27 March 2017 Chairman: Councillor
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27 March 2017 Chairman: Councillor A Redpath Vice Chairman: Councillor N Anderson Aldermen: Alderman D Drysdale, Alderman G Rice MBE, Alderman J Dillon MBE JP Councillors: Councillor R Beckett, Councillor A Girvin, Councillor U Mackin, Councillor L Poots, Councillor M Tolerton The Monthly Meeting of the Planning Committee will be held in the Council Chamber, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Monday 3 April 2017 at 2.00 pm, for the transaction of business on the undernoted Agenda. Please note that lunch will be available in The Members Suite from 1.30 pm. Refreshments will also be available in The Members Suite during the adjournment of the meeting at 5.30 pm. You are requested to attend. DR THERESA DONALDSON Chief Executive Agenda 1. Apologies 2. Declarations of Interest 3. Minutes 3.1 Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 6 March 2017 4. Report from the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control 4.1 Report from the Planning Manager 4.1.1 Schedule of Applications to be Determined (1) LA05/2016/0542/F – Local Application (Judicial Review decision quashed) – Proposed temporary surface level car park (for a maximum of 2 years) (Additional information) on lands at 24 Antrim Street, Lisburn. (2) LA05/2015/0338/F – Major Application – The development of 219 houses comprising 90 no 3 & 4 bedroom semi-detached houses and 129 no. 3 & 4 bedroom detached houses, with associated garages and landscaped open space (amended number of houses and site layout) on lands to the north of 21 Knockbracken Road, Belfast and adjoining Brackenhill Crescent and Brackenhill Avenue to the east, Laurelgrove Avenue, Laurelgrove Crescent and Laurelgrove Dale to the north and Croft Hill, BrookeHall Avenue and Brooke Hall Heights to the west. (3) Y/2015/0002/F – Major Application – Application under Article 28 of the Planning (NI) Order 1991 to vary conditions 1 & 2 of permission Y/2000/0506/F (Appeal ref 2000/A278) (as amended by Permission Y/2010/0292/F) and Y/2000/0130/F (Appeal ref 2000/A277) to allow for the construction of an internal mezzanine and the sale of mixed use comparison goods with no more than 75% of the net sales area used for the sale of clothing, footwear and fashion accessories at Unit 1, Drumkeen Retail Park, Upper Galwally, Belfast. (4) LA05/2016/0414/O – Local Application (Previously deferred) – Dwelling on a farm (amended plans) on lands opposite 11 Kilcorig Road, Lisburn. (5) LA05/2016/0676/F – Local Application (Previously deferred) – An infill site for 2 no. two storey detached dwellings, associated garages and landscaping (Design & Statement received/amended site layout plan) on a site between 245 and 251 Hillhall Road, Lisburn. (6) LA05/2016/0692/O – Local Application (Called in) – Infill dwelling and garage on land adjacent to 128 Ballynahinch Road, Carryduff, Belfast. (7) LA05/2016/1195/O – Local Application (Called in) – Proposed development of a chalet bungalow adjacent to existing main dwelling under CTY6 – Personal and domestic circumstances on land adjacent to no 5 Megarrystown Road, Moira. (8) LA05/2015/0815/F – Local Application (Called in) – Erection of one no. dwelling and associated site works on lands adjacent to 23 Culcavy Road, Hillsborough. (9) LA05/2016/0627/F – Local Application (Called in) – Two no. proposed dwellings on land 50m west of 4 Back Road, Drumbo. 4.1.2 Department for Infrastructure (Dfl) Development Management Practice Note 6 – Hazardous Substances Controls. 4.1.3 Tourism NI – Letter explaining approach to Planning Consultation Requests. 4.1.4 Development Management – Appeal Decisions 23 March 2017 4.1.5 Development Management – Live Appeals 23 March 2017 4.2 Conference - Rebuilding Ireland – An integrated approach through local Government. 4.3 NI Planning Statistics 2016/17 Third Quarterly Statistical Bulletin. 4.4 Budget Report – Planning Planning Unit. 5 Confidential Report Members are requested to access the Confidential Report on Share- point under the Confidential Folder – Planning Committee 5.1 Enforcement Cases with Court Proceedings for April 2017 Confidential for reason of information relating to any individual; information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual; and information in relation to which a claim to legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings. 5.2 Rolling Year Absence Figures for the Planning Unit. Confidential as it is information relating to an individual. 9. Any Other Business --ooOOoo-- To: Members of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council PC 06.03.2017 LISBURN & CASTLEREAGH CITY COUNCIL Minutes of Meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Council Chamber, Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Offices, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn on Monday 6 March 2017 at 2.00 pm PRESENT: Councillor A Redpath (Chairman) Councillor N Anderson (Vice-Chairman) Aldermen J Dillon MBE JP, D Drysdale, G Rice MBE Councillors T Beckett, A Girvin, U Mackin, L Poots, M Tolerton OTHER The Right Worshipful the Mayor, R T Bloomfield MBE MEMBERS: Alderman W Leathem Cllrs B Hanvey, J Craig, A Givan and T Morrow IN ATTENDANCE: Lead Head of Planning & Building Control Principal Planning Officers (RH and LJ) Senior Planning Officers (RT, AS and MCO’N) Committee Secretary Attendance Clerk Cleaver Fulton & Rankin Kate McCusker (Legal Advisor) Commencement of Meeting The Chairman, Councillor A Redpath, welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made by the Chairman and some Housekeeping and Evacuation announcements were made by the Lead Head of Service (Planning & Building Control). 1. Apologies There were no apologies. 2. Declarations of Interest The Chairman sought Declarations of Interest from Members and reminded them to complete the supporting forms which had been left at each desk. The following Declarations of Interest were made: • Councillor L Poots declared an interest in Application Number LA05/2016/1080/O due to the fact that the applicant was a relative. He stated that he would be withdrawing during discussion. 200 PC 06.03.2017 3. Minutes It was proposed seconded and agreed, as noted below, that the following Minutes be signed. • Minutes of Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 6 February 2017 – proposed by Alderman J Dillon and seconded by Alderman G Rice. • Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Planning Committee held on 23 February 2017 – proposed by Alderman J Dillon and seconded by Alderman G Rice. 4. Report from the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below:- 4.1 Report by the Planning Manager It was agreed that the report and recommendations within the Planning Manager’s Report be adopted, subject to any decisions recorded below. In the absence of the Planning Manager, the Principal Planning Officer (RH) presented the report and advised that application numbers LA05/2016/0542/F and LA05/2015/0342/O had been withdrawn from the schedule due to receipt of late representations. Items for Decision 4.1.1 Pre-Determination Hearing The Chairman advised that this item would be dealt with later in the meeting in order to facilitate attendance by those making representations. 4.1.2 Schedule of Applications: The Chairman reminded Members that they needed to be present for the entire item. If absent for any part of the discussion they would render themselves unable to vote on the application. The Legal Adviser highlighted paragraphs 46 - 48 of the Protocol for the Operation of the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Planning Committee which, she advised, needed to be borne in mind when determinations were being made. The Chairman advised that there were a number of speakers in attendance making representation on some of the applications and therefore the Schedule of Applications would be taken out of order to enable these applications to be taken first. 201 PC 06.03.2017 (4) Y/2009/0160/F – Major Application – Residential development comprising apartments, semi-detached and detached dwellings (total yield of 380 dwelling units), mixed use centre, public and private open and ancillary infrastructure (Amended plans) on lands to the East and South of the Baronscourt Development and to the North of Edgar Road and the Comber Road, Carryduff, Castlereagh. The Senior Planning Officer (AS) presented this application as outlined within the circulated report. The Committee received Mr David Worthington and Mr Paul Fraser who wished to speak in support of the application highlighting the following: • He concurred with the Report presented. • This was a complex site, there had been a lengthy process which included a public enquiry. • He detailed a Reserved Matters application submitted previously. • He outlined road improvements which had been made to the Comber/Saintfield Road junction which had been incorporated into the scheme. • The site was one which was zoned for housing. • Social housing, of a bespoke design, had been incorporated and would be managed in conjunction with a Social Housing Association • A bus gate had been incorporated. • Community facilities had been included. This was followed by a question and answer session during which some members expressed their concern at traffic problems in the area particularly on the Saintfield Road. At this stage it was proposed by Councillor N Anderson and seconded by Alderman G Rice that this application be deferred pending additional information being provided on traffic concerns at the location, however Alderman D Drysdale opposed this proposal stating that Transport NI had been supportive of the scheme and he did not know from where any additional information would come. He stated that the Committee were keen to progress and determine legacy applications and he did not wish to see this particular application held up in the system any longer than it already had been. The above proposal, to defer the application, was therefore put to a vote and was defeated by a majority of 5:5 with the Chairman having the deciding vote.