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[email protected] Mexican Literature Catalogue, October 2017 1. Abascal Andrade, Jorge A. (Comp.). PRÓXIMAMENTE EN ESTA SALA. ANTOLOGÍA DE CUENTOS DE CINE. México, D.F: Cal y arena (La rebelión de la intimidad), 2016. 151p., tables, wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786079357887. "Próximamente en esta sala" presents a collection of dialogues and stories that have sustained and supported cinema and literature: some speak of images in the memory; others use cinematography as a stage of adventures, encounters or beginnings; others unravel the unknowns of production; and still others center around experimentation and minimal fiction. Featured writers include: Eusebio Ruvalcaba, Ethel Krauze, Ave Barrera, Agustín Monsreal, José Luis Zárate, Isa González Bretón, Edmée Pardo, Mónica Lavín, Eduardo Sabugal, Alberto Chimal, Guillermo Samperio, Gerardo Horacio Porcayo and Jorge A. Abascal Andrade. (61300) $19.90 2. Acosta Esquivel, Guadalupe et al. ENTRE FANTASMAS, BRUJAS Y MIEDO. RELATOS ESCRITOS POR NIÑOS GUANAJUATENSES. Guanajuato : Ediciones la rana (Colección: Barcos de Papel, Serie: Velas al Viento), 2016. 124p., color plates, illus., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786079392345. "Entre fantasmas, brujas y miedo" is a collection of illustrated children's stories by various authors, revolving around fantastical worlds occupied by dragons, dinosaurs, pirates and more. (61329) $24.90 3. Acuña, Pedro J. LA COMPAÑÍA DE LAS LIENDRES. Guadalajara, Jalisco: Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2016. 83p., wrps. New. Paperback. ISBN: 9786077426097. "La compañía de las liendres" is a collection of eight short stories that straddle the line between reality and fiction and explore everyday occurrences.