Enhancing International Students’ Experience in the UK through the

Development of a Co-opetition Framework:

An Examination into Welsh Universities’ International Collaboration and

Student Recruitment Activities

Thesis submitted to Metropolitan University in partial fulfilment of the

requirement for the degree of Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)

This research was undertaken under the auspices of

Cardiff School of Management | Cardiff Metropolitan University

Director of Studies: Dr Jason Williams | Supervisor: Professor Tom Crick MBE

Yi He (Edward)

BEng (Hons) MBA (Dist) MRes CEng MIET


This work has not previously been accepted in any substance for any degree and it is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree.

Signed ………………………………… (Candidate)

Date ……………………………………

Statement 1

This work is the result of my own investigations, except where otherwise stated. Where correction services have been used, the extent and nature of the correction is clearly marked in a footnote(s).

Other sources are acknowledged by footnotes giving explicit references. A bibliography is appended.

Signed ………………………………… (Candidate)

Date ……………………………………

Statement 2

I hereby give consent for my dissertation, if accepted, to be available for photocopying and for inter-library loan, and for the title and summary to be made available to outside organisations.

Signed ………………………………… (Candidate)

Date ……………………………………


Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddiolch i'm cyfarwyddwr astudiaethau, Dr Jason Williams, a'r goruchwyliwr, yr Athro Tom Crick MBE, am eich hyfforddiant, arweiniad a chefnogaeth aruthrol trwy gydol fy astudiaeth. Yn ail, hoffwn ddiolch i'r Athro Andrew Thomas, yr Athro Eleri Jones, Dr Richard Neil, Dr Claire Haven-Tang a'r tîm cefnogi ymchwil yn Ysgol Rheolaeth Caerdydd am eich help a'ch cyngor gwych.

Hoffwn ddiolch yn arbennig i'm rhieni a theulu yn Tsieina, sydd wedi rhoi popeth i mi i gefnogi fy astudiaethau a'm gyrfa yn y DU. Hefyd, hoffwn ddiolch i fy ffrindiau a chydweithwyr, yn enwedig Irving Horne JP, John Sanchez Garcia-Gonzales, Dr Alexander Garcia, Leila O'Shea, Lee Bottrill a llawer mwy o unigolion. Mae eich cymorth a chefnogaethwedi wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy!

Yn olaf, diolch yn fawr i #MetCaerdydd. Dw i wedi cael saith mlynedd mor gofiadwy yma!

Yi He (Edward) Dysgwr Cymraeg falch o #Tsieina

Firstly, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my director of studies, Dr Jason Williams, and supervisor, Professor Tom Crick MBE, for your coaching, guidance and tremendous support throughout my study. Secondly, I would like to thank Professor Andrew Thomas, Professor Eleri Jones, Dr Richard Neil, Dr Claire Haven-Tang and the research support team at Cardiff School of Management for your great help and advice.

I especially want to thank my parents and family in , who have given me everything to support my studies and career in the UK since I left home at the age of 18. I would not have achieved what I have today without you! (在此真心感谢远在国内的我的父母和家人!没 有你们,就没有我今天的所有!)

I would also like to extend my greatest gratitude to my friends and colleagues, particularly Irving Horne JP, John Sanchez Garcia-Gonzales, Dr Alexander Garcia, Leila O’Shea, Lee Bottrill, and many more individuals. Your help and support have been invaluable throughout my journey in the UK.

Finally, a huge thank you to #CardiffMet. I have thoroughly enjoyed my seven years here!

Yi He (Edward) A prou