List of Chevy Chase Reading Class Texts and Members by Year Or "Season"
Chevy Chase Historical Society List of Chevy Chase Reading Class Texts and Members by Year or "Season" Note: The year or "season" began in the fall, usually October or November, and continued through spring, usually April or May. Starting in the second season (1900-1901), the group generally met once a week, excluding holidays. Information about their reading lists is found in two kinds of documents in the CCHS Archive: First, "The Outline History of the Chevy Chase Reading Class," a bound journal covering the years 1899-1900 to 1924-1925 second, nine small booklets, each covering a season from 1919-20 to 1930-31. The Reading Class member assigned to Year Author(s) Title a text -- or all members of the Reading Class that year. Recorded from Transcript of the "Outline History of the Chevy Chase Reading Class" Mesdames Verrill, Robertson, Bowen and Richards -- and 1899-1900 Taine, Stopford Brookes Books on English literature Mrs. Cousar. Mrs. Verrill, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. 1900-1901 Chaucer, Spenser, Bacon, Swift, Pope, Johnson Reviewed life and works Richars, Misses Mary and Helen Childs, Mrs. Tucker, and Mrs. Weaver. Mrs. Verrill, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Scott, Lamb, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Macaulay, Moore, Richards, Miss M. Childs, Miss H. Childs, Mrs. 1901-1902 Shelley, Keats, Byron Tucker, Mrs. Mower, Mrs. Claude, Mrs. Swartzell, Mrs. Oliphant, and Mrs. Lincoln. Mrs. Verrill, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Thackeray, Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Tennyson, Richards, Miss M. Childs, Miss H. Childs, Mrs. 1902-1903 George Eliot, Carlyle, Ruskin, Mathew Arnold Tucker, Mrs. Claude, Mrs.
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