237 CAKE AND COCKHORSE, VOLUME 3 INDEX OF PLACES AND SUBJECTS Adderbury [Oxon.] 2, 27, 30, 59, 61, 101, 106 Banbury (Codd) 111. 139, 144. 153, 169, 219 Bloxham Road 183 Admiralty, Board of 172 Blue Coat Trust 120 Advertising 35 Blue Pig Yard 123 Agricultural Labourers - Board of Health 33, 83, 84, 95, 103, Child workers 119 104, 105, 124, 195, 196 Neitbrop 108-110 Boatmen 83 Religion 116 Bolton's Lane 100, 101 Riots 8, 108, 146, 176-179 Booklists 80, 231 Trade Unions 14, 146 Bowling Green Inn 42 Wages 8 Bowltinge Street 189, 190 Alkerton [Oxon.] 160, 225 Boxhedge 85, 92, 99, 100, 101, 105, Anti-Corn Law League 108 109. 119 "Arethusa" H.M.S. 45 Brailey's School 39 Arlescott CWarks.1 13 Bread Cross Crosses Army and Navy Stores 46 Brewers Arms 86, 91 "Art Journal" 233 Brewing 107 Ashmolean Museum 60, 148, 151 Bridge Street 39, 42, 43, 45, 51, 77, Aston-le-Walls [Northants.] 160 83, 110. 112, 113, 116, 117, 184, Athletics 40 185, 190 Australia 210 Britannia Works 77. 93. 107, 111, 112, Avonmouth Docks 34 124, 171, 196, 233 Aynho CNonhants.1 154, 231 Britannic Assurance Co. Office 56, 57 Broad Street 40. 41, 42, 110, 117, Ballot Act 52 1M. 190 BaLwott EOxon.1220, 225 Broof's Yard 86, 89, 91, 97 Bampton [Oxon. 1 93 Broughton Road 183, 191 Banbury Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Bank Agricultural Association 109. 110, 112, 121 45 Agricultural Workers 108-110, 116, 119 Building Society 33 Aldermen 189 Building Workers 116 Amateur Musical Society 170 Bull's Head 86, 89 Angel Inn 44 Butcher's Arms 87, 191 Ark House 39, 87 Butcher's Row 110. 171, 172, 175, Armia's Cottages/Armitt's Lane 92, 93, 184, 190 95, 97 Cadbury Memorial Hall 42 Atheists45. 91, 112, 118, 119 Cakes 8, 29, 40, 50, 160, 161 Austin House 42 CakeShop40, 149, 160, 161, 236 Back Lane 86, 89 Cdthorpe [Hamlet] 83, 84 Baking Trade 40 Calthorpe Estate 53 Bank, TheeFoundry Bank Calthorpe House 108, 123 Baptists24, 31, 77, 89, 91. 94, 97. 101. Calthorpe Street 31, 40, 44. 51. 83, 102. 103. 104, 105, 116, 117. 118 123, 139. 172. 173, 175 Barclays School 39 Calthorpe Street Mission 31, 40, 51 Barkhill Street 186, 187, 190 Calthorpe Terrace 53 Beargarden Road 183. 184 Canal 37, 42, 43, 44 Bicycles, lst appearance 43 Carriers 167. 172 Blacking factory 87, 121 Castle 211 Blacksmith's Arms 46 Castle Gardens 43 238 B anbury (Cont' d) Banbury (Cont'd) Castle House 129 Eagle 92 Central Bowling Green 40 Easington 39, 83, 84 Chap Books 169, 170 Education Act 1902. Attitudes to 39 Chartists 37, 77, 87, 118, 124, 195, 196 Elections - Cheney and Sons [Printers1 165, 167- 175, [I7151 55 197, 200 cl8311 33 Cherwell Street 44, 110, 124 Electricity. Introduction of 42 Children C19th Century] 119, 120, 121, 123 Engineers 107, 111, 112 Christ Church 40, 113, 114 Epidemics 44 Christ Church Chapel 115 Factory Street 43. 44. 208 Christ Church National Schools 39 Female Friendly Society 169 Church Clothing Club 44 Female Martyr 69, 121 ChurchCourt40, 41, 45 Fire Brigade 37. 44 Church Lane 33, 42, 77. 115, 184, 189, Fir Tree Inn 86. 87 190 Fish Street 170 Church of England 32, 33, 89, 94, 97, 99. Foundry Bank 85, 92. 95, 97, 103, 101, 104, 106, 112,113. 114. 115, 116, 108. 122 117. 120, 123. 196 Foundry Square 223, 229 Church Passage 117 Foundry Street 40, 93 Clothing club 44 Friendly Societies 44, 110. 169. 199- Clubs' Procession 110 202 coal Supply 43 Frogge Lane 190 Cobbs Bank 27 Gas Supply 33 Cokerowe 190 Gaol 24, 45. 108. 139 Colbar 190 George Street 40, 41, 45, 167, 184, Cohgregationalists See Independents 189. 190 Consenratives/Conserative Party 31, 33, 52, Gilletts Bank 24, 27, 28, 29, 44, 45 87, 118, 124, 196 GlobeRoom 26, 45, 53, 54, 56, 57, Co-operative Society 30, 32, 110. 206 70. 162 Corbett's School 104 Globe Yard 40 Corn Exchanges 24. 27. 40. 193 Golden Lion 44 Comhill 184. 186, 187. 190, 191 Golden Villa 102. 109 Corporation 33, 43. 55, 103, 210 Gould's Buildings 100. 103, 106. 123 County Garage 43 [Also Gould's Cottages, Gould' s cricket Club 39 Row. Gould's Square] Crosse~29. 181, 183-196. 207 Grand Cinema 40 Cross Pool 190 Great Exhibition, Exhibitors at 232. 233 Cromwell Road 148 Green, The57, 129 Crouch Hill 191 Green Lane 94, 95 Crouch Street 39, 40. 119 Grimsbury 16, 33. 39, 42, 52, 83, 84, Crown Inn CNeithropl92, 93 93, 187 Cuttle Brook 186 Guler Street 185, 190 Dames' Schools 118, 119 GUM'S Houses 99 Dashwood Lodge 42 Gunn's Row 100. 105, 106 Dashwood Road 39 Hardwick [Hamlet] 83 Daventry Road 39 Hardwick Road 86, 89, 93 Doctors42, 43, 44 Harriers' Club 40 Dog and Gun 89 High Cross See Crosses Dorcas Society 44 HighStreetm, 33, 40, 42, 43, 45, Drayton Road 92, 100. 105. 109 47, 123, 167. 170, 175. 182, 183. Drinking habits 85 184. 185, 186, 189. 190, 191, Duke of Wellington 105 195, 200, 207 Durrants school 39 Hightown Road 44. 45 239 B anbury (Cont. d) B~IIIYpnr d) Historical Society - h4ilita 169 Report and Accounts 1965 - 66, 67 Mill Lane 44 Report and Accounts 1966 - 162, 163 Mills 193 Report and Accounts 1967 - 233. 234, Millwrights Arms 85, 100, 102 235 Mold's Restaurant 40 Tenth Anniversary 198 Mortality Rates 85 Hobley's Lane 85, 92, 93, 94. 95, 96, 97 Motor Cars, First appearances of 43 Horse Cloth Trade 37, 43, 209. 210 Motor Co. 41, 43 Horsefair, The 44, 129, 183, 184, 185, Municipal Buildings 53 186, 189, 190, 191, 195, 207 Municipal School 39 Horsepool Lane 100, 103, 104, 105, 106 Museum 53, 54, 64, 65. 148, 162 Horseshoe Brewery 45 National School 86, 89, 104, 113, 114, Hunt Edmunds Brewery 42, 223 117-119, 123, 169 Independent [Congregationalistl School Neithrop 27, 44, 83-128, 139, 176, 97, 119 177. 223 Independents CCongregationalistsl31, 77. Neithrop House 89, 98, 99 87, 91. 93-99. 101, 104, 108, 109. Neithrop Villa 100. 102 115-119 Neithrop Wesleyan Mission Hall 101 Industrial Archaeology 150. 165, 213. Nelsons Cottages 100, 105 215-233 Nethercote [Hamlet] 33, 83 Infants school 117-119 Newland 190 Iron Founding 32 [See also Britannia Works "Newsman" 1. 4 and Vulcan Foundry] New Society of Plush Weavers, 199-202 Ironstone Railway 40, 224, 225 North Bar 43, 45, 85-87. 90, 91, 108, Jolly Watennan Inn 44 169, 183, 209 Lampitts, Ironfounders and EngineenEe O.K. Seal Co. 43 Vulcan Foundry Old Charitable Society 44, 113, 195 Lampitrs Yard 94 Old George Inn 87 Laurel Cottage 39 Old Parr Road 39 LiberWLiberal Party 31, 52, 91, 124. 196 Old Pound Yard See Pound Yard Linden House 196 Old Wharf Inn 44- Lodging Houses 40, 51, 106, 111. 121, 123 Omnibuses44, 172 Lower Cherwell Street 42. 44 Orchard House 92, 94 Magistrates 83 Oxford Road 39, 53, 112 Market 1, 8, 32, 40, 107, 187 Pains Square 100, 104, 107, 110, 123 Market Place 24, 40, 42, 44, 45, 95, 129, Paradise 85, 92, 98, 99, 229 167, 183-191 Park Close 39 Marlborough Place 42 Parish Registers 79, 80 Marlborough Road 31, 32, 39, 40, 42, 51, Parliamentary Representation 55, 58, 52, 58 84 Mayors 33, 43, 193, 195 Parson's Street 40, 43, 45, 47, 149, Mechanics' Institute 3, 6, 44, 58, 83, 91, 160, 161, 170, 184, 190, 236 113, 174, 195 Paving';uid Lighting Commission 83, Mesmerism 174 89. 189 Methodists/Methodkt Circuit 1, 7, 9, 10, Payne's Yard 92, 97 13-16, 31-34, 39. 40, 42, 44, 51. 52, Perambulator Factory 46 75, 77. 85-106, 110, 113, 115-118, Pesthouse 39 123 Photographers 42 Methodist New Connexion 31 Phrenology 174 Metropolitan Bank 45 Pibble Lane 189, 190 Middle Classes 83, 107, 124, 171 Plague Cl644179 Middleton Road 38, 46 Planning Proposals 129, 147. 148 Midland Bank 45 Plough Inn 40 240 Banbury (Cont'd) Banbury (Cont'd) Plush Weaving 27, 29, 30, 32, 119-207, Salvation Army 42 208 Savings Bank 33. 103 Plymouth Brethren 87 Schools= Ark House. Barclay's, Police Stations 44 Brailey's, British, Christ Church Poor 83-128, 144 National, Corbett's, Dames, Poor Law 33, 122 Dunant's, Independent, Infants', Population 83 National, Roman Catholic, St. Pound Yard 92, 95, 97, 108 Mary's, Webster's, Wesleyan Prebendary 190 Seed Merchants 42 Presbyterian Meeting House 9, 87, 115 Sheep Market [Street] 186, 189, 190, Primitive Methodists 31, 40, 77. 91, 110, 191 115, 116, 117 Sheep Street 27 Privies 85, 95, 97 Shoemakers 107 Prospect Row 86 Shopping facilities 85 Prostitutes 103 Shoprowe 190 Public Library 32, 77, 162 Shrugmuster Farm 39 Puritanism34, 69, 73, 74, 187, 188 Smiths 107 Pytchley Motors 43 Society of Journeymen Tailors 107 Quakers37. 45, 93, 102, 104, 116, 193, Soup Kitchens 44 196. 214 Southall Gardens 89, 90 Ragged Sunday School 113 South Banbury [Parishl 113- 117 Rag Row 100. 101. 103, 105, 106, 108, South Bar40, 41, 42, 43, 116. 123. 109, 118, 119 186. 190 Railways40. 42, 44, 124, 170, 171, 172, South Parade 45 193 South Place 93 Rainbow's Lane 93 Sports 39. 40 Reckoning Counter, Discovery of 148 Springfields 42 Red Lion 43, 50, 193 Star Tea Co. 45 Red Lion Street 167 Steam Engines 112, 165, 210. 223 Reform Procession 1832 - 107, 108 Steam Packet Inn 44 Reformers See Liberals Steam Society 223 Reindeer Inn-1, 19, 40, 53.
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