederick William of Prussia 193, Sabin, W., miller 220 196 Sale, Rev. E.T. 8, 12, 14 Princess Royal 192-3 Sarnuelson, SB Bernhard 58, 107, 171, 196, Pritchard, William, coal dealer 87, 124 233; Emest, householder 141 Prosser, -, bicycle retailer 41, 43 Sad, Rev. G.B. 18 Puffet, -, police constable44 Sad, Joseph, bank manager 44 Pulker, Charles, cordwainer 91 Saunders. James, farm labourer 103 Pusey, Edward Bowerie 212 Saunders, William 186 Queen Victoria 193 Savage, -, butcher 50 Rammell, T.W. 83 Savage, Matthew, printer 167 Randall, George, weaver & Hannah 91 Savage, Nathan, shoemaker 103 Randall, Thomas, weaver 102 Savage, Rachel 94 Randle, -, 144 Saye & Sele, Lord' 196 Ratley, James, farm labourer 104 Scarcebrook, George, ropemaker 89 Ratley, William, farm worker 104 Schoyen. A.R. 206 Reay, Rev. L.D. 14 Scott, Sir Gilbert 151, 156-8 Redford, Mrs., rope maker 121 Scott, Sir William (Lord Stowell) 169 Reigate, Dr. 50 Seal, O.K. 43 Reynolds, Jane 10; Tbomas 9, 10 Sellers, William, paper maker 219 Richardson, -, carrier 5 Shaftesbury, Lord 45 Richmond, Professor Sir Ian 26, 36 Shaw, of Wardington 46 Righton family 140 Shaw, Agatha Ruby (Mrs. Anthony Gilkes) Riley family 89, 112 63; Dr. Shaw, Bishop of Buckingham 63 Riley, John, millwright 102 Shaw, John, engineer's clerk & Lucy 93 Riley, Thomas. millwright & Eliza 104; Sheasby, -, 44 Frederick, millwright 104 4 255 Shelton, Rev. F. Stanley 32 Tancred, Henry, M.P. 196 Shewell, Henry 189 Taplin (Tappyn). Elizabeth 59; Richard 59 Shilson, Charles, woolstapler 102; William, Tarvey, James 6 woolstapler 101, 102 Tasker family 89, 105 Simmons, Rev. John 12 Taylor, Elizabeth 94 Simmons, Robert, farm labourer 103 Taylor, George, labourer 97. 122 Slatter, -, baker 95 Taylor, Job, carrier 33 Sloan, William, tea dealer 87 Taylor. Sarah 106 Smallbone family 13 Taylor. Thomas. saddler 233 Smith, Alice 97 Tearle, L. 210 Smith, Anslow, tinker 106 Tearle, Levi, baker 40 Smith, James. property owner 101 Tebbie. -, cobbler 49 Smith, John, of the Temperance Hall 51 Tervill, William (Culworth Gang) 3, 4 Smith, John, senr. & junr. 3 et seq.; Thomas, -, tailor 203 William 3. 6 (all of Culworth Gang) Thome, Joshua, shag manufacturer 27 Smith, Mary 61; Peter 61 Thorpe. William & George, booksellers 167 Smith, Robert 144 Timms. George, farm worker 106 Smith. William, labourer 106, 122 Timms, William, miller 218 Soleman, Matthew 141 Tomes, John 169 Somewille, Alexander 206 Tomlinson, R. W., mission superintendent South, Ann 97 40. 51 South, Thomas & Eliz. 97 Toms, -. of Farndon 5 Southall (Southam), William. rag & bone Tooley, -, boat builder 213 dealer 103, 106 Tooly, William, turner 93 Sparks, William, labourer 99 Townsend. Edmund. lawyer's clerk 105 Speed, John, cartographer 212 Traford, John 187 Spencer, John, smith104 Trueman, William 106 Spenser, William, "horse breaker" 105 Tuffrey, Joseph, labourer 91 Spillman, Robert, J.P. 201 Turner, Elizabeth 94 Stacey, Benjamin, farmer 13 Turner, Elizabeth 97 Stanton, Wry, field worker 99. 122 Turner, John, farm labourer 97 Stanton. Samuel. plasterer 99 Turner, John, builder 144 Starkey, J. F., householder 141 Turner, Magdalene 46 Stephens, Rev. John 93 Turner, Samuel 77 Stephens, Rev. RichardR. 153 Turrell, (Turrill) (Culworth Gang) 4, 5 Stevens, Robert, grocer 45 Tussell, Henry, engineer's apprentice 112 Stockton, James, excise officer 89 Tustain, John, policeman 87 Stockton, Sons & Fortescue 58 Tustain. Richard, labourer 91 Smne, Henry, bookseller 170 Tustain, William. labourer 101 Stone, Mrs. Mary Russell 161 Twiddy, Rev. Thomas 12 Stone, Messrs. Henry, cabinet makers& Tyrell, (Terrill) Josepb 139 printers 51 Upton. J., grocer 42 Stowell, Lord 169 Upton. Superintendent T. 24 Strange, William 233 Usher family 139, 140 Stratton, Major 176 Usher, Miss A. M. 231 Street, G.E., architect 151, 153, 156 Vanner, -, 42 Stuart, D. 139 Vamey, John, bricklayer 89; John, baker Stuart, Villiers, M.P. 176-7 89; Sarah, baker 89 Stubs, Peter, innkeeper 167 Varney. Richard, baker 106 Stutterd, Joseph 233 . Viggers, William, sawyer 97 Swift, Dean39 Vincent, Henry 89, 107 Swift, Thornas. labourer 99 Vincent, John 78 Symington, Dr. 43 Vincent, John 125-6 Symons, Robert, baker 180 Vivers, Edward 182 256 Vivers family 24 White, Charles, milkman 93 Wagstaff, John, labourer 91 White, Thomas, weaver 91 Wagstaff, Richard, weaver 102, 111. 122 White, W. C., innkeeper & Mary 93 Walden, John, smith 101 White. William, beerhouse keeper & Walford, T., householder 141 Temperance 89 Walford, William, farmer 102 Whitefield, George 112 Walker, George. tailor 121 Whitton. Thomas 143; William 144 Walker. James. harness maker 81 Wiggins, C. J., ropemaker 43 Walker, Messrs. J. & Son 209 Wilberforce, Samuel. Bishop of Oxford 113, Walker, Stephen. tailor & Charlotte 89, 153 93 Wild, Mary 94 Walker. William. baker & innkeeper 89 Wilkins. William. bricklayer 85 Walker. -, master weaver 43 Wilkinson, Rev. 4 Walkley, William. whedwright 101 Wilks. -, master weaver 43 Wall. Ebenezer, ropemaker 43 Wilks. Fred I. 210; John 210 Wall, E. & T. 233 Willetts, William. porter 99 Walters, Mrs., innkeeper 44 Willsheir, John 71 Walton family 50-1 Willson, William. labourer 103 Walton. Elizabeth 33 Willson. William 105 Ward, Bridget 106; James Sweney 106; Wilson family 141 Thomas 106 Wikon. Catherine 103 Ward, Caroline 46 Wilson. Rev. Daniel. Bishop of Calcutta 112 Ward, Elizabeth 144 Wilson, John. grandson of Thomas Wise 18 Ward. Jamer 139 Wilson, John, landowner 135 Ward. Jane 103 Wilson. John 139 Ward, John 144 Wilson. John 144 Ward, Joseph 139 Wilson. Joseph (founder of Lord's Day Ward, 'widdow' 141 Observance Society) 112 Warqe) family 140 Wilson. Rev. William. Vicar of Banbury 85 Warviner family 141 et seq., 111-3. 193 Warriner, H.A. 229; Henry 229 Wilson, Rev. William. senr. 112 Washbrook. Jabez, weaver 102. 119 Wilson. -, farmer 177 Waters. Brian 34 Wincotts. Messrs. 42 Watson, -. of Wardington 12 Wise family 18. 140 Watts, John. labourer 95 Wise. Alfred, foundry worker 94 Watts. William 233 Wise, James. labourer 94 Weaver. An& field worker 99. 122 Wise, John, clockmaker 140 Weaver. Edward, Emma. Joseph, baker Wise, John 144 & Sarah 104 Wise, Henry 141: Matthew 141. 143 Weaver. Henry, labourer 104 Wise, Richard. junr. 143 Weaver, John, carpenter 99 Wissett. Matthew, senr. 141 Webb family 140 Wood, William. Doctor of Laws 12 Webb, John 141, 144 Woodall. Mary94 Webb. John, jw. 144 Woodcock, Rev. R.H. 8, 17 Webb. Jonothan 141 Woodfield. William. carpenter 104 Webb. William. senr. 144 Woodward. Am 99 Webster. Thornas. schoolmaster 93 Woodward. Sarah. washerwoman 91 Welbum, Rev. 47 Woodward. Thomas. painter 94 Wells. Rev. Samuel 182 Wrench. Messrs. 207 Wesley. John 9, 10. 32 Wright. -, Attorney at Law 4 Wheatley. Richard & Thomas 189 Wright. James. weaver 101, 111, 120; Wheatly. Thomas 71 Deborah 120 Wheeler family 140 Wright. Martin 19 Wheeler, Henry. farm worker 104 Wyatt. -. of Sulgrave Grounds 4 Wheeler. John, groom 103 Wyatt family 141 Wheeler, John 144 Wyatt. Rev. C.F. 151 Wheeler, Thornas. tailor 89 Wyatt, Miss E.B. of Linden House 196 Wheeler. Thomas. landowner 131 Wyatt. John & Jane 94 Whing (or Wing) family 140 Wyatt, Thomas, property owner 99 Whingand. Emma 105 Wylde, -. master weaver 201 Whise, John 144 Young, James, sawyer 91 White family 161 Young, John, farm labourer 104 White, Bet; E., innkeepers 144 Young, William. labourer 102