Abbas Bin Muhammad 236 Abbasids 225 Abd
Index A Africa Northern 181, 182, 194, 234, 240 Abbas bin Muhammad 236 Africa, Afrique 31, 37, 39, 181, 183, Abbasids 225 184, 185, 190, 191, 223, 310, 315, Abd Allah bin 'Amr 236 316 Abdul Hamid II 197, 200, 217 Agathodaimon 30 Abel, A. 239 Agnese, Β. 41 Abel, F. M. 366, 377 Agora (Kastro of Naxos) 53 Aboukir 163, 166, 174 Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yazid al- Abu al-Fidâ0 47 Astrabadhi 236 Abu al-Tayyib 'Abd Allah bin Ahmad, M. 240 Muhammad al-Jalal 236 Aiaia Island (Odyssey) 316 Abu Salama 236 Aigion (Péloponnèse) 28 Abu-el-Adjadj Canal (Palestine) 215 Ajax 298, 302 Abyssinia 39 Akakios monk (Cyprus) 339 Achaia 245 Akrotiri (Cyprus) 341 Achilles 298, 302, 308 Al Édrisi, Al-Idrisi 27, 250, 252 Acre (Palestine), Safad 173, 203 Al Rayy 236 Acrocorinth (Péloponnèse) 327 Al 'Masudi 26, 229, 240, 241 Adam 351 Al-Andalus see Andalusia Adriatic Sea, Mer Adriatique 32, 33, Alberta University of 239 39, 135, 136, 138 Alberti, M. 101 Aegean Sea, Aegean Islands, Egée Alberti, S. 93, 96, 101, 102, 105, 125 Mer et îles, Archipelago 33, 34, Alcestis 328 36, 39, 48, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, Alchermes, J. 259, 260 59, 60, 62, 65, 93, 135, 136, 138, Alexander the Great 280, 289 140-142, 152, 153, 251, 143, 258, Alexandretta 138 269, 292, 298 · Aegean Sea Duchy Alexandria-Troas, Eski-Tamboul 289, 53 295, 300 Aeneas 309, 310 Alexandria, Alexandrie 138, 162, Aeolus Island (Odyssey) 313, 316 163, 165, 168, 174, 269 381 INDEX Al-Hader (Palestine) 375 Argos (Péloponnèse) 247 Ali Bey el Abbasi, see Badia I Argyros Isaac 30, 31 Leblich, D.
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