ARCHIE CARR Research Associate, Department of Am-fihibians and Reptiles The American Museum of Natural History Department of Biology, University of Associate, the Florida State Museum

LARRY OGREN Department of Biological Sciences Loyola University of the South


Volume 121, article 1, pages 1-48, text figures 1-26, plates 1-7, tables 1-8

Issued November 30, 1960

Price: $1.00 a copy CONTENTS

INTRODUCTION...... 7 Acknowledgments ...... 7

THETORTUGUERO COLONY ...... 8 Range in Size in Mature Female ...... 8 Recruitment: International Tag Recoveries ...... 10 Reproductive Cycle ...... 14 Mating ...... 15 Nesting Season ...... IS Renesting ...... 16 Incubation Period ...... 20 Nesting Behavior ...... 20 Emergence of Hatchlings from Nest ...... 22 Orientation ...... 23 Movements of Hatchlings ...... 23 Movements of Sexually Mature Turtles ...... 24 Group Movements and Site Tenacity ...... 28 Field Tests of Orientation Capacity ...... 29 INTRODUCTION

EXCEPTFOR CASUAL REFERENCES (Carr and Chinasea, make the time seem propitious for Ingle, 1959; Carr and Ogren, 1959; Caldwell, a summary of results to date. Carr, and others, 1959) to some of its findings, The data and observations presented here no account of results of the green turtle in- have come from a tagging program centered vestigation being carried out with National upon the nesting colony of the green turtle at Science Foundation support at Tortuguero, Tortuguero, 50 miles north of the Caribbean Costa Rica, has appeared in print since Carr port of Limon, Costa Rica, and from field re- and Giovannoli (1957) summarized informa- connaissance and aerial surveys and tallies tion from the first year's work in 1955. While throughout the Caribbean. Morphometric we are still far from understanding the life data collected during the course of the study, cycle of the green turtle, even as it is lived by and miscellaneous additional observations, the populations of the western Caribbean, the will be published elsewhere, as will results of advances that have been made, and the new some work with the hawksbill (Eretmochelys), basis for comparative interpretation that has which also nests at Tortuguero in small num- been furnished by the recent studies of Hen- bers. drickson (1958) and of Harrisson (1956) in the

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For much of our data for the 1959 season, the beginning of the tagging program, Capt. we are indebted to Mr. Harry Hirth who was Allie Ebanks of West Bay, Grand Cayman, in residence at the research camp from late has been our main reliance for well-docu- June until September 15. During this period mented tag recoveries. We are grateful to the work bas profited from a sharing of facil- Miss Esther Coogle, Staff Artist, Department ities, including the services of our friend Sr. of Biology, , for illustra- Leo Martinez, with the Caribbean Conserva- tions, and to Mrs. Marge Tondo for patience tion Corporation. The Minister of Agricul- and skill in typing from poor copy. ture and Industry of Costa Rica, Sr. Jorge The research work of the junior author was Borb6n Castro, has furthered the research by done while he was a Research Assistant in the renewing the allotment of an inviolate section Department of Biology of the University of of the nesting beach for joint use in the re- Florida. search and conservation programs. As from THE TORTUGUERO COLONY

RANGE IN SIZE IN MATURE FEMALE THENESTING COLONY of the green turtle at period, when the sample is too small to show Tortuguero, representing populations evi- anything). Figure 4, however, although also dently recruited from throughout the western based on an inadequate sample, seems to cor- Caribbean (see following section), comprises roborate the impression one gets, in going mature females ranging in over-all length of from place to place and from week to week on the shell (that is, the length in a straight line the nesting grounds, that size distribution is from anteriormost to posteriormost projec- weakly nodal, which is what would be ex- tions of the shell) between 27.25 and 46.25 pected in a nesting aggregation recruited from inches, with an average, for 1146 individuals, widely separated points of origin, and with of 39.40 inches (see figs. 1 and 2). Carr and some individuals or demes operating on a Giovaunoli (1957) found slight indication of three-year reproductive cycle (see section on differential seasonal frequency of size groups Reproductive Cycle) and some on a two-year (see their fig. 8). Figures 3 and 4 of the pres- schedule. ent paper similarly plot size against arbitrar- A number of counts and measurements, ily delimited periods of time. Figure 3 shows made during two or more years of the investi- only that medium-sized turtles predominate gation and to be published elsewhere, seem to at all times of the season (except in the first show no differential seasonal frequencies

INCHES FIG. 1. Frequency of over-all shell lengths in mature female green turtles at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, July, August, and September, 1956. 8 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES

FIG.2. Frequency of over-a11 shell lengths in mature female green turtles at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, July, August, and September, 1957. either during different years or during differ- sents physiologic divergence of geographically ent parts of a single season. One trait alone isolated stocks, or endocrinological demes appeared to be seasonal in its frequency; that within populations, or merely random varia- was the two-year-versus-three-year schedul- tion in the Caribbean population as a whole ing of the nesting migration (see section on remains to be determined. Reproductive Cycle). Whether this repre-

PERIODS FIG.3. Periodic frequency of over-all shell lengths in mature female green turtles at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, July-August, 1956. BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121

1-7 6-15 + AUG d FIG. 4. Periodic frequency of over-all shell lengths in mature female green turtles at To~tnguero,Costa Kca, July-August, 1957.

RECRUITMENT: INTERNATIONAL TAG RECOVERIES When Carr and Giovannoli (1957) sum- tion of the male during the mating process marized results of the tagging program of evidently made it impracticable to fasten 1955 at Tortuguero, they had 10 interna- anything to the shell of the female during tional recoveries. Of these, seven were from the cou~ting and mating season, which the Miskito Cays area and three from Colon roughly corresponds with the first half of the Province, Panama-localities lying, respec- nesting period. We did not realize this fully tively, to the north and to the south of the until the end of the 1955 season, when some tagging camp, and within distances of he- 500 turtles had been tagged with the shell tween 200 and 300 miles from it. plaques. Fortunately all the tags put on were During the first season, it began to be ap- fastened through a pair of holes located in a parent that the shell tag in use was not restricted section of the after margin of the satisfactory. The scraping and scratching ac- shell. It was thus possihle to identify a turtle 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 11 marked at Tortuguero, if seen by someone A steady trickle of information has come in familiar with our tagging method, even when to support the original assumptions of the in- the tag had been lost. vestigation: that the big Miskito Cays popu- Since the first year, the shell tag has been lation is derived from the Tortuguero breed- replaced in our work by a cow-ear tag of ing ground, and that Tortuguero is also the monel metal (adapted to use with turtles by reproductive center for turtles from a great- Dr. Tom Harrisson of the Sarawak Museum area. and Dr. John R. Hendrickson of the Univer- Throughout the circumtropical range of sity of Malaya) clamped to the thin, tough, Cheloniu, the standard pattern of habitat oc- hind, proximal edge of the fore flipper. As a cupancy seems to involve more or less widely safeguard in case the tag should be lost, we separated feeding and nesting grounds. One have continued to bore two holes in the shell need look no farther than the famous turtle margin. These holes have been made in dif- island of Ascension to see an example of what ferent pairs of marginals in each successive appears to be the most usual arrangement: an season. As have the tags, they have proved to insular rookery beach, with recruiting from be readily discernible after three years. Al- distant, year-around pastures, in this case though they are of no value as marks for probably located on the African coast. It is long-range recovery by persons not familiar easy to see why none of the turtles remains at with the project, they have proved important Ascension after the nesting season is over. as a source of information on the triennial and The shore waters about the island slope ab- biennial returns to Tortuguero itself (see sec- ruptly, and there are none of the shallow tion on Reproductive Cycle). Thnlmsia flats that seem necessary for the Although the impermanency of the shell maintenance of stable green turtle popula- plaque was proved by the numerous 1955 re- tions, We hope to corroborate the supposed nesting returns of tagless females that had African origin of the Ascension breeding been marked.thai same season, the fact that colony by means of a tagging program carried the loss of the tags was not 100 per cent was out at the island, It is not clear why the tur- shown by the recovery of two turtles with tles should make the long trip out to this pin- shell tags in the Miskito Cays area and Bocas point of an oceanic island when a large extent de1 Toro, over a year after they had been of the coast of the African bulge seems to an marked. observer to offer suitable nesting conditions. At the present writing, the total number of But throughout the world this arrangement of green turtles marked at the Tortuguero camp island rookery and mainland pasture ground is 1178. There were 35 international returns seems to be the one most frequently met. (see table 1 and pi. 1). Of these the majority Tortuguero, a mainland beach, drawing its came from the Miskito Cays region, as at the breeding colony principally from island end of the first season. Two have been added sources (although to some extent from all to the original three Panamanian recoveries; about the littoral), seems in this regard ex- three came from Colombia; and there was one ceptional, although by no means without each from Mexico, British Honduras, Cuba, counterpart. and Jamaica (Morant Cays). This total gives In the eastern Caribbean the only known a spread of recoveries representing the ex- center of aggregated breeding is the tiny is- treme reaches of the western Caribbean. It is land Isla de Aves, 140 miles west-north- important to note that not a single post-sea- west of the island of Dominica. There is some son recovery of a turtle marked at Tortuguero evidence that this island has greatly dimin- was made in Costa Rican waters. That is to ished in size within recent decades (Zuloaga, say, although returns to Tortuguero itself 1955; Phelps and Phelps, 1957). One wonders totaling about 200 have been recorded, these about the eventual fate of the Aves-oriented were all females returning to complete the nesting flotillas, presumably comprising most series of laying emergences of the current sea- of the green turtles of the eastern Caribbean, son. Once the season was over, no tagged tur- when the island finally becomes wholly tles were ever taken at Tortuguero or else- awash. where in Costa Rica. From what we have learned to date, it 12 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121


Distance Date of Traveled Tag Date Tagged Place of Recovery No. Recovery (Statute Miles) 483 Aug. 17, 1955 Colon Province, Panama, I+ m. W. of Sept. 21, 1955 mouth of Palmilla R. 133 Aug. 3, 1955 5 m. N. of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua Oct. 26, 1955 316 Aug. 5, 1955 Near Palmilla, Colon Province, Panama Sept. 3, 1955 213 Aug. 26, 1955 Near Palmilla, Colon Province, Panama Sept. 3, 1955 363 Aug. 11, 1955 Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua Sept., 1955 247 Aug. 25, 1955 14 m. SSE. of Miskito Cays Mar. 14, 1956 219 Aug. 25, 1955 Barra del Rio Grande, Nicaragua May 1, 1956 240 Aug. 24, 1955 Southeast Rock, MisEto Cays Mar. 3, 1956 lost July-Sept., 1955 Miskito Cays area Feb. 14- Apr. 3, 1956 324 Aug. 5, 1955 Boas del Toro, Panama; 5 m. off Basti- Oct. 29, 1956 mento I. 369 Aug. 25, 1956 Isla de Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico Aug. 20, 1958 732 Aug. 6, 1958 Arastro. 12 m. N. of Puerto Cabezas, Oct. 2, 1958 Nicaiagua . 374 Aug. 25, 1956 Morant Cays, near Jamaica May 29, 1957 380 Aug. 28, 1956 Edinburgh Reef (Miskito Cays area) Sept. 1, 1957 61 1 Aug. 13, 1957 Bluefields, Nicaragua Oct. 16, 1957 615 Aug. 14, 1957 Colon Province. Panama Sept. 27, 1957 295 Aug. 12, 1956 southeist ~ock(Miskito Cays area) Jan. 30, 1958 349 Aug. 21, 1956 Poreee Reef (Miskito Cavs area) Jan. 9, 1958 366 Aug. 24, 1956 ~isiitocay; area; lat. f4' 02' k,long. Mar. 8, 1958 82' 37' W. 523 July 24, 1957 Near Tingo Reef (MisEto Cays area) Apr. 15, 1958 628 Sept. 5, 1957 Miskito Cays area Jan. 24, 1958 761 Aug. 18, 1958 Awastara, 20 m. N. of Puerto Cabezas, Nov. 1, 1958 Nicaragua 239 Aug. 24, 1955 Deutman Bar, Miskito Cays Sept., 1958 694 July 22, 1958 35 m. E. of Placencia, British Honduras Dec. 8, 1958 594 Aug. 19, 1956 Tinkham Rock, Miskito Cays Feb. 15, 1958 336 July 24, 1957 Tinkham Rock, Miskito Cays Mar. 7, 1959 539 Aug. 6, 1957 Edinburgh Reef, Miskito Cays area Apr. 10, 1959 755 Aug. 10, 1958 Cayos de Las Doce Leguas, S. coast of Mar. 20, 1959 Cuba, between Isle of Pines and Man- zanillo-~~..--~. 734 Aug. 6, 1958 Miskito Cays area; lat. 14' 10' N., long. May 10, 1959 82' 23' W. 703 July 31, 1958 Miskito Cays area; lat. 14" 21' N., long. Apr. 25, 1959 82' 44' W. 436 July 10, 1957 Southeast of Southeast Rock (Miskito Apr. 12, 1959 Cays area) 909 July 8, 1959 6 m. N. of Cartagena, Colombia; caught Aug. 10, 1959 at depth of 10 fathoms 1074 July 18, 1959 6 m, N. of Cartagena, Colomhia Sept. 23, 1959 954 July 21, 1959 6 m. N. of Carta~ena,Colombia Nov. 16, 1959 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 13 seems reasonable to conclude that there are in ages, because the size of the tagged sample is the Caribbean only two remaining centers of not known, as some of the tagged animals mass reproduction by the green turtle: IsIa de failed to carry their tags away from the Aves in the east and our study area, Turtle breeding ground. Another source of quantita- Bogue, in the west. tive uncertainty is the unknown proportion Obviously all that these recoveries of tur- of turtles tagged by us and then retaken, dur- tles marked at Tortuguero actually prove is ing subsequent nesting emergences of the that the turtles, after being tagged, traveled same season, by professional turtle hunters (or were carried by currents) to the localities on the unprotected beach to the south of our in which they were retaken. Their turning up camp. During the first two or three seasons in those places could conceivably be attrib- such loss was surely heavy. Lately, restric- uted to random wandering. The uneven tions have been placed by the government on character of the sampling that produced the the industry, fewer females have been turned recoveries makes it pointless to try to test the on the very heavily visited Miles 7-11, and results statistically. Final proof of periodic perhaps more of the tagged turtles have sur- guided migration will await a difficult maneu- vived the season. ver: the recapture in Cuba, say, of a turtle The total for the five seasons of tagging is tagged in Tortuguero; the release of this tur- 1178, and the percentage of international tle; and a second recapture back in Tortu- post-season returns is 2.9 per cent, With the guero during another nesting venture three use of only turtles marked with fin tags (723), (or, less likely, two) years after the first. the percentage was 3.5 per cent. One of the Meantime, however, in spite of the gap most productive groups within this latter con- in the circle of direct evidence, there re- tingent was the series of individuals tagged mains in our minds little doubt that the during the last of the 1955 season (the first to tag-return data, plus such suggestive circum- be marked with the fin tag). Of these, five, or stances as (A) the lack of turtles in Costa 12.5 per cent, have been retaken. Rican waters after the end of the breeding A surprising recovery is that from Isla de season, (B) their abundant occurrence in and Mujeres, itself a site of some nesting activity, periodic disappearance from certain areas of although much less important in this respect good pasturage (most notably the Mislcito than Tortuguero. This recovery may reen- Cays region), and (C) the seasonal appear- force the inference from other evidence, that ance of schools in areas between Tortuguero green turtle populations include both resident and the feeding grounds, are adding sub- and migratory components. stance to the folk beliefs on which the orig- Most of our recoveries have been made too inal assumptions of this study were based. long after the date of tagging to have any Several factors detract from the usability clear relevance to the question of speed of of our data for quantitative assessment and travel in the species. A recapture in Panama census. Perhaps the most important is the giving a speed of about 23 miles per day over fact that the Miskito Cays area, from which a nine-day period is shown in table 1 and was most (65.7%) of our recoveries have come, is noted by Carr and Giovannoli (1957). The more heavily sampled than any other part of only cases among later returns that are note- the Caribbean-is, in fact, probably the most worthy in this respect are Nos. 909 and 1074 heavily "turtled" area of comparable size in (see table I), both 1959 recoveries from Car- the world. This uneven sampling precludes tagena, Colombia, 500 miles by shortest route the making of simple caIculations of popula- from Tortuguero. The turtles were caught in tion sizes, and the fact that the Miskito Cays the same place, No. 909 having been tagged region attracts the most turtle schooners be- July 8 and recovered August 10, and No. cause there are more turtles there than any- 1074 tagged August 18 and recovered Sep- where else in the Caribbean further compli- tember 23. Both were taken in nets and at cates the picture. Still another factor detract- considerable depth, No. 909 at 10 fathoms. ing from thestatistical value of the datais the Green turtles are so seldom seen at the local- loss of tags, referred to above. It is even im- ity that the captures were described there in possible to calculate useful recovery percent- a front-page news story, and the turtles, al- 14 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 though of only average size for the species, first South American returns for the four were referred to as "gigantic animals" of un- years of the study, may be taken as further known kind. These recoveries allow the cal- support for the assumption that the breeding culating of a minimum speed of travel of 14.7 colony at Tortuguero is made up of contin- miles a day for the 34-day period and of 13.5 gents from widely separated points of origin, miles per day for the period of 37 days. After and that these start their journeys to the Nos. 909 and 1094 were retaken, a third rookery on staggered schedules. How tight Colombian recovery was made. Number 954, the organization of the migrating groups is tagged July 21, 1959, was retaken November remains to be determined. It is tempting to 16, 1959, at a depth of 6 meters at Punta suppose that the Colombian turtles repre- Canoas, in the same general area as were the sented a flotilla returning to the Trinidad- other two. That the taking of these turtles Venezuela area, where green turtles occur in astonished people in the area suggests that fair numbers and where Carr has been told by they were on the way to other parts. The re- fishermen that they go somewhere to the capture, in one season, of three turtles north to nest. marked at Tortuguero, and representing the

REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE Harrisson (1956), in his studies of nesting 1. There is no case of a turtle returning to colonies of Pacific green turtles in Sarawak, nest during a season following one in which it found surprising evidence of a three-year had nested before. breeding cycle in the populations nesting on 2. There is a strong three-year cycle shown the turtle islands of the China Sea. In early in the nesting returns. 1956, the second year of our work at Tortu- 3. There is a minority of cases in which guero, Carr heard from Harrisson that none nesting is carried out on a two-year schedule. of the turtles he had marked during the previ- 4. None of the two-year nesters was repre- ous two years had returned to nest on the is- sented among the females tagged during lands where they were tagged. Similarly, in 1955. That is, none of the turtles that nested 1956, none of the Tortuguero females tagged in 1957 had previously been tagged in 1955 in in 1955 came back, but later that season we spite of the fact that the 1955 group was learned that Harrisson was finding turtles much the largest yet tagged by us. tagged in 1953 returning to his beaches again. What periodic influences might control a We thus awaited the outcome of the 1958 three-year reproductive cycle are by no season in Costa Rica with great interest. The means clear. That they should in the same results, together with those of the 1959 sea- species permit a two-year cyclical undercur- son, are given in table 2. The noteworthy as- rent is also puzzling. That this undercurrent pects of the data are as follows: should be missing among members of one of


Returns from Previous Years Year No. Tagged Year No. of Returns CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES the year groups at Tortuguero is still less despite the fact that his sample is far larger easily explained. Apparently such superim- than ours and that he maintains contact with position of nesting schedules does not occur entire breeding colonies, the members of in the Pacific form, because Harrisson found which show extraordinary tenacity in return- no individuals nesting on a two-year cycle, ing to specific islands to nest.

MATING We can add little to what Carr and Giovan- strong horn at the tip of the prehensile tail, noli (1957) said of mating in the Tortuguero provide an effective three-point coupling rig colony. Copulation occurs (as Harrisson, for coping with the coyness of the female and 1954, found to be the case in the populations the throw of the waves. Females often come he studied in the China Sea) at the nesting ashore with such notches raw and bleeding beach and, as far as we have been able to and cut symmetrically back into bone half an determine, nowhere else. Whether it takes inch thick. This phenomenon has bearing on place before, or after, the first or some other the still unknown fertilization schedule of one of the nesting emergences is still not sea turtles. Finding a nesting female in this known. The nesting season is, however, much condition proves that she was attended by a longer than the mating season, as we rarely male before she laid, on this particular occa- saw any courtship or mating after August 1, sion. But she may have laid one or more and never after August 15. times previously, during the same season, and In figure 2 of plate 5 note the deep notches copulation may have occurred after those at the third intermarginal seam on the fore times. Thus all that we know at the present edge of the shell of the female shown. These time is that copulation occurs at the rookery were made by the enlarged grappling nails of and is not restricted to the period after all the the male (pi. 7), which, together with the layings of the season have been completed.

NESTING SEASON The nesting of green turtles at Tortuguero Tortuguero, tell us that they have seen nests is strongly seasonal (cf. Moorhouse, 1933, in November but that they are infrequent. who worked with a similarly seasonal colony In 1959 the first turtle found on the 2 miles at Heron Island; Harrisson, 1951; and Hen- that were patrolled came up the night of rickson, 1958, whose work with the green tur- June 16, the second on June 25, and the third tle in Sarawak shows that it nests throughout on July 6. Thegreatest activity took place be- the year). At Tortuguero the bulk of the tween July 9 and August 1. After August 28 year's eggs are laid in July, August, and activity diminished rapidly, although two or September. The peak comes in August, al- three turtles were still emerging nearly every though during the last two weeks of July and night by September 17 when we left the the first two of September there may be sev- camp. eral nights when as many turtles come out as That the season begins more abruptly than on any August night. Throughout June, even it ends may be owing simply to the fact that towards the end of the month, several nights the turtles arrive in schools (the "fleets" of may pass without the emergence of a single the Spanish-speaking turtlers), which gather turtle, even to leave a trial halfmoon trail. We at the pasture ground, and which partly have no record for May. The beginning of the break up as events at the nesting ground season is thus quite abrupt. The ending is proceed on divergent schedules for different more gradual, emergences usually beginning individuals of the school. A turtle frightened to taper off in mid-September and coming to back into the sea, say, at the beginning of a a virtual stop by the end of October. Mem- nesting emergence, might be thrown off bers of the Martinez family, old residents of schedule in her suite of nestings, and her 16 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 eventual return to home ground might be two animals were developed elsewhere, how- made in company different from that with ever, through a long period of geological time which she came. In any event, the impression and no doubt were conditioned by the fact one gets in watching tracks on the beach and that a tendency for two big, active reptiles turtles loafing outside the surf line is that inhabiting the same geographic areas to ag- they arrive en muse but tend to trickle away gregate at the same time and at the same at the end of the season. nesting beaches resulted in injurious com- The fact that the trunkback season ends as petition. It is worth noting that at the nearest the green turtle season begins is probably sig- site of aggregated nesting by the trunkback nificant. There is not enough nesting by (Matina Beach, 30 miles to the southward) trunkbacks at Tortuguero to offer any im- hardly any nesting by green turtles takes portant competition for the green turtles at place. any time, or vice versa. The periodicities of the

RENESTING Carr and Giovannoli (1957) showed by ruption (a flashlight beam, for instance, or a indirect evidence that, as all sea turtles prob- barking, snapping dog) had sent the female ably do, turtles of the Tortuguero colony nest back into the sea without laying. The longest more than once during the season that they such interval may be seen in the case of No. visit the rookery. During the 1956 season, 341, which returned to lay five days after when for the first time we began tagging only having been interrupted in her emergence. turtles known to have just nested, it quickly More usually a return is made either on the became evident that Carr and Giovannoli's same night as the interruption or on the fol- inferences had been correct. Of 683 green tur- lowing night. Intervals well over the 12.5-day tles tagged during 1956,1957,1958, and 1959, mean are interpreted as multiples of the 92 were retaken while laying a second time actual renesting interval, or these plus one or and 12 on a third occasion. In none of these more of the periods of recovery after abor- cases did we have any way of knowing how tive emergences. many layings had occurred prior to, or took A noteworthy difference between our place after, the date of our contact with the colony and the colonies of the China Sea is animal. But from the aggregate of our recap- the evidently shorter internesting period in ture data, an interval of 12-14 days (average the latter (12.5 at Tortuguero and 10.5 in the 12.5) between nestings was calculated, and colony studied by Hendrickson at Sarawak). with this average as a divisor we find six nest- It would be of interest to calculate maximum ing~to be the maximum for the Tortuguero chronological spread for rookery-residence colony. This figure may be short of the real periods in the Sarawak colony, to learn maximum, because desultory nesting oc- whether the greater number of nestings by curred before and after the period of our those turtles is attributable to a longer sea- residence in the camp. The opinions of fisher- son, or to the shorter time between emer- men support the figure, however, and to some gences. Even in the three-month season at extent it is substantiated by measurements of Tortuguero, a female turtle laying on a 10.5- oviducal eggs. Data on recaptures are given day interval might squeeze eight or nine in tables 3-6. In these tables the very short nestings into her season at the beach. intervals represent returns after some inter- CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES

TABLE 3 OBSERVEDRENESTING RETURNS OF FEMALEGREEN TURTLES TO TORTUGUERO, COSTARICA, DURINGTHE SEASONOF 1956 (The beach sections are counted in eighths of a mile from the river mouth southward.)

First Observed Emergence First Return Second Return Tag No' Date and Time Mile Date and Time Mile Date and Time Mile

July 13, P.M. I* July 28, P.M. 1% Aug. 11, A.M. Aug. 4, P.M. # Aug. 5, P.M. - - Aug. 4, P.M. 1. Aug. 5, P.M. I* Aug. 16, P.M. - July 24, P.M. I Aug. 8, A.M. 2 Aug. 4, P.M. It Aug. 8, A.M. $ Aug. 24, P.M. Aug. 15, A.M. Aug. 16, A.M. i Aug. 27, A.M. Aug. 13, P.M. 2: Aug. 16, P.M. 2% - Aug. 5, P.M. 1% Aug. 18, P.M. It - Aug. 17, A.M. i Aug. 19, P.M. i - Aug. 12, P.M. 1% Aug. 20, P.M. It - Aug. 18, P.M. ?i Aug. 20, P.M. - Aug. 9, P.M. 2% Aug. 20, P.M. i Sept. 4, A.M. Aug. 7, P.M. 1. Aug. 20, P.M. % Aug. 22, P.M. Aug. 11, A.M. 0 Aug. 21, P.M. # Sept. 3, A.M. - Aug. 11, A.M. 4 Aug. 22, P.M. 15 Aug. 17, P.M. 5 Aug. 23, P.M. 1 - Aug. 10, A.M. i Aug. 23, P.M. i Sept. 6, P.M. Aug. 11, A.M. Aug. 23, P.M. - i - Aug. 11, A.M. ! Aug. 24, P.M. 0 Aug. 12, A.M. % Aug. 24, P.M. 3, - Aug. 12, A.M. t Aug. 24, P.M. i - - Aug. 14, A.M. i Aug. 25, P.M. 1 Aug. 20, P.M. 1% Aug. 25, P.M. i - - Aug. 16, A.M. % Aug. 27, A.M. t Aug. 16, P.M. li Aug. 27, P.M. i - - Aug. 16, A.M. 1 Aug. 30, A.M. 1. Aug. 16, P.M. k Allg. 30, A.M. i - - Aug. 4, A.M. It Aug. 31, A.M. i Aug. 19, P.M. 2 Sept. 2, P.M. 1 - Au~.22, P.M. i Sept. 5, P.M. i - - Aug. 23, P.M. i Sept. 5, P.M. i Aug. 25, P.M. t Sept. 5, P.M. * Sept. 6, P.M. No. 309 madea third return Sept. 6, P.M., at Mile0. No. 279 madea third returnsept, 5, P.M., at Mile #+. No. 317 madea third return Aug. 31, A.M., at Mile #. BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121

TABLE 4 OBSERVEDRENESTING RETURNS OF FEMALEGREEN TURTLES TO TORTUGUERO, COSTARICA, DURING THE SEASONOF 1957 (The ~uarter-milebeach sections are numbered from the river mouth southward.)

?? First Observed Emergence First Return Mile Tag No. Date and Time Mile Date and Time

392 July 3, P.M. li July 17, P.M. 1% 396 July 3, P.M. I Sept. 3, P.M. I 461 July 3, P.M. i July 14, A.M. 1 404 July 5, A.M. 1k July 16, P.M. 410 July 4, P.M. i July 18, P.M. 1; 493 July 5, P.M. li July 18, P.M. 1 414 July 5, P.M. 1 July 16, P.M. 1 417 July 6, P.M. i Sept. 4, P.M. 1% 421 July 6, P.M. i July 20, P.M. i 424 July 7, P.M. 1 Aug. 9, P.M. 1. 430 July 9, P.M. Aug. 1, P.M. 0 440 July 10, P.M. 1; July 22, P.M. 1 444 July 12, A.M. 0 Aug. 6, P.M. i , 446 July 11, P.M. Aug. 7, P.M. i 448 July 12, A.M. July 23, P.M. It 454 July 11, P.M. 11* July 23, P.M. 1 470' July 14, P.M. a July 17, P.M. i 473 July 14, P.M. i July 26, P.M. i 474 July 14, P.M. i Au~.30, P.M. I 480 JUIY 15, P.M. a Sept. 3, P.M. I 511 July 21, P.M. 1 Aug. 4, P.M. 4 513 July 22, P.M. u Aug. 6, P.M. 2 526 July 23, P.M. Aug. 4, P.M. 1 527* July 23, P.M. : Aug. 4, P.M. I 529 July 23, P.M. I Aug. 14, P.M. 1 558 July 26, P.M. lIt Aug. 7, P.M. It 560 July 26, P.M. 14 Aug. 8, P.M. a 569 Aug. 1, A.M. 1 Sept. 3, P.M. i 570 AU~.I, P.M. a Sept. 6, P.M. i 580 Aug. 3, A.M. i Sept. 6, P.M. i 586 Aug. 4, A.M. li Sept. 7, P.M. i 604 Aug. 9, P.M. I Sept. 3, P.M. 1 615 Aug. 13, P.M. 1 Sept. 6, P.M. i 450 July 12, A.M. 1 Aug. 6, P.M. 2

No. 470 madea second return Aug. 17, P.M., at Mile2. No. 527 made a second return Sept. 7, P.M., at Mile 8. TABLE 5 OBSERVEDRENESTING RETURNS OF FEMALEGREEN TURTLES TO TORTUGUERO, COSTA RICA, 1958 (The quarter-mile beach sections are numbered from the mouth of the river southward.)

First Observed Tag Emergence First Return Second Return Third Return Date and Time Mile Date and Time Mile Date and Time Mile Date and Time Mile

June 25, 2100 2 Aug. 7, P.M. $ Aug. 28, 2100 June 26, 2200 14 July 28, 2230 i - - July 3, P.M. 1% July 28, 2200 4 July 29, 2000 July 30, 2300 July 11, 2200 It July 6, 2400 1 Aug. 17, 2245 Aug. 17, 2300 July 15, 2200 + Aug. 6, 2100 4 - July 16, 2100 1 July 30, 2100 1 July 31, P.M. - July 18, 2200 i Aug. 22, P.M. 10 - - July 20, 2000 1 Aug. 1, 2000 11 Aug. 2, P.M. - July 20, 2200 l+ July 30, P.M. i - - July 24, 2000 14 Aug. 5, 2200 i - - July 24, 2300 } Aug. 7, P.M. I - - July 28, 2230 14 Aug. 7, P.M. * - - July 28, 2200 14 Sept. 1, 2100 i - - July 28, 2130 li Aug. 19, 2200 4 - - July 30, 2400 4 Aug. 22, P.M. 1 - July 30, 2100 1 Aug. 11, 2020 1 Aug. It, 2020 - July 31, P.M. 4 Aug. 22, P.M. * Aug. 2, 2100 It Aug. 25, P.M. 1 - Aug. 4, P.M. } Aug. 24, P.M. - Aug. 7, P.M. 4 Aug. 18, P.M. i - Aug. 9, P.M. Aug. 22, P.M. 4 - Aug. 22; 2230 1 Sept. 3, 2100 li - No. 657 made a fourth return Aug. 13, P.M., at Mile 3.

TABLE 6 OBSERVEDRENESTING RETURNS OF FEMALEGREEN TURTLES AT TORTUGUERO, COSTARICA, DURINGTHE SEASONOF 1959 (The quarter-mile beach sections are numbered from the mouth of the river southward.)

Tag No. First Observed Emergence First Return Mi,e Date and Time Mile Date and Time

910 July 9, 2300 1 July 23, 2230 1 912 July 10, 2245 1 July 23, 2230 1 915 July 10, 2330 1 July 23, 2200 12 917 July 10, 2350 1 July 23, 2330 1 920 July 10, 0100 1 Aug. 2, 2100 1 934" July 13, 2400 14 Aug. 4, 2300 3 938 July 15, 2000 i Aug. 7, 2100 1 950 July 17, 0200 1 Aug. 7, 2300 1 953 July 20, 2330 i Aug. 10, 2045 1 957 July 22, 2200 14 Aug. 29, 2100 1 966 July 23, 0330 1% Aug. 14, 2400 1 973 July 23, 2330 1% Aug. 28, 2000 1 990 July 27, 0130 i Aug. 19, 2400 4 996<- July 27, 2200 1 Aug. 7, 2030 1 1010 July 29, 2300 13 July 19, 2230 1 1013 July 30, 2300 14 Aug. 11, 2400 1 1053 Aug. 11, 2330 2 Sept. 13, 2100 2 1057 Aug. 12, 2345 1 Aug. 23, 0130 It 1070 Aug. 18, 2300 4 Aug. 29, 2315 2 a No. 934 made a second return Aug. 14, at 2300 hours, at Mile f. No. 996 made a second return Aug. 19, at 2330 hours, at Mile I*. 19 22 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 EMERGENCE OF HATCHLINGS FROM NEST It is usual to dismiss the process by which surface. The floor level has been built up 31 turtle hatchlings climb out of the earth at the inches by fallen sand and trampled eggshells. nest site as "negative geotropism." An ex- AUGUST26: Ceiling 15i inches from sur- cellent and detailed account of the actually face at 1300 hours; at 1830 hours, 14 inches complex series of activities, and the changing from surface. space relations, that attend the emergence AUGUST27: Ceiling 13%inches below sur- process was given by Hendrickson (106. cif.). face, with Jj inch of space between ceiling and Baldwin and Lofton (in Caldwell. Carr, and topmost hatchlings in the mass. others, 1959) mentioned the role of group AUGUST28: At 0700 hours ceiling irregu- action in the escape of young loggerheads larly sapped out, with highest point only 1 from the nest. Carr and Ogren (1959) called inch below surface. Topmost turtles now attention to survival values presumably in- about 5 inches from ceiling. A heavy rain dur- volved in this activity and stressed the evolu- ing the night may have helped to collapse the tionary importance of group behavior at this lower end of the nest plug, hastening the time. Results of preliminary experiments ascent of the turtles in the hatchling cham- aimed at evaluating the selective importance ber. By 1800 hours, more of the ceiling has of group emergence will appear in another fallen, without, however, raising the level of paper (Carr and Hirth, in press). the hatchling group appreciably. Digging is To study more closely the emergence re- evidently much more active at night; in the sponses of a group of green turtle siblings, a present test it seems possible that light enter- late-stage clutch of eggs was removed to an ing through the glass pane during the day- artificial nest, and a glass pane was substi- time may inhibit activity. At 1910 hours tuted for one side of the nest cavity. The there is more horizontal movement by the in- eggs were laid July 1,1958, and were removed dividual turtles, causing an undercutting of August 19. The outer part of the shell had the lateral walls and a continued raising of started to flake off and the eggs to lose turgor, the floor by the sand produced. and the fully formed young could be readily AUGUST29: At 0600 hours the nest roof is felt through the wrinkling shell. In the new only an inch thick, and the top turtles are 4+ nest the bottom of the mass of eggs was 22 inches below it and resting horizontally. At inches below the surface of the beach and the 1830 hours most of the turtles have assumed top of the mass 17 inches deep. The sequence vertically oriented positions (as they had for of events that ensued is outlined in the notes brief periods previously) and are only 2 inches below. from the ceiling and only 3 inches below the AUGUST 23: The surface of the sand surface of the beach. Their flurries of activity directly over the nest has been lowered about are intermittent and short and always stop an inch. Inspection through the pane shows abruptly when the rays of the flashlight pass that the eggs have mostly hatched, probably across them. last night. The surface slumping is due to the AUGUST30: The hatchlings emerged unob- dropping of the nest plug to fill the space left served during early morning hours. at hatching. The loss of this space as working Observation of the above nest, and of nu- room between the bottom of the plug and the merous others dug out at various stages of the top of the mass of hatchlings presents an ab- emergence process, suggests that it is not normal factor, perhaps obviated in nature by adequate to attribute the emergence feat to the careful pressing and kneading the female negative geotropism alone. In our observa- does as she fills the nest. tions, while the result of group activity was AUGUST24: Ceiling of nest cavity still 17 vertical displacement of the group, the emer- , inches from the general surface of the sand, gence process was not by any means a simple the hatchlings having regained the inch or so upward climb by each separate individual. of free space lost the day before when the The work that caused the raising of the com- plug dropped. mon chamber was a series of outbursts of AUGUST25: Ceiling now 16 inches from thrashing and twisting, during each of which 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 23

the topmost turtles sapped the ceiling, those guero seem to erupt usually at night, the at the sides dislodged sand from the walls, hatchlings probably being inhibited in their and those on the bottom of the mass shifted digging, if near the surface, during the day- jerkily about, allowing the sand from ceiling time, by the heated upper layers, as was sug- and walls to settle and be packed into a new, gested by Hendrickson (1958). He found that higher floor. Such group spasms were followed most emergences occurred between midnight by periods of complete quiescence. The and dawn, while at Tortuguero they seem to stimulus for renewed movement seemed to take place mostly before 2000 hours. The come, not from the individuals on top, where blackness of the sand at Tortuguero must the most effective sapping could be done, but have considerable bearing on its properties as from among the uncomfortably situated an incubating medium, causing it to heat up lower layer of hatchlings. That is to say, the faster and to reach higher daytime tempera- group effort is instigated by the bottom tier tures than beaches of the usual shades of tan of turtles when the group weight of their or white. We had formerly assumed that, in siblings above irritates them. An onset of accordance with the physics of black bodies, restlessness by any one of these is sufficient to it should cool off more rapidly at night than plunge the whole group into another convul- the usual beach and that such cooling, if it sion of work. The emergence process thus ap- occurred, might explain the earlier emergence pears to be a strongly cooperative under- of hatchlings there. But in a letter (February taking. Besides the teamwork and division of 10,1957) Dr. Charles F. Brooks has corrected labor involved in the actual sapping and this misapprehension, saying: "Tortuguero's 1 packing, the onset of the successive bursts of black sand must indeed make it get hotter by 2b digging-- . seems also to some extent dependent day than white or yellow sand. Its blackness, upon crowding. however would not make it cool more Hendrickson (1958) and Carr and Ogren (1959) observed that hatchlings often emerge in small lots. at intervals, instead of all together, owing to subdivision, of the group by slight differences in hatching schedule. In heat is greater for each period of insolation most of our nests emergence by such sub- than in most places, but the bearing of this groups of siblings usually occurred at inter- upon the timing of nest eruptions is not evi- vals of 24 hours. As as been found to be the dent. case with most sea turtles, nests at Tortu-

ORIENTATION The dual, land and water life cycle of MOVEMENTS OF HATCHLINGS aquatic turtles imposes extraordinary orien- FROMNEST TO SURFACE:The goal in this tation demands, and, in the case of Chelonia, case is the surface of the beach. Geotaxis is the great distances that separate feeding and the sense usually suggested as guiding the nesting grounds almost surely make true emerging hatchlings. The process is actually navigation necessary. From the time the quite complex. Details are discussed in an- hatchling green turtle breaks out of the egg other section (see above). and begins its vertical climb to the surface of FROMNEST TO WAVE-WETSAND: ~h~ gen- the beach until the mature female comes back eral goal here is of course the sea, which the to shore to nest, sea turtles are Presum- animal has not seen before, and the location ably guided towards genetically represented of which may be hidden behind obstacles of '6 goals" by information, or cues, about which various sorts. The kinds of stimuli involved biologists know very little. These orientation and the complexity of the problem faced by events may be arranged in a number of the hatchling are discussed in our section on stages, corresponding to ontogenetic and pe- field tests of sea-seeking orientation. riodic stages in the life cycle, as outlined be- ACROSS WAVE-WETSAND: The abrupt low. quickening of gait and mounting "enthu- BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 siasm" of the hatchling on reaching the wave- migration, or of passive drifting, or of both. smoothed lower beach suggest that a change Evidence (such as the absence of young tur- of cue takes place at this point. Perhaps the tles on the Thalussia pastures of the adult, feel of the smooth wet substrate serves to and the lack of hatchlings off the nesting heighten drive as the water goal is ap- beach after the nesting season) is mostly proached, and to condition the hatchling for negative, the only possibly relevant fact changes in responses and for the increased available being the regular yearly appearance exertion to be required of it in going through in Florida of an itinerant population of im- the surf. mature green turtles evidently derived from TROUGHWAVE WASH: At the instant the some distant nesting ground (Carr and Cald- hatchling is lifted by the wash of the first well, 1956). wave, its gait changes from a crawling to a swimming stroke. Although no break in the MOVEMENTS OF SEXUALLY continuity of locomotion can be noted, it MATURE TURTLES seems likely that current sense must take DIEL COMMUTING:Green turtles in the over as the dominant orienting factor during Caribbean appear usually to spend the night the energetic (sometimes almost frantic) ap- on the bottom, or among rocks or coral crags. proach to the breaker line. Suitable sleeping sites may be located some THROUGHBREAKERS: On approaching the distance away from the turtle-grass pastures. outermost, more or less rhythmically break- While not proved by tagging data, it is widely ing surf, the hatchling dives as each comber believed by people in the turtle fishery that approaches, clearly taking a visual cue in tim- strong site tenacity is shown by the green ing its dive to get under the shoreward push turtle returning to its sleeping place. The of the wave and to ride the undertow through senses and information used by the animal in the breaker line. During the half minute or so these homing feats are unknown. The trips of this dive, current sense is also probably take place in shallow water, and it seems still in operation. This would not be simple possible that landmarks or bottom topogra- rheotaxy, as it involves fighting the current phy are used. Cases of homing by young at one moment and running a downstream Florida green turtles over some 30 miles of course the next. The reaction would appear to shore water, after having been carried away be one of simply maintaining axial alignment overland by truck, suggest (hut do not prove) with any current, positive or negative. that something less simple than landmark TRAVELBY HATCHLINGSAND IMMATURE guidance may be involved (see Carr and STAGES:Once the quiet swells beyond the Caldwell, 1956). surf are reached, the hatchling floats for a bit, PERIODICREPRODUCTIVE TRAVEL: The evi- with head held high, and then, alternately dence that high-seas travel to distant rook- paddling and craning its neck to "inspect" eries actually occurs is discussed in another the horizon, makes off to sea and disappears section. If our interpretation of those results from view. During the stages of development and of supporting observations is correct, it that follow, until the nesting female comes appears likely that the reproductive travel in- ashore to lay, little or nothing is known of the volves true navigation. Recent experiments life of the green turtle. It is known that food demonstrating a light-compass sense in birds habits shift from largely carnivorous tend- and arthropods, the work of Hasler and his encies in the young to mainly herbivorous co-authors (1958) describing sun orientation feeding in the adult. It may be that this in fishes, and Gould's studies (1950) of hom- change involves a number of steps, requiring ing in box turtles all make it easier to suppose that the developing turtle be in different that green turtles use the heavens for guid- places at different times to find animal food of ance (as the turtle men say they do) and have appropriate size and abundance. Possibly the same spectacular guidance equipment this feeding ontogeny has resulted in long- (an inherent goal sense, a light-compass distance travel by the developing animal, sense, a time correction sense, and a displace- with age groups (feeding stages) distributed ment sense or map sense) that other animals in different stations along a route of active have been found to have.

1. Tortuguero green turtle digging the concealing basin in which she rests while laying her eggs 2. Beginning to excavate the egg cavity - the nest proper 1. The left hind foot has removed a load of sand from the egg hole and is about to drop it at one side 2. The flipperful of sand is dropped, and the right hind foot will. in the next insta~~t,kick sand forward 1. The right hind foot has broken an obstructing root, has resumed the scooping of sand from the hole, and is swinging a palmful out to the side to be dropped. Note difference in dry surface sand and sand just uncovered 2. A nearly completed nest cavity, shaped like a lopsided flask, with the bottom enlarged anteriorly and the sides somewhat squared (cf. Carr, 1948) 1. The end of the laying process, showing the hind fins in the position they usually hold throughout ovi- position. We pulled the right foot slightly towards the right to expose the eggs for the picture (cf. Carr and Giovannoli, 1957, fig. 12) 2. Anterior view of a Tortuguero green turtle laying her eggs. The deep notch on each side of the anterior shell margin was made by the grappling nail of the male during copulation 1. Turtle covering the nest 2. Turtle covering and concealing the body pit and nest site 1. Male green turtle caught in the surf at Tortuguero on July 12. 1959, when he chased a female too close in shore and was thrown up by a breaker 2. Ventral view of the male green turtle shown in 1. Note the heavy nail curving back beneath the edge of the near front fin and the long tail, with the vent placed well back towards its end 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 25 THE STRANDINGDECISION: Varied evi- place that becomes her nesting site seems im- dence (Carr and Giovannoli, 1957; Hen- posing. Whatever she is pondering or per- drickson, 1958; Caldwell, Can, and others, ceiving, a turtle on her way up the beach does 1959; see also figs. 5 and 6 and tables 3-7 of a great deal of stopping to peer ahead and to the present paper) emphasizes the tendency one side and the other, or merely to wait, as if of this and other kinds of sea turtles to return for some sensation or stimulus to sink in. to restricted sites for repeated nesting emer- When the decision to stop is finally made, the gences. It seems likely that the selecting or observer is usually unable to discern the at- recognizing of the place to go ashore, which tractions of the place selected, or the criteria may come after a long journey guided by used in her deciding on it. (See Carr and celestial information, involves a shift to such Giovannoli, 1957.) topical cues as currents, landmarks, bottom NESTSITE BACK TO SEA:The problem here contours, or the taste, smell, or feel of the is that faced by the hatchlings on emerging water. from the nest. Whether or not it is solved in FROMSEA TO NEST SITE:A succession of the same way is not known. The fact that the local cues, as well as whatever information female has, on her way up, laid a trail that may furnish the bearing for the goal itself, is could be followed in returning to the sea clearly involved here. Possibly the loom of would seem to give her an advantage not dark areas and objects may be the beacon for available to the hatchling. The fact is that the general course of the trip up the beach. the back track is in every case ignored. In the One might argue that this is negative photo- hundreds of females that we have seen leave taxis, but the fact that a turtle never can be nests, we have noted no serious case of con- seen turning her head back towards the sea- fusion. When the nest is covered and con- ward horizon would seem to preclude the cealed the turtle usually turns abruptly and comparative judgment involved in simple assuredly towards the sea, even though it phototaxis, negative or positive. In any may be hidden by dunes or bushes, and main- event, when all the various distracting local tains a proper heading with little digression. features, and the reorientations carried out in She may stop and blink now and then or avoiding them, are reckoned in, the problem show signs of fatigue before reaching the of deciding what guides the female to the water again; on the other hand if prompted

TABLE 7 POINTSOF EMERGENCEAT TORTUGUERO, COSTA RICA, OF FEMALEGREEN TURTLES RETURNINGAFTER ABSENCES OF TWOOR THREEYEARS (Because of loss of tags, and of changes in our system of designating beach sections, it was possible to determine concordance of emergence points for only the 13 cases of long-time return shown here.)

Tag No. Date Tagged Place Tagged Place Retaken Date Retaken Aug. 9, 1956 Mile Mile \ July 30, 1958 Aug. 15, 1956 Mile $ Mile i Aug. 28, 1958 Aug. 16, 1956 Mile I+ Mile + Aug. 24, 1958 Aug. 19, 1956 Mile t Mile 1 July 13, 1959 Aug. 28, 1956 Mile + Mile } Aug. 25, 1958 Aug. 30, 1956 Mile 8 Mile i Aug. 17, 1958 Aug. 20, 1956 Mile 0 Mile 14 July 26, 1958 July 22, 1957 Mile i. Mile 1 July 10, 1959 July 30, 1957 Mile } Mile $ July 28, 1959 Aug. 25, 1956 Mile i Mile } Aug. 4, 1959 Aug. 4, 1957 Mile I$ Mile + Aug. 10, 1959 Aug. 25, 1956 Mile 8 Mile 1 Aug. 11, 1959 Aug. 25, 1956 Mile 8 Mile 4 Aug. 12, 1959

FIG.6. Movements of green turtles reuesting at Tortuguero, Costa Rica, July-September, 1957. Distance in miles along the beach (vertical scale) is plotted against time intervals between captures. Because the vertical scale shows distance southward from the mouth of the river (the northern boundary of our study strip), each of the vertical lines shows, besides time and distance, the place where each capture occurred. The lack of correlation between time and spread presumably means that the returns are not random but oriented. 28 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121

by a foot or a poke from a stick she may actually be evidence of homing, although scuttle across the whole space without there can be no real doubt that both phenom- stopping. At such times the sight of the sea ena (site tenacity and mass travel) occur. itself cannot be ruled out as an orienting cue. Carr and Giovannoli (1957) and Caldwell, Especially if the water is flaring rhythmically Carr, and others (1959), in seeking examples with phosphorescence, as tropical surf is of group movements in sea turtles as evidence likely to do, and not hidden by objects in the of mass migration, pointed out cases of foreground, simple inspection of the prospect grouped renesting by turtles that had been should (as it would for a man) furnish all the tagged at the same place and time as proof necessary information. We do not suggest, that the turtles had traveled together during however, that this alone would be a reason- the interval between their simultaneous ap- able explanation of sea-finding capacity of pearances on the beach. We now see more the returning female, any more than it would clearly that these data may reflect only site be for what a sea-seeking hatchling does. fixity and hormonal periodicity in separately acting animals and may have no hearing on GROUP MOVEMENTS AND gregariousness or group travel at all. Con- SITE TENACITY sider, for example, Nos. 294 and 295 in table Because of the character of the nesting 3, tagged at the same time and the same place localities in which his studies of the Pacific on the beach, and 12 nights later found to- green turtle were made-a series of small is- gether at a spot so close to the site of tagging lands, separated by varying distances and that our record plot of the beach fails to sepa- each thoroughly patrolled throughout the rate the two localities. Such a coincidence season-Hendrickson (1958) was able to show could of course be taken to mean that the a clear tendency for females returning for re- turtles were acting as a pair, perhaps as a sec- nesting to go back to the same island (and by tion of a larger breeding aggregation. It also inference, to the island where they themselves could mean, however, that each of them had hatched). Although Hendrickson said, merely had the same "homing" drive, and, as unaccountably (p. 503), "It is not known yet the Tortuguero turtles adhere closely to a whether the individual female turtle con- 12.5-day renesting schedule, there would be sistently returns to the same island previous- nothing remarkable about their turning up ly used for nesting. . . ," he had, as we have together for the second nesting, even though said, earlier shown strong evidence to the they might have passed the interim in widely contrary, and we suppose the quoted state- separated places. Yet another shading of ex- ment to be a slip of some sort. In another sec- planation of the simultaneity in returning is tion he points out that, of several thousand possible. Thereis a broad, shallow, rocky bank observations of females returning to renest just to the north of the mouth of the Tortu- during a given season, only 3.7 per cent guero River. While not densely covered with changed islands and suggested that these vegetation, this flat seems to offer enough for- might have been frightened away from their age and denning cover to hold a fair number preferred island by patrol activity. of turtles there for at least part of the interval From our data and observations there between their nesting emergences (although seems, as we have said earlier, little doubt it does not seem to offer an answer to the that both group travel and a strong site troublesome questionof where the bulk of the tenacity and "homing" capacity are char- nesting colony goes between the nesting acteristic of the green turtle and, perhaps, of emergences of a given season). If the two tur- sea turtles generally. Here again, however, as tles referred to above went to this bank after in the case of attempts to judge population being tagged, stayed there for the interval be- sizes and distribution from long-range tag re- tween nestings (even perhaps without com- coveries, evaluation of the data is made diffi- ing in contact with each other during the cult by the uneven character of the sampling whole time), their returning to renest at the method. Moreover, it will readily be seen that same time and the same place could still be data seeming at first glance to prove con- attributed to individual site sense plus endog- certed or concurrent group activity may enous periodicity. 1960 C4RR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 29 Still other factors should be considered in for the years 1956-1959 (see also figs. 5 and evaluating the cases of grouped return. One 6). Such cases as those of Nos. 657, 664, and is the oddly uneven character of the Tortu- 679 (table 5), frightened at the time of an guero shoreline. This is not a straight beach attempted stranding and later found nesting but an even series of shallow scaI1ops form- elsewhere, show that the homing falls short ing a sequence of spits and coves. This to- of a real "spot tenacity," although returns to pography almost certainly would influence the the exact same spot sometimes do occur (see stranding reacting of the coasting turtles, No. 669). The usual spatial interval would be tending to bunch emergences independently of the order of to 2 mile. The greatest spread of the finer homing response of each individ- in successive emergences recorded by us is to ual involved. Another fact that must be con- be seen in the case of No. 674, which moved sidered is that breeding activity is not evenly from Mile 2 to Mile 10. distributed from one end of the 22-mile In spite of such aberrant cases and of the rookery beach to the other. There is, for in- lack of statistical support for the belief, we stance, an above-average concentration of are convinced, as we have said, that the re- nesting on our study section (the 3-mile strip nesting returns alone indicate a marked from Tortuguero village to the mouth of the homing urge and ability in the female Carib- Tortuguero River), possibly due, in part, to bean green turtle. the proximity of this end of the beach to the above-mentioned bank. This seems unlikely, FIELD TESTS OF ORIENTATION however, when one considers that the other CAPACITY site of especially heavy nesting (the heaviest Although ontogenetic changes in feeding for the whole 22 miles) lies between Mile 7 requirements (and thus in habitat) must con- and Mile 11 from the mouth of Rio Tor- front green turtles with corresponding shifts tuguero, where.there is no adjacent flat to in orientation problems, it seemed possible serve as a temporary feeding or loafingcenter. that the navigational sense of the adult might With increasing government interest in to some extent be represented in the capacity green turtles, more rigid protective restric- of the young to go from the nest to the sea. tions have come into force, and there are This possibility suggested a feebly promising parts of each season when there is no turning approach to the difficult navigation problem: of turtles at all on the miles south of our tests in the field with goal-driven hatchlings. beach. During such times, of course, we have The difficulty of clearing up even this most no way of knowing what is happening there. testable phase of the orientation life of a sea When commercial turtling was going on, we turtle may be seen in the diversity and incon- regularly paid rewards for a11 tags taken, clusive character of the observations and ex- even if they had been attached only the perimental results of others. While nothing of night before. At those times a fairly adequate the sort has been published on Chelonia, the sampling of return distribution was possible, general similarity of all turtles with respect to especially for the 1955 season (see Carr and nesting behavior suggests that factors guiding Giovannoli, 1957), when we were not waiting the young from the nest, through a drasti- out the egg-laying operation of each turtle cally varying beach landscape, to the water encountered and were able to make more that they only genetically know exists might than 600 captures. be similar in all aquatic species. The prin- The returns to Tortuguero beach after the cipal conclusions that have resulted from two- or three-year interval of the reproduc- previous tests with emerging hatchlings are tive cycle furnish the most dramatic evidence summarized in table 8. of "homing," or site tenacity (in fact, the oc- During July and August, 1957 and 1958, currence of even a single case such as that of we conducted a variety of informal tests of No. 566 in table 7 appears unlikely to be the the ability of green turtles on shore to find the result of chance alone). The renesting returns, sea. These were arranged after preliminary however, during a single season seem also to trials had shown that even this short orienta- show non-random spread. Tables 3-6 give tional feat is probably a complex chain of dates and places of all renesting recoveries events, with cues and responses changing BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 with each change of outlook or of the local which each individual met the problems of substrate, or of time and weather. the test, there were few cases in which some For each test a group of 10 reactors was useful information was not forthcoming. used. The group was built up to standard size It was not possible in the field to achieve by our submitting hatchlings to the condi- rigid control of conditions or to use hatch- tions of the test release, until 10 had shown lings with standard background. Our tests signs of active response, the unresponsive in- thus must be regarded as exploratory efforts dividuals being discarded. The criterion for to identify cues, and to assess flexibility in responsiveness was merely whether or not the goal sense and guidance receptivity in the turtle crawled away when released. green turtle when on land. We set out to Before the tests were begun, we had estab- learn whether and, so far as possible, how lished the fact that hatchlings retain their they find the sea by day and at night, in fair sea-finding urge and ability long after emer- weather or in rain, from nests in the open and gence from the nest, even after having been from release points behind bushes or logs, or kept in a dry box or, more surprisingly, after amid miscellaneous clutter, or where the sea- having been allowed to develop swimming ward slope led upward to a crest hiding the and feeding reflexes in a tank of water. This water from view. Because no one situation flexibility made it possible to hold specimens clearly involved one single variable, we re- for times convenient for testing. count the trials here in series, grouped arbi- While the size of the test groups used was trarily according to the character of the not great enough to give them much statisti- water goal or to the location of, and the lay of cal stature, to the observer on the ground, the land at, the release point. The places and seeing the lay of the land and taking note of conditions of release in these manipulations the degree of energy and "assurance" with were: (1) on open beach with normal gradi-


Observers Kind of Turtle Experimental Results Hooker (1908) Cnrettn Preference demonstrated for blue over red, orange, or green (intensities of colors not known). At- tracted by large areas of light rather than in- tense point sources. After entering water at- tracted by darker blue of deep water Parker (1922) Cnr6ttn Positively geotropic, i.e,, guided by downward slope of beach to sea. Repelled by broken bori- zon and attracted by low, unbroken horizon Noble and Breslau (1938) Clzelydrn, Sternotherus, Attracted towards maximum area of open, iL and Chrysemys luminated sky Daniel and Smith (1947) Cnrettn Guided by phototaxy and photokinesis. Attracted by bright surf. Orientation capacity diminished on dark nights. Repelled by dark patterns Anderson (1958) Trionyx muticus, Grnp- Suggestion that primary orientation is by nega- temys pulchrn, Grnp- tive response to dark objects, with telotaxis and temys oculijera "direct visual response'' to water perhaps re- enforcing factors. "It is apparent that many variations in orientation mechanism exist in turtles'' Carr and Ogren (1959) Dermochelys Positive reaction to openness of outlook and large areas of illnmination. Basic kinesis clearly sup- plemented by capacity to use information of various sorts for repeated topical reorientation in complex landscape 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 31 ent, i.e., sloping evenly downward to the flashlight was played upon them. In such surf; (2) on open beach with an upward cases all but one turtle, which crawled gradient leading to a crest making a sand steadily seaward in spite of the light, stopped, horizon and requiring an initial upward turned, and headed up the light beam for as climb; (3) behind obstructions (debris, vege- long as it was there. The spread of the sea- tation, or buildings), with extreme cases com- ward trails of the 10 hatchlings was 6 yards at bining compound gradient and heavy clutter; the point of release and 20 yards at the (4) on the shore of an alien body of water water. (bank of a lagoon; Pacific beach across isth- TEST2 mus); (5) where a choice between home water and alien water was presented (a peninsula DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 27, between lagoon and sea; a point surrounded 1958; 0810 hours; 10 young, hatched night of by sea, pass, and cove). The results of these August 26. tests, and of a few inconclusive trials with CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 7). Clear mature female turtles, are recounted below. morning. The turtles were placed in a shallow pit and covered with a few inches of sand. The TESTSON OPENBEACH, WITH GRADIENT site was a level terrace on open, unobstructed LEADINGDOWNWARD TO SEA beach 36 paces from the surf. The terrace ex- TEST1 tended seaward for 18 paces, after which the ground sloped evenly for the rest of the way DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE: August 26, to the water. 1958; 2230 hours; 10 young, hatched same RESULTS:Three turtles came out directly; night. the rest had to be prompted with a stick. CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 7). Sky Those coming out on the land side made clear, moon high, in last quarter. The turtles short semicircular crawls, then stopped, were covered with 2 inches of sand in a shal- peered, and reoriented correctly towards the low pit on open beach 7.5 yards from the water. Those that came out on the sea side surf, with an even downgrade leading sea- crawled towards the surf without preliminary ward and without major obstructions. These reconnaissance or hesitation. The spread of conditions were as nearly average for emer- the trails of the orientating turtles was 2 gence of Clzelonia at Tortuguero as could be yards at the point of release and 22 yards at arranged. The reburial in a second artificial the surf. nest constituted the only obviously irregular factor. TEST3 RESULTS:The turtles scratched their way DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 20, out of the covering sand and without hesita- 1958; 2000 hours; 10 young, emerged night of tion headed for the water. Three, which came August 17 and kept in a dry box prior to trial. out on a course parallel with the shore, made CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 8). Clear a semicircular path that ended in a correct night. Moon in first quarter, 35 degrees up in heading. All others took and held correct west. Group released on open, evenly sloping courses, with no stopping or evident perusal beach in front of camp, 32 yards from the of surroundings, except when the heam of a sea.


>-s<,..:.y, ?-. <~. :...... y ,...:.. :-=%?..=.=,,,...... ;...... :....:%"%,2*:v,; ,.7


FIG. 8. Beach profile, showing conditions of tests 3 and 4.

RESULTS:All oriented correctly. Spread of yards from surf on almost level beach unob- tracks at release point 2 yards; at water, 15 structed towards the sea. yards. RESULTS:Three turtles quickly moved off on correct headings. Five others circled inde- TEST 4 cisively and gradually headed off on correctly DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:September 3, oriented headings towards the surf line. One 1958; 0948 hours; 10 young, emerged during turtle showed no reaction at all. When poked night of August 29, kept thereafter in shallow with a twig, it burst into a frenzy of swim- water, in which swimming reflexes were de- ming movements, then quieted down and veloped. started crawling off seaward. After five min- CONDITIONSOF TEST: (See fig. 8). Cloudy utes the first turtle had entered the water; day, squall over sea. Point of release 20 yards after nine minutes the last entered. The from surf, on open beach free of obstacles and track spread was 5 yards at the point of re- sloping .towards sea. As trial progressed, lease and 18 yards at the surf line. squall moved in; the last turtles entered the sea in a heavy rain. RESULTS:At the site of release, the spread of the orientation trails of nine turtles was 3 yards. One individual wandered over 9 yards DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 18, before finding and keeping a correct heading. 1958; 1630 hours; 10 young, emerged during The combined trails spread For 12 yards along night of August 17-18, kept in pen before the surf line. trial. TEST5 CONDITIONSOF TEST: (See fig. 9). Sky partly cloudy. Turtles released on unclut- DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:September 4, tered beach 20 yards out from cocal, with a 1958; 0906 hours; 10 young, emerged during slight upgrade making a sand horizon be- night of August 24, kept in water, in which tween the site of release and the sea, which swimming and feeding behavior had devel- was 29 yards away. oped. RESULTS:After 15 seconds all but one tur- CONDITIONSOF TEST: Site OF release 28 tle had taken seaward headings. At the end of -I0 yds released

FIG.9. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 6. 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES


.py..w...... L .... .7%.*? ....:...... ?..!? ...i::.?;~~~::~~:??;>?:<> %.+...... ',+q:...:...... ::.::;:::..<::.y~~"::

released 1

FIG.11. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 9 34 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 -10 yds released

FIG. 12. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 10 turtles to seaward, and with coco fringe be- held these in spite of repeated attacks by hind them. ghost crabs. The spread of trails they left was RESULTS: The first turtle had oriented 6 feet across the point of release and 33 feet within one minute; the last, within three at the water line. minutes. The spread of the combined trails TEST11 was 3 yards at the site of release and 17 yards at the surf. DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 24, 1958; 1840 hours; 10 young, emerged August TEST10 23 at 2000 hours,. kept. in drv . .pen until time of DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE: August 15, trial. 1958; 1700 hours; 23 young, emerged during CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 13). Clear night of August 11. The sample was carried night with three-quarter moon high in sky to by airplane across the isthmus to Quepos, on southward. Site of release in front of coco the Pacific, and back-a three-day trip in a fringe, with a low slope rising to a crest about sack. halfway to thesurf, which was 32 yards away. CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 12). Site of The crest of the slope made a sand horizon release was a clean beach separated from the from turtle-eye level; otherwise there was no sea by a slight upgrade and a crest 10 feet important obstruction of the seaward path. away. Beyond this crest there was an even RESULTS:All oriented properly within 30 downward slope to the water. The glow of the seconds, crawled rapidly, and entered the sunset made a broad area of intense illumina- water on almost prependicular courses three tion in the west. minutes after release. Spread of trails 1 yard RESULTS:Turtles very active, showing no at point of release, 8 yards at water. sign of weakness or loss of capacity as a result TESTSWITH CLUTTEREDFOREGROUND of their abnormal background (the round AND COMPOUNDSEAWARD GRADIENT trip, involving climbs to 11,000 feet in alti- tude, to the Pacific side and back). Within TEST12 one minute all had taken seaward headings DATE. TIME,AND SAMPLE:September 3, that needed no further correction, and all 1858; 0932 hours; 10 young, emerged during

10 yds

FIG.13. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 11. 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 35 10 yds , released I

FIG. 14. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 12, night of August 29, kept in tank with very away) and separated from sea, 72 yards shallow water. away, by debris, by several low ridges, and by CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 14). Sky a mass of coco-plum bushes 30 feet long and cloudy, squall over ocean. The turtles were 4 or 5 feet high. released between two low dunes, the crests of RESULTS:Within one minute, all the tur- which made both the seaward and landward tles had found correct headings; all reached horizons for the sample. The cocal was 30 the sea the first 16 minutes after release. The yards away and the sea 54 yards away. The spread of trails was 2 yards across the side of beach was littered with heavy debris and release and 19 yards at the water. much torn up by nesting turtles. RESULTS:At the end of one minute one tur- TEST14 tle had taken a correct heading. After five DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 28, minutes all had oriented correctly, but the 1958; 2200 hours; 10 young, emerged during trip to the water was repeatedly interrupted night of August 27, kept in dry pen. by pauses, irregular circling, and temporary CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 16). Clear reversals of course. At the end of 14 minutes night, with full moon in south. Point of re- all the turtles were making progress towards lease 56 yards from the sea, the way to which the sea, but very slowly, two being still only was blocked by dense growth of sea grape, 4 7 yards from the site of release. The test was feet high, and by the crest of a low dune be- then ended, because of the difficulty of keep- yond the bushes. ing the hatchlings in sight amid the beach RESULTS:All immediately took seaward drift. headings and kept them for the 9 yards to the sea grapes, where six turtles went around the TEST13 bushes at the northern end and four rounded DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 24, the southern end. All then reoriented on 1958; 1928 hours; 10 young, emerged August routes that would have taken them almost 23 at 2000 hours, kept in dry pen. straight to the water. Because it was not pos- CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 15). Three- sible to keep track of the split sample in the quarter moon high in the south; sky clear. dark, the test was abandoned before the Site of release just in front of cocal (3 yards turtles reached the sea.

10 yds

...... '. 'COCAL ...... '..'... . BEACH ...... FIG.15. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 13. 36 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121

sea grape barrier 10 yds released 4 ft high, 25 ft long

-,.- la.rn.,: ....:...... -:...... WL.. ::' . :.: ..... ::.:> .;...:...... >::, ...... :...... :,. ..-:.:^w:,, ...... :...... , . .; Y-ey ...... BEACH ...... : . : : .'SURF ......

FIG. 16. Beach profile, showing conditions of test 14.

CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 17). Site of release on hare, sloping sand shore under boat shed, 2 feet from edge of lagoon, which was. 250 yards wide at point of release, with heavy woods on the far side. Sample released in two- 1958; 0800 hours; 10 young, emergelevening groups of 10 turtles each. of August 26. RESULTS: Hatchlings slow to respond, CONDITIONS OF TEST:(See fig. 17). Clear showing much hesitation, peering, and cran- morning. Turtles released on shore of lagoon, ing of necks, and little sign of rising interest as under overhanging roof of boat shed, 6 feet they neared the water. Once in the water, all from the water on sloping sandy bank. The headed straight across towards the far bank. site of release was heavily shaded; the western For the whole distance across the river they shore of-the lagoon, about 250 yards away, swam under water and bobbed up at the sur- was brightly lighted by the morning sun. face, where they stopped and for some mo- RESULTS:Although the movement towards ments peered about as if scanning the land- the water was less positive and rapid (less scape. When approached by the observer in "confident") than that of hatchlings going a canoe, all quickly dived and made evasive towards the sea, the whole sample neverthe- changes of course, resuming the heading to- less reached the water within one minute. For wards the far shore when the canoe dropped a time all swam directly away from shore, back. Within 10 minutes all had reached a bobbing up repeatedly as if to take new bear- zone of shallow water over a bed of Potamo- ings. Just before the heads disappeared, they geton that extended 50 feet out from shore. were seen to be angling off downstream, per- Here they scattered, the majority making off haps simply being carried by the ebbing tide. downstream, the direction in which, from the boat, the sky seemed to be most intensely lighted.

DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 16, TEST17 1958; 1100 hours; 20 young, emerged during DATE,TIME, AND SAMPLE:September 21, night of August 10, kept in tank of water 1957; 1630 hours; 11 young, emerged (at Tor- prior to test. tuguero on the Caribbean shore) September

50 yds


...... ?>,? ..... :.~rn?.7-. . ,. FOREST LAGOON BAR ' SEA FIG. 17. Profile of Tortuguero beach and lagoon, showing conditions of tests 15 and 16. CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 37 released 10- yds

FIG. 18. Profile of beach near Quepos, Pacific coast of costa Rica, showing conditions of test 18.

9, kept for part of the time prior to release in a one individual seem to be only an accidentally tank of water and for part in a dry box. appropriate aberration, CONDITIONSOF TEST:Site of release the open beach at San Isidro, near Punta Arenas, Costa Rica, on the Gulf of Nicoya, exposed to DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 12, full Pacific surf. Turtles placed in a shallow 1958; 1613 hours; six young, emerged morn- hole, with a log on the seaward side. ing of August 12 (the same day) at Tortu- RESULTS:One turtle scrambled quickly out euero,- carried in bag- on flight. across the isth- of the pit, moved to a point beyond the end of mus. the log, stopped, craned its neck, peered CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 18). Quepos, about briefly, and then made off straight for Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Clear sunny day, the sea. The others emerged with varying de- with some clouds over sea. High mountains grees of dispatch. The most active of these some miles back of beach, partly in cloud. took a heading straight inland. When picked Most extensive and intense illumination down up 30 feet from the nest and replaced, the the shore to the northwest, not over the turtle came out at once and took the same di- ocean. Site of release the crest of a dune, ametrically incorrect heading. This hatchling with a strong seaward slope, then a low rise to was retrieved four more times (six times in the top of another lower dune, then a steep all), and in every case it emerged without hes- downgrade to the sea, 140 feet away. itation and headed off in the same inland di- RESULTS:After three minutes the first tur- rection. At the end of half an hour six of the tle had oriented correctly; within eight min- turtles had oriented properly. Four were slow utes all had correct headings. There was some to respond, and, as replacements were not pausing to pivot about and scan the land- available, they were carried down to hard, scape, with necks stretched at a 45-degree flat, wave-wet sand and released there. All angle, after which the seaward movement immediately crawled into the water, where was resumed. On the strongest downward they were watched throughout the period of slopes the pace was most rapid, and the their traversal of the breakers. Although the turtles moved with necks stretched far for- character of the long-period, powerful Pacific ward, parallel with the ground. Evidently surf was markedly different from that of the positive geotaxis may enter the orientation Caribbean, in which their ancestral responses pattern as a subsidiary stimulus, although it developed, none of the turtles seemed at a loss is easily overridden. The spread of the six in the long rollers, and all eventually ap- trails was 6 yards across the point of release peared in the calm water seaward of the and 12 yards at the surf line. breakers. Although the stubborn selecting of an inland heading by one of these hatchlings TESTSIN WHICHHATCHLINGS WERE seemed dramatic confirmation of what a prej- OFFEREDA "CHOICE" BETWEEN udiced manipulator would expect of little BODIESOF WATER turtles carried from an Atlantic to a Pacific TEST19 shore, the fact that its siblings found the sea DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 12, without setbacks makes the behavior of the 1958; 1636 hours; five young, emerged morn- BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 released 10 yds I -

FIG. 19. Profile of beach and dunes (from sea to lagoon) near Quepos, Pacific coast of Costa Rica, showing conditions of test 19. ing of August 12 (the same day) at Tortu- strongly illuminated outlook was that down a guero on Caribbean shore; turtles carried in 10-degree sector, bounded on the north by bag on flight across isthmus. trees and on the south by the boat shed, lead- CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 19). Open ing to the lagoon. Pacific beach north of Quepos, Costa Rica. RESULTS:After three minutes of vacilla- Weather clouding, sun hidden for most of tion, during which they several times headed time of test; clouds low on mountains inshore temporarily towards the camp house, five tur- from the beach. Sample released 35 yards tles were heading almost directly towards the from the surf on the strongly inclined land- lagoon. After eight minutes, and much cir- ward side of a high dune, the crest of which cling and hesitation, the sixth hatchling had hid the sea from turtle-eye level. The land- found a course to the lagoon. The remaining ward slope led back to a sparse growth of sea four turtles showed no reaction at all and oats, with" the water of a lagoon visible in the were replaced with four fresh ones. After four background. minutes all these were well down the 10-de- RESULTS:After two minutes, one turtle gree sector towards the lagoon, which the first had reacted and was correctly headed. The turtle entered 19 minutes after the start of the others straggled into seaward courses. The test. spread of trails was 7 yards at the site of re- lease and 36 yards at the water. TEST21 DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 29, TEST20 1958; 1445 hours; 10 young, emerged during DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:September 3, night of August 26, kept in dry pen prior to 1958; 0907 hours; 10 young, emerged during test. night of August 26, kept in shallow water in CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 21). Light tank prior to test. rain, complete overcast. This test involved CONDITIONSOF TEST: (See fig. 20). Turtles maximum confusion and obstruction of the released in coconut grove, 50 feet from lagoon horizon and surroundings and, in addition, of- shore. The camp house obstructed the path fered a choice between bodies of water. The towards the sea, and the most open and sea was 100 yards, thelagoon about 40, away.


FIG. 20. Sketch of premises of camp, showing conditions of test 20. 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 39

FIG. 21. Sketch of premises of camp, showing conditions of test 21.

The site of release was the back yard of the back three times before finally getting into camp, where buildings, trees, boxes, dogs, and past the surf. chickens, and miscellaneous debris broke the horizon in every direction, except for a 10- TEST22 degree slot angling obliquely towards the surf DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 20, line by the north end of the house. Although 1958; 2015 hours; 10 young, emerged during the sea was not visible, the narrow seaward night of August 17. kept in dry pen. outlook was by far the least obstructed and CONDITIONSOF TEST:Clear night; three- best illuminated one. quarter moon, 35 degrees up in west. Site of RESULTS:After one minute, one turtle had release, back yard of camp, as in preceding taken a heading towards the corridor leading daytime test. towards the ocean. After three minutes, all RESULTS:During the first few minutes all were heading into it. As they approached the hatchlings found headings, but the grass in house there was much confusion and stopping front of the house, when reached, interrupted and taking of what, for want of a good name, progress towards the beach. After two hours we have called the "inspection stance1'-a two turtles were found still crawling in the standard attitude in which the hatchling yard, and the others had been lost from vieyin stops, raises its body slightly off the ground the grass. This performance seemed much anteriorly, and, with neck outstretched at a less effective than that of the sample re- 45-degree angle, remains motionless for sev- leased in the same place by daylight. (Cf. eral or for many seconds. This could conceiv- Anderson, 1958, who found fresh-water ably be a simple act of landscape appraisal, hatchlings unable to orient on dark nights but more likely it involves a sensory search amid clutter characteristic of nesting sites of for some more special cue. In any case, the fresh-water turtles.) turtle usually moves off with evidently re- newed energy ("confidence") at the end of such a stop. Perhaps this is a rudimentary, or Tests 23 through 37 were made on the low vestigial, form of the "orientation circle" of sandy tip of the spit at the northern end of hatchling Dermochelys (see Carr and Ogren, the Tortuguero peninsula. A curve of the 1959), which the pivoting and irregularly cir- river cuts into the peninsula just short of the cular interruptions of heading observed in tip, making a deep cove there. The river then other young green turtles may be also. In the swings inland, then directly seaward, to join present case, all the turtles entered the sea, the Caribbean at the bar (as the Creoles call the last being found on the lower beach an the pass). The end of the peninsula is thus a hour after the time of release. The trail of this spit shaped like a golf club, with the head al- last individual showed that it had abandoned most completely surrounded by water-the the clear path taken by the others and had cove. the river, and, to the east, the sea. This come around the south end of the house. whole oblong area is low and sandy and, al- When found, it was evidently tired and was though strewn with flood litter from the river crawling slowly and jerkily towards the wa- and sea and set with low brush or patches of ter. On reaching the wavewash, it was thrown grass, is without woody vegetation. The 40 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 cleanest distant horizons from any point on upstream direction. About 20 yards out from the spit are the horizon to seaward and that shore each in turn seemed to become con- upstream across the cove. Various degrees of fused, abandoned its straight course, and blocking of the outlook were achieved by swam about in aimless, irregular sallies sepa- varying the point of release with reference to rated by pauses, during which it dog-paddled foreground litter on the spit; to the spread of about with neck upstretched. In this disori- open (or hyacinth-covered) water of the cove; ented and seemingly helpless state the group to the relatively narrow river (bordered on gradually scattered. After 15 minutes the the west by high shore forest); and to the only turtle in sight was one still pursuing an pass, with the isolated mass of Cerro Tortu- erratic course in the river parallel to the west guero rising to the north, and with open ocean shore of the peninsula. The initial drive in this to the east. case soon broke down. Such behavioral break- down suggests that successful orientation, TEST23 after the water is reached, may depend in part DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 20, on the orderly sequence of the stimuli pre- 1958; 1025 hours; 10 young, emerged during sented during the normal approach to and night of August 17, kept in dry pen prior to traversal of sea surf. After the first 20-yard test. movement to the southward the movements CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 22). Cloudy of all these hatchlingsin thecalm water of the day, with intermittent light rain. Turtles re- cove and river seemed wholly random. leased on bank of cove, where a clean, hard sand beach, 10 feet wide, lay between the in- TEST24 shore litter and the water. The cove was free DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 20, of hyacinths; the water was only a few inches 1958; 1005 hours; 10 young, emerged during deep forsome 20 feet out from shore. night of August 17, kept in dry pen. RESULTS:Five turtles headed directly for, CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 22). Cloudy and entered, the water. The other five showed day, with intermittent light rain. Turtles re- some hesitation, making frequent reversals of leased in a litter of old hyacinth rafts on shore direction, going in and out of the inch-deep of cove, where the shortest route to water was water for eight minutes before the last en- 25 feet in an upstream direction (towards a tered. Once in the water, for a time all swam bright horizon and parallel to the sea beach straight away from the bank (which ran in an beyond which the sky was also brightly il- east-west direction) and across the cove in an luminated).

FIG.22. Region at mouth of Tortuguero River, showing conditions of tests 23, 24, and 25. The arrows indicate general headings taken by individuals or by subgroups of the sample. 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 41

RESULTS:Five found direct paths to the lay to seaward, the generally clearest and cove; five others hesitated and wandered aim- brightest prospect was that across the cove lessly for a while, four minutes elapsing before and up the river to northward. the last had found a proper course not later RESULTS:Reaction of sample immediate abandoned. The progress of all these was and strong. All headed at once for the water hindered by the litter of sticks and hyacinth of the cove, one angling towards the river, the wrack. As each entered the water it encount- rest going almost directly. The spread of all ered hyacinths drifting about in the back- the trails at the water's edge was 3 yards. water. These were various distances from Once in the water, three seemed confused, re- shore and in masses of various sizes, and they turning repeatedly to shore and swimming seemed to be a disorienting factor for all the parallel with the bank for a long distance. The hatchlings, causing them to veer about on rest fanned out over the cove and were lost to aimless headings. The only consistent tend- view. ency was an eastward heading by four tur- tles which bore away from the rafts and towards the west shore of the peninsula (with DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 23, the ocean sky behind it). Twenty-five min- 1958; 1328 hours; 10 young, emerged during utes after release, the heads of some of the night of August 11, kept in tank of water. turtles were still bobbing up among the hy- CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 23). Day acinths, but soon afterward they were lost to hazy-bright, with thin clouds and intermit- view. tent full sun. Turtles released just south of site of release in preceding test, where 7 feet of litter and 12 feet of clean beach separated DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 23, them from the water of the cove. Heavy de- 1958; 1313 hours; 10 young, emerged during bris in all other directions. night of Auiust 11, kept in tank of water RESULTS: One turtle headed southwest prior to test.- towards the river, across the trash-strewn CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 22). Day spit. The rest took almost direct headings, the bright, with some haze. Turtles released on first reaching the water within one minute, north shore of cove. 25 feet from the water the last within three minutes. The spread of and slightly to the west of release point in pre- the trails of these was 30 feet at the edge of ceding test. Although no major obstruction the water. The hatchling that took the west-

FIG. 23. Region at mouth of Tortuguero River, showing conditions of tests 26, 27, 28, and 29. The arrows indicate general headings taken by individuals or by subgroups of the sample. 42 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 erly course eventually entered the lagoon, ming across the cove towards its inner shore. Once in the water, all swam off upstream, In the middle of the cove all were lost to view their heads bobbing up at intervals of about when caught by current and eddies or hidden five seconds for as long as they remained in by drifting hyacinths. There seemed a clear view. tendency here for the sample hatchlings, after TEST27 entering the water, to swim towards the bright sea-sky rather than to the locally less DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 27, obstructed up-river outlook. 1958; 1228 hours; 10 young, emerged during night of August 25, kept in dry pen. TEST30 CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 23). Clear DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 20, day. Site of release opposite head of cove, 12 1958; 1100 hours; 10 young, emerged during feet from water, on clean, flat beach just in night of August 17, kept in dry pen. front of a 4-foot stand of panic grass. CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 24). Sky RESULTS:All headed for the shore of the overcast. Turtles released 15 feet from water cove, and within two minutes all were in the on clean, hard sand at north side of cove, water. One later crawled back onto the bank where it joins the river. The most unob- but quickly reentered the water. structed outlook lay to the south, across the TEST28 cove, and upriver. The brightest sky seemed to be that over the sea in the direction of the DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE: August 27, pass. The path in this direction lay across low, 1958; 1240 hours; 10 young, emerged during relatively flat ground. There was only low night of August 25, kept in dry pen. clutter to obstruct the way in this direction, CONDITIONSor TEST:(See fig. 23). Clear and from turtle-eye level it must have offered day. Turtles released 30 feet from north shore the most open outlook. of-cove, in an uncluttered area of sand, with RESULTS:After 15 minutes three turtles scattered shrubs and tall grasses to seaward. were heading "inland," that is, were crossing RESULTS:Reaction of sample weak and er- the broadest expanse of dry land that present- ratic, although there was a general tendency ed itself-that leading to the sea and the pass. to head overland towards the river, more than The others had gone directly to the lagoon, 100 yards away. The extreme heat of the sand where all swam eastward until they, too, were appeared to be the cause of the feeble re- heading in a seaward direction. This sample sponse. When one turtle died, evidently from was clearly faced by two competing initial at- the heat, the rest were picked up, and the test tractions: the bright seaward sky, with rela- was ended. tively open foreground, and the more imme- TEST29 diately accessible water of the lagoon. Al- DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE: August 20, though separated at the start, all the 1958; 1045 hours; 10 young; emerged during hatchlings eventually headed eastward (sea- night of August 17, kept in dry pen. ward), part on land and part in the water. CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 23). Sky TEST31 overcast. Site of release 15 feet from water at DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 20, the northern side of the cove where it joined 1958; 1120 hours; 10 young, emerged during the river. night of August 17, kept in dry pen. RESULTS:One turtle headed for lagoon by CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 24). Over- the most direct route, reaching it after five cast sky. Sample released on west tip of spit, 5 minutes' travel. The others all took headings feet from water of river. towards the sea (thus "inland" with respect RESULTS: All crawled directly into the to the tip of the peninsula) and parallel to the river, and there swam away upstream against shore of the cove. At first much hindered by the current. debris (stranded hyacinth rafts) these, one by TEST32 one, worked into the incurving, clear, shore zone of the cove and entered the water. Here DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 23, each continued its "seaward" course, swim- 1958; 1340 hours; 10 young, emerged during CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES

.::7.7.5 : .'. ^,re :7 / SPIT \

FIG.24. Region at mouth of Tortuguero River, showing conditions of tests 30, 31, 32, and 33. The arrows indicate general headings taken by individuals of by subgroups of the sample. night of August 11, kept in tank of water CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 25). Hazy prior to test. and partly cloudy, with occasional full sun- CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 24). Hazy- shine. Site of release 50 feet back from the bright day, with intermittent full sun. Turtles water of the pass, near the mid point in the released in trash' on shore of pass 10 feet from long, east-west axis of the spit, where the sea nearest water. All took initial headings paral- horizon and surf were visible off the mouth of lei to edge of water, and towards the sea off the pass, 100 yards away. In the opposite di- the mouth of the pass. Three soon turned rection the upstream horizon was open and towards pass, entered it, and swam upstream. bright. The rest were slowed by heavy debris. The RESULTS:At the outset the sample broke test ended when the observer's dugout drifted up into three groups, one going towards the away and had to be retrieved. sea parallel to the shore of the inlet, one head- ing directly for the inlet, and the third going directly away from the sea and towards the DATE, TIME, AND SAMPLE:August 20, eastern shore of the river. The four individ- 1958; 1130 hours; 10 young, emerged during uals heading towards the ocean moved with night of August 17, kept in dry pen. markedly more "confidence" and energy than CONDITIONSOF TEST:(See fig. 24). Sky the others. Those that went west hesitated overcast. Turtles released 25 feet from pass on and made several reversals of course before clear, level sand, surrounded by water for finally reaching the water. about 300 degrees. The sea was 100 yards away and made the horizon from turtle-eye level. DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 23, RESULTS:After four minutes all were head- 1958; 1428 hours; 10 young, emerged during ing seaward parallel to shore of inlet, crawling night of August 11, kept in water in tank. steadily and actively. The spread of trails was CONDITIONSOF TEST: (See fig. 25). Day 6 yards at the site of release and 42 yards hazy-bright, with thin clouds and intermit- where the turtles entered the sea. tent full sunlight. Point of release midway be- tween sea and river (100 yards from each), 40 TEST34 feet back from the pass. Surrounding terrain DATE, TIME,AMD SAMPLE:August 23, with considerable low clutter. 1958; 1435 hours; 10 young, emerged during RESULTS:This was an unusually active night of August 11, kept in tank of water. group. All reacted immediately and quickly 44 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121

took courses not later abandoned. Five went not the same ones used above, but from the towards the ocean off the pass and five headed same egg clutch. One of these reached the wa- in the opposite direction, towards the cove. ter on a long, angling heading. The rest scat- As in some of the preceding tests, the nearest tered up and down the beach. water (the river) was not sought, perhaps be- cause the forest on the far shore blocked the TEST37 prospect. Each of the two groups went DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 15, towards what, to a man, seemed the bright 1957; noon; four mature females, turned and unobstructed horizons. when they emerged to lay the night before. MISCELLANEOUSTESTS WITH CONDITIONSOF TEST:Clear day. Eyes of HATCHLINGSAND WITH MATURE turtles heavily covered with gauze bandage FEMALESASHORE TO NEST and adhesive tape. Released on open shore, 15 to 65 feet from wave-washed sea beach. TEST36 RESULTSOF TEST:All four moved about at DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:September 9, random, with frequent stops during which 1957; 1400 hours; 17 young, justemerged. they craned their necks or twisted their heads CONDITIONSOF TEST:Clear day. Hatch- sideways. Reversals of heading and circular lings blindfolded with hoods of adhesive tape. interruptions of course were frequent. These Released on almost flat expanse of beach very blinded individuals showed more marked slightly inclined upward towards the sea. tendency to make an "orientation circle" than RESULTS:One of the group not blindfolded any turtles we had tested except the trunk- made off directly towards the sea and entered back (see Carr and Ogren, 1959). While mak- the surf. The others scuttled aimlessly about, ing one such circle, one of the turtles reached evidently completely lost. After seven min- the sea when she tumbled down an undercut utes, three had reached the water by circui- bank some distance down the shore from the tous courses, quite clearly by accident. The point of release. The others kept moving at rest scattered for about 20 yards up and down random, until finally the blindfolds were re- the beach, making only incidental progress moved. Each then quickly took direct sea- towards the sea. Eventually two managed to ward headings and entered the surf. scrape off their blindfolds, and these immedi- ately oriented properly and entered the TEST38 water. DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 16, The test was repeated with 11 hatchlings, 1958; 0900 hours; one adult female, taken

FIG.25. Region at mouth of Tortuguero River, showing conditions of tests 34 and 35. The arrows indicate general headings taken by individuals or by subgroups of the sample. 1960 CARR AND OGREN: SEA TURTLES 45

FIG.26. Sketch showing conditions and summarizing results of trials in test 40. the night before when reentering the sea after ling hawksbills with the same history, re- a trial emergence (when she did not nest). leased at the same time, only one found the CONDITIONSOF TEST: The turtle was water.) dragged on her back to a point behind the camp house 100 yards from the sea and about 30 yards from the lagoon and released amid To determine initial headings and behavior heavy and miscellaneous clutter (including on reentering the sea, 14 mature females, the house) which hid the sea completely. taken the night before when they had come RESULTS:The turtle turned and moved ashore to nest, were marked with balloons straight towards the beach on a course that and released on the beach. In three cases the took her under the camp house. After clatter- line fastening the balloon to the shell was too ing about among boards and bottles there, she short to let it rise to the surface. Results of reversed her heading, came out from under the 11 other tests (in which the lines used the house, turned again, and continued sea- were 36 feet long) are given below. The num- ward around its southern end. She reached the bers are those of the fin tags with which the surf without further digression or hesitation. turtles were marked. In each case the direc- tion given is a bearing taken on the balloon TEST39 from the point of release (see fig. 25). After DATE, TIME,AND SAMPLE:August 13, the first few feet, the axial orientation of the 1957; mid afternoon; three young, one year turtle's body could of course not be seen, and old, kept in tank at hatching site (Tortuguero the changes in position that had occurred camp) prior to time of trial. may have been due to set as well as to actual CONDITIONSOF TEST: Clear day. Point of headway. release 60 feet from sea on open beach, with NUMBER641: September 7, 1957. Turned slight initial grade upward towards the water. sharply southward on being lifted by surf. RESULTS:All showed hesitancy at first, After about 50 yards on this course, she with short zigzag runs and reversals. Each turned seaward. Balloon lost to view 1000 made two or more rough circles, suggestive of yards out, a little less than 15 minutes after the more formal orientation circles of young release. Last bearing, east-northeast. Dermochelys (Carr and Ogren, 1959). After NUMBER640: September 7, 1957. Angled five minutes all three had taken direct head- sharply to southward immediately on enter-' ings towards the surf. All were picked up just ing surf and swam about 50 yards before before they entered the water. (Of five year- changing course to east-northeast to east, 46 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 after about 15 minutes. Balloon lost from east to east. After 16 minutes, about 1400 view about 1000 yards out when bearing was yards out. After 35 minutes, balloon barely east-northeast to east. visible, intermittently; bearing still east- NUMBER652: September 8, 1957. Headed northeast to east. straight out through breakers, reaching calm NUMBER797: September 2, 1958. A turtle water beyond surf after four or five minutes, tbat had been caught during a trial emer- blowing three times on the way. Then she gence and had not laid was released at 0950 turned to the right into an east-northeast hours. Through the surf she took a course an- heading and held this until the balloon dis- gling to northward. After 25 minutes she was appeared 1000 to 1200 yards out; bearing about 1 mile offshore; bearing east-northeast east-northeast to east. to east. NUMBER646: Conditions and results as in UNTAGGEDTURTLE: Released September 3, the preceding case. 1958, at 0821 hours. After four minutes, be- NUMBER644: September 8, 1957. Turned yond outer breakers, 175 yards out. After 11 abruptly northward on being lifted by wave minutes 300 yards out, bearing north-north- wash and swam about 50 yards along beach. east. After 23 minutes bearing shifted to east- Then she turned seaward, went through outer northeast to east. After 39 minutes, disap- breakers, and after 15 minutes disappeared peared about 1 mile out, bearing still 1000 yards out on heading indistinguishable east-northeast to east. from that taken by preceding turtles; hearing The fact that in all these tests the retreat- east-northeast to east. ing turtle was almost abreast of the point of NUMBER643: September 8, 1957. As ob- release when the balloon disappeared might served and recorded, results exactly as in case be taken as indication that the initial urge of No. 652 above. was simply to get away from shore. But it is NUMBER642: Conditions and results as in of interest to consider that, at the extreme preceding. distances involved in these scant observa- NUMBER656: July 1, 1958. Overcast sky tions, the seaward course was still evidently and heavy surf. Turtle released at edge of wa- being found and held, in spite of strong cur- ter at 1012 hours. After three minutes she was rent set and of the greatly extended open sea still in the surf, heading south, but being car- horizon. The brightness of the sea-sky may ried northward by current. After six minutes have been the initial cue, but to a turtle a mile she was 60 yards out, still in outer breakers off shore this horizon would have been so ex- and still heading south, but now back abreast tended that its value as a source of guidance of starting point. After 12 minutes, about 100 information to an animal tbat travels by light yards out, at seaward edge of surf zone, a sense would seem small (unless the use of po- little to the south of the starting point. After larization patterns could be postulated). 23 minutes, out of sight beyond surf; bearing Tests of this kind with larger, helium-filled from release point, east-northeast to east. balloons and longer lines, tracked by an ob- NUMBER759; August 11, 1958. Sky clear; server with a range finder and in an elevated surf moderate. Turtle released at 0750 hours. station, may be expected to yield data of After two minutes in near breakers 200 yards some relevance to the problem of high-seas out, she was directly off point of release, hav- navigation, or at least to the question of what ing blown twice up to that point. After 12 turtles do between their successive nesting minutes, 900 yards out, bearing east-north- emergences during a season at the rookery. SUMMARY

1. OF 1178 MATURE FEMALE green turtles It conceivably could involve in part, as An- tagged at Tortuguero during five seasons, derson (1958) suggested, a negative response there have been 35 international recoveries, to the loom of dark objects. some from the farthest reaches of the western C. Whatever the character of the guidance Caribbean. The data strengthen the assump- information, it is available to green turtle tion that the green turtle is a migratory ani- hatchlings by day or by night, when sun or mal and suggest that Tortuguero may be the moon are over the sea or over the land, when chief remaining nesting center for all popula- the weather is clear or overcast. We made no tions of the western Caribbean. tests in heavy rain. 2. The average over-all shell length for the D. The fundamental goal sense in hatch- nesting colony (1146 individuals) is 39.4 lings is not specific for the ancestral body of inches. water; any body of water of extent sufficient 3. Returns of tagged turtles to Tortuguero to provide the requisite "openness of out- reveal that a three-year nesting schedule pre- look" will serve to draw them. dominates, as Harrisson (1956) found to be E. In the response of young turtles tolight the case in the China Sea. Of the Costa Rican there is a complex relation between intensity turtles, however, a minority nest each two and area. The sea-sky draws them away from years; but two-year nesters are evidently not the sun or from a full moon, when either is found in all populations. We have had no re- over the land. A moderate area of unob- turn after an absence of only one year. structed foreground, however (the lagoon in 4. Renesting occurs at Tortuguero at in- our tests, at a distance of 10 feet), sometimes tervals of from-12 to 14 (average 12.5) days, attracts them away from a much more exten- and we find six nestings to be the calculated sive area in the background (such as the sea maximum for a season. across a hundred yards of bush-strewn 5. The average incubation period for 117 beach). It is of interest that this relation be- nests at Tortuguero was found to be 57.5 (48 tween intensity and area is reversed in the to 70) days. case of the very strong light of a gasoline lan- 6. Observations on group facilitation in tern which overrides any other attraction emerging hatchlings are discussed. when set by the water at night, as in the case 7. Nesting behavior is broken down into a of Dermochelys hatchlings (Carr and Ogren, series of stages that appear to be shared by all 1959). Such light even draws the young tur- sea turtles. Ethologic divergence in this he- tles hack on shore after they have entered the behavior involves minor mannerisms only. wave wash. 8. Evidence of site tenacity, from both F. The fundamental goal drive (the telo- long-term and renesting returns, is given, and taxis) is by no means adequate to account for the orientation life of the green turtle is dis- the capacity to orient in normally broken cussed in general terms. beach landscape, much less in the extremes of 9. Results of a series of informal field tests topographic irregularity and clutter in which of orientation capacity and flexibility in orientation is successfully carried out. A vari- hatchlings and in females on shore to nest ety of senses and of sources of topical infor- may be summarized as follows: mation clearly is involved in each trip from A. The fundamentalgoal senseinvolvesvis- the nest to the sea. ual stimuli. G. The "orientation circle" of hatchling B. The fundamental response may be a trunkbacks (Carr and Ogren, 1959) appears modified phototaxis (or a light-compass reac- to have only rudimentary representation in tion, with an angle of 0') which superficial the green turtle. field tests (our own and those of others) sug- H. Young turtles may retain both their gest is a drive towards "openness of outlook," sea sense and their capacity for topical reori- meaning, probably, towards the sort of illumi- entation when held in captivity for long peri- nation that comes from openness of outlook. ods after hatching, even when kept in tanks, 48 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 121 where the swimming and feeding responses lings (easily obtainable in numbers, easily (which normally come after the sea finding manipulated, and from birth known to be venture) are allowed to develop. This sug- provided withastronggoaldrive) would seem gests that neonate young may find the sea in promising. However, the fact that Caribbean the same way that a female returning from hatchlings go readily to a strange ocean when nesting finds it. If this process in turn should allowed to emerge from an artificial nest on prove to duplicate, wholly or in part, the ori- the Pacific shore suggests that taxes, and not entation pattern of the adult in its high-seas compass sense, predominate in the water- navigation, an approach to the study of the finding orientation of young turtles. latter through experimentation with hatch-

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