Côr Meibion Cymru De Affrig The Welsh Male Voice Choir of South Africa

CMCDA President and Vice presidents.

At its discretion the Management Committee may recommend that a Honorary President and Honorary Vice Presidents be appointed. Such persons shall be a person whose standing in the community shall be consistent with the prestige and dignity of such an office, and shall be persons that , whilst not necessary active members have demonstrated their support to the Choir in whatever form. These individuals shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting and only with the approval of the Choir members present at the meeting.

Tony Davies, OBE, MSOE,MIRTE,MIMI,MSAE. Honorary President of CMCDA.

“Dai “as he is known to his friends was born in Croesgoth, . He served as an Engineering apprentice manufacturing commercial vehicles for ERF in Cheshire England and after 43 years was appointed the Executive Director of ERF Holdings PLC. He also served as Managing Director of ERF South Africa (Pty) Ltd for 22 years as well a Director of ERF for Malawi, Namibia, Kenya, & . On retirement Tony joined IVECO (South Africa) as Technical Director & Consultant to ZF (South Africa) & Metrobus, Johannesburg.

Tony is the President of The Welsh Cambrian Society of South Africa and Vice President of Undeb Cymru Byd (Wales International.) In 1993 he received the OBE (Order of the British Empire).

Tony’s first language is Welsh. He is married to Wendy and has two sons, Haydn & Martyn, both qualified and in the legal profession. His Grandmother has had a distinct influence on his life in respect of teaching him right values. His interests are Welsh History & Culture, Eisteddfod, Motor and Motor racing.

Dr Alwyn Humphreys MBE. Honorary Vice-President of CMCDA.

Alwyn Humphreys was born in Bodffordd, Isle of Anglesey, and after graduating in music from the University of Hull and Trinity College, London, was a lecturer in Liverpool before becoming a television Producer/Director with BBC Wales. During his 25 years as Music Director of the internationally-acclaimed Morriston Orpheus Choir he travelled widely (Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, France, , USA, Australia, New Zealand, , , ), performing at notable venues such as Sydney Opera House and Carnegie Hall, both concerts achieving 5 standing ovations. Amongst the 28 recorded albums made 3 won awards for Best Choral Album of the Year, with another 2 achieving Silver Discs. In recognition of his service the choir appointed him their Conductor Emeritus in 2005.

Recently Alwyn has been guest-conducting in Argentina, China, South Africa, Australia, Switzerland, Russia and Monaco. Future plans include visits to Hong Kong, Ukraine, Austria, Slovenia and Poland.

In addition to his choral work Alwyn is Principal Guest Conductor of the Chamber Orchestra of Wales, with whom he regularly presents a popular series of concerts by candlelight. He was created an MBE in the Queen’s 2001 New Year’s Honours List and was awarded a Doctorate in Music by the University of Hull in 2006. His autobiography (‘Yr Hunangofiant’) was published in 2006 and was long-listed for the Welsh Book of the Year.

Nicholas Nicolaidis. Honorary Vice-President of CMCDA.

Mr Nicholas Nicolaidis began his musical career at the Drakensberg Boys’ Choir School at the age of ten. He is a Wits BMus graduate where he received numerous awards for singing. Nicholas studied singing with Sarie Lamprecht, oboe with Gary Roberts and conducting with Richard Cock and Kåre Hanken. From 1998-2003 he was the musical director of the Welsh Male Voice Choir of South Africa. He has also taught singing and music at primary school level. In 2003 Nicolaidis won the SAMRO Overseas Scholarship and furthered his singing studies in London. On his return in 2005 he began a highly sought after private teaching studio, Melos Africanos, where his focus lies in the promotion of healthy singing habits across a wide genre of musical styles. Nicolaidis is a versatile vocal soloist and a long-standing member of the Chanticleer Singers. He has recently been appointed the conductor of the Gauteng Philharmonic Orchestra and the Singkronies Chamber Choir. Nicholas is passionate about the promotion of music that conforms to a truly high technical and artistic standard. He is married to Angela; they have a son and live in Johannesburg.


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