2 AUG. 21-SEPT. 3, 2009 LETTERS/WHAT'S INSIDE PACIFIC II! CITlZEN : ..............................................................................................•.....••..•..•.•..••..............................~ · . ~ · LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : HOWTO REACH US E-mail:
[email protected] Online: \YWW.pacfficcitizen.org for the Japanese people, and the JACL." Nisei Ve~s Fought to Tel:(800) 966·6157 After the final vote was passed by th~ Fax: (213) 620-1768 Prove Our.Loyalty JACL delegates to approve the resolution, Mail: 250E.FirstStreet.Suite 301 in protest all the Nisei JACL veterans Los Angeles, CA 90012 walked out of the room. I had the opportunity to read the inter STAFF esting cornmentary, "Remembering the Executive Editor DONALD WAKIDA Caroline Y. Aoyagi-Stom Legacy of the 'No-Nos'" by Barbara CWO - 3, U.S. Navy, Takei.. In the article the writer acknowl Assistant Editor Retired Vietnam veteran Lynda Lin edges that it was the Nisei who answered Confidence in Sotomayor "Yes-Yes," who did not protest and shed Reporter blood to prove their loyalty and reverse NaleaJ. Ko I just finished reading the article, which I found very the anti-Japanese propaganda that led to *** Office Manager interestirig, regarding Sonia Sotomayor in the Aug. 7- the wwn internment. NAACP, Urban Kristin Iwata 20 issue. Sotomayor said: "It is inconceivable today It was these Nisei who formed the Circulation that a decision permitting the detention and arrest of famed 442nd Regimental Combat Team League at EDCl Eva Lau-ling an individual based solely on the basis of their race and the Military Intelligence Service. would be considered appropriate by our government." Many were wounded or killed in action to MDC Bi-District The Pacific Citizen newspaper (ISSN: fight for their country, the United States • 0030-8579) is published semi-monthly The key word in her statement is "today." Sure, it's Just a few words regarding the Pacific of America.