Particles Meet Cosmology and Strings in Boston
PASCOS 2004 Particles meet cosmology and strings in Boston PASCOS 2004 is the latest in the symposium series that brings together disciplines from the frontier areas of modern physics. Participants at PASCOS 2004 and the Pran Nath Fest, which were held at Northeastern University, Boston. They include Howard Baer - front row sixth from left - then, moving right, Alfred Bartl, Michael Dine, Bruno Zumino, Pran Nath, Steven Weinberg, Paul Frampton, Mariano Quiros, Richard Arnowitt, MaryKGaillard, Peter Nilles and Michael Vaughn (chair, local organizing committee). The Tenth International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cos redshift surveys suggests that the critical matter density of the uni mology took place at Northeastern University, Boston, on 16-22 verse is Qm ~ 0.3, direct dynamical measurements combined with August 2004. Two days of the symposium, 18-19 August, were the estimates of the luminosity density indicate Qm = 0.1-0.2. She devoted to the Pran Nath Fest in celebration of the 65th birthday of suggested that the apparent discrepancy may result from variations Matthews University Distinguished Professor Pran Nath. The PASCOS in the dark-matter fraction with mass and scale. She also suggested symposium is the largest interdisciplinary gathering on the interface that gravitational lensing maps combined with large redshift sur of the three disciplines of cosmology, particle physics and string veys promise to measure the dark-matter distribution in the uni theory, which have become increasingly entwined in recent years. verse. The microwave background can also provide clues to inflation Topics at PASCOS 2004 included the large-scale structure of the in the early universe.
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