Parker House, Boston,, Massachusetts April 29, 1980
an editor for publishers like Curtis, Conde Nast and MILO PIKE, President, Pike Industries, Tilton, N. H. SARAH-ANN SHAW, Reporter, WBZ-TV 4, Boston, Ma. McCall's — who named her Woman of the Year in 'yi. EILEEN PROSE, Co-Host, "Good Day," WCVB-TV 5, THALEIA TSONGAS SLESINGER, Political Organizer, She has been awarded a cluster of honorary degrees, a Needham, Ma. Brookline, Ma. shelf of national and international awards, and she serves on a number of boards and advisory committees — JOAN QUINLAN, Coordinator and Director, Nine to Five, CROCKER SNOW, JR., Publisher, WorldPaper, Boston, Ma. Boston, Ma. enough to establish her as one of the most diligent citizens JAMES T. STAMAS, Senior Vice President, Dunfey Hotels, in the nation. A writer, a journalist, a speaker, an organ- ANN RAMSAY, Director, Office of the Budget, Harvard Hampton, N. H. izer, a political activist, a leader of conferences, an editor, University, Cambridge, Ma. GLORIA STEINEM, President, Ms. Magazine, New York, and one of the prime forces at the helm of a successful DAVID S. REED, Vice President, Financial, Aetna Life & N. Y. national magazine. It is a wonder that Gloria Steinem has Casualty, Hartford, Ct. JOAN THACHER TIFFANY, President, First Night Cele- never allowed any of her considerable accomplishments to NORMAN S. REEF, Attorney, Portland, Me. bration, Boston, Ma. blur her most prominent identity and achievement — her PHILIP ROBERTS, Director, Corporate Communications, Aetna commitment to women, women's rights, and the rights of GORDON L. WEIL, Commissioner, Department of Business Parker House, Boston,, Massachusetts all minorities. Life & Casualty, Hartford, Ct.
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