Children, It Is My Earnest Desire That You Should Study These Pages And
Children, it is my earnest desire that you should study these pages and endeavor to be worthy descendants of ancestors who laboured and suffered for the truth; who defied the intol• erance of a persecuting goverment and church in the old country, and endured the privations and hardships of a pioneer life in the forest wilderness of a new Colony. Maude Enslow Dunn. Lincoln, Nebraska 1932 ..H___O_ ..W A..R D _ ) The name of Howard is another form of Haward or Herewarc! and 'Tl"i1~1-s is ideotified with the most brilliant achievements in various de~",-\, of Jcoigbtly and honorable service in England,and is of the proad- est families 1a that fair land. The following from Barks "Her&lclric Register'' Howarl-Dake of Norfolk: "The ill11strio11s hoase of Jiiorfollt deri ,es, in the male lioe. from William Howard,a learned jadge"of the reign Edward I and with him the ao.theotic pedigree begins. The alliance of the jaclges deceodanta--Sir Robert Howarct• Knight-wi th Margaret.elder daughter of Thomas DeMowbray,Dake of Borkfolk,was the soarce whence flowed to after generations all the blood of all the Howards. Margaret DeMowbr&f was gfeat grand daughter of Thomas Plaatagenet,eldest son of Kiog Edward,bJ Margaret his second wife, daughter of Phillip the Hara, of France. This great alliance may be regarde.d as the foundation. on which was erected the snbse• qo.e.nt grandeur of the "Hoase of orfolk':',b11t the brilliant Halo ( which encircles the the coronet of the Howards owes its splendor to the heroic achievements of the so.coessive chiefs.
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