UIJT!XFFL! Friday at 6Pm and on Thursday at 7Pm This Week
Uif!Fqjqiboz!pg!Pvs!Mpse nd Weekly Newsletter No.1805 Sunday, 2 January, 2011 11.00 am Sung Eucharist & Sermon. Celebrant & Preacher: Rev Stewart Lisk . Hymns: 79, 595, 596, Anthem: Three Kings of Orient (Gardner) , 75 . Setting: Thomas Mass (David Thorne). 7.00 pm Choral Evensong. Introit: All This Time (Walton) . Officiant: Rev Stewart Lisk. Psalms 98, 100 . Hymns: 80, Anthem: O Be Joyful (Stanford) , 77 . Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in Bb. Readings: Isaiah 60, 1-9. John 2, 1-11 . In the world-wide Church we pray today for the Diocese of Lahore in the Church of Pakistan (United), and Bishop Alexander John Malik and in the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle we pray for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen, Iran and Iraq . We pray for peace in the world , remembering the people of Afghanistan and the troops serving there. We pray for the victims of natural disasters, especially the floods in Pakistan, India, China and Queensland, Australia . We pray for the cholera victims in Haiti . In this diocese we pray for the Archdeaconry of Morgannwg and Archdeacon Christopher Smith . We pray for Rev Marja Flipse as she prepares for her ministry in Porthcawl. We pray for the sick, remembering especially Sue Oxenham, Janet Munday and Julie Romanelli . We pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, especially Margaret Shepherd , whose anniversary occurs at this time. EVENING PRAYER will be said at St Edward’s on Monday and UIJT!XFFL! Friday at 6pm and on Thursday at 7pm this week. All welcome. Npoebz!4se ! 6.00 pm Evening Prayer.
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