Un uomo solo al comando…è così che si dice di solito o sbaglio ? Ed in questo caso è quanto mai approppiato infatti ieri nel 5° turno il GM Sergey Fedorchuk ha sconfitto l’IM Vladimir Sveshnikov prendendo cosi’ la testa del torneo Master con 4,5 su 5 partite. L’impressione è che non sarà facile per i suoi avversari fermarne la corsa…ma questa potrebbe anche essere come una bella «gufata» di un organizzatore che auspica un torneo incerto fino all’ultimo turno  Dicevamo dunque della classifica del Master: al primo posto Fedorchuk con 4,5 seguono con 4 punti IM Genocchio Daniele, GM Alon Greenfeld , GM Evgeny Sveshnikov, IM Castineira Reinaldo, GM Jozsef Horvath e l’IM Narayanan Srinath. Oggi scontro al vertice fra Fedorchuk e Greenfeld, J. Horvath opposto a Genocchio, Narayanan contro Reinaldo e infine E. Sveshnikov contro un Alberto David attardato da alcune patte nelle ultime partite. Qui di seguito link diretti a classifica, abbinamenti del 6° turno e partite in pgn relative ai primi 5 turni: www.scacchisticamilanese.com/index.php?q=bratto/bratto-2011-risultati-magistrale www.scacchisticamilanese.com/bratto2011partite/partite.zip Primo degli italiani Daniele Genocchio, il quale dopo due ottime patte ottenute coi GM Greenfeld e il GM E. Sveshnikov (vedi foto  ) ieri ha sconfitto il GM ungherese Csaba Horvath ed oggi se la vedrà con il di lui fratello Joszef Horvath in una sfida dal sapore ormai della faida familiare 

Open A abbiamo quattro giocatori che guidano con 3,5, si tratta di Simone Reale, Gianmario Petrone, Lorenzo Cocconcelli e Matteo Migliorini. Inevitabili gli scontri diretti che chiariranno meglio la situazione , attenzione ad un possibile rientro di alcuni degli inseguitori a 3 (da parte mia punterei il mio «cent» su Lorenzo Razzano). Open B continua la corsa a punteggio pieno di Silvia Guerini con 4 punti su 4 partite (unica nell’intera manifestazione ad essere a punteggio pieno!)seguono Lucio Matania e Cristiano Caffarelli con 3,5.

Troppo presto per fare il punto della situazione per Open C e Under 16 ci dedichiamo a segnalarvi la lezione teorica tenuta in data odierna dal GM Sinisa Drazic e dal qui presente Matteo Zoldan che ha visto la consueta buona affluenza di pubblico….sapete quando un evento di questo tipo si svolge in contemporanea con un torneo di tennis con l’Wimbledon della Val Seriana è possibile che ne ne rimanga offuscato… 

Ieri sera invece torneo di mangia e passa con 20 coppie partecipanti, età media da teenager ma affermazione ai primi due posti delle coppie Ranfagni (foto)/Giuliani e Zoldan/Messina (tranquillizziamo subito mogli e genitori, il buon affiatamento era solo a livello scacchistico…) entrambe hanno concluso con 6 vittorie su 7 partite ma la vittoria è stata prima sia per bucholz sia grazie alla vittoria nello scontro diretto.

Dopo questa breve sezione dedicata alla sala torneo e a due fra i cinque arbitri che compongono lo staff arbitrale proseguiamo ora la consueta intervista «50 just checking» : oggi tocca ad un GM che occupa indubbiamente un posto nella storia degli scacchi, si tratta del GM lettone Evgeny Sveshnikov. Se leggerete attentamente le sue risposte potrete trovare sprazzi di quella disincantata ironia che lo caratterizza.

Name: Evgeny Last Name: Sveshnikov Date of birth: 11.02.1950 Title: Current Fide Rating: 2514 Place of Birth: Cheliabinsk, Russia Place of Residence: Cheliabisnk, Russia and Riga, Latvia,

What is your favourite colour? Blue What kind of food makes you happy? Fried fish What is your favourite Italian food? Spaghetti-bolonezi (…) What is your favourite drink? Mineral water Borjomi What is the most interesting book you have ever read? It is a lot of them What is your favourite city in Italy, in Europe and worldwide? Rome, Paris, Riga Cat, dog or another animal in your life or none of them (husband or wife are not valid replies…)? Cat, dog What is your all-time favourite movie? Sherlock Holmes ( the Soviet version ) Do you have a favourite actor? Jack Nicholson And favourite actress? Inna Churikova What kind of music do you like? Calm music Do you have a favourite artist? The French impressionists What is your favourite sport (except chess of course!)? chess aren’t a sport; Swimming, run What is it that you appreciate most in a person? Honesty, decency What do you dislike in a person? Persons, that trouble me Who would you like to be if you weren’t yourself? A musician What historical period would you like to live in other than the current one? 19th century Looking at your experience you had here at Bratto what did you impress? I didn’t be there What was your best result ever? 1st tie in 97 in the international tournaments, 22 out of 45 points in matches with world champions What was the best game you have ever played? Chess, bridges What is the best chess game ever? Sveshnikov – B.Gulko Riga, 1985 What kind of chess concept are overestimated and underestimated, in your opinion? Elo is overestimated, the contribution of chess players to the chess theory is underestimated Who is your favourite chess player of all time and why? Mikhail Tal At what age did you start to play chess? At 5 years old Is there a chess book that had a profound influence on you? No, there isn’t What is the best chess author ever? M.Botvinnik What is the most critical moment in a player’s chess development? It’s different for all Is chess a useful tool to improve the quality of students in school? Chess will help at school at age 10 till 14 years.

How many hours do you spend on chess every week? 2 hours in a day How much are nutrition and physical shape important for professional chess players (range 1 to 10 with 10 being the maximum)? Physical shape – 10, nutrition - 3 Do you analyze your chess games by yourself first, or do you immediately go with an engine? Yes, at first I analyze my chess games myself and then I use an engine. “What chess software do you regularly use? Secret information! How many chess tournaments do you play approximately in a year? 12 classical chess tournaments, 12 tempo tournaments Provide a suggestion for club players to improve their game; what do they have to focus on? They need to have a good relation in a command Do chess players have typical shortcomings? Overestimation and underestimation of own possibilities and wrong position estimation Do you have any superstition? Yes, I have some superstitions If you said *no* to the previous question…how many chances do you think you have to win this (%)? I have chances, they depend of player’s power If you had to bet on another player, who would it be your “horse”? I would bet on Anand Which three people in the history of mankind would you like to invite for a dinner? (Only about chess players) - Wilhelm Steinitz, Aron Nimzowitsch, Mikhail Ivanovich Chigorin. Is there anything you’d love to learn? I would like to play on piano What is your greatest fear (please don’t say losing a winning position )? It’s important for me that my relatives were healthy. What would you save from your house if it went on fire? People in house!  If you could change one thing in the chess world, what would it be? I would declare games of chess intellectual property of players. A single suggestion in order to improve the quality of the chess world? Declare games of chess intellectual property of players Who will be the next world champion in chess (please don't consider next world championship Anand -Gelfand)? Sergey Karyakin Is a knowledge of chess useful in the everyday life? Yes, it helps What is the best thing that was ever said about chess ? Chess – is a small model of life Which was chess golden age (19th century, 10’s, 20’s, 30’s , 40’s , 50’s , 60’s, 70’s, 80’s , 90’s , 00’s , current one)? 10’s, 30’s, 70’s and 80’s was a chess golden age Would have it been better for chess if computer had never arrived in the human life? Yes, it would be What is the % of “weak questions” in the list here above (don’t worry, please be honest, we will not ban you from next tournament edition… )? 20% of questions

Thanks to Evgeny for joining us and for his kind replies!

Sveshnikov,Evgeny (2530) - Gulko,Boris F (2475) [C02] URS-ch52 Riga (16), 1985 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Nc6 5.Nf3 Bd7 6.Be2 Nge7 7.Na3 cxd4 8.cxd4 Nf5 9.0–0 Qb6 10.Nc2 a5 11.g4 XABCDEFGHY 8r+-+kvl-tr( 7+p+l+pzpp' 6-wqn+p+-+& 5zp-+pzPn+-% 4-+-zP-+P+$ 3+-+-+N+-# 2PzPN+LzP-zP" 1tR-vLQ+RmK-! xabcdefghy

11...Nfe7 12.Nh4 Ng6 13.Ng2 Be7 14.f4 0–0 15.Be3 f5 16.exf6 Rxf6 17.h4 Bd6 18.h5 Nge7 19.Bd3 Rc8 20.Qe2 Rff8 21.Nh4 h6 22.g5 XABCDEFGHY 8-+r+-trk+( 7+p+lsn-zp-' 6-wqnvlp+-zp& 5zp-+p+-zPP% 4-+-zP-zP-sN$ 3+-+LvL-+-# 2PzPN+Q+-+" 1tR-+-+RmK-! xabcdefghy

22...hxg5 23.fxg5 Nf5 24.h6 Nce7 25.Qh5 Bg3 26.g6 Bxh4 27.hxg7 Kxg7 28.Qh7+ Kf6 29.Qxh4+ Kg7 30.Qh7+ Kf6 31.Bh6 XABCDEFGHY 8-+r+-tr-+( 7+p+lsn-+Q' 6-wq-+pmkPvL& 5zp-+p+n+-% 4-+-zP-+-+$ 3+-+L+-+-# 2PzPN+-+-+" 1tR-+-+RmK-! xabcdefghy 1–0

(24) Greenfeld,Alon (2566) - Arun,Prasad S (2489) [B10] SCACCOBRATTO Magistrale Bratto Presolana (5.3), 24.08.2011 1.c4 c6 2.e4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.cxd5 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nxd5 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Bb5 e6 8.0–0 Be7 9.d4 0–0 10.Re1 Bf6 11.Bxc6 Diagram

XABCDEFGHY 8r+lwq-trk+( 7zpp+-+pzpp' 6-+L+pvl-+& 5+-+n+-+-% 4-+-zP-+-+$ 3+-sN-+N+-# 2PzP-+-zPPzP" 1tR-vLQtR-mK-! xabcdefghy

11...bxc6 12.Na4 Qc7 13.Bg5 Rd8 14.Rc1 Bd7 15.Nc5 Diagram

XABCDEFGHY 8r+-tr-+k+( 7zp-wql+pzpp' 6-+p+pvl-+& 5+-sNn+-vL-% 4-+-zP-+-+$ 3+-+-+N+-# 2PzP-+-zPPzP" 1+-tRQtR-mK-! xabcdefghy

15...Be8 16.Bxf6 Nxf6 17.Rc3 Rd5 18.Qa4 Nd7 19.Nd3 Nb6 20.Qc2 Rdd8 21.Nde5 Nd5 22.Ng5 Nf6 23.Ng4 Diagram XABCDEFGHY 8r+-trl+k+( 7zp-wq-+pzpp' 6-+p+psn-+& 5+-+-+-sN-% 4-+-zP-+N+$ 3+-tR-+-+-# 2PzPQ+-zPPzP" 1+-+-tR-mK-! xabcdefghy

23...Nxg4 24.Qxh7+ Kf8 25.Qh8+ Ke7 26.Rxe6+ Diagram

XABCDEFGHY 8r+-trl+-wQ( 7zp-wq-mkpzp-' 6-+p+R+-+& 5+-+-+-sN-% 4-+-zP-+n+$ 3+-tR-+-+-# 2PzP-+-zPPzP" 1+-+-+-mK-! xabcdefghy

26...Kd7 27.Re4 f5 28.Ne6 Diagram

XABCDEFGHY 8r+-trl+-wQ( 7zp-wqk+-zp-' 6-+p+N+-+& 5+-+-+p+-% 4-+-zPR+n+$ 3+-tR-+-+-# 2PzP-+-zPPzP" 1+-+-+-mK-! xabcdefghy

28...Qxh2+ 29.Qxh2 Nxh2 30.Nc5+ Kc8 31.Re7 Ng4 32.Ne6 Bd7 33.Nxd8 Kxd8 34.Rxg7 Rb8 35.b3 Rb4 36.Rc4 a5 37.Rg8+ Kc7 38.Ra8 Rxc4 Diagram

XABCDEFGHY 8R+-+-+-+( 7+-mkl+-+-' 6-+p+-+-+& 5zp-+-+p+-% 4-+rzP-+n+$ 3+P+-+-+-# 2P+-+-zPP+" 1+-+-+-mK-! xabcdefghy

39.bxc4 Kb6 40.Rf8 c5 41.f3 Ne3 42.Rf6+ Kc7 43.dxc5 Nxc4 44.Kf2 Ne5 45.Ke3 Nc6 46.a3 Na7 47.Kd4 Nc6+ 48.Kc4 Ne7 49.Rh6 f4 50.Rf6 Nf5 51.c6 Ne3+ 52.Kc5 Be8 53.Re6 Diagram

XABCDEFGHY 8-+-+l+-+( 7+-mk-+-+-' 6-+P+R+-+& 5zp-mK-+-+-% 4-+-+-zp-+$ 3zP-+-snP+-# 2-+-+-+P+" 1+-+-+-+-! xabcdefghy
