Srm/rr Clu111 /1 ComiiiU fq Mu1o11 /)pcombor 1 '

Ninoty.Savonth Yo11r, No, 47 3 Soctlons - 24 Poa!JOI 2 Die When Speeding Car Hits· Tree Canvass Sho~s Traffic Rolls l:lpuurllng III'Ulllld Llw m;.J27 Ft' rst F'tgures um·ve u mile no1·th of Leslie J~rl· . . . Over 4 Lanes dny night 2 Stuclthrldge young h men probably never ltnew Wl\111 ose Enoug hapr•cncrl. '!'hell· cur hit n tree c1 Of New Route with Huch force t lint the eut• wus completely demoll~hcd, Inghum's S)'~tem of gnthering '1'1'11 We flowa over ncY' US·127 ' Hohcrt Hlsncl', 2fJ, unci Frunlt nnd tabulating unol'flclnl precinct between Mason nnd Leslie 0 Wallen, 2fl, with nisncl·'~ eoon· return~ on clcclion nll,l'ht wus rc· months uhcnd or schedule. 'l'l1e hound Elwood, we1·c Jwnrlng for mnrlmbly uccUI'alc, 'l'hc official barricades were removed SaLUl'· u coon hunt. Risner and the dog cnnvaHH comtJletcd Jnst Friday duy at 11 o'cloclt WCI'IJ r:ru~hcrl nmld the wrcclwge. proved it, The 2 miles lin tween Mnson unll Wallen wus hu1·lr.d 3.1 teet uhcucl Somc of the rc· rJf the cur nnd l1ls shrws went Tomlinson roud Is of 4·lanc dl· tur·ns were right on the noHe. vldcd construr'lion. 'flw remain· nnolhcr· 30 feet, the cnr struclt Unul1'11'ial tallies were exact for .~ with sut'11 Iorce. The cur battery lng G miles is 1·1fli1C divided but 'Albert E. Cobo, Philip A. Illll't, ' of llmllcd uccess. Old 127 remains flew I00 Ic1•t alimul of the wreck. Tllomos C. Walsh, both Sheriff Ollwr wrcclmgc frum the waH as 11 service I'O'Ld en the cast Ride em· Willard P, Bnrnes und Ills uppo· Hll'cwn fur 50 feet nhenrl of the of the l1lghway and a new service cal', ncnt, Andr·ew B. Harton, C. Ross • rOf:rl Is being lln ishr.d on the west Hillard, Marga1·ct L, Wade, and side. ltl:mer anrl Wallen were lwmlcd Raymond H. Totte. '!'here nrc 3 interchanges with 11orth, Hlsnc1' u t llw wheel. They Exactly rlgh t were the election W!Jre moving at a speed csllmutcll the limited acc!!ss road-ut 'l'om· night totals for Michael D. Iinson, Barnes unci Covert roads. us IJctwr!rJn s;, unci !JO mile~ per O'Ha1·a, unsuccessful candidate huliJ'. 'l'lwh· I!J!i•l Dodge shot From the prcsm 1 terminus sou tit for a supreme court justice, nnd lo Juckson 1he l1!ghwny will be llti'DSS the curve ncar Hull road Robert L. Drnl city's needs. conducting its annual Thanh:sglv· arid other year·end expenses. bid. Bidders must guarantee de· The councll had every opportun· lng used clothing collection for !Ivery by December 15 or stand lty to disqualify the Chevrolet relief of the needy thruughou t . · , the chance of having the contrnct bid,, he added. the world. The campaign was Dog Raids s~~~p Flock voided. All· 4 dealers agree that: The .council's truclt . speciflca· ,opened Sunday and . It will be impossible to guaran: tions. calleil for lO:OOx20 12·ply through next Sunday. . A, dog ldlled•.. 2In sheep.. tile· , Fredand t ee de 11 very o f sue h a bl g true 1t ti res on .. ·a 11 w· h ee 1s and a 12·volt Thep usedd Hclothing will. be sent Wounded Otllcrs .. on such short· notice.. · · 50·am·p· generator. All truck bids to o1 an ,· ungary, Korea, In· Ewers. flock Sunday. The Ewers It will be up to the council to except Chevrolet complied with dia. and to South Africa. It· .will farm· Is on East :Columbia road, determine· whr.ther or not; even the . specifications. , The Rice· be distributed, suld Futher ·Paul Dansville, betw~n K~ndrlck .and this.specltlcatlon will' have to be company.'pfferecl 9:00x20 tires' on DeRose, to the needy fli!gardless Dietz roads. ·The ..farmer saw t~e lowered. , ,: . . 1 • the front ·and specified tires• 00. ~~-their race, color ·or religion. dogs In .the sheep· but he dldn t Following the Fec1·et meeting the rear·and a 40·amp low·cut·in J\ll- kln~s of usable clothing have hls.. shotgun with hlm. Clay· Monday, Councilman ' Richard· generator' which Ingh1·am said can. be .. used, the Mason priest ton· Hulett, county. dog· Warde~; Morris, head of the s'treets com.' "costs just a~ much ·and' lsl'rct~al· s.ald. ·Men's mid .. boys' trousers, took. up the searchA:Je.covered a9. mlttee ·and .. the one , who In· ly better'. than the,one specified;~ ~worlt ·Shoes for both men and 3tmllcs In dlometer but was structed~ CitY. Clet•k. George K,el· ·, Th~ Sllsb~ ·compatly was ..the wom~n.: baby clothing, blankets, to find ·the,~ dogs. Both logg to Issue a purchase order to original· low· bidd<.'r, offering to bedding .and ·other .articles . are ~ongrels~ one . black and ~I Rl~e Cite'vrolet. fo·~· :th~ truck, furnish ··.an .. 'Intet•natlonal truck' desperately ne~d~d, . lui white ·"wlt_h ·.smooth, .hlllr, :.the moved,1titut .the council re,lect· all for, .$5,313.96. and the;. old ·city Even felt~·hats ·can· be used to other with, red ·semi·curly hair. bids and, advertise for new ones. : truck.:.Qther bidders wea·e ·chev· make shoe he said. Any ldnd of ...... ,.. ,:~··:-:.:; •' ·,··:';··· .. ··':. ··:~·:·:~· ... ··:· __ ·,.·<1·'· ·:_·:>·.·:·,.}"~-·- .. ··: ...;>.··; .... :...... , .. '. ' Stockbridge News Justice Court Actions Check Continues Mrs, Hafen Beeman R9y ,W, Adllm$, J~stlca of Po11ce Willis Ilrmvn, Sltwl,hrlilge, rnmmlnj:i roar! C!losorl hnrricnrle, On Gunman Story waived oxamlnu11on on the nrlvrl ·~ Rur(!tlHij $2, Slwrlff's nfflcera nro conUnu· Red F'enllwr rlriVr! In the Sloclt· charge ot vlolntlng the Onnnclnl Kllilm W, Bell, Mason, run· Lions Stage responsibility Jaw anrl wan· hound lng tlwh• chor.k on tlw story of hrlrlge townP.hip nrea exr!N!r]erl nlng stop sign, $4. nn nl!egerl hnldup In· Ononrlngn, Its quotn h;v approximately 12 over !o clrcul~ rmtrl when he Regular Meet npJHmrerl lwfore Juclgo Arlnms Jrtclt Hudson, Drooltlyn, 1'1111· '!'hey wern Informed that a gun· percent this year·. L. B, Lindemer Snlurrloy, ning stop sign, $1. man robbed Mrs, Evelyn nunlwr, us general chairman and Mrs, Lions rllrr!l!tors met nt the home Wnlt J(eiUJ, 'Mnson, moving 20, of •1321 il.Yt'ttm rons warehouse. ulerl to lhe Communlly Chesl old Wheatfield girl ..TaPk Bugs. Arthur Shot!lllii!Wl', Lnnslng, was unrewnniin~. AriiHII' .Smith, with volunteer funrl. bee nnrl Phillip Prxley, hoth of specrllng, $fl. Offlcet·s rel•laHcrl one suspe!!t lwlp, Is building lhe stahl£> and Leslie, nne! Edward Hoar!<, Bunk· after n lie dl!teetor tesl. Other mn ngrr, nnd Alva CronlliJite will er Hill, nre charger! with tnltlng lt)sts wm·e giV£>11 1'ur.srlay, Cnp· rln lht! wlt·lng. Total cost of the indecent llhert les. 'rhe Leslie Church News tnin Vcrslle Balrcnclt· called the Heene nnd llghl post deeorntlons Death Claims youths demanded examlnntlon, tests on 'l'ur.s1inv lnconr.Iusivo, IH $1,207, plus nhout $ti0 for lhe Roarlt waived. when they np· Gr·ovenlnll'g 1\let.Irodisf, Groven· Sheriff's nffl('t't'H combed tho stnhle anrl pmmlhly $Hi0-200 for penrcd before ,Tud~c Arlnms Tuos· burg rond, Rev, FmnCis C.• To· nelghiJorhoorl SaiLu·day. Al first [1::15, the wiring. Mr. Dancer reported Daniel Realy dny of Jnst week, Roy Dlelm· to help pay at the home Wednesday after· Mary Bissell, Karen Felton nl a spent. the evening with the girls. for the msl of lhe sight-saving noon with funeral' services at 2 Schedules Pl~y stop sign, $~. . program. Elcai group, the ~ .... program ir unrler the direct ion of , • Lansing Civic Players Guild. the happiest gills come 'lrorri /' 1.1 a commit tee hearted hy Harolrl FJ!m Showmg This arresting story of the Smith anrl lndudlng Trnnk Bt\r. · . cruelty, greed and grnsplng nm· gess, Dnvr Glc:>nn anrl Orin Pow· Elmer Lehman, po.~t offrcer, j hltlon or a hate·fllled southern ell. has secured 2 films to hl' sh~wn housl'holcl of lflOO, is slated for 4 at lhe November 26 meetmg. per!mmnnces at West auditor· WSCS 1'o llll'r•l. They are "Green Har~est," a lum, heginnlng Novemher 28. story of the lumbering mdustry, . . ·, j Mr:H. Spencer Pindmey will he 1 "Fishing in Alaska." Thts l~ schec,ul~d as one of the the hoRtess to the W. S.· C. S. nne · outstanchng produ~tlons the play. meeting at her home Wedne~rlay November 29 is the deadline to ers have offered. Sets, costuming, c>vening, Novembet• 28. Nom Kist· save the post 25c on clues. After and acting promise one of the ler has ehai·gl' of devotions and December 1 an nctdltion;:tl 25c for most enjoyable evenings in. the MarJorie Ahhott will conduct the each membership must he sent tlwnt re. progmm. In arlrlltion to the host· ln. At the last meeting, Novem· ess, the refreshment commitlee brr 12, il was voled to leave the ronsists of Sadie Jacliee ...... !Ofi lor rntca. · · ·

J~WETT Funeral Home ~ • Tho Home of Friendly Service t ~ Reason~blo Rolioblo · ~ ·-BROWNIE~• F'ROFESSION.A:LLY TRAINED • I. ..j "AND QUALIFIED • f CAMERA KIT, .f/1. 9 * SOM.ETIMES .we wonder if the poo.· CAMERA KIT, f/2.7 Deluxe Koda/( lcit.for Kodak's finest, most pie wo ·serve are aworo of the rigid inrJoor•OUldOOI: movie.~. t;omp/ete movie Oltt/it ·~··~tiona( and practicol . training equivalent to internship which stands Genuine Kodak movie kit at thiS'low, !ow priCe! Wonderful way to start your Here's a complete movie outflt at ~~tchless gift for o family y~u · bac~ of tho ·license to pr·and flne 4·lamp folding light ~ ·. hiar'y science, ·appranticoihlp. Jndor a · some gift bo~. . with preview screen. bar, It's o matchless value, too.,1 licensed men, and finally the palling of ari · ex•mlnatlon conducted by a ALL fOR $3~.90 -._ . All For $79.~0 .., $9.9.50 . stela bo.,d 'of •••minors: · · : -----:----~- All th~o ar~ YD.Ur c.iu•r•nta• D~ 01• pert ettontlon, rendered •In iccord· .An alwf!.yl-welcoine anee with· 'proftissionlf'' otMcs. · .. Ti~· Pqy~ent '. ,o' •I •', •, '·,; ,' ;·'"•,' I.· . I • . ' gift --·~--

' WARE'S< ' • •. • • .. • • • ··, ·;. •• ·:. ~...... ' ,' : '·:, '.l:" ' . Highway Worker State .4-H Winners Named in Poultry, Thanks ·services Suffers ln.iury Tractor, Home, Clothing Project. · Are Scheduled Kiwanians Learn About Brotherhood Members of Mnson Kiwanis that given equal Ollportunlty, party rnnl1s Ill rr!·elr>r~t him, tho Pnlll Brr.nnomnn, a fot•cmnn Mason chureheR· llrhr.rlulerl cluJJ a nrl Mnsnn pn~lors ns guests for tho mntrnC'tlng llrm hutlcllng there Is no difference In lntr.ller:· HpenlwJ• snlri. Tllllnltsglvlng ~orviccs. Jenrnerl 11bout thr. hrotherho01l of n US-127 south of Mnson, ~uffprccl tual rlcvelopment hetween colorH, 1 Art Culhmn's stnt't' Hr.rverl Methodist, Bnptlst, Prcshyterl· mnn 'l'ucRrlny night nnd why Americans shoul!l lw thnnl(ful,l 'l'hnnl(sg!vlng rUnner with nil the ln.lurles Saturrlny. Hn waH htu·t an anrl Nazarene, North Aurelius Arnerlcnns should llr. tlirinln to nclmowledge that God ruleH. It r St. ,James ehurch lwei u mass only one humnn race nnrl tlmt· nll Spurmw hnHpitnl, Lansing, after men nrc hrothers, mgnrdless of Ia the only nallen wllll ~urh s h IGA s· fh·st !wing cxarnlnPd ul Mnson of 'l'hnnltsglvln~-r planned for R statements written Into Its bnslc mas es 1gn o'cloclc 'J