The Biology of the Spider, Misumenops Celer {Hentz), and Studies on .Its Significance As a Factor in the Biological Control of Insect Pests Of-Sorghum
THE BIOLOGY_OF THE SPIDER, MISUMENOPS CELER {HENTZ), AND STUDIES ON .ITS SIGNIFICANCE AS A FACTOR IN THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS OF-SORGHUM By_ R. MUNIAPPAN t, Bachelor of Science. ,,, . -· ty of Madras Madras, India 1963 Master of Science University of Madras Madras; Ind1 a 1965- Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY - Au_gust, 1969 COKIJ.ItlO~ $TAl£ llffliVBmliW lL!iESJ~AFRV i ·.c ·;-· ~ t .. ~6,V;'hi,·.·.·• .t,, •. r_;.,;i,.·~·; ;:.: '<.-~..:, :. ,•·,-. ... 4 ..... ~~;.,~;"-,· ti~'-·· ·· · "'-:O•"'!')"l!"C.fil-,# THE BIOLOGY OF THE SPIDER, MISUMENOPS CELER (HENTZ), AND STUDIES ON ITS SIGNIFICANCE AS A FACTOR IN THE BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS OF SORGHUM Thesis Approved: ~1.~· Thesis Adviser . Dean of the Graduate College , ...:t...,., .•. ' 730038 PREFACE In recent years the importance of-.spiders in biological control _ has been well realized, and in many laboratories of the world work on_ this aspect is in progresso During the past five years.the Entomology Department of Oklahoma State Untversiity _has studied their utilization in the biological control of sorghum and other crop pests" Oro Harvey L, Chada, Professor of Entomology, Oklahoma State University, and Investigatfons leader, Entomology Research Division, United States Department of Agriculture, suggested this problem to the author and explained the need to do re$earch on this aspecto The author expresses silllcere appreciation to his major adviser, Dro Harvey L. Chada, for his advice, competent instruction and guidance, encouragement, helpful suggestions, and assistance in the preparation of this thesis o Grateful recognition is expressed to Dr, Do L Howell, Professor and Head of the Department of Entomology, Oro Ro .Ro Walton, Professor of Entomology, and Dr" Do L Weibel, Professor of Agronomy~ for their valu able criticism and suggestions cm the research and on the manuscripto Special appreciation 1s expressed to E.
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